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AMC TC general

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostTrooper Dan, on 10 May 2012 - 02:03 PM, said:

There's no reason for anyone to stop reporting bugs, it will just be understood that we probably won't see them fixed until episode 2 is released.

Of course! it's just that I end up fixing them anyway, which stops me from working on E2 <_< Seriously though I'm glad for all feedback, I just try to avoid as many bugs as possible unless the fix is really convulted/ugly.

User is offline   supergoofy 


there is a bug in the classic collection episode 1st map were the blue keycard is. i'm stuck in a hole and i have to start new game. i can provide the savegame (http://www.sendspace.com/file/4o8cbx)

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 10 May 2012 - 03:12 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


Here's patch v1.32, it contains v1.31 so if you haven't already grabbed that one you can just get this one <_<


-Fixed Picking up thrown Discbomb/Tripbomb display quote as Geoffrey
-Fixed deprecated alt-fire being available on John's GDF Plasma gun
-Fixed bayonet status not being reset if changing weapon whilst attacking with one
-Fixed blue blood not being applied to weapons
-Fixed powersuit'
s missiles not aiming at player
-Fixed Rusty's pistol alt-fire being usable without ammunition
-Fixed Rusty'
s revolvers not having certain settings applied properly
-Fixed getting free shell with Sawn-off when loading with 1 ammo
-Tweaked and rebalanced Heavy power suit enemy's weapons based on if player is in vehicle or not


User is offline   supergoofy 


AMC TC v1.32 full pack (includes v1.30 full + patch v1.32 + eduke32 r2647)

AMC_THE_TC_v1.32.zip (204.88MB)



md5: 8a351004c61de0233c314c0f0c7dcca3

This post has been edited by supergoofy: 11 May 2012 - 11:26 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


View Postsupergoofy, on 11 May 2012 - 10:31 AM, said:

AMC TC v1.32 full pack (includes v1.30 full + patch v1.32 + eduke32 r2647)

AMC_THE_TC_v1.32.zip (204.88MB)

Thanks for this, I'll put the link up on the wiki.

User is offline   supergoofy 


I have added another mirror and also added the md5 checksum to verify the integrity of the zip

User is offline   Micky C 

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Good news, I managed to fix the movement bug I reported a few days ago. When I went into game options and disabled the "walk during autorun" or some option like that, the problem went away.

I started a game on Professional with James, and I've got the gold jerico, but where do I find it in game? The big cops all seem to be armoured against regular bullets.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMicky C, on 11 May 2012 - 08:14 PM, said:

Good news, I managed to fix the movement bug I reported a few days ago. When I went into game options and disabled the "walk during autorun" or some option like that, the problem went away.

I started a game on Professional with James, and I've got the gold jerico, but where do I find it in game? The big cops all seem to be armoured against regular bullets.

Have you equipped it via the loadout screen? It's a replacement for the Glock <_<

User is offline   Micky C 

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I'm not entirely sure what the loadout screen is; I talked to DeeperThought, and looked through the weapons on the computer thing next to him, and none of them mentioned gold weapons Posted Image

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostMicky C, on 11 May 2012 - 09:54 PM, said:

I'm not entirely sure what the loadout screen is; I talked to DeeperThought, and looked through the weapons on the computer thing next to him, and none of them mentioned gold weapons Posted Image

Yes, that's the loadout screen. You'll want to be looking at "Specialty Weapons" on the loadout screen. The final choice should be the Gold Jericho.

This post has been edited by Somagu: 11 May 2012 - 11:03 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

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Ok I'm fighting against the final boss in revolution, I've sunk all my grenades into him, as well as ten shots from the missile launcher temp weapon, and all my rifle shots, and he's still alive Posted Image Are any of Highwire's other guns armour piercing? It's hard to tell from the distance what colour the sparks are, and the boss health bar is gone so I can't tell if I'm doing damage that way either.

This post has been edited by Micky C: 19 May 2012 - 04:37 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMicky C, on 19 May 2012 - 04:36 AM, said:

Ok I'm fighting against the final boss in revolution, I've sunk all my grenades into him, as well as ten shots from the missile launcher temp weapon, and all my rifle shots, and he's still alive Posted Image Are any of Highwire's other guns armour piercing? It's hard to tell from the distance what colour the sparks are, and the boss health bar is gone so I can't tell if I'm doing damage that way either.

