Posting this message before bed, to make it to the deadline and wrap everything up for this month. Warning: Long Post Ahead!
The swimming hitscanners can't kill you if you never actually go into the water during E6M4, and you just do the jump from the bridge to the Guns Akimbo and Cloak secret every time. Obviously.
True. But I found it difficult to not fall at least once in the water. Besides, someone has to go for full 100% completion anyway.
For the rest of these maps, it's double features all the way home. By the way, here's why cultists swim with proper sprites: The original player character before Caleb was a man named Michael. Michael used the sprites of a Fanatic. Michael got far enough into development where his swimming and crawling sprites were drawn, and their hitboxes were programmed in. Eventually when Caleb replaced Michael, his sprites were recycled to become the Fanatic, so it was easy to add the swimming sprites whenever the Fanatic was in water, and it was also easy to make a simple AI routine for the Fanatic to crawl around when he took damage.
That's interesting to know. I've read about this before and I was aware that the Player was using the Fanatic sprites in the Blood Alpha version. I personally think that the zombies should have also featured swimming sprites, as otherwise it looks pretty dumb and they should have drowned after a while. But as for cultists, I don't like how they become difficult to hit while they can easily hitscan you to death, despite Caleb also swimming. And the fact they never drown if staying too much in the water and the worst thing is when they extinguish themselves while they were burning to death. To me it seems there is too much jank in this game, more than Duke3D, which is why I get often frustrated when playing Blood.
I don't know if it was mentioned anywhere, but regarding the Beast boss fight, I eventually discovered a trick to slightly increase your survivability.
That's a really great tip. I must have read about this before in the comment section of an YouTube video but never tried it myself.
Not unless we get that leaked Fresh Supply update, baby! C'mon Nightdive, give us an addon selector. Make Death Wish official. Do it for me, at least.
I fully support this. While I am very sure that the work in progress patch will eventually go live in the following months or so, I'd especially like to see them starting to add community made content (IMO it was a missed opportunity and one of the downsides of Fresh Supply, offering no new content compared to the original retail version of One Unit: Whole Blood). And what better way to start than with adding the Death Wish mod, especially since I read that the mod will eventually get a fourth episode later this year. So yeah, if Nightdive reads this, besides fixing the remaining issues with the port and even going further to fix the game's annoying bugs/glitches (at least the kill counts and secrets), I'd really like to see the Official Addons thing become reality in Blood.
I also don't expect Fresh Supply to suddenly get a new official new episode in the new patch, to keep my expectations low, although a brand new official episode would be very nice and also remastering the cutscenes, like the recent remasters that Nightdive has done and many other QOL improvements. But if not, then having the Addons thing at least in the upcoming Fresh Supply patch. Please make it happen, Nightdive!
Anyway, before I begin the Cryptic Passage review, I want to make an announcement that after exactly one year, I have FINALLY managed to recover almost the whole data from the dead HDD! I have sent the HDD to a professional company (not located in my city, as none of the companies were able to help me in my city) and they were able to get my data back in about two weeks. Sure, it costed me over 300 euros but I'd say it was worth the price and have the old data backed-up on a nice external HDD, while I'm currently backing up the data from my current PC. I have learned my lesson from now on.
Also I forgot to mention earlier that a few maps in the Plasma Pak episode (and maybe also in Cryptic Passage?) don't seem to have difficulty settings implemented or barely have differences in them, according to the enemy count listed on the Blood Wiki, though Quacken already mentioned something similar in his reviews. This lack of difficulty settings in a few maps will bite the less experienced players who play on easier settings if they are playing the original DOS version, due to the difficulty bug, in which case the enemies will deal up to 3x more damage on easiest skill upon loading the save.
Without further ado, it's time for the Sunstorm's contribution to the Blood universe: Cryptic Passage (CP01-CP09, CPSL)
Boat Docks
by Michael Beaulieu
Kills: 129/129
Secrets: 5/5
The first map is pretty decent but I found it unbalanced because I struggled with the health a lot in the map. I also got killed plenty of times, even got killed at beginning by the first fucking cultist because he fell into water. See why I hate when this shit happens? Because they kill you faster than you can kill them and I barely had anything in the first couple of seconds. That cultist shouldn't have existed in first place.
