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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - January 2023  "Mikko Sandt has joined the game."

User is offline   FistMarine 


What's this thing?
We play through a set of maps/mods during the month, and use this thread to discuss it as we're still all fresh with our comments/opinions/feelings about the maps.

What's the purpose?
Basically, there are 4 purposes:
  • Showcasing some of the older mods/maps to wider public - they definitely deserve the attention!
  • Getting more people to actually enjoy and appreciate the user content - because let's be honest, over the past 26 years this was really what kept Duke alive after all.
  • ...and while we're at it - keeping Duke alive by still enjoying it, as there's no new games in the franchise on the horizon (and let's be honest, they wouldn't be as good as some of this stuff!).
  • Having a more structured discussion on maps than what's going in "Last map you played" thread - which is great, but it's basically a monologue most of the time.

Can I join?

Sure, as long as you find some spare time during the month to play the stuff that's on the table!

Why a month?
Because people have lives, jobs or other stuff to do (like mapping). For smaller maps, this could be shorter time - it's all up to debate in the future!

What port should I use? Are mods allowed? Where to get the maps?
It's entirely up to you how you play the game, so you can use whatever port or mod allowed - it would be cool to state in your posts what you're using too, as there might be some slight differences between the ports! As for the maps, they should be always linked within the first post.

How should I play the maps or post about them?
Again, it's up to you. You can finish them all in one go or play them one by one whenever you feel like. On Doom forums, there's a rule that you should keep the pace by not posting about a map that has a higher number than the day of the month, so e.g. on 6th you shouldn't post about map 7 etc. I think that might be a good practice if there's a large interest in this, but first let's see how active the thread is for a start - so if there's nothing going on, feel free to post about whatever map you want to.

Previous 2022 Editions

Previous 2021 Editions

A belated Happy New Year!

To start 2023, Mikko Sandt's maps and episodes were chosen for January! I am sure most of Duke fans have heard of this name before and you are in for a treat because there is plenty of good content for this month.

First, we start with Mikko's two oldest episodes he made back in the day. They are called Future and Fight the Future. The former is for v1.3D and the latter is for v1.5. They aren't that great in terms of quality but they are still worth checking out for historical purposes and to see the author's evolution over the years.

Second, we continue with three other episodes/TCs that Mikko has made shortly after: Duke Tournament, MSSP Episode v3.0 and The Brave New World. They are all great, so they are a must play.

Third, we finish things off with various user maps Mikko has made over the years, some of which are collaborations with other mappers and/or part of other mods. The mods in question will be eventually chosen and played for the club (or may have been chosen and played before, such as Duke Hard), which means some of these maps are optional for now, most notably the maps created for AMC TC.

I insist to only play the following maps for this month: O'Boy (this eventually became the first level of BNW, so it's up to you whether you want to play it as an user map or as part of the episode), MSSP8, Earth Base, A Winterland Memory, Dukecide, Block City and MSSP9.

The collaborations with other mappers are completely optional but nonetheless, here they are in case you want some extras to play: QContMS, Hidden Zone, Discarded Stronghold, Done & Dusted, Sin Center and Galbadia.

Please note that some maps contain new art/cons/midi, so be careful where and how you install them. Some maps may require a source port too, while a map like Dukecide requires DukePlus. Be sure to carefully read the text files before playing!

Download Mikko Sandt's episodes and maps right here:


Direct download links from MSDN and list of maps/episodes for this month:


Fight the Future
Duke Tournament
MSSP Episode v3.0
The Brave New World

Single Maps

Earth Base
A Winterland Memory
Block City


Hidden Zone
Discarded Stronghold
Done & Dusted
Sin Center

Almost all entries this month require the Atomic Edition! Dukecide requires DukePlus, though newer versions of DukePlus since around 2009 should already have the map included by default. If you are downloading DukePlus from ModDB, then please either use 2.11 or 2.14. The newer versions aren't stable and you may run into various issues. I recall Dukecide was actually a problematic map a decade ago or so, in version 2.35 at least, where the Cycloid Emperor was giant-sized and invincible in this map, so you couldn't finish the map without any cheats! The version 2.40 (from July 2016, at Fissile Materials) fixes this issue with Dukecide and various other issues, so I recommend checking out that version if you want a newer DP version with less bugs. The latest version 2.501 (from June 2020, at ModDB) has a working Dukecide too but breaks other things in other maps. Use this version at your own risk!

DukePlus download from ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/duke-plus
DukePlus download from Fissile Materials: https://fissile.duke...e_dukeplus.html

If you aren't happy with the DP versions provided above, then I recommend looking here for older DukePlus versions:

Have fun!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 02 January 2023 - 08:12 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


Time to play more Duke! For this post I'll post my thoughts on Fight for The Future.

New Mission

New Mission is a sleepy stroll through an even sleepier map. The easy going MIDI makes me feel like I'm on a break, and the 15 monsters in this map are probably doing the same thing. It's definitely not a boring opener map, and has its quirks. The wide open city street and headquarters contrasted with the cramped single-roomed apartment that seemingly has no connection to the outside world besides a random service lift is the kind of pre-2000s stuff I can appreciate. That's about the extent to which you can talk about this map though. New Mission is simple, perhaps too much to its own detriment.


LA Harbor

LA Harbor is more of the same. Mikko's harbor looks like it could barely squeeze in a paddle boat, while the generic laboratory situated in the middle doesn't have much going on in it. This map actually managed to kill me because I got unlucky with the random drops that the hitscanners gave me. The intention was clearly for you to carry the supplies from New Mission to this map, but I declined the offer. Apart from the comically large forcefield, there's not much more to say about this map. LA Harbor is just New Mission but with copyrighted music.


Redux: We Are On Boat

"Boat" as I'm going to refer to it in this segment has a decent amount going for it. While it's certainly not Derelict, or not even the ship from Snow Battle, creating a moving cruise liner similar to the one from Blood's Cryptic Passage is definitely admirable. I absolutely adore the fact that you can clearly see where the scrolling mountain and sea textures end. That's both bold to put that there so blatantly, and extremely amateurish. Boat already leaves its welcome before it even reaches the door, but I happen to think it's the best map so far.


Island of Assaults

Island of Assaults is a map that could have been great if it went on for just a little longer. The MIDI is genuinely really good! It conveys a surprising amount of emergency for a map that contains less than 40 monsters. Had this been put on a longer map or the ship was turned into an uninhabitable mess that you had to make your way out of to get to the island, it would have been a lot more memorable. One thing that I like about this map set is Mikko does a good job of conveying a story-line. Despite their admittedly questionable English, they manage to string together locations in a way that helps to make the maps feel a lot more unique. You'll see this more in the next map. Island of Assaults is a great proof of concept that could have become something quite competent had it been fleshed out more.


Sister-Ray Cannon

Sister-Ray Cannon is very similar to Island of Assaults. You're close to the heart of the big ass cannon, all you've got to do is to fight your way through 30 more monsters again. Mikko pays a lot more attention to both lighting and texturing this time around, which makes this map definitely the best visually. The MIDI is another stand-out too, probably my favourite one of the set. It's pumping and complements the action quite well, which is noticeably just a little more chaotic than the other maps (but not really, because it is still just 30 monsters). I like that at the end of the map you get to see the end of Island of Assaults. It's very simple but it goes a long way into making this map more of a memorable experience. Sister-Ray Cannon is a pretty good time!


The Big Bad Ass

You mind telling me what's seven letters long, starts with C and ends with "ycloid"? The Big Bad Ass is just ol' Cyclie perched onto a rock. He killed me twice because I suck at killing Cycloid Emperors, which I am honestly fairly ashamed to admit.


Closing Thoughts

So: Fight the Future is extremely short, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this wasn't just a throwaway mapset. Had the maps in this set been expanded upon, we could have had a little gem from the 90s on our hands, but alas that wasn't the case. Still though, I had fun playing this. It took me 30 minutes to beat, but it was a short little distraction that will offend no one. My final rating for Fight the Future is a 6/10.

User is offline   Quacken 


Hello again! After taking a short break from playing Duke I'm back. So, let's move onto Duke Tournament! Only the first three maps for now since the fourth map crashed on me.

The Underground Way Part 1

Coming out of the small and barren wasteland that was Fight the Future, Duke Tournament comes swinging with a drably lit gray box. Mikko Sandt tries to supplement his warehouse with decent attempts at height variation, but the whole thing just comes off as a rush job. At Doom's Gate might have worked for a MIDI if I both hadn't heard it before and this map was actually fast paced. It just seems really out of pace here. If you had to use a Doom MIDI for this map I would have taken Dark Halls, or The Imp's Song, or basically just any other song. This map is repetitive, boring and generally not worth your time.


The Underground Way Part 2

Because if The Underground Way 1 was so good, why isn't there a sequel? Underground 2 is even more painful to sit through than its predecessor. It takes all the bad parts of Underground 1 and improves upon them in the worst ways possible. There's even worse texture variety, more over use of Doom textures, hairpin platforming, death pits, and pits you need to fall down through that are right next to ones that will kill you. The MIDI is genuinely really good, but aside from the bullshit Rocket-spewing turret that gave me a heart attack the first time it fired, the only things you can shoot at in this map are Troopers, Captains and Octabrains. Thus this MIDI feels like it's wasted to me, and I would have looked on it much more fondly had this song just been a standalone drop on somewhere random. This map sucks.


The New Dawn

You're finally in the city! But with the quality of this map, you'd wish you stayed in the ground. So the explosion sound effect got changed to the one that's used in Half-Life, right? But it's set to be too loud. So, when you enter into this map, you'll find a Mini Cycloid of all things walking around like it's a lost animal, along with two of those awful Turrets from Underground 2 that can fire rockets at you faster than I can button mash. Obviously I can't demonstrate it here as I don't have video proof, but being in this section for too long will turn your ear drums into fairy bread. Once you've killed everything and not gone deaf in the process, Mikko decides to make navigation in this map extraordinarily harder than it needs to be. Where you had the luxury of being able to piece together what you're doing in the first two maps, New Dawn will gladly throw random barricades at you, switches that don't do anything, optional encounters and drawn out elevator rides to make itself look more complicated than it actually is. I almost feel bad giving so many pre-2000s maps from many different low ratings, but at the same time I don't really care all that much. You would have a better time punching a wall for 15 minutes than to spend the same amount of time playing this.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Thanks for keeping the topic alive, Quacken! I meant to post the reviews for Future and Fight the Future earlier as I finished them last week but due to being busy, it took me several hours to write this post. May I also suggest trying the Future episode? Since you are pistol starting, I imagine you can just load them as user maps, if that USER.CON gives you trouble loading it in EDuke32. You will just be missing the level names and the midis but it's okay if you are skipping Future entirely, you aren't missing too much. :)

I also forgot to mention that most of the entries for this month are also included in the EDuke32 Addon Compilation, though the two episodes I review today aren't included from my understanding and not sure if they will ever be included in the future (heh). You may also want to check the Addon Compilation version of Duke Tournament, maybe the fourth level works properly in that version. It may also be an EDuke32 specific bug with the build you are using if the level keeps crashing, so I recommend trying out older EDuke32 builds or other ports such as RedNukem. For me, since I played the episodes in their respective Duke3D versions, in DOSBox 0.74-3, everything worked fine.

Anyway, here are the reviews for Future and Fight the Future!


Future is Mikko Sandt's first episode, released in January 1999. It is made for v1.3D and replaces the first episode in game but due to Duke3D 1.3D having hardcoded episode names, the episode name still reads L.A. MELTDOWN. Future is inspired by Malice, a commercial Quake TC from 1997, hence the futuristic theme of the levels. There are 6 levels included (5 normal + 1 secret) and a couple new midis, as well as replacement sounds for the shotgun. As far as I know, there aren't many con changes outside of level names and pickup messages. However, there are a bunch of palletted enemies that have twice as much health when playing in v1.3D, so be careful with that! Oh and difficulty settings don't seem implemented, so the first three difficulties should be identical. I played on CGS obviously.

City of Future (FUTURE.MAP)

The first level has you start in an office and then drop down into the streets. There will be a few paletted troopers that have twice as much health, so you might run a bit dry on pistol ammo in the beginning. The health is also a bit scarce initially (not helped by the fall damage at beginning and the troopers also got lucky with their shots, which brought me down to around 50 health) until you collect the shotgun, a large medkit and eventually the armor in the next room. Take out the pig cop and press the switch to access a secret in same room, as you will see below. After that, the rest of the level should be a breeze as you will be more than well stocked with health, armor and ammo, not to mention Mikko is quite generous with the Portable Medkits, as you will notice.

I'm not going to offer a full walkthrough or anything as the level is simple to figure out but I would like to warn about the RPG shooters later in the level, since automatic shooters like to aim directly at the player when they fire certain projectiles, so keep an eye for those to not get a rocket in the face. Oh and there's a few trip mine traps too at some later point.

There are four secrets to find:
1) In the room containing armor and a pig cop, press on the switch located on the desk, it will reveal a nearby Atomic Health.
2) In the next room inside the club, destroy the crack to collect an Atomic Health and Steroids.
3) In the room with the crates and one inactive crane, check one of those computer panels, inside you can collect the Shrinker and an Armor.
4) Inside the cinema, in the room with the tickets, press on that Babes poster to reveal a Portable Medkit.

Decent first level. Looking forward to the next one.
Attached Image: FUTURE_L1_2.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L1_5.png

Dam Year 2088 (DAM.MAP)

A somewhat ok level that suffers from oversizing at times. Not that the previous level was any better but the oversizing is more noticeable here. Gameplay mostly revolves around card/switch hunting with a few enemies spawned each time you do an action. Repeat until getting the yellow card that will disable the giant forcefield and allow you to reach the last part of the level, kill a couple more pig cops and you are pretty much done. I must mention this is a point of no return, so be sure to find all the secrets in advance before dropping down!

Also you can drop down in the water at the other side, it is safe. Underwater you will find a few Octabrains and various other stuff. There is a teleporter that can send you back up.

