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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - September 2024  "Time to say your prayers!"

User is offline   FistMarine 


What's this thing?
We play through a set of maps/mods during the month, and use this thread to discuss it as we're still all fresh with our comments/opinions/feelings about the maps.

What's the purpose?
Basically, there are 4 purposes:
  • Showcasing some of the older mods/maps to wider public - they definitely deserve the attention!
  • Getting more people to actually enjoy and appreciate the user content - because let's be honest, over the past 28 years this was really what kept Duke alive after all.
  • ...and while we're at it - keeping Duke alive by still enjoying it, as there's no new games in the franchise on the horizon (and let's be honest, they wouldn't be as good as some of this stuff!).
  • Having a more structured discussion on maps than what's going in "Last map you played" thread - which is great, but it's basically a monologue most of the time.

Can I join?

Sure, as long as you find some spare time during the month to play the stuff that's on the table!

Why a month?
Because people have lives, jobs or other stuff to do (like mapping). For smaller maps, this could be shorter time - it's all up to debate in the future!

What port should I use? Are mods allowed? Where to get the maps?
It's entirely up to you how you play the game, so you can use whatever port or mod allowed - it would be cool to state in your posts what you're using too, as there might be some slight differences between the ports! As for the maps, they should be always linked within the first post.

How should I play the maps or post about them?
Again, it's up to you. You can finish them all in one go or play them one by one whenever you feel like. On Doom forums, there's a rule that you should keep the pace by not posting about a map that has a higher number than the day of the month, so e.g. on 6th you shouldn't post about map 7 etc. I think that might be a good practice if there's a large interest in this, but first let's see how active the thread is for a start - so if there's nothing going on, feel free to post about whatever map you want to.

Previous 2024 Editions

Previous 2023 Editions

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Previous 2021 Editions

For this month, two classic TCs from late 90s/early 2000s have been chosen: PRAY YOUR PRAYERS and THE REALMS OF GRUNE!

Pray Your Prayers was originally released in late 1999 and featured three levels. It required version 1.3D of the game to play. PYP was later re-released as Pray Your Prayers 2000 on August 2000 and contained an episode with 11 levels (5 briefing, 5 normal and one secret). The mod was still designed for version 1.3D but an Atomic patch was released separately. Many years later in 2008, PYP TC was re-released for EDuke32 by James Stanfield. The new version not only makes the TC Atomic compatible and fixes various stuff but it also includes an user map named Repent. However, it runs on an ancient version of EDuke32, so you might want to use a newer eduke32 build from 2015 or so to play the mod.

The Realms of Grune was originally released in mid 1998 and featured six levels, one of which is a secret level and another seems to be a multiplayer level. It requires version 1.5 of the game to play. The TC contains a few new weapons, new enemies, new items, new textures, new music and more! However, the levels are also filled with plenty of puzzles and the two new enemies are deadly, so don't expect this to be an easy journey!


Pray Your Prayers (Demo Version)
Pray Your Prayers (Full Version)
Pray Your Prayers (EDuke32 Version)

The Realms of Grune (Installer Version)
The Realms of Grune (Extracted Version)

The Realms of Grune (Strategy Guide)
The Realms of Grune (Secrets Guide)

Installation Instructions

Pray Your Prayers (Demo Version)
Copy your DUKE3D folder (version 1.3D) and rename it to PRAYERS. Extract the contents of prayers.zip into the PRAYERS directory and accept to overwrite the files. Afterwards, run DUKE3D.EXE and select the first episode in game.

Pray Your Prayers (Full Version)
Copy your DUKE3D folder (version 1.3D) and rename it to PYP2000. Paste the file pyp2000.exe into the directory and run the self-extracting archive after specifying the correct directory (PYP2000 instead of the default C:\DUKE3D). Afterwards, run install.bat on your computer to rename the files (don't run inside DOSBox as the batch file will fail for some reason), then run DUKE3D.EXE and when in-game, select the second episode in game.

The Realms of Grune (Installer)
Copy your DUKE3D folder (version 1.5) and rename it to GRUNE. Run the file grune.exe and select your GRUNE directory instead of the default C:\DUKE3D. Afterwards, run the installer. If it asks you to overwrite files in the Windows directory (probably a leftover from when installing other Duke3D TCs), press the NO button. The installation should be eventually finished and the mod should work fine. Afterwards, run GRUNE.BAT to start the mod.

The Realms of Grune (Extracted)
Copy your DUKE3D folder (version 1.5) and rename it to GRUNE. Extract the contents of grune.zip into the GRUNE directory and run grune.bat file to start the mod. In-game, select the second episode and then your preferred difficulty to start the game.

1) Be sure to check the readme files for more information about the TCs regarding the story, new weapons and monsters, etc.
2) Difficulty settings are not well implemented for Pray Your Prayers TC. One level has only one Mini Battlelord affected by difficulty settings (appears on Let's Rock and higher), while another level attempts to implement difficulty settings but many of those enemies are tagged "1", which means that they would only appear on Piece of Cake and above but not on the unused "Skill 0", which makes it pointless because you cannot select an easier difficulty than Piece of Cake in game, unless you use command line parameters. Rest levels have no differences between the skill levels. Therefore, don't bother with any of the easier difficulty settings when playing PYP and just pick Come Get Some difficulty for the intended experience. At the same time, The Realms of Grune has full support for ALL FOUR difficulty settings! So when playing that mod, feel free to pick an easier skill if you find it too much.
3) New gameplay demos are included for both TCs. One for GRUNE and two for PYP2000.
4) Pray Your Prayers is made for version 1.3D, while The Realms of Grune is made for version 1.5. Therefore, Atomic Edition is required to play the latter TC.
5) Save often and use multiple save slots!
6) The Realms of Grune has a nice green themed installer, which seems to work fine even on newer OSes.
7) The TCs can also be found as part of the EDuke32 Addon Compilation with further bug-fixes and improvements, though only in the newer 4.00 pre-release version of the compilation.
8) A Walkthrough Guide and Secret Guide are included in the downloads to help when playing The Realms of Grune.

Have fun!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 03 September 2024 - 03:34 AM


User is offline   NNC 


I hope this sparks some interest.... I remember playing Pray your prayers back in the day, but forgot everything about it except that lame Duke voice imitation at the start of the first level.

User is offline   Quacken 


Tried to play PYP so I can contribute something to this month; apart from it actively trying to sabotage itself while I was trying to run it, when I did finally get it to load, I couldn't use mouse look, the sound was broken and the cursor for rebinding keys to actions wasn't appearing. It was registering my digital mouse inputs, but it was not letting me use mouse look. So unless I can get Realms of Grune to work, I'll have to sit this month out. At least I can say that this time, I didn't sit it out due to lack of effort.

User is offline   Quacken 


The Addon Pack is really good.

Mission Briefing (All of them)
Daniel “Shambler" Ewald

Duke, the Infiltrator
Daniel “Shambler” Ewald


EDF Research Base
Daniel "Shambler" Ewald



User is offline   Quacken 


I didn't forget about the secret map. That will be in the next post.

Snow-white Mission Facility
Daniel "Shambler" Ewald


Arthur "Victim" Nugmanov





User is offline   Quacken 


This mapset takes the slot of Episode 6 for some reason. Also, I'm not playing Repent. I loaded into that map and got a fist full of missing textures, and I decided I was good.

