OK, I see

Well, I'm almost finished with Providence (I'm curious how difficult the final boss will be now).
Also, I remember that you said that saving (or killing) Lilith will affect the later episodes ? Do you guys have something like that planned ?
You know, while playing the game I remembered quite a few of the sound effects you used from other FPS games, I consider these also like semi-hidden easter eggs... and they made me very nostalgic

- The more obvious ones from Blood, Quake I, Shadow Warrior, Half Life and the addons, notably Opposing Force (for the night vision goggles);
- The MP40 has the firing and reloading sound from Return to Castle Wolfenstein, the FG42 has the reloading sound from there as well;
- On Professional, in Dis Base, I noticed some heavily armored chaingunners, their chainguns sound like the Venom Gun from Return to Castle Wolfenstein;
- Some gun sounds from the Call of Duty games (ex. the reloading sound of the FN FAL);
- The anti-personnel rocket blast from the mechsuit is the sound of the Flak Cannon from the Unreal Tournament series;
- Some explosions sound the same as in Deus Ex 1, I think
- Probably the one which surprised me the most was the sound of the wall mounted medkits, which sound exactly like the ones in Gunman Chronicles, an old game (from 2000 I think) I have played about 8 years ago... I have to search for the CDs somewhere

Hearing these again, it really took me back !
Well, anyways, take your time with Episode 2 guys, I'm always willing to wait if I know that it will be awesome

Slight Offtopic: Why can't I upvote any posts ? It always says I reached my quota for the day, but I couldn't even vote once !