I followed the instructions via readme and I'm unable to save my progress.
Every once in a while when we get an influx of new players, we get a report like this. It seems to be an Eduke32 thing (not mod specific) that can manifest depending on where you install. I made a thread about it in 2018:
I don't know the root cause, but I have 3 suggestions:
1) Post your eduke32.log file here (use spoiler tags around the text because it will be long)
2) Try moving your install folder to your desktop
3) Try using the most recent version of EDuke32 from here: https://dukeworld.co...ke32/synthesis/
It is done. I know I said I would have this months ago, but unfortunately, while I was still playing, I hit serious burnout. I had been playing Duke Nukem for months beforehand, half of which was in anticipation of the February/March release of Alien Armageddon itself. Not only that, but I had burned out so much that I didn't even want to touch any FPS for a while. And that's the genre nearest and dearest to my heart.
What can I say? I love Duke Nukem 3D. I dunno what you want from me.
Wall of text ahead:
When I recovered, even though my last attempt ended at the beginning of Caribbean, I restarted my attempts (as yet another excuse to do so, because if it isn't clear already, spoiler alert: I really like Alien Armageddon). I did three (complete) playthroughs: Classic Duke solo with no randomization followed by the team up and randomization on for the new episodes, the team + rando for the classic episodes, Duke solo with no rando for New Invasion (just told Shelly to wait at the start of every level, sans her exclusive one) and the Expansion episodes, and then Bombshell solo with rando on for everything.
I wanted to see everything this game had to offer, so I went through multiple playthroughs in a row. This isn't even accounting for the first several attempts before the burnout, where I was frequently playing "scattershot" just because I was looking for excuses to extend my playtime and savor this thing.
Yeah I'm front-loading my opinion on this game (I still refuse to call it a mod), but I'm going to go into greater detail about why I love it so much, some suggestions I have to maybe improve it, and of course, a list bugs I found while on my journey. Most of them are minor ones, though (the ones I felt were more important or game-breaking I posted about right away).
First, let's start with all the things I liked about Alien Armageddon. Which is a lot. We'll begin with probably the most obvious change: the new art.
Pretty much all of the new art is top tier and most of it fits into the game without feeling out of place. If I had anything to complain about it's that they looked almost too good in comparison to some of the remaining vanilla assets.
I do remember seeing dukeboss' spritesheets a while back, and it's nice to see such effort not go to waste. They definitely help to give the game a stronger identity.
I did play with the upscaled sprites (as a side-note, the only provided batch is for 64-bit eDuke and not 32-bit. It's easy enough to change, but not everyone knows how batch files work). I was honestly kinda amazed how well they fit. I honestly stopped noticing them until I would turn on a different Duke mod without them. And that's how you know they're quality: they fit in without being obvious, until they're gone.
The weapon sprites are equally great (and from the previous screenshots, about to get even better). All the new weapon sprites are clearly based on real-world models, which is not a complaint, mind. I do have a question, though. I recognize a lot of them, but I have no clue what Duke's new pistol is based on. I think his upgrade is a fancy M1911, but I got nothing on his stock.
The other visual flairs were also appreciated. The inclusion of the animated textures breathes a little bit of life into the old maps, as do the inclusion of the voxel models. I would comment on the classic skyboxes, but unfortunately I was forced to play in software so I can't. (*cough cough*) I'm sure they're as good as the rest, though.
Also I've never seen some of the lighting palettes before. I'm not sure if they're new to this mod, showed up earlier, are a rarely-used feature of eDuke32 or whatever the case, but it was still a fresh experience for me. And as a self-admitted sucker for lighting, I enjoyed that.
And of course, we can't forget about the glorious mid-episode cutscenes. They do a fantastic job of feeling like advances are being made. The plot may be thin and mostly unimportant, but it still gives the player a sense of progression. I would have been satisfied with leaving the classic episodes as-is but their inclusion really is a nice touch that shows the care that went into this project.
They're so good I honestly kinda wish there was a way to get them for vanilla. Of course this praise applies to the intros and endings to the new content as well, but I wanted to highlight their inclusion to the original episodes as I think they're an unsung feature. It did not need to be done but it most definitely appreciated.