Daniel "Shambler" Ewald

Short and unremarkable, Desperado feels like one of Daniel Ewald's user maps he had lying around on his desktop that he decided to polish up and throw into here as a secret level. Its only real claim to fame is the bar, which has a very catchy Spanish pop tune playing in the background. This honestly should have just been the MIDI for the whole map instead of recycling the Mission Briefing MIDI again, it would have made things a lot more lively. It's also a shame that I can't see most of the time and I am stuck with using the Infa-Red Goggles, which are overall worse than the standard Night Vision. The only fight here that doesn't lull me into a trance-like state is the double Battlelord stalemate, and even that is kind of spoiled by the fact that the Battlelords like to perpetually shoot into the fence that separates you all. Desperado is over as quickly as you can think about it.


Closing Thoughts

I don't really know what Pray Your Prayers is trying to accomplish. This mapset's claim to fame is its new weapons, and while those are great and all, the main issue is that these maps have barely anything to shoot at. I think the highest kill count in this mapset caps out at about 65. Most of the MIDIs are fairly average except for Adrenaline's, and I didn't even get to use weapons such as the MIA Gun and the Tripmines. The former only appears in one map and that's the first proper one. So it's a below average showcase of the new weapons, the MIDIs aren't particularly interesting, the maps are mostly carried by the weapons and to top it all off it gave me a headache for 30 minutes until I was DM'd the Addon Compilation thread and I could download the latest version with this set included on it. My final rating for Pray Your Prayers is a 5/10. It is entirely unremarkable and there is no point to give it more than one playthrough.

User is offline   FistMarine 


Hey everyone! Apologize for being so late and thank you for your comments so far, despite the very low activity this month. And I am glad I could help Quacken with setting up the Addon Compilation, so he got PYP2000 to run. A couple responses:


I’m also not a fan of there not being a message to read on the blackboard. Also, why can't I go into the other office? The door's right there.

There's a different green message on the blackboard in all five Briefing maps in the main episode. There is a separate Briefing.map included for some reason, which does NOT have a message on the blackboard. More on that later.


I have two issues with this map. The first is that there’s no health. I was down to 1 health by the time I reached the switch that opened the exit door and map author Daniel Ewald forces you to backtrack through a poison waterfall to reach it, meaning I had to use a DNKROZ just to not die instantly.

Health is quite tight in the first level but it compensates with having toilets at beginning, so if you have problems with running low on health, you can go back to the beginning and refill health by using the toilets. I know it might not be a practical solution if you have no patience to sit there while you refill health but it is required to beat this level, unless you enjoy save-scumming with low health.


It's also filled with missing textures that cause the hall of mirrors effect, and this time I actually updated eDuke to the latest version.

That's strange. I never had problems with missing textures when I played PYP2000 in DOSBox. To me it looks like either it's an EDuke32 problem or the addon compilation version of the mod has missing textures. Plus I could have sworn a year ago or so, I read a post in addon topic that PYP's missing textures were fixed at some point but I can't find it right now. I have no idea what could cause the missing textures other than missing art files, which should be inside the prayers.grp (addon version). When playing the original version of the mod, the mod's files are all dumped into a copy of the DUKE3D folder.

As for Realms of Grune, for those who are interested in it, I just discovered while playing through the TC two days ago, that the installer version is the initial 1.0 release with five levels (3 regular, 1 secret, 1 bonus). The bonus level is only available for multiplayer if you are wondering, so four playable levels. The repacked version 1.2 is newer, has a bunch of differences and contains an additional level! Therefore, if you want to only play one version of GRUNE, then make it the newer repacked one!

Anyway, here is my review for Pray Your Prayers 2000 and the votes for next month. I played Duke3D v1.3D on CGS skill, continuously with saves, keyboard only controls, DOSBox 0.74-3.


Attached Image: PYP2000_MENU.png
When you start the mod, after the nuke intro, you will notice the 3D REALMS logo has the wrong palette applied, so it looks weird. Afterwards, at the main menu, you will see a nice new gold font being used instead of the usual orange font. You will also see new demos playing in the background, which is always nice to have.

When starting a new game, it is important to note that PYP2000 replaces the SECOND episode in the main menu! If you are playing Duke3D v1.3D in DOSBox, then select LUNAR APOCALYPSE from the main menu and COME GET SOME difficulty to begin playing!

As mentioned before, difficulty settings are poorly implemented in this mod (many levels have none of enemies tagged for difficulty settings), so there is no point in selecting any of the easier skills, as Duke takes the same damage on all skills anyway. Therefore, COME GET SOME is the intended experience to play PRAY YOUR PRAYERS!

The mod contains 12 new levels, 11 of them are part of the main episode and one is unused and included as bonus. Of those 11 maps, 5 are briefing maps, 5 are normal levels and one is secret level which is found in the middle of the episode. More on that later.


There are two demos included with the mod, which will only play in DOS Duke3D v1.3D. Both demos are recorded on the Piece of Cake difficulty, although as mentioned above, there is literally no benefit for playing the easier difficulties. And if you are wondering how I know which difficulty setting was used, there is a glitch in original 1.3D release where you can save the game during a demo playback, so then you can take a look at which difficulty it was played or even continue playing the game yourself.

The first demo is recorded on the secret level, with the player killing himself with the RPG replacement at some point in the level. The second demo is recorded on the penultimate level, with the player actually managing to finish the level despite running low on health at a few points. It is essentially a full walkthrough of the level.

Gameplay Changes

The mod makes various changes to Duke Nukem's arsenal. All weapons (except for the Mighty Foot) have been replaced with nice new graphics, new sounds and some new behaviors.

Pistol is the same as before but the weapon sprite is now angled. Other than that, it does the same damage and has the same ammo amount as before.

Shotgun is now known as Riot Shotgun and it packs a lot of punch. It does twice as much damage and can consistently one shot the hitscanners and sentry drones. The only downside is each ammo/weapon pickup gives 4 shells and Duke can only holds up a maximum of 24 ammo.

Chaingun is now known as the Supressed MP5 and it packs a lot of punch. It does almost twice as much damage and is great for quickly clearing groups of enemies. It has the same ammo amount as before.

RPG is now known as APG (Alien Plasma Generator) and does far more damage, it can kill a Mini Battlelord in just three hits. It now holds slightly less ammo, 40 instead of 50.

Pipebombs are now Ducks! Duke can only hold up a maximum of 20 ducks but they deal more damage. Other than that, they should be identical to Pipebombs in terms of behavior.

Shrinker is now known as Missing In Action Gun, aka M.I.A. Gun, aka Schranker. This weapon will temporary shrink the target to microscopic size. It will also briefly blind Duke as a side effect, leaving him vulnerable for a couple seconds. It is not very useful if going for all kills, since most likely Duke can't step on microscopic monsters, meaning it only temporary "disables" them. It also only holds a maximum of 10 ammo now, which means you get full ammo from a single weapon pickup.

Devastator is now known as Piece of Modern Technology, it is much stronger and has 100 ammo maximum instead of 99.

Laser Trip Bombs have new graphics but do far less damage and their laser is invisible. Other than that, they should be identical to Tripmines in terms of behavior.

Freezethrower is now known as Amputated Shambler's Hand. It fires freeze projectiles as before but they don't bounce and it can lead to interesting side effects on targets. The max ammo is now 100 instead of 99 and each ammo pickup is now worth 30 instead of 25. And yes, we are referring to that Shambler from Quake!

Monsters are the same as before when comes to their health and behavior, though they have slightly different damage outputs and some different variants encountered much later.

