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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - December 2023  "Three mappers for this month!"

User is offline   FistMarine 


What's this thing?
We play through a set of maps/mods during the month, and use this thread to discuss it as we're still all fresh with our comments/opinions/feelings about the maps.

What's the purpose?
Basically, there are 4 purposes:
  • Showcasing some of the older mods/maps to wider public - they definitely deserve the attention!
  • Getting more people to actually enjoy and appreciate the user content - because let's be honest, over the past 27 years this was really what kept Duke alive after all.
  • ...and while we're at it - keeping Duke alive by still enjoying it, as there's no new games in the franchise on the horizon (and let's be honest, they wouldn't be as good as some of this stuff!).
  • Having a more structured discussion on maps than what's going in "Last map you played" thread - which is great, but it's basically a monologue most of the time.

Can I join?

Sure, as long as you find some spare time during the month to play the stuff that's on the table!

Why a month?
Because people have lives, jobs or other stuff to do (like mapping). For smaller maps, this could be shorter time - it's all up to debate in the future!

What port should I use? Are mods allowed? Where to get the maps?
It's entirely up to you how you play the game, so you can use whatever port or mod allowed - it would be cool to state in your posts what you're using too, as there might be some slight differences between the ports! As for the maps, they should be always linked within the first post.

How should I play the maps or post about them?
Again, it's up to you. You can finish them all in one go or play them one by one whenever you feel like. On Doom forums, there's a rule that you should keep the pace by not posting about a map that has a higher number than the day of the month, so e.g. on 6th you shouldn't post about map 7 etc. I think that might be a good practice if there's a large interest in this, but first let's see how active the thread is for a start - so if there's nothing going on, feel free to post about whatever map you want to.

Previous 2023 Editions

Previous 2022 Editions

Previous 2021 Editions

For this month, the following three mappers have been chosen: Jason Bredhauer (aka Overlord), Juha Laaksonen (aka Turpuli) and Kevin Cools (aka Kuffi).

For those who aren't familiar with their names, they have been active mappers throughout the late 90s and early 2000s and they have collaborated together on some projects.

Jason Bredhauer (aka Overlord) is recognizable from contributing half to the JJ Duke Nukem 3D TC. However, he was also working on the James Bond styled TC called Duke is 007, which was eventually cancelled. Luckily, the six maps (five by Jason Bredhauer, one by Kevin Cools) were released, so they can be still experienced to this day.

Juha Laaksonen (aka Turpuli) is not as recognisable as the other two mappers chosen this month but he has made some interesting maps, as well as collaborating with other mappers.

Kevin Cools (aka Kuffi) is another notable mapper, having made a couple interesting maps over the years, some of them being collaborations with other mappers and other maps being designed for TCs such as the famous Borg Nukem.

If all this sounds promising, then what are you waiting for? Download the maps right here and right now!

Maps by Jason Bredhauer

Russian Missile Base
Russian Observatory Snow Base
Underwater Sub Base
Passenger Jet

Maps by Juha Laaksonen

The Alleys
The Mission Demo
Mission 2: The Rescue
Skyscraper Assault
Escape From Area 54

Maps by Kevin Cools

The Secret Base
On Him Their Lives Depend 01
Christmas 2001
Retrospective (old version) (collaboration with Juha Laaksonen)
Retrospective (new version) (collaboration with Juha Laaksonen)
Christmas 2002
Kut World

Optional Maps

Haunted House
ZeroHour Dukematch
Invaders (original version for 1.3D)
Invaders (original version for 1.5)
DukeKef's Krick
Eye-Witness (collaboration with Alejandro Glavic)
We Store Your Crap Remix (collaboration with Geoffrey van Dijk)

1) All maps are made for the Atomic Edition, with the exception of a few very old maps by Turpuli that are also playable in 1.3D.
2) Some maps are made for Deathmatch. They are worth taking a look in Single Player mode.
3) Some maps contain custom art, con and/or midi files. Be careful how you install them!
4) Some maps have different versions available. Although they are all included for historical purposes, it is up to you to choose what version to play.
5) Invaders has three releases. First two are the original versions available either for 1.3D or 1.5, while the third version is the updated version.
6) Retrospective has two releases. The first release had some bugs in it that could affect the gameplay, so then the map was re-released a few years later which fixed the bugs and added new areas. The releases can be differentiated by the map filename. Both versions are included for historical purposes, though the Addon Compilation only includes the updated version.
7) The following are included in the Addon Compilation with further bug-fixes: Duke is 007 TC, Extermination, Eye-Witness, Retrospective.
8) Duke is 007 is available as an episode in the EDuke32 Addon Compilation, with the option to keep your stuff between the levels, making the experience much more fun, since the levels are quite challenging from a pistol start.
9) If you find the number of maps overwhelming, then try to ignore the optional maps, which mostly consist of DM maps and the alternate versions of the same map. Just focus on the more interesting maps.

Have fun!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 01 December 2023 - 08:36 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


I think I'm missing Redneck Rampage already.

Jason "Overlord" Bredhauer

Oh, Jesus... Ballroom is less of a copy and paste job than anything in JJ Duke, but that doesn't stop Jason Bredhauer from bumbling around the place. This could have been a fun map if A it actually focused on the ballroom instead of being a motley assortment of halls and rooms, and B if Jason had bothered to pay the electricity bill. This map is extraordinarily dark for no apparent reason, and rather than it seems like to me this was Bredhauer's attempt to pad out the map time. It's hard to see required switches or key doors when it's this dark out, much less the monsters. The start can be a bother as you don't have enough Pistol clips to chew through everyone, the Shotgun is out of the way and the Freezethrower is stuffed in the security room. The only other fight that will give you trouble is an exceptionally rude Pig Cop ambush near the end of the map when you trigger the metal detector. I got stuck on trying to find the Blue Switch for about 6 minutes until I randomly found it in the security room. Having to input a code to access the last part of the map seems like another attempt to stretch out the runtime by a couple of seconds. Ballroom is boring, eye-straining and not very fun even when I have my own MIDI to play.


User is offline   Quacken 


Me hitting a Pig Cop with two Devastator missiles, missing six others and still not killing it: "God, the Devastator is so trash..."

Russian Missile Base
Jason "Overlord" Bredhauer

Have to say, very bold move of Jason Bredhauer to state this is a missile base of Russian occupation and then release the map with no textures featuring the Russian language. English Missile Base is a generic military base that could have had a less generic setting. Duke 3D's stock textures do mountains pretty well, but Bredhauer can't make any interesting setpieces to save his life. This map is half rectangular boxes with nothing interesting to look at, a quarter pale white laboratories that are claustrophobic and aren't very fun to fight in, and the other quarter is the actual interesting visuals. There are a lot of missiles here, and some are even in the process of being loaded, but nearly all of them are just strewn about on the concrete, and it's very obviously the same sectorwork that's copy and pasted everywhere to try and sell the visual shtick. This map could also not be less sleepy with the combat if it tried. There's a Shrinker in this map but nothing good to use it on. No Battlelords and hardly any Commanders, so it's a bit of a waste of space. The fight in the warehouse is aggravating due to a lack of health and Turrets shooting you in the dark, made moreso by the lack of health and there being hitscan everywhere. The attempts at props and machinery make Missile Base score slightly higher than Ballroom, but I still don't like it.


This post has been edited by Quacken: 05 December 2023 - 04:27 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


I like how brutal some of these reviews are.
Goes good with my morning cups of java to start off the day just right.

User is offline   Aleks 


Great selection, I said a couple days ago on Discord that Kevin Cools maps really don't get the praise they deserve these days, so glad they're in the spotlight this month.

I have played Ballroom and Passenger Jet during the last 2 or 3 years and while Passenger Jet had all of the possible annoyances of a plane map (so super cramped and monsters shooting you from behind curtains), Ballroom was a decent one, with a theme not much explored in DN3D maps. I haven't played his "base" maps yet, so will try to do it hopefully today.

I have played all of the maps by Kuffi besides Kut World, so will definitely try this one, but if time allows it, I'd also gladly replay Freedom, Retrospective and maybe On Him Their Lives Depend. I'm also inclined to check out the (in)famous Borg Nukem TC at last...

Played Flood fairly recently and it was OK. I haven't played many Turpuli maps though, so will try to catch up this month. Escape from Area 54 is an absolute classic, used to be one of my favourite maps back when I first discovered it as a kid.

User is offline   Aleks 


Russian Missile Base

I actually liked this one. The cute, blocky yet very detailed Build vehicles reminded me of Reginukem's maps. The base theme in Duke was quite overused around the early 2000s, but this map uses the theme very well. We start at the back of a cargo plane and the illusion made with parallaxed sky and proper blocking of the outside area is sold well. There's a good weapon/monster balance and some clever placements, like the commander ambushing you from above when entering the last open area. The blue keycard was hidden a bit randomly and there was a bit of a conundrum on the progression due to the red door being after the blue ones. The design is definitely above average, with pretty good shading, nice sector details and some spriteworks. I spotted two tile#0 sprites at the first storage room on one of the walls, which hints at there being some new art made for the TC that wasn't provided with the map in the end. With about 20 minutes length, the map doesn't get too mundane and tedious, despite the rather monotone locations dictated by the theme.