On the topic of the new content, the added details to DC and Caribbean do wonders for the experience. All the new textures give the expansions more of a unique identity since they don't have to rely as much on stock DN3D textures anymore. And then there are the atmospheric additions (which was one of my favorite aspect of the base game). The feeling of total war in the first half of DC is greatly appreciated with the large-scale battles fought alongside the EDF (which is really impressive since the only complaint I ever had about DC was how "clean" and non-invaded DC seemed, sans Capitol Punishment, so kudos on making non-destroyed levels feel like the center of a war zone), the rain in the first two levels of DC, the cloud patterned ceiling in Caribbean's Hotel, the abundance of posters, new business titles, and the gags, all of that really sells the Duke Nukem aspect of this mod. The humor is additionally on point and feels very Duke Nukem, with the exact same kind of pop culture and semi-topical humor, but relegated to background elements like posters and occasional interactive objects hidden behind secrets or out-of-reach areas so it's not shoved in your face.
And last but not least, I would be remiss if I didn't mention the glorious new gore system. I have no shame in admitting that I am a bit of a gore hound, and this satisfies my bloodlust quite handily. I feel it's a step up from WGR2's system (if small), and really... nothing quite compares to blasting a rocket into a group of pigs in a small dark alcove and just watching blood and body parts burst out of it like a fountain. One time a pig head landed perfectly in front of me and it just... really hit the right notes. I wish I had video recording of it; it was a very nice red rain.
Now, at the risk of further painting myself as a psychopath, I will now praise the new headshot system. A bit simplistic in comparison to other mods, but I still think they're a great addition, rewarding skill with not only gory satisfaction, but also enabling quicker kills on some of the mid-tier enemies, saving ammo.
With that, let's move on to the meat of the game: the gameplay!
I understand that a lot of tweaks were made to some under-the-hood mechanics. And a lot of them work very well. Fullbright nightvision, a Holoduke that actually works, I'm pretty sure the explosions are coded differently so that their splash is a bit more consistent (or at least it feels that way)... A lot of them are really minor, so I won't go over most of them. I do want to bring attention to one change though: the swimming controls.
Could the modern swimming style be toggleable in AAUSER like the randomization? I understand why it's in the game and why people might prefer it to stock swimming, but I would argue for the sake of keeping stock at least as an option for those who prefer it. The modern FPS swimming style generally comes from games that don't feature underwater combat, at least nowhere near to the same extent DN3D does. As a result, modern swimming feels sort of awkward when ascent and descent are not only something you can trigger at will, but also based on the position of the camera, making, say, trying to gain distance from an octabrain a bit more dangerous when you might unintentionally be heading somewhere you don't want to go.
Again, don't entirely get rid of the option as I know some people prefer that style. I'm suggesting making it togglable like a few of the other settings. Everybody wins.
Anyway, as well as the small tweaks, I appreciate the quality-of-life improvements as well, like the one that means you don't squish things you've accidentally shrunk (like the babes). And then there's the radar. The radar is so useful it's unbelievable. It really helps ensure you know where the threats are when you're surrounded in a bigger conflict, it's useful for tracking down any remaining kills, and honestly I keep checking it out of habit when I play vanilla now. ...Or other FPSes in general.
Let's talk about the guns. Again I'll gloss over the tiny tweaks made to Duke's native arsenal, and address the new stuff.
The railgun is a great addition. It was probably one of the more useful weapons from DNF, and I'm pretty happy to see it here. And now without needing to reload it every three shots, it's honestly probably one of the guns I used the absolute most. Which is good considering how common the sniper alien is, and they're common enough that you almost always have one on you to counter-snipe them: intentionally-placed or randomized doesn't matter.
I have a somewhat mixed opinion on the babifier. On the one hand, it is mostly useless and I like my weapons to have some sort of value (so I mostly use it to "rescue" pod babes). On the other, the weapon it replaces was also fairly useless so nothing was really lost I guess by swapping it for a joke weapon?
And then we got the spider-mines. The spider-mines are an A+ replacement for the tripwires, almost always doing the job better. Granted, that's not a very high bar, but rest assured they prove themselves a worthy addition to the shared arsenal. This is thanks to their strong damage output, which means they're not only good for setting traps, but for dealing with tougher enemies.
On the topic of replacement weapons that completely dominate their vanilla equivalents, Shelly's incinerator completely outshines the freezethrower. This is doubled by the ability to kill troopers with a headshot and stop them from coming back (side-note: their quick resurrect and kamikaze charge has given me heart attacks on at least three occasions). That was about the only thing the freezer was useful for in the vanilla game; now without that feature it's all incinerator, all the time.