Assault Troopers seem a bit stronger than before but the Pig Cops' shotgun is far deadlier than before, dealing twice as much damage, which means a Pig Cop can one shot you if you don't have 100 health or more. Enforcers are basically Micro Battlelords at this point, as they have significantly increased rate of fire but thankfully their damage remains the same as before, although far deadlier at close range. Commanders have stronger rockets but less splash damage, while Mini Battlelords should be same as before (slightly deadlier) and Octabrains seem unchanged.

Paletted monsters have double health (if played in Duke3D 1.3D) and different variants of monsters appear towards the end, for example that paletted red Enforcer fires lasers at you and the paletted blue Commander spams rockets at you.


Mission Briefing (BRIEF0.map)

There are FIVE Briefing Maps, taking place between each mission. No enemies and secrets, just Duke himself preparing for each mission.

You are given a Pistol and two ammo pickups. Grab them and read the message if you want. Once you are ready, hit the nuke button.
Attached Image: PYP2000_BRIEF0.png

Duke, The Infiltrator (Intruder.map)

Kills: 81
Secrets: 2

Although Quacken makes a point about the lack of health, there are three usable toilets at the beginning and a few Atomic Healths found in secrets. There is no shame in retreating to the beginning a couple times, breaking the toilets after using them and then refilling health up to 100. I certainly did that a few times, as the enemies are far deadlier than before. What I found more annoying and added to the difficulty is the lack of armor. If you don't get lucky with armor drops, you have no choice but to take full damage from each attack.

As for the rest, the progression should be pretty straightforward. When you are at the part where you get ambushed by THREE Enforcers and have found Shambler's Hand with additional ammo, you have two switches to press. One switch opens the exit and another switch will activate the Shrinking Ray on the nearby dancing woman, which is funny as hell, as the woman gets shrunk to microscopic size and doesn't seem to ever return to normal size.

Don't worry about you getting affected by the shrink blast, you are protected from the glass, although Duke will still get blinded and this effect seems to persist even if you get far away from the blast. It only stops after you get past the lava cavern, I think. Afterwards, kill the spawned monsters on your way (unless you already did that before pressing the switches) and you will find the exit available at the beginning of the level.

The only annoying thing is that an Atomic Health is on exit sector and cannot be picked up but you can still finish the level with 200 health if you save the two Atomic Healths from the secret area.

1) Near the beginning, when you reach the room with two pig cops, one commander and the truck parked in garage, there should be a crack on the right. Blow it up to access a room containing slimer eggs, a dancing woman on fire, 2x Atomic Health and Schranker.
2) This secret is impossible to miss and is part of normal progression. Insert the Yellow Card (?), kill the two Pig Cops and enter the corridor to register the secret. This also leads to a room filled with troopers and other stuff.

-Inside the room with the dancing woman on fire (surrounded by troopers), where you will find Blue Card, there is a handprint on the right. Press on it to spawn an Atomic Health.

Pretty decent opener which could have been better balanced with some armor and a tiny bit more health. I also really like the Das Boot MIDI, which I often heard when playing old Doom wads and added to the atmosphere. Looking forward to next map.
Attached Image: PYP2000_INTRUDER.png

Mission Briefing (BRIEF1.map)

Same as before, except now you get a Portable Medkit, MP5 and two ammo pickups.

EDF Research Lab (Research.map)

Kills: 69
Secrets: 4

Before dropping down the ledge at beginning, be sure to collect the HoloDuke, as you won't come back. And no, you can't get the Atomic Health from behind the fence if you are wondering!

Anyway, this is a tough map due to the large amount of pig cops that you face here, especially many that are waiting to ambush Duke around corners. The horde at beginning and end stands out the most as being the most dangerous.

And since Pig Cops are far deadlier in this mod, expect to die a few times, even if you started the map with 200 HEALTH! As you will most likely finally get armor when you are very low on health and it won't be much use until you get some more health. Even worse, the paletted pig cops return and if you are playing in v1.3D, this means they have twice as much health. Though in this mod's case, you are killing the paletted pigs in just two shotgun blasts, so it's not too bad.

I died THREE times. First time I died from a tripmine trap, which I actually survived but then next second the Pig Cop kills me while also surviving the explosion. Second death comes immediately after. The Mini Battlelord just approached the elevator and as soon as I took it, I'm dead.

Third and final death was from a pig cop in the penultimate area with all those damn pig cops everywhere. We both killed each other at same time. I'm surprised I didn't get killed from the surprise ambush that happens upon grabbing the Devastator Replacement, which spawns TWO Commanders and ONE Mini Battlelord! I was down to like 17 hp at that point and for some reason I forgot to use the medkit. Don't worry because my plan of saving the Atomic Healths worked and ended up with 200 hp at the end.

Before falling down the sewer hole, I recommend grabbing everything in advance. This is a point of no return and you have the chance right now to go back and grab all the secrets and stuff. Once you are ready, drop down, kill the FOUR Octabrains in the sewers and finish the level.

1) At the beginning, right next to the door unlocked with Red Card, there is a crack that needs to be blown up. Inside, you can find a box of ducks and Atomic Health.
2) Shortly after the beginning, there is a series of doors and an armor pickup. Go to the next area which has many Enforcers and Commanders. There is a crack on a wall that needs to be blown up. Inside, you can find Shambler's Hand.
3) Shortly afterwards, you will enter the Research Facility. There is a panel that you can open at some point, which contains 2x Atomic Health.
4) Shortly afterwards, there is the bar unlocked with Yellow Card. Kill the pig cop and the troopers, then pick up the Red Card behind the desk. Press on either side of the wall to open a compartment containing 2x APG ammo and an Atomic Health.

Overall, this was a pretty good map for the most part, especially that room with those blue tubes is nicely designed. But also screw those pig cops with increased damage, they are really annoying!
Attached Image: PYP2000_RESEARCH.png

Mission Briefing (BRIEF2.map)

Same as before, except now you get a Riot Shotgun and two ammo pickups.

Snow-White Missile Facility (SNOWHITE.map)

Kills: 34
Secrets: 2

Good news! This level is fairly short and easy. This level contains two exits, see if you can find both of them!

Bad news? Many enemies are paletted and there is also no armor (except drops from pig cops), however it compensates by giving plenty of powerful health pickups (Atomic Health and Portable Medkit) and the enemies aren't very threatening in this level, as there aren't a lot of them.

In fact, for once I rarely got hit and still had a ton of health and armor by the time I reached the end.

Progression is mostly straightforward and the design is nice. The secret exit is also fairly easy to find, it can be found near the normal exit. To open the normal exit, press on that valve.

1) Halfway through the level, go inside the submarine and you will meet two troopers. Kill them, pick up the box of Ducks and behind it, you can find a Jetpack! Use the Jetpack to get out of here.
2) At the end of the level, instead of going through the pipe to reach the normal exit, jump on that house and drop off the chimney to reach a room containing 2x Atomic Health and Secret Exit. Unfortunately, there is no way back, even if you found the secret Jetpack earlier! Duke will no longer get out of the house due to low ceiling. Therefore, you want to grab everything before getting there.

Secret Exit: See Secret #2.

Overall, this level was nice, although much easier and shorter than I expected.
Attached Image: PYP2000_SNOWHITE.png

Desperado (BACKYARD.map)

Kills: 51
Secrets: 5

The secret level is a pretty nicely designed city map. It is also very action packed, as not only it is filled with Pig Cops but also you get to fight against a few Mini Battlelords and various other monsters. Also if you need, be sure to grab the stuff at beginning before dropping down the vent, as there is no way back!

