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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - July 2024  "Three mappers for this month!"

User is offline   FistMarine 


What's this thing?
We play through a set of maps/mods during the month, and use this thread to discuss it as we're still all fresh with our comments/opinions/feelings about the maps.

What's the purpose?
Basically, there are 4 purposes:
  • Showcasing some of the older mods/maps to wider public - they definitely deserve the attention!
  • Getting more people to actually enjoy and appreciate the user content - because let's be honest, over the past 28 years this was really what kept Duke alive after all.
  • ...and while we're at it - keeping Duke alive by still enjoying it, as there's no new games in the franchise on the horizon (and let's be honest, they wouldn't be as good as some of this stuff!).
  • Having a more structured discussion on maps than what's going in "Last map you played" thread - which is great, but it's basically a monologue most of the time.

Can I join?

Sure, as long as you find some spare time during the month to play the stuff that's on the table!

Why a month?
Because people have lives, jobs or other stuff to do (like mapping). For smaller maps, this could be shorter time - it's all up to debate in the future!

What port should I use? Are mods allowed? Where to get the maps?
It's entirely up to you how you play the game, so you can use whatever port or mod allowed - it would be cool to state in your posts what you're using too, as there might be some slight differences between the ports! As for the maps, they should be always linked within the first post.

How should I play the maps or post about them?
Again, it's up to you. You can finish them all in one go or play them one by one whenever you feel like. On Doom forums, there's a rule that you should keep the pace by not posting about a map that has a higher number than the day of the month, so e.g. on 6th you shouldn't post about map 7 etc. I think that might be a good practice if there's a large interest in this, but first let's see how active the thread is for a start - so if there's nothing going on, feel free to post about whatever map you want to.

Previous 2024 Editions

Previous 2023 Editions

Previous 2022 Editions

Previous 2021 Editions

For this month, three old school mappers (Alan Page, Daniel Aashage and Magnar Jenssen) with 13 maps (14 if you count one map re-released) in total have been chosen!

These mappers were well known in late 90s to early 2000s and have released a fair amount of good maps. However, only one mapper returned in late 2010s to bring us another map.

Alan Page has created the following maps: JAILBIRD, JAILBIRD2, SEWAGE, WESTWUZ1.

Daniel Aashage has created the following maps: One2zerO, NeLiEx, WareHous, GOTHAM, POSEIDON.

Magnar Jenssen (aka C3PO) has created the following maps: LEAVING, RESEARCH, FRUIT, HOLIDAY, shockingtwist.

With the exception of Jailbird (both versions) which is Duke3D 1.3D compatible, all the other maps require Atomic Edition 1.5 in order to play.

At the same time, only the latest release by C3PO requires EDuke32 to play, all the other maps can be played in DOS version of Duke3D if desired.

What are you waiting for? Download the maps right here at the following links:

Jailbird (original version)
Jailbird2 (updated version)
West Was Won

One To Zero
Near Life Experience
We Store Your Crap!
Streets of Gotham City
The Adventures of Poseidon

Leaving L.A.
The Research Station
Fruit Loops
Holiday Holocaust
Shocking Twist

-First two maps by Alan Page, as well as most (if not all?) maps by C3PO have no difficulty settings implemented, so the gameplay is identical on the first three skill settings. Because of that, it is recommended to choose the Come Get Some difficulty setting when playing.
-Holiday Holocaust contains a new CON and ART file. It is recommended to install this map in a separate folder to avoid file conflicts.
-Jailbird is the only map compatible with Duke3D v1.3D. All other maps require Atomic Edition, while Shocking Twist requires a source port to play, as mentioned above.
-Jailbird was released on same day as Redneck Rampage.
-Jailbird was re-released a few months later as Jailbird2 with further bug-fixes. Both versions are included in the download for historical purposes but you are encouraged to play the latest version for best results.
-Leaving L.A. includes a new CON file. It is recommended to install this map in a separate folder to avoid file conflicts.
-NLE (Near Life Experience) contains a BAT, a CON and a GRP file. It is recommended to install this map in a separate folder to avoid file conflicts.
-One To Zero includes new ART, so make sure there aren't other ART files in your game folder before playing the map.
-Streets of Gotham City includes a gameplay demo in the zip file. It is made for Atomic v1.5.
-You can download all C3PO's old releases in a single zip from his website. However, the maps lack the extra ART/CON files in that archive, which may cause the maps to not work properly.
-You can also download Shocking Twist directly from C3PO's website.
-You can find some of the maps included in the EDuke32 Addon Compilation with further bug-fixes as well.

Have fun!

User is offline   quakis 


While semi-offtopic since these aren't for Duke3D, Magnar Jenssen (C3PO) also worked on some excellent Half Life 2 projects for those interested in their work outside of Build, which I've covered on my site: Mission Improbable and Whoopservatory

Holiday Holocaust had been a long time favourite of mine years ago, been a while since I've last played it but always had fond memories of how it felt, gave me some loose Duke Caribbean vibes. Honestly looking forward to going through all their work again and check out Shocking Twist for the first time.

User is offline   juvenite 


less goo, finally caught it first day. Don't think I've played any out of this list, so that's gonna be interesting. I'll compile my thoughts on a general opinion per author (unless some maps are standouts), so I'll be playing 'em in order.

User is offline   Quacken 


Hello again! I'm calling this map Jailbird but it will actually refer to the updated version. I'm not playing the older version.

Alan Page

This is a rather cozy re-introduction to Duke 3D user mapping. Map author Alan Page thankfully makes their progression easy and the monster count low to pair with the health starvation gimmick. Considering this map is most likely from around 1999 (neither text file actually gives a date), being able to actually interact with the doors properly is a rare commodity. It's only really the Commanders and the Battlelord that will give you any trouble in this map. Page throws two of them at you when you visit the cafeteria through the kitchen again and then locks the way you came in behind you, the one near the RPG ate two rockets like a fat sponge and killed me once, and clearing out the entrance (or exit, because you're leaving) to the prison feels more like work than it is a challenging fight. The only other fight I don't like is the slip and slide into a Battlelord jumpscare. It's just not particularly interesting to corner peek the Battelord, especially because I came into this room with 15 health. Jailbird's restraint and commitment to simple navigation make it a friendly challenge.


This post has been edited by Quacken: 03 July 2024 - 05:48 PM


User is offline   Quacken 


Hello again again!

Alan Page

The next in a line of one-word romps by Alan Page is Sewage. This map just feels good to play. It's a sweet and simple straight shot to the finish line that manages to find a way to string you back through the same handful of hub areas several times. If you ever get stuck, there's always a clue that will guide you forward, whether that be by looking on the automap or just looking around the current place you're in. You're never really forced to backtrack, which really helps in cutting out a lot of the bullshit that Page's ilk of the late 90s and early aughts loved to fall back on. About the only major complaints I've got in this map are the two tripmines that turn on behind you when you grab the Jetpack, and the jump you have to make off of the plank between two grinders to the other side that you can't see makes me nervous. The combat isn't particularly anything to write home about unfortunately. There's a ton more health here compared to Jailbird, but the density hasn't been changed to compensate. The Protector Drones near the end of the map failed to jump out of the building they're in for me, and the triple Battlelord stand-off is easy to dispatch with the heaps of explosives you get and a convenient ledge you can crouch under. Sewage is relatively basic, but Alan Page corners the market on these kinds of maps.


This post has been edited by Quacken: 06 July 2024 - 03:31 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


I'm starting with Daniel Aashage this month.

Streets of Gotham City

This one feels very classic-styled, but with some particular attention to lighting/shading details, which are nicely mixed with some functioning light switches as well. We get to travel a nice city block with a hotel, a cinema, a library, some shops, parking lot with some cute blocky cars and an obligatory building to be demolished. There are plenty of secret places which were quite easy/natural to find along the way. As for the progression, I liked how you could enter the red-key building (market) earlier by blowing up a wall (but still required the keycard to raise the switches), however it brought some confusion, as I couldn't find the switch combination in the liquor store, which happened to be behind a dead pig cop in a rather impractical location. The switch in the library, on the other hand, was pretty clever. The gameplay was a bit challenging at the beginning due to little supplies, but grew gradually easier - even the battlelords/commanders attack felt like a breeze as I've had a shrinker by then. Nicely designed level that doesn't overstay its welcome, definitely worth trying out.

Rating: 87/100

One to Zero

This is more of a "BobSP" kinda map, industrial/hi-tech with screens showing you the mission objectives, a lot of simple detailing/trimming and narrow corridors. Poor "We Store Your Crap" company apparently had another of its warehouses attacked by aliens and Duke, as their main henchman, has to clear it out. The map "uses new art" which in this case is just one barely noticable tile that's used somewhere for a lamp, which feels quite unnecessary. This time around, the progression was more confusing even if linear and straightforward, there was also quite a bit of legwork to do with all the backtracking. Combat was a lot more challenging as the supplies are really only given to the player after unlocking the yellow key door, to the point of having to kick some enforcers to death at one point. The jetpack, which is necessary for progression, felt like a secret place, I liked the more original take on the puzzles, but it was absolutely obscure. Button combination was also quite pointless, why would they locate two buttons on some ceiling beam where they are barely possible to spot, leave alone press?! Some areas looked pretty generic, though I still have to appreciate the detailed shading, which is top-notch.

Rating: 76/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 07 July 2024 - 05:19 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


We are concluding Alan Page's maps tonight.

