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The YANG thread  "Discuss the YANG multiplayer launcher for EDuke32 here"

User is offline   NY00123 


I'm not a Blood player, but according to a little search, is Blood v1.20 the one with 3DFX?
Then I guess it'd wouldn't work in DOSBox at all, and so shouldn't be used with YANG.
I'm not even sure if it's still a DOS app or not. Must be a DOS app (or it'd be known as a Windows port). But with 3D acceleration?
I guess it supported only a few cards... or something...

User is offline   Mateos 


Well, a friend sent me the good EXE file. But when we tryed to play, DOSBox said we got only 14 MB of memory, even if we don't have this problem in singleplay and even if it is configured in the dosbox.cfg... Why?


User is offline   NY00123 


With DOSBox v0.73, on Windows, I recall there should be a start menu shortcut,
to edit the correct configuration file.
There should be some place to increase RAM I guess. I haven't played with this by myself though...

User is offline   Edo 


Hi there

I've downloaded eduke32 and yang and it seems to work: I can run Duke Nukem 3D smile.gif
I'd like to host a small lan party and play Duke again (for old times sake) Can I somehow distribute the Yang (and Eduke) settings? I noticed they are stored in \user\username\appdata\roaming. I would like to keep the settings in the same folder as yang.exe

Also is there a best way to set this up so people can join and play with minimal effort?



User is offline   NY00123 


The configuration file is always written in that path, which is for your current user.
Just copy it to the relevant locations on the other PCs, which is in general: %APPDATA%\yang\
On ENGLISH versions of Windows 2000/XP it'd be a place like C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\yang.
On Win Vista and probably Win7 as well, it's what you've mentioned.

For a LAN game, just host without advertising. Give your local IP to your friends,
and tell them to join manually from the menu in yang (on port 8501, assuming you haven't changed that).

User is offline   Edo 


View PostNY00123, on Sep 27 2009, 11:53 AM, said:

The configuration file is always written in that path, which is for your current user.
Just copy it to the relevant locations on the other PCs, which is in general: %APPDATA%\yang\
On ENGLISH versions of Windows 2000/XP it'd be a place like C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\yang.
On Win Vista and probably Win7 as well, it's what you've mentioned.

For a LAN game, just host without advertising. Give your local IP to your friends,
and tell them to join manually from the menu in yang (on port 8501, assuming you haven't changed that).

Ok thanks. Is there a way to advertise the game on a LAN?
And is there a way to run a dedicated Duke server using Yang?


User is offline   NY00123 


You can advertise it globally, while making it password-protected.
Alternatively, if not advertising, the clients can also add your local IP to a list of saved addresses for manual join. It's in the same dialog.
It isn't effective if the local IP is dynamic and changes often, though.

As of today, all Duke source ports (EDuke32, xDuke...) can't run dedicated servers. So the answer for this is no

This post has been edited by NY00123: 27 September 2009 - 12:42 PM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


VinsaneOne and I have been trying to play Eduke32 on YANG for the last several hours, and a couple times it worked, a couple times it did not.

EDuke32 2.0.0devel 20090927
Application parameters: -name Steve -jC:\games\DN3D" -jC:\games\DN3D" /s3 /l1 /v1 /c2 /t4 /gDUKE3D.GRP /net /p23513 /n1
Respawn on.
Network mode: peer-to-peer
addsearchpath(): Added C:/games/DN3D/
OS: Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 3
Loading opengl32.dll
Loading glu32.dll
Initializing DirectDraw...
Using config file 'eduke32.cfg'.
Scanning for GRP files...
Using group file 'duke3d.grp' as main group file.
Using group file 'DUKE3D.GRP'.
Compiling: GAME.CON (151190 bytes)
Including: DEFS.CON (35992 bytes)
Including: USER.CON (45482 bytes)
GAME.CON:3968: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
GAME.CON: In state `pigshootenemystate':
GAME.CON:5891: warning: found `else' with no `if'.
Found 2 warning(s), 0 error(s).
Resizing code buffer to 16187*4 bytes
Script compiled in 30ms
Compiled code size: 16179*4 bytes, version 1.4+
Pointer bitmap size: 2024 bytes
1918/11264 labels, 321/2048 variables
125/16384 quotes, 0 quote redefinitions
0/88 event definitions, 207 defined actors
network: Using port 23513
network: Player 0 at
network: Peer-to-peer mode
network: Using 0x2B0C as client ID
Waiting for 1 player...
network: Connecting to
network: Retrying
network: Retrying
network: Retrying

What is going on?