I died once at the part you fight TWO Mini Battlelords at once. I jumped over the fence and well, I got hitscanned to death and then I realized there were TWO of these bastards. Oh and I got softlocked once earlier in the level, which was easily solved with a Load Game. The explanation is mentioned right below.

There is an ambush with two pig cops upon entering a secret area early on. Chances are one of the pig cops will clip through and warp outside of level because it is spawned between a locked door and a sofa, which causes clipping issues due to cramped space. The problem is that this will most likely prevent reaching 100% kills, so you are encouraged to save before entering that secret! As mentioned earlier, I even got softlocked once when I jumped behind that sofa and got warped in that small inaccessible room and found that pig cop. What's funny is that I couldn't even get Duke squished at the edges of that sector, so I just loaded my saved game.

The rest of the level is pretty straightforward when comes to the progression. Every time you complete a task, some enemies will spawn on your way.

1) Near beginning, after dropping down the vent, you will arrive in a room with three troopers playing pool. There is a shelf you can open, which leads to a room containing MP5 and extra ammo for it. Two pig cops will spawn in the room earlier, however as mentioned above, one of the pig cops has the habit of disappearing. Make sure you save before getting this secret if you care about 100% completion.
2) When you leave the hotel and get ambushed by pig cops, jump on the ledge ahead and then through the window to access a secret room containing MP5.
3) Inside the bathroom, go to the right toilet, break it and press on the wall to access a secret room containing 3x Pistols, Shotgun, MP5 and Atomic Health.
4) Inside the arcade, near the pinball machines, there is a crack that needs to be blown up. Inside, you can find Portable Medkit and a switch required for progression, which opens a way to get Yellow Card and a box of ducks nearby.
5) Inside the arcade, kill the pig cop behind the counter and press on the cash register to open the shelf behind you. Inside, you will find a teleporter which leads to a room containing a captured woman and Schranker.

Overall, leaving aside the annoying and glitchy parts, this was a good map. Worth finding the secret exit to experience this map.
Attached Image: PYP2000_BACKYARD.png

Mission Briefing (BRIEF3.map)

Same as before, except now you get Atomic Health, MP5 and two ammo pickups.

Adrenaline (BASE2.map)

Kills: 65
Secrets: 0

Pretty interesting action packed map. There are many epic battles that await in this map, which also include a few new enemy variants. I won't spoil the surprises that await in this map, you have to see them for yourself. If not, then I guess you can always watch the gameplay demo and get the experience spoiled.

Unlike the other five playable levels, there are no official secrets to find here. Though you can find a few unofficial ones, such as the hidden Atomic Health in the room with the truck.

When you have to drop down and fight a Mini Battlelord, remember that this is a point of no return, so be sure to grab everything in advance. If you are playing continuously, you can use the Jetpack to go back and grab everything that you may have missed.

Overall, this map is really good.
Attached Image: PYP2000_BASE2.png

Mission Briefing (BRIEF4.map)

Same as before, except now you get a Portable Medkit, Piece of Modern Technology and two ammo pickups.

Face-Off (FACEOFF.map)

Kills: 56
Secrets: 3

This is quite a cramped map at first. You will have to fight against weaker monsters in very cramped corridors in the first half of the map, until you reach the Blue Door room which has a surprise ambush with teleporting monsters.

I recommend at this point to restock on everything because after using the Blue Card and taking the teleporter, there is NO WAY BACK! Therefore, you should grab everything before teleporting. Though keep in mind all three secrets are found in the very last area. Once you are ready, take the teleporter to reach the second and final part of the level.

After teleporting, take out the troopers and turrets before engaging with the bosses (Mini Battlelord and Boss Battlelord). Before doing all that, I highly recommend getting all three secrets, which are described below.

Once you are ready to fight the bosses, I recommend first taking out the Mini Battlelord before fighting against the Boss Battlelord. Use the RPG replacement for the junior, then use the DEV replacement for the senior. After 3 RPG shots for the former and about 40-50 DEV shots for the latter, they are history.

Funnily enough, first time I beat the final boss, I had 99 health remaining. When I replayed the fight to take screenshot, I had 73 health remaining. Not that it matters anymore since game is finished but it's funny how the Battlelord got more accurate the second time.

Oh and if you are wondering, you don't get a new cutscene or new ending screen or anything, instead it's just the original E2 ending with Overlord cutscene from Duke Nukem 3D and that's it. I was kinda hoping for a new ending screen at least.

1) After teleporting to the last area, either do a long jump or use the Jetpack to fly to the building on your right, open the window and go through it to find 2x Large Medkit and 2x MP5 ammo.
2) After teleporting to the last area, go to the next building and either do a long jump or use the Jetpack to fly to the building on your right, open one of the windows and go through them to find an Atomic Health and 2x MP5 ammo.
3) After teleporting to the last area, look for where the two turrets are shooting you from, destroy them and fly with the Jetpack behind that building to pick up ammo for Devastator Replacement.

Overall, this is an alright final level. I didn't have a bad time with it but I can't say the design was anything groundbreaking. I feel like the last level and the lack of new ending show that the project was slightly rushed to completion.
Attached Image: PYP2000_FACEOFF.png


This map is included as bonus in the package, does not seem to be attached to any episode or whatever. I simply accessed it with the following parameters: DUKE3D.EXE -MAP BRIEFING.MAP /S3

This appears to be just another Briefing map but without any items and message on blackboard. I think this was used as basis for all the other BRIEF maps. At least the Nuke Button is functional, so you can complete the map, if you want.


Repent is the only user map made for PYP! Most likely requires EDuke32 to be played, since it was made back in 2008. Unfortunately, I did not play through the EDuke32 version of the mod and I currently do not have the time to check out this user map, so I will not review it now. When I will have more time, I will be sure to play through this map and the EDuke32 version of the mod.

Demo Version

I have played through the demo version of the TC a couple months ago, so I might as well quickly review it.

The demo version of Pray Your Prayers contains three levels, which replace the first three levels of L.A. Meltdown. There is no proper ending upon finishing the three levels, you are sent to Toxic Dump!

The first two levels are the same as in the final version with some differences in them, while the third level is completely different and not found in the full version. It is probably for the better, since that level was a confusing mess from what I can remember.

Most weapons did not have any changes from what I remember and the shotgun art was also different and used sprites similar to the Duke3D shotgun.

Overall Thoughts

Honestly, I think Pray Your Prayers is pretty good. The new maps are well designed for the most part and the custom assets are very good and quite creative. It certainly feels/seems better than about half of the TCs from late 90s/early 2000s. Yes, the quality of the mod quite surprised me and it is also pretty polished, allowing you to get all kills and secrets in all the levels. Bonus points for making the TC compatible with the original Duke3D 1.3D release.

Unfortunately, it suffers a bit from some balance issues and the difficulty settings being poorly implemented. Additionally, it suffers from some levels lacking armor and/or health, some levels having a few points of no return (luckily it's usually towards the end of map and sometimes you can backtrack with jetpack, so it's not a big problem) and Pig Cops being bullshit with their stronger shotguns, which is the direct result of the increased weapon damage.

Despite that, the mod is still not too difficult to complete, as I only died about 5 times in total, especially when compared to other TCs of the era, which tended to be quite hard at times. But since easier difficulties basically don't exist, you are forced to play on CGS, as there is no benefit in choosing any of the easier skills. I would like to see a remake of this mod one day, with slightly better balance, more levels and more cool stuff going on.