There are four secrets to find:
1) At the beginning, inside those caves, when blowing up the trip mines, be sure to blow up the nearby crack as well to collect an RPG.
2) In the room with the blue card, press on the darkened switch to reveal a nearby compartment containing an Atomic Health.
3) In the room with the red card, go behind the poster to collect Devastator + Portable Medkit.
4) In the same room as the red card, go to the vent in the right side to access a dark room containing Chaingun, Shrinker + ammo and a small medkit.
Attached Image: FUTURE_L2_3.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L2_5.png

Future Suburbs (FUTSUBUR.MAP)

This level is another short one and shouldn't be too difficult to navigate. For one thing, finding the blue card requires you to dive in acid (watch out for the laser shooter) and once inside that room, kill the enemies, press the switch, get the blue card and kill those two troopers located on the other side. Make your way back, use the blue card and you will get inside the building that contains the red card. Clear the opposition, press the switch to generate a few explosions which should get rid of most of those enemies behind the red forcefield. Deactivate the forcefield, kill the opposition and grab the red card.

After that, go to the other building that requires the red card. Kill the enemies, admire the spaceship, go through the vent, press the switch and prepare to fight THREE commanders. Be careful as they can clip through the forcefield, so have the Shrinker ready in case they try to break through!

There are three secrets to find:
1) After diving in the acid, you should arrive in a small control room, where you must find the blue card. Go behind the Earth monitor to pick up 3x Trip Mines (weapon).
2) In the room where you will get the red card, blow up the crack to collect a Shrinker.
3) Near the end of the level (normal exit), look for a small switch in a corner. This will open a nearby compartment with alien textures containing a Portable Medkit.

Secret Exit: After killing the three commanders and reaching the end of level, you will notice that there is a yellow card switch but the yellow card is not present in the level. Don't worry, this will be part of the next level as well! Blow up the crack but DON'T FALL DOWN as this is the normal exit!

Instead, go back to the room earlier with the spaceship that says USS DALLAS 255. Go through the vent to the room where you pressed the switch earlier that turned on the lights and opened the last door. Jump on those boxes and you will see a switch above the fans. Press the switch to open a nearby door that contains the Secret Nuke Button!

Will the secret level be worth it or it will be disappointing? Let's find out!
Attached Image: FUTURE_L3_2.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L3_3.png

Fallen City (FALLCITY.MAP)

Well, that's an interesting short secret level that can be finished in just a few minutes. Go visit the buildings in a particular order (first visit the middle building), grab the access card, use the card to unlock the next building, repeat until it's done. You are given plenty of health and ammo to deal with the few spawned enemies, however there is a small catch. Every time you grab a card, a Mini Battlelord spawns somewhere nearby! They shouldn't cause too much trouble if you are prepared and have the Medkit ready. Other than that, there isn't much to say, though some enemies liked to warp inside a building, while others were outside waiting me (upon grabbing the last card), so I had to check out each building to not have any missed enemies at the end of the level.

I liked how inside the museum, if you look closely, you will see the statues of Duke and the Overlord, however in the middle, where it says BOSS1, there is nothing shown at first. Upon grabbing the card, a Mini Battlelord will spawn on that place. That's a nice little detail! Though the player would have expected a Mini Battlelord to spawn anyway but still, this is quite neat.

I also like how there is a continuity to the next actual level (in case I forgot to mention, there was continuity between each level in the episode), though this means you have to sacrifice quite a bit of health by falling, so I'd recommend to have as much health/armor as possible if you care about playing continuously and want to have some extra for the next level. If you are pistol starting, I think having about 60 health is enough to survive the fall that leads to the exit. But since there are multiple Portable Medkits present in the level, health shouldn't be an issue at all.

There are two secrets to find:
1) On the left side after starting the map, you should find a Freezethrower (located at a few steps away from the building requiring the Blue Card)
2) On the right side after starting the map, you should find a crack. Blow up to reveal Protective Boots and Shrinker Ammo.

It was an interesting short secret level.
Attached Image: FUTURE_L6_3.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L6_5.png

Evilation Inc (EVILINC.MAP)

This is another interesting level that has a few tricks up sleeve but most of it should be pretty straightforward. You will have to sacrifice health at some points because there are mandatory falls that will cost you some health. There is even a rocket shooter later in the level, though it should be easily avoided by just diving into the water.

At the part where you are grabbing a red card and facing a Mini Battlelord in an open ended area, you must fall down and fight a few more aliens in order to grab a jetpack and fly back up where you came from. It doesn't matter whether you fall into lava or not, you will still take damage from the fall as the lava acts like a hard surface. Luckily, there is a water fountain nearby (where you found the red card) if you are having problems with health.

There are three secrets to find:
1) Near the big door requiring blue card, press on the metal wall in the right side to access a Portable Medkit.
2) Inside the cavern that leads to the big area with the Mini Battlelord, go to the left side to access a small opening containing two trip mines (weapon).
3) At the end of the level, near the door requiring yellow card, find the small switch in the corner to open the compartment containing a Portable Medkit. This secret is in fact the same one from the end of the third level, it's just repeated for the sake of continuity.
Attached Image: FUTURE_L4_1.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L4_7.png

Evilations Lair (EVILLAIR.MAP)

Boss level time! The Cycloid Emperor returns and is assisted by a couple troopers. He just sits on a platform, while you can go in the right corner and kill him with ease. Taking cover will also cause him to hurt himself by his own rockets. Since you aren't given loads of health and your health will be mostly around 130 or so by the time you reach this level, you have to be careful to not get one-shot by the Cycloid, so staying in the right side while taking out the troopers seems to be the best strategy. All you have to do is just shoot one or two rockets and then take cover. After 20 or so rockets, the Cycloid will die.

Oh yeah and this level is a modified version of the first level, just with the beginning parts included. Oh and since this episode replaces L.A. Meltdown, then you get to watch the Battlelord cutscene!

Not much else to say about this level other than not being pistol start friendly in case people want to do it from pistol start, as other than a few ammo pickups for RPG and Devastator, there are no actual weapon pickups, so I hope you brought your weapons from the previous maps! Otherwise, your only option is to wait in the right corner until the Cycloid blows himself up with his own rockets.
Attached Image: FUTURE_L5_1.pngAttached Image: FUTURE_L5_2.png

Conclusion: Future is somewhat average but for the author's first work, the levels look pretty promising and they are a lot better than the typical late 90s user map quality. Granted, this was released in 1999 and there were better TCs at that time but either way what Mikko has accomplished should be congratulated for the effort. Bonus points for the nice new midis included.

Fight the Future

Fight the Future is Mikko Sandt's second episode, released in April 1999. FTF still replaces the first episode but this time, the episode is made for the Atomic Edition and it's got a couple more con changes, such as Duke's starting health is now 125 (this also affect max armor and Portable Medkit amount), much like with LR&WB mod (whether it's a coincidence or not, I will leave the readers to guess). :P

However, unlike LR&WB, the maximum player atomic health is not 250. Instead, it is 225. This causes a small side effect where you can't pick up Atomic Health if your health is 225 or higher but if your health is less than that, then you can pick up the atomic health and it will give you up to 250 health as expected. This is due to Duke3D's hardcoded behavior where the Maximum Player Atomic Health must be twice the value of the player's normal maximum health.

Most weapons have increased ammo capacity too, though in general you should be well stocked on health and ammo that this change may make the mod a bit too easy. The extra health is always appreciated but the opposition you face is mostly in lower numbers that you shouldn't have any trouble with whatever the levels throw at you.

And much like with the Future episode, most, if not all levels, don't really implement difficulty settings, so the overall difficulty is more or less the same across the first three settings, therefore you should play on the third difficulty anyway.

Speaking of difficulty settings, most of them have new names. Piece of Cake remains the same, Let's Rock is now called TrustNoOne, Come Get Some is now called The End and Damn I'm Good is now called X.

New Mission (ANEWMISS.MAP)

A relatively short opener that only consists of 15 enemies in total, those being assault troopers and pig cops.

When you start, be sure to grab everything in the first building (this includes the stuff found inside the armory and the extra atomic health in the bathroom) because once you get past the entrance door, there is no way back! There is even a secret located directly behind you when you start, so don't miss it!

After that, kill the aliens, go to the next building, blow up the crack to access a new room containing the blue card and chaingun, then go back, kill the spawned aliens, insert the blue card to deactivate the forcefield, swim, surface to kill a few troopers and the level is complete upon stepping into the next sector.

There are three secrets to find:
1) Right at the start, open the door behind you to access a pair of Night Vision Goggles.
2) Right in the room you get the Blue Card and Chaingun, break the window and carefully jump to collect an Atomic Health.
3) Right near the end of the level, where you go to submerge into water, there is a darkened wall, press on it to access a secret containing Armor and Chaingun ammo.

Decent opening level. Looking forward to the next one.
Attached Image: FTF_L1_3.png


Another decent level that is somewhat short and shouldn't give you any trouble in terms of combat. Just don't forget to collect the blue card hidden inside one of the trash cans! ;)

There are three secrets to find:
1) Behind the building, you can find a Portable Medkit just sitting there.
2) In one of the corners of the map (should be located around the first secret), press on the wall to reveal a hidden room containing health and ammo.
3) In the room with the shark tank (where you should get the red card), press on the panel to reveal an Atomic Health.
Attached Image: FTF_L2_1.png

Redux:We Are On Boat (REDUX.MAP)

This level takes on a boat, as you can tell from the title. And yes, there is no space between the first words, so I left the title like that. :P

As Quacken mentioned, it's not as good as Derelict but I think the level still does its job nicely. The part where you open those windows confused me a bit because I was wondering what that switch did but then realized it opened those windows, eventually leading to a vent you must break down.

Which reminds me, I must mention that upon dropping down the vent, there is NO WAY back, so be sure to explore and grab everything before dropping down into the ship! Other than that, the map should be pretty straightforward.

There are three secrets to find:
1) Near the beginning, go to left side and you will notice a crack. Blow up the crack to access an Atomic Health.
2) Right in the room where you find the RPG (on the platform that says PROTOTYPE), press on the wall to reveal an Armor.
3) After dropping down, in the kitchen you find the blue card, press on a wall to reveal a turret and an atomic health inside

Unofficial secret: After blowing up the crack to reveal the Blue Card, dive into the hole to access a Portable Medkit underwater. This will also cause a few troopers to spawn in the nearby rooms.
Attached Image: FTF_L3_1.png

Island of Assaults (ISLANDOF.MAP)

This level starts right where the previous level ended, so you spend the first half revisiting the previous map. Not a bad thing, I always liked being able to revisit previously completed maps/areas with a fresh take. In this case, the previously visited areas are mostly empty. Your first objective is finding a Jetpack to return to the top of the ship. Then after that, jumping off the ship and eventually making your way on the island.

The Yellow card trap was interesting to say at least. You approach that corridor and 10 enemies spawn in your face. To be exact, there will be two troopers, two pig cops, two enforcers, two octabrains and two protectors. If you want to avoid using explosives, the chaingun worked pretty well against them. After that, the end of the level is nearby. Be sure to also kill those troopers located on top of that gigantic cannon!

There are three secrets to find:
1) After getting on the island, blow up the crack on the left side to collect Shrinker Ammo and Freezer Ammo.
2) Inside the lava filled caves, jump behind the big rock to collect a Portable Medkit.
3) Near the end of the level (right next to that corridor leading to the Yellow Card), blow up the crack to access an Atomic Health, 3x Trip Mines (weapon) and 3x Expander Ammo.
Attached Image: FTF_L4_5.png

Sister-Ray Cannon (SISTERAY.MAP)

A somewhat short level, it shouldn't give you much trouble. I will just say to be a bit careful because there are a few tricks involved like the two troopers that immediately spawn at start or how approaching one room causes four protectors to show up, so just back off and kill them behind the door.

Oh yeah and finally getting the Devastator will spawn FOUR troopers around you, so don't start firing it, instead switch to shotgun/chaingun and kill them without risking blowing yourself up. After that, take the elevator and kill the enemies waiting above, kill the commander in front of exit, grab everything you missed, save and step into the exit portal!

Just an advice: Try at least to get as much health as you can because only the health carries to the next level. You will see what I mean shortly. ;)

There are two secrets to find:
1) Inside the room with the rotating thing in the middle (before the room with the protector drone trap), blow up the crack to collect Steroids, Expander ammo and small medkit.
2) Inside the room containing the Freezethrower and a few troopers, press the switch hidden besides the crate to access an Atomic Health nearby.
Attached Image: FTF_L5_4.png

The Big Bad Ass (BADASS.MAP)

Boss level time! When you start, you will notice you are standing on an electrical floor and you lost your weapons! Move quickly to stop losing health and smash all the trash cans on the right side, as they contain the weapons, as well as an armor, that will be the key to win the battle! Oh and you will need to make every shot count! The four troopers surrounding the Cycloid are best killed with your kicks or from the Cycloid's rockets if you are lucky. Whether they drop ammo or not, it is irrelevant as you don't get access to the pistol again.

However, scattered around the arena are a few more ammo pickups for RPG and Devastator, an Atomic Health on the rocks, as well as a Shotgun and another Portable Medkit placed right behind the Cycloid Emperor, so if you dare, you can risk getting behind him if you need any extra help. If you are lucky, you will not get hit by the rockets, so the fight won't be difficult. I was lucky enough to never get hit by the rockets and finish the Cycloid with the last Devastator rockets. The Shotgun is a nice extra to have in case you missed a shot earlier but the map is definitely doable with just the RPG and Devastator. Just don't waste those precious rockets on those troopers and aim well at the Cycloid while taking cover when he starts firing.

Oh and the Atomic Health can only be picked up if your health is lower than 225, as I was trying to grab it when I had 229 health and no wonder nothing happened, I had to actually get hurt by standing in fire to lower my health just below 225, so I can pick it up and have 250 health. I suppose Mikko didn't think back then about this small side effect of player's maximum health, just like how in Duke's Revenge mod for example, both the player's maximum health and atomic health maximum are set to 250, which means you can pick up atomic health if less than 250 health and maximum health possible is 299. I know it sounds weird but that's how Duke3D is coded.

