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[RELEASE] EDuke32 Addon Compilation  "Version 3.13 released on December 6, 2016!"

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Continuing testing Urban Pack:
Can somebody check if killcity.map is made to be unbeatable on purpose?

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


Found a problem with leohotel.map of Urban Pack. This map requires Duke to teleport while being shrinked, but looks like teleports don't teleport shrinked Duke. Problematic place:

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: Screenshot_20211115_024439.png


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Well, we already read before that there are issues with shrinking in EDuke32, so I guess this is related.


Just checking in to say that, thanks to FistMarine, we now know the use of that huge switch code in Oblivion is used for.

You know in the first Secret Level of Ep3. You can access a secret which shows you a big combination with the "MEMORISE IT" message. Fist Marine found out that you are to use it in the next level, the first Temple Of Illusion. In the Starting Room, go Right and a wall panel will open, revealing a billion Switches.

Once you punched in the code, a wall with open behind you revealing a bunch of stuff, including a Nuke Button. So in the end, it just gives you access to a quick Level Skip. I don't know what Zaxtor intended to do with this as is it kinda underwhelming IMO >_>

Anyway, that's one more mystery solved !
Thanks to FistMarine again.


View PostNightFright, on 17 October 2021 - 10:17 PM, said:

Have the following EDuke32 issues been addressed to fix some addon issues in the meantime?

Speaking of:
- Red Series (RED4: pipebombs won't fit through hole, r7470-7615)
- The Gate (GATE306: teleporter to SOS room only working occasionally)
- DukeVR (Pipebombs cannot be stacked in RED2, still works in r7470)
- Oblivion: Several maps cannot be completed --> OOZ and OOZ2 can no longer be used as pseudo-elevators (https://voidpoint.io...32/-/issues/105)
- Red Series (RED2: Crash due to MIDI playback stopping with WinMME driver)

The OOZ and OOZ2 sprite issue, as well as the pipebomb stacking have been fixed.
GATE306 issue is also resolved.

The RED4 pipebomb problem still exists. The freeze in the last point can occur on any map that uses MIDI music.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


I've done with Urban Pack
Everything is confirmed beatable except:
- leohotel.map - shrinkulized Duke can't be teleported in current EDuke32 (see above)
- killcity.map - is it made to be unbeatable on purpose? Looks like a trollmap...
- I can't figure out how to beat bank.map, nukecity.map and one2zero.map. Can someone else here playtest them?

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 23 November 2021 - 08:17 AM



View PostAx 34noff, on 23 November 2021 - 08:15 AM, said:

I've done with Urban Pack
Everything is confirmed beatable except:
- leohotel.map - shrinkulized Duke can't be teleported in current EDuke32 (see above)
- killcity.map - is it made to be unbeatable on purpose? Looks like a trollmap...
- I can't figure out how to beat bank.map, nukecity.map and one2zero.map. Can someone else here playtest them?

I've just played Bank.map and I beat it normally >_> What is your problem with it ?

I read earlier that you couldn't find the Yellow KeyCard. I found it. I don't know if it is my "previous official version of Add-on Compilation" or if you just missed it.

When you use the JetPack in the main street, you end up going into an apartment and then you're at a place with a fountain and a big Yellow Tunnel. Use your JetPack to go up to 2 Windows. Inside there is a Switch somewhere which opens a Door of some sort. You'll find the KeyCard guarded by a BattleLord.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 23 November 2021 - 08:54 AM, said:

I've just played Bank.map and I beat it normally >_> What is your problem with it ?

I read earlier that you couldn't find the Yellow KeyCard. I found it. I don't know if it is my "previous official version of Add-on Compilation" or if you just missed it.

When you use the JetPack in the main street, you end up going into an apartment and then you're at a place with a fountain and a big Yellow Tunnel. Use your JetPack to go up to 2 Windows. Inside there is a Switch somewhere which opens a Door of some sort. You'll find the KeyCard guarded by a BattleLord.

I forgot i had a jetpack! Thank you, i'll try it again.
p.s. I wish we had such Urban Pack for Doom II

edit: bank.map done. Now nukecity.map and one2zero.map remain.

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 23 November 2021 - 12:07 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


@ Ax 34noff
Regarding "Kill City": It is indeed not possible to finish this level without dying (there's no regular exit) and that's intended. Also mentioned in both text files (readme and walkthrough), actually. Back in the days when I had still organized this in episodes, I excluded this level because of that. Now since all maps can be loaded separately anyway, it's no longer a factor. Not sure what made me include it - probably for some comic relief because it's different from the rest. It's easy to skip now with the new user map menu structure, so no big deal.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 23 November 2021 - 10:52 PM



View PostAx 34noff, on 23 November 2021 - 10:22 AM, said:

edit: bank.map done. Now nukecity.map and one2zero.map remain.