In the end, even if the levels are nothing special by today's standards, it's the new weapons that make this TC a memorable experience, even though I didn't get to use all weapons, as I didn't use weapons 7, 9 and 0, the reason for first two being that they are not very effective and the reason for the last one being that I wasn't sure if you get credited with kills, usually mods with replaced weapons 7 and 0 tend to mess with kill counts if you kill enemies with them. Yes, there are a few TCs where that is actually the case.

Despite some weaker parts, I highly recommend playing this mod. It is not too long (I finished it in about 4-5 hours span across two days) and if you can handle most Duke Nukem 3D content out there on CGS difficulty, then you will have a blast with this! Though I recommend playing continuously and with saves, for the best experience! After the somewhat rough beginning with the scarcer supplies, it really pays off to carry the extra health and stuff from the previous levels, which will make later levels a breeze!

As we are getting towards the end of the month and there are no new nominations, here is my only suggestion for the quickly approaching October Edition:

FM4X: The Uprising + FM7X: Continental Odyssey +

I nominate and vote for Fernando's two other episodes for next month! FM4X is a 2020 release which mirrors the original The Birth episode and FM7X is a very recent release that mirrors the Alien World Order episode. FM5X and FM6X are multiplayer episodes that are only included as bonus, if you are wondering why it jumps from FM4X to FM7X! And yes, this mod is fully playable in DOS version of Duke3D Atomic if you want!

Hopefully, I get to finish/review GRUNE before the month ends, as I just started playing it two days ago. If I don't finish my review in time, I will have it finished around early October and the new October 2024 topic will still hopefully be up on 1st October! Though I'd like to know if people agree with the FMX nomination for October or not, so I can know in advance.

Have a nice weekend everyone!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 27 September 2024 - 04:00 AM


User is offline   quakis 


Was going to join in earlier but got caught up doing other things this month, but squeezing this in as I've been looking forward to playing both these campaigns. Not going to get too indepth this time for now, will probably save that for an eventual review later so a summary of thoughts:

Recently ran through PYP2000 using Duke 1.3D and enjoyed aspects of my experience, the new weapons made me feel stronger. I liked the briefing > mission in concept, while execution leaves a little to be desired. They suggest an objective focused design but in practise what you get is linear levels focused on combat and grabbing keys to grab keys in the next room to grab keys in the next room until the mission ends. I expected a little more meat or flavour attached to each level's structure, you're going in with more purpose with some envrionment interaction alongside puzzles perhaps. PYP is much simpler than that despite having these pre-mission briefings. Sessions are short though and there's enough location variety across maps to keep it from feeling monotonous. Just never much of a fan when maps resort to using every key but lack something substantial when using said key, it often feels so pointless what with some of the backtracking too. I'd probably have loved this one two decades ago had I given it a proper chance because of the new weapons and concept.

Started playing Realms of Grune today, via DOSBOX, only finished one level but already on the fence with it; progression feels haphazard already and half the switches I have no idea what they're unlocking and how those even relate to said functions. Not enough landmarking, signage or something to relate back, finding your way around doesn't feel natural. One greivance I have is the amount of random wall sprite decorations that don't serve much purpose or intent. Some even look like switches. There's a three button combination found in the strangest of places too. Maybe I've missed some clues/hints during play because of how dark this level is so I'm probably going to need that above guide close at hand. I'm trying to understand the logic of these "puzzles" but so far they're not resonating with me, I have patience for cryptic puzzles and obscure navigation stuff, I adore the LA MULANA games for exactly that, but the first level of Grune is like throwing paint at the wall along with everything else and not cleaning up the mess. So far I'm reminded a little of Eternal Doom, except in contrast I enjoyed exploring and piecing together that wad even despite some trouble, including Evans' levels. Hoping the rest of Grune doesn't drive me too crazy, I am enjoying the setting as a much needed change of scenery from playing Duke mods.

Edit: In regards to above, this is exactly the reason why I revisit and have a desire to rewrite older reviews from between 2004 up to 2006. The old write up for Grune does not touch upon any of these insights. I wouldn't be surprised at all the intial run relied on godmode, noclip and other cheats just to pump out [review quantity +1]. I enjoy the writing process of delving more into those sorts of discussion and details; what worked and what didn't, making note of any missed potential.

This post has been edited by quakis: 27 September 2024 - 03:20 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Regarding the reports with missing textures in PYP2000:
I have compared checksums of the art files in the version used in the EAC with the original release and verified they are identical. There isn't any file missing, either. I guess I would have to see screenshots or, even better, play the whole thing by myself once more. From the top of my head, I couldn't come up with an explanation why the levels should still have textures missing unless they have 1) always been like that or 2) been tempered with.

User is offline   Quacken 


Looks like Grune is off the table; neither the installer nor the extracted version are working for me currently. I might be doing something wrong, but at the same time I did click NO on every prompt in the installer and dragged everything in the extracted version to a copy of my Duke 3D folder that I renamed to GRUNE. There's not much else I think I can do here. So, I will just wait for October's thread or get bailed out again by FistMarine, whichever comes first.

User is offline   FistMarine 



Was going to join in earlier but got caught up doing other things this month, but squeezing this in as I've been looking forward to playing both these campaigns. Not going to get too indepth this time for now, will probably save that for an eventual review later so a summary of thoughts:

No worries Quakis! I understand it was a very busy month and I appreciate the comment, better late than never. ;)

I also enjoy seeing more people play older maps/mods in DOSBox. From what I noticed, older mods tend to break over time in source ports, which is one of the main reasons why I play older stuff in DOSBox. That and the fact Realm of Grune is one of the mods that are not included in the Addon Compilation for some reason.

As for GRUNE TC, this is EXACTLY how I felt while I was playing the first level last week. Besides a couple YouTube videos I watched of the TC back in 2010 or so (the TC caught my attention at that time or at least the fact someone bothered to make a playthrough in eduke32), I never played the mod before, so I went in mostly blind with the walkthrough I opened from time to time to figure out what the heck am I supposed to do.

Don't worry, things get much better in later levels, for example the secret level (accessed from first level) is worth playing and even the second and third level have their moments, though not without some more confusing parts, at least in the last level. It's a shame that the first level is a confusing mess, with nearly every room being filled with cryptic puzzles. It discourages the player from playing any further. I continued to play because I am a completionist and I don't like abandoning games/mods.

Also, the secret exit is unlocked at same time as the regular exit but still how many are going to finish the first level and if they do, how they know the secret exit is unlocked by backtracking, if those people aren't going to backtrack and/or look for secrets? It's not that bad since I prefer when levels offer backtracking to hunt down for missed secrets/grabbing everything before leaving and I am playing all the levels that the mods offer, as I don't like leaving things unfinished at all.

I have heard of ETERNAL DOOM from 1997 (not to be confused with DOOM ETERNAL from 2020) but never played it because of its reputation of having long and confusing levels. I have been going through plenty of DOOM related stuff as of lately (both official and unofficial, stuff that I have played or never played before) and still have some 90s megawads that I still haven't played to this day. So maybe one day I will go through ETERNAL DOOM in its entirety, obviously in DOSBox. :P


I have compared checksums of the art files in the version used in the EAC with the original release and verified they are identical. There isn't any file missing, either. I guess I would have to see screenshots or, even better, play the whole thing by myself once more. From the top of my head, I couldn't come up with an explanation why the levels should still have textures missing unless they have 1) always been like that or 2) been tempered with.