Bombshell's weapons in general feel pretty good to use. They usually compliment where Duke's arsenal lacks and vice versa. The only exception to this are probably the rolly turrets, which, unfortunately, always seemed to be outclassed by any other option available. It doesn't help that they're Shelly's replacement for the pipebombs, which were probably one of the most useful weapons in the vanilla game. The turrets just can't compare, unfortunately. I only found one or two places they were actually useful.
The upgrades are all great, though. Some may only do a small damage buff, which is certainly enough... but then we have the chaingun upgrades. Hodamn, the chaingun upgrades. Duke's upgraded chaingun feels the best and it's a shame there's rarely a chance to truly unload with that absolute monster. It spits lead like there's a going-out-of-business-sale on bullets. Damn I love that thing. Shelly's is no slouch either; both upgrades feel really good to fire, and are useful too.
Can her assault rifle (and both characters' pistols) get a magazine counter, by the way? It's not essential or anything, but having an indicator of when I haven't reloaded (or did but it didn't count because I switched a hair too early) would be helpful.
Something I appreciate about the weapons and their upgrades is how despite their buffs and the more conveniences afforded the player (even without said upgrades), this game is hard. Like, really hard (oh my god DC is so hard). But, and I mark this as a key difference between fun hard and dickish, it's definitely really fair about it with fairly minimal bullshit (even the randomization doesn't tend to screw you over too much; it's always possible to take down any combination of new and old monsters). I actually quite appreciate the challenge. Especially in the classic episodes. Turning on randomizations is a good way to make the old levels feel fresh again. Treading cautiously through them and actually needing to use the security cameras for the first time in decades is something I never thought I would be doing again. Not even in other randomizers. Just goes to show how tough the new monster types are.
The new enemies, while all are generally pretty tough to take down, do still manage to feel like they compliment DN3D's existing bestiary. The provide new and interesting combat scenarios when mixed with not only each other but the stock DN3D monsters as well, and do so without removing the feeling of playing Duke 3D. Very similar to how the monsters in Doom 2 complimented the Doom 1 monsters.
I brought up the amount of railgun snipers before, but I don't want that misinterpreted as a bad thing. The fact that their shots are dodgeable goes a long way to justify their number. The vast majority of the new enemies are as well balanced as this.
It helps that, randomization aside, a lot of the new enemies are given proper introductions in the New Invasion episode, and placed well after that. The entire episode is quite well-designed actually, I'd say professional-level quality. One of the main reasons I call this a game instead of a mod is explicitly because of New Invasion. The level design is very tight all throughout, and even though it is only five levels long, it still feels like a full modern experience onto itself. The mappers all did absolutely fantastic work, and at no point while playing do I ever really get the sense that these are hobbyists. Again, the word that comes to mind is "professional." Though I suppose, given the level credits, that shouldn't be any real surprise.
What really stood out to me was how unique and varied each level was compared to each other (or most Duke maps, really). No two levels were ever alike, and there is no mistaking any level for another. As in, if I say "half-sunken city" or "huge underground EDF complex" those who played it will know exactly what is being talked about with no confusion. Which is extremely impressive, again considering the hobbyist nature of the mappers, and the sheer scale of the maps themselves.
My favorite would probably have to be the secret level,
Red 2: Zombie Edition. Even setting being based on one of my favorite usermap series of all time, going all Evil Dead on the town is just pure fun.
However, since that level is quite its own thing, I will also mention my favorite "normal" level: Hard Rain. We've seen levels that do the half-sunken city thing before (look no further than Flood Zone), but rarely have I seen it done this well, and this committed to the illusion. It really was the detailing that sold it, and all the various things that tried their damnedest to keep continuity between the surface and below. Plus the gimmick of being forced to play as Shelly the entire time is a great crash course in being forced to learn the quirks of her various weapons.
Credit must also be given to the way the story progressed throughout the episode, with the sort-of-but-not-entirely-hidden foreshadowing of the episode's boss, and the journey from the city to him.
Speaking of, I dunno who the hell you got to voice him, but he is a dead ringer for the guy who voiced him in DNF. Seriously, I needed to pull up youtube just to make sure it wasn't the same guy (Voice-acting overall in this project ranged from decent to great, which is a higher standard compared to most).
