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[RELEASE] EDuke32 Addon Compilation  "Version 3.13 released on December 6, 2016!"


View PostPolunka, on 13 August 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:

Personally I don't see an 8-button code that hard. Usually it takes me like 1 min at maximum to guess it.

You're quite lucky then because last time I tried it I didn't crack the code even after 3 minutes ^^

User is offline   FistMarine 


View PostPolunka, on 13 August 2016 - 04:44 AM, said:

Personally I don't see an 8-button code that hard. Usually it takes me like 1 min at maximum to guess it.

Anything with 5 or more switches puzzle is annoying if you don't have a clue. Sometimes the combination can be for example only the even numbers or only the odd numbers or anything like that. You just have to try until it works. I only dislike when there is no clue and when it takes me 5 or more minutes to solve a combination with too many switches.

Oh and BTW another mistake in the readme file at Duke Hard section:


A community episode in which every mapper built one map map


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


If anybody wonders what's going on right now: Still waiting for someone to find the piece of code change that causes the issue with the Muddlelizer in Oblivion. I really don't wanna revert to the original game.con since it spits out a sh**load of warnings during startup otherwise. I am sure that it's just about "that one" declaration that screws up everything.

As soon as I have a fix for that, I will upload a test version here so you can check out if MIDIs and Muddlelizer work as intended. Not taking any chances again to release something that remains broken. :P

This post has been edited by NightFright: 16 August 2016 - 06:00 AM



View PostNightFright, on 16 August 2016 - 05:58 AM, said:

If anybody wonders what's going on right now: Still waiting for someone to find the piece of code change that causes the issue with the Muddlelizer in Oblivion. I really don't wanna revert to the original game.con since it spits out a sh**load of warnings during startup otherwise. I am sure that it's just about "that one" declaration that screws up everything.

As soon as I have a fix for that, I will upload a test version here so you can check out if MIDIs and Muddlelizer work as intended. Not taking any chances again to release something that remains broken. :P

Speaking of the original game.con did you compare both the original one and the current one ?
If you're saying that you screwed something up it would be the best way to find it but your only thing to make it easier would induce you having kept a record of what you did change .... If you do have that you'd just have to double check them looking for anything related to shrinking or impeding enemies (what the muddlelizer does) and if it contains nothing about that then you would at least have clues on where to look at.
I'm not an expert but if it can help you find ...

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 16 August 2016 - 08:15 AM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Check my post on the previous page. I added a list of all the changes...

This post has been edited by NightFright: 16 August 2016 - 10:54 PM



I see ... unfortunately this overruns me I'm afraid we're kind of blocked on that issue for the time being ... and I'm running out of idea to help you guys T_T

User is offline   FistMarine 


I found the issue in Oblivion with Muddlelizer not working as intended. It's the first function that you linked in the post on the previous page.

View PostNightFright, on 10 August 2016 - 06:52 AM, said:

1) In actor APLAYER / ifaction PFROZEN:
      ifp ponsteroids 
          count SHRUNKCOUNT
          sound BIGBANG

      ifp ponsteroids
        count SHRUNKCOUNT
        sound BIGBANG

Removing the brackets makes the weapon function as intended. Here is the fixed OBLIVION.CON file:


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Interesting... that was one of the changes I didn't suspect to be the culprit at all. :/

Reverting this change will bring back one warning in the logs, though:
oblivion.con: In actor `APLAYER':
oblivion.con:4105: warning: found `
else' with no `if'.
Found 1 warning(s), 0 error(s).

It's in this part:
        ifcount SHRUNKCOUNT
        sound BIGBANG
        ifp ponsteroids
          count SHRUNKCOUNT
      ifp ponsteroids
          count SHRUNKCOUNT
          sound BIGBANG
else // Here is the warning (line 4105)
8 9
        spawn FRAMEEFFECT1

I guess it's possible to live with this warning if everything works in exchange. If anybody finds a solution, anyway... just shoot. One way or the other, great find and thanks a lot!

This post has been edited by NightFright: 19 August 2016 - 08:56 AM


User is offline   Polunka 


View PostFistMarine, on 19 August 2016 - 02:40 AM, said:

I found the issue in Oblivion with Muddlelizer not working as intended. It's the first function that you linked in the post on the previous page.

Removing the brackets makes the weapon function as intended. Here is the fixed OBLIVION.CON file:

Kudos for finding this insidious mofocker :P

This post has been edited by Polunka: 19 August 2016 - 10:28 AM


User is offline   FistMarine 


No problem. I'm glad I could help you once more. :D

About the warning, I actually tried to fix this earlier, just to see if I can do that as well but I was unsuccessful when I added "if" after "else" or something like that and then EDuke32 wouldn't start at all, so I left the CON file with the warning since it doesn't hurt at all.

