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AMC TC general

User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Thanks guys. I couldn't find any energy weapon, so I found the name of one in Mapster and spawned it in the console.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


The elite way of cheating Posted Image

That, and making certain changes to certain files to give yourself lots of money! Posted Image

This post has been edited by Micky C: 02 August 2012 - 05:28 AM



Well, yesterday I finally completed the episode on Professional !
Now I wanted to play the classic collection and it seems I'm stuck on the Fruit Loops level. I got the yellow keycard, but I can't figure out where to go next. There is a locked door on top of the roof of the complex, but it needs a toolbox and I can't seem to find any. Also, I can't find any other door to use the yellow keycard ;)

Nevermind, actually, I can just select any level to play on user maps ;)

This post has been edited by The_Sentinel: 05 August 2012 - 03:48 PM


User is offline   Lt.Havoc 


I got a problem with the AUG Scope, the view is totally messed up and I cannot see anything when scoped. Any idea why that is?

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostLt.Havoc, on 11 August 2012 - 10:44 AM, said:

I got a problem with the AUG Scope, the view is totally messed up and I cannot see anything when scoped. Any idea why that is?

All scopes are a bit screwed up right now.

User is offline   Rhaisher 


Hi guys, I've been experimenting some issues with the "nuclear resistance suit" of the Megabase level in the new version of the TC, it seems unable to "fire". The only way to make it shoot a little beam is when you're facing the "nuclear leak panel" that you ought to repair in order to open the door to the reactor. But once you're inside the room with aliens you can't kill them because the suit can't fire. ;)

Is anybody else having this issue?

User is offline   Micky C 

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It's not a weapon. The suit has no weapon. That beam you can "fire" is some kind of welding tool that's only meant to be used to fix the leak. The fact that you could use it at other times in the initial release was a bug. Being unarmed and slow moving against the aliens in that section is meant to add suspense and is a gameplay element.

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostMicky C, on 25 August 2012 - 05:55 AM, said:

It's not a weapon. The suit has no weapon. That beam you can "fire" is some kind of welding tool that's only meant to be used to fix the leak. The fact that you could use it at other times in the initial release was a bug. Being unarmed and slow moving against the aliens in that section is meant to add suspense and is a gameplay element.

To be honest, I'm seriously confusing about this part of level since first time playing AMC TC, I know I don't have weapons with that suit and the beam does no damage at those goddamn aliens. After get the card then I don't know where to go at all, and get killed a lot when I try to find other way out or something...

User is offline   Rhaisher 


Player Lin, on August 25 2012 - 04:33 PM, said:

To be honest, I'm seriously confusing about this part of level since first time playing AMC TC, I know I don't have weapons with that suit and the beam does no damage at those goddamn aliens. After get the card then I don't know where to go at all, and get killed a lot when I try to find other way out or something...

Once you get the red keycard you have to backtrack your steps and return to the cabin with the "nuclear resistance suits". Then you have to leave the one you were using in the cabin and get out of the basement. Once you're in the surface again you have to enter in the building in front of the doors you just left, inside this building you'll find the red keycard slot. ;)

This post has been edited by RhaiNukem: 26 August 2012 - 10:05 AM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


I don't know why you shouldn't be able to use a welding torch on those aliens. It's a perfect weapon in that spot.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostRadar, on 25 August 2012 - 08:15 AM, said:

I don't know why you shouldn't be able to use a welding torch on those aliens. It's a perfect weapon in that spot.

From a coding standpoint I'm not sure how feasible it is to make it as short ranged as it's supposed to be. That's why it came out as a beam in older versions.

Aside from that, I can't say why it logically can't fire at point blank on protector drones. From a gameplay standpoint it would make that whole sequence pretty damn boring, so...

User is offline   Player Lin 


View PostRhaiNukem, on 25 August 2012 - 07:11 AM, said:

Once you get the red keycard you have to backtrack your steps and return to the cabin with the "nuclear resistance suits". Then you have to leave the one you were using in the cabin and get out of the basement. Once you're in the surface again you have to enter in the building in front of the doors you just left, inside this building you'll find the red keycard slot. ;)

Yes, I know it, but that section's design looks like NOT a backtrack-needed section and I never got it after played few times...even I know I should get out and find the red key slot door.

Whatever, it's just minor... for some reasons, I would like put a tip about you cannot kill those aliens, or just something in that section... :|

Also, this one isn't AMC TC's fault but eduke32. In any HUB-style levels, the map statistics(times/kills/secrets) will reset after map-changing, like Millhaven map and Millhaven indoor area map. If you get in the indoor map, then back to main map, the main map's statistic will all reset to 0/xxx, get indoor map again, its statistics get reset too.

