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Duke Map/Mod of the Month Club - December 2022  "Merry Christmas!"

User is offline   FistMarine 


What's this thing?
We play through a set of maps/mods during the month, and use this thread to discuss it as we're still all fresh with our comments/opinions/feelings about the maps.

What's the purpose?
Basically, there are 4 purposes:
  • Showcasing some of the older mods/maps to wider public - they definitely deserve the attention!
  • Getting more people to actually enjoy and appreciate the user content - because let's be honest, over the past 26 years this was really what kept Duke alive after all.
  • ...and while we're at it - keeping Duke alive by still enjoying it, as there's no new games in the franchise on the horizon (and let's be honest, they wouldn't be as good as some of this stuff!).
  • Having a more structured discussion on maps than what's going in "Last map you played" thread - which is great, but it's basically a monologue most of the time.

Can I join?

Sure, as long as you find some spare time during the month to play the stuff that's on the table!

Why a month?
Because people have lives, jobs or other stuff to do (like mapping). For smaller maps, this could be shorter time - it's all up to debate in the future!

What port should I use? Are mods allowed? Where to get the maps?
It's entirely up to you how you play the game, so you can use whatever port or mod allowed - it would be cool to state in your posts what you're using too, as there might be some slight differences between the ports! As for the maps, they should be always linked within the first post.

How should I play the maps or post about them?
Again, it's up to you. You can finish them all in one go or play them one by one whenever you feel like. On Doom forums, there's a rule that you should keep the pace by not posting about a map that has a higher number than the day of the month, so e.g. on 6th you shouldn't post about map 7 etc. I think that might be a good practice if there's a large interest in this, but first let's see how active the thread is for a start - so if there's nothing going on, feel free to post about whatever map you want to.

Previous editions:

For this month, a couple Christmas themed mods/TCs have been chosen!

First, we have The Christmas Project. It was created by Rusty Nails & Mblackwell and released in December 2003. It contains two playable maps and one intro map. It was initially designed for EDUKE 2.0 but later re-released in 2006 for compatibility with EDuke32. The story of the TC is that you play as an alien who has been captured by humans and must escape before returning to Xen. As you can tell, this was inspired by the popular Half Life mod called Point of View. The alien has various abilities that will help him survive, as you will find out while playing the game.

Second, we have Countdown to Christmas by Sanek. It was released in December 2009. It is a short 3-level adventure (6 if you count the short intermission maps) that tells the story of Duke preparing for Christmas. Yes, it uses NW assets and I believe the reskinned commanders are meant to shoot rockets in this mod instead of freeze rays. Speaking of which...

Third, we have the infamous DUKE NUCLEAR WINTER! I don't think this needs any introduction but I'll explain anyway. Duke Nuclear Winter was released in December 1997 and it was made by Simply Silly Software and published by WizardWorks. The story is simple: Aliens have captured Santa Claus and brainwashed him. Realizing they need help, they are joined by the Feminist Elven Militia. Duke receives a telegram about the bad news and he has to travel to North Pole to teach the alien bastards a lesson and save Santa!
For those who don't have NW, I have supplied a DEMO version for the addon linked below. Yes, much like Duke It Out In D.C. and Duke Zone II, NW has one level demo version. In fact, I went ahead and even included the demo version of DZ2 as bonus content, though Duke Zone II will be covered at a later time, sometime during next year.

Fourth, we have an old NW TC called Duke's Snowy Adventure II: Stolen Weapons! It was created in December 1999 by Curtis Eng. The TC contains two episodes (12 levels) and actually requires NW to be installed! It is probably the first TC that requires NW to be installed to work. Unfortunately, the map's quality may not be that great and it even has stolen contents from other TCs such as the Lost Duke Episodes. You have been warned! And don't forget to check its readme file in case you have trouble installing the mod.

Fifth, we have a somewhat short Xmas-themed TC created by X-Team. It is called XMas 1997 and was supposedly released in December 1997 (around a week after Nuclear Winter came out), according to the timestamps of the files, though actually released in December 2018 on the Duke4.net forums. As far as I know, it does NOT require NW to be installed. As for the story, once again it is simple: Duke enjoys his vacation, then suddenly his phone rings. He finds out that the aliens kidnap Santa and plan to ruin Christmas. It's up to Duke to stop the aliens once more!


The Christmas Project can be downloaded at Dukeworld

Countdown to Christmas can be downloaded at Duke Repository

Nuclear Winter used to be packaged with Megaton Edition, which is no longer available to buy. Nowadays, the addons are included as bonus for buying Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition at the Zoom Platform.

However if you don't have Nuclear Winter and don't want to buy the full version, there exists a DEMO version out there that contains only the first level and also the hidden deathmatch level. The only difference is the first level doesn't contain an exit, instead there is a panel telling you to buy the full version in stores. :P
Download the demo version of NW right here at DOS Games Archive!
As a bonus, here is the Duke Zone 2 demo as well: https://www.dosgames...oad/dukezone-ii

If you have Nuclear Winter and want to (re)play it in EDuke32, you may be interested in checking out the Nuclear Winter Plus package by Hendricks266. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully!

Duke's Snowy Adventure II can be downloaded right here at Dukeworld.

XMAS1997 can be downloaded right from the original topic at the Duke4.net forums.


1) TCP was re-released in 2006 for newer EDuke32 versions, although the archive TCPpatch.zip includes the same contents as the original archive (TCP.zip) with the addition of a rar archive included inside, which contains two con files. I highly recommend just using the Addon Compilation Version instead.
2) Making TCP to work with the included EDUKE executable in DOSBox is quite tricky. It requires a dos4gw.exe file to be present in the folder (as well as DUKE3D.CFG, DUKE3D.EXE, DUKE3D.GRP and SETUP.EXE, all these files from your DUKE3D v1.5 folder if you want to just copy the required files to the TCP folder). Thanks to MrFlibble who was able to provide me with a download link for the exact file required, you can download the file right here to play the mod in DOSBox.
3) Countdown to Christmas is EDuke32 only. It is up to you whether you want to play the original release or the version included in the addon compilation.
4) Nuclear Winter can be played in various flavors (DOS, Megaton, Your Favorite Source Port or the NW+ package in EDuke32). It is up to you to choose the version to play. You can also check out the demo version if you want (as a small curiosity).
5) Duke's Snowy Adventure II is DOS-compatible and requires Duke Nuclear Winter to be installed (or at least NWINTER.GRP to be in same directory) to play the mod. It is also a bunch of files that may be difficult in getting to run in a source port, so if you want to play the mod in EDuke32, I recommend copying and pasting all the mod's contents into a folder named "dsa2" inside your EDuke32 directory. If you want to play in DOS, make a copy of your NWINTER folder (Duke3D Atomic v1.5 + Nuclear Winter), rename it to DSA2 and then run ON.BAT in DOSBox to "install" the mod. From now on, just run WINTER.BAT to play the mod.
6) XMas1997 is also DOS-compatible. Just make a copy of your ATOMIC folder (Duke3D v1.5), rename it to XMAS97, delete the DEMO files and paste the mod's contents into the folder and run the batch file.

Most entries (with the exception of Duke Nuclear Winter and Duke's Snowy Adventure II) are also included in the EDuke32 Addon Compilation. I highly recommend checking out those versions of the addons. I only provided the original download links for historical purposes, as well as installation guide to help with running/playing certain mods.
If you have any problems running a certain mod, don't forget to ask!

Have fun!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 01 December 2022 - 08:35 AM



Just asking, are there periods of the month for each Mod/Add-on or we go willy-nilly ?

User is offline   Aleks 


I'd probably suggest more choice in the Christmas themed maps. We've already played the ones by Taivo and Highwire, but I think some true gems are missing here, such as Preparing for Christmas by Mister Sinister, last year's Promise by DannyFromNewOrleans, Kuffi's Xmas 2000 and 2001 maps, Dukebert's old XXX-max98, even The Last Pissed Time. Also, I'm pretty sure JBlade did some short Christmas mod a while ago.

User is offline   ck3D 


View PostAleks, on 02 December 2022 - 12:48 PM, said:

I'd probably suggest more choice in the Christmas themed maps. We've already played the ones by Taivo and Highwire, but I think some true gems are missing here, such as Preparing for Christmas by Mister Sinister, last year's Promise by DannyFromNewOrleans, Kuffi's Xmas 2000 and 2001 maps, Dukebert's old XXX-max98, even The Last Pissed Time. Also, I'm pretty sure JBlade did some short Christmas mod a while ago.

Haha, Poison Heart sucks!

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View Postck3D, on 02 December 2022 - 11:41 PM, said:

Haha, Poison Heart sucks!

Poison Heart is a great map. It does have some oddities that make it not work smoothly with some mods, but it is great nonetheless. The oddities I'm thinking of are the mini-newbeast "elves" and some of the sprite constructions made out of inactive enemies frames and other stuff (e.g. octabrain frames). I personally got stuck in it for a while due to just not figuring out where to go, but that could happen in most big maps.


Due to stuff, I've rushed and am gonna start barfing my stuff while I still can.

No originality, I'll be talking about Nuclear Winter. For once I'll be playing it with GDX instead of EDuke, since that's what I used for Ep1+2+3 and 5.