BTW, do you mind if I send you some edited CON files of some addons regarding level names? I thought I'd ask you first if you are OK with that, then I will send the CON files tomorrow. Let me know if you like this idea. I thought I'd also help you with reorganizing a little bit before the 3.1 update comes out. :P

I've also found out the original version of BobSPX that features Alien Queen fight at end of level that drops the card upon death. I've been looking for that version of the map since a couple of years and only recently decided to check Dukeworld for this map and it was right there. :D I wonder if you will include this version instead of the one currently in addon compilation pack.


View PostPolunka, on 19 August 2016 - 10:27 AM, said:

Kudos for finding this insidious mofocker :P

Thanks man! B)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 21 August 2016 - 12:09 PM


User is offline   Polunka 


View PostNightFright, on 19 August 2016 - 08:51 AM, said:

I guess it's possible to live with this warning if everything works in exchange.

Btw, I've been wondering whether these warnings even do anything harmful (well, till they affect the actual gameplay)? I mean, I've experienced getting such warnings upon loading some maps/mods via eduke32, but it's not like they prevented me from playing comfortably in one way or another, not even by stopping the launch process in order to verify if I wanna continue nonetheless or sth. Or maybe they would pose a threat strictly within the compilation? :P

View PostFistMarine, on 19 August 2016 - 10:32 AM, said:


Thanks man! B)

Huh, no prob :D

This post has been edited by Polunka: 19 August 2016 - 10:45 AM



View PostPolunka, on 19 August 2016 - 10:41 AM, said:

Btw, I've been wondering whether these warnings even do anything harmful (well, till they affect the actual gameplay)? I mean, I've experienced getting such warnings upon loading some maps/mods via eduke32, but it's not like they prevented me from playing comfortably in one way or another, not even by stopping the launch process in order to verify if I wanna continue nonetheless or sth. Or maybe they would pose a threat strictly within the compilation? :P

Huh, no prob B)

The kind of warnings we're used to seeing generally concerns non-critical elements that are most of the time unseen. For instance Imagination World as tons of warnings about missing models and textures but almost everything is present.

I suppose they want to clear all the warnings not only because they're not nice to see but also because it allows gaining a bit of time when launching EDuke since it makes fewer messages to display.

User is offline   Polunka 


Oh! Another report has arrived, this time for Castle Dukenstein. Btw. gotta say, that was a helluva nostalgic trip (tho one or two levels hardly resembled their prototypes from Wolf3D)!

Once again, this is gonna be a really minor report about bugs that don't seriously affect the gameplay (mostly). One of them won't need an automap shot, and another one won't need a shot at all.

So, the first bug is about the switch at the start of each map above 1st (you know, the room representing the elevator you've just arrived on). The thing is, looks like on dukstn14.map, dukstn15.map and dukstn16.map the author placed the actual working switch sprite instead of the switch-stays-on sprite (or whatever it's called) (attachments #1 and 2; I think it's not a better way of showing this off, but you still can tell this is me using a switch but not a nuke button, since this switch's frames are also used for the nuke button animation).

The second bug is simple in that finishing dukstn19.map (and subsequently the episode, but only theoretically, not factually, in this case) takes you to the secret level (dukstn1s.map) while there's actually a secret exit right in the first level (just like in the original E1M1). In spite of its simplicity tho, it can spoil some fun or at least just break the game. Also, on the contrary, it doesn't happen upon finishing the 2nd episode. I assume this is because of the defference in ending mechanics since the 1st episode is finished via stepping into a level-ending sector while the 2nd is via killing a level-ending boss.

The third bug was really odd to me upon facing it (dukstn2s.map), but now I think I can clearly pinpoint the reason. First, there's a door meant, as I understand, to imitate a broken door (attachment #3), then there's a room containing nothing (attachment #4). There's a sector stretched over halfway to the further side of the room. The thing is, the sector actually ends the level (while it shouldn't since there's a normal exit) and sends you to (!) E2L11 of the original Duke3D. An automap shot is provided (#5), in the shot I'm facing the broken door. Now my opinion - I think the author accidentally gave the sector the hi/lo (whatever) tag of an ending sector instead of that of a secret sector (I'm basing this on my observations that he tended to make secrets containing nothing sometimes in some levels).