What's your problem with these two maps ? You can't complete them or are they glitched ?

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 24 November 2021 - 07:54 AM, said:

What's your problem with these two maps ? You can't complete them or are they glitched ?

I have no idea how to beat them (as i already mentioned above), and i can't describe where exactly i'm stuck. I can upload saves though:
https://www.dropbox....eduke32.7z?dl=0 (these are for EDuke32 v9796)

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 24 November 2021 - 08:56 AM



View PostAx 34noff, on 24 November 2021 - 08:53 AM, said:

I have no idea how to beat them (as i already mentioned above), and i can't describe where exactly i'm stuck. I can upload saves though:
https://www.dropbox....eduke32.7z?dl=0 (these are for EDuke32 v9796)

Okay, then I'll try them myself tomorrow.

I prefer to try out with my own "previous official build" if you don't mind. This way, if there's anything that you described which don't happen to me, we'll have our answers ^^

User is offline   ETPC 


View PostETPC, on 29 October 2021 - 03:11 PM, said:

having a little trouble in FM4X07 (fun fair), the elevator puzzle in the shooting gallery. im following the directions in the hint guide, but i don't think i'm doing it right. do i want all the colors to be green or orange/red? or a mixture of both?

repostin this because i'm still stuck here (have been busy and not had time to go back to it until now)


Okay so I've played "Nuke City" and "One to Zero" and I've been able to beat them both.

For "Nuke City", the ReadMe secifies that the "High Voltage" Door Switch is located just next to it, high in the air, you need to use the JetPack for it. Then later in the level, the Barrier just before the Colored Platforms can be destroyed (just in case you never thought about it) and then the Colored Platform Puzzle can be solved quite easily IF you go up to the Doors. Indeed they all have a Switch next to them, and having ONLY ONE pressed is enough to make a color combination have the path fully open.

No big deal in the end >_>

For "One to Zero", the Readme specifies that, once you have obtained the Blue KeyCard and entered the room, you must use the 2 PipeBombs you find inside in order to destroy a wall in the first Hanger and get a JetPack. Then you come back to that room and destroy the Fan in the ceiling. Use your JetPack to go up there. Then this is where you can easily get lost. Indeed no path seems to lead anywhere, and the only shaft cannot be passed because you can't crouch and fly at the same time.
HOWEVER, when you back track, you can find another path just next to the one you came from. From there you can proceed. Later you'll find a Red KeyCard in the "Stock" Area. You are to use it at the very beginning of the level.
You have to press 2 of the 4 Switches located above the Red Transparent Screen in the middle of the room. Then go back to the "Stock" Area.

Voili voilou.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 25 November 2021 - 02:59 AM, said:

For "One to Zero", the Readme specifies that, once you have obtained the Blue KeyCard ...

I can't find blue keycard (while i already found 3 of 4 secrets)
Edit: played it a bit more, found 4th secret, still can't find blue keycard.

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 27 November 2021 - 10:18 AM



View PostAx 34noff, on 27 November 2021 - 10:15 AM, said:

I can't find blue keycard (while i already found 3 of 4 secrets)
Edit: played it a bit more, found 4th secret, still can't find blue keycard.

You follow the conveyor belt, then climb some stairs and turn Right to the "Elevator". Follow the corridor until you reach a room with many boxes. The KeyCard is located at the corner of the room opposite of where you come from.

Attached Image: duke0000.png

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 27 November 2021 - 10:43 AM


User is offline   Ax 34noff 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 27 November 2021 - 10:43 AM, said:

You follow the conveyor belt, then climb some stairs and turn Right to the "Elevator". Follow the corridor until you reach ...

... until i reach locked gate.


View PostAx 34noff, on 27 November 2021 - 01:04 PM, said:

... until i reach locked gate.

You are supposed to have done the Switch Puzzle before-hand. Just as you pick-up the Chaingun, there is a Screen with 2 Switches. Behind you, upward are 2 other Switches. The combination is Yep-Nope-Nope-Yep. That's in the "Hint" readme.

User is offline   Ax 34noff 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 28 November 2021 - 12:28 AM, said:

Behind you, upward are 2 other Switches.

Thank You, i didn't notice them.

So the only bugged map in Urban Pack is leohotel.map (see above), and it looks like a bug of EDuke32.