Due to some of the things I'll say >>> Gran Turismo 4 Soundtrack - Kaiser Chiefs - I Predict a Riot - YouTube

Introduction :

Not much to say I'm afraid >_>
I remember discovering this add-on, alongside the other 2 and also Zone II and XTreme back in late Jr High School. I used to find NW to be a better add-on than DC simply due to
its higher amount of new content and more straightforward level design (though this comes more due to Smithsonian Terror back when I didn't have as good a sense of orientation as nowadays).

First thing I notice with GDX is how stupidly slow the new Intro Cutscene is x_x At least reading the Telegram isn't a TimeTrial anymore ...
(maybe its speed is random, since the music's pitch tends to be random on EDuke)

Déjà Vu :

Beaucoup de personnes ... er ... A lot of people consider this level and the next to be trash simply due to the fact they recycle the first two maps of the main game. That's way too easy.
I also tend to think (like potentially others) that most of the hatred for this add-on just boils down to that. That's WAY too easy. But it's only my biased point of view so ...

Due to the fact it's mainly E1L2 backwards, it has the same characteristics. I appreciate the fact the devs have added some small details like the ventilation near the new Phone Area. I always found it strange how you can't go through. One thing I don't like is how the Sewer Secret is mandatory damage if you want the JetPack (not that it brings anything really).
And then the Destroyed Building now being under reconstruction, this is one of the things I remember the most from this level, alongside the Spa Loungue where there used to be the first non-secret 4th weapon.
Lastly, I liked the getting into the Elevator and into the Next Level's exit.

The Evil SnowMen ... they are an interesting enemy. Due to the SnowTank I had destroyed just outside the Bar, I found myself with THREE SnowMen in a cluster, and I got snowed down to 38 HP in almost 10 seconds O_o However, once you put some distance, they become laughable ... Lastly, the new Flying SnowMen are more interesting as they're the only Official Ice Enemy in the whole game. I got hit by one of its shots which had bounced off the corner of the street. However they're not that threatening ... They just fire the same Freeze Sparkle as you can, I'd say they should have beefed up their power ...

Not gonna stretch it anymore, just adding that Frosty Music is my favorite track of the add-on. It's the only one I got 2 variations for. Anyway, that level, I like it simply for the novelty of the fact it's an inverted level of sort. Situations we already knew being tackled from the opposite angle. Not much, but at least the idea is there. And the new details kinda give this "Time has passed" impression. (the lack of these details, a true 99% recycling would have been scandalous I agree).

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 04 December 2022 - 12:55 AM


User is offline   NNC 


The assets of NW are much better than the levels themselves. With better levels, this could have been a good game. I love the horror movie in Hollywood's cinema. Then the chanting couple, and the many new custom art and sounds. I'm not sure about the elves. They need the last 1% of fine tune coding and the wrapping sound was annoying, but the concept and art was good. I think some blizzard/winter sound would have made the silent atmosphere more interesting. The best thing is IMHO the snowman enemy and the tank version. I actually think it's quite brilliant in the concept. The boss was cheap, but at least there was one (there was no new boss in Caribbean/DC), and it's not the cheapest official boss in Duke 3D's history.

Overall, the assets themselves might entice mappers to make proper levels with them.

This post has been edited by The Watchtower: 04 December 2022 - 10:36 AM



I recon some of the assets are used in DukeZone 2 ?

Where it all Began :

Same concept as the previous level, but I have a feeling more work went into this one in comparisson, as I feel there are more new elements, especially the new Movie. Sounds like the devs of this add-on would have liked to include more animations like this.

The starting area can be kinda tricky with those 3 Flying Snowmen, when they decide to spam their projectile. Too bad the singing girl got caught by a stray bullet T_T Never happened before. I like how they gave the Theatre the one thing it lacks in the main game > An actual Entrance with the cash registers. I also like the take on the appartment building which is mandatory this time instead of a secret. Now about the new enemies. The SG Elves are just lesser PigCops, I don't find they bring much to the game. The Uzi Elves however are much more interesting, and a decent addition IMO. They're fast, they jump and machine gun you. And they're stealth. Kinda like a hitscan Protector before time.
As for the Presents, I like the mechanic especially as it is well in the theme of the add-on, however it eventually brings a small problem. The same that I have with Shadow Warrior >> too much ammo ! You're basically almost always full on 3rd and 4th ammo and, just like with SW (and other mods), it makes me feel insistingly invited to use them. I wonder about you guys ?

It's interesting how the level ends, though they couldn't decently place a ladder in there. It also makes me imagine that Duke uses his JetPack to go to the next level. Must be quite the long and cold journey O_o Also begs the question of that ellusive 10% JetPack NightFright recently mentioned in the NW+ thread >_> Anyway, not gonna stretch it, music is okay to me, though it's not high on my list.

Small conclusion about these two levels, I understand why people don't like the fact they recycle E1L1+2 but like I already said, they added novelties to differenciate them and have a few new landmarks to remember. Also, they eventually became more detailed than the originals. And playing them backwards gives a new spin to their gameplay, even though marginal. And like I said last time, it feels like these 2 levels are the only thing people keep in mind with this mod and hate it for, and I NEVER like it when people give me the feeling that they hate/judge a game out of 1 or 2 isolate things like that >_< And I'm pretty sure this is the very reason why some other people say this add-on gets more hatred than it's worth ...

Land of Forgotten Toys :

First actual new level.

Now overall, this level kinda lacks in detailing, namely because it's just an assortment of different locations. They are all interesting in their own rights, but everything in-between is kinda basic. That being said, I like the non-linear approach. I find it's not done enough, this whole "You have to go everywhere, but you can do it however you want" approach. Linguini Land is my least favorite :/ While the Tier Drops deal is interesting, it's just too basic, and there's not way to tell which whell is the correct one. I remember, for a long long while I didn't understand it was all a Mario reference. BTW do we talk about the whole No Console and Non-Plugged TV ?

Then the Doom level reference. It does its job of an easter egg and that's it. Surely would have been nice to add an additional area or two but whatever. House area is the more interesting one IMO, but also the hardest with the Tanks and Uzi Elves X__X I remember dying a few times here back in the days. I also always thought you could slide down the Chimney somehow ... a huge missed opportunity ! Bridge Area is the better landmark IMO. I like how it's designed. This, the Doom ref and the House are the things I remember the most when I think of this level. Sewer Area is too short to generate any opinion. Always found the Pool to be kinda weird looking, maybe it's the lights ..
Lastly, I like how the ending is presented. You emerge near a house with a good angle of view. I like it when the end of a level teases the beginning of the next like that.

Music is my second fave I think. It's catchy ... perhaps a bit too much ...

In the end, it's a mixed bag for me, as only the individual areas are good to me, what's in-between is basic. Will be in the lower end of my list ...

This post has been edited by TheDragonLiner: 05 December 2022 - 12:42 AM


User is offline   FistMarine 


View PostTheDragonLiner, on 02 December 2022 - 10:24 AM, said:

Just asking, are there periods of the month for each Mod/Add-on or we go willy-nilly ?

I would have suggested playing them in the order mentioned above but since you already started playing, I suppose everyone is free to start with any of the five chosen addons. I admit when I nominated the entries in past month, I completely forgot about The Christmas Project and only got reminded recently when creating the topic. Because of that, I decided to first play TCP (see below).

View PostAleks, on 02 December 2022 - 12:48 PM, said:

I'd probably suggest more choice in the Christmas themed maps. We've already played the ones by Taivo and Highwire, but I think some true gems are missing here, such as Preparing for Christmas by Mister Sinister, last year's Promise by DannyFromNewOrleans, Kuffi's Xmas 2000 and 2001 maps, Dukebert's old XXX-max98, even The Last Pissed Time. Also, I'm pretty sure JBlade did some short Christmas mod a while ago.

I was thinking at nominating all these separately but unfortunately I couldn't fit them all in the same schedule for the same month. If the Christmas stuff was chosen last year, we would have played through the Christmas maps at that time and the mods/TCs this year or vice versa. Thus, the other Christmas themed stuff will have to wait for another time because I don't want to end up with like 40-50 maps in a single month. Not to mention that until next time, we might have newer Christmas/Winter releases that will fit nicely into the map/mod club.

With this occasion, for the other Christmas event planned in the future, I will also include stuff that was already chosen/played before (such as Driving Home For Christmas and Just Another Christmas), just to give the people another chance to play them if they missed the previous event. This is done as an exception. As another example, if we get to play Kevin Cools' maps one day, then his Xmas themed maps and his collaboration with Alejandro on Eye-Witness, will be chosen again. And finally, if people missed the original Duke Nukem 3D event months ago, we can get Duke Nukem 64 and Total Meltdown (though for latter, it will mostly focus on the exclusive episode) to be played in one of the upcoming events. ;)

View Postck3D, on 02 December 2022 - 11:41 PM, said:

Haha, Poison Heart sucks!

I never played Poison Heart but I'm surprised you would talk like that about your own map. Unless you were joking of course. :P
Speaking of the map, I checked the release topic and the screenshots looked cool and I will probably play it soon, as I was actually playing through various EDuke32 user maps in past couple of days/weeks, some of which I never played before. I'm really trying to catch up with many releases that I've neglected before.