I enjoyed said boss fight, by the way. Really squeezing the hell out of the run button in the arena is a huge rush. Bosses overall are top-tier and a welcome challenge compared to the old and treaded vanilla bosses. I still love those bosses of course, but these definitely were a welcome modernization.
Sadly I don't have too much to comment on the expansions. I've honestly played them so much over the years that even with all the changes, they were still mostly second-nature to me. The only notable exception is Smithsonian Terror. The changes to it are probably for the best. It certainly is a lot more structured than before; I feel people will get stuck a lot less. 100% appreciated the new paintings, though. "Photofuckit" is probably my favorite, just because I relate. And the Duke wing is just awesome.
All in all, this probably my new favorite gameplay mod. Turning off randomizations and playing the classic episodes with the new gore systems and sound effects is a real treat, even with the upgraded AI. Hell, the "secrets found" counter at the end of every level encouraged me to find all the last secrets I hadn't found over the past 20 years.
A lot of my love for this mod stems from not only the additions, but the way the additions only really enhance the core gameplay that was already there, particularly in regards to how very "Pick Up and Play" AA is.
To elaborate and clarify: I know this term is used generally more to refer to learning curves, but I don't know what the term would be for what I use it for, so I use this as a substitute. Let me explain.
When I say a game is "pick up and play," I mean it's the kind of game you can load up for any length of time, whether it's binging it for a few hours or loading it for as low as 10-20 minutes, and still end up equally satisfied by the end. These games typically have no delay to the action, are usually either endless or level-based, and generally those levels are meaty but still small enough to be enjoyed in a short time frame.
AA is very much this. And it makes sense, since it is firmly rooted in a game that was also very pick up and play due to its episodic nature.
This is in contrast to games that require a more long-term commitment to get the full experience and satisfaction. But do not misunderstand me: there is nothing wrong with "commitment" games. I quite like a lot of them. I just think it's worth classifying the two types, and then crediting them for how well they stick to that. And Alien Armageddon is a fine example of the PUaP category, even the New Invasion levels. I don't know if the fake multiplayer-nature of the next episode will maintain that, but even if it doesn't the rest of Alien Armageddon still fulfills that slot to a T.
As said before, I've often restarted one of the episodes just for the sake of playing it again. It's very difficult to put down, and when it finally is, it's very easy to pick back up again. Duking at its finest.
Hands down, one of the best Duke TCs I've played of all time.
Still, I do have a few suggestions (points in bold are my most wished for). Naturally, I don't expect all of these to be taken (nor the following bug report), but I'll list them anyway in hopes that a few are and Alien Armageddon gets just that much closer to being the best it can be:
-For DC's Metro Mayhem, considering all the changes made to the maps, making the shutter that closes behind you (when you get onto the street near the normal exit) re-openable would be greatly appreciated; otherwise player is forced to choose between a cathartic nuke section or taking the secret exit. Plus it makes 100%ing the level impossible. This was a flaw in the original map and I would love to see it addressed.
-Reducing some of the waiting times in Lost Lagoon would also be appreciated (or at least giving some sort of visible countdown). I dunno if that's possible, but...
-Is it possible to get the ammunition amount displayed on the HUD like in Dan's earlier WGR2 and Attrition?
-Could DC's music be turned up a few notches? As raw Midis they are extremely quiet. I believe Hendricks at one point said that eDuke uses integrated high-quality recordings of stock music when it detects the midi files, so the contrast is quite stark. (on that note, can I submit my "un-midification" of Nuke Proof's song for this project?)
-Is it possible to make the Steroids induce bullet time? I mean, they're already more useful than they were vanilla, but that isn't exactly a high bar. But if under its effects the bullets were turned into (very fast) projectiles that you could dodge, that would certainly make it a very viable inventory item. I don't know how possible that would be, but considering the vast majority of Duke's enemies are hitscanners, it would certainly have its situational uses.
Bug List (Arranged in order by what I consider most to least serious):
Music order is screwed up in some places (Episode 4's intro cutscene plays stalker; DC's music goes completely out of order starting with Top Secret)
Alternate Sentry Drone is immune to the "No Randomizations" toggle
Autoaim is broken except when it isn't
In Toxic Dump, I've consistently been unable to be reshrunk in the switch room. I do toggle steroids immediately as I enter the room, but the "unshrinkable" effect lingers after the steroids end. It resets on loading the next level though.