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 26 August 2012 - 07:04 AM


User is offline   Rhaisher 


Player Lin, on August 26 2012 - 04:56 PM, said:

Yes, I know it, but that section's design looks like NOT a backtrack-needed section and I never got it after played few times...even I know I should get out and find the red key slot door.

I'm sorry, it looks like I misunderstood your post.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostPlayer Lin, on 26 August 2012 - 06:56 AM, said:

Whatever, it's just minor... for some reasons, I would like put a tip about you cannot kill those aliens, or just something in that section... :|

That would spoil the surprise that there are aliens there to begin with. I guess you could put a little "directions for usage" note on the wall between the bulkheads, mentioning something about the restricted usage of the welder and how the it can't fire upon soft tissue for the safety and well being of your co-workers.

Most likely the way this would have been handled before is Deeperthought telling you about that kind of thing before he was relegated to a non-story role.

This post has been edited by Somagu: 26 August 2012 - 12:10 PM


User is offline   MetHy 


Since I got stuck in WGRealms2 due to a visual glitch, I decided to replay this instead using the latest version available.

I decided to replay on Skill 4, from scratch (no research made prior hand) and without upgrading weapons on upgrades machines for extra difficulty. I guess I could have gone with not doing any research at all for it to be as hard as possible, but I really wanted to try some of the weapons I haven't had the chance to try yet since I didn't do any research last time.

As a consequence, I'm really enjoying it, so far I'm in Millhaven and I even found some secrets I didn't find last time and I really liked using the flamethrower.

However I have a few complains :

- in lvl1 on skill4, the pigcops with explosive rounds are really broken. They can snipe you from a long distance and kill you in one hit without you even having time to notice them. IMO they should be nerfed a bit, either the dmg they do, or the speed of the bullets (if that's possible, because it seems to be hitscan), or the time it takes them to fire.
- I still believe lvl2 is the "least good" level of the TC. Hitscan fucks EVERYWHERE. On skill4 the whole lvl consisted of shooting by hiding behind corners and abusing quicksave/quickload. Also, the red scientists (I believe they use a shotgun); if you hide behind a corner they can actually hit you even if you only see the very left side of their body (like left shoulder/arm/leg) but can't see their weapons, even though their shots should have hit the wall. That's not the kind of stuff that happens in Duke3D generally (think Lizardman or Battlelord) that's why I got very surprised.
- in millhaven, after you exit the power plant; some of cultists (both on ground and on rocks) were just standing there without shooting me :

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also very small nitpicking here : that round stain of blood is on the ground but you can see it through walls&roofs :

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Also two questions :

- How do you kill those? Nothing seems to work!

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- Near this area there is a building with a door saying "STAFF". Inside that building there are locked doors and a path leading to a hellish cave with nothing in there but two sorcerers. I don't remember ever unlocking those doors : are they keys you find in the map or does it get unlocked after finishing the game as bonuses à-la Resident Evil ?

Last fun little thing : found a way to kill those very easily with the mightfoot by standing on the roof and crouching :

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User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


I think the Revolution map is currently the "least good" of the TC due to a bug that makes the russians, which are throughout the entire level, and have rapid fire hitscan weapons, never, ever stop shooting at you. You can't wait for them to reload then shoot, as soon as you step out you're under attack. What makes things even worse is that the sniper scopes don't work in that level either due to another bug ;)

About the guy in the third shot, in difficulty levels 3 and 4, magical enemies (such as that wizard, and a few others) become invulnerable to normal weapons. The only things that can hurt them are silver weapons (silver crossbow bolts, silver bullets), energy weapons (such as tesla ammo, or any energy gun), or magic weapons (so I think all of Sang's weapons do damage, but that doesn't help you here). Everything else, even explosives, don't work. If you purchase the golden guns for the character's weapon 1 slots after beating difficulty 3 or above, those weapons hurt everything.

User is offline   MetHy 


So in other words I can't do anything until I find the correct weapons (if I find them) even though I'm like not even 50% through the map, that they teleport to follow you anywhere and that they do quite a lot of damage; while killing other enemies on my way.

Sounds like fun! That's a great reward you give to the player for finding the secret rocket launcher!
Thank god I didn't save when going into that hellish cave I was talking about, otherwise there would be FOUR of them following me everywhere.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 20 September 2012 - 04:44 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

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The rocket launcher won't help you though. Halfway up the road to the library there's a little hut with a temp gun and some tesla ammo you can use.

I think the cave you're talking about actually has a key in it, and you can use the key to unlock one of the doors in the daycare centre, and as you come out of that area, the door on the far right has a crossbow with silver bolts. Unless I'm getting the location of the caves mixed up..

