Download v1.0.3
- Mirror 1 (318 MB)
- Mirror 2 (318 MB)
If you have previously downloaded any earlier version, then use this patch:
- Mirror 1 (2 kB)
- Mirror 2 (2 kB)
Most assets were ripped by Nukey. Hendricks266 helped a lot too. Additional credits: Daedolon, Oasiz and TerminX. Special thanks to Joshua and MusicallyInspired.
I will work on a patch with Mark 'TDK' Knight remixes, and a version compatible with DOS so you can play on low-key multiplayer ports.
If the Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition game data is not found, then drop duke3d.grp in the same directory as eduke32.exe. This is important.
Change the default key for placing a laser tripbomb to "B" (tripBomb).
The maps, art, sounds, music, movies and CON files were ripped from the CD-ROM.
The original maps have the data carried by CYCLER, GPSPEED and mirrors pre-loaded in the memory, and the maps were modified to work with the vanilla game. Warning: There's a problem in this method as the sprite coordinates don't always match their parent sectors, thus if you re-save the maps in Mapster32 their sectors are changed.
The game.con file was decompiled from the SLUS_003.55 file. The useractor definitions were manually added to make it work with the vanilla game, as the actortype[] data don't seem to exist in this version.