Hi everyone. Thank you for the replies so far.
@The Watchtower: Thanks for the suggestion! I was thinking at that before, although I don't want to spoil the map/mod being played until the topic is visited. Usually I add a title that may suggest (or even outright say) what's being played but in this month's case, I added the "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!" title that appears at The Gate splash screen. I will consider adding a couple more interesting titles in the future map/mod events.
@Aleks: Thanks for the heads up! Although I'm playing the mod in DOSBox, so the E1L6 glitch didn't happen to me, I just swim through the left side of the crack and Duke was able to fit through just fine. As for the final boss glitch I mentioned, I haven't played the mod before (yes, this is the first time I'm playing it) but I have seen videos on YouTube about five years ago, as there is a playthrough someone did back then. I think the bug happened in that guy's playthrough and I know NightFright mentioned the bug before in the Addon Compilation readme text but for a while, it wasn't known what exactly causes the bug until it was fixed much later in the compilation version. Hopefully it won't happen during our playthroughs. Also I don't know if the Addon Compilation version works in RedNukem but it's definitely a good idea to use this port instead of EDuke32 if you are playing the ORIGINAL version of the mod I linked in the OP. Although I stick to DOSBox since source ports didn't exist when The Gate was released.
@Radar: Fantastic playthrough man! You beat the whole thing without dying and without saving? Congratulations! Although you didn't go for 100% everything but still, this was very impressive! I noticed two interesting things: EDuke32 doesn't show the level name at the start in your video and in third level, when you got the blue card, various goodies spawned in those nearby rooms but to me, there weren't any goodies spawned for some reason.
Without further ado, here is a review of the first episode. But first, a short introduction/presentation I forgot to add in the opening post:

The Gate is an ambitious TC, probably one of the most ambitious ones from the 90s. Besides everything I've mentioned above, it also includes THREE new gameplay demos, although they require to be renamed to watch them (bdemo1.dmo to demo1.dmo for example). Be sure to delete the original demos to allow the new demos to play. For some reason, the batch files don't rename the demo files as intended if you are using DOSBox. They get temporary renamed to demo1-3 if you click on the batch file but since I'm not running an old OS, then they get reverted to normal and I can't check the intended behavior. Kinda strange how DOSBox handles this. It might also have to do with the original demos being deleted and the batch file expects them? Either way, after you manually renamed them, you will not have to worry again. It was a minor nitpick that I had to point out.
The new demos are gameplays of the following levels: E1L1, E3L1 and E4L1. The player is doing okay in the first demo but in the second and third demo, seems like playing poorly on purpose, so that he dies some time early on. It is unknown at what difficulty they are recorded, though judging by the amount of enemies encountered in the first level, might be at "Let's Rock" skill.
In the first demo, the player drops off the building, shows off a few secret areas and after a while of kicking ass, he gets killed by a RPG Predator inside the building containing the Red Card.
In the second demo, the player seems to waste the Jetpack fuel flying through lava caves and after a couple fights, he eventually gets killed by a trooper.
In the third demo, the E4 cinematic intro is shown, then the player seems to wander around the starting area killing a few enemies, goes for a swim and eventually dies from drowning in acid.
There is also a new HUD graphic, which is...eh, it could have been better. I would have preferred if they just recolored the original Duke3D HUD instead of making a messy graphic out of it. I mean the recolored boxes/labels like "HEALTH", "ARMOR", etc look nice but the background looks ugly.
The new soundtrack is very nice. Probably the mod's main highlight and coming close to commercial quality. It rivals the soundtrack from The Lost Duke Episodes.
Since the levels are very long and packed with secrets (there are about 10 or so secrets in many maps), I will NOT be writing a walkthrough or a secrets guide this time around! Instead, here are some general hints, tips and tricks for your journey:
-As stated in the opening post, some levels are pretty long and may take you an hour or so to complete, especially if you are going for 100% everything and searching for everything
-Likewise, some levels are pretty difficult, filled with death traps and plenty of enemies ready to ambush you and take you down from 100 or more health to 0 immediately.
-Due to the mod's high difficulty, I highly recommend casual players to play on Let's Rock, to compensate for the increased difficulty (Piece of Cake has a few less enemies but not by much, so there isn't much of the reason to play on the easiest skill in this mod). Playing on Let's Rock means that you will face less enemies but this will not solve the maps' confusing nature, the death traps, the amount of damage the player receives and other things. This shouldn't discourage you but the first level may not give you a good impression on Come Get Some skill, so if it's your very first playthrough, you should try an easier skill first to see if you can make it through. If it's still too hard, then try different strategies, finding secrets, etc.