West Was Won
Alan Page

I think I picked the wrong map to use a Rise of the Triad MIDI on. West Was Won managed to hold my attention for its runtime, but of all of the maps that Alan Page could have put 200 monsters in, they chose this exhausting hike through the desert. Page's craftsmanship really carries this one. It's less pronounced than their other two maps, and is hindered by the rather samey-looking areas in the first half, but Page allows you multiple ways to visit specific areas, opens up shortcuts for you to use if you missed kills or ammo earlier on, and if there is only one way to get to an area, always provides a clue for you to use to keep going. I especially like the fan puzzle in the underground bunker. It's a simple sequence, but it turns what might have been seen as a useless doodad into something you have to pay attention to as you use the switch to access the rooms on both sides of the crushers. The combat is a bit drowsy though. Page sticks to the same five goons for most of the runtime, reserves Sentry Drones for specific fights and only brings in Commanders for later in the map, when you already have plenty of guns to make them a non-issue. The token Battlelord at the end is a joke as you have the Shrinker by then. I also think the Blue Key's placement is a bit odd, as well as the Blue Switch being stuck behind a random rock in a dead end. West Was Won is fun if you bring your own atmosphere, but can get tiring easily.


User is offline   Aleks 


C3PO for a change now.

Holiday Holocaust

This is a short and sweet map with beautiful design - both classic, but also very detailed. There are some innovations, the map also includes new con and art, but they don't change anything significant - I think the art just overlaps some base game textures for easier trimming/possibility to use on doors and the CON only makes the regular lava very dangerous to be anywhere around. The map is very straightforward and linear, there are some puzzles, but nothing which will require more than 5 seconds of thinking. Despite this, there's a spot with a bugged SOS where I got teleported from the vents to the outside courtyard with the pool, this seemed like it was supposed to happen, but apparently blocked my progression. There are also some similar little bugs like a potentially life-threatening vent entrance and the annoying invisible blocking walls which are there for a reason, but still kinda limit the overall experience. The map has about 20 monsters and the combat is a walk in the park, but it isn't the main focus of the level, so I guess that's fine. I really liked the design - very consistent throughout, with detailed lighting and shading and perfectly blending the hotel and volcano together. Lowering the water level in the pool and how it was showcased to the player was a nice touch.

Rating: 83/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 11 July 2024 - 03:01 AM


User is offline   juvenite 



Very quick opinions here on Page as it's 7am and I really gotta go to bed. Alan's maps were okay, I played them in sequence and the latter two were rather confusing at times to know where to go. Jailbird 1 and 2 were like, barely different? I only noticed really minor things. Had to double-check if I was playing the right map. Either way, his maps are pretty standard as far as presentation goes, but at least Sewage and Westwuz had decent verticality and detailing.


Actually my favorite out of that bunch was, by far, West. I love sunny deserty settings and well, West is just that. Didn't get as lost in it as in Sewage, though I'll admit I cheated and looked at a playthrough to see how I could get the red keycard. Guess I was a little too impatient with puzzle-solving after getting stuck in Sewage (playing usermaps at 5am does things to your brain). The gameplay imo felt just right, it was varied enough to keep me entertained, not through the variety of monster choices necessarily but rather their placements and their surroundings that offer a different gameplay dynamic in each section of the map.

Closing Thoughts

All in all, maps show polish and are a solid experience. Although nothing groundbreaking, you can see his progression as a mapper when playing them in order, West being miles more enjoyable than Jailbird. I'll rate Page's collection an overall 6, with West scoring 8.

User is offline   Aleks 


The Research Station

An older C3PO map, this one takes us through an arctic (?) research outpost. There aren't many particularly specific labs, but there's still room for some surprises. The map has a neat and "compact" design (especially the slopes in the snow on the outside are a nice touch, although they could use more variety in shading maybe). The map is very linear, there are no secret places and just make sure you don't throw your pipebombs around like a madman as this will softlock you sooner or later - there are exactly 3 pipebombs provided and each one is required for progression to blow up a crack or other explosives, which is kinda narrow approach to level design to be honest. Another thing I didn't like where some quite nasty and unnecessary explosive traps (I don't mean the one after grabbing the red key, as this one was suggested quite strongly and made sense). The combat mostly "is there", but I liked the general balance of monsters/ammo and some octabrain fights in particular turned up quite funny. The layout is kinda just crafted for its purpose without much of either design "fireworks" or places to really explore, but it's all very competent and bug-free.

Rating: 79/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 14 July 2024 - 12:01 AM


User is offline   quakis 


Replayed HH for the nth time, this time I wrote a review for it which rambles a bit regarding lost potential. Review here: https://taw.duke4.ne...iday-holocaust/

User is offline   Aleks 


Near Life Experience

This one will conclude this month for me, as this was the last map I haven't played before. I have completed the remaining maps of all the 3 authors in recent 3-4 years I think, so will just make one last post later with a general overview of these.

NeLiEx is a nice "Half-Life" themed level that uses plenty of new graphics (which surprisingly well fit with original Duke graphics), including a bunch of new switches. The layout, trimming and spriteworks are particularly excellent here, as they combine to create largely "3D" geometry throughout the level. The progression might be a bit sketchy though - it requires some legwork with backtracking (usually nicely marked with respawning monsters) and I have to admit I skipped the blue and red keycards at first, as I couldn't find the first one (might be on me - it turned out the switch was located beneath a destructible floor grating in the control room, with a clearly presented pipebomb right next to it) and used the main gate as a "lift" to get up on the bridge. Luckily, this didn't softlock me in any way and I was able to re-visit the skipped areas after figuring this out. There are some clever little puzzles here and there and in general, the signposting is very straightforward. I also liked how the secret places were laid out - in the first one, you could see all the other ones through a viewscreen, but it was mostly a question of how to get inside and not about blindly pushing random walls. The combat is most of the time your classic early 2000s shotgunning of low-grade cannon fodder, but there are some encounters which will make your heart beat a bit faster, especially towards the end. Despite the generic hi-tech settings, the new graphics combined with some simple and smart detailing made the design really shine here. You can also clearly see/imagine the functionality of the whole building you are clearing out of aliens, culminating with the portal which you get to destroy. Really strong level with a good flow, a nice balance between combat and puzzles and a brilliant, original design which highlights the mapper's strengths. Probably the most interesting one for this month.

Rating: 90/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 15 July 2024 - 04:49 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


I nearly fell into the same trap I did back in April.

One to Zero
Daniel Aashage

One to Zero is map author Daniel Aashage's first map in the list, and not only is his last name a pain in the ass to spell right, his map is even more frustrating. Aashage's game plan is highly apparent from the moment you view the first security camera. He's big on cameras that provide you mission statements, but the trouble is that Aashage doesn't like telling you what to do or where to go. The Jetpack is in a non-secret - it's so well hidden that I started looking for it on the 9th of July and only decided today to DNCLIP past the Yellow Door. The combat is relatively uninteresting. Aashage doesn't provide a token Battlelord anywhere and there's no Pig Cop Tanks, and the secrets that actually exist are very easy to find. You get given a Shrinker right before facing two Commanders, and the four Enforcers afterward are as difficult as it gets. I also don't like how insistent the lightning strikes are. Having to stand in a box for a couple of seconds to figure out one of three asinine switch sequences while lightning inevitably takes 40 health off of you is the opposite of enjoyable. This map can take a running jump off of a cliff.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Hey everyone! Thank you for your comments so far and I apologise for the lack of response as of lately. As today is 25th, I will write a review of the maps by Alan Page, which I played/finished yesterday. I will also add the nominations for the next month. But before I begin, I will respond to a few earlier posts:


While semi-offtopic since these aren't for Duke3D, Magnar Jenssen (C3PO) also worked on some excellent Half Life 2 projects for those interested in their work outside of Build, which I've covered on my site: Mission Improbable and Whoopservatory

I have checked C3PO's website while making the topic and saw the screenshots of those HL2 projects, looked really cool. I confess I haven't played Half Life 2 just yet but I hope to do that one day. I enjoyed the first HL game, should also check the second game when I'm in the mood for more Half Life.


Considering this map is most likely from around 1999 (neither text file actually gives a date)

According to the date of files inside zip, both versions of Jailbird are from mid 1997.


Jailbird 1 and 2 were like, barely different? I only noticed really minor things. Had to double-check if I was playing the right map.

Jailbird 2 is a re-release of the first one with only a few changes, which I will list below in the review. For most people, I recommend picking either of them and for completionists, I suggest to play both, see if you can spot the differences.

Anyway, it's time for the review. As usual, I have played Duke3D in DOSBox 0.74-3, on CGS skill, all kills and secrets with keyboard only controls. Version 1.3D is only used for Jailbird & Jailbird 2, Atomic 1.5 is used for the other maps.


Kills: 87 (original), 86 (update)
Secrets: 4 (original), 3 (update)

The original version of the map was released on 7th April 1997, same day when Redneck Rampage was completed/released. In fact, it would be fun to see a RR conversion of this map just for the hell of it, even if it will play badly. The second version of the map was released on 22nd June 1997. According to the included text file:


Be aware that this map is only an updated version of the Jailbird.map.
I fixed the bugs, added a deathmatch, and changed some of the texture. It's
still the same old Jailbird, though.

This review applies for both versions. Secret guide is included for both versions. Gameplay screenshots included from both versions of the map. I played this map once or twice back in late 2000s/early 2010s after seeing a video of the map on YouTube.

This map is obviously inspired by E1L3: Death Row. Duke is captured and has to escape from the jail. The pistol is available from the start and the Shotgun with extra ammo can be found shortly after while escaping, which should give you a head start.

Early on, fights can be tricky due to limited health supplies and plenty of ambushes, even if you mostly fight the troopers, pig cops and enforcers in the whole map. Luckily, a Portable Medkit is provided relatively early, then not too long after, there are water fountains and toilets that can be used to refill health if desired. Armor also shows up afterwards, which will be a great help.