Rating: 85/100

Russian Observatory Snow Base

This one was certainly much darker than the first one. Also, there's some more missing art on the outside, which I suppose could have been some fir trees. The progression is also quite more convoluted, there seem to be one door towards the end of the road that somehow should be possible to open, but no idea how - then the map just ends abruptly by stepping on some sector. Ammo is a bit more scarce and there are plenty of pig cops or turrets, including a cool trick that was first (?) used in Bud Drakir's prison map where the guards spawn upon being caught in the rotating spotlight sector, here the guards are a massive pig cop ambush. The design is on par with the previous map, with some clever sector work, but due to the darkness I have to say I liked it less. The highlight is probably the apache helicopter at the beginning, complete with machineguns making clever use of one of the 1.4 tiles.

Rating: 81/100

Underwater Sub Base

The general problem with levels taking place on submarines is the crampedness, which here gets also spread around at the whole base. Nevertheless, I have to say this was my favourite out of these 3 levels. The ammo was straight up stingy and finding the secrets (and also the hidden shrinker) felt almost mandatory to kill everything off. Some of the fights were straight up punishing really. The architecture of the base is very functional, as the signage of the corridors and rooms is everywhere so despite the maze of corridors, it's easy to know where you're going. There are some design highlights going into almost a BobSP-esque style with trimming and detailed ceilings. The "new" effects are the floor doors which in two cases lead to underwater tunnels and in one into the submarine. The interior of the sub is impressive as hell and the fights here are mostly difficult to the crampedness, but don't feel mean at all. Now of course, the main highlight of the map is the underwater puzzle with fueling up the sub - you have to follow a red pipe and turn on valves, which could turn into a hot mess given the darkness, but the presentation is great with spotlights and how the pipe has to continue throughout. Intense map with strong, original design and enjoyable puzzles, liked it a lot.

Rating: 87/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 06 December 2023 - 03:30 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


Replayed the two Kuffi maps.


Can't help but love this one. I'd say this map had quite some influence on breaking (or maybe rather evolving) the BobSP trend in the user maps back in the day and going into more exotic directions. It still feels fresh, particularly due to the less common textures being used all over the place and in quite creative ways and combinations. The "mission factor" is also quite nice, especially with the siren going off in the security room. The architecture of the whole place is still impressive and I remember it being one of the map's fortes back when it was released. Another thing to look at are the meticulously planned and implemented SOS layers in here, with a lot of windows that makes the whole building feel very "3D". The gameplay is not super difficult, but engaging and challenging just in the right way, with plenty of ambushes around that don't feel pushed. Definitely going to be one of this month's highlights!

Rating: 93/100


This map might feel quite disjointed at first, I think this is due to Turpuli making the first part - which is basically just the supermarket - and then Kuffi picking up after him and practically abandoning his work to start his own work after the red key gate. The blue and yellow keycards in the first part are therefore obsolete and I think player can just bring them to the second part - but then they would miss most of the fun. My favourite place was the flooded office where the red key was picked after yet another underwater puzzles this month. The debris and bodyparts floating in the water make this place look particularly cool, I think it was released before Red 4, which makes it particularly impressive. The design feels a bit unfinished in the Turpuli's part (like it required another detail pass), but obviously very nice in the Kuffi's part. The gameplay is quite alive, with the first part being a bit stingy with the ammo (which I think was just not placed yet - this tells by the empty secret place, for example...). It's still well worth playing as a little classic city map.

Rating: 88/100

This post has been edited by Aleks: 07 December 2023 - 11:53 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


Look, I'm not saying Jason Bredhauer is a hack, but...

Russian Observatory Snow Base
Jason "Overlord" Bredhauer

Jason! You are making me angry now, Jason! Russian Observatory Snow Base is everything I hate about a pre-2000s Duke 3D map rolled into one. It's cramped, extremely dark, heavily abuses two enemy types, has no sense of balancing and relies heavily on key and switch hunting in convoluted and not at all intuitive ways. The start is an utter migraine - pick your poison! Either run up the stairs, blow your one Pipe Bomb on the cracked door and get shelled and die from Pig Cops and Turrets in the dark, OR run down the stairs and be totally outmatched by several Turrets in excruciating locations, Pig Cops and Enforcers to body block you for days, and a Commander who you have to get stuck behind the black glass nearby or else you're not living long. If you don't get a Shotgun from one of the first six Pig Cops you basically aren't beating this map. If you don't get a Chaingun from one of the Enforcers before the outdoors section, you aren't getting past that either. The outdoors section does feature that cool ambush where the spotlights seeing you triggers a huge ambush, but the actual fight itself is the opposite of fun. I wouldn't mind all of these Pig Cops if I had real ammo instead of living on paycheck to paycheck, and I could also see three feet in front of me. Fights in the dark are good fun if you actually get useful light sources to peer into to help you out, or if cover is plentiful enough to allow you to seek it if you hear a monster. Bredhauer doesn't do either of those things here and it makes every hitscanner in the dark piss me off. This map could care less about telling you where to go. It just hands you keys and puts the switches in illogical locations. Got the Yellow Key? Great, now you gotta run back to the start to do a switch sequence. By the end of the map I just DNCLIP'd through the final gate. I had had enough of Bredhauer's antics and wanted to move on. English Observatory Snow Base is claustrophobic, dark, aggravating and is a pain in my ass.


User is offline   Quacken 


It took me much longer than I wanted to solve the fuel puzzle.

Underwater Sub Base
Jason "Overlord" Bredhauer

I'm glad I don't have to be entirely negative for once, because Underwater Sub Base is a map that actually has some merits. It's no Derelict and it's a wacky shape to be called a submarine, but it's much less painful to play than Bredhauer's previous offerings. That's mostly due to the fact that he gives you more than scraps in terms of health and ammo this time around, and it stays pretty bright until the very end. With the MIDI I ended up choosing it created quite a cozy experience for the first 10 minutes until I inevitably ran out of ammo. There's still a lot of struggles though. The ammo situation is manageable but there will eventually be a point where you'll run out of ammo and will have to make some pretty desperate plays to stay afloat. Bredhauer's use of Turrets is still aggravating. The fight in the warehouse is almost fun if it weren't for the Turrets up in the corner taking potshots at you, and the Turret that's right next to the exit switch seems mean spirited. Going out of the submarine and doing the fuel puzzle is a cool idea, but it didn't even register to me that you could circle the entire sub until I came back to this map tonight to try and finish it. I started this map two days ago... and while fueling up is fun, you aren't killing the Sharks and Octabrains in the water without Night Vision. There's also quite a few red herrings that make the map more confusing. The mess hall is proceeded by double doors but never actually opens, and there's at least three different custom coloured Key Doors that also never open. They feel like remnants from when the map was even bigger, but they had to be cut out for I presume file size limitations. Despite its shortcomings, Underwater Sub Base has enough going for it to earn a passing rating.


User is offline   Quacken 


Bredhauer is done!

Passenger Jet
Jason "Overlord" Bredhauer

I think I prefer Wanton Destruction's Airplane over this, but Passenger Jet is a genuinely decent map that has a fair amount going for it. This map's visuals are a definite highlight. It's not quite the level of paradoxical mapping that Airplane is and you can't temporarily leave the jet to get an important item, but there's still a sky texture that slowly scrolls to simulate movement, there are TVs everywhere with a variety of shows, and there's even a cute puzzle with the corkboard in the cockpit that requires you to retrace your steps. I also like the wheelie trays that are in the halls. Another good part about this map is its length. I was able to knock it out in under 10 minutes, which I'll take as a positive rather than a negative. Finally, Bredhauer is for the first time generous with ammo, which is more than can be said for the previous four maps. There are still hiccups though. Some of the switches and buttons that need to be pressed such as the backup power button, the Moger Roor pamphlet, the corkboard and even the exit switch all have wonky hitboxes and will take some inching around to find the sweetspot. The map is pretty cramped and occasionally uncomfortable to move around in (though this is fairly unavoidable for an aeroplane map), and while you do get a generous supply of it, health may become an issue if you aren't very good on the draw. Passenger Jet is ambitious, chill and a generally good time. Not bad at all!


User is offline   NNC 


EDIT: Forget it, I got my answer....

I think Bredhauer's two best maps are the two unnamed levels in JJ Duke 3D. The secret level in episode 3, and the final level in episode 2. From these maps, I liked the sub base the best, because I generally enjoy sub bases the most, but this is certainly not SW Water Torture.

This post has been edited by The Watchtower: 12 December 2023 - 02:41 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


I'm going to finish up the ill-fated 007 Duke TC by briefly skipping to Kevin Cools to do his contribution. Then I'll do Juha's maps after this.

The Secret Base
Kevin "Kuffi" Cools

According to the text file that came with this map, map author Kevin Cools was about 13 when he made this map. (He lists himself as 14 in the text file, but he says it's "over a year old" so I'm assuming he was 13.) And to that I say: Good job! You did in one map what Jason Bredhauer couldn't do in four. Secret Base is by the numbers both in name and in gameplay, but unlike Bredhauer he commits fewer mapping sins and makes smart use of making you run in circles. The snowy theme and perpetual darkness are much more manageable here as Cools' monster density is far lesser, you have plenty of cover and you have way more than enough shells and Pistol clips to rely on. This map still feels like it was made by a 13 year-old though. The progression can occasionally be weird, with the Blue and Red Key somehow being hidden in the same closet being the particularly egregious offender. There's also a train that leads to a concrete wall in your face if you decide to flip the switch to send yourself back, and there's a variety of pretty weird texturing and collision mishaps that seem like they could have been cleaned up. Despite the lack of final touch-ups, Secret Base is a decent map that I managed to enjoy in spite of its basic-ness.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Hi everyone. Thank you for your reviews so far. A few of my comments before the actual review:

Although Quacken's ratings/reviews can be harsh at times, I must say I really appreciate how honest he is. Makes me think some of these maps may not have aged well but from my recent experience, after not playing them since a decade or so, I think some of these maps still hold up pretty nicely. It's the "Base" themed maps that are a bit rough around the edges but the experience should still be enjoyable in the end for those who intend to (re)play the maps.

