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The Supreme Topic of Miscellaneous Knowledge  "Trivia, Research, etc."

User is offline   OpenMaw 

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View PostCaptain Awesome, on 24 June 2012 - 02:52 PM, said:

The unlimited ammo in old huds referred to the kick.

In some of the shots the pistol is selected when the Unlimited Ammo is highlighted.


View PostMrFlibble, on 25 June 2012 - 07:09 AM, said:

On a somewhat unrelated note, I remember there's a level in LameDuke where you can find the Sonic Resonator in a secret room but you can't pick it up.

Yeah, it acts like a wall and you can't pass through it or pick it up. I think it was in the fourth episode, but I can't remember what level it was on.

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View PostSlippy_Pig, on 25 June 2012 - 12:24 PM, said:

Yeah, it acts like a wall and you can't pass through it or pick it up. I think it was in the fourth episode, but I can't remember what level it was on.

IIRC tt's the same level as the one this screenshot comes from (don't remember the title though):
Posted Image

The level itself is one of my favourites :(

User is offline   NNC 


OK, I don't know where to post this, and I'm not sure if this is really legal or ethical, but since I couldn't make any contact with Levelord, I did it by myself.

This link consists of the two unfinished levelord levels, Sweeney and Sewer, finalized by me. Fixed many bugs, including corrupted or missing sounds, a few graphical glitches, badly functioning door in Sweeney etc etc... But the main difference is the redone gameplay, enemy and weapon placement is like what we used to see in the original game. The formerly released versions have wrong skill settings as well, as you start with Let's Rock, you really get the Come Get Some setting.

Attached File  levelordextra.rar (58.46K)
Number of downloads: 919

Sorry for those who dislike the idea, but I think it's kinda fun to play these levels really finished.

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I always considered them finished, even if a bit on the hard side.

User is offline   zykov eddy 


Just finished the sewerplus.map and noticed two important bugs that hasn't been fixed. First is the glass that you can shoot through (This bug always annoyed me). Second is the weird elevator in the sewer.

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 24 July 2012 - 10:14 AM


User is offline   NNC 


View Postzykov eddy, on 24 July 2012 - 10:14 AM, said:

Just finished the sewerplus.map and noticed two important bugs that hasn't been fixed. First is the glass that you can shoot through (This bug always annoyed me). Second is the weird elevator in the sewer.

I haven't discovered that glass glitch, really never ever tried to shoot through them :( , but fixed it. However I don't know which elevator do you refer to? The one with the yellow key door or the one that triggers an explosion to the red key area? I think they are fine.

I don't know if this worth further uploads as these levels are not my maps by any means, my only goal was to fix the bugs and add better gameplay to the levels. Any report is welcome though.

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View PostNancsi, on 24 July 2012 - 01:24 PM, said:

. However I don't know which elevator do you refer to? The one with the yellow key door or the one that triggers an explosion to the red key area? I think they are fine.

I used the elevator again and this time it worked fine. When I used it the first time, it got stuck on the top. Weird :(

User is offline   NNC 


Just keep it on the topic of Sewer and Sweeney maps, did anyone else get the impression that these maps are not entirely levelordish, and they are both different to the standard city maps of E3?? Something tells me there are some Allen H Blum in both maps, and that is more evident in the superior Sewer.

There are a couple of things you don't see in Levelord's city maps:

- keyslot 1 (which have been used in E1 and E4)
- automatically moving sectors (that is very typical AHB, and you have many of them in these two)
- sprites like fire hydrants, toilets, rubber cans, fire etinguishers with fire sign next to them (toilets aside you can find all of these in Sewer)
- sewers actually, there are none of it in E3
- earthquakes with spawned jibs (well, actually you can see that in the helicopter crash, and in the "quake site", but not with random explosions, again it's more AHB-esque)
- in Build, the monster size is generally 48:40 in Levelord maps, but these has 40:40.

Also, both maps, and especially Sewer have the atmosphere of E1. The level is more realistic looking, and has more ambience. Levelord's levels are about brute force, and intense gameplay.

With that said the levels still has some levelordish style as well, like trashcans with items and enemies in them, Cola and Snacks machines, elevators protected by slide doors etc. Inmy opinion these 2 unreleased levels were cooperatively done by both authors. Maybe that's the reason they have been left in the cold.