About the NW assets, I agree, they are pretty decent overall (except for lazy shit like one of the disappearing dying frames of the Flying Frosty enemy, Santa's corpse also disappeared if killed with bullet-based weapons) and I think that a community project using NW assets would be very cool to have one day. Nuclear Winter the way SillySoft should have done. :lol:

I am pretty sure that Duke Zone II used some assets (though I haven't played DZ2 in years, so I don't fully remember every detail) that would later be reused in Nuclear Winter. If I'm not mistaken, Duke Zone II was released in early 1997, while Nuclear Winter was released in late 1997. They were both created by Simply Silly Software. In general, developers seem to reuse assets between their works, so I'm sure that's the case here as well.

Anyway, with this occasion, I will review one of the mods and this way I hope to change my posting schedule from now on instead of reviewing everything at the end. For today, I will review The Christmas Project! I played the original 2003 version in EDUKE (using DOSBox 0.74-3) and the updated 2006 version in the good old EDuke32 1.4.0 beta 2. I played both on skill 3 (Snowstorm) and then replayed on skill 4 (Blizzard).

I also decided to bump up the brightness and enable crosshair. I finally realized that I should have bumped up the brightness long time ago when playing DOS Duke3D maps/mods, so I am sorry for all the dark DOS-quality screenshots posted before. Though it still doesn't explain why the captured EDuke32 screenshot (I will get to upload the full album later, the EDuke32 pictures aren't here in this post) has the default brightness level when I have clearly played with bumped up brightness (the same thing happens in newer EDuke32 builds)...


Attached Image: TCP_1.pngAttached Image: TCP_2.pngAttached Image: TCP_3.png
Attached Image: TCP_4.pngAttached Image: TCP_5.pngAttached Image: TCP_6.png

The Christmas Project is a short demo TC which includes new art, new sounds, new music and a couple new features I will explain shortly. It also includes a short gameplay demo of the INTERLUDE map that tries to tell the mod's story. After that, due to demos 2 and 3 not being replaced, it leads to a funny desync situation with the alien getting killed by the Duke3D aliens in Area 51 and Duke-Burger. Oh and the alien apparently holds an invisible pistol, which only seems to be available in any other map than the two playable maps.

Anyway, I don't know if the name of the alien you're controlling is explained anywhere (besides a name mentioned in second level when talking at phone with his master) but the alien resembles the Vortigaunt from Half Life. He is given the name Xonxt in the Point of View mod for Half Life, so for the reference, the playable alien in TCP will be called Xonxt in this review.


This map is seen in the intro demo and accessible by selecting any of the other episodes (2-4). You are on the alien planet (Xen) and will notice two other aliens (vortigaunts) standing there. There is no exit and walking off the platform will kill you but you can test your abilities here if you want and get used to how the mod plays.

Xonxt runs slower than Duke, though he still retains the same jump height. He cannot move when crouching, so keep this in mind! He has a recharging laser attack (Shrinker replacement) holding up to 8 rounds and a kick attack. He can't "quick kick", so you have to select the weapon separately by pressing "1" button. But I don't see why you would want to do that (besides smashing some objects), especially since when the 7th weapon is recharging, the weapon auto-switches to it anyway.

You get two inventory items (abilities): Alien Vision (press N to activate) which makes screen greenish/blueish tinted (looks really cool, has no limit, though can't select the other item until you turn it off) and Sprint (press R to activate), which makes Xonxt run fast for a limited time before he becomes tired and the screen turns dark for a while, until the ability can be activated again in a short amount of time after the screen goes back to normal.

You have 100 health maximum and no armor, nor extra health or medkit item. There are no health items anywhere, however there exists a pool (in the two playable maps) that heals you by standing on it (regenerates 3 hp quickly up to 100). This may make the mod challenging at times and a perfect example of how fragile Duke (and most FPS protagonists) can be without any armor and just the default 100 health limit. Therefore, you should seek the healing pool as soon as possible!

Oh yeah and for difficulty settings, once again it only affects the amount of enemies encountered at the start of the level (e.g. those placed in the map, not those that are scripted to spawn later). This is only affecting the first level, as the second level has only spawned enemies. I would suggest playing the mod on the third difficulty and then replaying it on the fourth difficulty. The enemies thankfully DON'T respawn on the hardest difficulty!

There are no secrets to find at all in this mod and the enemies don't add/count to kills, so you will always score 0/0 secrets and kills in this mod.

With that said, let's jump into the mod properly! Select the first episode and the desired skill level to begin the adventure!
Attached Image: TCP_SPACE.png

Enter the Escape

You start in a base and have to escape. You are standing on an electrical floor (this is to make sure it removes your invisible pistol from your inventory), so immediately move forward to avoid/minimize damage. Eventually, upon opening the door, you will fight soldiers, which are the only enemies you will face in this mod. They don't deal too much damage with their machineguns (only about 2 damage per bullet) but their grenades (acting like the ones lobbed by Mini Battlelords) hurt a lot, dealing 40+ damage, so be careful! Just spam lasers at them and they will die. But note that lobbed grenades (that didn't get destroyed) cannot be destroyed by your attacks, so watch where you step!

Don't worry about your ammo, as it will recharge quickly, just make sure to not run out of charges during the battle. After that, move on to the next room and watch out for an explosion that will happen. Advance slowly to the next room, because a bunch of soldiers will be attacking you. Once you took them out, you have two doors to open. First check the right side and you will notice it leads to a dead end. Now go to check the left side, where you will notice the path will be blocked by a crate and some soldiers firing from behind it. What you have to do is to position yourself and try to shoot through that small gap, you should be killing the soldiers and then blow up those barrels that will allow you to advance to the next part of the map.

Kill a couple more soldiers and then you will get to the snowy area. Be careful! I recommend saving before getting to the recharge pool, because from now on, you will encounter those annoying landmines that will INSTAKILL you! It doesn't matter if you have 100 health or less, if you step on a landmine, you are dead!

Also, if you lost too much health early on, way before you get to the recharge pool, then it is recommended to restart the level instead of turning into a save/load spam fest. After you make it to the recharge pool, step on it and wait until your health is refilled to 100. There is no limit to how many times you can do this. It is essentially the mod's answer to drinking water in Duke Nukem 3D (and punching those training dummies in Shadow Warrior). This is very much needed!

After doing that, open the door (just press on it, as the switch is already activated). Be careful at the next parts with the soldiers ambushing you. Kill the soldiers and look for your fellow aliens running away. Be careful as some soldiers will be spawning behind you. And there is a bullshit explosion that can kill you if you go the main path, so go the RIGHT path to avoid getting blown by explosions (sometimes you can survive them but other times you die). And also watch where you step! Landmines can be hidden below enemies' corpses. If you want, you can go back and refill your health before exiting, to start the next level with full health.

Once you made it to the end sector with the helicopter sequence, you will see a message on top and then the level will end after that.

It was an interesting (though somewhat frustrating) starting level. The next level should be more interesting.
Attached Image: TCP_LVL1_1.pngAttached Image: TCP_LVL1_3.png
Attached Image: TCP_LVL1_4.pngAttached Image: TCP_LVL1_5.png

Welcome to Rustwell!

The second level begins with you standing in the middle of the street. You may want to explore a bit before advancing, such as finding the location of the recharging health pool, which will be very useful. It is located near the book store, just go to the right of the book store and you should find it. There are no enemies initially present and they only show up after completing each task successfully. Therefore, the map should play the same on all difficulty settings. I will also offer a short walkthrough.

You need to enter the Joe's Store and pick up a cellphone. Don't worry about the owner freaking up, as he doesn't fight back. You can kill him if you want. Pick up the phone and read the messages carefully. Nihilanth (the final boss from Half Life) will tell you what to do. Exit the store and fight the soldiers that showed up outside. After defeating them, go to the healing pool to get your health back to 100 and then save. It is important to heal after every fight, to ensure a high survival chance. It is also recommended to save after each task successfully completed in case there is a rare chance for the script to glitch and get you stuck unable to progress.

Next, go visit the Rent-a-Book store. Kill the owner (optionally) and pick up the book in middle of the shelf with your open button (SPACE or E or whatever you set to). Go outside and fight more spawned soldiers. Go to the healing pool and then save.

Next, go to the parking lot to blow up the parked car with your laser attacks. Jump and pick up the battery. Press/hold the open button to pick it up. If the soldiers didn't spawn, you have to reload the saved game as there are some supposed to spawn and may screw up with your progression. After killing the soldiers, refill your health and save.

Next, go visit the Motel. Go in the opened room, kill the owner (optionally) and pick up the joystick with the open button. Go outside, fight the soldiers, heal up and save.

Next, go to the City Hall and blow up the left fan/vent. Fall down the vent (you will lose about 17 hp) and go towards the spaceship.

Once you reach the mini spaceship, jump on it and crouch while pressing/holding the open button when the message "ENTER SHIP!" appears on screen. If done successfully, you will see a cutscene and after that, the authors wishing you a Merry Christmas!

Congratulations! You have completed The Christmas Project!