Thanks Aleks, glad to hear you enjoy these maps. Funnily enough, I also played Jason's maps and most Kevin's maps (except Kut World and the three "optional" maps from Scent 88) back in 2010-2011, so I have fond memories of them, especially Kevin's maps which were very interesting, though this time I'm playing them in DOSBox for the authentic experience.

The only weird thing is I don't recall ever playing any of Turpuli's maps before, they just don't sound familiar at all, maybe with exception of some areas being reused for the old CBPs. At least I managed to find his archived site with downloads, thanks to Wayback Machine and decided to share them all here.

I also think I forgot about Turpuli's Christmas map/mod that was split into two parts, I got it confused with Christmas 2001 and 2002, as the zips had the exact same names (funnily enough) and I only realized after the topic was up! That's what happens after spending a bunch of hours to research the maps and writing the post. I will provide a download link at a later time when I get around playing/reviewing his maps.

And maybe I should have put Eye-Witness and WSYC Remix in the main categories but I thought there are already plenty of maps to play for this month and these maps were already covered before (in August 2021 and January 2022), so I made them "optional". Feel free to check them if you want to revisit them again and/or have the time this month.

Anyway, I played the individual maps (as user maps) in Duke3D v1.5 on CGS skill, keyboard only controls, all kills and secrets, using DOSBox 0.74-3. There was no custom MIDI included with any of these maps, so I just heard Dethtoll when playing each map.

Note that I'm not reviewing The Secret Base now because I'm saving Kevin Cools' maps for another time when I review his maps. I will just focus on about 4-5 maps reviewed per post. Maps reviewed for today: ballroom, MissBase, snowbase, WATERBAS, JET.

A few more notes before I begin:
1) I meant to post this review a few days ago but wasn't fully finished and had quite a busy month so far (the next week especially is very busy for me), hopefully I can make it in time with the reviews for this month.
2) Some maps have no difficulty settings implemented, so the first three skill levels are identical. Jason's maps without difficulty settings are MissBase and WATERBAS.
3) Monday was the 27th anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D v1.5 - Atomic Edition and today is the 26th anniversary of Duke: Nuclear Winter. So happy birthday to both of them!


The first map of the failed DUKE IS 007 TC is pretty well designed and is quite challenging at times, especially the Pig Cop ambush at the end that almost got me killed (even worse that the armor was already in very poor condition) but luckily the Portable Medkit saved my life when it got used during the ambush. This is probably why you can find another Medkit on the table towards the end, hinting at something dangerous.

The beginning is not too difficult, as I found the Pistol ammo abundant and the Shotgun is quickly given in the reception room, located near the door requiring red card. Then you should get lucky with the monster drops and the rest of the map is not that difficult, even if the Chaingun is only found in one corner of the bathrooms (quite easy to miss IMO), though I eventually got one from an Enforcer but didn't get the 50 ammo on pickup because I already had 200 ammo collected. The rest weapons (except the RPG) are also available in the map, including the Expander ammo.

There is also a water fountain right at beginning, on top of generous amount of health packs and even a few toilets you can use later in the level, so the health is almost never a problem. The armor appears in two locations later but can be easily missed if you don't keep an eye, for instance the armor pickup inside the Bathroom where you get the Shrinker is easily missable, as you need to close the door to see it hidden in a corner.

The enemy variety is also pretty good, as you will face the common low-mid tier enemies with an occasional Assault Commander and Protector Drone appearing in some rooms. I don't think there was any Mini Battlelord or Pig Cop Tank appearing, so the map will not go too rough on you with the exception of the final ambush mentioned earlier which spawns around FIVE or SIX pig cops, some behind and some in front of you. I used the Chaingun to kill them but I think spamming the Shrinker would work the best in this situation. Or if you know what to expect in advance, setting up traps (pipebombs or tripmines) can also work.

The only issues I have with the map is indeed there is a bit of darkness in some places, which was seen earlier in some JJDuke3D maps (for those who have played the TC anyway), though at least this time I'm playing at Brightness Level 4, so things aren't so dark anymore like they were in JJDuke3D.

And the other issue I experienced is a place with some HOMs that are showing up even in DOS version, though it shouldn't impact the gameplay and the HOMs disappear when you get closer to those bathrooms. It only seems to occur when looking from a distance. Not exactly sure what causes that but I will take there is either a Sector Over Sector issue or one of those mirrors glitching or both.

Not really an issue but I initially had an enemy missing and backtracking at end revealed a Pig Cop standing hidden in a corner in that room mentioned above, probably at the exact same location where the Lady used to be (the Lady was no longer there because she suffered an accident). So in situations where you are missing one or more enemies, backtracking will usually reveal them. Oh and taking the helicopter will send you to HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST! Yeah, I know, it happens because of the way the ending sector is coded in vanilla. This shouldn't happen in source ports like EDuke32.

There is only ONE secret to find: Just shortly before you enter the room to get the Red card, there is a stove with a gate you can blow up. There is a pipebomb nearby in case you don't have any explosives. Blow up the gate and enter the stove, then quickly jump to collect an Atomic Health. It is impossible to avoid the fire damage but in best case scenario you will end up with 149 health, so this will be very useful for some fights that await later in the map.

Overall, this is a pretty decent starting map. I had fun revisiting this map after all these years and looking forward to whatever Bredhauer brings us next.
Attached Image: ballroom_4.pngAttached Image: ballroom_7.png

Russian Missile Base

A decent base-themed map that provides quite a good challenge. Early on the ammo for the first few weapons will be tight, depending on what Pig Cops will drop for you and if they actually drop anything at all. Though you are given the RPG and Devastator early, so you can rely on these weapons if you run out of ammo for the hitscan weapons. Explosives aren't very practical for the weaker enemies but in desperate moments, you have no other choice.

Eventually, once you arrive in the next rooms and take out the bad guys, you will come across various goodies, mostly placed on top of the crates. Don't forget to look for the Yellow Card as well, as it can be easy to miss, since the early rooms can be a bit dark.

Interestingly, I didn't have to use the Shrinker in this map, the RPG was useful in taking down the Commanders. And although the Mini Battlelords are not encountered, the Pig Cop Tanks appear occasionally, so there are some good fights in this map, especially towards the end. You just need to stock on supplies early on because the rest fights will be a lot easier. Though I admit getting an early Used Armor and the early Shotgun was also very much needed. If you don't get these helpful supplies, you can get into trouble easily.

Oh and if you haven't noticed from the previous map, turrets really like to be placed in corners and ready to ambush you upon entering a room. It is recommended to conserve the pistol ammo for taking them out quickly thanks to the generous autoaim. The pistol's autoaim will rarely fail you when fighting the turrets.

There are NO secrets to find! Though you should find a bunch of hidden goodies on top of the crates if you take your time exploring, as I mentioned above. So even though they aren't marked as secrets, you may find some "hidden" stuff that will save your life.

The only nitpicks I found is that there are two "missing" textures, as Aleks pointed out earlier (I spotted the brick texture appearing twice in one corner) and the map ended a bit abruptly. You jump into the back of the truck (or even on top of it) and the map ends. And then you get sent to E1L1 of course!

Overall, this was another decent map. Looking forward to the next "Base" map!
Attached Image: MissBase_3.pngAttached Image: MissBase_6.png

Russian Observatory Snow Base

Another interesting "Base" themed map. Design wise, it can be seen as a step down because the outdoors look a bit bland/empty. And there are some annoying bugs with some misplaced art tiles, as Aleks has pointed out once again. The TC most likely was meant to use custom art and what you see placed in some areas are the default brick texture tile and the DUKE NUKEM 3D USER ART tile. They can be a bit distracting but they don't prevent progression or anything like that.

However I did have one time somehow got stuck behind an invisible wall in those outside snowy areas. Unlike how Quacken cheated with DNCLIP, I chose to simply load my last saved game. I don't like having to noclip in situations like these, unless the map is broken by default and cheating is required for progression. So I just loaded my saved game and pretend nothing happened. Since I save game often on multiple slots, situations like these can be easily avoided and it's nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Gameplay is again pretty challenging, as you need to make sure to count your shots and pray that you often get drops, plus you get attacked by TWO pig cops at start. Oh yeah and there is no armor at all in this map for some reason but considering how many pig cops are in this map, you should be able to get at least two used armor drops and if you are lucky, one of those drops might be 75 armor, enough to last a decent amount of time because there are many enemies ambushing you in some places where the damage is unavoidable.

Thankfully, I didn't take much damage at beginning and the pig cops dropped shotguns that provided very little ammo. Then shortly I found a hidden Chaingun and the ammo situation was decent, even if there were parts the monsters didn't drop much stuff. I can imagine how you can get frustrated at lack of ammo/health but if things go well, then there isn't much to complain. I do think that some of the enemies feel a bit "spongy" at times but then you get your hands on the more powerful weapons and you will not have too many problems with ammo in the rest of the map. It's also important to grab the supplies carefully instead of grabbing them when near full.

