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The Supreme Topic of Miscellaneous Knowledge  "Trivia, Research, etc."

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


Does anyone have the shareware version of Duke Nukem 3D, specifically version 1.0 or similar (you know, the buggy version that lets you do bicycle kicks)? If so, can you upload it or provide a link as to where it may be found? I think I used to have it but I no longer do.


I thought that was possible in v1.3d?
Ah well, here is what I am allowed to upload; here is 1.0 ftp://treason.dyndns...duke/3dduke.zip
Version 1.1 ftp://treason.dyndns...ke/3dduke11.zip
Version 1.3 is availabe just about anywhere. 3D Realms site for example.
I guess these are valid in this thread, as they are relevant to the knowlege here.

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


Check those FTP links... they're either down or they're taking too long to respond without timing out.


That's not good... I've noticed that my server keeps disconnecting from the internet. I put it on megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=193LVN3T
Both versions are in that .rar file.

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


Thanks for uploading it.

Damn, this is going to bring back some memories.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Check out the v0.99 beta while you're at it.

User is offline   Forge 

  • Speaker of the Outhouse


They're all on one page:

RTCM Shareware

There's a few screen shots and a slide show for the beta versions on the page too.

User is offline   Jinroh 


View PostForge, on Apr 1 2010, 11:32 AM, said:

They're all on one page:

RTCM Shareware

There's a few screen shots and a slide show for the beta versions on the page too.

Thanks for the heads up Forge. ^^ Wow, health in the 1000s in some of those screens. O_O

This post has been edited by Jinroh: 31 March 2010 - 10:11 PM



Have fun with that beta, you can mess things up pretty good in it, especially if used with the art and maps from v1.3 - I played through the first episode a while ago, as well as figured out the cheats (on YouTube). Using cheats and running out of ammo lets you use the guns from the "registered" version.
Well, whilst this thread is still active;
Some of the unused pre-rendered models from LameDuke, these would have been awesome.
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Tile 719 is named "SHIELDICON" in the .CON, you can pick it up but it does nothing (no code beyond pick it up and add it to inventory). However, this may be why there is a 2nd version of Duke that is half red colored, there are also (not pictured) sprites of Duke aiming up.
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A rather boring level, seemingly for Multiplayer, War2.map, and the cool water effect of War1.map
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Rubbish bat (as in, they just don't fit) that works, the water water is an effect rather than a texture, the bubble in the Inventory screen is the "shieldicon" which does nothing, Duke cracking his knuckles constantly because I held "C" down, also pictured is the HUD and visible score. Oh, and health that is nearly in the thousands <_< again, damn you 3D Realms and your cheating ways.
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This post has been edited by High Treason: 31 March 2010 - 11:56 PM


User is offline   CruX 


View PostHigh Treason, on Apr 1 2010, 12:49 AM, said:

Some of the unused pre-rendered models from LameDuke, these would have been awesome.
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...Is he dying, or break dancing in that second one?

User is offline   Jinroh 


View PostEmericaSkater, on Apr 1 2010, 03:58 PM, said:

...Is he dying, or break dancing in that second one?

I thought that was a babe doing Yoga. <_< "Downward Dog." Nice screens HT. ^^ That's very interesting info, always wondered what exactly is that reflective part of LameDuke suppose to be? Like Toxic Waste, or like Green Mini-Golf Water, or something else. Maybe they just threw it in there for the hell of it, but it just doesn't look like it fits very well.

The first animated one Duke is running like Frankenstein's Monster. >_> Wow.

This post has been edited by Jinroh: 01 April 2010 - 12:06 AM


User is offline   CruX 


View PostJinroh, on Apr 1 2010, 01:04 AM, said:

I thought that was a babe doing Yoga. <_< "Downward Dog."

http://facefall.ytmnd.com/ Reminds me of that ytmnd.

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


The thing with LameDuke that is always fun to admire is the process of development. The game came a long way in those final months from LameDuke to release.

Always thought it was awesome how they were photosourcing a lot of the textures for the game.

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


V1.0 apparently doesn't have the bicycle kick trick, since Duke mighty-boots with his right foot. Also, Atomic Health is renamed "Healing". Going to try V1.1 in a second.

Edit: Actually, neither does V1.3D. Weird!
I guess I'll have to go out and purchase (if that's even possible) non-Atomic Duke.

This post has been edited by The Mighty Bison: 04 April 2010 - 10:44 AM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


View PostThe Mighty Bison, on Apr 4 2010, 11:23 AM, said:

V1.0 apparently doesn't have the bicycle kick trick, since Duke mighty-boots with his right foot. Also, Atomic Health is renamed "Healing". Going to try V1.1 in a second.