Overall, I liked this level a lot better and wrapped up the TC very nicely.
Attached Image: TCP_LVL2_1.pngAttached Image: TCP_LVL2_4.png
Attached Image: TCP_LVL2_5.pngAttached Image: TCP_LVL2_6.png

Closing Thoughts: The Christmas Project is a nice short TC that I only wish was longer (about 5 levels long) with few more weapons/abilities and enemies because it has potential to become a full TC and would have liked to see more of the story, allied aliens fighting against the soldiers and stuff like that. :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 05 December 2022 - 06:00 AM



Santa Corporate HQ :

How does the cave and pool of last time suddenly disappears ? Takes off points for continuity >_<

One thing I like about this level is the interior's atmosphere in some places. Though, for a Santa HQ, it looks kinda small :/ I often get confused in the search for the Blue KeyCard because there are 2 very easy to miss corridors. Also that Ending Room with tons of ForceFields around feels kinda wonky ... Lastly, that room with the Map ... somehow I remember seeing Santa sprites on that map, not Duke sprites O_o Am I remembering it wrong ?
I remember looking at that Reflecting Floor corridor and finding it quite nice back then ! Then, I think is my favorite room, the Santa Bureau. I don't know but this room kinda gives me the feeling you'd like to be there a bit, with the fire and the comfy looking chairs. No idea about the Names on the List. Anybody ?

Outside area, I remember it being the one place where I ONCE got that ellusive Invincible SnowMan Glitch as there are 2 Flying ones next to each other and I had used the 8th weapon whenever it happened. The area with the Red KeyCard is another looker to me. I often get caught off guard by the SnowMen behind the Door, as you can peek into their area beforehand and see none >_>

There are some good fighting in this level IMO, didn't know where to put it. Music is okay, not my style but still in the higher part of the list.

In the end, that level's gonna be in the higher parts of my list. For its gameplay and atmosphere, and more memorable bits compared to the others.

The Back Door :

Always found it weird that there are 2 SnowMen under the Start O_o And once again, the ending of the previous level disappeared !

I usually remember this level just for its music ... Bizillion TripBombs be weird too. Starting room looks okay, though its only advantage is a nice little jumping puzzle for an Atomic Health. Next comes one of the only 3 places that stand out in the level. That room with the small stairs. I think it must come down to the fancy lights here and there but when I think of this level, this is the first room that comes to mind. Then the one with the Big Pit and a sneaky trap. Kinda creative to place a TripBomb with an Enemy purposefully on its path ... And lastly the Final Sewer area, which used to confuse me a bit back in the days due to the side pools and the slopes.
There are some good fights in this level, so far possibly the best alongside the previous level. Funny thing, I froze an Uzi Elve just as it had jumped. She continued her jumping motion while frozen and smashed herself on landing ^^

Music, used to be one of my favorites but not anymore. Still in the higher part of my list though. Not much to say about this level in the end ... I actually find it to be the least inspiring level of the whole add-on. The 3 notable rooms stand out to me but that's pretty much it. There's nothing special about them or the level apart from the combat.
In the end that level will be struggling for last place ...


Only one this time, to keep the closing thoughts together with the last level.

Christmas Village :

Now that's better. I have a strange memory about that level (later).

Right off the bat, it's a more inspiring level than the previous. Also, a good bunch of fighting IMO. 6 FREAKING TANKS. I've never used the RPG so much in a DN3D add-on/mod. Village looks fine to me. Like the small SnowMobile. If it were SW I would have liked to drive it. Slope area saw me caught off-guard by a Shrinker Elve. I remembered these but it's always such a surprise when it happens O_o Good thing it chased me poorly.
Naughty House is forgettale, too basic. Entrance of the general area is more impactful to me. Bedrooms aren't too inspiring either ...

The "Letter Building" for lack of better word, is more interesting, though its design doesn't give me the same vibe as what I had described in "Corporate HQ". But this is where I have stuff to say. 1_ There is a second Red KeyCard. What's the deal with that ? 2_ More importantly, I like the Bedroom with the Chest and the sort of RunWay in the distance. Now, in my JFDuke memories of High School, I am persuaded that I could cross the barrier, and attempt to reach that RunWay, and it would Finish the level. But I can't do that with EDuke and GDX. Though it still finishes the level if you clip towards it. Again, am I remembering wrong ?

Nothing about music since already mentioned before. All in all, that's another level that would be in the upper part of the list. It's more inspiring than the previous, it's got good combats too, more consistant architecture quality ... Won't be 1st, but still.

User is offline   Aleks 


I've played The Christmas Project, which took a whooping 10-15 minutes to complete in total. Used the version from the Addon Compilation (not the most recent one probably, since it's been a while since I've downloaded the pack), which unfortunately doesn't play the final cutscene and has only some frames from the end of level screen stretched to hi res, so it flickers a bit :P

As for the mod, I remember playing it when it first came out during the glorious AMC days, being one of the first "full blown" EDuke mods IIRC. It really does feel and play like a demo of a kind, since the levels are very short and linear, feels a bit wasted considering how much effort probably went into all the coding and new art and it's too bad it was never... elaborated.

I like the protagonist being changed into a kind of HL enemy alien (also I think the soldiers are using Counter Strike graphics?). The shooting attack is fun to use, considering there's a little delay/warm up between starting to shoot and the projectiles actually firing, which makes for quite a different combat than usual. The melee attack is nice too, but it's too bad you can't use mousewheel to change between the weapons, as it's on the mighty foot slot (soit would just change into the non-existent pistol with 0 ammo, then auto-change back to the shooter thing). The soldiers' attacks are far too weak, which makes combat a bit too easy even on the highest difficulty - the machine gun barely does any damage, so you just have to keep at close distance to avoid any potential grenades. They also seem quite erratic in their movement and shooting. The nightvision "item" is barely useful (despite there being this dark room in first level), didn't really use running much either.

As for the levels, I liked the use of landmines to restrict the players movement - instead of some invisible walls. The first level is quite typical base/hi-tech of early 2000s, consisting mostly of corridors really. The final, with your "friends" trying to escape and getting mowed down, is probably the funniest bit. The second level is a small and "open" city, it's too bad you can't do the tasks at any order and have to strictly follow the instructions, which makes the whole thing unnecessarily linear. The design relies heavily on new art, but isn't that good IMO - there's some nice places, like the outside art gallery, but especially the interiors look kinda meh. Also, it took me a while to find the "right spot" where I should stand on the alien ship to finish the level, probably more sectors should be given the proper lotag. The fights in this level are much more fun and dynamic than in the first one, with large open spaces, the soldiers are more inclined on using the grenades.

Overall, the mod seemed like a nice change from our usual grinding of Duke 3D maps and episodes we do here, have to give it that!


Here Comes Santa Claws :

Irritating, music be irritating >_<

Now that level is interesting in how it revolves entirely about entering that Hanger and then the Office, but apart from that ... It's a very short level which I'd say does the job, there are some good design here and there and some details like the Loading Area at the back, the Party Room and the Assembly Line. I also like that Piniata in the Office, a creative way to hide the Ammo Bonnanza from the Blimp.

When playing this level, I actually discovered something I didn't know. That Sewer part, I used to think it was only there for an easy Secret with Atomic Health, but in fact it's actually a semi-secret way to enter the Hanger directly in the Assembly Room. Now, it's definitely the less practical and safe way to enter, but it's an interesting thing. Might also come in handy if this map can be played in DeathMatch mode. Now there's an oddity I personally don't understand. Once you've opened the Office, WHY is it that the room with the XMas Trees next to it light up in red ? Anyone ?

As for Santa, I'd say he's a better boss to fight than some of the regular ones. It's very mobile, and if you loose sight of him (or the opposite), searching back for him can be tense since he can suddenly come out of a corner with an RPG shot in yer face ! Also, the fact he has 5 weapons, a JetPack to follow you and potentially avoid obstacles AND Steroïds to make you believe it was going to be that easy .... Damn, that must be the most tricked out boss of the whole official game ! In what is deemed the worst add-on ! And it's also a bit of a funny one with its voicelines. It's a shame that you get to hear only 2 98% of the time T_T When I was using JFDuke back in the old days, I remember hearing "I have a present fo you" two or three times" and "What ? No milk n' cookie for Santa ?" ONLY ONCE EVER EVER EVER.
I remember looking at the .voc files in GRP Studio a bunch of months ago, and I was surprised to see all the lines they recorded, and yet none of them is actually used O_o There's even one that clearly indicates he was supposed to say something and thank Duke for the Ending, but instead we just got the classic Still Images and the less classic SnowMan. They could have like put it on the second Image in place of the Explosion Sound, what do you think ?

Now that level, isn't too inspiring but since it's the final boss, and a good one that is, I'll be more lenient about it. It feels to me like a repurposed DeathMatch map, and given how the Boss works, it kinda works wonders, surprisingly O_o

*crushing the "I predict a Riot Joke*

Closing Thoughts : When playing with the intent of writing for the club, I am surprised at how I notice stuff I usually overlook just because of emitting a judgement o_O And, it made me realise why people say the add-on is underrated. Usually I am amongst those who say it gets more hatred than it should, but now I'm standing with the underrated ones. And for the last time, it always brings me back to how it seems to me that people hate that add-on (to the point of calling it UN-fucking-official for some !) only because of the first two levels' being remixes of the original game's. And perhaps, the 3rd level might have some negative influence to a lesser extent too ...
To add insult to those who hate this add-on, would you believe that, back in High School, I used to call it superior to DC ? Like I said in the Intro ? Anyway, time for the rankings.

Musics, would be 1_ Frosty, 2_ Jingle Bells, 3_ Rudolf, 4_ Sleigh Ride (I think), 5_ Winter WonderLand and 6_ Here Comes Santa.