This post has been edited by Ax 34noff: 28 November 2021 - 07:11 AM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


"Shaky Grounds" has been updated and now contains all levels (not just the first three).

To update:
- Use the downloader script (unzip into your EDuke32 root dir and execute eac_install.bat) OR
- Get the updated EAC Base Pack (13.3 MB) and download shakygrounds.grp from the repository

User is offline   Nic-Usor 


Hello guys, I have problems with that addon named Fusion Redux 2018. The HUD never show it and when have a nuclear launcher and shooting they show white screen on 10 seconds. I use the latest version r9875.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Sounds like a problem from the 3.x release. If that's the case, upgrade to the 4.x beta and it should look better.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Are the underwater drones in LR&WB supposed to have infinite explosion range?

User is offline   Nic-Usor 


View PostNightFright, on 18 December 2021 - 01:59 AM, said:

Sounds like a problem from the 3.x release. If that's the case, upgrade to the 4.x beta and it should look better.

I use the 4.x beta. I think on these bugs still exist on engine, I guess.

This post has been edited by Nic-Usor: 18 December 2021 - 01:45 PM



I was thinking about Zero Hour lately and ... Is it normal that the 7th weapon's electric sparks don't affect enemies ?

Like, you use it, you hit an enemy, it leaves electric sparks for a while, and while these can hurt you, it NEVER seems to affect enemies >_> Apart from being an obstacle to them sometimes .... Is it normal ? Because it kinda makes the weapon feel frustrating to use, hence why I'm wondering if it's specific to the compilation or if it's always been that way ...

BTW, about Oblivion, thanks to Doom64Hunter and FistMarine, we know that there is a Secret in Episode 3's "Temple of Illusions II" which is impossible to reach because its door (or wall) doesn't have anything to make it open (no trigger, no actor ...).
I know that's no critical level progression but still, wanted to point out their discovery.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


You can try experimenting with older EDuke32 builds or the version from 3.x release. If it doesn't work in any case, it might be a problem with mod code after all.

Doesn't seem like something that's supposed to be like that. Does it behave the same way in the original release? And if not: What happens with different EDuke32 builds?

I remember Zero Hour weapons to be pretty shitty in general. Again, what you can try is the original release in combination with older EDuke32 builds and see if that changes anything.

User is offline   Nic-Usor 


@NightFright I'm testing the version from 3.x with the latest version on eduke32 (r9879) addon named Fusion TC instead Fusion Redux 2018 and, of course, HUD never show it and shooting with nuclear launcher they show white screen the 10 seconds. Now I'm tested the EDuke32 r5905 and nuclear launcher is fixed but the HUD not (the version 4.x using the eduke32 r6357 fixed the nuclear launcher, but the HUD not)

This post has been edited by Nic-Usor: 20 December 2021 - 03:01 PM


User is offline   Nic-Usor 


I checked the eduke32.log for version 3.x:

Using "fusion.grp" as main game data file.
Using file "widescreen.dat" as game data.
Compiling: fusion.con (213708 bytes)
fusion.con:2197: warning: sound 261 already defined (hydro43.voc)
Found 1 warning(s), 0 error(s).
Relocated compiled code from 0x000004c5a4800100 to 0x000004c5a3c78100
Compiled 156320 bytes in 52ms
Initialized 96.0M cache
Loading "loadwide.def"
Warning: Failed including duke3d.def on line fusion.def:5

and eduke32.log for version 4.x:

Using "duke3d.grp" as main game data file.
Using "fusion.grp" as main game data file.
Compiling: scripts/fusion.con (276044 bytes)
Relocated compiled code from 0x000004073e800100 to 0x000004073fc00100
Compiled 183704 bytes in 64ms
Initialized 96.0M cache
Loading "scripts/fusionredux.def"
Warning: Failed including duke3d.def on line scripts/fusionredux.def:1

I hope I helped you with this.

This post has been edited by Nic-Usor: 20 December 2021 - 03:00 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostNightFright, on 20 December 2021 - 10:13 AM, said:

Doesn't seem like something that's supposed to be like that. Does it behave the same way in the original release?

I'm unsure. I'm having difficulties getting the original to run under DOSBox.

This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 20 December 2021 - 04:53 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Alright I got it to work now. I don't even know what I did differently...

I learned three interesting things.

1. The drones do do that in the original, but I'd argue that's still not intentional behavior.

2. The Octabrain spam attack is the original behavior.

3. I think there's a missing texture...?

Attached Image: tex.png

In the DOS version there's this view through the wormhole. But in the compilation version it's just stars.

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