On top of that, what Quacken said is true. None of the monsters drop any hearts in the episode (though there is a decent amount of them placed in most maps), the Tesla charges are placed in the map but the weapon itself isn't given until a few levels later, which made me wonder if I missed the weapon somewhere before realizing the early ammo pickups are to "set up" the weapon later. Also there are "Medicine Pouch" items in some of the levels, which refill 50 HP up to 100. Why didn't they use this health item more often in the game (this includes the Base Game + Post Mortem). Have they forgotten about the item entirely? It seems fully functional and the game would have flowed a lot better if this health pickup appeared in some secret places or whatever.
Anyway, I appreciate the fact that the level is possible to backtrack from the end at least. What I don't appreciate is that I didn't manage to have 200 health for the next level but instead I had 161 health because I exhausted every single health pickup in the level prior to picking up the Life Seed and yes I grabbed every health item with care (as in not picking up an essence unless 80 or lower health). But hey at least I have 200 armor of each type and a full Doctor's Bag in the inventory, so I'm not complaining.
Overall, this is a decent starting level but could have been better balanced in some parts.
Old Opera House
by Bill Buchalter
Kills: 140/140
Secrets: 3/4
Another level that frustrated me quite a bit. While there are some great battles, there are also some annoying ones with cultists hiding around corners and I just didn't like certain parts towards the end that had the underwater cultists, about five of them. Seriously, how the hell am I supposed to avoid them? They completely obliterated me in about 2-3 seconds. Though on my successful attempt I must have thrown a dynamite in the water that managed to take all of them out (oh yeah, you can't use dynamite underwater but you can still throw from the surface).
Also, this is the first map in the episode with the glitched secrets. From now on, you will have to get used to some maps with secrets that don't register at all or the other way around with maps where secrets don't count initially but then count afterwards after finding them.
Outside of some miserable parts, this is an interesting level.
Gothic Library
by Robert Travis & Shawn Swift
Kills: 50/51
Secrets: 4/3
Probably the shortest map of the episode and also one of the easiest. It shouldn't cause much trouble. The secrets are always much needed and will give you the advantage in order to succeed in the battles.
My issue with the level is that it's glitched in BOTH enemy and secret count. There is one non-existent enemy (or at least it never spawned for me on Well Done skill) but there is also one extra secret that is not counted at the level stats, which allows you to get more secrets that needed, like some levels in the base game. I suppose the extra secret is to compensate for that missing enemy or something.
Funnily enough, I checked some YouTube videos and I notice that Fresh Supply may have fixed the kill count in this map but the secret count was still showing 4/3. I still wonder why they didn't go ahead and fix these kill/secret glitches in their entirety? OK fine, I won't repeat myself again.
Overall, I thought this map was fine. Maybe should have been longer or placed earlier in the episode, seeing as it was quite easy.
Lost Monastery
by Robert Travis
Kills: 107/107
Secrets: 10/6
Interesting long level that is quite challenging at times. It also seems to have buggy secrets again, some of them aren't counted at map start or count twice and thanks to an YouTube comment, inside the Church, there is a secret where you jump through fire. Apparently the corners count as separate secrets too, thus you can get 10 secrets in this map.
There are two cool references in this level (also mentioned on Blood Wiki):
-You can find Duke Nukem's burned corpse in this level inside the church. Look carefully and you should spot it (near the secret place)
-The bell at the end of the level is very similar to the one you can find in first level of HeXeN!
Fun fact: This level is featured in the DEMO VERSION of Cryptic Passage! More on that below.
Overall, despite some annoying parts, I think this was an interesting level.
by Michael Beaulieu
Kills: 79/79
Secrets: 4/1
A fairly impressive level that takes place on a Steamboat, as the level name suggests. The combat may be cramped but it's not a very difficult level, especially the fact all four secrets are very rewarding, although once again not all of them are counted at map start. Just watch out for the monsters that will spawn later in the map, after completing various tasks.