The Pig Cop ambush with the lights at end (where you find the Blue Card inside a barrel) was definitely one of the highlights of this map. Though I'm not sure why there is another ambush right at the very end in front of exit sector. I initially thought I missed three enemies, so I loaded the save and spent a couple minutes wandering the level trying to find those three enemies until I realized what's going on. What happens is two pig cops and one pig cop tank will spawn nearby when the player will then step into the exit sector. And there is also a Portable Medkit right near the ending sector too. Why? It's not going to be any use when you are at the end, unless you are playing this map as part of the "intended" episode/progression (e.g. in the Addon Compilation) but on a pistol start, that medkit should have been given earlier to be any use.

And as you guessed, completing this map also takes you back to E1L1! Overall, I found the map a bit bland at times but it's not that bad and there are some interesting design choices, although the map is a bit luck based (early shotgun and used armor are a must) and has a bunch of annoyances that drag the map's quality down, including but not limited to those misplaced art tiles, the softlock glitch with the invisible wall in the outdoors and the lack of difficulty settings, the last only being an issue for casual players who normally play on easier skills.
Attached Image: snowbase_2.pngAttached Image: snowbase_5.png

Underwater Sub Base

The last of the "Base" themed maps, as well as the hardest and most interesting one so far. It can also be quite confusing and make you run in circles, not knowing what you unlocked or where is the door you need to go next.

It's important to note that the beginning can be quite difficult due to scarce resources, which depend a lot on what enemies drop for you, if they decide to drop something, similar to the previous map. After you reach the locker with the two Armor Pickups, the barracks with a Portable Medkit guarded by Pig Cops and the bathroom infested with Assault Troopers, the map will be much easier, with your only worries being the ammo and the upcoming infamous underwater part.

Speaking of which, there is the long dark underwater section where you must find and activate a bunch of switches while dealing with Sharks and Octabrains. You have to come very well equipped in this section because if you stay too long, you will drown and there is no place to resurface, with the exception of a sector glitch involving swimming past a pipe that will act like you are at the surface, allowing you to "breathe" again.

Therefore, the Scuba Gear is absolutely essential for your survival here, so don't miss it in the armory room accessed from the vents in the same room you activate the SERVICE ACCESS switch. That room contains lots of goodies that should NOT be missed!

I also recommend arriving with 150 health (from the secret place mentioned below) and a full Portable Medkit at your disposal, they will save your life if your Scuba Gear runs out and you drown while desperately trying to find the tunnel where you came from. Don't forget to use your Night Vision Goggles when navigating underwater to spot the enemies and find various hidden goodies, such as the Shrinker!

Once you make it through this whole section, go back to the warehouse and drop down to opened hatch. If you have found the Jetpack, you can use it to backtrack to the earlier parts of the map. Afterwards, deal with a few more monsters and the map is over after the Nuke button is reached.

There are TWO secrets to find and they both require the Jetpack, which is located in the warehouse unlocked with the Yellow card. The Jetpack is found inside one of those barrels. Once you have it, go back to the earlier parts of the maps to find the secrets:

1) At the very beginning of the map (right where you start), fly with the Jetpack inside the vent and collect an Atomic Health and Expander Ammo.
2) After you arrive inside the mines (before the door requiring Blue Card), break the vent and fly with the Jetpack to the top to collect a Devastator.

Overall, this map was much better designed than both previous "Base" maps and didn't have any missing textures (or misplaced art tiles) but it was also much more annoying and confusing at times, having me run in circles or even look up in Mapster at one point. On top of that, it suffers from lack of difficulty settings implemented, so casual players may have a hard time to complete this map due to how tough it can be. Not an issue for CGS players because they are getting the intended challenge but the less experienced players have no other easier choice.
Attached Image: WATERBAS_6.pngAttached Image: WATERBAS_8.png

Passenger Jet

The last map of the failed DUKE IS 007 TC and probably the best map so far, it's much shorter and more compact. Gameplay is again only moderately challenging but not very difficult. And there is a toilet right at start, so if you ever find yourself needing health, you can always use the toilet to regain your lost health. There are also two Atomic Healths in the kitchen (one of them is only present on CGS and DIG) and the Armor can be found in the next section after dropping down, so then you are more than well equipped to deal with whatever awaits you next. I chose to do the hard way and picked up the Atomic Healths when I finished the map.

Interestingly, I got stuck for a while (and consulted Mapster this time) at the puzzle hinted in the cockpit because I was trying to figure out where the Red Card is. Turns out, you must press on some TV magazine to reveal the Red Card, which is pretty clever, although you are given the hint in that room earlier if you look at the monitor but this can be easily missed if you don't understand what it's referring to. And then once you deal with whatever awaits you next, you then come back to the cockpit to find the exit has been revealed. You need to crouch to press on the Nuke Button and might take you a few tries to activate the exit but eventually it should work.

There is only one official secret to find: At the very beginning, there is a locked door right ahead of you. After clearing the rooms of enemies, look for a hidden switch near one of the seats. It will unlock that door, which will access a bathroom containing a toilet, Portable Medkit, Devastator and Chaingun ammo.

Unofficial secret: In the compartment with the TV (located closest to the cockpit), you can press on the DVD player, which will reveal an Armor pickup on the right side (inside the MOVIES compartment).

Overall, this was a pretty fun level. Although it suffers a bit from being cramped and that bit with the Red Card can get you stuck for a while if you don't understand the hint you are given. But the rest of the map is great, I liked it.
Attached Image: JET_3.pngAttached Image: JET_6.png

I have already done all of Kevin Cools' main maps earlier this week, so I should have them reviewed by the next week, hopefully. Then I will try to focus on playing and reviewing some maps by Juha/Turpuli. Have a nice weekend everyone!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 15 December 2023 - 06:45 AM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


View PostFistMarine, on 15 December 2023 - 06:34 AM, said:

Hi everyone. Thank you for your reviews so far. A few of my comments before the actual review:

Although Quacken's ratings/reviews can be harsh at times, I must say I really appreciate how honest he is. Makes me think some of these maps may not have aged well but from my recent experience, after not playing them since a decade or so, I think some of these maps still hold up pretty nicely. It's the "Base" themed maps that are a bit rough around the edges but the experience should still be enjoyable in the end for those who intend to (re)play the maps.

i like that there has to be a disclaimer about some people's takes on maps so as to not discourage other people from playing them.
I almost want Quacken to play my maps now so I can have a good laugh, but I wouldn't wish that on anybody. At least not before the holiday season. I don't need somebody's family suing me for damages because a loved one had a psychological breakdown and had to be institutionalized.

User is offline   Quacken 


View PostForge, on 15 December 2023 - 09:14 AM, said:

I almost want Quacken to play my maps now so I can have a good laugh, but I wouldn't wish that on anybody. At least not before the holiday season. I don't need somebody's family suing me for damages because a loved one had a psychological breakdown and had to be institutionalized.

The last thing that you want to be doing is to be doubting yourself about your mapping prowess - I know that feeling all too well. It's been the main thing that's stonewalled me on Doom mapping in particular. One thing I only do on rare occasions is to directly attack a mapper's character - I did it once here with Jason Bredhauer by calling him a hack, but I can't remember off the top of my head the last time I attacked someone directly before that (probably George-William Bernard when I started my LRWB thread). While I like to think I pride myself on my extremely honest reviews, that's just my attitude towards maps. In the grand scheme of things, attacking the author isn't productive at all. It misconstrues your argument, opens you up to further biasing when you do play a map the author made that is good to make you rate it lower, and most of the time it just makes you look like the asshole, not the guy you're trying to rip on. I'm sure that Bredhauer or Bernard are nice people who have productive lives, well respecting friends and jobs that aren't making maps for a 27 year old game. They're probably living better lives than I am currently - what right do I have to criticise them over maps they made 20 years ago? To a lesser extent, that's also why I mostly try to avoid dropping hard swear words such as F-Bombs unless I really need to get a point across.

The point is... keep your chin up! I might throw out some harsh language or dock people 2 points over their visuals, but at the end of the day we're all people who are on this message board to unite over one game (engine). My ratings don't matter to anyone except me. Whether someone gets a 1 or a 10, I'm proud that they even decided to open up Mapster or whichever editor they used in the first place.

This post has been edited by Quacken: 15 December 2023 - 11:12 PM


User is offline   Quacken 


One of these maps is very wet. Both make my hands very wet.

The Alleys
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

Sometimes I look at a map's start and I think "I already know what rating I'm giving this map, I don't need to play it". The Alleys is peak late 90s mapping by a 15 year-old, and I don't think it's funny. According to the text file, map author Juha Laaksonen thinks this map is great for Dukematch. I know nothing about Dukematch, but I can tell you for a fact that this map would be terrible for it. Most of the map is an ungodly labyrinth of hallways, doors that cover the entire hall when opened, doors in front of other doors that close behind you, the same four monster types including pop-up Commanders, and a bunch of other things. Moving in this map isn't just boring, it's actively degrading no matter what MIDI you pair with it. Finidng the keys and key doors isn't hard, but trying to remember where the doors are when you get the keys gets very complicated. I can't think of a single thing I like about this map besides the fact that I have an enormous amount of pity for Laaksonen. Unfortunately, I chose violence today. Pity won't be enough to save Laaksonen from a failing rating.


Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

What if you took Flood Zone from the base game, made it as wide as a football field but as tall as a caterpillar, gave the player no Scuba Gear until near the end of the map as a cheap difficulty hike, AND set it to a shitty MIDI rendition of the Mortal Kombat theme? Flood is put simply just a miserable map to play. The first thing I did was swap out Mortal Kombat for another MIDI of my own. In addition to playing a new MIDI when there is no new one, I also reserve the right to change the MIDI to a different one if your song you chose is lame as hell. In terms of its progression, it mirrors Flood Zone when it feels like it, and deviates from it in other places for universally negative results. The vent sequence where you have to kick down everything to reveal the way forward is not only bad map design (forcing the player to kick everything to find the way through lest you be stranded), the section afterward is a suffocating (literally) underwater tunnel that requires you to chew through several Octabrains with the Devastator just so you can eventually find the antidotes, being the Jetpack to get you out of here, the only Scuba Gear I could find, and the Red Key. Flood is a true waste of your time. I would have been much better off doing anything else today.


This post has been edited by Quacken: 17 December 2023 - 03:51 PM


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


Quacken: I'm glad people take time and effort to make maps and I laud them for opening themselves up like that.
Also Quacken: Hold on a sec while I put on my steel-toed kicking and stomping boots.


User is offline   ck3D 


I'm more curious about what Quacken will feel about some of the maps they haven't played yet because they come later in the order of the list. Not going to name names in order not to risk biasing anything, but some of the entries further down the list are personal favorites and generally considered an intrinsic part of Build history by a lot of people. I'm certain most will be able to tell which exact maps I'm thinking of right as soon as entering them if they haven't already played them yet and already know.

User is offline   Quacken 


These next two maps technically have names, but I would hardly call "Mission 1" and "Mission 2" appropriate titles. I was considering giving these maps names I came up with myself, but I decided against it.

Mission 1
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

This map's... playable, but I feel like I'm playing the start of Mephisto's Mausoleum the entire time. This map is very big with not much to do in it besides walking around streets and shoot at Assault Troopers. The hotel you start at has a comically large foyer and three rooms that are all give and take copy-pasted in a row, and you don't have to look far for the Yellow Key. I'd complain about the map being linear, but I'm playing these maps at 11:00 PM and I need a gimme map once in a while. I don't think Laaksonen expected you to kill the perched Pig Cops near the Blue Switch. I was able to make a jump to the left-most tower once, fell off of it, and then never replicated it after six tries. This map's combat puts you at a heartrate of about 40 BPM, but the final fight is a Battlelord pincer attack you won't see coming. Their closets blend into the rest of the wall and there's an Atomic Health after the trap. Mission 1 is playable, but it's figuratively and literally flat. At least I didn't have to replace the MIDI this time around.


Mission 2
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

This map is also technically playable, but it's worse than Mission 1. This is again a map that is way too open and underpopulated, yet somehow Laaksonen still managed to fit in several back and forth escapades to pad out the timer. The only way over to the other side of the map with the green structure without taking fall damage is through an elevator, two doors and a downwards ramp, and I'd say that takes about 25 seconds to do each time, not including the extra 15 seconds you usually have to take to get to the grand total of two doors on the other side. It gets grating fast, and the custom MIDI makes things worse. This map definitely has combat, and Laaksonen definitely tried. There's a lot of Protector Drones out on the streets and like seven RPGs that are on minimally guarded tables. Bowling over the Protectors with the RPG seems like the intended strategy, but with how open it is it's hard to get a good shot in. There's a lot of weapons that are on the tables, by the way. Not ammo for the weapons, just multiple copies of the weapons. Mission 2 was a mediocre use of my night, and it will make my sleep seem much more worth it.


This post has been edited by Quacken: 19 December 2023 - 05:28 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


I am having a G R E A T time. These MIDIs in my collection are far too upbeat for Turpuli's maps.

Mission 2: The Rescue
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

Okay, first of all, I really have to question the naming of these maps. These seem like maps for an unfinished Episode 1 replacement judging by the name of the map files - is there some hidden lore here I don't know about? What was this map set called? Just... Mission 2? Why did the first Mission 2 not have a subtitle but this one does? Who or what am I supposed to be "rescuing" in this map? These questions and more won't be answered in the "thrilling" (assumed) "conclusion" of the Mission 2 saga. This map's simply just way too cramped and amateurish for its own good. This one seems rushed out the door with not much thought put into it. I never got why these stupid auto-ascending ladders caught on in late 90s and early 2000s Duke 3D mapping. They take you up way too fast, are way too hard to get down and are brutal when factoring in fall damage. The one in this map gives you a fist full of Commander with no possible way to find safe cover. If you want brownie points for your map, go build a nice-looking bridge or something. Mission 2 2 is a boring stroll with no custom MIDI that's over in less than 10 minutes.


Skyscraper Assault
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

I've got nothing on this one. It's so short, non-descript and easy that I'm basically just listing off the same things. If you wanted another corridor heavy "shootout" with the lowest monster count so far and four enemy types, this is the map for you. The only part of the map that has a shred of identity is the end with the Battlelord and the PCT that can shoot out the vent you crawl in. You do have an RPG though and the Battlelord is susceptible to being corner camped, so I don't really care that much. Skyscraper Assault can be beaten in under 7 minutes and has absolutely nothing to show for it.


User is offline   Quacken 


I wanted to do the rest of the Turpuli maps in this post but I just couldn't do it.

Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

I'm sorry, did I miss something? I thought you couldn't distribute commercial maps for free. Invaders is a shameful "recreation" of Hollywood Holocaust and parts of Red Light District that is stapled together and made to be much worse. Everything about the first half is give or take basically identical to Hollywood Holocaust, from the start being a very clear E1L1 start drawn from memory, the pool table is copy-pasted from Red Light District, and you use an explosive to blow up the doors to the cinema. I gave Where it All Began and Deja Vu from Nuclear Winter a pass because A they have different textures, B you play both maps in reverse, and C, Simply Silly Software probably had a week tops to do both maps combined. Laaksonen did this map in 3 or 4 months, according to the text file. Invaders is the most playable of Laaksonen's maps so far, but I'm failing him on this map anyway because it's just blatant plagiarism. I may be proud of you for opening a map editor, but I'll sneer at you if you copy from other peoples' hard work and call it a day.


Escape from Area 54
Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

Escape from Area 54 is less of an "epic action scene" escape and more of a "get me the hell out of here" escape. This map features more plagiarism, which is great - the opening outdoors area directly copies an area from Surface Tension (Half-Life 1). There's a ramp coming after an underground tunnel, a 90 degree turn to the right with another tunnel at the end of the path and a tan building off to the side. Another area has you going around a building, climbing on top of it, then breaking a vent to drop in. In Surface Tension, you do this exact sequence but with a minefield and a sniper. Yeah, very nice. Once you break the vent and jump into the building, the map becomes more original, but not any more good. There's a practically unavoidable explosion after the Battlelord explosion, another stupid underwater tunnel with Octabrains, and two switch sequences. I solved the first one, but I just DNCLIP'd through the second one. You're not making me solve a six switch sequence underwater. While you're at it, DNCLIP through the Red Door, because the exit's there. Escape from Area 54 is yet another headache inducer that couldn't be made bearable with a new MIDI.


User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


E1L1-E1L2 were part of the free to do with as you please demo/shareware release. (if you read the original eula, it says something along the lines of being allowed to edit those maps or make your own & apogee/3dr had the rights to take your work and sell them, or claim a share of sales if the mapper sold them).

There are dozens of people's versions of those copy-paste maps floating around at the bottom of the internet barrel.
Legal? Yes
Original and creative? Usually not (& that's why NW got such a bad rep, aside from being slammed together over night in a cocaine fueled mapping session)

This post has been edited by Forge: 21 December 2023 - 05:42 AM


User is offline   Quacken 



In that case, my apologies for being too hasty. I guess I was too used to Doom's community rules surrounding the commercial maps where there I'm pretty sure you can't even distribute low quality copies of the shareware maps (although that rule has been a bit stretched with DTWWRI and its sequels releasing recently). I'm still happy with the rating I gave Invaders though. It may be legal, but it is still plagiarism, and I would have preferred if Laaksonen made an original map. Besides, there's no excuse for them copying two parts from Surface Tension.

User is offline   Aleks 


You can't copy a level from Half Life to Duke, because the engines are completely different. It might be recreation/re-interpretation, but it has nothing to do with copying and if it looks so much alike the level from HL, then it's only impressive from Turpuli that he managed to pull it off so well in an older, completely different engine (both when it comes to effects and geometry) and with completely different art assets. I haven't played HL1 (well, actually I did last year, but didn't get that far and somehow never picked up the playthrough after taking a break for some weeks), but Escape from Area 54 is one of the iconic Duke maps from the period, a lot of maps back then were inspired by HL stuff (check late Maarten Pinxten stuff). Thinking about it, it's not much different really than re-interpreting an existing real-life building in a Duke map.

