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Build engine games general

User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


People have routed ps/ex game, this mouse trick also works with tekwar. Resulting in really stupid route decisions (you can skip the subway stuff completely).
It also messes up with clipping in ps/ex, you can go through quite many walls from what I remember from hearing.

I use it quite a lot during this tekwar run:

Build just tends to drop a ton of the mouse input if there is loads of it, need to be careful :)

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostDuke of Hazzard, on 04 April 2015 - 06:37 AM, said:

People have found a weird bug in Blood. Seems that, after you reload a save, the enemies' damage rating seems to change. In the easiest difficulties, the damage done to the player is drastically increased after a reload, which makes them more difficult than higher settings. Lightly Broiled and Well Done are unaffected, and Extra Crispy becomes easier.

I remember this being reported before, but does it affect all versions of the game? The people at GOG.com mention registered v1.21 and shareware v1.11. Does anyone know if the earlier versions also display this buggy behaviour?

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 04 August 2015 - 12:03 PM


User is offline   Daedolon 

  • Ancient Blood God


View PostMetHy, on 03 August 2015 - 09:00 AM, said:

Too bad nobody cares enough about this game to make a speedrun. Not even myself, and I must be one of the biggest fans of this game left on earth.

Hola oasiz.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostMrFlibble, on 04 August 2015 - 12:03 PM, said:

View PostDuke of Hazzard, on 04 April 2015 - 06:37 AM, said:

People have found a weird bug in Blood. Seems that, after you reload a save, the enemies' damage rating seems to change. In the easiest difficulties, the damage done to the player is drastically increased after a reload, which makes them more difficult than higher settings. Lightly Broiled and Well Done are unaffected, and Extra Crispy becomes easier.

I remember this being reported before, but does it affect all versions of the game? The people at GOG.com mention registered v1.21 and shareware v1.11. Does anyone know if the earlier versions also display this buggy behaviour?

I've just checked shareware v0.99 (Mar 05, 1997), which is the earliest public release, and it also has the same bug. Apparently it was never tracked down and fixed by the developers. The bug does not affect other monster stats, just the attack.

Strangely, Blood does not make preview snapshots of saved games (it just displays the game logo instead), and does not show episode, level number and skill information in the save/load game menus.

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 05 August 2015 - 12:40 AM


User is offline   Gorilla 


Posted Image
There's a bomb-ass Predator easter egg in the level Payback Time in NAM

User is offline   Sixty Four 

  • Turok Nukem


I couldn't find a Blood thread so I guess it is okay to go here. Sorry if there is a Blood thread and I don't see it. Playing this on Meltdown here.


User is offline   MetHy 


I've picked up WW2 GI on sale on Steam and I've just played a few levels.

Honestly, just like for NAM last year ITT, I'm having a lot more fun than expected.

The first map is nightmare. You're thrown into a really tough situation and have to sneak and fight your way through before even understanding the basic mechanics of the game. I assume this could throw off a LOT of players.

Once I got a hang on the game's mechanics, and after the first 2 maps which were the worst so far, the game has become really good. It's basically more NAM, but more realistic and with cooler effects everywhere.

Again you often have several paths to choose from, and exploring will be very rewarding. There are tons of cool war vehicules and weaponry, whether sprites, sectors, or a mix of both. Some of which you can (and have to) blow up one way or another.

The game is very slow placed, you even have to stand still when using medkits and wait for a while so it gradually heals you. Also, you are going to die, a lot, but I say it's more fair than NAM. So, save a lot, and play on the easiest difficulty.

Only disappointment so far is that I wasn't given the opportunity to give orders to teammates yet but hopefully that will come, and hopefully their AI will be better than in NAM...

Some screenshots :

Better hide when you hear those fuckers fly by...
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Just like in NAM, quality forest action.
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Step out of the trench, and this boat will blow you to pieces.
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Here you have to hold this position with your teammates against infinite waves of respawns walking towards you, until a path is clear so you can run by to reach the exit point.
Posted Image

A rewarding secret place
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Walk along the alternative path following the stream and you'll stumble on this little enemy camp. Go through it and you'll be able to lob a grenade from behind against a key enemy mortar.
Posted Image

User is offline   MetHy 


Just finished WW2 GI, Steam says 5hours total including the (short) add-on so that's 2 hours more than NAM.

All in all this was a pretty good experience, I think I like it more than NAM due to the more realistic and diversified gameplay, as well as the various kinds of environments.