If you want to finish the level with 200 health and armor, be careful when grabbing the goodies outside the boat. That water is very damaging. With that said, you should be grabbing the Life Seed secret inside the furnace first, because this one requires you to lose health. The Fire Armor reward is also not much useful when you already have 100 or more Fire Armor. Makes me wish that the regular armor pickups could go up to 200 anyway instead of being wasted on pickup if the limit is reached. I mean if the Basic Armor (50 each type) goes up to 100, then maybe the regular armor pickups should have also went to 200 maximum, although I understand that 200 armor should be limited to Super Armor pickup but still, it wouldn't have hurt to have the option to "repair" the armor by just grabbing existing pickups.
Back to the map. Honestly, I really liked this one. It was very impressive and it was challenging without being frustrating.
by Tyler Larsen
Kills: 156/156
Secrets: 7/6
Jesus. I didn't think a "simple" Graveyard level would give me so much trouble. Some encounters were pretty damn annoying and those cultists near the end that had the audacity to fall into water can go die in a fire (unless they get extinguished). Seriously, it was getting on my nerves.
Secret Exit (guide from Blood Wiki):
Just before you climb the stairs to push the switch that raises the staircase, turn around and jump into the fire. Reward: Access to Secret Level
NOTE: There is no way back if you fall down to the secret exit! Make sure to grab everything in advance before dropping down. The secret exit counts as the 7th secret of the map, despite being 6 initially.
Don't have much else to say. Although the map design is nice, I got pretty frustrated at the later parts in the map. Let's hope the secret level is worth suffering through.
Boggy Creek
by Robert Travis
Kills: 44/44
Secrets: 0/0
The secret level of the episode is relatively short and easy. There isn't much to fear at this level, you will just watch for enemies suddenly appearing behind you. Otherwise, the enemy count is low and won't give you much trouble. Also this map has no secrets at all.
I don't have much to say other than the level is alright and I appreciate it is possible to backtrack from the end. Also the map barely seems to have difficulty settings implemented, so it's nearly identical between each skill in terms of enemy placement, though again not that much of a problem.
Mountain Pass
by Robert Travis
Kills: 80/80
Secrets: 3/3
Well, this level wasn't as painful as I thought it will be. I think I only died a few times by accidentally falling into pits when backtracking. Also learned that one of those cultists that ambush you halfway through map, will drop TWO TESLAS when they die! However it's only one specific cultist and if he falls into pit, he dies but you don't get to grab his weapons.
At the end of the map, you need to complete the three teleporters puzzle. You take the teleporters in a particular order to unlock the next one. Once doing the last one, you unlock a passage (see what I did there?) that leads to a couple cultists and the final teleporter. It's important to note that after taking the final teleporter, there is NO WAY BACK to the rest of the map! So you know, just grab everything in advance. I recommend saving just in case.
It's okay, I didn't mind this one.
Abysmal Mine
by Shawn Swift
Kills: 67/67
Secrets: 0/2
The map isn't as hard as I expected and I even beat it without dying this time around. Well, almost. Because after I reached the end and backtracked for stuff and to get the secret containing Life Seed and Super Armor, I dropped down without having activated the pillar first, so I couldn't get back up and the only choice left was committing suicide. Well at least I saved before dropping down to get the secret, so I didn't lose any progress.
I'm not going to talk about the encounters or the progression but more about the secrets. Besides the two existing glitchy ones you find in the usual Blood guides (Wiki, YouTube, etc), there is one extra secret that I discovered by reading an YouTube comment! Yes, there is an apparent third secret that still does not affect the level stats but it's worth mentioning because of the rewards: Near the mine entrance at the beginning, blow up the crack on the right side to collect Tesla Cannon and Life Seed!
Overall, I think the level is alright in the end, even though a few parts seemed a bit confusing.
by Jeff Cleveland
The final level of the Cryptic Passage is very long and very difficult! You have been warned!