I gave it a short test in latest EDuke32 (dated late July 2024), using the last two zips (EAC Base and EAC Downloader). I selected option 2 to download Top 50 Addons (which contained PYP2000) and quickly tested it in game with a couple cheats (dnkroz, dnstuff, dnclip, dnmonsters). As far as I could tell, there were no missing textures at all in the few maps I tested, though I noticed additional display for armor and keys on top of the screen, which is nice but kinda redundant when you are using the default EDuke32 HUD which already shows the armor and keys, unless this additional display is meant to be shown for when the Mini HUD is selected (the one that only shows health, ammo and inventory).

I am guessing that Quacken had a few loose art files in the EDuke32 directory? Those can cause conflicts with art files when playing a mod. Which is why I always make copies of a clean DUKE3D folder (1.3D and 1.5) when installing various old user maps and mods, so I never had any problems with that. I also double check my JFDuke3D and EDuke32 directories when playing maps/mods, to not have some leftover files from other maps I have played previously, since I only use one folder for source ports, unlike the DOS version where I use a separate folder for each mod I play. :)


Looks like Grune is off the table; neither the installer nor the extracted version are working for me currently. I might be doing something wrong, but at the same time I did click NO on every prompt in the installer and dragged everything in the extracted version to a copy of my Duke 3D folder that I renamed to GRUNE. There's not much else I think I can do here. So, I will just wait for October's thread or get bailed out again by FistMarine, whichever comes first.

Sorry to hear that and let's hope the next topic's choices will be more playable for everyone. I am assuming when you first started the GRUNE installer, you clicked YES on the first few prompts (such as specifying where is the DUKE3D directory) and then NO if it asked you to replace some dll files in Windows folder or whatever? My guess about why it asked me for replacing those files is probably because in past few months I may have used the Merc 2 installer and I think same people were involved in that mod too, so it tried to create a Windows registry in same place or something similar, assuming the installer was made by the exact same person. Wish I could help further and wish GRUNE was included in the EDuke32 Addon Compilation, so that the mod runs "out of the box" in EDuke32. At least the mod works fine as it is in DOSBox.

Anyway, here is the long awaited review. A bit rushed I admit, I really didn't have much to say about the levels themselves and most of the secrets are already described in the separate guide. I thank the authors for providing the walkthrough and secret guides, so I don't have to write my own, aside from the exception in last level with one secret that wasn't even mentioned. Same settings as before (Skill 3, DOSBox 0.74-3) but this time played on DUKE3D 1.5 because this mod is made for the Atomic Edition.

Also important to mention that while I was playing through the first level of the TC and looking in Mapster for some stuff, it has come into my attention that there are TWO versions of the mod floating around. The original installer version with five levels and the repacked version with six levels. There is an easy way to check which version you have. Most files are all uppercase for the older version, while in the newer version the files are almost all lowercase.

GRUNE.GRP dated 27/05/1998 -> OLD VERSION (5 LEVELS)
Grune.grp dated 22/08/1998 -> NEW VERSION (6 LEVELS)

For the purpose of this review, I am reviewing the OLD VERSION, as this is what I played. Some differences are to be expected compared to the newer repacked/zipped release. I will eventually get to play the newer release at some point in the future and probably get to review it in a different topic.

A couple hints/notes:
1) This mod will test your patience. Even with the walkthrough provided and the secrets guide, this mod is no joke. The first level is quite difficult with scarce supplies (until you get to the water fountain) and filled with puzzles. Things get much better later on.
2) The levels are often long and hard, filled with many puzzles. You will need to pay attention carefully to the environment and conserve your resources wisely, at least until you get more weapons!
3) The new enemy (Pig Cop replacement) is extremely deadly! He will fire a fast projectile that does a shitload of damage and can kill you in like two hits at 100 health. When you kill him, he will still sometimes drop a Shotgun or Used Armor.
4) Save your game often and use several slots! Even the walkthrough recommends saving your game often! You have been warned!
5) As usual, the water fountain will be your best friend when you are running low on health!
6) There is a new item known as the Magic Apple! It will give you 100 Health and 50 Armor, up to 100 both. It is very useful to take it when you are low on health and armor for a quick refill. It is still possible to pick up the item even when you already have 100+ health and 100 armor, however you will not get any benefits, thus wasting the pickup for nothing.


Attached Image: GRUNE_INTRO_1.pngAttached Image: GRUNE_INTRO_2.pngAttached Image: GRUNE_INTRO_3.png
GRUNE comes with a really cool intro cinematic, made of three different animations. I especially like that animation that says A DUKE NUKEM 3D Total Conversion. Must have for every TC out there!

There is one new demo included, of the first level, most likely recorded on second skill. The demo ends with the player getting killed by that new enemy.

GRUNE replaces LUNAR APOCALYPSE, so at the main menu, select the second episode and the difficulty level to begin playing.

Difficulty settings have been renamed: Feeble Mortal, Mortal Bravery, Godlike Powers and Total Damnation. I obviously played on Godlike Powers difficulty, which is the CGS equivalent.

There are plenty of new textures being used in the levels, most being taken from other Build Games such as Shadow Warrior and Witchaven, as well as other games such as Heretic, Hexen and Quake. And maybe some other medieval Duke TCs as well.

In the first version of the mod, only a few weapons are replaced and most weapons have different ammo amounts.

Pistol has been reskinned and holds 192 ammo in total. Shotgun is same as before but each pickup provides 8 shells, up to 40 ammo maximum. Chaingun is same as before but ammo pickups are worth 25 (weapon still gives 50) and ammo capacity is increased to 300.

RPG is same as before but with 30 ammo maximum. Pipebombs are now Spike Bombs, they use the same sprites as the ones from Duke Zero Hour TC and can only hold a maximum of 20. Shrinker and Expander are same as before but with different ammo amounts (30 and 75 respectively, additionally the Expander ammo now gives 15 per pickup).

Devastator is unchanged (at least in initial release), Tripbombs maximum amount changed to 5 and Freezethrower turned into Plasma Cannon with 80 ammo maximum (20 per pickup), which seems to burn monsters/turn them into flames or whatever.

Most of the aliens are unchanged, however there are a few new enemies. First, we have the Piranha (Shark replaced with Koi from SW), who seems like it doesn't deal any damage (?) and serves as an obstacle while swimming, though he can still be killed if you want.

Second, we have the Nightmare Enforcer, who is a Pig Cop replacement, who is very deadly. In the initial release, he looks like a weird red/devilish version of Ranger from Quake. In the updated release, he looks like some sort of a dark skinny demonic creature. This new enemy fires one Plasma projectile that inflicts a ton of damage, can kill Duke in like 1-2 hits, depending on how much health he has. E.g. having about 80 or less health, means that it is possible to get killed in just one shot. If Duke is crouching, then that devil will throw explosives at you that have large radius but don't do as much damage, therefore it is better to fight them while crouched.

The other new enemy is the final boss himself, known as Nightmare Keeper, who is described in the final level. He replaces the OVERLORD and he has 15000 health!

As for the items, there are beer pickups (give 10 HP up to 100), armor shards (give 5 AP up to 100) and a Magic Apple, which is a very rare item, usually appearing in secrets! The Magic Apple gives Duke full health and half armor, up to 100 both. It is best to pick this up when you really need health and armor, otherwise the item is wasted for nothing.


Welcome to Grune

Kills: 118
Secrets: 8

Here we have an unpleasant starting level. It is CONFUSING as hell and I had to check the walkthrough several times to progress, even looking in Mapster especially for a few secrets. The puzzles are just so convulted for no reason at all and there are some tiny switches on some walls that look like they can be pressed but they don't do anything.

There was one part which I guessed where I had to go by sheer luck. That part where you pick up blue key underwater, insert the key somewhere on land, the door nearby doesn't unlock, then you go back underwater to find THAT door you have seen was unlocked, which has a switch that opens another door at miles away.