Terminators (Dukeinators?) will march towards a holoduke but their projectiles will always go toward the player. Likewise, the swat pigs will shoot the holoduke, but charge the player. There are probably some other enemies like this.
In Going Postal with randomization on, the big assault wave tends to break with the new enemy types somehow getting stuck in the walls
Right-facing shrinkers (as sometimes dropped by the red enforcer variant) cannot be picked up, but left-facing ones (standard sprite) can.
New Invasion ending screen still borked.
Kill counter is broken
Are the aliens supposed to target the parasite-zombie-alien things in the DC campaign?
Assault rifle's iron sights don't line up with where the bullets actually go
Swapping characters in Carribbean tends to trigger the sector overlap warp glitch (Alien Remains and Wavemistress being the most common) I dunno what can be done but is worth noting since it makes swapping characters impossible. Sometimes the AI partner will warp through and start killing things, and waking them up, and probably dying where you can't reach them unless you fancy sequence breaking.
Returning from New Invasion's secret level with the upgrades doesn't have them apply until the next level (they fire at their normal rates). The Devastator also began firing Railgun rounds until the 8 key was pressed several times
When switching characters while night-vision is active, the "heat sensor" part remains active, but the green palette/brightness change does not
AI partner lacks self-preservation and tends to get as close to enemies as possible, making explosive weapons or especially Shelly's incendiary weapons usually greatly harm or outright kill the bot
Encountered a weird bug where Shelly refused to pee (what a weird sentence) even though it had been several levels since the previous time. No I wasn't at full health.
The railgun enemies initialize as tiny. Not only are they hard to spot if they're behind a short wall, they leave behind a tiny corpse. This is even when killed at full-size.
Went to fight Proton solo (left the partner in the main hall) just to try my hand at fighting him unassisted; noticed he seemed to be taking explosive damage (in his 2nd form) from something that wasn't me. Are his own rockets detonating against himself somehow?
Sometimes when killed, pressing "use" to reload doesn't work. It just spawns gibs. For some reason?
Collecting a set of rolly turrets while one is deployed, and then picking that up, can net you more than 50.
Jumping in the air and doing a forward kick under a low ceiling lets you fly. This one's actually kinda cool.
Pistol laser dot has a rare tendency to slide all over the screen for absolutely no discernible reason
Floor and ceiling textures within the railgun's scoped view break at certain angles
Pig head gib is not upscaled
When shrinking a pig cop, its sprite is replaced with a tank for a few frames
In Shop-N-Bag, the aisle number walls function as vending machines
After firing, the rolly turrets very often remain stuck in their firing frame
Uncertain bug in Bombshells: A good enough player can use the palm trees to jump into the Justin Bailey secret early. Don't know if that's intended or harmful to give the player the stuff that's in there that early, or if it can be taken as a reward to those who master Duke's platforming, but again worth noting
Uncertain if bug: Shelly clearly has lines that replace some of Duke's "event" quotes, but in several of them Duke spoke when playing as Shelly. Either those lines don't exist or they do but they bugged. Worth reporting anyway
Secret counter doesn't display at the end of New Invasion's secret level (uncertain if intended)
Uncertain bug: A few Exotica posters aren't replaced in Caribbean with their new version
Uncertain oversight: there's a second incinerator upgrade. I only bring it up because it's the only duplicate weapon upgrade I've seen in any of the campaigns.
Some last quick questions before I end this off: A.) In Dread October, in one of the cabins is a porn video, as to be expected. What I wanna know is what that green thing is. I wouldn't have paid it a second thought if I knew what she was going to town on. It sure didn't look like a man. Or a woman. Or a human of any kind. B.) Not that it ultimately matters, but I am curious. What is the team's rough vision for the timeskip between the Classic episodes and New Invasion? It hardly matters at all; but I am interested in knowing roughly what the team thinks the time difference between invasions is. C.) So I know the music isn't being listed, but if anyone still knows, I need to know what that Grabbag remix is. And what the song used for Dread October was. D.) Is there a high-res version of what appears to be a poster for AA itself? I saw that in the Duke wing and really want to see what that looks like when not compressed.
Bug List (Arranged in order by what I consider most to least serious):
[*]Music order is screwed up in some places (Episode 4's intro cutscene plays stalker; DC's music goes completely out of order starting with Top Secret)
Some of these bugs have been fixed since the last public release. Some I fixed today after reading your post. Some things are still broken. When I say something has been "fixed", I mean it's fixed in the development build which you don't have. Here's some info.