This is all. Hope you'll comprehend. You know, I'm not so skilled at English plus it's currently 2:55 a.m. for me so no guarantees that I will type anything that's not gibberish.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0000.png
  • Attached Image: duke0001.png
  • Attached Image: duke0003.png
  • Attached Image: duke0004.png
  • Attached Image: duke0002.png

This post has been edited by Polunka: 19 August 2016 - 12:13 PM


User is offline   Polunka 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 19 August 2016 - 11:24 AM, said:

I suppose they want to clear all the warnings not only because they're not nice to see but also because it allows gaining a bit of time when launching EDuke since it makes fewer messages to display.

Well, okay

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Just comment this part out, like so:

     else // Here is the warning (line 4105)
        sizeto 8 9
        spawn FRAMEEFFECT1


User is offline   Polunka 


View PostHendricks266, on 19 August 2016 - 03:53 PM, said:

Just comment this part out, like so:

     else // Here is the warning (line 4105)
        sizeto 8 9
        spawn FRAMEEFFECT1

Oh, it's nice to see a significant member like you contribute to this issue's solution! (tho I think you actually took part in helping to fix the e2l10 crash as well)

This post has been edited by Polunka: 19 August 2016 - 08:08 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Implemented following additional fixes:
> BobSP Series: Added episode "BobSP Alternate" featuring BOBSPX with alternate ending (boss fight)
> Castle Dukenstein: Elevator switches in DUKSTN14/DUKSTN15/DUKSTN16 can't be used any more; leaving DUKSTN19 won't load DUKSTN1S any more; fixed secret room in DUKSTN2S ending level prematurely
> DukeVR: Removed (empty) episode "User Missions"

The issue with the secret area in Castle Dukenstein ending the level was weird. Everything was defined correctly. The only way I could prevent it from happening was to remove the lighting SE sprite from the sector that was supposed to trigger the secret area message. Looks more like a bug in EDuke32 to me. Additionally, this sector is supposed to have differently shaded sections when the door closes, but the whole room is equally lit instead. This edit/fix will have consequences since I had to remove lighting sectors, resulting in the room only being partially lit when the door closes. However, since this room is basically completely useless without any playability value and it's fine to ignore it, the impact should be minimal.

Please test this version of Oblivion (75.8 MB, zipped) and check if following issues are fixed:
> Muddlelizer works correctly
> Music plays properly during boss fights and escape sequences

How to test:
> Unzip folder "Oblivion" into your EDuke32 dir
> Load with -joblivion parameter
> Choose "Oblivion" from launcher menu

User is offline   FistMarine 


I tested the provided version of Oblivion and I can confirm the Muddlelizer works correctly. I will let someone else test the music because right now I'm sick and because of that, I'm not in the mood of playing. :P

I'm glad to see BobSP and DukeVR suggestions made in. I will also show the edits I made to CON files that I was talking about earlier, if you are OK with the changes:


This post has been edited by FistMarine: 21 August 2016 - 12:07 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


I am not seeing how renaming maps would contribute anything to this compilation. Sorry mate.

User is offline   FistMarine 


I wanted things to be a bit more organized but it's OK if you don't want to rename the maps, I don't mind if you intend to keep the full name. I will edit previous post and instead of removing the maps filename from the title, I will just point the flaws in Red Series and Space Map Pack.

Anyway for Command & Conquer TC, any chance you could add the unfinished map 5 and 9 into the main episodes? The SP map can be edited to include an ending sector or a nuke button, so it can be finished properly and added as last map of the episode (it's map 9 anyway).

Oh and one more thing that has been bugging me a bit regarding Oblivion TC: Isn't supposed to say AMMO FOR MUDDLELIZER instead of AMMO FOR SHRINKER? I feel like the ammo pickup message should be updated to reflect the weapon change.

Sorry if I started with nitpicking again, at least I'm not requesting pointless stuff like renaming grp files. But it's the last things I request for this 3.1 update. :P

EDIT: Fixed above post!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 21 August 2016 - 12:08 PM



Changing the name of the maps in my opinion is constructive only if it's a translation, I don't know if you translated the names of the levels in Lost Highway but if you didn't AMC already did it (part from the secret level), otherwise I'd say asking the author for his opinion should be done since he/she is the best placed for that.

BTW I'm glad to see the bug in Oblivion is fixed, also glad to see I had something to do with it although very minor contribution to it ^^

User is offline   FistMarine 


I didn't change the level names to something else, I only removed the map filename prefix of the title as defined in the CON files. Example in case of Red series, the first map was defined as RED1: POISONED LANDS but I removed the prefix and that results in only the actual name of the map, which is POISONED LANDS.

EDIT: Either way, I'm also glad I contributed to this pack with finding and fixing bugs instead of requesting stupid things like adding more addons or changing names of files.