User is offline   NY00123 


The best way to get things working, assuming you're both behind routers, is to forward port 23513 UDP (for the game).
Assuming it's not yet done, instructions for the specific routers may be found in http://portforward.com/.
You may need some info in order to be able to login into the routers, though.

If it doesn't work, then for EDuke32, the host of the room may try toggling "Master/Slave" mode. That's instead of "Peer-2-Peer".

Of course, all players should use the same version of EDuke32 (which I assume is the case, as you could get a game a few times).

Finally, I may tell there were a few cases I didn't get a game working, maybe even with the ports forwarded.
What the host did then, is just retry with another launch of the game.

This post has been edited by NY00123: 28 September 2009 - 02:20 AM


User is offline   Mateos 


View PostNY00123, on Sep 27 2009, 07:07 PM, said:

With DOSBox v0.73, on Windows, I recall there should be a start menu shortcut,
to edit the correct configuration file.
There should be some place to increase RAM I guess. I haven't played with this by myself though...

Well, as said, it was set before it, and not on 14 MB (128 MB), but thanks :o

User is offline   NY00123 


Well I've thought that maybe you're editing the wrong configuration file.
It should be named dosbox-0.73.conf and created in a new location, in comparison to version 0.72.
That's why I mentioned the start menu short-cut.

On a side note, an update has been released, marking YANG's current versions as 0.72.
Made a few changes so the GOG.com release of Duke3D should be recognized (for the relevant DOS Duke settings),
Duke3dw users should be able to select a player color, and application bundles on the Mac (like DOSBox.app) should hopefully work as expected.

This post has been edited by NY00123: 29 September 2009 - 01:36 AM


User is offline   Mateos 


Well, I've tricked the option under DOSBox path, and set :
C:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Application Data\DOSBox\dosbox-0.73.conf

Communicate it to my friend, we are testing. Will edit about results, thanks :o

User is offline   NY00123 


Version 0.80 has been released. The main addition, again thanks to the efforts of Turrican, is support for Descent 1 and 2.

User is offline   Harlock 


NY00123, this just keeps getting better and better! Your app has just become my number 1 choice for playing all these old games my friends and myself still enjoy and play from time to time. I will even dedicate an article on my blog to it, as soon as i'll have time for it.

User is offline   oakman 


View PostHarlock, on Oct 19 2009, 06:11 AM, said:

NY00123, this just keeps getting better and better! Your app has just become my number 1 choice for playing all these old games my friends and myself still enjoy and play from time to time. I will even dedicate an article on my blog to it, as soon as i'll have time for it.

Wow, Imma have to try this some time!

User is offline   Harlock 


Ok, i have written a short piece about YANG. Unfortunately it's in german, but i believe some people here can read it. Let's see if this can bring some people to the action.

YANG @ Player1

User is offline   NY00123 


Version 0.81 has been released. This is mainly a bug fix release. One example you may have noticed in version 0.80 is the wrong icon set for the Windows executable :o

User is offline   Mateos 


Ah, the new icon was a mistake ^^'

Well, could RR be supported? Why not its addon RA?

User is offline   Skulldog 


Ah, the new icon was a mistake ^^'

Well, could RR be supported? Why not its addon RA?

I agree with Mateos, RR and RA are a must!

User is offline   Jewyth 


I'm running Yang 0.81 on a MacBook with OS X 10.6.2. I can run eduke32 with the hrp's and dukeplus 2.05 fine from the commandline, but when launched from Yang, some of the graphics are screwed-up. (Like on the first menu screen, near the bottom left corner where it's supposed to say "DukePlus" it's just a scrambled rectangle. On the plyer options screen where you would normally see Duke running in place, that's also a scrambled rectangle.) What's up? The only difference I from what I'm running from the commandline is that I'm not doing the "mkdir" and the "-j" option that the yang.command file is running.

User is offline   Axter 


I like to see the ability to replace files on the game directory before launching the game, and then having the loader reset the files to original files.

This would make it easier to launch special maps that have their own *.voc, *.mid, and *.art files.

I notice that to launch a multiplayer game in local network, I always have to join the room manually.
Is there a special trick in configuring YANG to automate this?