Going back to the FTF review, this final level was certainly an interesting experience and I got reminded of the last level of MSSP Episode which was very similar: starts you without weapons, you have very limited ammo to kill a few troopers and the Cycloid boss. I'm guessing Mikko recycled the idea of this map into his MSSP episode, as you will see when I get to review MSSP Episode. Oh and once again, much like with Future, you get the E1 cutscene shown upon killing the boss.
Attached Image: FTF_L6_2.png

Conclusion: Fight The Future is a decent episode and is a noticeable improvement to Future, Mikko's first episode. The new midis included are very nice and add to the atmosphere, more so than the previous episode. The level design still isn't anything special when compared to the newer releases but for its time, it was far better than the typical quality of maps you often came across. Bonus points for the creativity and the continuity present in most of the levels.

I will be reviewing Duke Tournament next, then MSSP Episode and Brave New World. In fact, I already finished the first episode of Duke Tournament yesterday, so I should be able to review the TC later this week, provided I get the review done by then, otherwise it will be posted next week. ;)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 10 January 2023 - 09:22 AM


User is offline   FistMarine 


Small correction for the penultimate level of Future episode: The third secret (identical to the one from third level) no longer contains a Medkit, instead it contains Shotgun ammo. Apologize for the mistake, I can't edit the older post and this had to be said. Anyway, here is the long awaited Duke Tournament review. As surprising as it may sound, I don't think I have played this TC before. I have downloaded the demo version of the TC from HERE because there actually exists one level demo version with a few differences from the final version mentioned below (I don't know if the demo map is different from the final map). ;)

Duke Tournament is a TC containing 13 maps across two episodes (5 SP maps and 8 DM maps). It was released in May 2000 and it is mostly inspired by Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament, as you can tell from the title. The TC is mostly multiplayer focused but it also features a single player campaign with 5 levels, as it was originally intended to be a 2-episode SP TC but ultimately ended up turning into a multiplayer focused TC.

The only "new" weapons you get are a reskinned shotgun and rocket launcher in the single player (both weapons using graphics from Quake 3), as well as the Devastators from the Duke Xtreme and a reskinned Freezethrower with half ammo and using Plasma Cannon graphics from LameDuke, moved to the right side of the screen. Weapons 8-0 don't appear in the SP episode at all!

Funnily enough, the demo version of the addon that contains only one DM level, had Duke's health set to 125 like in FTF, but this time with 250 maximum atomic health set correctly in the CON file, while in the final release of DT, Duke's health is restored to 100. Unfortunately, the Atomic Health maximum remains 250 and this causes yet another unintended side effect, where the player can pick up atomic health even when is already at 200 health, wasting the precious health items for no reason at all! Therefore, they should be collected with care, mostly in second and third levels which contain multiple atomic healths. At least, much like in the demo version of DT, you get to start the game with 20 armor, so you have something early on before coming across to a full armor pickup.

The skill level names are changed into the ones from Quake 3 as well! Besides the first episode, I will be covering the second episode as well, though I didn't get to play with bots, so all I did was just explore the maps and there will be short description for each level, for those interested.

This time around, there is a gameplay demo included of the third level, where Mikko shows the necessary steps to complete the level, almost as if it was a walkthrough. Because that level may get a bit confusing, it will get a bigger write-up and to reveal a couple tricks, especially when trying to get 100% kills as you will see below why. Oh and something I realized recently, it seems this demo, much like the Nuclear Winter demos, were recorded with the map possibly loaded as an user map instead of the Volume/Level commands to warp directly to that level as part of the episode. Compare this demo (or the NW demos) to the original Duke Nukem 3D demos recorded and you will understand why the NW demos or the DT demo shows the map being played as an user map, while also causing the USER MAP option to appear in main menu. In fact, just look at the automap while the demo plays and the level will be named USER MAP.

Other new details include a white crosshair and the mini HUD was changed too (like the one from Chimera, possibly other TCs for that time), though the latter change also caused a side effect where the bracket no longer displays when selecting an inventory item. Oh and teleporting Assault Captains will now show the same sprite as a shrink blast. I think this is purely a visual effect, standing near them while teleporting will not cause you to shrink or anything like that.

Some preview screenshots before the actual review begins:
Attached Image: DT_1.pngAttached Image: DT_2.pngAttached Image: DT_3.png


Underground Way Part 1

The first level has you mostly kill troopers (as well as some occasional sentry drones and slimers) in an underground base. There is a point of no return later and you are encouraged to collect everything in advance before dropping down the vent.

I noticed a small oversight, there is supposed to be a touchplate where after you get dropped by a crane, some troopers are supposed to spawn nearby (including two troopers breaking through a wall) but I'm guessing that touchplate sprite is getting carried away by the conveyor before you get there in time and most likely will get carried behind the gate where you can no longer get further. This isn't much of an issue, as you can still get 100% kills but it had to be noted and a potential bug report for the addon compilation version, unless it was already fixed (I played the original release in DOSBox).

Oh and around same area as the conveyor, there is a point of no return, so be sure to grab the nearby secret before dropping down. The rest of the level still has you deal with troopers mostly, as well as blowing up a reactor, so there isn't much else to say. The level was alright.

1) After dropping from crane, find a nearby switch that turns off the conveyor belt. It will temporary open a nearby compartment containing FOUR pistol clips.
2) After surfacing from water, you should find yourself in a vent with some slimers. Look for a darkened spot to find a Pipebomb and Chaingun ammo.
3) In the next room after that, where you collect a pack of pipebombs, blow up the crack to collect an Atomic Health and pistol ammo.
Attached Image: DT_AN1_2.pngAttached Image: DT_AN1_4.png

Underground Way Part 2

As mentioned by Quacken, the only opposition you face in this level are troopers and octabrains, with some occasional slimer eggs and the rare rocket turrets that thankfully never had a chance to fire back at me, as I didn't even realize they were those rocket variants while playing. With that said, there are some enhanced orange trooper variants that fire mortars at you, so you should watch out for them, so you don't have a nasty surprise.

Since there are about two points of no return early on and some parts that may seem confusing (like having to actually fall into pits to progress), I will offer a couple tips:
-After clearing the starting area, collect the stuff and drop down. You will fall into water. Kill the enemies on land, then dive down to get extra stuff (including finding a secret)
-After clearing the second area and grabbing everything, prepare for another drop down. Once again you should land safely.
-When you have to press the switch that raises the ledge leading to the blue card, carefully jump on those ledges and inside that building, DON'T FALL down or else you die here!

1) After dropping down the first time, you should fall into a deep water hole. Keep going down until you will see a left path and a crack you can blow on the right side. The left path leads to a small non-secret room with a pistol and two troopers. The crack leads to the first secret containing an Atomic Health and a Chaingun. Be careful as the room is guarded by FOUR troopers (two regular, one red and one orange).
2) After dropping down the second time, take out the octabrains. Behind you, it's a small hole you can crouch into, which contains a Portable Medkit.

It's ok, I especially liked viewing one of the monitors (see the second picture) and how there were corpses that kept falling into a loop (probably caused by those overlapping sectors) but the map was still somewhat unmemorable at times. Maybe the next level will make up for that?
Attached Image: DT_AN2_2.pngAttached Image: DT_AN2_4.png

The New Dawn

This level is shown in the opening demo and gives you an early look what you can expect. The things that need to get mentioned first is that there is a Mini Cycloid in the streets, he appears once only in this map (a Mini Overlord will soon follow into the next level) and also some modified Rocket Turrets that spam rockets at you at a very fast rate, as if they were Turrets on Steroids or something like that. At first when I watched the demo, I didn't understand where those spammed rockets are coming from. Those rockets are being fired at an insanely high rate that makes the Devastator look like a slow firing weapon in comparison. You will have to see to believe it! ;)

The rest of the opposition consists of regular foes, so there isn't much to talk about the combat, you should have plenty of health, armor and ammo to deal with the threats.

To get all the kills, first make sure to kill any spawned foes, as there is a chance you may come across an enemy spawned earlier when backtracking for stuff and it may be one of the reasons you are missing some enemies. Second, there are two red troopers located high that will more than likely disappear before you have a chance to even see them. One is located on top of the broken piece of building and another one is located on top of the firetruck, in both cases they are joined by regular troopers. You don't even have access to the jetpack at any point in the episode to reach them and situation seemed hopeless until I came with a clever solution: using steroids! Luckily, there is one secret containing them and even better if you also bring an extra bottle from the previous levels.

You have to use steroids and try jumping out of that window while strafing (due to low space, you can't jump while inside that window), so you will land on top of that broken piece of building. It may take a few tries, so be sure to save in advance and yes, you will survive that fall just fine (Mikko even demonstrated this in the demo he recorded), you will probably lose about 40 or so health points to be exact. If you are quick enough, after killing the red trooper that shows up, you can jump down and then quickly climb on those rocks and then make a long jump to the firetruck while still having the steroids effect (if you don't want to use the second bottle or are pistol starting), hurry up so you can make the jump in time before the steroids effect wear off. The red trooper should show up. After that, congrats, you have achieved 100% kills in this level! Be sure to look for the secrets as well. ;)

1) In the large area, near the Shop-N-Bag building that requires the yellow card, you can find a crack that you can blow, inside you will find Atomic Health and Steroids.
2) In the room where you get the yellow card, press on one of those blue walls using Doom textures and inside you will find a Portable Medkit.
3) Inside the hotel, after deactivating the forcefield, check one of those four rooms on the ground floor, to be exact, the room that has the secret contains a trooper, a broom and a Wet Floor sign. Jump behind the map to collect an Atomic Health.

Non-secret: You can find an extra atomic health on the ledge of one of the buildings. It may be difficult to reach, though can still be grabbed just by barely touching it, you don't have to stand on the ledge of building to grab it.

The level was ok overall. The interiors looked good, at least.
Attached Image: DT_AN3_1.pngAttached Image: DT_AN3_4.png

Poison Green Water

Pretty sure it's supposed to be called Poisoned Green Water?

Anyway, this is an interesting level that involves some underwater exploration action and some interesting battles, including a Mini Overlord that didn't pose much of a threat, he was just walking towards me as slow speed, allowing me to take him with ease. The level seemed at times like a lost level from Chimera, which is funny because Chimera wasn't yet released when Duke Tournament was released (Chimera was released later in February 2001). I think Mikko Sandt and George William Bernard were close friends, from the information I could gather and the fact George helped Mikko with coding and textures at some point. Not to mention the inspiration/reference to LR&WB and Chimera behind some of Mikko's releases. You will see that in The Brave New World, where at least one level was directly inspired by one of the levels in LR&WB. So I don't think I am too far away with my analysis. ;)

1) In the beginning, when dealing with the octabrains underwater, you should notice a vent at the top. This leads to a small secret room containing Shotgun ammo, Chaingun ammo and Steroids.
2) In the area that contains the Mini Overlord (where you have to insert the red card), look for an opening in the left side, it leads to a secret room containing Armor and Portable Medkit.
3) In the corridor leading to the red card, look for a misaligned texture. Press on it to reveal an Atomic Health.
4) Inside the Central Command located near the end of the level, press on the wall on the right side, as indicated by the shades of green. The secret appears to be empty and has a switch, as well as the mapper warning you to NOT press the switch! I suggest to take Mikko's advice to NOT press the button, as the room will explode and you will die! Therefore, just enter the room to activate the secret and then get out.

This map was fairly interesting overall and worth checking out!
Attached Image: DT_AN4_1.pngAttached Image: DT_AN4_3.png

The Dead Memory

The final level time! It can be a bit tricky to navigate and the lightning strikes can discourage you from exploring but don't worry, the chance of getting hit is fairly low and you shouldn't lose more than 20 or so hp. Most of the level is fairly straightforward but there is that part that may confuse you a bit in that alien infested area. You MUST drop down the pit in order to continue the level, thankfully you will be safe as you fall into water. Then after clearing the caves, you will eventually get teleported on the other side. This means there is NO WAY BACK, so be sure to grab everything before falling into the pit! Oh and to progress, you have to stand on top of that green arrow to open those bars. Look carefully to find it (the automap may help you).

Once you made it, clear the next area of the enemies and prepare for what's coming next. Be wary of the lightning strikes.

I like the statues representing the Marine (DoomGuy), Duke Nukem, Lo Wang and LameDuke. I wonder if this was meant to be a reference to something or a planned feature involving multiple protagonists (probably for Deathmatch) or what exactly? Either way it's pretty cool.

At this point, you have to hop across a fence and eventually make a jump inside a vent. You should arrive in a bathroom. Kill a few more enemies (be sure to check the Barracks as well), refill your health if needed, save and prepare for the boss fight against the Battlelord! This fight is quite easy if you just stand in the same room you are in, the Battlelord has no chance of reaching you, though he can still chaingun you to death if you don't take cover! You can always do the intended way and kill him in the small arena, it will be much more challenging. Oh and there is also a switch that unlocks the way back to the outside if you prefer to run from the fight. It's your choice.

This time around, there are no secrets to find, for better or for worse! After defeating him, you get to watch the "correct" cutscene with Duke executing the Battlelord. There is even a nice new ending screen that explains the events. It is a great thing to have and adds to the atmosphere. I only wish the mod was longer, at least in terms of SP content, as you will see below.