-To make up for the increased difficulty, some maps are packed with plenty of secrets (including unofficial ones), many of which contain Portable Medkits. Some maps are also generous with armor pickups or contain water fountains in them, so you don't end up in impossible scenarios, hopefully. Not all the maps are balanced the same, though. Some maps lack fountains and/or armor pickups.
-The view shakes when you get to around 25% or less health, like it does in various other Duke3D mods. This makes it difficult to evade or to counterattack the enemy.
-The new Predator-like enemies are commonly encountered enemies in most levels. They are fast and strong, use a variety of weapons at you (lasers, shotgun, chaingun, RPG, Shrinker, etc), and speaking of the Shrinker variants, unlike the Protector Drones, they CAN step on you if you get shrunk and they get very close to you!
-Some enemies' health was increased. The Pig Cop has now 150 HP!
-Some weapons are given increased ammo amounts. Chaingun's max ammo is now 400 (ammo pickups are also changed to give 100 ammo, though the weapon pickup still gives 50), Expander's max ammo is now 75 and the Devastator's max ammo is now 200!
-There is a glitch with the Atomic Health. The MAXPLAYERATOMICHEALTH was changed from 200 to 300, which causes the side effect where you can pick them up at 200 health and get no health benefit, thus wasting them for nothing. It is recommended to collect them carefully!
-Duke swears a little bit more often than usual because SWEARFREQUENCY was changed from 100 to 120. Various messages were also changed.
-Expander weapon pickups are also available for extra variety.
-It is recommended to grab as many supplies as possible before finishing up a level. Ending the level with as much health, armor, ammo and inventory will greatly help with the next levels' balance. It should make the mod's difficulty much more tolerable, in case there is a difficult level later on.
-Save often and use multiple save slots, preferably one backup save per each level and about two saves in the current level, in case you screw up something. You will thank me later!
Before I start reviewing, I will say I wasn't in a good mood when writing these days and didn't have a good time playing some of these levels (most notably, the first and fourth). I apologize if my review is rushed (I just realized now I didn't add the author's name) and sounds a bit negative at times. Enjoy!
Los Angeles
by Shane Paluski
This is not a good start. I respect people's opinion but to me this wasn't a good first level. It is too hard and too long for being the very first level in the mod! It seems to focus a lot on verticality, which isn't a bad thing, as the original E1L1: Hollywood Holocaust proved to be one of the best starting levels of all time in history of FPS games. Unfortunately, The Gate's starting level is a flawed map and not very well balanced. The pig cops' health was also increased to 150 for some bullshit reason, as if 100 health wasn't enough already. Maybe they should have also increased Duke's starting health to 150 while they were at it, to make up for that and the fact Atomic Health maximum was changed to 300 but doesn't work properly because it is hardcoded to only give twice as much as the player's base health!
I won't go into details how much I suffered in this level, as I had apparently missed an early Armor and Chaingun, meaning I had to spend first half with limited health and ammo, while constantly retreating to drink from the water fountains. Things started getting better when I was better stocked with resources but still got killed by some ambushes, getting overwhelmed, etc.
There are plenty of strong enemies in just this level alone, including those new Predator-like enemies, who can wield most of the player's weapons and even fire stuff like lasers and mortars. And if that wasn't enough, there are even Mini Battlelords to be found at certain points but while I didn't mind the last ones at the end of the level, I have a problem with the one hidden in the club and another one hidden behind an unofficial secret containing two Atomic Healths! Although it's not a crime to include the Mini Battlelord in the first level of the episode (E5 from World Tour did that and was perfectly fine), I feel like they shouldn't have introduced most of the enemies right at beginning but whatever, it was their decision.
On top of that, the level is just needlessly confusing. You have to find a Red Card inside a building somewhere and insert it somewhere else to unlock the way to the exit. This wouldn't be a problem if the level was a lot smaller and easier to navigate, especially when you take into account all the optional areas. Then there is a point of no return later on when you get to the area with Devastator in middle guarded by two Mini Battlelords. Luckily, I had a few backup saves, so I was able to figure out a way to bypass this permanently locking door, then later backtrack for missing secrets. Just use the Jetpack to fly over the trigger. Then you can backtrack the same way, assuming you don't run out of fuel or something. It's only the sector near the door you have to avoid, the rest area you can walk without worrying about that door closing.
