Here's another one for the armory. This gun is entirely custom. 3D render in Max, Converted down and palette-ized for Duke.

It's supposed to be some kind of a battery powered energy pistol for space cops. It has a "bolt" on top that actions some kind of an energy mechanism inside which also actions the power cell backward on the rear of the frame. (My logic here was that every time the weapon cycles the firing system, all of the excess heat is shoved into a trench in the power cell and vented out of the rear of the weapon.) The power cells have to be swapped out and recharged, just like on a conventional fire arm, though they can handle firing far more shots than a conventional pistol before a reload, and have the added benefit of variable attack modes (IE: stunning or burning a hole through someone.)
This is from a side project i've been experimenting with for a few years on and off called "Executor." About a riot on a space prison where you basically play a riot guard named Neophyte 468.
Here's another work in progress sprite I made for it, called the "AssCan"

Feel free to use them, or if they inspire someone to make something elsewhere, by all means.