My main grip was that you never get to give order to any AI ally. They just sit there shooting in front of them no matter if there is someone in the line of sight.

The add-on was incredibly short, 3 short maps, and even more difficult than the original game. On easy, I finished the first map with 3hp and 0 bullets left (2 grenades left), and I left out 3 enemies.
But that add-on was good, the closest there is to war simulation on Build. First map is kinda meh, the 2nd map is a great looking forest with waves of enemies coming in while you have to stay alive long enough. 3rd map you have to capture a series of enemy points in a limited time, and always with limited supplies, that was the most fun.

More screenshots:


This post has been edited by MetHy: 28 April 2016 - 09:10 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


Poll : Which Build engine games have you played ?


By "playing" I don't necessarly mean beating, but at least played a substantial part of the game (=playing a demo wouldn't count).

I have yet to play Tekwar and both Witchaven games, but I will soon.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 30 April 2016 - 08:07 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


With some renewed interest in pre-release versions of Powerslave I'd like to point out a little fact about the public beta version of this game.

View PostMetHy, on 30 April 2016 - 11:10 PM, said:

It says that the first Powerslave demo I posted (the beta one) has 2 levels but I can't seem to end the first level. After getting the 2nd key I just can't find the door... How do you access the 2nd map?

After defeating the Magmantis you need to backtrack a bit, and a new passage will be opened beyond the lava pit, with lots of mummies and zombies.

However, you can access level two whenever you want without completing the first one. Just press the up arrow on the map screen like your would when selecting already completed levels in the full game. The fact I wanted to mention is that the levels in the beta version were apparently designed with the possibility of pistol start in mind - something which is not present in the full game. I can only guess if this was a design feature later dropped, or the developers just did that for the purposes of the demo.

User is offline   MetHy 


Ah I see, the reason I couldn't find the door was because I didn't kill the Magmantis. The beta demo is forced to default controls and honestly I've lost my edge, can't seem to kill the guy that way (remember, there is no saving, no checkpoint, and he pretty much one hit kills you).

I had no idea you could even go back to previous levels in the full version... Then again that map screen always acted up for me, like it would slooowwly go up little by little but if I switched between fullscreen and windowed mode it suddenly went hyper fast, like something was wrong with the way it loads.... i'm not sure exactly and if it can be fixed with another dosbox setting.

Thanks for the info though I'll check the 2nd map.

The lack of "pistol start" in the full game (you don't even start with the pistol but anyway) is really a shame. I get that they were going for a less arcade, more adventure, style but it kinda kills replayability for me; add to that the fact there is only one difficulty setting and it means there is only ONE single way to go through the game.

You can always use a cheat or go back to previous levels once you've unlocked them all; but if you do that you'll start with tons of supplies and all your weapons, everything you've gathered in the entire game.

If Powerslave ever gets a sourceport I'd be interested in making a "pistol start" rebalance mod.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 01 May 2016 - 06:20 AM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


I don't remember the map screen ever acting weird for me in any version of the game. I think I accidentally discovered that you can select any of the previously played levels.

The second level in the beta demo is a lot closer to the final version of level 2 compared to level 1.

BTW, I just noticed while playing the beta that the zombies' pain frame does not have the necklace they're normally wearing. Also the berries' graphics are completely different in this version (and a bit better IMO).

User is offline   MetHy 


I just replayed both levels of the final game for comparison sake. There ARE a lot of differences even in lvl2, the final level is obviously a lot better; but it's nothing like lvl1 which really has more different stuff than anything.

And yeah there are several different sprites, like the end-level one. I too kinda like the beta berries; they don't look as detailed but they stand out visually.

Man now I want to replay the entire game :lol: Powerslave is so damn good.

BTW I keep wondering how moddable Powerslave actually is. I mean the game doesn't even come with Build editor, which didn't prevent L.A.W. from making a map for it though, albeit a simple one.

Edit :

oh and btw

View PostMetHy, on 30 April 2016 - 08:06 AM, said:

I KNEW someone would do that if I left in the "other" option :angry:

This post has been edited by MetHy: 01 May 2016 - 11:23 AM


User is offline   oasiz 

  • Dr. Effector


Tekwar sure is a fresh take on a build game but your first try on it is going to be painful, just remember that it shouldn't take more than 6-8hrs to complete it.
My protip is to use automap to your advantage.

I think I've played pretty much all of the build games at least once, haven't completed all though.

Just tried the demo of TekWar and it's a lot harder than the full version, not to mention that some things are quite different.