Overall, this was an interesting level and a great conclusion to the episode! While the first three levels may seem average in terms of quality, I thought the last two were pretty good. But wait, we aren't done just yet!
Attached Image: DT_AN5_4.pngAttached Image: DT_AN5_5.png
Attached Image: DT_AN5_7.pngAttached Image: DT_AN5_8.png

Dukematch Tournament

This episode is Deathmatch focused and therefore, contains no monsters or secrets. There isn't much to talk other than the levels using the same soundtrack as the second episode, all E2 levels (except the first one) are only reachable with either DNSCOTTY cheat or with command line parameters, as I haven't found any exit within them. The levels are labeled as DT1-DT2 and DTDM3-DTDM7, as well as LATISHA (possibly a bonus DM map?). No idea why they aren't all labeled as DTDM1-DTDM8, I imagine this inconsistency is fixed in the addon compilation version. Not that it matters much but it had to be pointed out anyway. :P

Anyway, here is a short review for each map, alongside a screenshot:

DTDM1: Yards

Interesting short map.
Attached Image: DT1.png

DTDM2: Jailbreak

Another short DM map. You have to escape from jail and then avoid the rocket shooters placed in the middle of the map. You can use the jetpack to grab the RPG but also watch for that rocket shooter!
Attached Image: DT2.png

DTDM3: Tournament Gate

Another interesting short map.
Attached Image: DTDM3.png

DTDM4: Halls of mystery

This map seems to be a conversion/recreation of the Quake 3 map Q3DM2: House of Pain. I instantly recognized it, so anyone familiar with Quake 3 should enjoy this map.
Attached Image: DTDM4.png

DTDM5: Hi-tech assault

This map also seems inspired by a Quake 3 map, this time the map being Q3DM10: The Nameless Place. I don't know what to say but the layout and even the lava reminded me of that map. Obviously, it's missing that blue regenerating thing in the middle where if you stood still in it, it would regenerate your hp/armor up to 200. Sadly, this doesn't exist in Duke3D but it would have been cool to have, although easily abused if you were patient and not fired at by other bots/players.
Attached Image: DTDM5.png

DTDM6: Overlord's Port

Yet another Quake 3 conversion, this time being the first map (technically the second, as there is an intro level, though in the demo version, this was the first level), Q3DM1: Arena Gate. You can see the statues of Overlord and Cycloid are now displayed instead of the statues of Major and Visor. And there is even that little area with the creature's mouth, only this time you are granted an additional atomic health alongside the expected armor pickup.
Attached Image: DTDM6.png

DTDM7: Tournament Towers

This map was actually included with the demo version of Duke Tournament. I don't know what its inspiration is from but the middle part reminded me a bit of the Quake 2 deathmatch map, Q2DM1: The Edge.
Attached Image: DTDM7.png

Latisha Canyon

This seems to be an additional bonus/secret DM map and I can see why. It's a bit gimmicky and starts you in the air while falling into water. But that's not why it's considered gimmicky. It's because you need to dive into one of the two long underwater tunnels (sacrificing at least 3 health points if you are quick enough) to surface into what leads to a super secret room with some babes, FOUR armor pickups, a couple inventory items, as well as a separate secret room filled with tons of weapons and ammo! So if you find one of the two separate secret rooms in Deathmatch, it should massively help you because otherwise there aren't any other items scattered around the level other than medkits (including a portable one) and a pair on NVGs.
Attached Image: LATISHA.png

Closing Thoughts: Duke Tournament is a decent TC overall. Some levels may be forgettable, the DM episode is a nice extra to have for those who thought the SP portion was too short if only to explore and take a look in them, while the Quake 3 weapons' graphics (Shotgun and Rocket Launcher) looked out of place but I think the TC is still worth checking out at least once, if only as a historical curiosity, as well as seeing the evolution of the author's mapping.

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 13 January 2023 - 07:21 AM


User is offline   Merlijn 


I just realized that I never played Mikko's earliest episodes. Could be fun to blaze trough just to see his humble beginnings.
I do remember playing 'Unreal' though, that one has its charm (in a 'novice mapper tries to recreate the grandure of Unreal in the build engine' way :) )

For Quacken and FistMarine: things will only get progressively better, Mikko found his stride somewhere halfway through the MSSP series and has been constistently good ever since.
I remember 'Dukecide' as being on of my favorites, even though it requires duke plus.

User is offline   Quacken 


Let's finish up Duke Tournament.

Poison Green Water

So we've gone from a military base, to a cave, to a city and now a... a jungle? This map is on theme, because it makes me feel murky and green playing it. It's not bad, but it's pretty generic and bland. Like in The New Dawn, Mikko slaps a random Mini Overlord halfway through the level. It's not as tedious as the Mini Cycloid, but I'd still rather it wasn't here. The over reliance on water for traversal also kills any kind of pacing this map could have had, leaving a floundering atmosphere to limp itself across the finish line. Poison Green Water makes for a good map at 3 in the morning, but it's a snooze fest otherwise.


The Dead Memory

In which Mikko Sandt tries his best. The Dead Memory is pretty competent. The visuals are particularly commendable. I like the shade of turquoise that's in the caves, it makes that section very unique and pleasing to look at. I appreciate that Mikko tried to go all out on this final map. It has by far the highest kill count of the set, and while it's still not difficult, there's just a touch greater enemy variety, and there's no explosive monsters to attack your ears. I'd rather have not fought a Big Battlelord at the end though, the room's too cramped to really fight him fair, so cheese him by camping the stairway I happen to like The Dead Memory. It's a surprising winner in a slough of amateur, sluggish submissions from 1999.


Closing Thoughts

I have literally nothing to say about Duke Tournament aside from the fact that it's one of the many forgettable and sluggish map sets from before 2000. It's an old saying: Fool me once with a pre-2000s map set for Duke 3D, shame on me, fool me twice with a second pre-2000 map set right after, shame on you. My final rating for Duke Tournament is a 4/10.

This post has been edited by Quacken: 15 January 2023 - 01:54 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


More Mikko! Let's move on to the first three maps of MSSP Episode. (What does MSSP even stand for?)


Yep... if you asked me to name a Duke 3D map, this would be one of the possible choices I'd name. Mistake is aptly named, both because of the map's quality and because it made my brain feel disfunctional. Never before have I ever seen a map so devoid of anything. This is the ultimate nothing map: It's an unclear location, you'd find more height variation in a chopping board and the combat is non-existent. It's the type of map I would struggle to write even two sentences on, and yet here I am doing it anyway. Mistake burned a large hole in my brain that will take an entire day to regenerate. Don't bother with this.


Alien Race

As we go into the next map, I realise that calling Mistake a chopping board is almost a compliment. Alien Race is somehow even more primitive than Mistake, it looks like it came out before Doom II released. Everything I said about Mistake I can say here, on top of the fact that Mikko now decides to send your way impossibly clumsy switch sequences and two Mini Overlords that you won't have the ammo to kill. I don't know how Mikko thought he could make the exact same map twice in a row. Alien Race is an out and out waste of your time, and I frankly think it's inexcusable.



Christ, what is up with Mikko always making the third level of his mapsets play The City Streets for a MIDI? Answers is where my brain fully reverted back into a primordial sea slug, but it's technically the most competent map so far, owing to its greater variety of weapons and larger than average monster count. That's not to say this is a good map though, as Answers is insufferably incompetent. Towards the end really sets me off. You have to fight a Mini Battlelord and a Mini Cycloid at the bottom of a ditch with only about 8 to 10 rockets and a full supply of Freezethrower ammo, while also worrying about a Sentry Drone that likes to get stuck on the cliffside. Then after that you have to deal with two fake exits, one of which will likely kill you if you don't win a 1/3 chance. (Use the switch to the right, I'm pretty sure that's the correct one). Answers is the most competent map so far, but it's also made me not want to play Duke 3D for a while.


User is offline   ck3D 


View PostQuacken, on 20 January 2023 - 12:31 AM, said:

(What does MSSP even stand for?)

Mikko Sandt Single Player? Just like MSDN is Mikko Sandt's Duke Nukem website.

User is offline   NNC 


I remember enjoying the last map in Duke Tournament, and from MSSP, I enjoyed MSSP4 and 6. Obviously, Mikko improved a lot since then. And I still miss his comments from this board.

User is offline   Quacken 


View Postck3D, on 20 January 2023 - 01:03 AM, said:

Mikko Sandt Single Player? Just like MSDN is Mikko Sandt's Duke Nukem website.

Fair enough. Probably could have ascertained that myself if I gave it more thought...

User is offline   FistMarine 


Thanks everyone for the comments! It's interesting to see so many new posts today, which encouraged me to finish writing the post I meant to publish a few days ago.

@Merlijn: I hope I did not sound too harsh on the levels, as I enjoyed what I played. It's just the early maps/episodes were a bit rough around the edges but the potential was definitely there. Thankfully, the quality picks up halfway in the MSSP episode, as far as I remember from my past playthroughs. I have yet to revisit MSSP v3.0, I only remember the later levels were much better than the earlier ones. But for now, I will write a short review of most of Mikko's maps I played last week, with the exception of Dukecide since I rather want to replay through the entire DukePlus and I feel like maybe DukePlus should get its own month to review at some point, maybe this summer.

@The Watchtower: I miss Mikko's posts on these forums as well. I remember lurking on the forums when he used to post but then he stopped posting, probably shortly before I joined. At least I regularly check MSDN for new map reviews, as I enjoy reading his reviews.

And yeah MSSP stands for Mikko Sandt Single Player. Which means, today is time to review Mikko Sandt's User Maps. MSSP Episode v3.0 review comes next week, I promise.

I played and finished six of the maps, those being: O'Boy, MSSP8, EBase, WLand, Blockcty and MSSP9. First two are for DOS Duke3D v1.5, the third and fourth are for JFDuke3D and the last two ones are for EDuke32. I will go into deeper detail when reviewing each map.

In general, from what I noticed in most of these maps, they don't contain ANY inventory items and some of them don't even contain any armor pickups at all (with exception of whatever pig cops drop to you if you are lucky). This makes the maps quite a bit more challenging than usual but thankfully they shouldn't be too difficult. They felt moderately challenging on CGS skill. :)


This is a pretty good short to medium sized map that was also used as the first level in the Brave New World episode, though with various changes, so it's up to you to play O'Boy as either an user map or as part of the BNW episode or both. In both cases, you are pistol starting the map, so the experience should be mostly the same, barring the changes made in the BNW edition of the map.

Mikko seems to have forgotten putting armor pickups in this level, so either you get from dead pig cops or nothing at all (I got nothing this time around). There is only one atomic health later on and a couple of medkits, as well as a water fountain at the end of the level but in general, you should be doing fine on health if you are careful and a bit lucky with enemies' attacks. The ammo is a bit scarce early on, so pray that you get some drops and don't take too much damage or else you are in for a bad time for the rest of the map. There are also no secrets to find, so you don't need to check every corner. But be sure to smash those trash cans for some extra supplies contained inside. And don't waste the pipebomb at beginning, you need to blow up the crack to progress! And get some cover too while blowing up the crack!

There are a few battles with Commanders and a Mini Battlelord towards the end, so be prepared when fighting them, especially when dealing with some ambushes that may happen at various points. I don't have much else to say but the map was fairly good overall and had fun playing it, though some corridors felt a bit cramped and I am wondering if the lack of armor and inventory items was intentional to add extra challenge or Mikko simply forgot to place them in the level? I think many people underestimate how useful the armor is, even if it's weak, it's better than nothing! ;)
Attached Image: O'BOY_1.pngAttached Image: O'BOY_2.pngAttached Image: O'BOY_3.png

MSSP8 (Mikko Sandt Single Player 8)

This map starts you surrounded by a bunch of pig cops and your only option is to run in front and jump on that window, kill a few troopers and grab the shotgun, then you will have a fair chance against the pig cops. The map still remains challenging throughout and you will get low on health at some early points but after getting the red card and getting access to the toilet, you will not have to worry about the health anymore. The next room even contains an armor pickup, so the map should be much easier after that, as long as you don't get too careless. Don't forget to find the secrets as both contain an atomic health, which will greatly improve your survival chances!

The map should be fairly straightforward, though you may get stuck at some point because you may need to make some jumps to a window or you may hit an invisible wall that prevents you from advancing further. Oh and getting the yellow card requires you to run from that ledge into the next building, you can't jump due to cramped space, so you need to sprint to reach it. This puzzled me for about 5 minutes until I realized how to get that card.

It's important to note that once you get to the headquarters with the Battlelord hologram, once you jump out of those window, there is NO WAY BACK! So make sure you grab EVERYTHING before advancing further or have a backup save if you intend to go back to get the missing secrets! On top of that, after dropping down, you will get attacked by a bunch of Commanders while various weaker enemies are sniping you from far away. Be sure to have the Shrinker selected, then switch to the pistol to snipe those other guys!

While you should be able to get all the kills even if you don't kill the sharks and don't get all the respawns, here are a few advices to get the true maximum amount of kills:
-Since you aren't given access to ANY explosives in the whole map (something rarely witnessed in Duke3D user maps), the only way to kill those sharks is to wait for them to get close to the window and hope your shrink blast affects them, then quickly step on them! It may take a few tries, especially waiting for the second shark, so be patient!
-There is one pig cop spawn that is easy to skip if you don't want to grab the full armor and/or the shotgun shells at the end of the corridor, located after using yellow card. You can't grab one of the items without grabbing the other one since they are both located close to each other, so you decide whenever you want to grab them. At least the map is generous with armor pickups, as there's about three of them, more if you are lucky with pig cop drops.

There are two secrets to find:

1) After gaining access to the other side of the map, jump and reach the billboard seen at beginning where the pig cops were standing, so you can collect an Atomic Health.
2) After the room with the shark tank (where you use the red card to disable the forcefield), press on that panel/picture to collect an Atomic Health, as well as Freezethrower + ammo.

