We're on to Post Mortem now, which will hopefully be much more interesting. By the way: Cryptic Passage came out first in terms of release order so that's why I did it first.
Right. Cryptic Passage released about a month after Blood was released in stores. It required Blood v1.02 (the patch was included on the CD), according to what I've read on the internet. On top of that, Plasma Pak was released a few months later and it upgraded the game's version to 1.11 (apparently a version in-between 1.10 and the regular 1.11 patch). Plus the fact that Cryptic Passage doesn't include any of the Plasma Pak enemies. But I still consider CP separate from the main game with Plasma Pak installed.
Sure, good idea. I think Reginukem + Steph Lessa would be a good pick for September and then MRCK for October. Probably won't be able to vote from Friday onwards as I'm going to travel, so if they're nominated, please assign my vote to them

Thanks Aleks! I will add your vote in the nomination.
Anyway, before I begin my review, I have to mention that today is the 26th anniversary of Shadow Warrior! Happy birthday to Lo Wang! With this occasion, I also hope that Shadow Warrior (1997) will get a proper remaster in the future with a brand new expansion pack. Maybe when Nightdive will be less busy with remastering other games.
In the meantime, here is the long awaited Episode 6 review. Grab the popcorn and enjoy!
Welcome To Your Life
by James Wilson
Kills: 59/59
Secrets: 4/4 + Super Secret
Pretty decent opening level. There aren't too many enemies but due to having no weapons, it can be a bit difficult early on, especially thanks to Cultists.
Speaking of which, this map introduces a couple new enemies, mostly new variants for the cultists. The first one is the Ackolyte (probably should have been called Acolyte), which is a green cultist that only throws TNT at you. The second one is the Zealot, which is a blue cultist that fires TESLA at you! In addition, the Zealot is very resistant to the Tesla Cannon, so they don't get to taste their own medicine. Oh and the Acolyte is also resistant to fire/explosives from what I noticed.
Tip: If you are playing continuously and want to save the individual armor pickups that give 100 per pickup (all three types are present), you will have to wait some time until you get to the secret Basic Armor that gives 50 armor each type (up to 100 maximum), which means you will spend most of the level without any armor. Luckily, the level is generous with health pickups, as most enemies should drop a life essence. Just be careful with the cultists around the corner that can take you down quickly! Of course this tip doesn't apply to players who pitchfork start every level, in which case you should make use of every pickup, as it doesn't matter how you end up the level as long as you make it to the end, while the continuous players should try to have as much health/armor/ammo at end of each level.
Super Secret (description taken from Blood Wiki):
To the left of the Eye Key is a case. Use the shirt rack (or an innocent) to jump on top of it. Push the middle of the wall. Reward: Life Leech
Overall, this level was fine and sets up the episode quite nicely.

They Are Here
by Craig Hubbard
Kills: 88/88
Secrets: 2/2
The second level is thankfully still fine in terms of design. It is much harder than the first level and it even has a Stone Gargoyle boss fight at the end! Luckily, there seems to be decent amount of supplies in this level. There are especially some very useful supplies early on.
The new enemies introduced are the Acid Pod and the Fire Pod which are just immobile plants that spit out a projectile. They are an interesting enemy when set up correctly and they can sometimes blend in the background, to surprise the player when they don't expect.
The other new enemy introduced is the funny Mini Caleb or rather Mini Calebs because they come in packs upon breaking a mirror. As the name suggests, they are mini versions of Caleb and do little damage to you with their toy sized guns but they shouldn't be underestimated because they can distract you from the real threat. The only thing I wish is that they still remained tiny sized when they are burning after catching on fire. Oh and also I wish that Caleb himself could become smaller like Duke Nukem himself, in order to solve puzzles or simply access new secret areas. This was actually a planned feature in the original game with the Shrink Shroom and even a Grow Shroom but in the final game these are unused and do nothing if placed in a level and then collected. Source ports (and also Fresh Supply?) implement the powerups from what I've read before, so they can be used in mods.
Anyway, back to the level, the fight with the Stone Gargoyle can drain you of ammo supplies, so I hope you have plenty of ammo to kill him. Other than that, this level was interesting.

Public Storage
by James Wilson
Kills: 115/115
Secrets: 7/7
Ugh. I don't remember this level being that annoying before. I died plenty of times this time around and felt a bit frustrated that I had to save-scum in some parts. It's not as bad as what awaits in the next level but still a painful experience.
This level takes place at a warehouse which is filled with many enemies. The beginning is hard but if you started the level with 200 health and armor, you should be fine tanking some damage early on.
The only advices I can give is when finding the secret powerups, they should be used wisely. The Death Mask and the Reflective Shots will greatly help you with clearing some of the rooms that are filled with cultists and hellhounds.
In the end, you fight the Stone Gargoyle once again, as there has to be a boss at the end of each level because why not.
Overall, this level was quite frustrating but design wise, it was fine. What about the next level?