The Nuke Button is now replaced by the Holy Cross, so you will know how the exit looks from now on. Strangely, the cross can be activated through the wall, bypassing the switch puzzle, though you still need to solve the puzzle for the secret exit.

Secret Exit: After unlocking the normal exit, use the teleporter to go back to previous room and you will notice a way is now open. Kill the Enforcer guarding the Secret Cross and that's it!

Annoying and confusing starting level. Not a good introduction to the mod IMO. Thankfully it gets better later on.
Attached Image: GRUNE1_4.pngAttached Image: GRUNE1_5.png

Facility of the Damned

Kills: 140
Secrets: 9

The secret level of the episode is probably the most straightforward level in terms of progression. It is also pretty well balanced, especially if you start it with plenty of health, armor and ammo.

There are some really nice parts in this level, some of which are inspired by E1L4: Toxic Dump, which include the cranes carrying barrels on conveyor belts.

The level culminates with a cool escape sequence, although somewhat unfair explosions triggered right in your face, which can kill you quickly. But first, you must solve a puzzle in the acid to make the whole room collapse and reveal the exit and once the puzzle is completed, explosions spawn inside the acid AND outside, so you need good timing to reduce the amount of health loss. Note that once the explosion sequence is finished, the ceiling starts to fall down, so all you can do now is run to the exit and claim your reward: ARMOR!

If you want to backtrack to grab secrets and all stuff you left behind, it is recommended to NOT solve the final puzzle. The earthquakes caused by destroying the computer panel earlier will eventually stop but there is no consequence for just stopping by and backtracking to grab everything in advance, so there is one more chance for you if you destroyed the computer (in room with two Mini Battlelords) and saved. Once ready, solve the puzzle and finish the level. I also recommend having as much health as possible, to offset the unfair unavoidable damage taken from explosions. My best result was having 162 health left, after a few attempts.

Overall, this level was pretty decent with some memorable parts and not too difficult to survive, outside of the nasty explosions at the end. Too bad not many people get to experience it. Let's hope the further levels are just as good.
Attached Image: GRUNE4_1.pngAttached Image: GRUNE4_4.png

Land of Disarray

Kills: 153
Secrets: 5

A really cool concept involving time traveling between three different time periods (Present, Near Future, Dark Future), very similar to a certain map from The Lost Duke Episodes, I believe it was one of the maps from the fourth episode which had the Time Machine.

Anyway, Duke has to complete puzzles in all three time periods and travel between each one, so that one thing will affect in the other timeline and eventually allow you to reach the exit.

Interestingly, this level was probably the easiest when comes to difficulty, as I only died once from that nightmare enemy hiding in the bushes. Outside of that, the monsters aren't very threatening in this map, as there is plenty of health and armor to overcome the challenge.

Many puzzles are straightforward this time, just like the secret level. Some can still be a bit tricky to solve. I recommend checking all THREE timelines whenever you activate something, that way you will find the solution. And when inserting the keys, make sure you are inserting them in the PRESENT timeline, so that the doors get unlocked properly, otherwise there is the possibility to get stuck (not yet confirmed, I only inserted them in the present timeline). Even the guide recommends doing this!

I highly enjoyed this level, on par with the secret level in terms of design, difficulty and progression. Let's hope the "final" level doesn't disappoint!
Attached Image: GRUNE2_2.pngAttached Image: GRUNE2_4.png

Grune Keep

Kills: 113
Secrets: 7

The last level manages to both impress and disappoint at same time. You have some really great stuff in this map (including some cool battles) which is ruined by some shitty design choices. Those being a softlock, a point of no return and one time only secret. Or shall I say, Two Times Only Secret?

Despite what the secret guide says, there are SEVEN secrets to find in this map. Not six but seven! The seventh secret is located in the final room, mentioned below and also apparently mentioned in the main readme file but not in the secret guide for some reason.

And then there is another secret, where you only get TWO chances to get it. If you use your chances, you can no longer get that secret! No, this detail is not mentioned in the secret guide and I am glad I could still access it later when I decided to grab that one Portable Medkit.

Around the same place, there is a Jetpack secret which requires an existing Jetpack (acquired from previous levels) to reach it. Another proof that this mod was made with continuous playing in mind. And if you don't mind backtracking and using more of your fuel before getting that nice new jetpack, fall down to a pit you have been earlier (before you got blue key) and use the Jetpack to explore the bottom, you might find a SENTRY DRONE! Then fly back up (about 25% fuel required). Yeah, I had to look down there to double check and I am glad I did because I could have missed that one enemy.

There are some interesting fights in this level, like the THREE Mini Battlelords you fight in the royal room (which killed me once actually but second time I survived with more than half health because they were less accurate) which guard the Red Key and some earlier parts where you grab the Yellow Key into that courtyard, which spawns a couple diverse enemies. Though I don't approve of the spawned Mini Battlelord after the Red Key, as you take down the elevator only to be killed by him because he was camping in the other nearby elevator. I guess that's why there are two Atomic Healths spawned on your way back. And thankfully the guide mentions this.

Then there is the red door where you insert the Red Key. I urge you to save here on one or two separate slots BEFORE inserting the key. If you insert the key and stand still, the door opens and then closes after a while. If that happens, you can't open the door anymore, you essentially get softlocked. I know this is to prevent backtracking in the last room but this leads to the possibility of getting softlocked if you insert the key and then suddenly decide to backtrack. Therefore, you are encouraged to find all secrets and grab everything BEFORE doing all this! Once ready, insert the red key, enter the final room, kill the two Commanders and now prepare yourself for what comes next.

To summon the final boss, you have to complete FOUR puzzles by choosing between FOUR switches for each. If you remember the CLUES earlier with the different symbols and when the room changed colors upon pressing the switches in all levels so far (one located in each level), you will choose the correct switch by shooting or even kicking it. If you choose the wrong one, you die! Seriously, Duke gets crushed. That's the punishment for not remembering the color/symbol. This puzzle can be solved by brute forcing it, which can be achieved by saving before attempting, dying and trying again for every combination. When you hear the activated sound, a pillar will raise in the middle of the room. Repeat until FOUR pillars are raised in the room, then press the FOUR switches on those pillars to summon the boss.

The final boss, the Nightmare Keeper, is a reskinned Overlord, who looks like some sort of a cross between two Quake monsters: Fiend and Shambler! Only difference is he looks like a floating sprite and when he dies, he just "freezes" in place until game ends. Note that the boss has a shitload of health! Yes, he has 15000 HP upon looking right now in the GRUSER.CON file! I ended up using most of my weapons' ammo to kill him, until I finished him off with Expander. Maybe I should have used the Plasma Cannon instead of other hitscan weapons but my strategy still worked fine of shooting him with everything I've got. I'm glad they didn't make him even stronger or else I would have ran out of ammo if the remaining explosives didn't kill him.

The boss also seems to only fire Octabrain Blasts at you, which is not that bad. He tends to get stuck, unable to reach you and rarely shooting you, which makes him an easy boss. He just has a LOT of health and I urge you to arrive at the boss with full ammo on all weapons. Only the shotgun and chaingun weren't full ammo in my case (I probably used them too often), rest weapons were at full ammo, which meant the balance was fine for me, since I was patient when fighting him, though I was worried a bit if my weapons were affecting him or not. Imagine if you are pistol starting this, there might not be enough ammo to defeat him.

