Fox, on 21 May 2012 - 06:11 PM, said:
For some reason I feel nostalgic when looking at those screenies (and playing the large city levels in LameDuke. Maybe it's partially the colours, I like the light red-brown colour of the LameDuke era more than the grey of the full version. BTW, I just remembered that the Freeway secret level in Episode 3 is rather large and spacious, although I still would like intersections, several buildings etc., which is more like a real city, even if there weren't too much detail. I'd say there is some charm in the old games that do go for creating realistic environments yet the limits are still felt, and it requires a certain suspension of disbelief to maintain the illusion of reality

As for Doom II, I remember that the urban levels are rather abstract, like pretty much everything else there. ZPC, on the other hand, has some nice urban areas (infested by weird zombies, no less), but it has a very distinct artistic style courtesy of Aidan Hughes. (ZPC is hard to find these days but one urban level is present in the "mega" demo v1.2.)