by James Wilson and Nick Newhard
Kills: 128/128
Secrets: 5/5
Oh boy. We are at the lowest point of Blood. This map sucks. Plain and simple. There isn't any other map that has made me so angry while playing Blood. I hated it on my first playthrough and hate it even more now. I recently learned it was recycled from Alpha version of Blood and it shows.
Half of this map takes place underwater and is filled with many dickish ambushes, mostly involving cultists. Even worse when the cultists decide to drop into water, which is nearly impossible to avoid, no matter how good you are. You try to get smart with a Flare Gun and snipe from far away but the burning cultist falls into water and gets extinguished, as if nothing happened. Yeah, it's complete bullshit. Burning monsters should NEVER EVER get extinguished and gain their health back upon falling into water. Now if they were simply burning but still alive, then it's fine to get extinguished. But not when they are in their burning death animation. This right here is complete fucking bullshit and you can't convince me otherwise.
The health also seemed a bit scarce, despite the mappers placing a couple Doctor Bags. I haven't seen a single enemy dropping a heart. On a map like this, dropping hearts would have been much needed. But it doesn't happen for reasons. I would like to think the health situation was caused because I keep getting hit from unavoidable damage taken from cultists and other crap. I had to save scum like crazy in this map, with whatever little health I had because I just couldn't advance far with very low hp.
Design wise, it's also not a pretty map. To give the map a little credit, the last part with the sinking ship was pretty cool. Though the trap firing napalm was bullshit, as are those guns at the start upon trying to pick up few items. At least there is a generous amount of Diving Suits and ammo, as well as one Life Seed and Super Armor in secret places. Could have used a couple regular body armor pickups, I guess. And those dropped life essences, then this map would have been tolerable. As it stands, it's a poorly balanced mess.
Overall, I
HATE this map just by thinking about it. The underwater cultists can absolutely go fuck themselves and it's easily one of the most annoying things to happen about Blood, besides the many bugs/glitches that drag down the experience. Fuck this map! Hopefully the next one is better.

The Ruined Temple
by Kevin Kilstrorm and James Wilson
Kills: 117/117
Secrets: 5/5 + Super Secret
Although there are a couple annoying parts (especially a trap later on), this felt like a much better Blood level.
In case I haven't mentioned earlier, there is a trick that is very useful in water themed levels: if you barely surface from water, you can see the enemies but they can't see you! You are free to take your time and easily kill them.
Super Secret is located near the Guns Akimbo secret. Fall down the hole (be careful to not fall into pit or you die), then turn left and push the wall to collect an Invulnerability powerup! This powerup will be very useful to clear one of the nearby rooms. This is also the last Super Secret to be found in the entire game!
The only weird thing about this map is that one of the doors requires a key that's not found in this map but the map is still fully completable without cheating.
Also the only annoying parts are the hellhounds in cramped corridors and the secret area containing a Super Armor. Pick it up and get surrounded by a bunch of monsters but also some trap activates that shoots napalm at you. It is incredibly hard to do it without taking damage, if you want to conserve the precious 200 armor. I'm also not a fan of secrets that punish you like this.
In the end, aside from some annoyances, this was a decent level.

Forbidden Rituals
by Kevin Kilstrom and James Wilson
Kills: 120/120
Secrets: 10/10
This seems to be another level recycled from Alpha version of Blood, in fact it is the second of the three playable levels in the alpha. Unlike most other recycled maps, this one is okay and I really don't have much to say about it.
A reminder that both expansion episodes (E6 and CP) have the secret exit found on the SIXTH LEVEL instead of the FOURTH! So that's where you find the secret level.
Secret Level (description taken from Blood Wiki): "Shoot the eye above the Moon Key door. The entrance to the secret level will open up to the right."

Forgotten Catacombs
by Nick Newhard and James Wilson
Kills: 86/86
Secrets: 5/5
Secret level time! It turns out this is yet another recycled map from Blood Alpha. And it shows, as this map is quite bland, to be honest.
Fun Fact: The achievement for finding this secret level in Fresh Supply is called
So Forgotten That They're Still Full of Cultists. This is a reference to Civvie's video "PRO BLOOD: POST MORTEM" where he says this line when talking about the secret level of the episode. And yet even with the achievement, Civvie still trashed Fresh Supply at launch.

Though rightfully so, since it was buggy as hell and my hope is that one day Nightdive will come back to fix it with the addition of community made addons becoming official over time. I mean seriously, I think everyone wants Death Wish to become official at one point.
Unfortunately, I had to replay the last part of a level due to a missing enemy, though I'm not sure why that enemy was missing in first place, considering on second attempt, I got all kills. Interestingly, this was also the only E6 map I beat without dying, so I think it's an interesting coincidence.
In the end, the map was kinda meh but difficulty wise, it was okay, mostly on the easier side.