Levels, would be ... 1_ Corporate HQ, 2_ Christmas Village, 3_ Where it Began, 4_ Déjà Vu, 5_ Here Comes Santa, 6_ Forgotten Toys and 7_ Back Door.


Because it's very short, and I was in a rush, and I may not be able to participate in later clubs, I decided to take another spin at "CountDown To Christmas".
Played with the Add-On Compilation.

Introduction :

Now this is a mod I discovered only a bunch of years ago. I like the concept of multiple different levels with an interlude which progresses with each completion. Now the stories, some of them I don't find fitting for the character, but hey, it's the good old fashioned ass kicking that matters !
Lastly, while I like the design of the house, I find it to be kinda basic. Since it's just an interlude, it would have been nice to detail it more, though I don't know enough about the mod to temper my opinion ...

Snow Battle :

That level isn't the most thrilling one of the bunch to me. Starting area is okay, then a questionable Ship in the middle of a completely closed off Pond :/ At least I like the long range combat we have there. The interior of the ship is the more interesting part of the level. The first room before we go down the ladder reminds me of another level about a Submarine but I forgot the name ... I like how the NW PigCops and Enforcers return, too bad the Troopers don't >_> Same trouble as with Derelict > Annoying Doors >_<

Going back to the Stating area has a nice twist with the BattleLord and all those Troopers and all. A good finally I'd say. And a small dessert behind the Final Door. Nice to see the Flying Snowman ... if only they had left its Frezzing Attack in place of the Rockets >_>
Won't mention the music since we already discussed it.

Well that was short O_o I'm afraid I don't find anything to say about this level. It doesn't inspire me much, apart from the Ship section and the Final Fights, which are the 2 landmarks to me.


User is offline   FistMarine 


Next up, we have Countdown to Christmas by Sanek! I used the original release (I think) from Duke Repository.

Just note that the EDuke32 build (r5498) I used seems to have caused a minor incompatibility with the level names now containing the par times in their title. I am guessing that at one point, EDuke32 supported stuff like 5:00 instead of the default 05:00 and newer versions have trouble reading this and include it as part of the level name. Because of that, I will include the timer as well in my review to make it seem more humorous. ;)

Thankfully, this is only a minor visual glitch and the mod is still playable from beginning to the end. There are 6 maps included (E1L1-E1L6) but only three of them are actual playable maps, the rest three are just nice short intermission maps that explain the mod's story. The mod shares many assets from Nuclear Winter, as you can already tell.

It must be mentioned that each level starts you without any weapons, therefore the only thing that gets transferred between the levels is your health, so try to have as much health as possible when finishing the first two playable levels, although there are medkits given in between the levels as well, just in case you happen to finish a level with less than 100 health. There are also a couple points of no return (especially in the last level) and only two secrets to be found (again in the last level), so I will offer a short walkthrough and the secret guide.

5:00 Intro

Duke recollects his Christmas adventures. This type of text will appear once in a while, mostly in the intro maps. Just press the OPEN button (E by default in EDuke32) to advance the gameplay.

Anyway, you visit Duke's house. Open the door ahead of you and then the one in the left side, where you can see a blue card. Approaching the blue card will display a message telling a story and starting the next level.
Attached Image: snow_e1l1_1.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l1_2.png

5:00 Snow Battle

This level has one area inspired by Derelict. Go right immediately and grab the ARMOR and PISTOL! Kill the trooper, collect a few pistol clips and another pistol, visit the building which contains a pig cop and a switch required for progression, then go towards the shipment. Take advantage of your pistol's sniping capabilities to get rid of the aliens and pig cops waiting for you on the shipment. Drop down and stand in the water to get picked up by the crane (look for the barrels getting grabbed by the crane). Pick up the dropped shotguns from the pig cops and open the door, kill the trooper and collect a shotgun. Drop down and clear the rest of rooms until you come across a red card. Make sure to also visit the room that contains RPG and Jetpack, the latter will be useful to escape from this place.
Use the red card to unlock another corridor. One room contains the blue card. Backtrack until you find the stairs, jetpack to get out and fight the spawned enemies, including a Mini Battlelord and various other aliens waiting for you.

Afterwards, kill the enemies behind the blue door. Look for the Flying Frosty (a reskinned commander) that shoots rockets instead of freeze rays. I am still not sure if this was intended because while the original commander shoots rockets, the NW equivalent shoots freeze rays. It's weird to see the enemy was reskinned but its attack was unchanged. Oh and the enemy still has a missing death frame, which makes me realize that Flying Frosty simply has a missing death frame and it's not a faulty of CON coding in NW.

Not much else to say, the level was fine, though a bit lacking in details in some parts. Looking forward for the next adventure!
Attached Image: snow_e1l2_1.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l2_2.png
Attached Image: snow_e1l2_3.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l2_4.png

5:00 Intro 2

Duke needs to buy a Christmas tree. You start in the chair where the first level ended. Now go visit the other door to start your next adventure!
Attached Image: snow_e1l3_1.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l3_2.png

2:00 Christmas Tree

This level is shorter and simpler than the previous playable level, although this time you don't have access to an armor pickup (unless you get one from a pig cop later in map).

Approaching the Christmas tree will send you inside the house, so make sure to grab the large medkit if you didn't grab it earlier. Inside the house, you get the chaingun and an atomic health. You can grab it now or save it for later if you feel like finishing the level with more health. I chose to grab it earlier and ended up finishing the level with 101 health as a result of some aliens being sneaky. This also proves that the lack of armor will make fights in general a bit more difficult but thankfully there is plenty of health to get around.

Anyway, kill the aliens in the next room while watching out for the ones hiding (including a reskinned commander!) and look for the nuke button in front of the Xmas tree.

Another nice short level, let's see what the next one has in store for us! ;)
Attached Image: snow_e1l4_1.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l4_2.png
Attached Image: snow_e1l4_3.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l4_4.png

5:00 Intro3

It's getting late and Duke tells us a story where he worked at a Post Office on Christmas Eve, while some ghosts visited him.
Attached Image: snow_e1l5.png

3:00 Christmas Carol

As you can tell from the title, the level is based off the good old A Christmas Carol. I'm sure you have heard of it and seen the movie at least. For instance, I've seen the 2009 movie back when it came out. :P

Anyway, while working at the post office, Ebenezer Scrooge Duke Nukem gets attacked by the aliens. Kill all those troopers located in the streets and visit the gaming store where you find two red troopers apparently playing Duke Nukem 3D. Don't forget to grab both the Blue Card and Armor! Look for the spawned sentry drones in the street.

Now go to insert the blue card and clear the store from aliens. Kill the pig cop and grab the red key. Go downstairs, kill the trooper and pig cop and grab the yellow card. Before advancing any further, I want to mention that there is a secret place you can find early and there is a point of no return (after entering the place with the yellow card).

You should go check all the doors of the stores, some of them you can access. Go to the place that says HOEZ and you will see a dancing lady. Press on the wall which reveals the first secret containing Armor, two tripmines (weapon) and also a trip mine trap already set, so be careful when grabbing the items. You can survive the explosion, provided you have your health at full and you don't stand too close to the explosion. To recover your health, go find the toilet in one of the areas visited earlier.

Once you are done with visiting all the stores, insert the yellow card, go to the first left door, kill the red trooper, grab the pistol ammo and now save because it is the first point of no return. Go to the next door in the left side and you will suddenly get teleported to your home. This begins the second part of the level.

Go to the bathroom, jump in the bathtub to collect the blue card and look out for an Octabrain spawned! There is another one in the next room as well. Kill them and if needed, use the toilet to recover your health. Insert the blue card and wait for the door to open slowly. Kill another Octabrain, grab the stuff and now prepare for another point of no return. Jump/walk on the DEATH bed and you will be teleported to a weird place where you must do a short platforming sequence. Jump on the platforms carefully and you should easily make it on the first attempt.

After that, you will get teleported to the streets. Clear them from the alien bastards and visit one of the stores which has two pig cops guarding a yellow card. I recommend saving here because there is a chance one of the pig cops will glitch the door and you will get softlocked because the door won't open anymore. After you got the yellow card, watch for the various ambushes and then use the card to enter the club, which is probably the best part of the level. Kill the aliens and when approaching the arcade machine you will see a message saying "HIT SPACE TO SHOOT", though in reality you need to push E to activate/open something (like with the dialogue appearing in some levels), as these are the default EDuke32 controls. Maybe the mod was meant to be DOS/JFDuke3D compatible at one point? :P

Anyway, this is a neat little Easter Egg/reference of Space Invaders. It's not fully playable but you can make the spaceship shoot at least, which is pretty awesome! After that, enter the vent. In the left side of the vent, there is a fake wall you can go through, which contains the second secret of the map: another armor pickup! Of course you should grab it when your current armor gets lower and probably before the next point of no return.

Kill the slimers, then the enforcer and grab the blue card and portable medkit. Press on the dancing lady to hand her money and refill 10 health. You know what I mean. ;)

Go back to the previous room, kill the aliens that have spawned and use the blue card to unlock the Shop-n-Bag. Go to the back door, grab the RPG and Red card and prepare for the aliens that have spawned, including two commanders!

Afterwards, use the red card to unlock the last building. Kill the pig cop and save. This is another point of no return. You might want to grab everything before exiting, such as the armor from second secret place (hopefully you've found the first secret as well, if you're going for 100% completion).