User is offline   Quacken 


Just to put this little argument to rest, because truth be told I've always hated arguments like these: I feel like I should apologise again for how negative I've been. I've been reading over my reviews for Laaksonen's maps, and while I still partially agree with the ratings I gave each of their maps, I believe my language and overall tone could have been much better. In truth, knowing the situation surrounding E1L1 and E1L2 being copyable and having a day to compose myself, I'll addend my previous two ratings by giving Invaders a 6/10 and Area 54 a 4.5/10. Ignoring the circumstances of its existence, Invaders is actually a perfectly playable map that's held back by the existence of Sentry Drones and Octabrains in tight corners. I don't really like Area 54 that much, but I will acknowledge that it was certainly good for the time. However, when viewed from my more modern eyes, I don't really think it's aged too well.

User is offline   FistMarine 


Hey everyone, thanks for your comments so far and hope you are having a wonderful Christmas! I will address some comments at a later time when I get to review those particular maps.

Anyway, I decided to review the first half of Kevin Cools' maps, as I originally planned. I haven't finished playing and reviewing all of Turpuli's maps (I still have to do Extermination), so I thought it's better I finish the reviews I started a while ago. Besides, I'm already familiar with most of Kuffi's maps, having played them back in 2010 or so but this time I'm revisiting them in DOSBox.

Maps reviewed for today: 007, OHTLD01, xmas2k1, RETRO. Note that OHTLD01 and xmas2k1 have no difficulty settings implemented at all.

The Secret Base

This is the only DUKE IS 007 TC map made by Kevin Cools. It was actually released between Underwater Sub Base and Passenger Jet. And since both of those maps feature a regular Nuke Button, there is the possibility this may have been a secret map to be found as a secret exit in one of those maps.

Design wise, it is pretty cool and gameplay wise, it can be quite challenging at times, since the health is a bit scarce early on and for whatever reason (something that happens often in Kuffi's maps), the armor is absent. You can still get used armor from pig cops but this means you need to rely on luck and you need an armor quickly, since it will be difficult to recover from all the health lost in the beginning.

Luckily, the health situation can be fixed if you manage to reach the bathroom at later points in the map. Though note that there are also THREE Atomic Healths to be found, so health distribution isn't that bad actually. It's only the absence of armor that can make some fights much harder than they should.

I died twice inside the sewers when I tried to jump back, Duke got squished in between the sectors. Even in the DOS version, this section was quite awkward and glitchy because of how cramped it was. You need to mash the jump key and hope Duke jumps instead of getting squished. Oh and Duke's health may be low at this point, so the acid will actually be a problem for once.

The only other confusing part is how the Blue Card will be made available right in the compartment where you collected the Red Card earlier. So it's important to remember that location and visit it again when you press the switch inside the vent, as you may be wondering what did that switch do.

Besides these annoyances and an unexpected explosion trap at a later point in the map, this was an enjoyable map. And of course, finishing this map takes you back to Duke's glory days! ;)

There are NO secrets to find. Overall, this was a surprisingly fun map and would have worked well as a secret level (hence the name of the map) if DUKE IS 007 TC was ever finished.
Attached Image: 007_1.pngAttached Image: 007_4.png

On Him Their Lives Depend 01

A very interesting Roch-inspired map that's quite challenging and also pretty well designed. You already start attacked by enemies but if you look closely, there is an ARMOR pickup in front of you! You must grab it as soon as possible because you will be taking some unavoidable damage and you really want to have some protection on.

There are also THREE Atomic Healths to be found relatively early (one is hidden inside a Dukemeal box) and a few water fountains that can help you recover, so the health distribution is very good, as is the ammo situation, since there are plenty of challenging fights awaiting Duke.

There can be a couple of points that can get you stuck, most notably the part you have to shoot through transparent windows to hit two switches and unlock some doors. I remember this part getting me stuck back then, at least in one of the times I've played the map.

The map ends when stepping inside a building. I expected to clear another building of enemies and the map ended abruptly. But despite that, there's plenty of action to be found here, as various enemies will spawn every time you unlock a new building.

There are TWO secrets to find:
1) At the very beginning, near the corner with the dog, jump on the ledge and go through the fake wall to find a Chaingun with some extra ammo.
2) Near the Innocent? sign, jump through the windows to find a Shrinker guarded by a Trooper.

Overall, OHTLD01 is another great map. Shame that it didn't turn into a whole series, hence the "01" in the map filename and title, could have even been a 10-map series. If not, I would have liked to see a sequel at least.
Attached Image: OHTLD01_1.pngAttached Image: OHTLD01_5.png

Christmas 2001

Well, that was quite an irritating Christmas themed map. Design wise, it's pretty cool and the progression isn't too confusing to figure out. Well maybe at the beginning it must be mentioned the part where you move two boxes to jump and reach an elevator. It was quite clever how it was done.

Gameplay wise, the map is okay but there are two things I really disliked about Xmas 2001:
-The armor is not given until later in the map, so although you are given a decent amount of health (including two atomic healths), the armor is only given after an infamous part mentioned below. Nothing is more frustrating than watching how your health gets melted by a couple enemies' attacks, so the extra health doesn't last too long.
-The room where you have to avoid tripmines is absolute bullshit. No, you don't have any explosives to get rid of them at that point. I died around 10 times and it was getting on my nerves because it was very difficult to avoid triggering the last tripmine due to either touching with my feet or my head when jumping. I had to savescum a lot here but in the end I made it and only THEN I was finally given an Armor. Not that the armor would have helped much here but it would have been better to have some early armor, so that the extra health would have lasted longer.

Oh yeah and also suffered one random stupid death by getting squished from jumping through destroyed crack when entering the secret place. Good thing I'm saving often, so cheap insta-deaths like these are nothing more than small frustrations.

Not too much of an issue throughout the first half of map but I found the health was getting a bit scarce towards the end. Probably as a result of the armor being given so late coupled with accidental health grabs at 90 or more hp, as well as some enemies sneaking up behind me, like the time when one trooper was shooting in my back while fighting a Protector Drone. That costed me a lot of health but at least the Armor was still helpful in absorbing those attacks.

One last thing to keep in mind is that once you teleport to the last room with the two Atomic Healths and Nuke Button, there is NO WAY BACK! And don't stay too close to the windows while the explosions are happening in the background! If you don't want to watch the spectacle, then just press on the brown Nuke Button, which will cause the map to restart.

There is ONE secret to find: After you collected explosives, go back to the blue corridor where you got ambushed by turrets and look for a crack you may have seen earlier. Blow it up to access a room containing 3x Tripmines (weapon), Small Medkit and Shotgun ammo. Be careful to not get squished when attempting to jump through the crack!

Overall, Christmas 2001 was a cool map but also really frustrating at times. Still worth checking out in the end but please do yourself a favor and save often because of the cheap insta-deaths that exist in this map.
Attached Image: xmas2k1_6.pngAttached Image: xmas2k1_8.png


Reviewing the first version of the map known as RETRO.MAP.

The beginning of the map is inspired by E4L3: Shop-N-Bag and can be skipped. You don't need to use the Blue Card to reach the Red Card because you can just open the door and reach the room from the other side. This oversight makes the map much shorter than intended but nothing stops you from doing the map with the proper progression and get all kills and secrets.

Besides that, most of the map is great, well balanced with a couple challenging fights, some underwater puzzles (containing hidden switches) to solve and even a very creative Pipebomb puzzle that I have seen it on some user maps before, where you have to launch a pipebomb on conveyor, wait until it reaches the other side (look on the monitor to see where it goes) and then detonate it, so you can access the other side of the room.

The only annoyances are the lack of armor (though again if you get an early 75 armor from a pig cop, you should be fine), "unfinished" parts, such as the beginning with the empty secret, areas that can be skipped and even an odd one where using the Blue Card will give you the message on top SOUND FAN.VOC[#77] NOT FOUND. Oh and be careful with pig cops spawning behind you when you complete certain tasks!

There are TWO secrets to find:
1) Inside the supermarket, jump on top of the boxes to find nothing. This secret is empty in this version of the map but in the updated version (reviewed next time), the secret contains something.
2) In the second part of the map, jump on top of the barrels and then jump to reach the windows. Inside, you can find a room containing a Dukemeal. Smash that box to collect an Atomic Health.

Overall, this was a surprisingly fun map that felt very classic Duke3D Atomic inspired. Shame that there's some unfinished parts that drag down the quality but aside from that, the map is solid and still worth checking out.
Attached Image: RETRO_3.pngAttached Image: RETRO_10.png

Since today is 25th and also Christmas, I have said since the past month that Aleks' maps/mods will get chosen for January! So no new nominations until the next month.

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. :)

User is offline   Quacken 


Merry Christmas (if you live anywhere but in Australia and probably the rest of the world as of writing this)! Unfortunately I'm not playing any of the designated Christmas maps tonight.

Juha "Turpuli" Laaksonen

...Oh. Well, it seems like Laaksonen got the last laugh after all. Extermination is highly detailed, a fair challenge and dare I say it actually plays like a polished release. The start is admittedly rather humorous - there's a pool of Enforcers down below and you have to try and navigate to safer ground while taking minimal damage. Later on you drop into a vent that will get hailed by bullets from those same Enforcers, which gave me a good jump. This map also generally flows a lot better than all of Laaksonen's previous maps despite the fact that they still insist on putting tons of fake doors everywhere, and there's a bottomless pit in the apartment complex that isn't obvious at all. The only really interesting combat setpieces are the Enforcer jamboree mentioned previously and the penultimate fight. The penultimate fight underground is the largest scale battle since Oasis City 1, and it tops off with a Boss Battlelord that will take all of your might to fell. Extermination is far from a perfect map though - a required door must have bugged out on me because I spent about 10 minutes trying to get the door to the control room open. I ended up DNCLIPping through it only to discover that there were two fake doors leading to the hallway and a switch that unlocks the door. No idea what that was about... there are quite a few mean-spirited traps that are either guaranteed damage or "elevator into four monsters and no cover" damage, and Laaksonen loves placing fake doors that don't do anything which can really confuse players stuck on trying to find the next place of interest. In spite of its faults though, Extermination is a surprisingly refined and mature work that manages to hold up even today.