The Dungeon
by James Wilson and Nick Newhard
Kills: 204/204
Secrets: 3/3
Yet another map recycled from Blood Alpha. I will now tell what to do at the beginning and how to quickly solve the puzzle:
1) Set the symbols to "Spider, Dagger, Moon" to open the left door.
2) Set the symbols to "Dagger, Spider, Spider" to open the front door.
3) Set the symbols to "Moon, Fire, Dagger" to open the right door.
Note that only one door can be open at a time but you are free to do them in any order you want. It is still possible to backtrack in the whole level, so no worries about getting stuck or whatever, you just need to insert the combination again. Also there is one secret in each section, if you are interested in secret hunting. Good luck with the map, since it is heavily populated and contains multiple bosses (Stone Gargoyles and Giant Spiders).
A small hint for the secret place containing the Life Seed: After grabbing the goodies in the secret area, you may have noticed that you are forced to drop down and lose at least about 30-40 hp if I remember correctly. The only way around is to use the Jump Boots acquired in one of the previous maps, which will negate the falling damage when they are active. This will allow you to finish the level with 200 health and prepare you for the final battle.
Interesting map overall, though a bit bland at times and quite exhausting. I'm still surprised that the penultimate map in the first episode had the highest amount of enemies in any Blood map, though I could be wrong about that.

Beauty and the Beast
by Nick Newhard and James Wilson
The very last level of the game is another recycled level from Blood Alpha. It's tiny and there isn't much to say about it. There are also no secrets to find.
There are no level stats in DOS Blood but according to a YouTube video of the map being played in BloodGDX, this map contains 13 enemies, at least on Well Done difficulty. You've got THREE Priests and TWO Pods I believe (the latter contains tentacles, which count as separate enemies).
The Priest is an Orange Cultist that uses a shotgun but after taking enough damage, he turns into the BLOOD BEAST!
The Beast is the final boss of the Plasma Pak episode and the entire first Blood game (yes, I consider him the real final boss, not Tchernobog himself). He has a ton of health but dies quickly from Akimbo Tesla Cannons. He attacks by stomping the ground upon approaching you and unfortunately, not only is the attack unavoidable (jumping doesn't help much but probably reduces the damage taken) but also ignores armor completely. So I hope you have enough health to deal with him. And be sure to keep your distance from him!
Fun Fact: Caleb was once meant to transform into the Beast upon taking too much damage or dealing too much damage to the enemies. The idea was eventually scrapped during development and the Beast Claws sprites can still be found in the game files. Apparently the other Chosen (Ophelia, Ishmael, Gabriel) were also playable and each would transform into a different monster that eventually became the bosses of the first three episodes. But again, this idea was scrapped during development.
After taking out the monsters, go to the center of the map and press the switch to end the game and see the credits scrolling. I don't believe there is a cutscene anyway.
Interestingly, I don't think I've seen a Life Seed in this map but there should be enough health to make it through. A bit shame that the Beast's stomp attack ignores armor entirely, which makes the almighty armor almost useless in this level, besides protecting from the few enemies seen at the start (pods and priests). Also not sure if it's just me but I noticed the Voodoo Doll doesn't use ammo when pointing at the Beast. Or maybe he isn't affected by this weapon at all? Please let me know if it's true.
Overall, this was a short map that wraps up the game nicely.

E6 OVERALL: It's okay for the most part. While there are some stinkers in here (Aqueducts is probably one of the shittiest levels ever in Blood), there are also some really fun and nice levels in this package. It's still a mixed bag at the end of the day, especially with half of its levels being recycled Blood Alpha levels but I really don't think the quality was too far from the fourth episode, to be honest.
I even appreciate the fact you can in fact 100% every single level in this episode! It's strange that no other episode in Blood can be 100%'ed completely due to some glitchy levels (the Cryptic Passage levels are even worse in this regard) but apparently the expansion episode received more polish/testing before release compared to the base game episodes? Which to me is still weird that the original Blood episodes wouldn't be fixed in later patches (at least in OUWB 1.21 or at the very least in the Fresh Supply remaster) to be able to get 100% everything in each level but I guess that wasn't a concern back then in the 90s when most people just wanted to finish the game normally.
I don't have Fresh Supply to confirm but from videos I've watched on YouTube, apparently the maps remained unchanged and the glitchy kills/secrets were never fixed. It's a shame that there are hardcore purists that will complain about the new changes and prevent this from happening and as surprising as this sounds, I am speaking as a purist myself!
To further elaborate, I usually love the original releases of old games (mostly due to nostalgia, such as Duke3D 1.3D but in Blood's case, a game I only played for first time in 2020-2021, I only care about the latest OUWB 1.21 release), which is why they should be preserved but when a remaster comes out, I absolutely hope to have all the bugs fixed, so we can have a polished experience and if I want the original experience, I can always go back to the original release(s) and compare the differences. I always found it interesting to compare the differences between the versions released for each game. The remasters for Quake 1 and 2 are perfect examples of excellent remasters that not only fix certain bugs in the original game but they are also packed with tons of new content and features. It's too bad that Fresh Supply didn't attempt to do the same.
I will give my Overall Thoughts of Blood next week when I get to review Cryptic Passage. To not make it longer, here are the nominations and votes for September:
Despite being Shadow Warrior's 26th birthday, Lo Wang must take a break (poor Wang, he never gets a time to shine) and in his place, the maps by CK3D/MRCK are added.
Maps by Aymeric Nocus (aka CK3D/MRCK)
Maps by Reginukem and Maps by Stephano Lessa ++
I have voted for the second choice. Aleks also voted for this.
Have a nice weekend!