There are 9 secrets to find. I won't be listing them, as there are even unofficial ones and it would take me all day to try describing them.
It also took me a lot to realize that this map had lots of Portable Medkits found inside the secrets, so if I had found those secrets earlier, I wouldn't have to spend half of the time drinking water to refill my health. But either way, I appreciate there are the water fountains, so I don't end up in an unwinnable situation with 1 hp or whatever.
Overall, despite the pretentious design and being a "good" map overall, I had a miserable time in it, dying about 15-20 times in total, as it was poorly balanced for being the FIRST level and also took me more than an hour (and half) to complete it with all secrets found! If this was a level later in the episode, I wouldn't have minded this at all and the high difficulty would have been justified! I hope the next level is better and shorter.

Undercity Research Facility
by Jeff Heath
An improvement to the first map but still not perfect. Balance is better and progression is more clear.
Something I forgot to mention earlier is how the new textures CLASH with the original Duke3D art style, as Quacken has mentioned earlier. It's not that the new textures are bad but more like they don't fit alongside the Duke3D ones.
I like that you can consume Popcorn and get 25 HP by pressing the USE button. This is a clever idea that is well implemented and I am giving them some credit for trying out new things. Oh yeah and the trash bags (probably from Redneck Rampage) can be destroyed by just kicking them. Make sure to smash them, as you may find hidden buttons or passages behind them!
There are 13 secrets to find! Not going to list them, however I can mention that there is an alternate exit in this map, located in one of the harder to find secrets, which will still send you to the next level. So if you thought you found a super duper secret level, you are sadly mistaken!
Also the lightning strikes are annoying and seem to do far more damage than usual, like from 100 hp, you can get taken to 20 or so in just a second. Luckily, health pickups are plentiful and even when I found myself low on health a couple times, I went to the nearest water fountain to restore the health. Sure it was painful to sit there for minutes drinking water but like in the first level, I had no choice when I was very low on health and the medkit fully used, although I like the fact this time around I survived many ambushes with 5-10 hp instead of dying and having to savescum to overcome the challenge.
What I didn't like in this level was that weird trap in that optional area towards the end, where you step into that circular sector and some bullshit trap activates that shoots CD projectiles at you that kills you quickly. That destroyed me a couple times because I was confused at what happened and if I was supposed to trigger the trap in first place or not. I didn't figure out it was an automatic shooter until after five minutes of constant failing and I had to go elsewhere to find the Red Card I was missing at the time.
Overall, I liked this level better than the first level when comes to the gameplay. Design wise, it's still "good" but some of the new textures and the annoying gameplay are dragging the map's quality down.

by Nick Parde
It's important to note that this map has NO ARMOR at all, besides whatever Pig Cops will drop to you if you are lucky. I got lucky and got 2-3 used armor pickups, so I wasn't completely screwed in the next level. Because we all know how painful is when you have no armor at all and suffer heavy damage from powerful enemies.
On the bright side, the level is much easier and shorter, the balance feels better and once again I'm lucky I survived many deadly ambushes with low health. Yes, there are plenty of enemies and ambushes but nothing truly frustrating to make you rip your hair out like was the case with the first level. Interestingly, I didn't have much of a problem with the trip mines trap at the end.
I also liked that the shrinking puzzles are introduced. There is a point where you are required to shrink a few times to escape a room you get locked in, then shortly after in another room, you have to AVOID the shrink ray projectiles when you go to collect the Red Card but then be careful at the spawning enemies! It's not as bad as it sounds but I recommend saving anyway, just in case something goes wrong.
The only problem was finishing the map with a nearly used Medkit, as I didn't realize there was only one extra present in the map and had to use them to save myself from dying, as the health pickups weren't as common in this map. But on the bright side, I ended up again with 200 hp and 100 armor at the end. Also there are five secrets to find.
Oh and you can backtrack to earlier parts of the level (in case you want to find secrets or whatever) but ONLY if you bring in your Jetpack from the previous level! Also in the last area before the exit, some enemies (such as the protector drone) have the tendency to fall in the pit (the enemies don't take falling damage unless they are almost dead), so you need the jetpack to survive the fall and get back up if you want to get 100% kills.
Overall, this level was okay, nothing special and in terms of design, wasn't as good as the first two. But gameplay wise, it was a bit tamer than the previous two maps. What about the next map?