User is offline   MetHy 


There are 2 hellish caves, it's the 2nd one which has the key, I was talking about the first hellish cave which doesn't seem to have anything in it : the one you access through a hole in the wall of the bathroom of the "staff" house.

Anyway - I was finally able to reach the mansion on top of the hill to finish this level.
However, before the moment when you get the bomb needed to progress, when you get the key which lets you access to crossbown in the "staff" house, there are FIVE more of those wizards spawn. Granted you are given a tesla gun but there isn't enough ammo. IMO this is pretty unfair : that meant I had to run all the way over the staff house with 7 of those following me everywhere just to be able to finally kill them. I think this was a bit too much : why not simply giving the crossbow instead of the key? That would be more fair, plus a fight against the wizards would be interesting in the hellish cave.

Anyway without asking in here I think I might have given up : is there a clue on how to kill the wizards in the game? like a ghost in millhaven telling you so? all of this seems a bit cryptic, and yet this used to be my favourite map of the game.

This post has been edited by MetHy: 20 September 2012 - 05:52 AM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


There might be something in the manual or the wiki, but I had to ask here just like you did the first time I faced them. If you play as James, he says "it's not bleeding, I don't think we can kill it" if you try and fight them with normal guns.
The reason for the key is that you have a choice of what weapons you can get, which adds replay value. I haven't played it recently so I can't remember the fights exactly, but there should be enough to kill them all. It helps to have various upgrades from previous playthroughs, and professional mode was probably designed so that you'd be well equipped when you start it. Things like the golden gun and limited spirit armor regeneration helps a great deal against them.
At first I didn't like all the gameplay depth such as this in the TC, but now Im in love with it

User is offline   Jblade 


Yeah those modes are definitly designed to be played with optimal equipment loadout and stuff - if you haven't researched anything than you will get into spots of trouble like those you mentioned there. Rusty's throwing star belt damages those guys I do know that it would of been ideal to make a way to win even without that, but there was just far too much stuff to do for me to playtest the mod extensively enough to get that kind of sweet-spot. As it is professional is definitly intended as a "you will get lose badly without an optimal loadout" kind of thing; the gold weapons were unlocked at Expert for use in professional, as an example. Both Hellish areas have keys in them which you can use to unlock doors in the Orphanage's staff house.

As a heads up, the powered armour enemies in the next level are also invulnerible to conventional weapons. Both of Mikko's slot 3 guns (and his default pistol) are armour piercing though.


There might be something in the manual or the wiki, but I had to ask here just like you did the first time I faced them. If you play as James, he says "it's not bleeding, I don't think we can kill it" if you try and fight them with normal guns.

I did try multiple times to get VA from everybody, but unfortunately most members of the squad have pretty much moved on from Duke modding.

User is offline   Somagu 


View PostMetHy, on 20 September 2012 - 03:28 AM, said:

- in lvl1 on skill4, the pigcops with explosive rounds are really broken. They can snipe you from a long distance and kill you in one hit without you even having time to notice them. IMO they should be nerfed a bit, either the dmg they do, or the speed of the bullets (if that's possible, because it seems to be hitscan), or the time it takes them to fire.

I should add that James said his piece about this already to me. He thinks they are quite fine the way they are.

User is offline   Jblade 


Yeah they're a bit dumb I admit, but it's nice to have one or two more oh-shit kind of enemies around.

User is offline   MetHy 


I think I just encoutered a pretty serious glitch!

I'm at the part where you play as Sang after James meets up with John Mason. I got out of the prison and then picked up the crossbow except it won't let me shoot! I even tried switching to silver bolts.
It won't let me shoot with the shotgun either if I kill a cultist with melee attacks and pick one up.... Any idea ?! I'd hate to remain stuck there after all this playing.
EDIT : Alright, if I run like a coward and picks up the next weapon (dunno how it's called, it's the blue shrinker "rip off" that you shoot between your two hands) then I can shoot with any weapon. Is this a glitch or is it how it's supposed to be? I lost quite a lot of health on the way to get that.

Also I just noticed something else that seemed weird to me when playing as James in the mine. When using temporary weapons (the first weapon slot), if you run out of normal ammo the weapon diseappears of your inventory even if you still had other types of ammo. Pretty unfair if you ask me, because I like to save the precious special ammo types for the corresponding ennemies, so I have to remember to stop using the normal ammo when it's not out yet.

Anyway - so far my fav levels are Mikko's levels for their clean design and simple linear layout, Millhaven (despite what I said about it) and the level I'm currently in for their exploration and feel of unlinearity. This might sound contradictory but I think the diversity is what makes this game good.