You are sent to a small maze (you might recognize the textures from Blood) where you kill a bunch of ghosts (troopers, octabrains and even a protector drone). But wait, it's not over yet! Look out for a Mini Battlelord that will spawn near you, so prepare for the last fight of the level! Once you took him out, you need to jump in the grave. You will eventually wake up in your bed at home, realizing it was just a dream!

Visit the bathroom and then go towards the entrance door. You will get a nice ending picture with the author (Sanek) thanking you for playing and wishing you a Merry Christmas! Afterwards, press E to finish and get sent to the main menu.

Congratulations, you have finished Countdown to Christmas!
Attached Image: snow_e1l6_1.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l6_2.pngAttached Image: snow_e1l6_3.png
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Attached Image: snow_e1l6_7.png

Overall, this was another nice short TC. I really liked the third map the most and I only wish the mod was slightly longer and slightly more polished, as in the commanders should have used freeze rays like in NW. Which also means that next time, Nuclear Winter will be the one reviewed, as I've started playing it recently! And also don't forget in two days, it is the anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition v1.5!

Have a nice weekend! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 09 December 2022 - 04:55 AM



Last intervention for the club ^^

BTW FistMarine, what's with the "3:00" and "5:00" ?

Christmas Tree :

Outside Area is kinda weird. Like you can go around the whole place without limitation while it definitely feels like you shouldn't be allowed to O_o Anyway, it's an interesting bit, with the usual Suicide down a whell and taking the smallest tree around. Back home, it's classic indoors fighting I'd say. With the one memorable moment being the Final Room, not only for its action litterally packed (yes in that order) but also for the decoration and the clever use of some DN3D assets to build up the tree.

Music is funny. Since the level is very short, it doesn't overstay its tune.

Insanely short X_X I'd say it was a more interesting level since it's a short but more intense experience.

Christmas Carol :

Now we're talking ! That town looks quite nice, the new textures help a bunch. The town is well details, the cars look good. And the few little buildings we can visit have cramped but believable rooms. A LOT of Pistol action, I don't mind since I consider this weapon to be underrated (autoaim might be a reason). I remember when I first played it, I struggled due to the surprisingly high amount of enemies. Also a few Pigcops in close range with only the Pistol didn't help. Overall, it's a nice action packed corridor.

Then it's a good thing there is that big red Arrow to indicate the last door because it takes quite some closure to trigger its teleport and since it's a texture, it wouldn't take much for it to be completely missed. I like Duke's home by its believable design, but it looks a bit cheap compared to Duke's stature. Which is what I mentioned with the Story at the beginning. It doesn't match the perception I'd have of Duke's more down-to-Earth activities and status :/
"Looks like I'm dreaming or something", how many of us would like to be having this reflection during sleep ? The Colored Platforms kinda remind me of Redneck Rampage Route 66's final level.

Speaking of RR, a small ref in the second Town Area. Much more difficult than the previous one due to the increased amount of PigCops and Enforcers. I think the previous one in aesthetics, but it compensates in the combat department. And gotta point out the Bar/Club as the one set-piece of this part. Perhaps too many troopers for a non Chaingun map but still. Also have to appreciate the small Interactive Game. Too bad there's nothing to shoot on in it but still, a nice novelty. Nothing to say about the Blood Labyrinth. Nice little Photo at the end !

In short, best level in the mod.

Closing Thoughts : Well it turns out it was shorter than I remembered. I like the concept like I described earlier, and all 3 levels have good gameplay. It's just only 2 of them really stand out to me. 2nd Level for its idea, and 3rd for pretty much everything. I wish I could say more but I would be stretching for blabbering >_>

User is online   Quacken 


What in the heck? I'm 13 days late? Well, to explain my absence, I was on holidays for two weeks. Now that I'm back, it's time to settle into Duke 3D again and contribute to December's Mod of the Month Club. To speed things along, I'm gonna cover The Christmas Project in its entirety first. It's only two maps, so let's get to it!

Enter the Escape

You know, out of all the things I expected "The Christmas Project" to be, I had no idea that I would be playing a Half-Life WAD. Armed with a bony hand that can shoot regenerative balls of lightning from your fingertips and forced to do battle against exactly 32 HECU soldiers, none of which increment the kill count, the Louis Gossett Jr. lookalike ventures out of his dark holding cell. I'm actually extremely impressed with the amount of detail that was put into how this Vortigaunt looks and feels. Your player character has new sounds for jumping and landing, uses the item menu in a unique way by replacing the Steroids with a sprint and the Night Vision with an alien vision you can toggle on and off, and you even leave footprints in the snow once you jump the window into the cold breeze. This map does a good job of setting out what's in your kit. Your Sprint comes in handy in the first firefight out in the open where seven soldiers try to gun you down. Sprint back to where you came from and watch those idiots trip on their own mines. The Alien Vision is fairly useful considering how dark this map is, and your only weapon is fine enough considering how there's only one type of monster. For its impressive tech and charm alone, Enter the Escape scores highly.


Welcome to Rustwell!

Now that you're out of prison, it's time to get back home. Your agent, the super-conglomerate space infant born out of Gabe Newell's anxiety about fatherhood (AKA the Nihilanth), tasks you with finding a car battery, a manual and a replacement joystick to fix up the spaceship under city hall. This map is adorable. I really like the phone call between you and the Nihilanth, it genuinely got a chuckle out of me twice and I feel like I need to applaud that. This map is extremely linear and not as challenging as the first map, but frankly I don't mind at all. Each key item you pick up pits you against a new round of challengers, and at this point you should be starting to get good at using your weapon. I like a lot of the details in this map, such as the obscure posters, the XBox where you steel the joystick from, and the phone sprites that the Vortigaunt uses to call the Nihilanth. Find all three items, murder the helpless citizens of Rustwell who are appalled there is a hideous alien in front of them, blow up the malfunctioning fan which leads to the underground, and get outta here!


Closing Thoughts

I'm not going to give this map set a rating, but this was a really fun way to get back into Duke 3D. The Half-Life assets look really janky as sprites, but what's on display here is some genuinely admirable work. Your player character Vortigaunt is surprisingly expressive and fluid, its weapon is fun to spam, and the HECU Grunts were at least given a decently powerful hitscan attack and their annoying as shit grenades. Though it's really short, I also think it being fifteen minutes was for the better. Without new weapons or monsters, five maps of this to fit L.A. Meltdown would have gotten really tiresome. All in all, I think The Christmas Project is an unexpected but really funny entry into the repertoire for this month.

User is online   Quacken 


Let's do Countdown to Christmas next. After I cover this map set, I'm gonna go back to my normal schedule for map reviews. Let's go!

Chapters 1, 2 and 3

I'm covering all of these since they are the same house you walk around in to access the maps. Sanek's Christmas story is simple but does what it needs to do. There's not much else to say here. I don't have any qualms with these maps, they provide a nice bit of breathing room especially with the MIDI.


Snow Battle

In your low wage job as a logger in a random ice field, your task is to venture into the battleship parked a little ways away to open up a shed. This spin on Derelict is short and even more cramped than its inspiration, but the Nuclear Winter MIDI manages to soften the blow. I hope you've been good this Christmas, because Sanek's gifts to you include a pop up Drone, hitscanners wedged into small spaces, and more Battlelords than there were in all of Nuclear Winter. Snow Battle does do pretty well with its 63 monsters, though. The Battlelord guarding the first section of the map after getting the blue key is some flash in the pan fun, and the final blockade of monsters is pretty fun to disassemble without the RPG to help you. Snow Battle is good, clean fun.


Christmas Tree

Now Duke needs to get a Christmas tree, huh? Well, venture out into the forest and help him find the perfect one. Christmas Tree is even shorter than Snow Battle, but I think it's about equal in quality. After finding the perfect tree in a densely populated forest, you head back to your house, shoot your way through until you find the red key and open fire on the aliens in your living quarters. I get that you kinda foiled their plans to enslave Earth's women and to turn your planet into a resource mine, but going out of the way to specifically steal Duke's tree just seems spiteful! This map is silly and in a good way.


Christmas Carol

With 130 monsters and a whopping 7 keys, Christmas Carol is definitely the longest and best map in the set. While still being simple and linear, Christmas Carol has more on the plate than the previous two maps combined. The visuals are definitely a stand up. The Christmas town is sharp, blocky and has a lot of nice jokes and details, along with good use of portals. I could give or take some sections in this map though. The platforming section with flashing red and blue platforms can bite me, and the first set of coloured keys feels just a little too stretched out and long to be as fun as it could be. The final section with the ghost monsters was a little unexpected, and I probably would have preferred if they were just regular monsters so rockets could hit them. At least there wasn't a Ghost Battlelord. Christmas Carol has pretty basic street smarts, but its cheery atmosphere and bright billboards make it a good way to finish off the map set.


Closing Thoughts

I'm not going to grade it like The Christmas Project, but Countdown to Christmas is a pretty fun map set. The storybook style to the maps make them feel very charming to play through and experience. Although they're very short, I think they're still quite fun to play through. Again, they're a good way to settle back into Duke 3D without trying to take on a big map set, like what's coming up soon. Overall, I like it quite a lot!

This post has been edited by Quacken: 13 December 2022 - 06:09 PM


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Welcome back Quacken! Looking forward for your rest write-ups, especially the Nuclear Winter one!