Yukon Duke
by Tyler Matthews
This level is easier to navigate and the design reminds me very much of the Secrets of the Acropolis episode. Which means, this could have been a nice Duke level if it weren't for those fucking shotgunners that killed me so many damn times and had to keep retrying to kill them with only 30-50 hp left. Yeah, it's so fun to get killed in two hits while they dodge the attacks and fight back with rapid firing shotguns that deal lots of damage, as if they were a Pig Cop on steroids or whatever! It really was getting on my nerves after the 10th death or so. I was also losing my mind in the last room after what felt like 10 more attempts, especially after a protector shrunk me and the predator came in a timely manner to step on me.
And no, the level wasn't that generous with health packs either. Sure, there's two Portable Medkits and two Atomic Healths to be found in the entire level if you look carefully but the regular health pickups provided aren't enough to compensate for taking a lot of damage, like being given 10-30 hp after losing 50 or more in a single room and I was sick of hearing Duke's "Ooh, I needed that!" after the 5th time or so, when grabbing a health pack at less than 25 hp. Yes of course I fucking needed that!
On the other hand, there's lots of armor pickups for some reason, which won't help much when you are constantly getting low on health, made worse by the flawed armor system in Duke3D where the armor won't save you from fatal shots (e.g. you will still get one shot by a pig cop if less than 50 health, regardless of how much armor you have). Not sure if it's just me but the balance in this mod is all over the place and the difficulty is inconsistent. I also wish the only toilet in this level was usable, even if they went for the realistic toilet design, Duke can't use that toilet, which means no way to recover the lost health.
Try pipebombs, they can work wonders on these guys
Tried that a few times and still got massacred, probably because those guys were half-submerged into water and maybe the explosions didn't affect them. I blame the fact I only had about 50 or so health left and no medkit left in the inventory at that time, so it was extremely difficult to kill two of these guys in the open ended area at the start. This was a few minutes after I started the level if you are wondering, despite starting it with 200 hp and 100 armor, I got shot a lot by those guys and that's why I struggled so much. I have to ask myself how the hell am I losing so much health sometimes but then I remembered I'm playing the DOS version keyboard only, so I have a much harder time to dodge the enemy attacks. Or I was just unlucky in some levels and enemies were very accurate.
Anyway, there are THREE secrets to find and should be easy to find for the most part. There's also a few unofficial ones, like an Armor pickup inside the bathtub, which also spawns an enforcer nearby.
In the end, this is a good and challenging level that got ruined by those predators, which is a shame, as it would have been the mod's highlight so far. I really think those Shotgun predators are overpowered and should have had their health reduced. Or maybe the designers should have used the weaker variants more often, like the ones firing lasers at you, which are nowhere near as bad. Seriously, the overuse of the Shotgun Predators in some levels is almost as bad as most level designers in Redneck Rampage that abused the default powerful blue Vixen variant instead of using the weaker green ones more often. But then again, that one can be blamed on the poor design choices of RR by making the default pal variant the stronger one instead of the weakest one. In The Gate's case, they should have simply used other weaker variants more often. Or reduced the health of the Shotgun Predator.
For those curious, here are the stats of the Predators (yes, they are in fact called Predators!) taken from BDP.CON file inside thegate.grp file
/* Start Of Predator Code */
/* ---------------------- */
/* Spritepal Info
0 = Firelaser
9 = Heatseeker
10 = Railgun
11 = Expander
12 = Super Railgun
13 = Shotgun
14 = Morter
15 = RPG
16 = Shrinker
-------------- */
define PRED1STRENGTH 100
define PRED2STRENGTH 200
define PRED3STRENGTH 250
define PRED4STRENGTH 400
define PRED5STRENGTH 250
define PRED6STRENGTH 400
define PRED7STRENGTH 350
define PRED8STRENGTH 200
define PRED9STRENGTH 600
I'm guessing the Shotgun variant is the one with 400 HP. That's stronger than a Commander. They should have made all the variants have between 150-300 HP at most. Like between the Sentry Drone and Protector Drone in terms of strength, then things would have been a bit more fair.
Back to the actual map. Thankfully, I finished the level with everything at full (Scuba Gear at 95%), so maybe the next level will end up a better experience?

by Paul "Talon" Jury
A much shorter and easier map. This level lacks armor pickups and unlike the third level, there aren't any pig cops to help with the drops. If playing continuously, you should have full armor from the previous level but on the bright side, it's not a very difficult level, so I can forgive the lack of armor, plus there's a few fountains/toilets you can use. The predators appear a few times towards the end but they aren't the dangerous variants that cause trouble. One of them even somehow squished themselves inside the wall for some reason, as soon as they saw me. That was funny. It happened with the one near those explosive canisters.