If playing the map in original Duke3D v1.3D, be careful of the paletted Pig Cops that appear in the map (Red and Gray variants), as they have twice as much health, which increases the chance of them hitting you back with a lethal shotgun blast. Luckily, I never died, even though I came quite close with 30 or so health at times.

There are also a few nasty Commander ambushes that can give you a hard time if caught unprepared. Ironically, the fight at end with two Commanders and one Mini Battlelord are quite easy, as you will be well stocked to deal with them. You can kill them quickly with the RPG or even with the Shrinker if you found it in a secret earlier.

Since the progression is relatively straightforward, the only advice I can give are for getting all the kills. In the room with those 6 switches, some of them will reveal commanders behind you. I recommend pressing them all (only two are required for progression, one on each side) to reveal the Commanders. After you did that, jump behind the machines and you will find a turret behind four of them, while two others have a box of Pipebombs and an Atomic Health. Those four turrets are easy to miss and will leave you wondering where are the missing enemies when you see the level stats at the end.

The last problematic kill is when approaching the collapsing tunnel, near the end of the level. There are two troopers, one in the right side who will most likely activate as soon as he sees you and another one at far left side that is easily missable and will most likely not even notice you. When the ceiling collapses, the inactive trooper will NOT get squished and can make you miss that kill. But if he has seen you, he will activate and will react properly to the wall crushing him. If you manage to kill him and wall crushes his corpse, you get TWO kills for the price of one! This explains why when I missed those four turrets initially, I had three enemies missed.

A small hint is that if you are continuously jumping in the tunnel sector with the touchplate, you will not activate it, so if you want to double check if that trooper in left corner is truly dead (if he does the choking animation and want to make sure he does not get up), you can do so.

If comparing the level stats between the two versions, Jailbird 2 has one less enemy and one less secret compared to the first version, as you will find out shortly. ;)

1) Upon finding the Blue Card in a small dark room, you will find Night Vision Goggles as well. Press the hidden switch in the right side to reveal 5x Trip Mines (weapon).
2) When escaping from the prison, you will see GUILTY! and INNOCENT? signs. Jump on the ledge and go behind the GUILTY! sign to collect Shrinker + 2x ammo.
3) Shortly afterwards, when going to the tunnel and the walls collapsing, a path will be revealed to the left side with a pipe you need to drop off and reach the last part of the level. Before doing that, go behind the pipe and go through the fake wall to collect 2x Atomic Health.
4) Near the armory inside the prison, look up for a tiny switch and shoot it. It will reveal a small passage behind you, which will lead to a room with a RPG guarded by a Pig Cop. This secret is ONLY available in the first version of the map!

1) Both versions of the map are compatible with version 1.3D.
2) Backtracking is possible from the sewers at end with the Jetpack provided. This should allow you to hunt for remaining enemies/secrets if any were missed.
3) Freezethrower is the only weapon absent.
4) Secret #4 is only available in the first version of the map. The second version of the map only has three secrets available. One pig cop contained inside the secret mentioned was also removed.

Overall, this was a nice classic styled map. Gets bonus points for being v1.3D compatible and for allowing backtracking. The only downside is not having difficulty settings implemented but if you have mastered Duke3D, you should have no problem completing this map.
Attached Image: JAILBIRD_1.pngAttached Image: JAILBIRD_2.pngAttached Image: JAILBIRD_3.png


Kills: 80
Secrets: 0

Although this map is well designed and inspired by E1L4: Toxic Dump, I found it slightly frustrating at times, due to some annoying parts, potential softlocks and lack of armor. Health also seemed somewhat scarce, as health pickups are quite limited with the Portable Medkit being the dominant health pickup and the occasional Large Medkit placed in a few spots.

This map appears to be sequel to Jailbird, as it finished in the Sewers and now we find out what happens next. Interestingly, it coincides with E1L3 and E1L4 being played in sequence. It's almost as if Alan was aiming to create an E1 replacement at some point. Although the text file mentions this map was part of a TC that never got finished.

I remember when I played this map first time back in late 2000s, I got stuck. I simply couldn't figure out what to do next early on. It is possible I eventually finished it once in early to mid 2010s when I gave it another go. This time, I not only played in DOSBox for the original experience but also managed to complete it without any walkthrough.

The only problem with progression is there is this part where approaching a corridor with a box of Pipebombs in it, the ceiling collapses and a door explodes on the opposite side of the room, which reveals where to go next. The problem is that one path that contains various enemies AND a Blue Card required for progression, will become inaccessible if the walls collapse from that corridor, at least from my understanding. Because of this, I loaded an earlier save and I tried to hop in the corridor without activating the touchplate, to be able to check those rooms without getting softlocked. Once I was fully done clearing those rooms and dropped down the pipe, I activated the touchplate and resumed the mission.

Other tricky/unusual parts in terms of progression were having to jump through some rotating gears to reach a ledge with a trooper and a switch. And the later part with finding a hidden Jetpack to fly up in the ceiling, which turned out to be the intended progression. These and the earlier parts seem to be the trickiest ones when comes to this map's progression, which can discourage some players from continuing if they are not used to unusual progression.

This map offers plenty of challenge. I died a couple of times, especially later on in the map when my health was running low in the 20s and had to save game often to progress because many enemies were killing me in one shot. Apparently, there are FOUR Portable Medkits present in the map and two are found right near the end, one being in an unofficial secret place which I found afterwards. So the health situation is not that bad if you think about it.

Armor doesn't seem to exist and makes this map harder than it should be. I think the author created this map with the intention the armor would be obtained from one of the pig cops. But I never got a single used armor dropped from any pig cops, which made survival much more annoying at later parts in the map. Especially since the health is already pretty limited, armor shouldn't have been neglected to contribute to the health scarcity.

The final battle involves fighting THREE Mini Battlelords. The easiest way is to do it by standing in the building and shooting with the RPG while taking cover from their attacks. Most of the time, the Mini Battlelords will sit in place and are easily killed after 6 RPG rockets each. But when I replayed this part afterwards with better health (instead of save scumming with low hp), I noticed one of them would sometimes drop off the platform and run towards Duke, which made things worse. Not sure why sometimes they were stationary and other times they were chasing Duke around. I'm pretty sure they are STAYPUT type, so I don't know why this happens sometimes.

Oh and although this map could have been easily compatible with v1.3D, it actually requires Atomic Edition, as you will fight THREE Protector Drones that jump off the burning building and one Pig Cop Tank. All of these are placed before the final battle with Mini Battlelords. I'm guessing Alan intended to release a second version of the map with more Atomic additions and have the first version of the map fully 1.3D compatible but in the end, he released a single version with those Atomic monsters thrown at the end. I also noticed the Shrinker is absent in this map, would have been cool to have it and some Expander ammo. Well, the next map actually has this covered, so I am not going to nitpick about that.

Interestingly, there are NO secrets to find! However, there are a couple unofficial secrets that will make your life much easier, so I will mention two notable ones:

Unofficial Secrets:
1) When going through the rotating gears underwater, you will notice a Portable Medkit on one of the sides. Carefully time and pick up the Medkit, as it will be essential for your survival!
2) Near the end of the map, when the THREE Protector Drones are dropping off the burning building, fly with the Jetpack on the left side of the building, enter the burning apartment and collect Portable Medkit, Steroids and 2x Atomic Health!

Overall, this was an interesting map but also somewhat frustrating at times and like Jailbird, suffers from lack of difficulty settings implemented, which can discourage less experienced players from playing the map. Even then, I highly recommend checking this out. It is a surprisingly well designed Sewer type of map.
Attached Image: SEWAGE_1.pngAttached Image: SEWAGE_2.pngAttached Image: SEWAGE_3.pngpng]

West Was Won

Kills: 195
Secrets: 1

A wild west themed map. Duke has to rescue his girlfriend from the alien bastards that have kidnapped her.

I remember playing this map once in the Attrition mod back in 2010 or so but didn't remember much of it, other than the premise of having to rescue Duke's girlfriend. The map was also not available to download on Duke Repository for some reason, even though Alan's other maps were. Though it is available on MSDN and other Duke map review sites. This time, I got to play it without mods in DOSBox and get the intended experience.

This is quite a tricky map, as it features a relatively high count of 195 enemies. Unlike the author's previous maps, this map has difficulty settings implemented but only for Let's Rock and Come Get Some. CGS is the intended experience, while LR is for a toned down experience but I can imagine there are still 150 enemies to kill in total, so be prepared for a wild ride!

Despite the high enemy count, most of the enemies are the weaker variety. You get a few paletted Pig Cops thrown in the mix but since this map is for the Atomic Edition, they don't get the health increase thankfully. Oh and watch out for the various enemy spawns at some points, especially when getting the Blue Card in the jail!

Ammo is only a bit scarce near beginning and you will need to use explosives for a bit to survive until you collect the Chaingun. Afterwards, ammo is no longer an issue, you will have pretty much every weapon (except the Trip Bombs). The Expander is also very fun to use in this map, especially on groups of weaker enemies and watching the gibs fly.

Health is provided in adequate amounts (mostly groups of small health pickups) but I also ended up skipping the Atomic Health pickups because I mostly spent the map with around 50 or so health and I wanted to pick them up when I was at least closer to 100. Bad idea and ended up suffering a bunch of deaths as a result but things eventually worked out fine in the end. If only I knew the map was generous with them, I wouldn't have saved them for the end. :P

Armor is not immediately given but after the first couple minutes, you should find one somewhere. Pig Cops were also generous in this map and got at least three used armor drops, which means armor was not an issue this time.

Progression is mostly straightforward, with the only part that got me a bit confused for a couple minutes was the Red Card which requires you to press the switch to open up the fans. One compartiment in one room reveals Scuba Gear, other compartment in other room reveals the Red Card. So once you unlock the other side of the room after an underwater trip, be sure to flick that switch and look for the fans opening in case you didn't open them already.