Edit: Actually, neither does V1.3D. Weird!
I guess I'll have to go out and purchase (if that's even possible) non-Atomic Duke.

As far as I know 1.3D does do the bicycle kick. Are you running it with EDUKE?

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


No, DOSBox. I may try EDuke32 next.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


There's absolutely no way the kick glitch will work with EDuke32. As a source port, the game runs off of v1.5 even in v1.3D compatibility mode, so that bug is fixed and gone.

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


Wait, no, disregard my previous statement. I installed the wrong version. About to try 1.3D for real now.

Edit: Heheh, it works. I love it. I wish they never got rid of the glitch. DeeperThought should totally make it a feature in DukePlus. :P

This post has been edited by The Mighty Bison: 04 April 2010 - 07:11 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Put this con code in the APLAYER actor. I think it should work.
ifvare player[THISACTOR].curr_weapon KNEE_WEAPON ifvare player[THISACTOR].kickback_pic 1 setvar player[THISACTOR].knee_incs 1


User is offline   Cage 


FORCESPHERE, sprite #2590, generates a destroyable spherical forcefield (made out of sprites) and it looks just plain awesome :P After years of messing around with Duke, I've just discovered this, shame this wasn't used.

Quick question: Is any of those areas, from shots below, present in the original maps (all 4 eps), or not? I think not, but I just want to be sure. I wanted to remaed those, but there's not point if they happen to be a part of the original maps.

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User is offline   Bloodclaw 


View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 01:39 AM, said:

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From first look I would have say it come from E1L3 but it doesn't. It just have the same textures.

View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 01:39 AM, said:

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The area where Duke stands looks like E2L6 - E2L7 - E2L8 transitions.
The room in the front looks like the control room in E2L3, where you disable the forcefield.

View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 01:39 AM, said:

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Never seen.

View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 01:39 AM, said:

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Same, never seen.

This post has been edited by Bloodclaw: 16 April 2010 - 01:28 AM



View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 10:39 AM, said:

Quick question: Is any of those areas, from shots below, present in the original maps (all 4 eps), or not? I think not, but I just want to be sure. I wanted to remaed those, but there's not point if they happen to be a part of the original maps.

These are screens from a Duke version between Lameduke and the original Duke1.3d. I thought it was a press-release version. A shame this one never got leaked. Those were very intresting, the enemies were totally different like the enforcer and pigcops, and the maps also. You can find tons of these screens on RTCM.


This post has been edited by insane_metalhead: 16 April 2010 - 03:22 AM


User is offline   Jinroh 


View PostCage, on Apr 16 2010, 04:39 PM, said:

FORCESPHERE, sprite #2590, generates a destroyable spherical forcefield (made out of sprites) and it looks just plain awesome :P After years of messing around with Duke, I've just discovered this, shame this wasn't used.

Can you show for us an example maybe?

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

  • Glory To Motherland!


I'll post one up on YouTube. This thing is weird, and like Cage, I'm surprised to have never seen it before either.


This post has been edited by The Mighty Bison: 20 April 2010 - 07:01 PM


User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


If just an unused effect sprite like that floor flame thing.


I've seen that FORCESPHERE in E1M1 before, but I'm not sure what version it was and never thought much of it. Though I have played it recently, so it must be in one of those versions linked here, 1.0 I expect. It shows up for a second in the main room in the cinema (The room that has doorways to the projector, bathroom, arcade and entrance). Looking at it again, it is awesome. I just thought it was a glitch.


View PostThe Mighty Bison, on Apr 21 2010, 04:59 AM, said:

I'll post one up on YouTube. This thing is weird, and like Cage, I'm surprised to have never seen it before either.


Wow that's awesome! :P

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


View PostHigh Treason, on Apr 21 2010, 04:08 PM, said:

I've seen that FORCESPHERE in E1M1 before, but I'm not sure what version it was and never thought much of it. Though I have played it recently, so it must be in one of those versions linked here, 1.0 I expect. It shows up for a second in the main room in the cinema (The room that has doorways to the projector, bathroom, arcade and entrance). Looking at it again, it is awesome. I just thought it was a glitch.

I placed one of them sprites in the exact same place in this remake map I made, you may have played this one for a quick look and saw it in this possibly.

http://dukerepositor...Dukes_Nightmare - COOP Map only (Will need GOD mode for SP)

I am redesigning it for SP for use with Duke Nukem: Attrition.

User is offline   ReaperMan 


I don't know if anyone is aware this yet but you can now use USBs on the xbox 360, meaning you can probably peak at the changes made to the xbla port of Duke Nukem 3D.

User is offline   zykov eddy 


I wonder what the hell is this thing on the shot.
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