Do you have his AKM equipped? (ie the normal assault rifle) That can damage him normally as well, although it does no extra damage. If you've sunk that much firepower into him he should be dead though, I'll run through myself and see if I have a problem like that.

User is offline   Micky C 

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I've been doing a bit of thinking, and I remember seeing a map by Geoffrey on the MSDN "upcoming maps" section (which is either a joke or a snippet of nostalgia these days); FbSp003, a moon map which is stated to have been merged into the AMC TC http://msdn.duke4.net/previews.php.

I watched the 2009 trailer again, and I saw an area that resembles part of megabase, except with snow textures instead of sand/rock, and which was very basic geometry-wise compared to the final incarnation. It's at about 28 seconds in.

Is this actually the same map, but completely redesigned for the TC?

Also, what happened to that trailer of Millhaven that was on Youtube? I can't see it anywhere.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMicky C, on 21 May 2012 - 04:19 AM, said:

I've been doing a bit of thinking, and I remember seeing a map by Geoffrey on the MSDN "upcoming maps" section (which is either a joke or a snippet of nostalgia these days); FbSp003, a moon map which is stated to have been merged into the AMC TC http://msdn.duke4.net/previews.php.

I watched the 2009 trailer again, and I saw an area that resembles part of megabase, except with snow textures instead of sand/rock, and which was very basic geometry-wise compared to the final incarnation. It's at about 28 seconds in.

Is this actually the same map, but completely redesigned for the TC?

Also, what happened to that trailer of Millhaven that was on Youtube? I can't see it anywhere.

Yeah, it's the same map - it originally took place on Mars where a snow-storm was occuring and Geoffrey was sent to check it out, but that map was canned and Geoffrey merged that map into Megabase.

It IS still up on YouTube, but I think Sebastian unlisted it since it's using a Leonard Cohen song and probably would be removed if it remained listed (at least I think so)


Well, I'm replaying this wonderful mod now, the latest version; I honestly think that this could be considered a full game in its own right, it's really that good, and tons of variety give it a high replay factor IMO ! Can't wait for Episode 2 !
I have a few questions as well:

1. In Dis Base, I can't seem to find one of the secrets. I will list those which I did (if you want to find the secret areas by yourself, then stop reading now)
- Just before using the very first switch in the level to open the door, in the same room, you can use a monitor to open up a secret area behind it
- A cracked wall can be destroyed with explosives in the lower caves that leads to a lava stream and the secret area
- When you enter the room with toxic sludge, you can see a window at the end of it (a hostile scientist tries to shoot you through it, but he can't hit you :P) ). Once you make your way up there (and you get ambushed by two satyrs), you can use a monitor to open up another secret area opposite the window
- At the switch that drains a part of the sludge (that reveals an artifact of the five) there is another monitor, behind which is a secret area
- The secret level, Doom Disco, in the room with the drill and the blue keycard
So where is the sixth secret ?

2. A strange bug in Millhaven: One of the secret areas at the start of the level contains a dead Yakuza member, along with a briefcase, wads of money and a Mini Uzi, which, when picked up, doesn't count as a weapon, instead, you will pick it up, the gun simply vanishes and the message "You found an artifact!" appears. Why ? I don't really think a compact SMG is an artifact :))

3. What kind of unarmed attacks are in the game. I know about the roundhouse kick, but what about other ones ? How to use James' super punch ?

4. Is there really a
as a secret temp weapon hidden somewhere ? If so, where ?

Keep up the great work otherwise, this mod is awesome ! Best of luck for Episode 2 !

This post has been edited by The_Sentinel: 21 May 2012 - 02:01 PM


User is offline   Jblade 


View PostThe_Sentinel, on 21 May 2012 - 01:58 PM, said:

Well, I'm replaying this wonderful mod now, the latest version; I honestly think that this could be considered a full game in its own right, it's really that good, and tons of variety give it a high replay factor IMO ! Can't wait for Episode 2 !
I have a few questions as well:

1. In Dis Base, I can't seem to find one of the secrets. I will list those which I did (if you want to find the secret areas by yourself, then stop reading now)
So where is the sixth secret ?



2. A strange bug in Millhaven: One of the secret areas at the start of the level contains a dead Yakuza member, along with a briefcase, wads of money and a Mini Uzi, which, when picked up, doesn't count as a weapon, instead, you will pick it up, the gun simply vanishes and the message "You found an artifact!" appears. Why ? I don't really think a compact SMG is an artifact :P)

That's true - it's a special replacement for Rusty's revolver that you can equip in the loadout screen. I'll probably change this in Episode 2 so that you get the option to replace it right away :(


3. What kind of unarmed attacks are in the game. I know about the roundhouse kick, but what about other ones ? How to use James' super punch ?

