Forge, on 24 July 2019 - 06:23 AM, said:
Why they "disappeared" should be the question asked. Maybe they teleport-cloaked, walked off, and never uncloaked.
If they activated early I suppose that's possible (I know it's not
supposed to happen but both vanilla and AA enemies will sometimes activate way in advance for unknown reasons).
That being said though, even when they cloak they show up on the radar. I never saw anything like that, nor was I missing any kills when I got done (though I suppose that's not reliable. I forget, did AA implement Darkus' kill counter fix? Because if not that's almost definitely not reliable). Though at the same time, I do distinctly recall on several occassions that the troopers would cloak, go off somewhere that
isn't towards me, and then just
vanish. Like, they drop off the radar, the kill counter seems to call them dead, and they're just
gone. Honestly, that's probably what happened, but it's never happened consistently and I have no idea what causes it.