The only complaints about the map are the lack of backtracking later on, the annoying invisible walls (though understandable to avoid sequence breaking) and maybe the lack of at least a Portable Medkit item but everything else about the map is solid and worth checking out! A solid successor to the MSSP maps/series. Which makes me wish that this map was added into MSSP Episode at some point, like how MSSP6 and MSSP7 didn't exist in the initial release of MSSP Episode and were added in further updates. ;)
Attached Image: MSSP8_1.pngAttached Image: MSSP8_2.pngAttached Image: MSSP8_3.pngpng]

Earth Base

This map requires JFDuke3D at least! It also contains new art and a new midi file, so make sure your Duke3D directory is clean before installing this map. When installing, I must mention that the map includes one or two outdated JFDuke3D builds (from around 2004) inside the zip file. DO NOT use them! Instead, if you want to play the map in a more stable and up to date version of JFDuke3D like I did, then please use THIS version from 9th October 2005: https://web.archive....3d_20051009.zip

It used to be the last JFDuke3D version for many years, until the newer buggier releases from 2021-2022, so if you plan to play this map as originally intended, then please use that JFDuke3D build from 2005. Otherwise, use EDuke32 or whatever is your favorite source port to play this map. ;)

As for the map, it was cool (pun intended) and I got reminded of similar snowy/icy base themed maps such as FBSP001. I also like how all the enemies are blue palleted to add to atmosphere, except the spawned enemies which are unaffected by pallete (other than Mini Battlelords, I guess), so the spawned enemies kinda ruin the immersion a bit, though no worries, it doesn't detract from the experience.

Died once by falling into a pit early on when trying to grab a pistol clip dropped, only to hit an invisible wall and fall to my death. That's what I get for being a bit greedy, though to be fair ammo was a bit scarce in the beginning, thankfully the enemies were generous with drops. There weren't any armor pickups present in the map but thankfully I was lucky that I got two dropped used armors from pig cops and they lasted until the very end. I can't imagine doing this map without any armor, as there are some nasty parts that force you to lose health (like some falls), especially the final battle mentioned below.

The final battle against the THREE Mini Battlelords in front of the ship is quite challenging, even if you have good health, armor and are given a RPG right in advance. I was lucky I survived in first try.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get all the kills in this map and I only realized this after finishing the map first time, then I reloaded one of the earlier saves and threw myself into all the pits just to see if there is any enemy that fell down there. It turns out, after looking in Mapster, there is one duplicated/unused small room containing an Enforcer and two switches you can press. I used DNCLIP and indeed I found him in that room. Too bad about that, it looks like Mikko forgot to remove that duplicate room from the map, so you can't get all the kills without cheating. :(

However, there are two secrets that you can find and they are located pretty close to each other. A screenshot should show their location, though it will be uploaded with the whole album at the end of the month, so here is a brief description where to get them:

1) After using the first blue card, kill the enemies and go to right side to access a vent that contains an atomic health.
2) Go along the way and before going straight ahead, take the right and carefully walk across the cliff, collect a Shrinker and 2x Expander ammo.

Overall, this was a cool enjoyable map! Looking forward to the next one!
Attached Image: EBase_1.pngAttached Image: EBase_2.pngAttached Image: EBase_3.pngpng]

A Winterland Memory

This map may not require a source port but as for the author's recommendation, I decided to use JFDuke3D just to be safe and the map worked fine. I will replay the map in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox later to see if it works properly or not and I will let everyone know.

Anyway, it's another cool map for reasons mentioned earlier but there is also a "Choose Your Own Adventure" type of ending, where you get to choose between reaching a spaceship while getting rid of a bunch of aliens OR fight the Cycloid Emperor boss on a short arena! I did both choices to get both experiences. Unfortunately, this also means that you can't get all the kills in a single playthrough but this time around, it's understandable and I appreciate being given the choice of the ending, it adds a bit more replayability, even if I just loaded the save before stepping on the final teleporter.

The only out of place thing I found is that those Octabrains in the sewers weren't given the blue pallete, compared to the rest enemies (except spawned ones that will always spawn at PAL 0). I suspect they were added as a "last-minute" change when rebalancing the map or whatever. Not that big of an issue but still, I had to point this inconsistency out.

There are two secrets to find:

1) Inside one of the vents (after dropping to sewers), press to find a hidden bathroom containing an Atomic Health.
2) Towards the end, where you are fighting a bunch of protector drones in a tunnel, blow up a crack to access an Atomic Health and Armor.

Overall, this map was as cool as the previous one. I can't decide which one was better from the two ones but I will say this one was a bit more epic. ;)
Attached Image: WLand_1.pngAttached Image: WLand_2.pngAttached Image: WLand_3.pngpng]

Block City

Played using EDuke32 r5498 (latest 2015 build).

Mikko bring us this short city styled map, which as stated on his website, Block City is a map that Sandt started back when doing Speed City for the 1.5 Hour CBP, which was released about a decade ago. This one, however, was eventually expanded and released as standalone map, about two years later.

It's a decent short city styled map. Kill the usual enemies, grab the card, enter the next building, kill the spawned enemies, unlock the exit, kill the Mini Battlelord and his guards at the end of the map and that's it.

Since this map doesn't need a walkthrough and doesn't have any secrets, I will only advice to jump on the ledge to collect the Freezethrower + 2x ammo on the Guilty sign, as well as going further to grab the Chaingun at the Innocent sign. There's two armor pickups located in the map, one after using the red card to enter the club and another one near the blue card. There's no atomic healths or any inventory items, though they aren't needed. Killing any/both of those babes found in map will spawn an Octabrain nearby.

Funny thing that happened while playing: I almost had three enforcers in a row drop Chaingun for me. The second one (after the first one that dropped it) didn't drop anything but the next two ones dropped the Chaingun. Considering the rare chance of that happening (usually they drop chaingun ammo or nothing at all), I found it amusing.

Overall, this was a nice short city styled map that shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete.
Attached Image: blockcty_1.pngAttached Image: blockcty_2.pngAttached Image: blockcty_3.png

MSSP9 (Mikko Sandt Single Player 9 - New Pietniemi)

Played using EDuke32 r8494 (latest 2019 build).

The long awaited sequel to MSSP series (or logically, to MSSP8), this is a "New L.A." inspired map. It is quite challenging at times and you may have trouble with health/ammo if the aliens surprise you.

I won't offer a walkthrough or anything, as it should be straigtforward but please take into account that when you get to the last part of the level with the reactor, the earlier parts of the map will get blocked, so if you plan in getting 100% everything, don't forget to get the first secret and grab everything in advance. Have a backup save if needed.

There are two secrets to find:

1) In the alley leading to blue card, kill the enforcer waiting for you, collect the shells and open the ATM Machine. Inside, you will find THREE Slimers and THREE Trip Mines (weapon). Please note that getting inside this secret can be tricky due to collision changes in newer EDuke32 builds but if you keep trying, Duke should make it inside. Try crouch jumping, it might work.
2) Near the end, when you reveal the reactor, destroy it, take cover and jump towards the destroyed reactor to grab the two hidden ATOMIC HEALTH! Note that you need to jump over the purple lava, so be quick to not lose too much health!

Overall, this was an epic map and looking forward to the potential sequel, MSSP10! Maybe Mr. Sandt will even consider updating the MSSP Episode/Series at some point in the future and include both MSSP8 and MSSP9 as part of the episode. Perhaps on MSDN's 25th anniversary (on 21st April 2024)? Who knows?
Attached Image: mssp9_1.pngAttached Image: mssp9_2.pngAttached Image: mssp9_3.pngpng]

Closing thoughts: All maps were solid and worth playing. If you were disappointed with the early "Future" episodes or with the slightly underwhelming Duke Tournament, then these user maps are worth checking out! The month isn't over as the reviews for MSSP Episode and Brave New World are awaiting to be published the next week, alongside the nominations for next month and not to mention there are the optional Collaboration maps that I intend to play/review, at least half of them and wrap everything up for this month. But even if I won't post the reviews in time (MSSP and BNW should be posted next week, hopefully), I can say that Mikko's later maps are solid and worth checking out.

Have a nice weekend! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 20 January 2023 - 07:52 AM


User is offline   FistMarine 


Today is time to review MSSP Episode v3.0, as well as the nominations for the next month. It's understandable there was a lot of stuff to play and I don't feel like doing the collaboration maps for now, while the review for The Brave New World will be posted in the next few days, to not make this post too long.

To talk a bit about myself, I have played MSSP Episode before, in fact I played v3.0 a decade ago in EDuke32, while I played the older versions in past 1-2 years in DOSBox. The older versions can be downloaded from gamers.org and dukeworld, although strangely, versions 2.0 and 3.0 are put into a separate MSSP folder (at gamers.org mirror) for whatever reason. I'd strongly advice you to just play the latest v3.0 release or the addon compilation version. You can read the changelog to see what has changed between the versions, basically the first version included MSSP1-MSSP5 and MSSPEND, second version added MSSP6 and third version added MSSP7. Each version also had various other changes made, such as v3.0 including new/modified enemies and updating older maps. Unfortunately, no further updates were released to include the newer MSSP releases, such as MSSP8 and MSSP9.

The episode is called MSSP: END GAME (it used to be called MSSP: ALIEN RACE in older versions of the mod) and replaces the third one in game. In the latest version, there is a demo included that showcases the fourth level, this time ending with the player's death. Much like Duke Tournament, the demo is recorded by starting MSSP4 as an user map, which is why you will see the USER MAP shown in the main menu in DOS Duke3D v1.5. ;)

On top of the new art, cons and maps, there are a few new sounds included, such as activating switches (I always liked this sound effect, may be taken from Half Life or Unreal, I'm just recently getting into these two games I missed back in the day) and a teleport sound taken from Quake. New enemies include a Freezer Trooper variant (has higher health and can teleport, inspired by the one from LR&WB, he drops pistol clips instead of freezer ammo upon dying for some reason), an overpowered variant of Octabrain that spams projectiles at you (also taken from LR&WB) and mini boss versions of Overlord and Cycloid. There's some other palletted enemies as well but they don't seem to have any changed behavior compared to vanilla enemies. Everything else seems to be stock Duke3D gameplay.


Mistake (MSSP1)

An intro level that can be slightly challenging at times, as there doesn't seem to be any armor available (unless you get lucky with a pig cop drop) but thankfully health should be plentiful, with two Portable Medkits (one given away and one found inside a secret place). Just don't get hit too much and you will be fine. And pay attention to the annoying Freezer trooper that can get a few cheap shots on you, even if you dodge the projectiles, one will bounce back at you, although the projectile will be weakened per every bounce until it disappears.

There isn't much else to say about the map, it suffers from oversizing and seems a bit bland in some parts. Blowing up the reactor is pretty cool and you get to fight various spawned enemies but other than that, most enemies shouldn't pose too much of a treat. I got very good use of one of the portable medkits that I consumed it entirely just before grabbing the new one. So the lack of armor is somewhat justified if only for being given another Portable Medkit in exchange, so one can be saved for the next level. And there is one secret containing an atomic health that will be a great help for the next level as well.

Speaking of which, here are the secrets:
1) In the room where you insert the blue card, go behind the boxes and find a crack to blow it up. Inside you can collect a Shrinker.
2) In the room with many computers, go to one of the corners, press on the wall to access an Atomic Health.
3) Near the end of the level, right where you collect the Devastator, jump inside the nearby vent to collect a Portable Medkit.

It's okay, though somewhat bland and forgettable. Looking forward to the next map!
Attached Image: MSSP1_1.pngAttached Image: MSSP1_2.png

Alien Race (MSSP2)

This map begins with some explosions in your face while you get ambushed by two blue Octabrains. Don't worry, they aren't the upgraded variant, for better or for worse. The upgraded ones are indistinguishable from the regular ones. And the best part? This level doesn't give you armor pickups either! Though at least the health seems plentiful, even more atomic healths available too.

Anyway, kill the aliens until you find out you need to get cards to unlock the doors. Once you get the blue card and backtrack, just watch out for that Octabrain behind the blue door, it's the rare variant. I was lucky I dodged in time. Eventually, you will get to some kind of control room located in the middle, this area reminded me a lot of Fusion Station (E2L4), complete with deadly lava (the variant from Atomic Edition) surrounding the place. However, this time you need to do a switch puzzle which temporary unlocks the door right ahead. Hint: Two switches are the solution and they are located close each other. Kill the enforcers, enter the Central Command to press a switch that raises the bridge and move on. Kill the aliens, look out for some protectors (there is one hanging inside the tube, you can kill him with a RPG shot) and solve another switch puzzle. The solution is once again two switches must be pressed/shot (the first and third one).

Afterwards, you spend a bit of time underwater, kill Octabrains and slimer eggs until you get to your first boss, a Mini Overlord! This (and every other mini overlords/cycloids) used to be a Mini Battlelord in past versions but now it was changed into a Mini Overlord, who is easy to take down without taking any damage and he has a habit of falling into water. You are given plenty of ammo for taking him down but if you are smart, you can even shrink him and get rid of him easily!

Collect the goodies, including the red card, use the teleporter to return to the base, kill the spawned aliens, insert the red card and prepare for yet another Mini Overlord guarding the exit! Once again the Shrinker is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of him.

1) In the room before getting the blue card, there is a blue sentry drone and various electrical sparks. Press on one of the green walls to access a small room containing a pack of Pipebombs.
2) In the lava filled area, after raising the bridge, look for a crack in the left side of the door and blow it up to reveal a Portable Medkit.
3) In the room with the Mini Overlord, shortly before getting the red card, press on the red walls in left side of the room to access an Atomic Health and Chaingun ammo.

It feels like an improvement compared to the previous level but it's still not quite the Mikko we know nowadays. Maybe the next map will be even better?
Attached Image: MSSP2_1.pngAttached Image: MSSP2_4.png

Answers (MSSP3)

Good news! The map appears to be much more competently designed and feeling more like a mission-based one. The bad news? It's filled with various annoyances, especially towards the end. At least you get an armor this time around, which is located at the very beginning where the Space Suit can be seen. Don't miss it!

Afterwards, step into the teleporter and prepare to fight some alien bastards while avoiding lightning strikes and various ambushes that can happen at some points. Also as Quacken noticed, it seems that in every episode/TC that Mikko made, The City Streets is the song that will play in the third level (yes, this carries into BNW as well!). Whether it's a coincidence or not (and whether it's a reference to the original game), I will leave the readers to decide that.