As for the map, it is not as impressive as some earlier maps and feels cramped at times but I didn't find it too bad. I also like those containers found underwater. They aren't mines or anything dangerous as they initially seem but instead they seem to refill your Scuba Gear's oxygen to maximum upon pressing USE button near them! I think this can be done as many times as you want. A clever idea that I would like to see one day on water themed maps where you spend a lot of time underwater. Something like BobSP4, which had tons of Scuba Gears placed to make up for long underwater trips. Yes, I know, Aleks already mentioned all this but I had to repeat because this is a great idea that should be used in heavy underwater themed levels!
There are NO secrets to find but instead, you should find a few unofficial ones where you can find a Jetpack or Atomic Health or other goodies. Much like the previous map, there's only two Atomic Healths to be found, so be sure to explore if you want to get your health to 200 to prepare for the final level.
BTW a small advice when encountering those Organic Turrets, they don't seem to attack often (if at all), so just kick them to death. They are difficult to hit with your hitscan weapons, most likely because of autoaim trying to hit them but instead hitting the ground. Or you can use explosives, I guess. I think you also encounter those flying spheres in some places (if not, they were in the first level) but they don't seem to be interested in attacking me, although the autoaim doesn't function on them, so just manually aim at them.
Not much else to say. This map was okay.

by Paul "Talon" Jury
The final level of the first episode is...eh, could have been better. Just like the previous level made by the exact same author, the armor is completely absent but once again, isn't mandatory to survive, since the level is pretty generous with health, as there's a couple Atomic Healths to be found and even a few toilets/fountains you can use. Most of the enemies encountered are just the usual Duke3D aliens, I don't think there is a predator to be found in this map, so you won't have your day ruined or whatever.
My main issue is the fact there are plenty of HOMs in this map, showing this map's lack of polish. No seriously, how did this shit get unnoticed back in the day? Did people even play through this level or they just quickly checked with cheats to see if the main things are working? Or maybe it was rushed to meet the mod's deadline? At least the level is possible to finish from start to finish but I also noticed an ambush failed to properly activate later on. The ambush is located in an area with a Cycloid statue, where you will find a vital switch. When you jump on that sector to collect the RPG ammo, a touchplate activates that reveals a switch and fails to properly activate an ambush with a Protector Drone. On top of that, there is a HOM here as well on that small "hole". At least that stuck protector doesn't prevent getting 100% kills, from what I can tell from the end of level stats. Most likely the slimer eggs helped with inflating the kill count.
Anyway, once you are done with finding switches and opening various doors, unlocking a teleporter and so on, eventually you will get the doors open that lead to the Battlelord boss in front of the pyramid! Make sure to save and have 200 health before facing him to stand a chance, then use the Devastator to kill him. You should have 200 ammo already. Jetpack may also help with navigating and dodging his mines. There is a switch that disables the forcefield around the pyramid. Kill the Battlelord and watch the same E1 cutscene with Duke executing the Battlelord. There is a new ending screen at least, even if based on the original E1 ending, which looks nice, so there's that at least.
There is only ONE secret to find. It's a small cave containing a Protector, a few slimer eggs and if you fly with the jetpack, you will access a hidden compartment containing the CD Thrower and ammo for it. However, the ceiling shows a big HOM. I still don't know how they missed these HOMs, as they can be easily noticed.
Overall, this was an average level and the Egyptian textures didn't convince me too much with this level. The HOMs just dragged the map's quality down, making it feel like a random amateurish Duke3d map you downloaded back then.

In the end, the first episode was a bit of a mixed bag. The easier levels are forgettable and don't put much pressure on the player, though they are still okay at the end of the day, whereas the frustrating levels (E1L1 and E1L4) are actually the best designed ones, as these levels feel more polished and sticking out more compared to the rest levels, even though their balance isn't that great. The rest levels were just okay, I didn't mind playing them. I also don't think there were truly bad levels so far but from what I can tell, many levels lacked polish and they felt a bit underwhelming at times, plus their design wasn't anything special. I still give them credit for trying and for being ambitious, as there weren't many Duke3D mods/TCs being released at that time with the same quality as this mod. Let's hope the quality improves further in the following episodes.
Have a nice weekend!