As is the usual tradition of Alan's releases, the Mini Battlelord is the boss of the map and appears right at the end. Once you have killed him and a few more aliens near the exit, you have won the map and have rescued Duke's girlfriend! Congratulations!

Secret: Near the first Shrinker pickup, there is a crack you can blow up to reach a room containing 2x Small Medkit, Shotgun ammo, RPG ammo.

Overall, despite the repetitive theme, I liked this map, although I was getting a bit exhausted towards the end. By the time I was looking for the Red Card, I wanted the map to be over already.
Attached Image: WESTWUZ1_1.pngAttached Image: WESTWUZ1_2.pngAttached Image: WESTWUZ1_3.png

In the end, Alan Page's maps are pretty good. They are nice classic Duke3d styled maps that are still enjoyable to this day. I had plenty of fun playing/revisiting them and giving them the proper conclusion after all these years. Looking forward to (re)playing the maps by the other authors.

Nominations for next month:

Pray Your Prayers 2000 + The Realms of Grune
Shadow Warrior

I decided to nominate PYP2000 again to give it the chance to shine, this time paired with a lesser known Duke3D TC. I only remember finding the existence of the latter from a YouTube playthrough that I watched back in 2010 or so. I never played it before, so it might be interesting to have these two TCs paired together.

Second nomination is the good old Shadow Warrior. Although its expansions were already chosen previously, the original levels weren't chosen before, funnily enough. Because of that, it is time to give Lo Wang another chance to win. :D

Not voting yet until next week. As usual, highlight the choice in bold and add a + next to it. I will try to play and review the maps from the other two authors sometime next week.

Have a nice day! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 25 July 2024 - 06:50 AM


User is offline   quakis 


Just popping in to cast my vote. I've got some reviews in the pipeline at draft stages that shouldn't take too much longer, still wish to check out more but we'll see. Been having trouble having much to say about some of these earlier releases, finding a hook to latch onto that's worth talking about beyond a generic check list. Got plenty to say about One to Zero though and Quacken's review for it made me laugh. I can't believe we're nearing the end of July honestly, thought I had more time to get around to more of these author 's levels so might have tackle them after this month's event is over.

+++ Pray Your Prayers 2000 + The Realms of Grune
Shadow Warrior

I've already got PYP setup for 1.3D and I'll probably check out the Eduke32 version after out of curiosity, it's a short experience so should be able to squeeze it in sometime next month. Uncertain if I can get around to GRUNE but I'd honestly love to replay it, don't remember much besides the final boss and it would be nice to replace my old review with a better write up. If anything these events are a great reminder to get around to stuff I haven't played yet or intend to revisit since I'm always being distracted by new releases across the different mapping communities.

View PostFistMarine, on 25 July 2024 - 06:40 AM, said:

I have checked C3PO's website while making the topic and saw the screenshots of those HL2 projects, looked really cool. I confess I haven't played Half Life 2 just yet but I hope to do that one day. I enjoyed the first HL game, should also check the second game when I'm in the mood for more Half Life.

If you've managed to remain unspoilt all this time and have a blind playthrough of HL2, then you'll be in for a treat. I replayed through the whole series a few years ago taking my time and really digging into the narrative and details. HL2 still holds up better than a lot of newer games.

This post has been edited by quakis: 25 July 2024 - 12:00 PM


User is offline   Quacken 


I'm skipping Real Life Experience. Sorry, I don't make the rules. Also, Half-Life 2 and the Episodes are really good and you should play them. My computer is about as powerful as sewer slime and yet it can still run HL2 and the other Source games at max settings flawlessly, that's how good the Source Engine is.

We Store Your Crap!
Daniel Aashage

From one warehouse to another. We Store Your Crap is able to partly make up for One to Zero by experimenting with lighting, ceiling ornaments, wall indentations, fake floors and other fancy things, but unfortunately that comes at a cost. This poorly disguised Dukematch map is everything wrong about Tim Willits' Fear and his Master Levels submissions amplified by required backtracking and some truly baffling level design. How do you have three small rooms, two hallways that lead to dead ends and one locked door and you place the Blue Key so awfully it requires me to use a DNCLIP to get past the Blue Door? Don't go into the 3D floor glass box with the Chaingun, because getting out is nigh impossible and it required me to use a second DNCLIP to get out. In the same vent system on the right you end up in front of a disrespectfully placed sign, and the only exit out of the vent requires you to take fall damage. You can skip having to get the Yellow Key by borrowing a trick from Caleb's book and Footstooling off of an Assault Trooper onto one of the ledges on the side of the building. But the worst one of all is whatever the hell the switch "sequence" is on the doors just past the Red Key. I didn't even entertain solving this one. Once I knew that pressing all four of the buttons on opposite (but mirrored) sides of the map wasn't the solution, I took the third and final DNCLIP of the map. The Large Battlelord at the end of the map cuts it very fine with the ammo you have to try and kill it, and there's barely any health here so it's not even that much fun to fight. We Store Your Crap is fittingly literal - that is, it should have been stored away on a hard drive and never seen the light of day.



+ Pray Your Prayers 2000 + The Realms of Grune
+ Shadow Warrior

I've been meaning to talk about Shadow Warrior in depth ever since we did Wanton Destruction.

User is offline   Quacken 


Streets of Gotham City
Daniel Aashage

Finally, we've got something palatable again. Gotham.map is a generic, boxy city that ticks all of the boxes that are seemingly required for a Duke 3D city map, and it seems that even Daniel Aashage can't screw it up too badly. He goes very heavy handed on navigational hints to the point of it being kind of irritating. I mean... just telling me in text where I need to go next gets the job done, but why would you need to solve a switch sequence in the grocery store to unlock the door to the bar? I managed to get all of the keys this time because Aashage managed to only put them in pitch black darkness this time around rather than stuffing them in impossibly obscure locations. The combat is also the standard fare, but this time Aashage does manage to fit in more of the Episode 4 monsters, and the Shrinker is thankfully in the eleventh hour and you actually have something that's worth using it on. Streets of Gotham City is highly average, and I doubt I would have actually enjoyed playing it without the MIDI I put on for it.


User is offline   DougQuaid 


Voting for ++Shadow Warrior

This post has been edited by DougQuaid: 27 July 2024 - 02:36 AM


User is offline   quakis 


Three reviews today, one for each author. I'd like to cover another Page and Aashage down the road.

Jailbird Review
One to Zero Review
Leaving L.A. Review

Speaking of Aashage, I assumed One to Zero was their first release but a line in the map template tipped me off that wasn't the case:


Other Levels : Many, some of them online too (Dukeworld).

While I was browsing Scent88, saw these two: Aquarium & Easykill. Their map templates list the author as Ashage, not Aashage, but the email address remains the same.

Leaving L.A.'s mapping template also had this little rant from C3PO, I'm curious which levels they could have been referring to at the time?


I made this level, because i`m tired of large, crappy levels, that takes several hours to get anywhere , and when you`re close to making it, the author decide to blow up a ton of bombs in your face.


User is offline   FistMarine 



If you've managed to remain unspoilt all this time and have a blind playthrough of HL2, then you'll be in for a treat. I replayed through the whole series a few years ago taking my time and really digging into the narrative and details. HL2 still holds up better than a lot of newer games.


Also, Half-Life 2 and the Episodes are really good and you should play them. My computer is about as powerful as sewer slime and yet it can still run HL2 and the other Source games at max settings flawlessly, that's how good the Source Engine is.

Thanks guys. I watched a couple YT videos many years ago about various Source Engine games but I think most of the experience will be fresh when I get around playing the games. I will definitely pick up HL2 soon (and maybe other Source games), after I am done with the other games/mods in progress and when I go back to revisiting original HL (including OP4 and BS) to refresh my memory on it. :)


While I was browsing Scent88, saw these two: Aquarium & Easykill. Their map templates list the author as Ashage, not Aashage, but the email address remains the same.

Interesting. Looks like I missed these two maps when I made the topic. Looking at the screenshots and the reviews, I guess we aren't missing much and I feel like there was enough content for this month. As for C3PO's rant, not sure which maps he was referring to but didn't Leaving L.A. also have an instant death trap right at the end of the level where you had to choose the right teleporter to teleport to the exit or else you died? More on that next time when reviewing C3PO's maps.

Anyway, I forgot to add in my previous review, from what I noticed by playing both versions of Jailbird last week, not only there were the changes already mentioned but I also noticed slightly more ammo added in the second version of the map, at least I noticed one extra box of Shotgun shells that wasn't there before.

Here is a review of all five maps by Daniel Aashage. I actually played NeLiEx first and then the rest four last Friday but for review purposes, I am reviewing them in chronological order. As before, I played Duke3D v1.5 on CGS in DOSBox with all kills and secrets.

1) I installed the maps in two different folders (copies of the ATOMIC folder), NeLiEx in one and all the others in another. I haven't noticed a single conflict while playing those four maps together but I sure could have used a different song in the background rather than hearing Dethtoll over and over again. Yes I know you can change music in-game but my point still stands.
2) I played GOTHAM and POSEIDON a couple times back in late 2000s/early 2010s, so I am nostalgic for revisiting them, especially the former, which I liked a lot at that time and this time I'm doing in DOSBox for the classic experience. Let's see how the maps hold up in 2024.

One To Zero

Daniel's first proper contribution, this is a warehouse themed map that could have been good but it is dragged down by various annoyances, such as confusing progression, excessive lightning strikes, some annoying traps and some game breaking bugs which are listed below. Oh and there is a mini maze with slimers in a vent, which I consider the lowest point of the map.

