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custom DNF details for the HRP  "DNF-ish gloves and crosshair"

User is offline   Ramen4ever 


Only just saw this thread. I'm really liking some of those retextures. I agree that as far as the pistols concerned. It's better if it's American. It's the weapon he always starts with so it may as well be "personal" for Duke. And the DE just .. doesn't look all that great. I prefer that black/gold glock which actually looks pretty damn good.

Anyway, For Duke's gloves I'd recommend looking at some Swat gloves.
Or fingerless Neoprene gloves.. which look kind of similar but don't have the knuckle holes (If I'm not mistaken those are motorcycle gloves)
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or biker gloves
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User is offline   zchri9 

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Some of the stuff in this thread looks really nice (Golden Eagle)
What could be a good idea is a Duke Nukem Forever TC. I mean, We have the whole plot, game play and about 100+ screenshots that employees used for their portfolios.
Really, We have everything we need to make an accurate DNF TC.

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View Postdaniel262b, on Jun 17 2009, 09:27 AM, said:

to be honest, i like the 1911 better than the desert eagle. It's been in use for a long time and it looks cool too.

Anyway, i'm a bit swamped this week with some work for an exam, but i should be getting back on track this sunday.

Till then, i'll start a to-do list with all the ideas that i'd like to see:

1. Re-map all hands with ass-kicking gloves. Maybe 2 different types and have an option in the menu to switch to preffered type.
2. Design new HUD
2.5. Figure out a way to allow bigger crosshair size than the default
3. Add "Ego" to health system (gonna have to leave this one to people who know how to do it, i have no idea regarding how it can be done)
3.5. On-screen damage direction indicators, if it's possible in this engine
4. - Optional - The boot needs a fix, the way it looks right now it seems it's coming out of the stomach and the leg is too short/too close IMO.
4. - Optional - Replace old starting screen nuke explosion with the 2001 E3 video one.
4. - Optional - knockdown effect just like the one in the last leaked video, where Duke gets floored on the Stadium by the Cycloid Emperor. I figure it'd be sort of like the ledge-grabbing trick in DukePlus, the weapon goes down and you're into an automatic look-down+crouch for a second, and it should happen only when you're near a big explosion or if you fall from a distance where you lose health.

i'll add more to this list. Please feel free to make suggestions. Keep in mind that the goal here is to make it look/feel Forever-y.

Project Blue Skies has FBA, ask Mblackwell for the code.
The HUD should be easily replaced but is it possible to get it to display at the top of the screen and disappear/reappear? (see DNF demo reel)
As far as I know the crosshair has an option to change between sizes.


View PostCaptain Awesome, on Jun 21 2009, 12:16 AM, said:

Freezethrowers don't exist. The Chaingun however is based on the Swedish Nordenfelt Gun.

There's also a Soviet gun that looks like the 3-barreled chaingun of Duke3D. It's the Pribor-3B Meroka assault rifle.

User is offline   zchri9 

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View PostAltered Reality, on Jun 21 2009, 01:56 AM, said:

There's also a Soviet gun that looks like the 3-barreled chaingun of Duke3D. It's the Pribor-3B Meroka assault rifle.

That thing is fricken sweet! ;)

User is offline   zchri9 

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DNF '01 Trailer Nuke

This post has been edited by zchri9: 21 June 2009 - 03:42 AM


User is offline   daniel262b 


speaking of that DNF HUD, here's a little something i put up to emulate it in DN3D:

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User is offline   Danukem 

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Does anyone really believe that Duke's ego would diminish just because he got shot a few times? ;)

User is offline   Jimmy 

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I've been trying to think of a non-gimmicky way to incorporate some sort of Ego into my mod, but I can't really think of one that won't seem tacky or too arcadey.

User is offline   daniel262b 


View PostDeeperThought, on Jun 21 2009, 09:41 PM, said:

Does anyone really believe that Duke's ego would diminish just because he got shot a few times? ;)

personally i like the old fashion health-pack system, but i have a weird attraction for that "+7" that comes up when you gun down an enemy.

I think the best mix would be the classic health system with health bonuses thrown in when you do kills that trigger one-liners, because those are actually beneficial to physical health. +10 for a gibbed enemy, +30 for a battlelord, etc.

User is offline   Danukem 

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View Postdaniel262b, on Jun 21 2009, 01:08 PM, said:

personally i like the old fashion health-pack system, but i have a weird attraction for that "+7" that comes up when you gun down an enemy.