On Him Their Lives Depend 01
Kevin "Kuffi" Cools

Weird title aside, OHTLD is a proper introduction for Kevin Cools. His map here is all action but will inevitably cause you to slam into a wall. The start is energetic fun, but I can't help but feel like this map is a bit broken. I don't really know how to unlock the elevator in the IMF building, I just DNCLIPped through the door. The switch that unlocks the door to the Yellow Key is also broken. The switch claims the door is unlocked and even gives you a camera that tells you what unlocked, but unless I was missing something else the door wouldn't budge. That's another DNCLIP right there. As FistMarine says, this map just ends without much of a bang. There's three whole monsters that are guarding the exit, but they aren't much of a challenge at all. OHTLD is a very short map, but a pretty decent ten minute time waster that is unlikely to offend.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Extermination sounds pretty good, can't wait to check it out soon. Sad to hear about those broken doors in OHTLD01. I'm not surprised if the map was broken in EDuke32 or something along the lines.

Just wondering, have you shot two switches through windows, to unlock that building where you find the second Armor pickup? Also in one of the rooms, I think you had to press on some computer panel to get access to one of the cards or something similar, don't remember all the details. Now I wish I wrote a mini-walkthrough for OHTLD01 to help if people get stuck.

Anyway, it's time to review the second half of Kevin Cools' maps. Maps reviewed for today: KATU183, XMAS2K2, freedom, kutwrld.

1) freedom and kutwrld have no difficulty settings implemented.
2) kutwrld is the only Kuffi map that I have never played before.


Reviewing the second version of the map known as KATU183.MAP.

This is an updated version of the map reviewed earlier. It is very similar to the original Retrospective but it has a couple differences, such as the following:
-A new secret containing an Atomic Health.
-A previous secret now contains something instead of being an empty secret.
-A new office section.
-A new sewer section.
-Armor is now available. Previously you had to get lucky with a drop from a Pig Cop.
-Chaingun is now available. Previously you had to get lucky with a drop from an Enforcer.
-Gate inside supermarket now requires the Red card to get the Blue card instead of being the other way around. Plus an atomic health and a Mini Battlelord spawning outside.
-Some parts get blocked at times but luckily can still be visited later after you find a door that allows backtracking in the second half, so the first half of the map can be revisited. This wasn't the case with the previous version, as the backtracking was allowed at all times. I appreciate that the backtracking is available in new map as well.

Unfortunately, I died once inside the sewers. I got softlocked with no way out when I clipped through a gate and fell into a hole I couldn't get out. I just suicide with RPG and load my last saved game because I refuse to DNCLIP in situations like these. Too bad about that, looks like the mappers forgot to make that gate blocking. Or you can say, curiosity killed the cat. :D

There are THREE secrets to find:
1) Inside the office, find a switch behind desk. It will open a nearby compartment containing an Atomic Health.
2) Inside the supermarket, jump on top of the boxes to find Steroids and Shotgun ammo.
3) In the second part of the map, jump on top of the barrels and then jump to reach the windows. Inside, you can find a room containing a Dukemeal. Smash that box to collect an Atomic Health.

Although the new Retrospective is more polished than the previous version, I have a hard time to decide which version I liked better, as I found the second version more annoying, especially the sewer section. I played both versions back to back and while they were very fun, I also enjoyed finding the differences between the two.

I'd say play them both, notice the differences and then you can draw your own conclusions. Just note that the Addon Compilation version only has the latest version included.
Attached Image: KATU183_5.pngAttached Image: KATU183_7.png

Christmas 2002

This map starts you without weapons but you will shortly find the Pistol and various other supplies. The map can be quite tough at times (I sure ran low on health at times) but there should be just about enough supplies to make it through.

I remember playing Xmas 2002 back in 2010-2011 with the Attrition mod (as part of the Random Missions episode) and always used to get stuck whenever it came up. Even this time I got stuck inside the garage where you press a switch and not only it unlocks the door leading to the first Red Card but it also temporary opens the gate outside. Thankfully, I didn't use any cheats to beat it but I sure looked up a few times in Mapster to figure it out.

Why even make one switch do two things at once? The switch has the SECTOR 7-G sign above it, which is the sign you see earlier with the room containing the red card, so you know you have to go there to collect the first Red Card. But in no way you can tell it also opens the garage door, due to the darkness that plagues this map, which isn't surprising as the prequel also had the same problem. I just forgot to mention that in previous post when I reviewed Christmas 2001.

And the map continues to be confusing because when you insert the second yellow card near the end, you may not realize that it will simply open two nearby hatches you can swim through, which will let you reach a control room guarded by a Pig Cop and one step closer to reach the end of the map.

Another thing worth mentioning is the last fight with the two Mini Battlelords, you must find the RPG hidden inside the box. I missed it initially and had to deal with the last two mini bosses with the Devastator and Shotgun. I nearly died but luckily made it out alive. And then I found the RPG and wish I had it earlier.

There is ONE secret to find: Towards the end of the map, after you resurface to a control room guarded by a Pig Cop, there is a crack you can find. Blow it up to reach an Atomic Health behind some barrels.

Overall, Christmas 2002 was annoying and confusing that dragged down the map's quality. By the end of the map, I was sick of it and wanted to finish it already. Such a shame that Kuffi's Xmas themed maps ended up being the most miserable ones. But don't worry about that because there is still some fun to be had and the design is nice as usual. I also don't mind the fact this map has SIX Access Cards (two of each color) but I wish the progression was clearer. :P
Attached Image: XMAS2K2_6.pngAttached Image: XMAS2K2_7.png


Probably the most impressive of Kevin's maps released so far, this was quite a delight to revisit. It is also pretty fun and well balanced, except for one thing: the lack of armor! But I'm saving that rant for a bit later because I want to focus on the good parts first.

Design wise, Freedom is very nice and I agree with what Aleks says about this map. It certainly gives a bit of a "mission" feeling and the part with the siren going and escaping is also fun. As well as some challenging parts like fighting the Protector Drones when going outside. I also appreciate that backtracking is allowed for the most part.

And the map ends with a Mini Battlelord fight that can be tough to put down because you don't have much space to dodge his attacks and I recall memories from a decade ago where he even somehow followed me through the vents! How did he even fit in through? This time I fought him on ground level, so I didn't have to risk being chased through the vent.

Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, the lack of Armor is the map's only serious flaw. Seriously, what do people have against the Armor? You are given the armor literally at the very end when fighting the Mini Battlelord. And the pig cops didn't drop any armor for me this time, so yay for spending nearly the whole map without any armor.

Luckily, there is plenty of health in this map (including toilets you can use) and you can also get secret Atomic Health but it's not fun to have all that extra health get melted by the enemies' attacks in just a few minutes or so. It really wouldn't have hurt to add another armor pickup near the start. I also can't imagine being any better if Kevin decided to "move" the armor to beginning because then the armor would have been consumed by the time I reach the end and I would have faced the Mini Battlelord without any armor and he would have killed Duke quickly. In fact, rushing in and grabbing the armor before the Mini Battlelord saw me was the winning move because I managed to defeat him with very low health, which means the armor saved my life.

On another note, the random drops from pig cops and enforcers can really turn the things in your favor even on a map that lacks armor, shotgun and/or chaingun but if they don't drop any of these, you can run into difficult or even unwinnable situations. This doesn't apply here because the Shotgun and Chaingun are already present in this map (even if shotgun wasn't available at all, pig cops usually drop one sooner or later) and health/ammo are all plentiful, just a shame the armor was neglected here, as it is very useful when coupled with 100 or more health.

There is only one secret to find: after collecting an atomic health and entering a vent, just go left and you will arrive in a small room with a hanging jury. Kick him to destroy his corpse and get an Atomic Health.

In the end, I'm glad to have revisited this map. Certainly a great map that the only serious criticism is the lack of armor and maybe an elevator starting to glitch towards the end, possibly as a result of getting used too many times. At least it is possible to backtrack through the whole map, despite a few sections that may appear blocked after doing some progress (I am mostly referring to the part with the sirens).

You should also be careful with the other elevators because one needs to be called down and if it's not already down, you can't go up anymore. At least that's the impression I got while playing the map, so I had to make sure the elevator was in the right position when backtracking and taking certain paths. I recommend having multiple saves just in case you get stuck.
Attached Image: freedom_5.pngAttached Image: freedom_7.png

Kut World

This map was part of a contest where the participants were given a template map that only used the shitty brick texture and they had to use that map as a base to fill with monsters and stuff, while only using the custom textures supplied by William Gee.

Of course, the textures are instantly recognizable for those who have played WGRealms but this still had to be mentioned. And as you can already tell, Kevin Cools was the only participant and as a result, the winner of this contest. The zip includes the actual map (kutwrld.map) and the template map (texcomp.map) which will be mentioned as bonus at the end.

As for the actual playable map, it is pretty detailed and also quite challenging due to the weaponless start (though the pistol is right ahead of you), the progression that can get confusing at times, the monsters blending in the background and a lack of Armor that makes you wonder if Kevin simply forgot to place it or just refused to do so.