When playing the map, you will have to find a way to deactivate the forcefield, so the crane can pick up and drop things off at the other side. You also have to deal with a couple buttons puzzles that require you to only press/shoot two of them. They are spread out that this makes guessing annoying but from what I can tell, only two of them are correct, in the case of the ones in the large room with Devastator and ambushes, the correct ones are the two in diagonals, you just have to guess which side is it.

Then there is a crack you have to blow up in the entrance of the warehouse, the crack is difficult to spot and you are only given explosives after a while, specifically TWO Pipebombs but only one is needed to destroy the crack to collect the Jetpack (required for progression), so don't use both of them as you might need that second one later in the map. The problem is the destroyed wall is so narrow that Duke will get stuck inside with no way out.

I refused to DNCLIP (I don't like using cheats unless required for progression, such as in certain EDuke32 maps/mods that broke over time, which should be the rare exceptions), so I just tried to get unstuck for a few minutes but didn't work and then ran towards the wall to commit suicide and Duke got squished. That's why I recommend saving often and I'm glad I did, in case shit like this happens that can ruin your progress.

Oh and there is a part where you will come across two switches, one is already pressed. If you look up, you will notice two more switches. What you have to do is to turn off the already pressed switch and press/shoot the rest three switches. This will unlock a door required for progression later in the map.

But outside of that, I didn't have trouble with the level until once more at the very last ambush which spawns THREE Commanders in a narrow space, though you have the Shrinker at that point but the weird thing is that when I tried to crouch in a corner and shrink them, DUKE3D.EXE decided to quit with the error Too many sprites spawned or something similar. It happened a few times but other times I was able to shrink and get rid of the commanders quickly or even get killed in the process by eating two rockets in the face. Oh and behind the exit, there is a mirror (one of the couple ones present in the map), so you can shrink yourself for fun and finish the level while tiny (though using the Jetpack is required in that case). And finally, finishing the map will cause it to restart, due to the paletted Nuke Button. ;)

1) At the very beginning, break the vent, kill a slimer and jump inside to collect an Atomic Health.
2) In the room with the crane, press on the transparent switch located on the pillar to lower the ground and reveal a Portable Medkit.
3) Inside the We Store Your Crap warehouse, go near the red box in the corner and press on the hidden transparent switch to reveal a teleporter, which sends you to a crate room containing NVGs, Shotgun ammo and RPG ammo.
4) Near the Armory that requires Yellow Card, there is a hallway that leads to a bathroom (requires you to complete a switch puzzle to unlock the bathroom door). There are two panels, one on each side. Left is marked by TIBERIUS STATION sign, Right is marked by POLARIS OUTPOST sign. Press the panel on the right side to temporary reveal the panel on the left side. You need to be quick and jump inside to register the secret, which contains Freezethrower + 2x ammo.

Note: To unlock the bathroom, you need to go the crate room where you found Blue Card and look for the four switches placed on the crates. Crouch and press 2 switches, the correct ones are two in a row. Be careful of the lightning strikes!

Overall, this map could have been better thought out, as it is needlessly confusing. Still okay for a first playthrough. Maybe the next one will be better?
Attached Image: One2zerO_1.pngAttached Image: One2zerO_2.png

Near Life Experience

Note: Once you load the mod, you have to start a new game, select the first episode which is now called EXPERIENCES and select your skill level. This map replaces E1L1: Hollywood Holocaust and as expected, finishing it will send you to E1L2: Red Light District, so it is pointless to play further, there is only one new map in this package.

A nice Half Life inspired map with nice HL textures being utilized, that I would have appreciated more if this map was less confusing. Much like with the previous one, I had to peek in Mapster a few times to solve the puzzles and figure out the progression, because I got stuck occasionally running around not knowing what to do next.

Ammo is a bit tight early on, so is health and the armor until later in the map, though I managed to get used armor from a pig cop in the Red Card room, which helped a lot with the further ambushes, plus the Portable Medkit was very much appreciated as I was low on health at that point. Afterwards, the map becomes far more enjoyable, as long as you can figure out the progression and not end up running in circles.

At the beginning, you have to blow up the gate in the control room, so you can find a switch that lowers the bars in the vent with Blue Card, so you can then get it. And then later in the map, there's a few more parts that aren't the best explained but you have to guess what that switch did, usually it tells you what opens if you read the text placed above the switch and hopefully you will figure out your way.

At the end, there is a very cool sequence with the portal and various ambushes, you have to make your way to the exit before the place blows up while dealing with many tough spawned enemies, although that didn't seem to happen because I was able to wander around the whole map when looking for a missed secret and taking care of the spawned enemies without worrying about the time limit and place blowing up. The only part that closes after a while is the room with the portal, so be sure to not get trapped inside while this happens.

The only thing I dislike is the Mini Battlelord spawned directly behind you at the very end of the map, when Duke gets captured. I just find it unecessary and can kill you quickly even if you have lots of health & armor. I managed to survive his chaingun but I wasn't impressed with this dirty trick pulled off. Oh and it also prevents backtracking, so be sure to get everything in advance. ;)

Be very careful when getting one of the secrets, as if you break a certain object, you get softlocked! I recommend saving often and using at least 2-3 save slots when playing this map, just in case, as this happened to me once but I just loaded last save and kept that in mind when getting the secret again. More on that below in the secret guide.

Although I appreciate hearing a different song than Dethtoll when playing this map, I'm not sure if Stalker was the best choice for this map. I wish NeLiEx came with its own song included to add more to the atmosphere.

1) Inside the warehouse, there is a container you can get inside, which contains NVGs. Be careful to NOT break that bottle or else Duke is unable to get out of the container and will be softlocked with no way out. That bottle is needed for Duke to just barely jump out of the container. Jetpack doesn't exist in this map if you are wondering.
2) When reaching a corridor with some aliens and crates, there is a locked door that can't be opened from this side. Go further to take up the elevator and find yourself on a corridor with three doors leading to three small rooms. Each room contains a few enemies and items.
3) Inside the warehouse, drop off the balcony to get the outside area. Kill the two pig cops and two troopers, then pick up the Pipebomb and use it to blow up a crack to reveal a path to return to previous room. Now use the teleporter to get teleported in the small room you have seen at very beginning, which contains a Portable Medkit and Atomic Health.
4) Inside the freezer, shoot the switch through the window to unlock the door. Inside, you can find a Slimer and various goodies: HoloDuke, NVGs, Large Medkit, Shotgun Ammo, RPG Ammo, a box of Pipebombs.
5) At the beginning of the level, go upstairs where the vent is located (which leads to the Blue Card). There is a wall you can open which reveals a small room containing Shotgun ammo.

Unofficial: When going for Secret #2, look up, break the vent, collect the Armor (if you need it), kill some Slimers and eventually you will drop down in the room you couldn't access earlier. Inside, you can find Atomic Health, as well as Freezer + ammo.

Overall, this map was quite interesting with really good design but some confusing parts dragged down the action. And I also don't like the Mini Battlelord spawned directly behind you at the very end, it feels really cheap.
Attached Image: NeLiEx_1.pngAttached Image: NeLiEx_2.png

We Store Your Crap!

Duke starts without weapons this time on a damaged crate and has to find the pistol and the Blue Card to get out of the building. The problem is that this map has a few confusing puzzles and even getting out of the first room is a challenge because the Blue Card doesn't exist...yet!

You have to shoot with pistol through glass to hit 3/4 of those switches at far away and once you complete the sequence, the Blue Card spawns nearby and allows you to progress. I had to look in Mapster to see what to do because I just couldn't figure this out, though I had a feeling you had to shoot those switches far away through the glass. At least I liked the way you get the Red Card later in the map, by shooting up a vent and have it fall down.

I never had an issue with getting stuck with no way out. The glass room with the Chaingun that Quacken mentioned, doesn't require cheats to progress, at least not in the DOS version. I suspect it's the newer EDuke32 builds that have clipping changes and cause side effects when playing old maps like these.

In the outside area, you have to blow up a hard to see crack on one of the ledges. You get the box of Pipebombs (and later the Devastator) behind the fence by jumping nearby, Duke will grab the item through it. I guess that's what the UP sign is hinting at. If you can't see the crack or can't figure out the explosives, you can use the secret Jetpack to progress.

Upon entering the building, a full sized Battlelord will spawn outside, as well as various other enemies. The Battlelord doesn't pose much threat this time, as he seems to be spawned outside the playable field but can be hit with the RPG in the head. After 20-30 or so RPG shots, he will go down. I recommend first clearing the field from the aliens, stocking on supplies and finding missed secrets, before fighting the boss and finishing this map. When you beat the map, you can enjoy the original cutscene with Duke executing the Battlelord.

1) In the outside area, there are two ledges you can reach which contain various goodies. The one reachable normally (by jumping on the truck, collecting the Freezer and jumping further) contains a Jetpack and counts as a secret. The other one reachable with Jetpack contains RPG ammo and an Atomic Health.
2) In the outside area, on one of the sides of the central building, there are windows you can jump through, where an Enforcer will appear. Once you jump inside the room, you will find NVGs, as well as a door leading to a bathroom with Portable Medkit and a Toilet. Shotgun ammo and RPG ammo will also spawn outside on the ledge.
3) In the room where you find the Red Card, there are a few pictures you have to press, as they contain hidden switches. The pictures you have to press are marked by * symbol, while the others that don't need pressed are marked by # symbol. This will unlock a nearby secret room containing Shotgun + 2x ammo, as well as an Armor.
4) In one of the control rooms which contains two of the switches (they are the key to unlock the doors leading to outside area), you have to shoot 2/3 switches to unlock a nearby secret room with three more switches. Once again, 2/3 switches are correct and will unlock the real secret room at the opposite side, which contains Shrinker + ammo and an Atomic Health.