There are also five secrets to find and they will be listed below, since you have no way to check level stats in DOS Blood, so be sure to double check the secrets (Guide taken from Blood Wiki):
Before you enter the door leading to the walkway surrounded by water, look left. There is a different-colored section of wall. Reward: Life Seed
After the secret above, turn left and jump into the water. Follow the passage and surface. Reward: Beastvision, Napalm Launcher
Walk into the fireplace. Reward: Tommy Gun
In a large room with skinny pillars, turn around and face the doorway that you came from. To the left is a marked wall. Push it and a small area with a life seed will be revealed. Push the button here and you will be lowered to a hidden room. Reward: Tesla Charges
In the hallway with suits of armour on either side, there is a hidden switch on the right, between the first and second suits. If you hit it, the middle suit behind you will lower. Reward: Life Seed
Additionally, the map contains the first Jump Boots pickup (two in fact) in the entire episode and there is also a point of no return towards the end, or rather two points but the first one is more important to remember because until that point, you can go back at the very beginning to stock up on goodies before dropping down.
Angry note: Fuck that room with the Skull key. Took me like 15 attempts to get past it because the cultists would demolish me quickly, no matter what weapon I would use and most of my attempts ended with like one or two cultists remaining. I don't think a single other room in the entire BLOOD gave me that much trouble as this one.
Anyway, the other things to worry about include the FOUR Stone Gargoyles to defeat near the end of the map before the dropping point of no return! And that's without mentioning another Stone Gargoyle and a Spider Queen early in the level.
After making it through and reaching the last area (be sure to grab the supplies, as this is another point of no return), you will fight TWO CERBERI! Not one but TWO of them! I hope you are prepared for the ultimate battle of the One Unit Whole Blood!
Hint: there is a secret invulnerability if you press the buttons quickly and hide until you jump and grab it. Then spam the Tesla Cannon at the bosses until they are both dead.
Afterwards, collect the two dropped keys, press the two buttons and open your way to the exit. A new ending cutscene will play in the usual Sunstorm tradition, which also teases Duke It Out In D.C!
For those who don't know the order of events, Sunstorm has made the following expansions and were released by WizardWorks in this order: Duke It Out In D.C. (February/March 1997), Cryptic Passage (June/July 1997), Route 66 (November/December 1997), Duke Caribbean (January 1998) and the then-unreleased Wanton Destruction (meant to be released in January/February 1998 but was cancelled due to poor sales of SW and after it was found in some lost drives, it was eventually released for free in September 2005).
The reason why I didn't put the exact date is because the release date varies between sites that list the dates, so there is no clear release date for most of these addons. Personally, I just use the date/timestamp of the files as reference for the time the games/addons came out. That's the best way to estimate dates in my opinion.
Another interesting trivia is that some of the addons for Build games (DukeZoneII, DukeDC, NWinter, Cryptic and Wanton) were released as a free one level demo, before the expansions themselves were released in stores.
In Blood Cryptic Passage's case, the one level demo features an earlier version of CP04: Lost Monastery. I haven't played the demo version of the addon to note the differences but I am sure MetHy has documented the differences between the demo and final versions of the maps in the Sunstorm addons demos. I definitely remember reading a topic a few years ago about that.
But wait, we aren't done YET with Cryptic Passage!

As you may have expected, there's FOUR more DM maps to explore, those being CPBB1-CPBB4. I really don't have much to say about these maps, so I will let the screenshots decide.
Crypt of Despair
by Bill Buchalter
Pits of Blood
by Jeff Cleveland
Unholy Cathedral
by Tyler Larsen
Deadly Inspirations
by Charlie Wiederhold
BTW, if someone knows some technical details about Blood, can they explain to me why Monolith's logo appears in the right upper corner of the screen? It only appears in CPBB2 in the entire One Unit: Whole Blood pack and usually appears when playing custom maps/episodes. I have no idea what triggers it but it doesn't affect the gameplay in any way. Some sources say it appears during the demo recording mode but I haven't noticed a single demo recorded (also in Cryptic Passage no new demos play in the background), so I just find it weird. But enough with the questions, let's get this review done with!
