I have finalized the upcoming update release today. Last-minute changes include:
- Departure from the 8-character DOS convention for groupfile names (longer filenames make it easier to identify groupfiles, and this compilation is meant for EDuke32 only, anyway)
- Review of all addons to rename MIDI files which still had the original filenames (e.g. grabbag.mid, fatcmdr.mid) to avoid conflicts with music packs
- WGRealms 2 widescreen graphics moved from wgrealms2.dat to widescreen.dat (allows you to deactivate widescreen graphics on demand)
- "The Root" added to "Urban Map Pack"
In the next few days I will still do some random testing of the addons to see if I find any issues, but I think everything works fine now. The intended release date on June 30 will not be in danger - if some of you worried about that.