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 21 August 2016 - 12:17 PM



View PostFistMarine, on 21 August 2016 - 12:14 PM, said:

I didn't change the level names to something else, I only removed the map filename prefix of the title as defined in the CON files. Example in case of Red series, the first map was defined as RED1: POISONED LANDS but I removed the prefix and that results in only the actual name of the map, which is POISONED LANDS.

EDIT: Either way, I'm also glad I contributed to this pack with finding and fixing bugs instead of requesting stupid things like adding more addons or changing names of files.

I suppose the reason why NF doesn't want you to do that is the fact that it's more intuitive to keep the kind of prefix you mentioned because it gives a clear indication of the order in which the levels are meant to be played, the player is certain to find what he/she wants and if there's something to tamper with you'll have an easier time finding the level thanks to those than with names that don't necessarily ring a bell.

Just a supposition ...

On my end I'm glad to have helped with the glitch even though minor because for once I'm not making suggestion or simply reporting (AMC knows what I'm talking about) bugs, it feels like you've actually done something even though it's the others who have done the thing ^^

User is offline   Polunka 


View PostFistMarine, on 21 August 2016 - 12:14 PM, said:

EDIT: Either way, I'm also glad I contributed to this pack with finding and fixing bugs instead of requesting stupid things like adding more addons or changing names of files.

Well, I don't think addon suggestions are a stupid thing, it's simply not the current goal.

Btw, has anyone tested the dynamic music feature in Oblivion yet? If not, I might do that. Just because I don't see anyone mention the issue in the comments below NF's one (well,maybe FistMarine saying he's not able to test that). Tho I haven't played Oblivion for a while and may not be able to remember where all the bosses are.

User is offline   FistMarine 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 21 August 2016 - 12:55 PM, said:

I suppose the reason why NF doesn't want you to do that is the fact that it's more intuitive to keep the kind of prefix you mentioned because it gives a clear indication of the order in which the levels are meant to be played, the player is certain to find what he/she wants and if there's something to tamper with you'll have an easier time finding the level thanks to those than with names that don't necessarily ring a bell.

I was thinking the same after I wrote previous message and I can see now why having a prefix might be a good idea. Though I would still like in Red Series to have the full name to the old Red 1 map (The Long Road is the full name, not REDDUKE) and for Space Map Pack, to add prefix "Beta One" to Moonbase Beta.

View PostPolunka, on 21 August 2016 - 08:24 PM, said:

Well, I don't think addon suggestions are a stupid thing, it's simply not the current goal.

Btw, has anyone tested the dynamic music feature in Oblivion yet? If not, I might do that. Just because I don't see anyone mention the issue in the comments below NF's one (well,maybe FistMarine saying he's not able to test that). Tho I haven't played Oblivion for a while and may not be able to remember where all the bosses are.

I was mostly referring to a year ago when I was suggesting for more and more addons to be added. That's why I said it was a "stupid thing" to do. I wasn't very helpful back then like I am now when I found actual bugs and even managed to fix them (Oblivion is the more recent case), thus actually contributing to the pack.

As for Oblivion music, unfortunately I can't help with that but if you want, go ahead and play the addon. It might work as intended right now and finally we can have a fully fixed version of Oblivion included in Addon Compilation Pack.

User is offline   Polunka 


OK, so far I've checked the following levels using the dynamic music mechanic: OBLVN108, OBLVN110, OBLVN205, OBLVN211, OBLVN504, OBLVN506. The mechanic seems to work perfectly fine on these levels in all places where it's used.

You might ask why I didn't check OBLVN206 (The Doomsday Battle), since it's easy to tell I was checking most of those levels in the episodic order - well, I don't really feel like beating the boss at the beginning rihgt now, if you're familiar with it, you must know what it takes to defeat it.

I'll check everything else later, but anyone willing could just do it instead of me.

P.S.: I have a feeling someone's already tested this shit and I'm doing this just in vain. :P

This post has been edited by Polunka: 21 August 2016 - 10:50 PM



View PostPolunka, on 21 August 2016 - 08:24 PM, said:

Well, I don't think addon suggestions are a stupid thing, it's simply not the current goal.

Btw, has anyone tested the dynamic music feature in Oblivion yet? If not, I might do that. Just because I don't see anyone mention the issue in the comments below NF's one (well,maybe FistMarine saying he's not able to test that). Tho I haven't played Oblivion for a while and may not be able to remember where all the bosses are.