The armor issue can be thankfully solved by getting lucky with a pig cop drop (I managed to get 75 armor and it lasted until the end) but it's not a guaranteed drop, so when you play the map, the experience can vary. Luckily, the health seems to be plentiful (one atomic health as well) and if you are lucky with an armor drop, you will have a pretty good time with this map.

There is also the infamous underwater section, which I recommend saving in advance. You need to swim past the slimers and octabrains, press the switch and get the Access Card alongside the Scuba Gear. Otherwise, you will drown and a bit of health lost is inevitable, so in best case you may end up with 80 or so health. Afterwards, you are free to dispatch the Octabrains and other spawned enemies that await you.

I died twice, mostly at the underwater part but despite that, it's not a very difficult map. And if you manage the underwater part, the rest of the map is fairly straightforward. Eventually, you will come across a colored upside-down Nuke Button, which will cause the level to restart, as seems to be the case with most paletted nuke buttons. There are no secrets to find.

The template map is not really worth checking out, other than walking through it for a minute or so. Oh and running to the edges of that map will get you squished. Duke can't catch a break, it seems.

Overall, the actual Kut World map is pretty interesting, though not without its flaws. I still enjoyed my time with it.
Attached Image: kutwrld_4.pngAttached Image: kutwrld_5.png

Merry Christmas! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 26 December 2023 - 09:11 AM


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


@FISTMARINE Where can I find the updated version of Retrospective? When I download the map from here: https://www.scent-88...retro/retro.php the file name is RETRO.MAP so I assume it is the earlier version.

User is offline   FistMarine 


Danukem, I'm glad you asked. The download links are actually in the first post, though I will post the links right here once more, so there won't be any more confusion:
Retrospective (old version): https://dukeworld.co...s/p-t/retro.zip
Retrospective (new version): https://dukeworld.co...ted/Katu183.zip

It seems Scent 88 only hosts the initial release, while the Addon Compilation only includes the latest release. Also, today is the 29th anniversary of video game Heretic. So happy birthday to the original release of Heretic! :D

Anyway, since I don't want to leave this post too short, here is a review of a couple maps by Juha Laaksonen (aka Turpuli). Last week I decided to quickly play through most stuff by Turpuli, though I don't think I will tackle on most of the Optional Maps and I have yet to do Extermination, most likely I will do it tomorrow after getting another review done. I hope to get the last reviews done until Friday because this was quite a busy month. Oh and I recently learned that Turpuli had also done a Duke3D episode/TC known as Total Duke. :P

Maps reviewed today: Alleys, Flood, s1l1v13d, s1l1 and Invaders. First two maps have no difficulty settings implemented, while the rest are the many versions of Invaders. First three maps are also 1.3D compatible. As usual, I played them in DOSBox 0.74-3 but this time I used Duke3D 1.3D for those maps that are compatible with this version, just to go for the complete experience. ;)


Turpuli's first map is quite amateurish and it shows. The only enemies you face are the Troopers, Pig Cops, Enforcers and Commanders. On the other hand, you are given all the weapons with plenty of ammo, as well as plenty of armor/health packs to fight them. I recommend to save the Shrinker for dealing with the Commanders in cramped corridors, especially the FIVE commanders waiting inside the exit room.

There is only one secret to find: In the room you find an Enforcer guarding the Red Card, press on the wardrobe to find an Atomic Health inside.

-doors are pretty wide, so be careful how you open them to not get squished
-despite there being a Nuke Button, finishing this map will send you back to E1L1! The reason is that the Nuke Button is tagged "1", so that's why it sends you back to the first level

Overall, this map felt like one of those random late 90s user maps you downloaded back in the day. The gameplay wasn't that bad honestly and there were some nicely designed rooms but in general, the map was quite bland and nothing special.
Attached Image: Alleys_1.pngAttached Image: Alleys_2.png


The map is obviously inspired by E3L3: Flood Zone from the original Duke3D. Flood is much larger in terms of height variation and much less detailed, while bringing its own midi and new art that replaces the water texture with the one from Shadow Warrior! All the goodies given right at the beginning (including an Armor pickup on the spawn spot) are also very much appreciated.

Please note that there is no Scuba Gear until near the end but you should be able to avoid drowning if you constantly resurface. The drowning is only an issue towards the end inside that building where you will be forced to lose some health while you deal with some Octabrains and there was certainly some health lost but since you are given plenty of health packs and even Atomic Healths, this isn't that much of an issue. I feel like there should have been a Scuba Gear placed somewhere early, even if hidden inside a secret, much better than nothing. In the original E3L3, you can find two Scuba Gears and one is found right at the start of the level, behind the player.

I guess Turpuli realized the map was going to be tough, so that's why he gives you all that stuff at the beginning. Besides that and some interesting battles, you shouldn't have trouble due to the author's generosity with health packs, especially finding the rewarding secrets. And even the mandatory falls weren't that bad due to being well stocked on health and armor.

There are three secrets to find:
1) At the beginning, when swimming, there is an open window you can reach. Resurface to find RPG, Devastator and 2x Large Medkits.
2) In the room where you insert the Blue Card and fight Troopers and Pig Cops, open the door (beware of three pig cops guarding the room), then open the wardrobe to find an Atomic Health inside.
3) When dropping down the vents and fighting slimers, break some parts of the vents to access a secret room containing two dancing babes, two Devastator pickups and one Atomic Health. You can also find one more Devastator pickup and two more Atomic Health pickups inside the vent if you look carefully.

As you may have noticed, there are some copy-pasted parts from Alleys: the wardrobe secret, the exit room being nearly identical (including the Nuke Button), except now you face only THREE Commanders. As usual, save the Shrinker for them. And yes, the map will also send you back to E1L1!

Fun fact: if you play this map in DOS Duke3D 1.3D, the sharks are smaller and harder to hit.

In the end, the map was okay, much better than Alleys but it doesn't even come close to the epicness that is the original Flood Zone!
Attached Image: Flood_1.pngAttached Image: Flood_6.png


NOTE! Invaders comes in three flavors: original version for 1.3D, original version for Atomic 1.5 and the latest/updated version for Atomic 1.5. And yes, I have played ALL three versions and found a few differences in them. More on that below. The screenshots are taken from each version of the map.

This map is obviously very E1L1 and E1L2 inspired. The end result is a classic E1 themed map that is quite fun and has a few surprises in the store if you are expecting the typical E1 weapon/enemy progression.

Although most enemies encountered are Troopers and Pig Cops, you also get some RPVs (only in the updated version), Sentry Drones and Octabrains thrown into the mix. And then the last two enemies spawned at the end (after getting the red card) depend on what version you are playing. You get two Commanders in the 1.3D release but if playing the Atomic and Updated versions of the map, you get two Pig Cop Tanks instead!

At beginning, don't worry about the falling damage because when dropping down the vent, you then land on top of the Atomic Health. Chances are you will end up with exactly 100 health (or close enough). And funnily enough, finishing this map will also send you back to the past Hollywood Holocaust!

I won't get into many other details about the map itself, so I will mention the secret places and the differences I found between the versions:

s1l1v13d -> s1l1

-Added two Fire Hydrants
-Two commanders spawning at end are replaced with two pig cop tanks

s1l1 -> Invaders

-Added a bunch of new details (crashed car into the building, etc)
-Added a new secret place (see Secret #6)
-Added a waiting Babe in front of the cinema (when killed, an Assault Trooper spawns nearby)
-Added two Pig Cops bursting through a wall
-Added two RPVs patroling at the level start
-Changed a secret place (see Secret #1)
-Fire is now damaging

1) Inside the Arcade room, press on the EXOTICA poster to reveal Shotgun ammo. This secret was changed in updated version, now requires you to press on the DUKE NUKEM II arcade machine to temporary reveal the poster.
2) Inside the theater, press on the wall behind the bottles to access a compartment containing Freezethrower and Steroids.
3) Near the second secret and the switch required for progression, press on the cash register to open a window across the room. Go near it and press the USE button to access a hidden elevator that allows reaching the secret Night Vision Goggles.
4) Inside the bar, look up to find a hidden switch. Press on it to temporary open the broken mirror behind you. Jump inside to collect Shotgun ammo.
5) Inside the fourth secret, press on the switch near the small babe poster. It will unlock a door near the corridor. That door leads to the secret strip club. Inside, you can find two pig cops, a bunch of dancing ladies, Armor, Atomic Health, Steroids and Freezer ammo.
6) This secret was added in the updated version of the map: at the very beginning, climb to the GUILTY! sign and open the nearby window to enter the building and find a Shotgun.

Unofficial secret: Jump on the burning container and then jump on the ledge next to where the Atomic Health is found. Jump through the windows to find two troopers inside that are guarding a Portable Medkit. These are the last two enemies that you may have missed earlier.

Random note: You can blow up the cracked door inside the cinema and access a shortcut for faster backtracking.

Overall, this map was very nice. I had a lot of fun playing ALL three versions of the same map, just to notice the differences between each release. Definitely a classic.
Attached Image: s1l1v13d_2.pngAttached Image: s1l1v13d_3.png
Attached Image: s1l1_2.pngAttached Image: s1l1_3.png
Attached Image: Invaders_3.pngAttached Image: Invaders_5.png

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 27 December 2023 - 04:32 AM


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