James' super punch is used when you're using the MJ12 injection item. If you press melee whilst sprinting you'll slide, if you jump + melee you'll do a crescent kick, you'll do a flying kick if you press melee whilst jumping and moving forward, and you'll do a sweeping 360 kick if you duck, press back and then kick.


4. Is there really a
as a secret temp weapon hidden somewhere ? If so, where ?

Yes, there is :D

Thanks for the post and I'm glad you're enjoying the mod :)


Thank you for the quick reply; I didn't think that there were more unarmed attacks !
I see there are still many things left for me to discover :)...

User is offline   Micky C 

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You can also assign the characters a knife in the load out screen for a more powerful melee attack. You can even have a silver knife for extra damage against spirit enemies.

User is offline   Somagu 


For the record, it's a Triad, not a Yakuza. But who's counting?

I'm a bit sad at the blatant revealing of all secrets, including the secret level. I guess they had to be revealed to everyone else eventually.

This post has been edited by Somagu: 22 May 2012 - 08:41 AM


User is offline   Jblade 


View PostSomagu, on 22 May 2012 - 08:41 AM, said:

For the record, it's a Triad, not a Yakuza. But who's counting?

I'm a bit sad at the blatant revealing of all secrets, including the secret level. I guess they had to be revealed to everyone else eventually.

Well it's been almost half a year since Episode 1's release, so I don't see a real reason to keep them too secret now :) I actually felt that secrets kinda disapeared for a while or were really lame so it's glad to see some interest (and also glad to see that people found them, I tried to give away a subtle hint or two without making it too obvious)

User is offline   t800 


What happened to that level situated on train (0:16 from 2009 trailer video)?
I hope it didnt get scraped because it looks promising. But on other hand, IMHO it was best suited for 1st episode.
When I played collection of user map for first time, I assumed this map was mars train level but it wasnt. :)

User is offline   Mikko 

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There really was no need to include it. The first episode is big as it is.

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMikko_Sandt, on 23 May 2012 - 04:42 AM, said:

There really was no need to include it. The first episode is big as it is.

Yeah, this was the main reason - that episode was already struggling under the weight of the last half (The new stuff in EP2 means you go back to the base after every mission now) It's not lost though, you'll see it in Episode 2 :)

User is offline   supergoofy 


groovy :)

User is offline   Player Lin 


I just hope EP2 would be longer than EP1...


Did anyone else have lots of trouble with Welcome to Milhaven? That level is the most frustrating level ever created. It's giving me soooo much hell on Professional.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostSlippy_Pig, on 27 May 2012 - 07:19 PM, said:

Did anyone else have lots of trouble with Welcome to Milhaven? That level is the most frustrating level ever created. It's giving me soooo much hell on Professional.

Really? It was probably the easiest stage in all of the TC for me on Professional. Huh.

User is offline   Micky C 

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Yeah it wasnt too bad. The hard part is having silver or energy ammo for the supernatural enemies.

IMO by far the hardest level on professional is Revolution: Now an entire level of fascists shooting automatic hitscan weapons at you non-stop is annoying. Those guys dont even stop when you go behind cover, so you can't even hide then shoot them while they're reloading.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostMicky C, on 27 May 2012 - 09:38 PM, said:

Yeah it wasnt too bad. The hard part is having silver or energy ammo for the supernatural enemies.

IMO by far the hardest level on professional is Revolution: Now an entire level of fascists shooting automatic hitscan weapons at you non-stop is annoying. Those guys dont even stop when you go behind cover, so you can't even hide then shoot them while they're reloading.

This guy here! You know my pain.

The suppressing fire is actually a bug, though. Go figure.


I'm having some trouble with scoped weapons lately. Before v1.32, they worked fine, could zoom in/out with them easily, but now, whenever I zoom in (more than the initial zoom of close range), the sensitivity goes haywire, and I can only aim up/down (only the Y axis works) and can't aim left/right (X axis doesn't work). Why is this happening ? Does anyone else have this problem ?
Also, it is showing the regular blue crosshairs on top of the scope's crosshairs (I know, that the scope view has a small black crosshair in the middle and it displays the current range as well, which is now also missing).
Any ideas on how I could fix this ?

This post has been edited by The_Sentinel: 28 May 2012 - 11:48 AM


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