CRYPTIC PASSAGE OVERALL: Pretty good expansion with some impressive level designs, although visually it is very gray at times and does not contain the new Plasma Pak additions, since this was released shortly after the main game came out. But the OUWB package contains CP in updated form (at least judging by the files being dated 12/08/1998, which funnily enough, are newer than the main OUWB files dated 15/07/1998) and works properly in the latest 1.21 version of the game.
Shame about the glitched secrets, though. Not sure what's with the glitched secrets and kill counts but even the original Blood episodes suffered from that. Cryptic Passage just has more maps with glitched secrets compared to the base game but also seems to have less maps with glitchy kills. I'm baffled that Fresh Supply hasn't fixed these inconsistencies but I'm going to speculate it's because it would make purists whine. Heck, I am a purist and I wouldn't have minded these changes at all. If you are going to do a new modern port/remaster, then feel free to fix all the game's annoying ass bugs. If I wanted the original experience, I'd just check out the original DOS version of Blood, as I have said previously.
BTW interestingly, this is the episode where I managed to complete more levels without dying: CP03, CP05, CPSL and CP08 (this one before backtracking). CP07 also wasn't that painful, so the deaths were kept to minimum. Also not counting the DM maps for obvious reasons. On the other hand, the other half of the episode kicked my ass pretty badly, so I have a hard time to decide which is the hardest episode as it seems every episode has That One Level.
Also something interesting that I should have mentioned earlier:
Shadow Warrior wasn't out yet and Sunstorm weren't contacted to do an expansion for it until after that game came out. Maybe Monolith got impatient and wanted the expansion out as soon as possible? This expansion came out less than a month after Blood did in the US, so maybe they literally had like 25 days to do an expansion.
There is something I don't understand. The Blood wiki says that CP was released at the end of June but the addon was actually finished on the 3rd July 1997, according to the data files from the original Cryptic Passage CD (yes I downloaded a CD image from a site to check out and compare with the OUWB 1.21 data files), so it was apparently released 3 days earlier before it was finished?
The same weird situation is with The Ultimate Doom, which also confuses me. The game was finished on 25th May 1995 (according to the timestamp of the game files) but it was released in stores on 30th April 1995, almost a month before it was already finished? That just doesn't make sense to me at all. But I'm not going to comment further on that. It's just that some of the release dates don't make sense when comes to certain 90s games. I definitely understand that a game released in stores can take days, weeks or even months but if it somehow releases BEFORE it was finished, then that's just weird.
Anyway, unlike Blood, Cryptic Passage has a nice exit-to-DOS picture that you can see here:
Blood is a great game that was released at an unfortunate time, just a couple weeks after Redneck Rampage was already out, which overshadowed the former. It also felt like the developers were racing around the clock to get their Build game out of the door before the Full 3D games took over the market, despite the fact Quake was already out by summer 1996. It's only a miracle the 1997 Build engine games (at least RR and BLOOD) stood a chance against Quake 1 and 2.
With that said, as great as Blood is, it is not without its faults. Nope, not even close and I don't want to anger the Blood fans, especially that I enjoy Blood myself.
Let's get this out of the way: Blood is simply an amazing game with lots of great things about it (they are listed at the end of the review, to not repeat myself) but the two most important flaws/things that hurt the game for me are the many bugs/glitches and the unfair difficulty (mostly due to various balance issues). I just think they went a bit overboard with the enemy placement and traps in a few maps, IMHO. Not fun to enter a room and get blasted by 5-10 cultists all shooting at once.
Now of course the Doom/Duke/Quake/etc games also had plenty of traps and a few moments of an enemy spawned directly behind you (Quake is actually notorious for this in a bunch of its official levels) but if we compare Blood to Duke3D, I barely remember a few instances of enemies teleporting directly behind the player. Whereas in Blood, it's quite frequent to have an enemy unexpectedly ambush you and lead into cheap deaths because you didn't see that one coming. Even when starting the levels with 200 health, armor and a Doctor's Bag in inventory, you can still run low on health at some points in the level after taking too much damage. To me there were a couple levels where damage was pretty much unavoidable.