Overall, much like One2zerO, this map could have been good but got dragged down by various annoyances, such as hidden switches and overall confusing progression.
Attached Image: WareHous_1.pngAttached Image: WareHous_2.png

Streets of Gotham City

Ah, I have plenty of fond memories of this map. It even includes a gameplay demo that you can watch. I can't tell on what skill is being played but what I can tell is the player gets eventually killed by a Pig Cop Tank.

Anyway, the map provides really good gameplay, as health and armor are plentiful if you know where to look for (Armor is given right at the beginning too), ammo is only tight in the beginning until bigger guns are acquired and there are plenty of alien bastards to kill in the map, with some challenging parts and an amazing final battle against THREE Commanders and THREE Mini Battlelords! Though two Mini Battlelords have a tendency to run in other directions, so you may have to track them down if looking for all kills. Daniel also started using the Atomic monsters more often, so you get to fight a couple Protectors and Tanks in some places to add to the enemy variety.

As mentioned above, gameplay is somewhat challenging at times and if you are running short on health, you can always retreat to the hotel and drink water from a toilet or from one of the broken hydrants on the street (though you are exposed from multiple sides if you do the latter) and resume fighting.

Puzzles are this time around much more logical, with the only puzzles being the switches you have to look for inside the various places to unlock the next place. The problem is that an enemy corpse can block the view of the switches, as Aleks mentioned. So look carefully for switches to progress or blow up the enemy corpses if they start blocking the view of the switches.

Oh and there are a few cracks you have to blow up (usually reserved for secrets but the one inside the pool at end is required to reach the exit) but otherwise, the progression in this map is a lot more logical. Some secrets are also easy to find, while others can pose a challenge, as this time there are TEN secrets to find in total! Though some are located close to another, so you can find multiple secrets in one location if you know where to look.

1) At the beginning, before leaving the hotel, press on the bloody handprint to reveal a nearby compartment containing Armor. Jump inside to register the secret.
2) When entering the cinema, press on the telephone to reveal a nearby poster. Jump inside to enter the secret arcade room containing an Assault Trooper, a Pig Cop, a dancing babe, as well as RPG + ammo.
3) Inside Secret #2, press on the DUKE NUKEM II machine to reveal a nearby compartment containing Portable Medkit.
4) When entering the cinema, go forward where it says SNACKS & MAGAZINE. Smash the windows and kill the troopers. Now go to TICKETS, kill the pig cop and press on the computer. It will lower the COLA MACHINE in the nearby room, allowing you to collect an Atomic Health.
5) When entering the cinema, go inside the bathroom, kill the various aliens and go to the left, where you have four hand dryers (two in one side and two in the other). I recommend saving here in case you screw up the combination. You must press on two of the hand dryers (the second and third or the second in left and first in right) to lower the sink in the middle, which will reveal the Shotgun ammo. Problem is if you screw up, you will not be able to tell which dryer is pressed and which isn't, as the switches are invisible.
6) In front of the hotel, go on top of the ledge (can be reached with Jetpack or by dropping down from the building at the end of the level) and look for a switch. Press it to reveal a nearby apartment, containing a Protector Drone, as well as Armor, Shotgun ammo and RPG ammo.
7) At the next street, close to the market (requires Blue Card to enter), go to the burning trash container and an Enforcer will be spawned. Go through the windows in the left side to enter the apartment, which contains another Enforcer, as well as an Atomic Health and a box of Pipebombs.
8) Inside the supermarket (requires Red Card to enter), kill the aliens inside, collect the Devastator and then press on the cash register to reveal a compartment containing a Portable Medkit.
9) Inside the cinema, blow up the crack and then climb on top to reach a platform with various goodies: Devastator ammo, RPG ammo, Shotgun ammo. You will also find 2x Atomic Health. This secret can also be reached with Jetpack and if doing without jetpack, Secret #10 will also be registered.
10) Inside the cinema, jump on the right speaker to collect an Atomic Health. This and the above secret can be gotten at same time.

Fun fact: I believe this only applies to EDuke32 (a cool feature added in late 2000s or so, which lets user maps play the song that is named after their filename) but despite the map not having a MIDI supplied, due to the map being named GOTHAM, it will use the MIDI from E3L6 as the selection for this map. I remember that from when I played the map last time in EDuke32 a decade ago (previously, I remember playing the map in JFDuke3D). Otherwise, if the map is played in DOS, you just get to hear Dethtoll.

Note: If playing the map in DOS, DO NOT play pool (located inside secret #2), as once all balls enter into pockets, a glitch happens which causes memory corruption and the map becomes unplayable. At this point, it is recommended to restart the game, load your last save and continue playing, so the glitch is no longer in effect. Loading the save without restarting the game might also work but the safest working method is mentioned previously. Just make sure to NOT save with the glitch active or your save is fucked!

Overall, I highly enjoyed my time revisiting this map. Even with some flaws, it is a damn good city styled map. Just make sure you have some free time if you plan to get all the secrets in this map, it's gonna take a while. Bonus points for including a gameplay demo. :D
Attached Image: GOTHAM_1.pngAttached Image: GOTHAM_2.png

The Adventures of Poseidon

Another map I enjoyed revisiting and I really like the water theme this map offers, as you could tell from the title.

Like with WareHous, Duke starts without weapons but the Pistol is given right in the next room. In the meantime, you are given three Trip Bombs but I am not sure if it's worth using them against troopers, you are better off kicking them to death.

Health is provided in decent amounts, with two Portable Medkits available in the map, occasional health pickup and even two toilets when unlocking the bathroom at a later point in the map. Ammo is only scarce at beginning and even at later parts, you have to be resourceful and pick the right gun for the battle.

Unfortunately, the Armor has been neglected, much like in Page's SEWAGE map but at least this time I was able to get two Used Armors dropped by Pig Cops, each giving me 75 armor, so this turned things in my favor and made the map flow much better.

Once again, the bugs and glitches strike again. At a later time in the map, when blowing up a crack to reveal a switch and some shotgun shells, I went to grab the shells and Duke died instantly due to squish glitch. This happened twice and found it really annoying, as I could have beaten the map without dying (same case as with One2zerO) but at least I am glad I have saved the game often and used multiple save slots, so shit like this doesn't ruin the enjoyment of the map. Load game and get back into action.

There are a couple tricky parts when dealing with stronger monsters (especially with some heavy spawns towards the end of the map) but nothing too difficult, even with ammo running a bit tight at times, I still had just enough to deal with everyone. I even killed all the Sharks present in the aquariums, you can do that by throwing a pipebomb near the window at the right time while the sharks are near the glass, they will be affected by the blast radius. This will inflate your kill count but it's worth doing it if you truly want everyone dead in this map. Oh and finishing this map will cause it to restart, due to the paletted Nuke Button, so don't worry if the map suddenly restarts.

1) At the beginning, once you go to the second room, collect the pistol and kill the troopers, there is a vent you have to jump inside and press a switch. Go outside to see a compartment with NVGs is now revealed.
2) When you enter a room with the EDF logo (EARTH DEFENSE FORCES), there is a crack on the logo. Blow it up to reveal a secret room containing Portable Medkit, a box of Pipebombs, as well as Devastator + 2x ammo.
3) In the room containing a Pig Cop Tank and the Yellow Card, there is a hidden switch on the panel with the target, which will reveal a nearby compartment containing an Atomic Health.

Hint: It is possible to press the self-destruct button on a Pig Cop Tank through the windows. This can be done here with the one guarding the Yellow Card, which is in a rather cramped place. This trick will get rid of him without even taking damage from the explosion.

Overall, despite some flaws present, this map was pretty good. I had fun revisiting this one.
Attached Image: POSEIDON_1.pngAttached Image: POSEIDON_2.png

In the end, most of Aashage's maps don't hold up that well nowadays but I think his last two offerings are still good enough to check out, as they aren't overly confusing and they are pretty well designed while offering a good challenge at same time. If checking out the first couple maps, especially for the first time, caution is advised because of the cryptic progression that will discourage most people from further playing.

I also feel like those maps would have been better without those obtuse puzzles. It's not fun to get stuck and not know what to do for 10+ minutes. At least that's my opinion on them, other people enjoy exploring and looking for hidden switches.

Oh and I find funny how even in most of Daniel's maps, you will encounter paletted Pig Cops, usually the Red variant. I always liked adding a bit more variety to the existing enemies, even if it doesn't change the gameplay in Atomic Edition, unless you play in Duke3D 1.3D, in which case good luck dealing with paletted enemies with double health. At least this rule applies to user maps compatible with 1.3D, I don't recommend trying to play Atomic maps in Duke3D 1.3D executable, they will probably not even run.

In short, if you plan to play through Daniel's best offerings, then please play Streets of Gotham City and The Adventures of Poseidon. If choosing only one of them, I recommend GOTHAM because it is more memorable in my opinion. But even POSEIDON has a couple cool things going for it, so you decide which one to play.

Not voting just yet, I will do that next time when it's time for reviewing C3PO's maps. I am still waiting for Aleks to vote. :P

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 29 July 2024 - 05:00 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


The Adventures of Poseidon
Daniel Aashage

The Adventures of Posiedon is Daniel Aashage's last map in this itinerary, and this is sure a stinker to end on. I hope you like the Pistol and the sounds that Octabrains make, because the former is what you have to use to clear out the sluggish start, and the latter is what you have to constantly hear for the first 10 minutes until you can kill the morons behind the glass. Can Aashage try... not being an asshole? Is it really so hard to just tell me what switches do and to put them in places I can actually see them? The first room seems designed specifically to waste your time. Find three obscure buttons that could have been their own individual secrets, and only one of them is actually kind of easy to find. The other two are stuck on a spiral staircase of agony that is pitch black on both ends... and that's where the buttons are! I initially used a DNCLIP to get past the door but at the very end of the map, I finally found the last button I needed to open the door properly. So subtract a DNCLIP use for finding the intended path, I guess. Look, you might not like cheating, but I've got limited time and I've also had my patience heavily tested by three other maps. I used a second DNCLIP for real to get past the Blue Door. You don't just put a button behind a toilet and then not give a single hint on what it does. Clearing the Battlelord up on his post was awful, and so was trying to look for the intended way forward. I used a third DNCLIP to get the Yellow Key and was able to make my way to the finish line. A Sentry Drone behind the exit door is a wonderful way to cap things off, obviously. I despise this map and you couldn't pay me to play it again.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Forgot about the kill count in Daniel's maps (secret count not needed since the number of secrets is already specified in the review) and I am also including the kill count for the C3PO's maps as well.