I think the best mix would be the classic health system with health bonuses thrown in when you do kills that trigger one-liners, because those are actually beneficial to physical health. +10 for a gibbed enemy, +30 for a battlelord, etc.

I think you'll find that it's difficult to reward the player for common occurrences like that without making the game too easy. With your suggestion the player would be getting health too often. Then you might try to compensate by making enemies do more damage or something, and before you know it the whole game is fucked because you would be rewarding players who are already doing well and don't need help, while punishing players who are doing badly. ;)

User is offline   Ramen4ever 


Yeah.. I'd go with either ego or health. not both. Or if it was both, I'd make ego more of a "power up" thing. where it starts at 0 and as you go in the level, whenever you reach 100, something happens. like 2x dmg modifier. or 10 second invincibility. Though, it's really more trouble than its worth.

User is offline   zchri9 

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View PostRoma Loom, on Jun 18 2009, 05:55 AM, said:

Placing DE in the hud, even scaled down to fight the perpective still looks unsatisfying ;)

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Is it possible to make the DE gold parts shine?

User is offline   daniel262b 



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pistol is next.

User is offline   Spiker 


Pure awesomeness ;)

User is offline   Jimmy 

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That is really sweet. If I played with the HRP I'd play with this, since the regular hand textures look weird.

User is offline   Jaxx 


Dude you're really good! I can wait to see the final pack ;)


Now that's the way I'd play the HRP. :3

User is offline   Sebastian 


Whoa, now you've managed to make everything else look crappy!

User is offline   Tea Monster 

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View Postzchri9, on Jun 21 2009, 10:13 PM, said:

Is it possible to make the DE gold parts shine?

They will when Plagman marries the new rendering code to models, which hasn't happened yet.

User is offline   daniel262b 


thanks for the feedback guys.

I've just finished the gun hand and cliphand:

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i didn't figure out the exact shape of the line to make the bottom of the glove smooth on the model, but i wouldn't worry about it since it's in for just 1 frame, so you don't really notice the jagged line. Same with the clip hand, it's lower res than the gun hand, but you don't notice it since it's in for only 2 or 3 frames.

i've also added a couple of details to the pistol (save for the grip that didn't fit at all) to make it like the one in this screenshot:

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next up: shotgun.

User is offline   Tea Monster 

  • Polymancer


The texturing work is very good. If I were you, I'd try to neaten up that line on the bottom of the glove. Sometimes you have to mess around with it a bit.

The handle looks strange on the gold gun. You've done the texture well, it just looks strange having the steel handle on the gold gun.

We need a new hand with some extra geometry for the glove and a new gun.

User is offline   Jaxx 


It's really looking cool ;) I can't wait to play with this!
When will ya release this pack?

This post has been edited by Jaxx: 23 June 2009 - 08:43 AM


User is offline   aherin 


Hi there, just thought I'd draw people's attention to the old DNF screenshots on Duke.4.

The pic of duke driving the crane with the two explosions gives a great view of the gloves. Whilst I'm sure everyone has seen this pic before, it does show just how close Daniel262b is getting with his efforts ;)
Keep up the good work ;)

User is offline   The Commander 

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View PostTea Monster, on Jun 24 2009, 03:12 AM, said:

The texturing work is very good. If I were you, I'd try to neaten up that line on the bottom of the glove. Sometimes you have to mess around with it a bit.

I dunno, I sorta like that "ripped" look of the glove at the bottom, makes it look more natural IMO.


Can you make a dukeplus version? i think it's quite simple.


User is offline   Danukem 

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View PostFantinaikos, on Jun 23 2009, 12:57 PM, said:

Can you make a dukeplus version? i think it's quite simple.


He's already using DP. Notice the bullets in the HUD showing how much is in the clip? There's no need for a separate version since it just replaces some HRP resources.

This post has been edited by DeeperThought: 23 June 2009 - 12:54 PM


User is offline   zchri9 

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Super lowres shot of the shot gun
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Are you going to put the custom handgrip on the handgun?

User is offline   zchri9 

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View Postdaniel262b, on Jun 22 2009, 07:24 AM, said:


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pistol is next.

Just noticed the overheat bar.
Is it possible for the shape of the weapon to come up in the bottom corner in red like in DNF instead of having the bar?

User is offline   Jimmy 

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He's using DukePlus.

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