My least favourite levels so far are the 2nd level (the one in that hellish cave) and also Highwire's because I don't like the enemies : most of them (and all of them in Highwire's) are quick hitscan enemies with little time to shoot them without getting hurt. They are the most annoying levels because I kept getting surprised and dying very quickly : you gotta know where the enemies are to stand in a chance, which means a lot of saving and reloading after dying. The palace is probably the hardest part of the game (it didn't help that all my comrades got killed by tanks in the streets, I should have told them to "wait" before the streets).

EDIT : a few other things I just noticed as well : during the custcene between James and John Mason, obviously you can't jump or move but you can still crouch :

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Also just after that, during the first part of Sang's cutscene, if you keep pressing the open key he will say "I could do this all day!" as if he was trying to open up a door/wall when playing. (I was pressing that key in the hope that it would skip the cutscene).

In Highwire's map, if you go around the palace, you can find yourself in the unreachable area and even reach some of James gameplay part :

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Also quick question, how to disactivate this forcefield? I think I never found out

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EDIT 2 :

Well I guess I'm a very unlucky person : if you try to zoom in at max to shoot this guy, shoot a few times, and play with the zooming, the game crashes. It happened again when I loaded my save and tried it again.

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I think I know why a lot of people used to like me as a betatester, I always find the weirdest shit without even looking deep into it.

Edit 3 :

If I'm out of normal rounds for this weapon, it won't let me shoot my flechette ammo or explosive ammo anymore... (yes I did reload).

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I feel like I'm bitching a lot, don't get me wrong, I love the game, I wouldn't bother making posts like this otherwise. It's the best TC ever done for Duke alongside WGRealms 2 (I've already said that before). It's just that I keep finding the little things....

This post has been edited by MetHy: 27 September 2012 - 07:46 AM


User is offline   Jblade 



I think I know why a lot of people used to like me as a betatester, I always find the weirdest shit without even looking deep into it.

Somagu's found much much weirder ;)


I'm at the part where you play as Sang after James meets up with John Mason. I got out of the prison and then picked up the crossbow except it won't let me shoot! I even tried switching to silver bolts.
It won't let me shoot with the shotgun either if I kill a cultist with melee attacks and pick one up.... Any idea ?! I'd hate to remain stuck there after all this playing.

That's a nasty bug, I have tried to fix it but it only seems to happen very infrequently to me :/ I'll take another look at it when I get a chance. For the weapons disapearing, I have tried to fix that but came across many errors and stuff. It's on my list of things to try again.

The Palace was a bit of a nightmare to block off walls; I should of really just axed the James part and asked Highwire if it was ok to make the level unlinear rather than what it is now with the tons of blocking walls and stuff. The zoom is weird since I haven't encountered any of the issues being presented to me, but I may of already fixed the zoom code after the last patch was released.

As for that forcefield; there's a toolbox in the floor you start on at the far back as James. You can grab this than repair a switch on that satellite dish in the outside area, which can then be switched to turn the forcefield off.

Don't worry about finding loads of errors btw heh, it's kind of a miracle it all works as it is. As tempting as it is to just focus on a single polished product, I think letting it all spill out for this was worth it even with the bugs.

This post has been edited by James: 27 September 2012 - 07:53 AM


User is offline   MetHy 


huh for some reasons I can't get the boulders to hit the boss. He just remains along side the walls and won't go into the narrow path needed so that the boulders can hit him. Any tip on getting him move there?

I don't remember having that much trouble last time

User is offline   Jblade 


The best way to do it is to move across to the opposite side of the room that the Entity is in, rather than trying to lure him towards one as it takes a bit of time to get up there. By the time you're up there it will most likely be in the boulder's path as it comes down. You can also shoot the stalcinites on the ceiling as well (There is actually a PDU blip saying this but it's too far up heh)

User is offline   MetHy 


Yeah using the spikes is a lot easier! Anyway that was a lot of fun. BTW I didn't remember the ending I got, is there several endings?

User is offline   Jblade 


View PostMetHy, on 27 September 2012 - 12:30 PM, said:

Yeah using the spikes is a lot easier! Anyway that was a lot of fun. BTW I didn't remember the ending I got, is there several endings?

Yes and no - the ending varies slightly depending on if you saved Lilith or not (read her diary in her room, than don't kill her in the boss fight. The best way to do this is to leave one cultist alive so her shield is still active, that way you can't accidentally hurt her) Also if you beat all levels on Professional without cheats there's a slightly extended ending. You can see what levels you've beaten on what skills in the mission select room in the AMC base.

User is offline   Somagu 


I don't remember if I reported that bug as Sang or not. I had to deal with it on Professional, myself. The very same playthrough that I had started without the ability to sprint while jumping!

Otherwise crouching during cutscenes is an amusing cosmetic bug that I think James has taken a few shots at fixing, but it's just inconsistent now.

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