The music order I'm pretty sure is fixed, but I'll give it another look.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Alternate Sentry Drone is immune to the "No Randomizations" toggle
The toggle is really for no NEW enemies, not for turning off any kind of variation on old enemies. But I see your point.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Autoaim is broken except when it isn't
Probably still an issue. autoaim has to be turned off whenever the player is using a scope (to avoid hilariously stupid results) and in certain other situations, and then switched back to its original setting on the fly. What could go wrong? (plenty) I don't use autoaim and honestly I kind of want to remove it from the game entirely, but it's in the menu which can't be modified.
[*]In Toxic Dump, I've consistently been unable to be reshrunk in the switch room. I do toggle steroids immediately as I enter the room, but the "unshrinkable" effect lingers after the steroids end. It resets on loading the next level though.
Weird. AA doesn't mess with the steroids effect or do anything that should stop the player from getting shrunk. However, I added a few checks that might help with this; hasn't been tested yet.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Terminators (Dukeinators?) will march towards a holoduke but their projectiles will always go toward the player. Likewise, the swat pigs will shoot the holoduke, but charge the player. There are probably some other enemies like this.
I worked on this today and the Holoduke issues are mostly fixed. I haven't checked for all enemies.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]In Going Postal with randomization on, the big assault wave tends to break with the new enemy types somehow getting stuck in the walls
I have no idea what that's about.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Right-facing shrinkers (as sometimes dropped by the red enforcer variant) cannot be picked up, but left-facing ones (standard sprite) can.
Still displays fine for me. Just to be clear: You mean that the screen is too zoomed and some of the text is cut off, right?
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Kill counter is broken
It's never really been a goal of mine to have a correct one. Still annoying, though. I'm pretty sure that killing enemies always counts as kills on the counter. So, I guess you mean that there is more in the total at the end than there were actual enemies in the map. This raises a question: if an enemy respawn never gets a change to spawn, should it count towards the total?
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Are the aliens supposed to target the parasite-zombie-alien things in the DC campaign?
Yes. Zombies are not allied with the aliens, they are feral.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Assault rifle's iron sights don't line up with where the bullets actually go
That's very fixed now. We have an entirely new weapon models and new iron sites model.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Swapping characters in Carribbean tends to trigger the sector overlap warp glitch (Alien Remains and Wavemistress being the most common) I dunno what can be done but is worth noting since it makes swapping characters impossible. Sometimes the AI partner will warp through and start killing things, and waking them up, and probably dying where you can't reach them unless you fancy sequence breaking.
Yeah, fucking SOS bugs. This might be fixed in recent snapshots with all the changes.
[*]Returning from New Invasion's secret level with the upgrades doesn't have them apply until the next level (they fire at their normal rates). The Devastator also began firing Railgun rounds until the 8 key was pressed several times
This might be fixed now. I added an additional weapon settings check for when a level reloads.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]When switching characters while night-vision is active, the "heat sensor" part remains active, but the green palette/brightness change does not
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]AI partner lacks self-preservation and tends to get as close to enemies as possible, making explosive weapons or especially Shelly's incendiary weapons usually greatly harm or outright kill the bot
This won't be much of an issue now. There is more friendly fire protection.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Encountered a weird bug where Shelly refused to pee (what a weird sentence) even though it had been several levels since the previous time. No I wasn't at full health.
It could be the angle you were facing. Since she has to turn around, I make it check the angle to the toilet. If the sprite is placed oddly, that would would cause an issue.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]The railgun enemies initialize as tiny. Not only are they hard to spot if they're behind a short wall, they leave behind a tiny corpse. This is even when killed at full-size.
[*]Went to fight Proton solo (left the partner in the main hall) just to try my hand at fighting him unassisted; noticed he seemed to be taking explosive damage (in his 2nd form) from something that wasn't me. Are his own rockets detonating against himself somehow?
He was probably taking damage from the missile turrets that he plants sometimes, because the missiles were hitting him by accident.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Sometimes when killed, pressing "use" to reload doesn't work. It just spawns gibs. For some reason?
No idea. Probably trying to spawn you outside the play area. Did it happen after the zombie secret level?
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Collecting a set of rolly turrets while one is deployed, and then picking that up, can net you more than 50.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Jumping in the air and doing a forward kick under a low ceiling lets you fly. This one's actually kinda cool.