Speaking of which, yesterday was the 25th anniversary of Duke: Nuclear Winter (NWINTER.GRP is dated 15/12/1997) and have been playing through all 3 versions (DOS, Megaton, NW+) as of lately, just to give an in-depth review. :)

Attached Image: NWINTER_LAUNCHER.png

Nuclear Winter is the second of the big three Duke Nukem 3D addons/expansions, released in December 1997. The first one is Duke It Out In D.C. (released in February/March 1997) and the third one is Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach (released in January 1998).

I will not repeat myself with stuff I've already stated previously, so I will describe a couple things about the addon and the versions available.

Nuclear Winter was strictly designed for Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition (v1.5 recommended). It includes a special launcher (screenshots included) that will launch the game and it actually manages to remove episodes 3 and 4 from the menu (leaving only L.A. Meltdown and Nuclear Winter to be selected in the original DOS version). This only happens if the original Atomic 1.5 demos are left playing in the background, as if you choose to remove them and allow the new demos exclusive to NW to play in background, then you get 5 episodes listed in the menu! That's right, you can check the screenshots below if you don't believe me.

In that case, Episodes 3 and 4 will remain invisible in the menu but still selectable (as has been the case with other mods/TCs that remove episodes from the menu, such as LR&WB and JJDuke) and the new User Map episode (which normally shows up in vanilla Duke3D v1.4/v1.5 only when running an User Map), will show up with the choice to play the same map as the current demo running. It seems a bit strange but my guess is when they recorded the demos, they played them as user maps instead of playing them as levels found in the episode.

There are two new cutscenes (intro and ending), as well as a new intermission screen (with Duke staying in front of a Christmas tree) and a new ending screen based off the original Episode 2 ending. In original DOS version and source ports, the intro cutscene is the first thing that is displayed when the game is starting but in Megaton Edition, the intro cutscene plays immediately after you start a new game.

There are three new demos included (in the NWINTER.GRP, they only play after you delete the original demos from your NWINTER directory), the first demo shows E2L6 (Christmas Village), the second demo shows E2L2 (Where It All Began) and the third demo shows E2L1 (Deja Vu). All demos end with the player dying/getting frozen, although the first demo seems to end up shortly after the player already dies, so it may have gotten desync. One of the demos also showcases one of NW's faulty con changes, Duke's jumping/falling sprite getting replaced with a TV dancing babe texture. This probably still happens in Megaton and was only fixed in NW+. There are a lot more issues about NW that will get explained later. Now I will explain the new content:

There are 8 levels in total (E2L1-E2L8), the first 7 are the main SP maps and the 8th map is a short DM map (meant for the Santamatch mode) that was actually recycled from Duke Zone II's E1L7. It's normally inaccessible but with command line parameters or DNSCOTTY208 cheat, you can access it. The demo version of the addon includes a modified version of the first level (without a proper exit) and also the DM level which is probably the same as in the full version, so as a small curiosity, you can check the demo version for a slightly different first level. Unlike Duke It Out In D.C., the demo version of first level is NOT included in the full game's data, so it has to be downloaded separately.

There are a couple new enemies and destroyable decorations, such as Christmas trees that spawn a random item if you are lucky. Only some Xmas trees are destroyable and they can spawn the following (from worst to best): Shit, Steroids, Armor, Atomic Health. They appear in most levels and it is highly encouraged to smash them because the extra health and armor will always be appreciated, while steroids will come handy against a certain enemy introduced later on (or rather a rare variant of it, see below for more information).

The new enemies exclusive to NW include: Grunt, Groan, Snowman, Flying Frosty, Frosted Battle Mobile and Santa Claws.

Most of the other enemies are reskinned vanilla Duke3D enemies, some are wearing different outfits/santa hats and have different sprites/attacks but there are some brand new ones as well. Some of these new ones don't actually replace existing enemies, even though some of the original Duke3D/Atomic enemies are absent (Mini Battlelord and Protector Drone for example). The pig cops now use different tiles and if a pig cop (tile 2000) was originally placed in the map, he gets converted into the SANTA boss, so to make the existing maps functional, other Pig Cop tiles are used instead! This was changed/fixed in NW+ and I am not exactly sure why they insisted on using Pig Cop's main tile as the Santa boss.

The reskinned commander (Flying Frosty) is now firing freeze rays at the player and he fires them in quick succession, so they can deal heavy damage. There are some important notes regarding this enemy:
-If you get frozen, you will have 1 HP left and provided enemies don't fire at you during that time to destroy you, you will most likely get frozen again or even killed after thawing. Not to mention the player's armor (if any) will disappear upon getting frozen, so it's not worth continuing the game like that. Consider yourself dead and reload the last saved game. In NW+, if you get frozen and the flying frosty is near you, he will smash you with its melee attack!
-If you care about getting 100% kills, THEN PLEASE DO NOT USE THE FREEZETHROWER AGAINST THEM! Although you get the freezer later in the episode, you should keep this in mind. If the enemy gets hit by too many freeze rays (whether it's your attack or theirs), then the enemy will become INVINCIBLE and unaffected by any of the weapons! It may still be crushed by a door, though I haven't personally tested this. And don't forget that their own freeze ray attacks can also turn them invincible (due to shots bouncing), so try killing them as fast as possible! If you got the glitch with the invincible Flying Frosty, then reload your saved game or if you don't care about 100% kills, ignore him entirely. Hopefully he won't chase you through the whole level. This was thankfully fixed in NW+.
-One of the death frames is missing, which results in him disappearing for a split-second. This was fixed in NW+ which now contains a new unique frame added to his death.
-In NW+, the Flying Frosties are a lot more aggressive and instead of just firing 1-2 or even 3 projectiles, they fire up to 5 in a quick succession, so they can deal a shit ton of damage to you. They were already a bit of a pain by default, so don't underestimate them!

The reskinned pig tank (Frosted Battle Mobile) is nearly identical to the original Pig Cop Tank, even including the self-destruct "button" on the back (just push when they are their backs turned at you). The only difference is they now sometimes drop a snowman instead of a pig cop, for obvious reasons. Oh and this self-destruct trick was removed in NW+, so this trick is only useful if playing the original version of Nuclear Winter (DOS, Megaton, etc).

The new elves are packed with rapid-firing uzis (doing as much damage as the enforcer's chaingun) or with shotguns (nearly doing as much damage as the pig cop's shotgun). However, there exist rare variants of the uzi elves that fire rapid fire SHRINKERS at you, so be careful! These rare variants are mostly found in the penultimate level but they also seem to appear on levels 3 and 5. The two types of elves are described below:

-The Grunt is the one firing dual uzis at you. They have 35 health and sometimes drop presents upon death, which when unwrapped, can contain either a Shotgun (10 shells) or a Chaingun (50 bullets). In the original version, they deal only 5 damage (comparable to the enforcer) but in NW+, they deal 8 damage, comparable to the player's chaingun, so keep that in mind!
-The Groan is the one firing shotgun at you. They have 50 health and sometimes drop presents upon death, which when unwrapped, can contain either a Large Medkit (30 health) or a full armor pickup (100 armor). Their shotgun seems slightly weaker overall in the original release but in NW+, their shotguns are on par with the pig cop's shotgun in terms of damage output.

The snowman enemy (which also appears as the story teller in the intro and ending cutscenes) is more of an annoyance than anything, he has 70 health (usually killed with a single full shotgun blast) and is stationary but he throws snowballs at a rapid firing rate. Every time you get hit, you lose 10 health and the view shakes a bit (this annoying effect is removed in Megaton and NW+, Megaton entirely removes the fall damage effect too).

The new Santa Claus boss (aka Santa Claws) has 2500 health and a variety of attacks (Quick Kick, Shotgun, Chaingun and RPG). More details later in the last level. :P

I will not mention where most secrets are found, as it is already covered right here on Steam: https://steamcommuni...s/?id=141417357

I will mostly provide a short walkthrough, tips and other interesting trivia. Let's begin with Nuclear Winter review!
Attached Image: NWINTER_1.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_2.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_3.png

Deja Vu

The first level begins with a remixed E1L2: Red Light District from the original game. This time, it is played backwards and most of places should already be familiar with you.

When you first start, don't forget to get the nearby Medkit secret as well. Grab the shotgun, flip the switch and prepare for two ambushing enforcers (one will jump towards you, the other will be inside the main room). As usual, kill the bastards, collect all the goodies and the secrets.

Before you get out of the room, I highly advice you to break the Xmas tree. It will spawn a random item. It can be either poop (worst outcome), steroids (it's better than nothing and will especially be useful later in the episode), armor (very much needed in this case when you have no armor at all) or even an atomic health (always appreciated). But since there are plenty of atomic healths, what you really want now is to get an armor because while you get two armor pickups later in the level, you need one ASAP! If you don't mind saving/loading a bit, you can always save before breaking the Xmas tree and then load if you get a result you don't like. You should get a different thing spawned each time, though obviously the better rewards have a lower chance to spawn, so it may take a couple tries.