This post has been edited by Nancsi: 29 July 2012 - 01:52 AM


User is offline   LeoD 

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View PostNancsi, on 29 July 2012 - 01:47 AM, said:

Something tells me there are some Allen H Blum in both maps

Something tells me no AHB stuff is contained: sewer.txt and sweeney.txt. Why would Levelord omit crediting him?
Your maps played fine, btw. I couldn't remember serious flaws in the originals tbh., but I'm quite lenient towards little shortcomings.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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Yeah, and Levelord had to ask 3DR to release these maps.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

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View PostNancsi, on 29 July 2012 - 01:47 AM, said:

- sewers actually, there are none of it in E3

Not even Flood Zone --> LA Rumble?

User is offline   Fox 

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Bank Roll, Freeway...

This post has been edited by Fox: 30 July 2012 - 02:14 AM


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Something tells me there are some Allen H Blum in both maps ... With that said the levels still has some levelordish style as well

It would be fair to say that, when developing the levels for the original game, Levelord and Allen Blum had practically identical styles.

User is offline   NNC 


View PostHendricks266, on 29 July 2012 - 11:09 AM, said:

Not even Flood Zone --> LA Rumble?

I meant green, hurtful sewers. The flow in Flood Zone is just normal water. The Bank Roll stuff is electricity.

Anyway, this was mostly speculation. We all know the E4 controversy, so this can happen anytime. No matter what, Sewer is a map fits much more to the E1 style than to the E3 style.

User is offline   Fox 

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I disagree. Their style are clearly of Episode 3 for me. And Levelord created maps with waste, like The Abyss or Critical Mass.

User is offline   NNC 


View PostFox, on 30 July 2012 - 02:15 AM, said:

I disagree. Their style are clearly of Episode 3 for me. And Levelord created maps with waste, like The Abyss or Critical Mass.

It doesn't really matter, just a shame these stuff were left out of the game. ;)

User is offline   Fox 

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If anyone want to know, it seems based on 0.99 demo that Sewers and Sweeney actual titles are "The Sewers Below" and "Sewage Company" respectively.

Also Sweeney would come after Bank Roll, and followed by Sewers, which would lead you to what probably is Rabid Transit.
definelevelname 2 1 E3L2.map 00:00 S.P.E.R.M. BANK
definelevelname 2 2 E3L3.map 00:00 SEWAGE COMPANY
definelevelname 2 3 E3L4.map 00:00 THE SEWERS BELOW
definelevelname 2 4 E3L5.map 00:00 RTD SUBWAY


User is offline   Hendricks266 

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RTD = Rapid (Rabid) Transit District

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I have been extracting the sounds from Duke Nukem Total Meltdown PMP files. First of all, it is a little confusing because there are plenty of sounds that are not used in the actual maps. One example is Faces of Death which is full of sounds despite being a very short level with only one kind of enemy, and there are quotes like "God Damn Aliens!" and "Never meet an alien I couldn't kill!".

About the new enemies, the Pig-in-a-Dress, Underwater Drone and Zombie Pigcop got an entire new set of sounds, while the last one is missing two files. They all have "recog" sounds, but they are not played in the actual game. As you can imagine, the Cyber-keef simply use the same sounds as the Battlelord.

The Magnum P.I.G. doesn't just have any new sound, but in fact, there is no pig cop sound at all in E1L6.pmp. Since in Ministry of Fear there are tons of enemies shooting you, I never realized the Magnum P.I.G. was inaudible, including the shotgun. Meaning that they have as far as creating a definition equivalent to PIG_ATTACK but didn't linked it to a sound file. In other words, the sounds are in defs.con but missing from user.con.

This post has been edited by Fox: 03 August 2012 - 09:55 AM


User is offline   Fox 

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I have already listed all sounds inside the .pmp files from Total Meltdown. For now here is a list of the Duke quotes based on the first .pmp file each sound is found.

You will realize that a lot of the .pmp files the sounds are avaiable doesn't make any sense. But it's like that with all sounds. I think I never heard of the last line before, and I suspect it was meant to be the line Duke would say to Cyber-keef, similar to how he does for the second and third bosses.