Anyways, I don't think there is any need to give any advice for the earlier parts of the map, as the progression should be pretty straightforward. What I want instead is to give advices for the last couple parts because there are tons of mean tricks involved, some intentional and others unintentional. It starts in the room with the crane, which reminds me a bit of the first level of Duke Tournament, interestingly.

First, after using the yellow card, taking down the sentry drones in the corridor and advancing, there is no way back, as the building explodes behind you! And the following two areas/rooms also have another point of no return! So before advancing, make a backup save and make sure you kill all the aliens and find ALL FOUR SECRETS before you get there and make sure you have as much health and armor as possible because you will NEED them! Finding the secrets will help a lot and there is even an extra atomic health found easily in one of the bathrooms you can find earlier.

Second, if you want to check what's inside those two toxic barrels, just don't, unless you don't mind dying shit-ton of times. The problem is that the barrel is too narrow which causes Duke to die instantly upon entering it. It takes a lot of attempts to enter and grab the item that may not be worth. One of the barrels contains chaingun ammo, the other contains an atomic health. It's very difficult to explain how to successfully make it inside (you need to actually enter it twice, as entering the first time causes Duke to not grab the item as it hasn't seen you, a weird Duke3D behavior where an object/enemy must see you to become active), as you will need to see for yourself and no, this has nothing to do with EDuke32 clipping changes when I have played this in plain Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox. It may have been fixed in the Addon Compilation version but we can't tell for sure. I don't know how was in the first version of MSSP, as I didn't check if these barrels contained anything but in V2 and V3, I died countless of times trying to get these items.

It's bullshit that this part was never tested, as Duke can die even just staying at the surface of the barrel and not moving at all. You will notice the game tries to squish Duke and after a while or just pressing one of the buttons, Duke will die instantly! So if you don't want to torture yourself, please, DON'T bother with those stationary barrels! The rewards are NOT worth it!

Third, after you grabbed everything and made a backup save, you got outside the crashing building, killed a few enemies and prepare for jumping in the water but NOT BEFORE KILLING THE TWO MINI BOSSES AWAITING YOU! You can kill them easily with your RPG, the autoaim will help a lot. You get the fight one Mini Battlelord and one Mini Cycloid. In the older versions, you fought two Mini Battlelords. Once taking them out, make a jump to land in water safely. Collect the Atomic health and kill the two spawned troopers.

Fourth, open the door and prepare because that's not a real nuke button, this is the first fake exit which causes the elevator to lower and be surrounded by two aliens! Kill them and go along the corridor where you will stumble upon more aliens and also THREE nuke buttons! This is another trap, where choosing the wrong button will cause explosions to get spawned in your face. So choose wisely! OK fine, the correct answer is the one in the right, it will temporary open a nearby door. Nothing stops you from activating the other two and surviving their explosions but it's not worth it. In best case, as soon as you press one of the fake buttons, you can run back and suffer minimal damage. Do the same to the other fake button, so they won't spawn explosions anymore if pressed again. Afterwards, kill the remaining aliens, smash some trash cans and approach the helicopter to finish the level.

This time, there are four secrets to find:
1) Near the briefing room, blow up the crack to access an Armor.
2) Inside the briefing room, look for a hidden switch behind the desk to access an atomic health.
3) Inside the room where you find the red card, jump through the map to collect a Large Medkit and Steroids.
4) Inside one of the bathrooms, check the middle stall and break the toilet to access a vent that contains RPG ammo.

It was an interesting map overall but I won't be lying if the last part of the level was quite frustrating. It helps that I played the episode before and other than those numerous glitchy deaths I've had (which I'm not counting), I don't think I died at all in the episode. Had some moments I was low on health but I survived until the end, as you will see below. Hopefully the next map is better and more polished.
Attached Image: MSSP3_4.pngAttached Image: MSSP3_9.png

Riot (MSSP4)

Another interesting, mostly linear map, that can be a bit tricky at times. The beginning should be pretty straightforward. Then you have to blow up a building and access the sewers, use the jetpack to go back and grab a card on top of a building. Afterwards, you need to kill the Mini Cycloid, then press a button which will cause the previous part of the map to be blocked.

I don't think there is a need for a walkthrough but I must stress that the fake exit is once again featured at the end of the level. This time there are two possible exits, with the right choice being the correct one. The left one will still spawn explosions in your face, so if you want to trigger the explosions, just press the button and step back, you will still lose about 20 health.

The map itself was better than the previous ones but was still somewhat annoying at times, with explosions spawned in your face and resources being rather scarce at times. Continuous players appreciate the armor being given near the end for the next level but pistol starters will have to suffer until that time unless they get lucky with a pig cop drop. I also appreciate the water fountain existing near end of the level, I got to around 40-50 health when nearly finished, so this was appreciated after exhausting most health items in the second part of the level.

Once again note that the two secrets can only be accessed at some point in the map, so before getting to the point of no return, be sure to find them! Here are the two secrets:
1) In the sewers, you will notice there is a door that can't be opened. Go near the red card slot (where you get the jetpack, which is needed to escape from sewers), press on that panel to temporary open that locked door, then quickly rush to that place. Kill the trooper and collect the Devastator.
2) Use the jetpack to fly out of sewers and go to the top of the building, where you can find an open window. Collect the goodies inside, including the blue card required for progression and then look for a crack in the corner of the room, blow it up to collect the Steroids.

It was better and more epic than the previous maps but the annoyances dragged the map down a bit. What about the next map?
Attached Image: MSSP4_2.pngAttached Image: MSSP4_7.png

Project Blue (MSSP5)

I recall getting frustrated the first time playing this map on first version of MSSP (I think the second version of MSSP didn't make any changes?) but now that the map was updated once again in V3, fixing some things but breaking other things, I feel like there needs to be an in-depth review.

First, this map is very LINEAR, so if you think at getting all the kills and secrets, you might want to get them in advance. As I was familiar with the map, I knew where the secrets were found but this didn't stop from having an extra annoyance added in this updated version of the map.

Second, in older versions of the map, there was a teleporter at the end of the level that was probably meant for COOP only, which sent you to various points in the map, allowing to backtrack and refill your health if needed with the toilets at the beginning. Unfortunately, if you didn't sent the elevators back after using them, you would get softlocked if you chose the first teleporter, so you were either forced to finish the map as how you ended it or restart the map upon getting softlocked if you didn't save (or cheat). In latest version (V3), that multiplayer teleporter is removed, preventing you from backtracking completely, not helped by at least three points in the map where you aren't allowed to backtrack.

Third, the rooftop finale where you were forced to lose health by jumping to the window, did NOT contain any medkits in previous versions! In V3 you are given two large medkits for 60 additional health, as you need to make a long jump to a window and at same time hope you don't fall into pit! Having the jetpack from previous level helps a LOT! I remember on first version reaching this part with 25 health and was nearly screwed (Portable medkit was fully consumed earlier because of the difficult battles) if I didn't have the jetpack because I died as soon as I landed on that window. This wasn't an issue in latest version because I was better prepared and had more health but I still had to replay most of the map when I realized the teleporters were gone, as I didn't collect some items/secrets and most likely a stupid trooper decided to play dead (found him upon loading an older save).

These issues indicate poor level design, unfortunately, which sucks because this map has some cool things going for it and I really don't want to sound negative, as it seemed like the design has been improved in certain parts compared to the previous maps. It's just some things I really don't like and Mikko seems to frequently make maps that you can't backtrack later on.

As for the actual map, I don't know what else to say, there's many epic battles to be had but also some frustrating ones near the end where you are forced to lose a bunch of health. I think V3 rebalanced this map because there was more health available and having foreknowledge of the map helped me avoid taking lots of damage, so I start the next level with about 100 health and not 25 like it happened in first version.

The only tips I can give is to make sure to explore and grab everything before the point of no return, which is when you get teleported (the only exception being the Monolith halfway in the map, which allows backtracking in previous area). And at the exact same location (after using the monolith, where you fight various enemies, including a Mini Battlelord), some monsters may fall into pit, so you need to use the jetpack to go down and kill them, as they don't die upon hitting the ground. And make sure troopers don't play dead, as it happened once, to my surprise.

As for the secrets, there's five of them, of which they can even be seen on the monitor at the end of the level:
1) In the room after the door marked by an access card slot (though it doesn't require an access card due to the pal used), press on those panels to temporary reveal a compartment containing an Atomic Health and Pistol ammo.
2) After taking up an elevator, right where you get the Chaingun and ammo, look for a vent. Inside, you can find a box of Pipebombs.
3) In the room just before blowing up the reactor, crouch behind those containers to collect a Devastator.
4) In the large area you fight the Mini Battlelord and various monsters (after jumping into the monolith to teleport), look for a crack nearby the SECURED AREA door. Blow up the crack to collect Armor, Pistol ammo and Small Medkit.
5) In the room with the fans (where you press the switch labeled as LAVA PRESSURE CONTROL), you will notice you can break one of them. Jump inside to collect Shrinker.

Extras: In the same room as secret #5, jump inside one of those acid containers. Inside the left one you can find a Portable Medkit, inside the right one you can find ammo (pistol and expander).

Overall, I didn't like this map too much because of the various flaws and having a miserable first time when playing the map (I refer to the 2021 playthrough of MSSP Episode, not the EDuke32 playthrough from a decade ago I don't remember much about). The lack of backtracking is annoying for completionists, not necessary a poor design choice but I still think the removal of that teleporter at end was a mistake. I hope the next map will make up for this map being a bit miserable.
Attached Image: MSSP5_4.pngAttached Image: MSSP5_9.png

Extinction (MSSP6)

Probably the first really good level of the pack, here the environments will amaze you, especially the design of those tanks (one of them being used to blow up the crack in the wall), those were very well done. And the enemy placement is spot on. You still have to be careful with those upgraded Octabrains and the occasional encounter with the Mini Cycloid but in general, the experience will be pretty smooth when dealing with the alien bastards.

Progression should also be pretty smooth, I can't think of any confusing parts. One time you get to swim inside a pipe filled with toxic purple acid (you are given two Atomic Healths for that, though the boots you collected two levels ago should also be a great help) to collect the yellow card required for progression. Be quick to avoid losing too much health/boots!

Just note that it is impossible to get all the kills and I think I know why, as it occurred in both V2 and V3 of the MSSP Episode on the same map. MSSP6 contains one NEWBEASTHANG actor, which is located towards the end of the map. You can destroy its corpse with one RPG shot but it will not add to kills, unfortunately. So you will get just 84/85 kills. Alternatively, I remember the map crashing DOSBox on me at one point in V2 but in V3, it worked fine, no crashes. I don't know why this happened, it was a very random granular crash.

1) After using the blue card, you should arrive in some blue colored corridors. Look for a hidden vent that contains Pistol ammo, Chaingun ammo and a small medkit.
2) In the room with the pipe filled with purple lava (where you need to get the yellow card), look for a darkened panel in the middle (it's located between two other panels), press on it to access a hidden compartment containing a Portable Medkit.
3) Near the warehouse located towards the end, where you are fighting enforcers and pig cops in some corridors, look for a small hidden switch you can press/shoot to reveal a nearby Atomic Health.

Overall, this map was a massive improvement over the previous maps and probably the highlight of the pack. I especially liked the design of the tanks. Definitely worth checking out!
Attached Image: MSSP6_1.pngAttached Image: MSSP6_5.png

End Game (MSSP7)

Another highlight of the pack, this one is inspired by various E2 maps and remains challenging throughout (I even got low on health at one point later on). I don't want to spoil too much about this map because there's a lot of surprises and lots of interesting battles to be had. Just play this map right now. You won't be disappointed! Other than the fact you don't get to keep your weapons and inventory for the next map, as you will see shortly.

1) Near the beginning, look for a different looking wall inside one of the corridors (where you fight two green pig cops and one enforcer), open the wall to reveal an Atomic Health and Pistol ammo.
2) In the room with the gray and green crates in the middle, look up for a hidden switch. Shoot it to temporary open a compartment containing a Portable Medkit.
3) In the room near the door with the sign SECURED AREA, press on the panel in the middle to access a small compartment containing Armor, Chaingun ammo and also a turret!
4) After using the teleporter, in the Airlock room, press on one of the monitors to reveal a small hidden room containing a box of Pipebombs and a Large Medkit.
5) Near the end of the level, just before approaching the bridge leading to the blue card, blow up the crack on the left side to reveal an Atomic Health.

Another great and challenging map! The ending ties perfectly to the final map, which is another nice detail. Worth checking out!
Attached Image: MSSP7_2.pngAttached Image: MSSP7_8.png

The Source (MSSPEND)

Final level time! Since this level starts you without weapons, the only thing that carries from previous level is the health, so I hope you started with 200 health to get the best outcome! And make sure to move as soon as the level starts to avoid getting electrocuted.

If you have played Fight the Future episode, you will quickly realize where this level is inspired from. Except this time, you are given different weapons (no RPG, only 15 Devastator ammo). To get more into technical details, you are given a Pistol (48 ammo), Shotgun (40 ammo), Chaingun (100 ammo), Shrinker (10 ammo), Expander (40 ammo), Devastator (15 ammo), Freezethrower (25 ammo). You are also given a pair on NVGs to spot those six troopers in the darkness! I suggest to lure them to you and kill them with your kicks/pistol and pray you get some extra pistol clips, as you need to make every shot count when dealing with the Cycloid Emperor, though luckily, if you make every shot count (yes, including the Expander ammo), you should be able to finish off the Emperor before you need to use the Pistol and Chaingun! You may also use the Shrinker against the troopers, as otherwise it's useless against the bosses!

That's all the tips I can offer, besides avoiding his rockets by staying hidden and grabbing the extra atomic health if you need some extra health. It may take a few attempts to get all those six troopers, as some of them refuse to come towards you or get stuck flying or falling. And no, the enemies don't take fall damage upon landing into pit (unless their health is very low, then they die on impact) but in early Duke3D shareware versions (1.0 and/or 1.1) the enemies took fall damage and died upon making contact with the floor. Why this was broken in v1.3D and later, I have no idea!