User is offline   MetHy 


I just tried the Fate demo. There is some good stuff in there, like the inventory for instance, or the high quality sprites.
Movement is wonky, level design definitely doesn't scream 1996, but with some work it could have been a good game.

Also, I didn't add it to the poll because it was never released. Speaking of that I find it surprising so many people have played Powerslave, hopefully they're not thinking of the console version or PowerslaveEX.

... also, Corridor 8 ?! Is this a joke or... ?

This post has been edited by MetHy: 02 May 2016 - 01:30 AM


User is offline   Lunick 


I voted Duke 3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage, NAM, WWII GI as I have at least played more than one level of those.

I'm not sure if I've actually played Rides Again or not, I don't really want to unless there is a better way to play it. Same with Powerslave really, I am not sure I have beat the first level of that. Witchaven 1 and 2 never really caught my eye and the graphics don't look particularly great to me. Tekwar looks confusing but I'd play it if a source port was made. I've looked at all the levels of Paintbrawl but I'm not sure anyone can say they have played it without playing it in multiplayer. I've attempted to play Paladins before but it crashes too much to be playable in my opinion.

User is offline   MetHy 


I understand Powerslave due to its limited controls, though I still play it using WASD+mouse, I just hold CTRL or ALT every time I want to strafe...

But both Redneck Rampage games play perfectly in DOS. Better than DN3D too, since you can get very high resolutions. You can use bMouse too.

User is offline   FistMarine 



This post has been edited by FistMarine: 09 December 2016 - 10:56 AM



The only build games I played when I was younger was Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior. I didn't play blood until later on. The other games I still haven't played yet.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Has there been any attempts to port TekWar using the leaked source? I just Googled this a bit and there seems to be nothing except this..?

User is offline   Lunick 


gdxTekwar http://m210.duke4.ne...va/47-gdxtekwar

User is offline   Kyanos 


Attached File  duke0000.png (270.93K)
Number of downloads: 56



View PostLunick, on 22 April 2017 - 03:04 AM, said:

Wouldn't it make sense for M210 to get the leaked code running on eduke32 rather then converting all that shit over to Java?

User is offline   Kyanos 


I was researching capstone software to see who may own the rights to some of these build games we discuss...

Capstone refers to the key electrical component to make the pyramids work. They made the three Trumps castle games. Shatner hosted nine eleven.

Intracorp was a Rothschild Turner owned company.

User is offline   Kyanos 


I've done a few tests and I'm pretty sure I can easily fake Witchaven in EDuke32 with just con code, the game is simple enough. Nothing to show yet really besides those teaser pics above with the font in and the knife drawn. I've started a sectors.con file where I converted wh lotag 6 sectors to lotag 20 for ceiling doors.

I found sndmod.h in source, used Ettingrinders tool joeunpack to get the sounds, they came out in the same order as the numbering :P batch converted from raw to wav with sox... all sounds are in ready to get some con code.

continued here https://forums.duke4...opic/9350-wh32/

This post has been edited by Drek: 18 June 2017 - 06:31 PM


User is offline   MrFlibble 


Can anyone tell how much the levels from the Witchaven demo differ from their retail version counterparts?

User is offline   Kyanos 


I'm having problems getting kenbuild to work properly, the winbuild and jfbuild .exe's crash for me (win7) so I compiled jfbuild myself but I can't seem to get fmod to work, I don't think I've linked it properly in the makefile.

Any advice?

This post has been edited by Drek: 31 July 2017 - 04:14 PM


User is offline   Kyanos 


Can anyone get sound working in Kenbuild on windows 7?

I followed these simple instructions, using Mingw.


When compiling really don't have to do anything special, just ensure you '-I' include the directory that contains "inc/fmod.h" and '-L' the "lib" directory that contains the fmod lib and lastly '-l' the actual fmod lib.


User is offline   Kyanos 


In the Makefile GAMEEXEOBJS it was set to link sound_stub.$o instead of just sound, but now I'm stuck on this error msg when I try to run the game.

Posted Image


The procedure entry point FSOUND_Sample_Alloc could not be located in dynamic link library fmod.dll

I'm on Windows 7, using the old fmod 3.75 api recommended here; https://systemausfal...wto/Duke3DLinux

This post has been edited by Drek: 04 August 2017 - 02:41 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


EDuke32 can build KenBuild, type `make kenbuild`. Unfortunately there is no sound support because I wasn't about to add fmod and KenBuild is rock bottom priority. It was just an exercise for Shadow Warrior.

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