E1L1.pmp 	"Where is it?"
E1L1.pmp 	"Ahhh..."
E1L1.pmp 	"Hmm... don't have time to play with myself."
E1L1.pmp 	"Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride."
E1L1.pmp 	"Hehehe... what a mess."
E1L1.pmp 	"Oooh, I needed that."
E1L1.pmp 	"Ahhh... much better."
E1L1.pmp 	"Damnit."
E1L1.pmp 	"Fire in the hole, asshole!"
E1L1.pmp 	"They don't make em' better than me"
E1L1.pmp 	"Cool."
E1L1.pmp 	"What are you waitin' for? Christmas?"
E1L1.pmp 	"Bitchin'."
E1L1.pmp 	"Holy cow!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Holy shit!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Groovy!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Suck it down!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Damn I'm good."
E1L1.pmp 	"See you in Hell!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Let God sort 'em out."
E1L1.pmp 	"Come get some."
E1L1.pmp 	"Blow it out your ass!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Yeah, piece of cake!"
E1L1.pmp 	"Who wants some?"
E1L1.pmp 	"Eat shit and die."
E1L1.pmp 	"Ooh, that's gotta hurt."
E1L2.pmp 	"You wanna dance?"
E1L2.pmp 	"Shake it baby."
E1L3.pmp 	"I think I'll climb aboard."
E1L3.pmp 	"Hmm... that's one Doomed space marine."
E1L4.pmp	"I should have known those alien maggots booby-trapped the sub."
E1L5.pmp	"I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards."
E1L6.pmp	"Let's rock."
E1L6.pmp	"Ready for action."
E1L6.pmp	"Gonna rip 'em a new one."
E1L6.pmp	"Your face, your ass, what's the difference?"
E1L6.pmp	"It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak!"
E1L6.pmp	"Hail to the king baby."
E2L1.pmp	"Nobody steals our chicks... and lives."
E2L3.pmp	"Hmm... looks like I have the con."
E2L10.pmp	"God damn aliens."
E2L10.pmp	"Never meet an alien I couldn't kill."
E3L1.pmp 	"Born to be wiiiild!"
E3L1.pmp 	"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all out of gum."
E3L1.pmp 	"This pisses me off."
E3L4.pmp 	"I ain't afraid of no Quake."
E3L5.pmp 	"Damn, that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride."
E3L10.pmp 	"You outta here."
E3L10.pmp 	"Suck on this!"
E3L10.pmp 	"So many assholes, so few bullets."
E3L11.pmp 	"Terminated."
E3L11.pmp 	"Squeal piggy, squeal!"
E3L11.pmp 	"Haha... makin' bacon!"
E4L3.pmp 	"Shit happens."
E4L6.pmp 	"Nobody wears flares... and lives."

This post has been edited by Fox: 04 August 2012 - 10:55 AM


User is offline   Gambini 


View PostDiaz, on 21 May 2012 - 09:28 PM, said:

PC Mania even had a section dedicated to level design (it was called "tiempo real") and they were using BUILD for some time... I actually got into BUILD due to this magazine, as I didn't have access to the Internet back then. Too bad they later switched to Worldcraft ;)

Late reply ;)

The only reaon of why I began to buy PC Mania, and the main reason of why I kept buying it for years was Tiempo Real. Jose M. Muñoz attemped to teach several level editors, such as Unrealed, Makemap for RR and Radiant. I never needed to be taught about how to use Build, but still loved to read the tutorials and specially the forum. Sent maps twice to him (n*54 and n*76 IIRC) and the latter was commented.

User is offline   gibfrag 

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I was toying with the Assault trooper glitch. The one where if you shrink them and then freeze them as they're shrunk, they turn into little toy sized versions that still fight you. If you then freeze yourself, and he kills you, you drop an atomic health. Has anyone ever had this happen? Maybe this isn't new news, but it is to me.

They're this size. Attached Image: duke0002.png

OT- Has anyone found a way to rip the DNTM sound files?

This post has been edited by gerolf: 09 August 2012 - 12:36 PM



That's... weird?

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View Postgerolf, on 09 August 2012 - 12:29 PM, said:

OT- Has anyone found a way to rip the DNTM sound files?

I already did, like I posted before.

User is offline   Fox 

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I fucked things up to play Plug and Pray in death-match.

(sorry about the ladders glitch)
Posted Image

Never seen before multiplayer only button in Nightmare Zone.

This post has been edited by Fox: 09 August 2012 - 02:36 PM


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I am just pasting some posts of me from another place. I am going to break it apart because of stupid image limit...

Leftover content in Duke Nukem 64 ROM - Part 1


This post has been edited by Fox: 17 August 2012 - 08:42 PM


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Leftover content in Duke Nukem 64 ROM - Part 2


This post has been edited by Fox: 17 August 2012 - 08:42 PM


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Leftover content in Duke Nukem 64 ROM - Part 3


This post has been edited by Fox: 17 August 2012 - 08:42 PM


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Leftover content in Duke Nukem 64 ROM - Part 4


This post has been edited by Fox: 17 August 2012 - 08:43 PM


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