IIRC the first boss where there's a music change is in "Military Station" in Episode 1, I think it's the 5th level, there's also one in part one of "Scrap Brain" it's the penultimate level of Ep1. There's a boss in Rain Forest on Fire 1 that has music change in Ep4. "Aerial Tubes" in Ep5 has 2 bosses. In Episode 4 there are quite a lot of them so I can't remember as accurately but I know there's more than one on Floating Island.

As for escaping scenes there is one in Area-51B if played from Ep5 found in Ep4, the train part in "Alien Sanctuary" in Ep5 (it's the third level) is supposed to have a music change. When you're facing the boss "The Face" in Kinthron (penultimate level of Ep5) the music should switch to NULL because a VOC file handles this fight, same for when you've defeated Kinthron. There's an escaping sequence in the "Underground Base" (Ep4 level after the forest on fire levels).

It looks like "Military Station" in Ep1 has an escaping sequence and I suspect it had a music change but I've never been able to play the level in the required way to achieve that, Zaxtor says somewhere that you can fight "The Face" if you play Ep1 in a certain way I suppose the escaping of Military Station is one of them, If anybody knows how to do that I'd gladly listen ^^

That's as much as I can accurately remember Polunka, I hope this will help in your research ^_-
I can't play Oblivion because I had beaten Ep5 and was back in Ep4 but my save on DukeHard has corrupted my whole EDuke32 so I had to reinstall everything and I was too pissed to try Oblivion back >_>


View PostPolunka, on 21 August 2016 - 10:21 PM, said:

OK, so far I've checked the following levels using the dynamic music mechanic: OBLVN108, OBLVN110, OBLVN205, OBLVN211, OBLVN506. The mechanic seems to work perfectly fine on these levels in all places where it's used. You might ask why I didn't check OBLVN206 (The Doomsday Battle) - well, I don't really feel like beating the boss at the beginning rihgt now, if you're familiar with it, you must know what it takes to defeat him. I'll check everything else later, but anyone willing could just do it instead of me.

Doomsday Battle has a boss music change but it's near the end of the level, you know you can just dnclip through the door in the starting area, if the room is destroyed you're not going to die because the whole station isn't destroyed.

Sorry double post but Polunka was way faster than me ^^

User is offline   Polunka 


View PostFistMarine, on 21 August 2016 - 09:47 PM, said:

As for Oblivion music, unfortunately I can't help with that but if you want, go ahead and play the addon. It might work as intended right now and finally we can have a fully fixed version of Oblivion included in Addon Compilation Pack.

Working on it (well, not exactly right now, see my previous post).

View PostTheDragonLiner, on 21 August 2016 - 10:27 PM, said:

Doomsday Battle has a boss music change but it's near the end of the level, you know you can just dnclip through the door in the starting area, if the room is destroyed you're not going to die because the whole station isn't destroyed.

Well, I just thought the starting boss had a different music too. OK, I'm glad I don't have to kill him.


It looks like "Military Station" in Ep1 has an escaping sequence and I suspect it had a music change but I've never been able to play the level in the required way to achieve that, Zaxtor says somewhere that you can fight "The Face" if you play Ep1 in a certain way I suppose the escaping of Military Station is one of them, If anybody knows how to do that I'd gladly listen ^^

Well, I know there's some kind of a "secret route" in The Military Station, but also have no idea how to reach it. Well, I might try to find that out upon playing the level.

Yeaaa, Oblivion has a lot of secrets and mysteries behind its levels. I still remember that invisible teleporter in Back to Earth (E4L3), I found it bu just randomly jumping around.

This post has been edited by Polunka: 21 August 2016 - 10:55 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Just to explain what I did to "fix" the music issue: Nothing was changed with the actual addon code, I just re-added the additional tracks Zaxxtor had defined, even when they exceeded the max amount of levels per episode. Apparently he found a way to access those tracks internally, though I wouldn't know why. He pulled off quite some neat tricks in Oblivion, this may be one of them (however, could also be a very common method and I just don't know about it). ^^

And regarding this:

View PostFistMarine, on 21 August 2016 - 12:00 PM, said:

[...] Anyway for Command & Conquer TC, any chance you could add the unfinished map 5 and 9 into the main episodes? The SP map can be edited to include an ending sector or a nuke button, so it can be finished properly and added as last map of the episode (it's map 9 anyway). [...]

Have you even taken a look at those? Map 5 doesn't have any enemies or pickups, it's just an empty forest arena - and it's not big, either. Map 9 is super short and it's obvious to see that massive portions of the level are just missing, it ends pretty much right after it just began. Integrating those placeholders into the episode would feel disturbing and quite out of place.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 21 August 2016 - 11:22 PM


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