Oh and thankfully, this mod includes a new ending cutscene (Duke quickly executing the boss) AND a new ending screen at same time. Good job on including these!

Secrets (only the important ones to mention):
-In the large outside area, there is a Portable Medkit that when you touch that sector, it will temporary lower a door, where you must rush inside to register the secret. Said secret contains 2x Chaingun ammo and Steroids. You only get TWO chances to get this secret, make sure you have a saved game before you try accessing this secret because it is possible to use both chances at same time if you somehow managed to trigger the sector twice (door opens and then closes).
-In the last room where you fight two commanders and eventually the final boss, there is a wall you can open on the right side of the room. It contains 2x Devastator ammo and an Atomic Health.

Overall, this level wasn't too bad, certainly miles better than the first level. But the various annoyances significantly dragged this experience down. At least the boss was fine and ended the mod on a good note, as he wasn't too difficult to defeat, he just made up for his weaker attacks with lots of health. And the new ending is always appreciated.
Attached Image: GRUNE3_4.pngAttached Image: GRUNE3_8.pngAttached Image: GRUNE3_9.pngpng]

Valley of Dispair

You can only access this level with command line parameters or cheats. If you want to use cheats, then either DNSCOTTY205 or DNSCOTTY206 (depending on the version of GRUNE you have) will warp you to this level. If you want to use the parameters to play this map in the original release, here they are:

Now about the map, I'm pretty sure the correct title should be Valley of Despair. And this map looks very familiar, doesn't it? Yep, it is a conversion of sixth level from SHADOW WARRIOR! Killing Fields was already turned into a CTF map in the original SW included as bonus, so why can't it be turned into a DM map for DUKE NUKEM 3D as well?

Well, you will find your answer right here. Other than that, there really isn't much else to say about this map, as there is no exit and there are no enemies and secrets. Though you can find three cracks which you can blow up to find hidden stuff. It's worth taking a look in Single Player mode, if nothing more than a small curiosity of seeing a SW map converted into DUKE3D.
Attached Image: GRUNE5_2.png

Overall Thoughts

There is no doubt that GRUNE is an interesting TC that starts out bad and ends up okay. While the levels are nicely designed (especially the later levels), they are plagued with too many puzzles and switch hunts, as well as that damn overpowered enemy that replaces Pig Cops and can completely destroy Duke in just one or two hits, if he gets the chance to fire and you can't dodge his attack.

At least difficulty settings are implemented, so if you want to fight less enemies, then feel free to do that. It still won't make that one enemy any less annoying but maybe fighting less of them will be more tolerable. The rest of the Duke3D enemies don't seem to have been changed at all, at least in the initial release.

From my own experience, the mod is not THAT bad on the third difficulty. I died probably about 20 times in the whole mod, mostly in the first and last level, a few times in the secret level and once on the second level. But also most of these deaths were caused either by that overpowered enemy or by suicide with RPG, the latter was sometimes done on purpose, as I wasted more ammo/health than needed and wanted to try again.

Therefore, what could have been an epic adventure can turn into a miserable adventure where you will be save-scumming and looking for clues to progress. A hidden switch that is barely visible, which opens a door at the other side of the map, which leads to more switch hunting, etc. You get the idea of the puzzles contained in the mod and there are plenty of them in the first level.

Of course, I should have seen coming that the last level also had to commit cardinal sins in form of One Time Only Secrets, Point of No Return and Softlocking, all being featured at around the same place/time. Just when I thought the mod got better, they had to ruin it with this bullshit. And then another switch puzzle at the very end in order to summon the boss. No, you don't get the solution right away, you only get some hints in the walkthrough guide if you want to quickly find the solution. At least you can solve it with the usual Trial & Error.

With that said, it is not impossible to finish the mod if you take your time and there is some fun to be had but you need to have a LOT of patience. And I mean a LOT of it, because a single level can take you up to TWO hours to complete, even with the walkthrough provided. At least the authors were kind enough to offer you both a walkthrough guide and a secret guide for free, so I can't be too harsh.

In the end, I am glad I have played the mod and I will eventually check out the newer version at a later time because I should be able to tell what I am supposed to do to complete these levels. It will be a while before I will come back to this mod. And I still haven't found out what is the level added in the newer release, other than it being called The Nightmare, most likely a different boss map, judging from what the walkthrough says.

Despite the somewhat mixed feelings (though leaning slightly towards positive because of the later better levels), I'd only recommend checking this mod as a curiosity. Skip the first level if you must because the later levels (especially the secret level and the second level) are well worth your time, if you don't mind dealing with the occasional puzzle every now and then.

And finally, if anyone can confirm whether the monsters killed by Plasma Cannon are counted towards kill or not, then please let me know. Because I didn't actually use this weapon at all due to fearing the kill count will get fucked up and same if the other monsters were accidentally killed by that new enemy, then I just reloaded the save. No, there are no in-game stats for the DOS version of Duke3D, they are only showed at the end of each level. I just need that wonderful 100% completion. :D

Anyway, looks like the newer FMX series (FM4X and FM7X) have won with one vote for the October Edition. Sorry for the delay, took a while to write this message. Hopefully this will wrap up this topic nicely and I will have the new topic up tomorrow at around the same time.

Thanks everyone for participating and see you soon on the October 2024 Edition! Have a nice day! ;)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 02 October 2024 - 05:00 AM


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View PostFistMarine, on 02 October 2024 - 04:50 AM, said:

I also enjoy seeing more people play older maps/mods in DOSBox. From what I noticed, older mods tend to break over time in source ports, which is one of the main reasons why I play older stuff in DOSBox. That and the fact Realm of Grune is one of the mods that are not included in the Addon Compilation for some reason.

After seeing the broken mirrors in One2Zero using Rednukem and finding out they render fine in the original DOS game, I thought best to play these as they were released and not chance any similar issues and stick with DOSBOX, both PYP and Grune have ran fine so far and got a nice setup for loading in/out mods without clutter going forward.

View PostFistMarine, on 02 October 2024 - 04:50 AM, said:

Don't worry, things get much better in later levels, for example the secret level (accessed from first level) is worth playing and even the second and third level have their moments, though not without some more confusing parts, at least in the last level. It's a shame that the first level is a confusing mess, with nearly every room being filled with cryptic puzzles. It discourages the player from playing any further. I continued to play because I am a completionist and I don't like abandoning games/mods.

That's reassuring to hear! I'm going to return and keep playing further sometime soon. I do enjoy the madness despite it's frustrating design during the first level, but wasn't near as miserable of an experience compared to LR&WB's opening level, which almost stopped me from bothering to continue. Grune's "puzzles" still kept me wanting to move forward because the vibes are quite nice. Looking forward to what the next levels have in store for me.

View PostFistMarine, on 02 October 2024 - 04:50 AM, said:

I have heard of ETERNAL DOOM from 1997 (not to be confused with DOOM ETERNAL from 2020) but never played it because of its reputation of having long and confusing levels. I have been going through plenty of DOOM related stuff as of lately (both official and unofficial, stuff that I have played or never played before) and still have some 90s megawads that I still haven't played to this day. So maybe one day I will go through ETERNAL DOOM in its entirety, obviously in DOSBox. :P

I do love Eternal Doom, it's one of my favourite classic wads because its a flavour suited to me, the slower paced atmospheric exploration. It can be confusing and daunting at times, yes, but there's a distinct dungeon crawler-like aspect to the whole journey and there's nothing else quite like it. The closest that embarks on a similar journey is Ancient Aliens, another wad I adore, except that one leans much harder on combat rather than puzzle/exploration.

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