DeeperThought, on Feb 17 2010, 12:43 AM, said:
Making them faster and weaker would be a legit choice, but there is also merit to the slow zombie style of gameplay that Rusty wants. As he was saying, the aliens do sometimes have a burst of speed, and that makes them all dangerous. Also, you can run out of ammo, and you can have difficulty holding them off when they are coming at you from different directions. Depending on the map design, there may be situations where the player can get cornered and simply can't shoot them fast enough. Having said that, there is some question as to whether the slow zombie style of gameplay will be acceptable to players for this particular type of alien, which people are used to seeing move very fast. One thing that would really harm the gameplay is if Duke's jumping is unmodified, because then the player can jump on their heads and run right over them. I would suggest lowering the player's jumping height to a more realistic level and also decreasing his running speed from the absurdly fast default speed (if that hasn't been done already).
I want to remove the jumping entirely actually, don't really see any point in keeping it in! All you have to do is build the levels around that fact. In fact it only makes it easier for the level designer to frame off certain areas of the map where you don't want the player to go, but want things to come out of, like vents and barriers (as is seen at the start of the video).
Also, the movement speed you see in the video is actually the running. Will have to do some tinkering and see what works best if I'll need to decrease it or what not. You still haven't seen how fast the facehuggers are!
The squishing sound is old code I experimented with in order to implement headshots. I become so used to hearing that sound that I forgot completely it was there!
VinsaneOne, on Feb 17 2010, 01:04 AM, said:
Shit, that place is so dark with black aliens in every corner, I'd be glad they don't move any faster!
Sorry, side-effect from video compression! Look at the above image to get a better idea of the lighting. Besides, you'll see alot better if you play in fullscreen too.
About the aliens -- I wanted their behaviour to be a throwback to the first Alien, hence why they're not racing all across the map and will only take so much damage. To me, a resilient and slow moving alien is more interesting since we've all been exposed to the fast ones so much already in the video games. This is more, like Jonathan said, more akin to the old Aliens Online or Alien Trilogy if you wish. The good old days.
(+ it's less buggy!)