User is offline   NY00123 


About the local games, joining manually is one way, but it isn't a must.
If you want someone to advertise a room so you can all join afterwards, it should work. You may like the room to be password protected if you don't want other clients to join.
In case of problems with advertising a room, you can all resort to the way of manual joining. You can save the local IP of the one hosting the room for future usage, assuming it's static or at least doesn't tend to change.

User is offline   Replica 



Not long since last posts here but we are trying to update YANG as soon as we can to support the new public eDuke32 release.
I believe it to still be quite a buggy release of eDuke32 but I am sure things will improve and at least YANG can support it.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostReplica, on Mar 15 2010, 12:42 PM, said:


Not long since last posts here but we are trying to update YANG as soon as we can to support the new public eDuke32 release.
I believe it to still be quite a buggy release of eDuke32 but I am sure things will improve and at least YANG can support it.

You are going to update it to a state of being able to join a game in progress, or just to get it launched with who ever is in the room at the time?

User is offline   Replica 


I know we already have added the feature to join a game in progress on YANG since we added Descent and Descent 2.
Should be rather easy to add it in for eDuke32 as it works similar to that but have to wait and see what Turrican is going to do with that since he will be coding it and testing it.

It is something I think he would like to do.

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostReplica, on Mar 16 2010, 03:01 AM, said:

I know we already have added the feature to join a game in progress on YANG since we added Descent and Descent 2.
Should be rather easy to add it in for eDuke32 as it works similar to that but have to wait and see what Turrican is going to do with that since he will be coding it and testing it.

It is something I think he would like to do.

That should be the next best thing till we can at least get the server announcement list and have that in some multiplayer subsection inside of EDuke32 it's self. <_<

User is offline   supergoofy 


now that skulltag 97c2 source code released, maybe some of the net code it has, can be ported to eduke32.

User is offline   Poda 


Hey, guys. My good buddy Replica told me about this client/server version of EDuke32. I've added rudimentary support to my launcher, Meltdown (a spinoff of YANG). If anyone wants to test it, you can get the full version at http://duke3d.org/Du...es/Meltdown.zip, or if you already have it, it should auto-update for you.

Here's my official description:

Added support for the client/server version of EDuke32. Basically, the host checks Client/Server and launches. When people try to join, it automatically launches the game. Or, you can launch together like normal. Note that if the host is playing a specific map/mod that you don't have, the game will still launch, but will be out of sync. If they have Auto-Send Map enabled, it should send you the map while they're playing. Then, you can just rejoin after you get it. I can automate this in the future, but it might not be worth the trouble just yet. Remember that the new netcode is still very buggy, so you can always uncheck it and use an old version of EDuke32 if you don't like it.

User is offline   Replica 


We released a new YANG v0.82 BETA today mostly for the eDuke32 changes, we have still to do more updates in the near future and we will continue to work on YANG as normal.

Here we meet again. So, it's time to announce the release of YANG v0.82! Thanks again to Turrican for working on the updates. Here is a list of changes:

* First of all, as some of you have probably read before, a move of the YANG contents from here to a different website has been planned, along with a few changes in the so called "YANG team". So, now it can finally be done. YANG v0.82 should point to the new location of the YANG web page.
* New Server/Client EDuke32 is now supported.
* With Server/Client EDuke32, no maps are needed to be downloaded when one joins a room.
* You can still upload a map to the host.
* You should now be able to join ongoing EDuke32 games, assuming they're being run with a recent build of EDuke32.
* As a workaround of avoiding an issue ppl may have with a current version of EDuke32 (Server/Client), when both host launches EDuke32 while a client is in the room, a short delay is added for the client. It isn't an issue if one joins an EDuke32 room after the game has already been launched by the host.
* Legacy Peer 2 Peer networking, using an older version of EDuke32, is still supported, and can be toggled by the host. Make sure all players use a relevant, and identical, version of EDuke32, in that case.
* The same checkbox is now used for choosing between P2P and Server/Client in EDuke32, and choosing between P2P and Master/Slave in Duke3dw.
* Fixed a potential crash with future versions of Mac OS X (later than v10.6 Snow Leopard).

This post has been edited by Replica: 25 March 2010 - 12:16 AM


User is offline   Poda 


Hey, Rep. I found two issues I wanted to report. First, I think you have to put the -port part before the -server. Also, the -connect gives the port with the ip like Also, I keep hearing about not needing to send the user map, but I can't get it to work. If someone doesn't have the map, in my tests, they go to the ghetto user map and the game is out of sync.

This post has been edited by Poda: 24 March 2010 - 01:54 PM


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