Concentrate on the Cycloid, take cover when he is firing (if you take splash damage, it's not fatal, only if taking a direct shot which is possible to survive with 200 health), make every shot count and then congratulations, you have completed MSSP: End Game! Or in other words, you have completed MSSP Episode v3.0! Disappointingly, there is no new ending screen, just the same E3 cutscene. And the final level is okay.
Attached Image: MSSPEND_2.pngAttached Image: MSSPEND_3.png

Overall, this episode was pretty decent, leaning towards pretty good later on. The first couple of levels didn't make much of a strong impression (first two levels were a bit amateurish, with the next three being good but somewhat flawed) and there were some really annoying flaws at them, especially at the fifth level with its lack of backtracking at various points but the last two normal maps (MSSP6 and MSSP7), which were introduced in MSSP v2 and MSSP v3 respectively, were very solid and worth checking out! Of course all these MSSP maps also be downloaded separately as user maps (even MSDM maps I didn't even mention, some of which had unavailable download links) but I chose to only link to latest version of the episode, to not clutter the topic and there isn't much of a reason to check them individually as user maps. O'Boy was an exception because the version included in BNW is quite different from the standalone version, as you will see in the upcoming review.

To me, MSSP6 and MSSP7 were the highlights of the episode and I'd say the episode is worth checking out if for these two levels alone. MSSP4 and MSSP5 would have also been up there if they weren't as flawed as they were, though MSSP4 seemed better and less flawed than MSSP5. The final level is also interesting to check out, just for the challenge alone.

Oh and I still hope/want to see a MSSP Episode v4.0 one day, with not only MSSP8 and MSSP9 included but also the first couple of levels overhauled/rebalanced, so that the older levels are up to modern standards. Then it would be another excuse to revisit the episode! :P

EDIT: I forgot the nominations for next month! I nominate and vote for the following choice (highlighted in bold with a + added next to it)

WGRealms + WGSpace Episode +

This was nominated since last year (probably was me who suggested it? also it's the only choice remaining for now, new nominations are welcomed for March and later) and I think for a shorter month like February, two episodes should be enough, especially since some of the levels in both episodes (based on my memory from playing these episodes long time ago) are pretty large, so they may take a while to complete.

Yes, I know that William Gee has released a lot of cool stuff as of lately, including other maps/episodes in WG Mega Pack and the legendary WGR2, plus a very recent demo of WGR3 but I think these all deserve their own month/topic at a later time. WGRealms was released in 2004 and WGSpace Episode was released in 2008, so they should be played first separately. This is subject to change and I could fit other WG releases from WG Mega Pack but I'm not sure if a month like February will cover them all.

Therefore, I think we should stick with these two for now and then choose WG Mega Pack for another month like June or July or even August for the author's birthday. Maybe I can include some of older released maps by William Gee for February, as bonus/optional. What are people's opinions here? I wasn't sure what else to choose for a short month like February. Have a nice day! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 25 January 2023 - 05:22 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


I'm trying to at least power through MSSP before the end of the month but it's really taking a toll on me. I'm at the section past the second blue key and I'm stuck wondering where to go from this position, as the only things of interest are a couple of spinning pieces of geometry. I'm honestly tempted to just warp to the final map, the kill count doesn't seem far off from being done.

User is offline   FistMarine 


View PostQuacken, on 25 January 2023 - 10:47 PM, said:

I'm trying to at least power through MSSP before the end of the month but it's really taking a toll on me. I'm at the section past the second blue key and I'm stuck wondering where to go from this position, as the only things of interest are a couple of spinning pieces of geometry. I'm honestly tempted to just warp to the final map, the kill count doesn't seem far off from being done.

Which MSSP map are you talking about? I assume you are talking about MSSP7, in which case it sounds like you are nearly at end of level. You have to drop down on that green cylinder (costs about 10 health), you will reach the exit. I'm also curious what source port/version you are using, to further identify the problem. I am taking a guess that you are using a recent EDuke32 build to play the Addon Compilation version of MSSP Episode, right? It won't surprise me if the map is broken in newer EDuke32 builds.

Anyway, time to wrap up this month by reviewing The Brave New World! This is probably Mikko's best release so far, as most levels are very cool looking and fun to play through. It's only five levels long and it replaces the second episode in the game. Once again, I played the episode a decade ago in EDuke32 but this time around, I used Duke3D v1.5 to play the episode in DOSBox 0.74-3.

There are a few changes as well. The pistol and chaingun are reskinned and deal more damage (at least the pistol replacement, the chaingun replacement seems to do the same damage as before). As a side effect, this causes Enforcers, Mini Battlelords and Pig Cop Tanks to deal more damage too (8 dmg instead of 5), so be careful when fighting them, as they can take you down much more quickly! And the first level still lacks armor, so I strongly advice you to proceed carefully. The pistol replacement is an MP5/9600, while the chaingun replacement is a P90. The former looks nice but the latter looks a bit out of place, as if its graphics were taken out of Counter Strike or something. Not that I'm complaining, as I appreciate having some new/reskinned weapons, though the P90 could have had the damage increased a bit, as both "new" weapons deal the same damage now. This time around, there aren't new enemies other than mini boss variants of Overlord and Cycloid, which will appear in the last level. And no intro demo recorded this time, sadly. I think a gameplay demo of one of the first three levels wouldn't have hurt to have.

Oh and finally, as an unusual twist, there are NO secrets to be found at all in any of the levels! On top of that, essential items/powerups such as Armor, Atomic Health and Portable Medkit are rarely found in the episode. In fact, the only inventory item you will see is the Portable Medkit, which appears in levels 2-4. The Atomic Health appears in nearly every map (minus the second one, while levels 1, 3 and 4 only have ONE atomic health each), while the Armor appears once in each of levels 2-5. If you are lucky, you can get more armor pickups from pig cops but this chance seemed to happen more in later levels. Don't worry, the levels themselves aren't too difficult, they are moderately challenging and shouldn't give you too much trouble.


O'Boy (o'boy.map)

This is almost the same map as the user map release, just received some changes in the beginning, you have a small story you can read and then after teleporting, you get to an extra area at beginning, containing a few enemies (a pig tank and some troopers). There is also a water fountain that you can use to refill your health. But after clearing the starting area and jumping out of the window, there is no way back, so be sure to have as much health as possible (nearly 100, as you will be inevitably taking a bit of damage from the fire).

The rest of the map should play exactly the same, except for the stronger pistol replacement, which affects the hitscanners too, as mentioned above. There isn't any reason to make it longer, other than I liked the map, so let's jump into the next map, shall we?
Attached Image: BNW_L1_1.pngAttached Image: BNW_L1_3.pngAttached Image: BNW_L1_4.pngpng]

The White Ward (icy.map)

The second map is pretty cool, as you also get a nice snow falling effect. Gameplay wise, it's pretty good, though some corridors suffered from being cramped and some parts were a bit annoying. The Mini Battlelord at one point was a pain in the ass to deal with but thankfully I survived. While you get the Medkit halfway in the map and the Armor towards the end of the map, I really appreciate the fact Mikko gives us TWO water fountains to refill our health early on. Every time I lost health and medkits weren't around or were already consumed, I went back to that room and refilled my health to 100. That made up for the fact Duke is rather fragile when not wearing any armor. ;)

I don't have much else to say about the map. I liked more the outdoors locations than the indoors, it was a relatively solid map overall and I think I liked it slightly better than the previous one. But if for some reason you didn't enjoy this level or the previous one, maybe the next one will be better?
Attached Image: BNW_L2_2.pngAttached Image: BNW_L2_4.pngAttached Image: BNW_L2_5.pngpng]

The New Los Angeles (newla.map)

Probably the best map in the pack. As you can tell from the title, it is based off the "New L.A." map from LR&WB. And as you could have guessed in advance, this map uses The City Streets as the song playing in the level. It's funny how Mikko ALWAYS uses The City Streets for the third map in every episode! Whether it's a reference to original Duke3D or just intentional, I will leave the readers to guess.

As for the map, it's fairly straightforward with some challenging battles later on, like when a Mini Battlelord breaks out of a wall. If you are playing continuous, I would advice to save the Atomic Health in the bathroom for the end of the level. Oh and if you choose to kill each of those strippers, you will get a trooper spawning nearby, if you are interested in getting all the kills.

Definitely the highlight of the episode. I had a lot of fun with this one and it almost felt like I was playing the higher quality maps from LR&WB. Collab between George William Bernard and Mikko Sandt when? :P (you know exactly what I'm talking about)
Attached Image: BNW_L3_2.pngAttached Image: BNW_L3_5.pngAttached Image: BNW_L3_8.pngpng]

Cygnus (jokukai.map)

This was a pretty tricky map. Right off the bat, you get ambushed by some turrets, which can make you lose at least 20-30 health, not to mention there's some nasty ambushes later on. Which is why I insist to finish a level with as much health and armor (assuming you don't pistol start each map), to compensate for taking lots of damage at some points. Especially that part near end, when I took the elevator, only to have an enforcer and a protector right in my face. If I didn't have the armor and didn't use the Portable Medkit, I would have died. Also enemies in general tended to spawn inside each other, as if they were both standing in same place or something, which you don't see often in Duke3D maps. :P

The map remains challenging at times, with some parts easier than others. The ammo drops from enemies and how often you get hit will also influence the map's difficulty. Unfortunately, you can't get all the kills because of the three NEWBEASTHANG actors that don't add to kills. It is the exact reason that confirms the missing enemy from MSSP6. Those hanging protector drones in the lab, you can kill them with the RPG's explosion but regardless of whether you kill them or not, they don't influence the kills count. So the maximum you can have is 47/50 kills.

The map was alright overall, though it didn't impress me as the previous three maps. Let's hope the final map gives a proper conclusion to the episode.
Attached Image: BNW_L4_1.pngAttached Image: BNW_L4_4.pngAttached Image: BNW_L4_7.pngpng]

The Fourth Horseman (kill.map)

And now time for the final map that may or may not be good, depending of whether you wanted the map to be in similar style as the previous maps. As expected, in classic Mikko Sandt tradition, you lose your weapons at the beginning because of the electrical floor you start on. Be sure to move to avoid taking damage. There was supposed to be an atomic health appearing at start but for some reason, it doesn't spawn. My guess is that the item is given a different palette (I looked in Mapster and it's tagged as pal 7) and this prevents it to appear in Single Player.

After reading the text, take the teleporter to get sent to a room where you are fighting two protector drones. Grab the armor, atomic health and weapons to kill them! There is a Mini Overlord behind the bars that sometimes fires at you. Mikko warns the player in the readme file to avoid killing the Mini Bosses in this map but you can actually kill most of them without running low on ammo. You can take out the mini overlord behind the bars with just your kicks. It takes a while but you can safely kill him that way and there won't be any negative consequences, assuming you didn't waste the pistol/shotgun ammo on him.

Afterwards, teleport into some destroyed city where you are fighting pig cops. You can step in the white void, don't worry! Kill the pig cops, grab the stuff and jump on the monolith to teleport to the next room. Be sure to save!

This part with enemies in cages is inspired by one of the parts of the final map from Final Doom - TNT: Evilution. Which is also where the cool song comes from (technically it was first used on the eighth map but also on the final map of TNT Evilution). You have to fight a Mini Battlelord that will teleport in, which is why you are given the RPG. You can also kill most of the enemies placed inside cages, EXCEPT FOR THE FULL SIZED CYCLOID EMPEROR! You will not have enough ammo to take him down and he ends the episode if you manage to kill him. I did an experiment after I finished the map the intended way, by loading an earlier save and using the DNWEAPONS cheat after running out of ammo completely and he needed about 5-6 more RPG shots to take him down. The episode ended as expected. So just DON'T waste your ammo on him! Move on to the teleporter to reach a hellish section that requires some precise platforming. Save first!

This hellish part killed me a couple times because not only you have to do some precise platforming but also you get to fight a goddamn Mini Cycloid Emperor that's quite painful to take out and you may be low on health at this point. He sometimes falls off the map and this means you won't get all kills (leaving aside that full sized Cycloid earlier inside one of the cages), so be quick and use the RPG to take him out quickly as soon as you get on the last platform. It may take a couple attempts and once done, grab the Atomic Health and save.

Afterwards, you will teleport to yet another room. These couple of remaining rooms have no enemies to fight, so just walk through them until you get to the cool scripted sequence where you are blowing up Mr. Sandt's ship, which is damn cool. I recommend saving now! Drop down and you will face off the Overlord himself, Mikko Sandt! Yes, apparently the Overlord stole his name, as the readme file even mentions. ;)

The boss room may be small but he isn't too difficult to take him down even in this situation. When out of ammo, grab the ammo packs around the room and circle strafe around him. Once done, watch the cool E2 cutscene with Duke executing the Overlord and then you get a new ending picture explaining the mod's events, just like in Duke Tournament! Makes me wonder why MSSP Episode lacked an ending screen.

While the map was annoying at times and think that the Cycloid in one of the cages should have been mini-sized to allow obtaining all kills, the map was alright, it didn't disappoint me. Though if you ask me, I enjoyed the earlier levels a lot more.
Attached Image: BNW_L5_2.pngAttached Image: BNW_L5_3.pngAttached Image: BNW_L5_5.pngpng]
Attached Image: BNW_L5_8.pngAttached Image: BNW_L5_9.pngAttached Image: BNW_L5_10.pngpng]

Closing Thoughts: MSSP Episode was good but The Brave New World was even better. Too bad it's kinda short and I'm hoping there will be a sequel one day. If for some reason, you didn't enjoy any of Mikko's earlier episodes or want to play only one episode, then please play The Brave New World, you won't be disappointed!