One2zerO -> 76 kills
NeLiEx -> 108 kills
WareHous -> 83 kills
GOTHAM -> 112 kills
POSEIDON -> 108 kills

LEAVING -> 43 kills
RESEARCH -> 94 kills
FRUIT -> 39 kills
HOLIDAY -> 22 kills (3 missed)
shockingtwist -> 57 kills

Also forgot to mention the hidden switches in POSEIDON map (three in the second room and two in the bathroom), even though I managed to find them easily in this playthrough. Sorry you had an awful time playing most of these maps by Aashage. Hope you will have more fun with the C3PO's maps, if there is still time left this month, though I'd suggest to take a break and not overwhelm yourself with these remaining maps, even though the maps by C3PO are much shorter and far less confusing than any of Daniel's maps.

Anyway, here is the long awaited C3PO maps review and wrapping up this month's choices. Same settings as before but this time EDuke32 r8494 (latest 2019 build) was used to play the last map, which is the only one to require a source port in this month's choices and is also the author's only map I never played before, the rest four I have already played a few times back in 2010 or so.

I also put LEAVING and HOLIDAY in two separate folders to make use of their con files while replacing the original con files to make the maps work. This is why I recommend making copies of your original DUKE3D folder, so you keep the main folder clean and use as base for whatever maps/mods you install, as certain maps/mods have a tendency to alter your original files with their included setups, even if they have batch files to backup your files, the batch file can fail and can leave your files modified. Oh and speaking of which, do not bother running any of the included batch files, just load the maps with the following parameters if playing in DOS:


Change EXAMPLE.MAP into whatever is the name of the map you are playing.

Notes about C3PO's maps:
1) Save often and use multiple save slots when playing the maps!
2) Puzzles are mostly the logical type, usually a single Pipebomb is given which is required to blow up a crack at some point, so don't waste it on enemies, as the readme file suggests.
3) Points of no return are frequent in some maps, sometimes even having multiple of them in the same map.
4) Maps have no difficulty settings implemented, so just pick Come Get Some for the intended experience.
5) Maps contain a funny story that helps to set the mood for the map.
6) Maps are pretty short, taking about 15-20 minutes to complete. I have finished all of the author's maps yesterday in just about 3 hours with short breaks taken in between them.
7) Health can be a bit scarce at times, though most maps compensate by giving you places to drink water from, in case you are running low on health and there are no other pickups anywhere.
8) Armor is only found once in each map, sometimes hidden or placed in a secret place. Be sure to look out for it. Though you can get more armor from dead pig cops sometimes.

Leaving L.A.

Note: Before playing the map, rename the included file user.2nd to user.con and replace the existing USER.CON file in your directory where you installed the map. Hopefully you made a backup copy of your DUKE3D folder before doing all that. ;)

A nice classic styled map. Duke enjoys his time at the motel, then a surprise awaits him at the door. Seriously, just read the story texts before playing the maps, they are pretty funny.

This map comes with an optional user con file which according to the included text file, makes a few changes to the trip mines. I don't think it is essential to play the map, as I played without the con file in past playthroughs but this time I played with the con file loaded to get the intended experience. The changes are listed below:

The first change is reducing the capacity of Trip Mines to 5, as you can tell from the HUD. This has no effect during the game because there are no Trip Mines you can collect in this map, instead there's only ones already set up for traps. The second change makes trip mine laser invisible. You are given NVGs shortly before encountering the trip mines and they will help to see the laser.

Outside of that, the rest of the map plays like classic Duke3d and is quite enjoyable for the most part. Ammo can be a bit scarce at beginning and it will take a while before you get the actual armor pickup but at least you are doing well on health if you don't mind taking occasional trips to the nearest water source.

Progression is often standard, although you need to do some backtracking at times and there is a hidden switch that I had to look in Mapster to progress to lower some bars because I didn't think there would be a switch placed in that tiny apartment.

Then, in the room where you get the Red Card, there were some obnoxious traps involving trip mines that can kill Duke quickly, often in two hits if you survive the first blast, though usually the second exploding tripmine will finish off Duke. This took a bunch of attempts and got a bit on my nerves, as the invisible laser really added to the map's difficulty and I forgot to use the NVGs to detect the lasers, even though I remembered this bullshit part from the very old playthroughs from early 2010s. Eventually, I made it alive and continued my way until the end where I had to choose wisely which teleporter to take and also watch out for the pig cop spawning behind you.

At the very end, you get to choose between three teleporters: one that doesn't work, one that kills you and one that sends you straight to the exit. I took the correct one because I looked in Mapster earlier while looking for the hidden switch. Oh and once you took the teleporter to the exit vehicle, there is no way back to the rest of the level, so be sure to kill all enemies and get the secret in advance. Additionally, it's impossible to return to the starting apartment, so grab the ammo and health before leaving the apartment at beginning of map.

Secret: After exiting the restaurant, you should find yourself in a different area with more enemies ambushing you. Jump on the ledge and then jump through one of the windows to reach an apartment where you can collect Shotgun ammo.

Unofficial: At the entrance of the motel, kill the two pig cops and press on the computer to reveal an Armor pickup inside the picture near the elevator. Watch out for the spawned Enforcer waiting outside.

Overall, this was a nice city styled map with some really frustrating parts that the map would have been better without them.
Attached Image: LEAVING_1.pngAttached Image: LEAVING_2.png

Research Station

A pretty cool map taking place at a research station over the north pole. Duke is sent there to investigate after the transmissions with the scientists have been stopped.

Make sure to grab the Armor at the beginning, it is essential. And as the text file tells you, DO NOT waste the single Pipebombs you get, use them to blow up cracks to progress and later to blow up those canisters to open the path to progress further.

Ammo seemed adequate but health seemed quite scarce at times, even if carefully collecting the health pickups. I had some problems with avoiding some enemies' attacks in those cramped corridors. Luckily, there is one water fountain you can use to refill health upon taking the elevator. Afterwards, I didn't have much too trouble and the Atomic Health hidden behind fire was also a great help to survive some nasty explosion traps that were featured inside those underground tunnels.

Unfortunately, I died once near the end when the building exploded behind me, after crawling below the door with the parked car nearby. I found this kinda bullshit to be honest, since there was no way to tell in advance. Well, I knew afterwards to not stay too close to that building exploding, so not much of an issue, since I have been saving often as usual.

Which reminds me, backtracking is prevented a few times as a result of the places exploding behind you. Afterwards, you have to kill a few more enemies and the map is over. Once stepping into exit sector, you are sent to Hollywood Holocaust!

Aside from the in your face explosions (which also prevent backtracking), this was a pretty nice map. Oh and there are no secrets to find, so you don't need to find anything.
Attached Image: RESEARCH_1.pngAttached Image: RESEARCH_2.png

Fruit Loops

Another nice and short map with some quite tricky sections, as armor is only available in a secret much later in the map and health is quite scarce, at least until the end where a water fountain is offered just in case. Design is really good and the section near the end of the level was later reused in one of the early CBP maps, which is a memorable part that still sticks to my mind to this day.

As mentioned, gameplay is tricky, as combat is quite cramped and is easy to lose health over time. As happened in Leaving L.A., pig cops have started dropping used armor only AFTER I just picked up the secret Armor pickup and often in cramped corridors where I was forced to grab armor at 80-90, thus wasting the extra points for nothing. Oh and I had to grab the secret Atomic Health to save myself from dying, as I was at less than 30 health at that time and couldn't find any more regular health pickups.

Progression is fine, early on you have to swim through acid and then later you have to collect keycards while fighting various monsters. An elevator switch seemed to not work when getting to the top, which seemed to prevent backtracking, at least from what I remember. Speaking of which, there is one or two more points of no return afterwards, so make sure to get all three secrets in advance, which are actually placed relatively close to one another.

In the room with the detonator, you must go near the door and press on it to put the explosive charges. Then crouch in front of detonator and press on it, step back and watch the explosions. Use the water fountain right now if you need more health, kill the last few enemies and the map is over. Once you finish the map, you get sent to...Hollywood Holocaust! ;)

1) After unlocking the door with the Blue Card, go at the end of the corridor and blow up the gate to access Armor.
2) Once you unlock the door to the room filled with crates and get ambushed by two enforcers, press on the different shaded wall to reveal a teleporter that will send you to a room containing an Atomic Health.
3) At the beginning of the map, before jumping into acid, go along until you find a portion of wall missing. Inside, you can find Devastator + 2x ammo.

Overall, this was a pretty nice map. I like the creativity and design behind it.
Attached Image: FRUIT_1.pngAttached Image: FRUIT_2.png

Holiday Holocaust

A nice pun on the name of the first level of Duke3D. Duke enjoys his vacation at a hotel until two days later when the volcano erupts and the aliens arrive at same time to ruin his plans further. HOLIDAY is quite linear and fairly well designed map.