I'm pretty sure that's an eduke32 revision related thing that has been addressed with newer snapshots.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Pistol laser dot has a rare tendency to slide all over the screen for absolutely no discernible reason
The laser pistol dot is no longer on by default and I don't use it anymore. So I consider it an optional feature that no one will use.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Floor and ceiling textures within the railgun's scoped view break at certain angles
Engine thingy I can't do anything about.
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]Pig head gib is not upscaled
Meh. Eventually it will all be upscaled, not the highest priority.
[*]When shrinking a pig cop, its sprite is replaced with a tank for a few frames
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]In Shop-N-Bag, the aisle number walls function as vending machines
They must be using the cola machine texture, but only part of it, and my code treats them as vending machines. I'll have to detect that somehow. Probably not fixed (but hard to say, lots of things have changed)
Ninety-Six, on 07 August 2019 - 07:32 AM, said:
[*]After firing, the rolly turrets very often remain stuck in their firing frame
I've read the rest, but for the most part they aren't bugs.
The toggle is really for no NEW enemies, not for turning off any kind of variation on old enemies. But I see your point.
Well the red enforcers never showed up, so I assumed it was a complete disablement.
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:53 PM, said:
Probably still an issue. autoaim has to be turned off whenever the player is using a scope (to avoid hilariously stupid results) and in certain other situations, and then switched back to its original setting on the fly. What could go wrong? (plenty) I don't use autoaim and honestly I kind of want to remove it from the game entirely, but it's in the menu which can't be modified.
I sort of had a feeling, but the reason I play with it on is because of the sometimes-wonky hitboxes that won't register a hit even if you point right at it. Most notably the slimers, which are already next to impossible to hit even with autoaim on.
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:55 PM, said:
I have no idea what that's about.
I don't either but it's happened every time I've played that level with randomizations on. 3 for 3.
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:55 PM, said:
Still displays fine for me. Just to be clear: You mean that the screen is too zoomed and some of the text is cut off, right?
Yes. I have no idea why it doesn't work on my end or others'.
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:55 PM, said:
So, I guess you mean that there is more in the total at the end than there were actual enemies in the map. This raises a question: if an enemy respawn never gets a change to spawn, should it count towards the total?
Yes to the former, and I'd argue no to the latter. If it never spawns, it shouldn't count because it can't be killed.
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:55 PM, said:
Yes. Zombies are not allied with the aliens, they are feral.
Just to clarify, I am speaking specifically of the ones with the red tentacle facehugger head things. Not the undead ones. If that's still the case, that's fine, but I wanted to specifically make sure I was clear on which variety I was talking about (the ones that pose as NPCs).
Trooper Dan, on 07 August 2019 - 10:57 PM, said:
No idea. Probably trying to spawn you outside the play area. Did it happen after the zombie secret level?
No. It happened on several occasions, actually. And I wasn't near walls or anything. I think I was up against battlelords, if that's of any help. The last one I definitely was; can't remember for certain with the others.
EDIT: Okay I remember for certain that the one before the last one also involved Battlelords.
EDIT 2: Actually I think I also remember one where I was up against one of the commando pigs. ...Whatever they're called.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 07 August 2019 - 11:55 PM
I did play with the upscaled sprites (as a side-note, the only provided batch is for 64-bit eDuke and not 32-bit. It's easy enough to change, but not everyone knows how batch files work). I was honestly kinda amazed how well they fit. I honestly stopped noticing them until I would turn on a different Duke mod without them. And that's how you know they're quality: they fit in without being obvious, until they're gone.
Thank you. The current version has an issue with fullbrights being incorrectly applied, this has already been fixed and should be in the next release. I've also upscaled the pigcop head gib.
It's not thrown in the trash, it's part of a backlog of stuff that hasn't been integrated into the game yet. Now that polymost is more optimized, I'm looking forward to trying a big map like that full of bot paths.
'trash' is a euphemism for worthless and unusable - which it was at the time of completion.
(& the bots still don't know how to do water)
Now it is revealed that this bit of water is part of a larger world with much more potential to be "shitty" than simply a few air bubbles in a puddle. Thanks Dan.
(I'm joking around - i have to post this because Dan hits me behind closed doors)
This post has been edited by Forge: 13 August 2019 - 05:17 PM