I am tempted to make a review of at least one of the collaboration maps before the end of the month (alongside uploading a zip of the album of pictures for this month). I remember playing Hidden Zone just after LR&WB/Chimera was played and I didn't get to finish/write about Hidden Zone for March of last year and I hope I can get to write about it, as an extra for this month, before finally wrapping up! Have a nice weekend! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 27 January 2023 - 04:16 AM


User is offline   Quacken 


View PostFistMarine, on 27 January 2023 - 04:00 AM, said:

Which MSSP map are you talking about? I assume you are talking about MSSP7, in which case it sounds like you are nearly at end of level. You have to drop down on that green cylinder (costs about 10 health), you will reach the exit. I'm also curious what source port/version you are using, to further identify the problem. I am taking a guess that you are using a recent EDuke32 build to play the Addon Compilation version of MSSP Episode, right? It won't surprise me if the map is broken in newer EDuke32 builds.

I've got no knowledge about the EDuke32 versions, but from your description I can tell you I must have been using a recent EDuke version, as I played through MSSP Episode using the Addon Compilation. (And yes, I was stuck on MSSP7, I should have clarified that.) I did try to drop down that cylinder by standing above it, but either the window to drop down is monstrously tight, or the ending is broken. I'm going to go with the latter, only because it gives me an excuse to warp to the final map.

User is online   gibfrag 

  • Honored Donor


I had time to play these few maps from Mikko this month:

O'Boy is an interesting level that is a small city theme level. It isn't too long, but the enemy placement is done quite well to give it a fair challenge throughout. There are a limited amount of player resources such as health and ammo, but just enough to be able to get through it.

blockcty is yet another city themed level with a small scale. It has about the same difficulty as O'Boy, but is a bit less cramped design wise. This one would likely do well as a Dukematch map given the street design and how it circles around the main areas needed to progress to the exit.

MSSP9 is my favorite of the three I had time to play this month. It has a city theme set in a space environment, which works quite well here. This is also the most challenging of the three listed here, as it has the most enemy variety in my opinion. Still, there are very few weapons and items for the player but just enough to survive.

This post has been edited by DNSKILL5: 30 January 2023 - 01:09 PM


User is offline   FistMarine 


@Quacken: I understand. Though it also helps to mention the exact EDuke32 build/snapshot you are using in order to identify the problem. I would suggest reporting the bug to the Addon Compilation topic and then warping to the final map and give the episode a conclusion. If you want, I can report the bug in the following days, probably after the next month's topic will be up. ;)

@DNSKILL5: Thanks for joining in! I've watched the videos! Cool Stuff! I especially liked how you squished those monsters with the door in Block City. I sometimes do that as well, especially with the stronger enemies such as Commanders and Protectors, as it saves plenty of resources. I think I actually did the same thing with the blue protector at beginning of MSSP9. ;)

But yeah, it looks like I should play Duke3D more often on DIG (I've beaten a few maps/mods on DIG before), as it doesn't seem too difficult, especially with the multiple ways you can get rid of monsters permanently. I even noticed since a decade or so ago, that Commanders don't even respawn on DIG, most likely a bug that wasn't fixed in any version of the game. Anyway, to finally wrap up this month, here is a review of Hidden Zone which I played last year in late April:

Hidden Zone

This map was "finished" by Mikko Sandt by merging two unfinished Chimera maps he received from George William Bernard. This was probably meant to be the secret level or the penultimate level in Chimera. You can read some interesting stuff right here on MSDN (when LR&WB + Chimera were re-reviewed last year), as well as checking some interesting screens, including a reskinned shotgun that was going to be part of a future Chimera update that didn't make in:

It has come to my attention since last December, on Duke3D Atomic's 26th anniversary, someone called Smikes made a complete package of LR&WB + Chimera + Hidden Base that can you download here: https://www.moddb.co...ed-2007-version

The mod is only compatible with EDuke32, according to the readme file and included batch file. Would have appreciated if it was DOS compatible as well, just to have a full package of the TC playable in DOSBox, as there is already the Addon Compilation version for EDuke32, even if the compilation version isn't merged into one package.

Anyway, here is the review of the map:

I played the map last year on CGS skill on plain Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox and I will say I didn't have the best time doing it, as I must have died a bunch of times and running low on health at times. I think I even got shrunk once by a protector drone and suffered a horrible death. Health and ammo resources were generally scarce, areas were a bit too dark and there were mostly mid tier monsters to fight with not much ammo being given to you. I liked the MIDI at least, which seems to be taken from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, it's pretty cool. Oh yeah and at the end, there is no way back, so grab everything before dropping down the last vent.

I recommend checking Hidden Zone out if only as a small curiosity. You can see it's not as polished as most of the maps included in the Chimera. And unfortunately I had a bit of a miserable time here. I also apologize for the dark screenshots, forgot to bump up the gamma when I was playing the map at that time, though I'm happy I still had the screenshots saved on my USB stick instead of nothing at all. Oh and here are the two secrets:

-After the beginning part, when you get to fight some Octabrains, go further jumping over the pit to access a hidden room containing a Large Medkit, as well as a Chaingun + ammo.
-In the room with some crates, do some platforming until you reach the top. Then find a vent that leads to TWO Atomic Healths! I believe there was an alternate way to reach this secret involving jumping on the monsters' heads in another room leading to the same vent but I no longer have the saves to check if this method worked.
Attached Image: HIDZONE_1.pngAttached Image: HIDZONE_2.png
Attached Image: HIDZONE_3.pngAttached Image: HIDZONE_4.png

Hopefully this will wrap up everything for this month. I've attached most of the screenshots from this month inside a zip file as well. The new topic will be up tomorrow. See you on the next month's Map/Mod of the Month Club! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 31 January 2023 - 09:55 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


View PostFistMarine, on 31 January 2023 - 09:50 AM, said:

Hopefully this will wrap up everything for this month. I've attached most of the screenshots from this month inside a zip file as well. The new topic will be up tomorrow. See you on the next month's Map/Mod of the Month Club! :)

Haven't had much time to play this month's lot or even comment, I know most of Mikko's work besides the earliest episodes (which I haven't ever heard that much about to be honest - guess Mikko isn't too proud of them).

What's cooking for next month? You probably mentioned this somewhere either here or in PM with me, but I'd suggest Metropolitan Mayhem. Probably won't have time to play much myself either, but I've played it like 2 years ago and wrote quite a lengthy review (for CGS maybe?) which ended up laying forgotten on my drive, so might be a good idea to drop it here anyway in another of the "too much shit on my plate" month.


User is offline   Quacken 


Well, I finished MSSP. It turns out that the spot in End Game isn't actually a softlock, as when I went back to try again tonight I was able to fit through. It's just that the window to squeeze through the hole is really tight. Anyway, let's bury MSSP Episode so I don't have to think about it any longer.


My actual first thought when I entered this map: "He used that same MIDI again?!"

I'm running out of ways to describe to you "this map is short, flat, dimly lit and boring", so I'm just gonna tell you like it is. Had Mikko decided to expand upon his theme for once he could have had something I could spend more time on, but alas. Riot is yet another dud that feels like it does nothing except flounder around, waste my time and throw me another fastball with a cheaply placed Octabrain that spews projectiles. This is thankfully the last time I'm ever going to listen to this god-forsaken MIDI that doesn't loop properly.


Project Blue

Mostly owing to Into Sandy's City as its MIDI, Project Blue is probably the most enjoyable map in the set. Mikko pays pretty good attention to lighting and thematic consistency here, which helps his struggles with linearity, combat and progression. That dumb and precise jump from a skyscraper to a random window down below, but the section before it might be just as bad. Trying to pepper a Mini Battlelord with your only cover being a stack of crates and having Troopers harass you from above is extremely asphyxiating. Apart from this though, Project Blue is just another Mikko Sandt map. It might look good, but everything else surrounding it is mediocre and forgettable.



Extinction is fine, I guess? It looks decent and I like Plasma as the MIDI, but everything else around these two points put me to sleep. The combat is nothing special. It's nice to see some regular Octabrains for a change, but the fight against the Mini Cycloid kills the pacing the map was building towards, and the other fights are meek. Things in this map just happen. Getting a lot of the keys in this map feel arbitrary and only exist to drag out the run time, and it felt like I was just sent to random tech bases looking for the next key and not really going anywhere. Extinction had promise, but its individual segments are not memorable enough to justify its longer than average runtime.


End Game

If I had a dime for every map I played that made me remember I wasn't playing Lunar Apocalypse, I could afford a Kit Kat. End Game has some semi-creative setpiece-ing but its overall just a bad anthology of Episode 2 themes. Oh cool, a train!... oh, there's a spinning doohickey you need to interact with to proceed? Snore. The combat is at least a little better? There's more than one Mini Boss in this map unlike the others, and Mikko actually decides to throw you some Assault Commanders to shoot for once, which is appreciated. Sadly, it's too little too late. End Game is overall an uninspired, messy puddle of Lunar Apocalypse themes that have about as much fluidity as corn starch.


The Source

Well, if you lasted this far, congratulations! The only thing that stood between my sanity and freedom was another Cycloid on a podium. Use the Shrinker or the Pistol on the Troopers, let the Cycloid kill them, or just don't care at all, because you only need to do two and a half minutes of peekaboo shooting. I expected more, but at the same time I would have just been happy with a single box and an exit switch.


Closing Thoughts (in general, not just this map set)


You know, it's an old saying: Fool me once with a 90's map set, shame on me. Fool me twice with a 90's map set, shame on you. Fool me three times, and I'll claw out your eyeballs. This was quite frankly a complete and utter chore to sit through, and past Fight the Future the only thing I wanted to do was to stop playing these maps. I did my best with trying to play through Duke Tournament and MSSP Episode, but I wish I could have been doing something else. This has been the worst stretch of maps I've played in quite a while. At least TLDE had unique ideas and a soundtrack that couldn't be expanded upon due to a lack of time to get everything done. Most of this just feels like amateur work that should only really be played in 2023 except for nostalgia's sake. I'm going into February after a break, and with cautious optimism.

User is offline   FistMarine 


View PostAleks, on 31 January 2023 - 11:42 AM, said:

Haven't had much time to play this month's lot or even comment, I know most of Mikko's work besides the earliest episodes (which I haven't ever heard that much about to be honest - guess Mikko isn't too proud of them).

What's cooking for next month? You probably mentioned this somewhere either here or in PM with me, but I'd suggest Metropolitan Mayhem. Probably won't have time to play much myself either, but I've played it like 2 years ago and wrote quite a lengthy review (for CGS maybe?) which ended up laying forgotten on my drive, so might be a good idea to drop it here anyway in another of the "too much shit on my plate" month.

It's fine, no worries. Any comment is appreciated. I realize I shouldn't have included some of the choices, like the collaboration maps, as not even I finished them (leaving Hidden Zone aside, which I finished last year and should have been covered back in March 2022 but due to time constraints, I really felt like LR&WB + Chimera was enough for a month) but still, having the choices included for people visiting this topic later on is appreciated, as they will discover Mikko's lesser known works.

As for February, William Gee's older maps/mods have been chosen with only a single vote (seems like no one else voted), such as WGRealms and WGSpace Episode. I can't include everything, especially for a short month like February, so I will leave out stuff like WGR2 and even the newer maps/mods that William has created as of lately. I know this may sound disappointing but they can always be covered later on. I only want to cover 2000s content for now, as if we were back in 2009. Not to mention that some of those maps in WGRealms and WGSpace can get lengthy at times, as far as I remember. As a bonus, to make up for the new stuff being absent, I will include a few maps that Mr. Gee has contributed with other mappers, one being a map that was supposed to be played this month. ;)

@Quacken: Glad to hear that you made it to the end and that it wasn't actually an issue with EDuke32! Don't be disappointed with Mikko's maps/episodes, they had both their ups and downs and we can pretend that they haven't aged well. Too bad you didn't check out The Brave New World, as that episode/TC was Mikko's best work! Either way, I am sure that you will enjoy February's choices! ;)

Thanks everyone for the comments! The new topic will be up soon and hope to see you all over there! :)

As for Metropolitan Mayhem...

EDIT: The new topic is up!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 01 February 2023 - 04:24 AM


User is offline   LakiSoft 


A bit late, but i still decided to play several things from January club i find the most interesting. Then after i do complete what i find interesting i will move on more current February event. Or maybe i will play both January and February stuff at same time. I will see. :)

Now i did beat Mikko Sandt's Duke Tournament, Single-Player only episode Annihilation.

It was nice episode overall, very well done for its time, nothing too special, but again not bad either.It also features DukeBot DukeMatch second episode as well which i am yet to play.


Attached Image: DOSBox 2023-02-01 15-55-40-752-tile.jpg

User is offline   LakiSoft 


Ok moving to MSSP Episode. I decided to start playing this episode on DIG instead of Let's Rock.
Judging from previous reviewers here (most notably @Quacken) i already knew maps gonna be unbalanced, so playing them on DIG make it even more unnecessarily unbalanced, but hey, what not add some challenge here? ;)

EDIT: BTW, Sorry no screenshots this time, but still i will tell my own thoughts.


Honestly i don't think this map was that bad personally, i just say it was unbalanced. But i laughed hard at @Quacken's review, about only "good thing" of that map that it fits its name. Still i had fun playing this.

Alien Race

I agree with @Quacken here. Too much Mini Overlord shit and not enough ammo to kill them, still i had used some tricks to eventually do it. As i was playing on DIG, going for 100% kills was not mandatory for me since it always be N/A enemies left on this skill anyway.
Indeed it looks like Doom 1994 map or something.


Too much annoying with Battlelord and Cycloid stuff, but it could be better map if it was more effort put in the balance. The fake exits were sneaky but also funny challenge puzzle to think about. Not bad, but it could be much better. :)

I will continue playing this episode later. The news sounds from Quake 2 and Half-Life (and other games too) actually do really fit this new atmosphere and personally i liked it. But tastes are different of course. Let's see what next levels of this episode will bring. :D

This post has been edited by LakiSoft: 07 February 2023 - 04:06 AM


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