The map contains a new game.con file, as well as an art file. As mentioned earlier by Aleks, the new con file makes lava very deadly, but it also turns Burgers and Whiskeys into health pickups, an idea mostly inspired by Redneck Rampage and later reused for the DukePlus mod in which Duke can consume various food items for health. This is a neat feature and the player has to rely on Burgers (10 HP) and Whiskeys (15 HP) to survive in this map because there are no other sources of health, besides the toilets only featured at the very beginning of the map.

Gameplay should be pretty straightforward, if you pay attention to the viewscreens. Ammo is adequate, as you mostly use Pistol and Shotgun against weak enemies, with Pipebombs reserved for puzzles. Health is a bit tight and only available through the consumables. Armor is given a bit late and doesn't get much use. The only difficult part is having to jump over lava, as it hurts like hell even if standing near it. I didn't die but I certainly loaded my save when I lost a considerable amount of health because I was afraid I wouldn't have enough health to make it through the map with only 40 or so, eventually making with only losing a bit of health and still having about 80. Duke also seems to scream in pain when near lava even if he has plenty of health, so yeah the lava is no joke and far deadlier than any other hurt floors in the game.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason in the con file, the items are given the "enemy" flag, which has the side effect of the items pushing you off if you manage to get on top of them when grabbing them. This also has the unfortunate side effect of these items counting as enemies, preventing you from getting all the kills. This is because the actors have the following parameters (taken from included game.con):
useractor enemy WHISKEY

useractor enemy BURGER

I'm pretty sure C3PO meant to have useractor notenemy, like the other new actors introduced that are related to the lava. And no, picking up these items (when you have less than 100 health), doesn't seem to influence the kills, so it doesn't matter if you pick them up or not. Other people can confirm, since I have no way to check in-game stats in DOS Duke3D until the level is finished.

Because of this, you can only achieve a maximum of 22 kills with 3 enemies missed. The slimer eggs helped a bit to offset the kill count but not enough to compensate for all those "missed" enemies, therefore 100% kills is not possible at all. Well maybe if you play the map on Damn I'm Good and you get "N/A" enemies missed instead.

Upon further inspection in this case, there are 4 whiskey bottles and 2 burgers, which means 6 consumables counting as enemies. Because there are 3 slimer eggs as well, this will only offset one half of these "misses". Therefore, assuming all enemies are killed in the whole map, three enemies missed seems accurate in this case.

There are no secrets to find, so you don't need to look for them. Once you reached the jeep, the level ends and you get sent to... HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST! No seriously, this happens with user maps finishing with End Of Level Sector in vanilla Duke3D. It's quite funny in this case and makes for a very cool twist. :D

Overall, this was a really interesting map with a nice design and some cool things going on. Just a shame you can't get all kills because of the consumables counting as enemies.
Attached Image: HOLIDAY_1.pngAttached Image: HOLIDAY_2.png

Shocking Twist

A nice classic city styled user map. The starting area reminds me of the Sewer map by Levelord.

Gameplay is pretty standard, mostly fighting against weak enemies, with the finale culminating with THREE Commanders. For the first time, C3PO uses the Protector Drone, although he only appears once in the map in one spot in inactive state, so he can be easily killed.

Respawns are rarely used in favor of having monster closets open up over time, which was quite interesting and refreshing. It also guarantees that enemies will not get stuck in corners of the map when they wander for minutes, so I think pretty much everyone should be able to get all 57 kills in this map.

I only found two secrets by myself (RPG and Devastator), with the rest I got at the end of the level. Seems I mostly missed the extra health from the secrets, though I was able to do just fine with 100 health. Since this map is fairly easy (much easier than all previous maps too), I didn't take too much damage, probably didn't even drop below 70 health and I didn't grab the full armor since I had already gotten used armor (50) relatively early that lasted to the end of the map.

Funnily enough, I even got a Chaingun dropped by the first Enforcer, yet I didn't make use of it until I got the actual weapon pickup since I wanted to save the 50 ammo for later. Either way, ammo for the first three weapons is plentiful, you are guaranteed to finish the map with 200 pistol ammo, 50 shotgun ammo and 100+ chaingun ammo. And that's without counting most other available weapons (Shrinker/Expander and Tripbombs are absent).

1) Inside the warehouse, right where you find the Yellow Card, break the window and jump to reach an Atomic Health.
2) Near the end of the map, when fighting against Octabrains, there are two orange doors. Press on one of them to access a hidden elevator leading to Devastator + ammo.
3) When entering the lobby, there is a crack you can blow up, which allows you to access RPG and Large Medkit.
4) After raising the elevator at start, enter the building, there is a room with a pig cop and two troopers. Press on the wall to access Freezethrower and 4x ammo. Note that you only need to grab 3x ammo and the Freezethrower to get full ammo, so make sure to grab the weapon before the ammo pickups to not waste 25 ammo for nothing.
5) After raising the elevator at start, go behind the container and blow up the sewer hole. Swim until you reach an island with a dancing babe and an Atomic Health.

Unofficial: Enter the building and blow up the crack to access an Armor.

Overall, this was a nice city styled map. Everything is on point and felt like a relaxing experience, a good way to end this month's choices on a positive note. :)
Attached Image: shockingtwist_1.pngAttached Image: shockingtwist_2.png

In the end, C3PO's maps are nicely designed, feel like short compact maps that can take about 15-20 minutes to complete each. Depending on map, the puzzles are kept to a minimum and the maps in general provide some good challenge as well.

The only downsides are some cheap insta kill traps in some early maps, the non-existent enemies in Holiday Holocaust and the lack of difficulty settings implemented in all the maps. Well, for the latter, at least Shocking Twist is fairly easy that it won't be much of a problem for anyone, Holiday Holocaust can also be considered quite easy with only the lava being the actual threatening obstacle in the map. The rest maps can be quite tricky to handle at times if you get unlucky with damage taken and enemy drops but really, these maps aren't that hard, you should just plan ahead and save your game often.

Outside of these issues mentioned, the maps were pretty fun and enjoyed my time with them, much more than Daniel's earlier offerings, as I didn't have to check Mapster a few times to see how to progress, except the one or two parts in Leaving L.A.

Closing Thoughts: It was a fun month to revisit many of the maps chosen, as well as experience some others for the first time. I had plenty of fun and highly recommend playing most of the maps of this month.

A short warning when playing Aashage's earlier maps, as they can be really confusing and I don't think they hold that well for 2024 standards. Some parts in Alan's maps and C3PO's maps can also be slightly confusing but hopefully you will be able to make it to the end without too much trouble.

And now, the results for the next month's choices:

Pray Your Prayers 2000 + The Realms of Grune +
Shadow Warrior +++

I voted for Shadow Warrior. Seeing as it already got 2 votes before and thought it would be nice for Lo Wang to shine during August, which is the month when the full game came out (at least when the game was completed and manufactured for retail), so it's meant as a small celebration as well. Don't be disappointed if the other choice didn't win, that will be ready for September. And then for what comes afterwards, it's a surprise.

Therefore, Shadow Warrior wins the next month choice. Thanks everyone for participation, have a nice day and see you soon on the August 2024 edition of the Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club! ;)

User is offline   Aleks 


Wow, I'm surprised with Quacken hating on Daniel Aashage's maps, but that might be overplaying Duke again - so maybe better to take a breather before taking on C3PO's maps. I'll do a short "from memory" write-ups for the remaining maps in this post:

Fruit Loops

This one's a classic, short but sweet with slightly BobSP-esque architecture mixed with classic and clean design. The memorable TNT box explosion at the end might have inspired some of my early designs. As with apparently all of C3PO's maps, this one is pretty linear and straightforward, with some kind of "goal" set up.

Rating: 82/100

Leavin L.A.

Another classic, this time a very short city map with some back-story. Considering the release date, the quality is pretty remarkable. As for what Quakis mentioned, I imagine he didn't necessarilly mean any map in particular, just the overall trend at the time to just create large and "chaotic" maps without much care for the design itself. IIRC Azneer Building, although fairly earlier, had some similar remarks in the text file.

Rating: 86/100

Shocking Twist

This one came like a bolt from the blue, with C3PO seemingly going back to the roots of mapping and pulling up something with very 3DR-ish type of design. The map has a lot of moving elements and texturing that's clearly reminding of the original episodes. Finally, the visual (and well, textual) storytelling is very strong here - I like how the plot is very much like in a B-class sci-fi horror movie, which fits the style of Duke very well.

Rating: 88/100


I honestly don't remember much about this map, as I've probably played it along some other prison maps from similar times which blended a bit together - I'd certainly have more to say (and fonder memories) of slightly earlier Bud Drakir's map Escape from Alcatraz which was done in similar theme and style, although with much more creativity. This one was still better than some other jail/Alcatraz maps, which were quite plenty back then.


This one positively surprised me back in the day, it had very detailed and clean (if you can use this word for a sewer map) design and some creativity was certainly put to make the progression more interesting. I don't recall any difficulties with the progression back from when I played and it was by far my favourite of Page's maps.

Rating: 90/100

West Was Won

This one, on the other hand, overstayed its welcome by quite a bit. There was a storyline about Duke rescuing his girlfriend, but I wasn't too happy about how it suddenly kinda switched themes from the western/canyon to the base that opened up in the rocks.

Rating: 81/100

The Adventures of Poseidon

I played this one a couple of times and always considered it one of the "trendier" maps of its time. The design was spot on, a lot of interesting SOS and more interesting geometry than just the regular, blocky rooms along with some nice tricks (I remember the room with the carpet opening).

Rating: 89/100

We Store Your Crap

The design here was clean and followed the same style as other Daniel's levels, but the inside of the warehouse felt a bit too symmetrical. I remember the puzzles being a bit annoying, but nothing that I would a solid drawback - and the combat was remarkable, I definitely enjoyed it.

Rating: 85/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 04 August 2024 - 11:45 AM


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