High Treason, on 10 December 2018 - 11:22 AM, said:
The Supreme Topic of Miscellaneous Knowledge "Trivia, Research, etc."
#1291 Posted 10 December 2018 - 04:30 PM
#1292 Posted 10 December 2018 - 08:56 PM
I never noticed the "reflection" in Hollywood Holocaust. I don't have access to a N64 console, and emulators don't reproduce that effect. However I'm going to throw a guess that it's a problem with all masked walls, not just mirrors (in Hollywood Holocaust it's not even a two-sided masked wall). Can you check that?
About the sectors behind the mirrors, according to Nick Dry interview with Nintendo Player, they weren't worth the hassle. The effect from the PC version is something which is very hard to port to another rendering engine. Based on the hidden sectors in Hollywood Holocaust, the direction they were aiming for was to have the mirrored area pre-built, as most games would have done. However the true 3D rendering engine wouldn't allow for overlapping sectors, meaning they would be forced to redesign many areas. Indeed not worth the hassle, and it would be better to put the effort on something else.
#1294 Posted 11 December 2018 - 07:04 AM
This would never be 'visible' to the mirror though, so who knows.
Otherwise the bleeding appear to exist on at least some maskwalls;
This one is much harder to see. It is possible that it affects more than I can find but the differences are so subtle as to be indistinguishable from the noise, that or the sectors behind them only draw on certain ones.
Here's the source video in case you want to play with the contrast yourself, the best place to focus on is where the shading changes in the vent;
20181211144106.zip (6.5MB)
Number of downloads: 397
Confirmation this is a maskwall;
I don't think Dark Side's pig was ever alive either, it's just odd that it's there because it's the only level in Episode 2 to have them in any capacity. I think TX once hinted that it was left over from whatever enemy it was prior to being the Pig Cop. My personal suspicion is that Dark Side was the space equivalent of LameDuke's E1L6 and was probably used to test everything out, but that's just pure speculation.
#1295 Posted 27 December 2018 - 12:59 PM
#1296 Posted 27 December 2018 - 01:21 PM
This post has been edited by Mark: 27 December 2018 - 01:22 PM
#1297 Posted 30 December 2018 - 04:36 AM
Mark, on 27 December 2018 - 01:21 PM, said:
Thanks Mark - hadn't noticed that thread; have reposted it there.
#1298 Posted 19 April 2019 - 12:30 AM
A little bit of trivia regarding Blood's Cryptic Passage's third map: Gothic Library.
At the end of the 2nd map, Old Opera House, you can see as an unreachable area the entrance of Gothic Library copy-pasted.
If you noclip and wander in it, you can see that some of the supplies were left in and not deleted:
However, the real interesting part is this staircase on the left of the main entrance, which does not exist in Gothic Library:
Mr. Fox pointed out this quote from the Blood wiki:
--Shawn Swift
Everything seems to indicate that this staircase led to this cut basement area and served as a b-entrance to the library.
The way it is constructed, as a door way with a sector going in, hints that there was a door there, probably either a double swing door opening inwards or a double slide door.
Furthermore, if in Gothic Library you noclip through the unreachable at the start corresponding to the end of Old Opera House, you can see a very similar thing: the inner rooms were deleted, so was the door, however the doorway was left.
Finally, while the staircase was cut in Gothic Library, the walls for it are still there:
It may also be worth noting that Gothic Library has 4 secret places while the max count indicates 3. Also, maybe it is just me, but I can never get 100% kills and am always missing 3 enemies. Both things may, or may not, also indicate the map was meant to be more than it is. I've always thought it was quite short compared to other maps in the add-on myself and lacked the "b-path" and "unlinearility" factors most of the other maps have.
This post has been edited by MetHy: 19 April 2019 - 12:31 AM
#1299 Posted 19 April 2019 - 02:02 AM
The earliest one would be Lot7P that was released in 1994.
The theory is that these were included in some textures collection devs were using back in the day, but we weren't able to find the source.
Legend of the 7 Paladins
Blood (inc. leaked Alpha)
#1301 Posted 19 April 2019 - 09:12 AM
fgsfds, on 19 April 2019 - 02:02 AM, said:
The earliest one would be Lot7P that was released in 1994.
The theory is that these were included in some textures collection devs were using back in the day, but we weren't able to find the source.
Strife also has both these textures in a modified form
#1302 Posted 19 April 2019 - 09:21 AM
This post has been edited by fgsfds: 19 April 2019 - 09:21 AM
#1303 Posted 19 April 2019 - 11:40 AM
Also the fuck is this game
And this PowerPoint presentation
This post has been edited by Fox: 19 April 2019 - 11:42 AM
#1306 Posted 20 April 2019 - 12:29 PM
#1307 Posted 22 April 2019 - 02:27 AM
fgsfds, on 19 April 2019 - 02:02 AM, said:
Small correction but it looks like you used the wrong palette:
Edit: OOPS! No you didn't; it's just that there are 2 versions of this texture, the one I showed is #179 and yours is #180.
Edit edit: and there are
and #323->325 used underwater:
I don't think some of these variants are even used at all in the game.
Edit again:
Lunick, on 19 April 2019 - 02:03 AM, said:
I wish! Who knows if the cut part of the map still even exists somewhere today.
This post has been edited by MetHy: 22 April 2019 - 02:44 AM
#1308 Posted 22 April 2019 - 11:48 AM
#1309 Posted 04 May 2019 - 02:53 PM
Turns out Gearbox wasn't able to get it working (screenshot taken by manually loading E1L1.MAP from Duke 3D Atomic Edition in the 20th Anniversary Edition)
#1310 Posted 04 May 2019 - 03:22 PM
This post has been edited by Radar: 04 May 2019 - 04:21 PM
#1312 Posted 05 May 2019 - 05:01 AM
#1314 Posted 05 May 2019 - 10:24 AM
#1315 Posted 08 May 2019 - 04:03 AM
This post has been edited by Mark: 08 May 2019 - 04:04 AM
#1316 Posted 08 May 2019 - 07:43 AM
WT has a fairly high FPS advantage over Polymer, even on my GTX 980, I'd think the difference would be even larger with an AMD card. Outside the cinema in E1L1 I get around 550 fps in WT and 70 fps in Polymer (this is loading the WT versions of the maps with the stop gap, setting dynamic lights to map only and turning dynamic shadows off which I think would be the closest match to WT in terms of feature set)
eduke32's classic renderer does have the edge over WT's though. I've been told that WT limits it to 720p and upscales to whatever resolution you choose, so I ran both at 1280x720, and got around 300fps in WT and 500 fps in eduke32 (same spot outside the cinema as previous test)
#1317 Posted 20 May 2019 - 01:55 PM
#1318 Posted 23 May 2019 - 12:44 AM
MrFlibble, on 20 May 2019 - 01:55 PM, said:
The 2nd screenshot, the one with the Pigcops and Recon car, is also unknown to me. Not that it's a very interesting screenshot.
#1319 Posted 23 May 2019 - 02:11 PM
I have seen that screenshot used elsewhere, with the pigs and the RPV... I can't remember where but I do feel that there exists a png/bmp version online.
This post has been edited by Tristan: 23 May 2019 - 02:12 PM
#1320 Posted 25 May 2019 - 03:58 AM
MetHy, on 23 May 2019 - 12:44 AM, said:
Actually it's from the back of the game's box, that's why I did not mention the screenshots.
I don't remember any of the screenshots on the original release box being available anywhere in digital form except for the one in the top left corner which was posted here in JPEG a while ago.