As for the bugs, there's too many to list, so I won't go into details here. I think it's difficult to tell which Build game was buggier between Blood and Redneck Rampage but I think most Build games were already buggy anyway, with exception of Duke Nukem 3D that seemed much more stable (it was still buggy at times but more functional than Blood) and Shadow Warrior (that was the most polished and least buggy Build game). I'm not counting Ion Fury here because it runs in EDuke32 and from what I can tell, it's pretty polished overall. But the early Build games (not counting Capstone games or other obscure games), including Blood and RR, were buggy as hell at certain times. I'm giving Blood some credit here because according to some leaked source, Ken Silverman was difficult to work with and this is also why Blood didn't have a GRP system like most later Build games did. Here is hope Fresh Supply packages all the OUWB files into a nice BLOOD.GRP file.
At the end of the day, with all due respect, I think I'm giving Blood an 8/10, which I would put on par with Shadow Warrior and both of them just slightly below Duke Nukem 3D because well, I grew up with Duke3D (never played SW until mid 2010s, never played BLOOD until early 2020s) and I have lots of nostalgia for it, as well as being the most influential Build game that I wouldn't trade Duke with any other Build game, no matter the fact the later Build games are much more advanced compared to Duke. It's just Duke is a lot more iconic and far better balanced. Its gameplay is also closer to Doom and far more straightforward, so it's easier to "pick up and play".
Also, what's funny is that BLOOD actually shares lots of similarities with Doom rather than Duke, with the following examples: 5 difficulty settings, invulnerability powerup, monster infighting, the way most pickup messages are formatted, etc. Though obviously the game is also very much Duke3d inspired, I mean that's indisputable and Duke Nukem himself can even be found as an Easter Egg is E1M4.
In short, when Blood works properly and the level remains challenging without being unfair, the game truly shines and it's one of the best 90s FPS games ever made. But when some shitty glitch gets in the way or many cheap/unfair deaths all happening in a short amount of time, then the game becomes a chore and very annoying to play that you want to save-scum and be done with the current level before taking a break.
In the end, the rating of 8/10 is pretty justified to me and that's also the rating that the game received in the 90s from most video game magazines/reviews. But I also think a 8.5 or 9.0 would be a better rating suited for Blood, that's if it had less bugs and the balance was better, it would have been a guaranteed 9/10 at least.
Here's hope that the Nightdive remaster gets fixed one day and starts receiving official addons such as Death Wish, as Quacken has also pointed out (glad to see I am not the only one with this wish).
Regardless of how you feel about my opinion, at the end of the day,
BLOOD is still a worthy Build Engine Game to check out (DOS, source port or Fresh Supply) and it's definitely in the Top 3 Build Games, rightfully belonging in the Build Engine Holy Trinity.
TLDR: Pros and Cons
+Great Gameplay
+Great Protagonist
+Great Weapons
+Good Graphics
+Good Setting
+Good Soundtrack
+Interesting Story
+Plenty of Content
+Satisfying Combat
+Solid Level Design
-Bosses are often reused as regular enemies
-Cultists can be really annoying
-Cutscenes look like crap
-Difficulty can be unfair at times
-Plenty of bugs and glitches
Blood Overall: A solid 8 out of 10. I would have appreciated Blood a lot more if I played it as a kid (I never owned the game back then, although I found years later I had the shitty alpha version of the game and it never even ran on the old PC back then) and it got a better remaster with actually new content, which is why I'm waiting for the supposed work-in-progress patch, despite not owning Fresh Supply at all, I may actually go and pick it up if it gets a super update in the future that makes the remaster worth buying. Knowing Nightdive, they have many ways to surprise us with the remasters as of lately, in a very good way. Who knows what will happen next? Only time will tell.
Anyway, it looks like the maps by Reginukem and Stephano Lessa have won, so the new topic will be hosted tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the comments and see you on the upcoming September 2023 edition! Have a nice day!