After finishing with this room, now visit the rest rooms and kill the aliens. In the bar, there is now a new atomic health secret with that machine. I recommend saving here, so you don't get trapped inside (though it hasn't happened as of lately, it happened in past). Getting this secret will spawn three troopers in the other room. Kill them and the two pig cops waiting near yellow card door (pray you get some used armor if you didn't get lucky with the Xmas tree), then go back and grab the yellow card behind the barricade. Go towards the slime tunnel, grab the goodies (jetpack, etc) and kill the slimers. Then submerge in acid to get the extra atomic health. You will have to endure the slime damage because the Protective Boots are NOWHERE to be found in the entire episode! Go back with your jetpack and now prepare to insert the yellow card to access the outside area. You should have around 180-200 health at this point (whether you have any armor or not, is pretty much luck based at this point). Have your medkit selected and SAVE!

What you are about to encounter in the next area, are tons of snowmen of all types and there are plenty of them! They do a shit ton of damage and even with lots of health, you will probably get low on health quickly. You can try getting behind the snowmobile and activate the non-existent self-destruct button, which works in original DOS version and Megaton Edition but this doesn't work in the NW+ version. Have your RPG ready and pray you don't take too much damage or else you are screwed! Armor will be a very big help but still doesn't guarantee easily making it out of this battle if you are careless and tank too much damage. And the reasons is that the snowmen are very accurate with their snowballs, which makes the "headbob" effect when you get hit by them (though this effect was removed from both Megaton and NW+ as stated above). Although they only do 10 damage, they do it in quick succession, so don't go near them, they don't attack you at long range but if they are nearby, they seem to hit you even through doors/walls.

And finally, you've got to deal with the reskinned commander, Flying Frosty. He fires freeze ray projectiles, which will obviously freeze you if you get hit at low health. The worst thing is that your armor (if any) disappears completely and in NW+, they even fire multiple projectiles at you and have a melee attack added that will smash you if they get close to you while you are frozen (in vanilla and Megaton, they will simply wait until you get unfrozen and then attack you again). But the worst thing is that there is a glitch where they will become INVINCIBLE upon taking too many freezer hits and yes this applies to their own projectiles as well that get bounced back at them. This happens rarely but if it happens, then you are screwed, as that enemy becomes invincible and nothing will affect him, except maybe crushing him under a door. This glitch was thankfully fixed in NW+ where they are immune to Freezethrower by default. Yes I had to mention this again as it's a game breaking bug!

Anyway, after clearing the entire area with the evil snowmen, collect that armor pickup (or if you are quick, grab it before fighting, using the jetpack as soon as you unlock the door) and advance. The bookstore section is also a bit tricky with many pig cops and enforcers. There is another xmas tree you can break here and another one upstairs after taking the hidden elevator inside the bathroom. After that, there will be some explosions, kill the enforcers, grab the red key and go to unlock the exit.

If you want to get all the kills, make sure to backtrack as some enemies may have spawned in some areas near beginning, if you happened to miss one or two. And don't forget that there is a pig cop that is unreachable normally. He is found at the very end, at the other side of the building, requiring 1-2 RPG shots to take him out with splash damage. This is because part of the next level was copied but they forgot to remove the pig cop and other unreachable items. Another silly mistake, I know. It was most likely fixed in NW+.

The DEMO version of the level doesn't feature an actual exit, instead you get that panel/sign that tells you to buy the full version. I don't think there are any other changes in the level compared to the full version.

Overall, it was an interesting take of Red Light District with a snowy theme but it could have been done and balanced much better, with introducing the flying frosty and the snowmobile in the next level.
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L1_2.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L1_3.png

Where It All Began

As you may have expected, the next level is now inspired by the original E1L1: Hollywood Holocaust. And sure enough, it's as good as the previous level, actually no, I think this level is slightly better and I think revisiting E1L1 in a snowy theme was a lot more interesting overall, so why wasn't this the first level? It was more interesting and much better balanced. Plus you get to fight those little elves wielding uzis and shotguns, which were completely absent in the first level and would have worked better as low/mid tier enemy compared to those tough snowmen. They can do a moderate amount of damage but they also sometimes drop presents when killed. The uzi elf drops a present either containing a Shotgun or a Chaingun. And the shotgun elf drops a present either containing Armor or Large Medkit. Oh and you can find carolers that you can kill and Duke will say "Damn, that was annoying!" which while funny, it seems a bit odd that Duke would kill random civilians just because he found them annoying. Seems a bit out of character here.

Anyway, kill the evil snowmen, explore the buildings, find secrets and the exit, which as you guessed, it is located where you originally started Hollywood Holocaust. It requires a jetpack though and you can find two inside secret areas (technically the first one is now part of the level progression and the second one isn't inside an actual secret area and it requires you to first use an existing jetpack to reach it) and a third one given right here to finish the level. However, in NW+, the third jetpack is changed into a different variant containing 10% fuel (from what I read recently in the Nuclear Winter Plus topic, it was a planned feature in original NW). But make sure to NOT grab it if you already have a jetpack (or grab it and then grab another full jetpack) because IT WILL REPLACE YOUR EXISTING JETPACK WITH THE 10% ONE!!! It is consumed quickly and if you fail to get to the exit, you will be unable to exit the level. Of course, the same can be said if you run out of fuel from the regular jetpacks as well but I find it annoying that a jetpack with 10% fuel will replace your existing jetpack that can have a lot more fuel (even a full 100% one apparently). It's quite odd.

Also in NW+, I noticed that fence inside the theater has disappeared, while in vanilla/Megaton it is present. EDuke32 r9297 (latest 2020 build) bug or NW+ bug? I will have to test this later in different EDuke32 builds without NW+ loaded and report to the NW Plus topic if needed.

Inside the theater, don't blow up the Christmas tree if you want to reach one of the secrets, though jetpack will still help you get there (it was tricky to reach in EDuke32 r9297 due to clipping changes, turning off the jetpack helped reach inside). Oh and inside the room where you originally found the shotgun, you will instead find THREE Trip Mines (weapons) which are the ONLY ones you will find in the entire episode. Not that the trip mines are any help but this had to be mentioned anyway.

There is a switch on the other side of the fence (where you get the red card) that will open/close the curtains but also glitch the current opened door, so don't mess with that switch!

Once you explored the whole map, use your jetpack to fly to where the start was originally found to advance to the next map. Also it appears there were only two atomic healths and I happened to grab one earlier, so I didn't have 200 health for the next level in the DOS playthrough. Oh and don't forget that the armor secret in front of theater expects you to jump inside that window to register the secret!

Overall, it was an interesting take of the original Hollywood Holocaust and I wonder what it could have been if Nuclear Winter was just a repurposed Episode 1? Would it have been better received or still be criticized as a lazy excuse?
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L2_2.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L2_7.png

Land of Forgotten Toys

This level starts you under attack from a few snowmen and one elf, so be prepared! After taking them out, don't forget to grab the nearby Chaingun secret, which is the ONLY secret available in the map. There are a few other "unofficial" secret (or hidden) areas that will be mentioned here.

After clearing the starting area, go underwater, kill a few sharks, resurface into the next area, take down the elves and now you have FOUR paths to choose. One path that leads to the next part of the level, requires ALL THREE ACCESS CARDS, which as you may have guessed, are into the three other areas. It doesn't matter what order you take them. I would personally suggest going from hardest to easiest:

1) Go the path that leads to pig cops and other enemies. Then go right but WATCH OUT FOR TRIPMINES! Approach them and wait until all of them are activated. Toss a pipebomb and then step back in case the pipebomb gets detonated by the trip mines. I recommend saving before and after. Then approach slowly the next area which is tricky. From the above, a few troopers, a Flying Frosty, a turret and pig cop will be waiting for you. Kill them and jump on those steps. In the next area, TWO Snow mobiles and a bunch of elves are awaiting you. Take your RPG or try approaching those snowmobiles from behind to destroy them quickly (vanilla/Megaton). Watch for the extra snowmen that will appear if they survive the explosion. Collect the atomic health on roof (or save it for later if you want to start next level with 200 health), now approach the next part carefully because ANOTHER set of tripmines are awaiting you. Again, wait until all tripmines are activated. Now throw a pipebomb and stand back just in case. After that, approach the door, kill the uzi elf and grab the Red Card.

2) Go to Mediocre Linguini Land (Linguini was fixed into Linguine in NW+). You have to drop down some tubes, inspired by E3L10: Tier Drops. Kill the enemies (both in the main room and the ones situated on each floor) and use the jetpack to minimize the fall damage. You must choose the right pipe to advance or else you get sent to either the initial room or the exact same room. Use your AUTOMAP to look at the pipes you've already visited. Once you reached the bottom, you will see Mario playing Mario Kart and the Blue Card sitting next to him. Grab it and three troopers will spawn. Then drop down to reach the starting area. As a bonus challenge, try to explore all tubes. Again, use your AUTOMAP to see if you've explored each one. There are 10 tubes in total if I'm not mistaken.

3) Go to the teleporter to access a place inspired by DOOM E1M1. Only half of the level is "playable", so just kill the sentry drones, turrets and elves, grab the Yellow Card, jump outside the window to fight more elves and to collect your first Shrinker (and Expander ammo).

After you've done that, go to the fourth path, kill more enemies, insert all 3 keys and prepare for the next trickier parts. There will be some elves that even shoot SHRINK RAYS at you (just like in one later level), so kill them with RPG from far away before they approach you. Then you've got to wait for about 3 hiding Flying Frosties. These are bastards and I even got on my most recent NW playthrough (in DOS) the glitch with invincible flying frosty. I had to load the saved game because goodbye 100% kills and I won't allow this to happen. There were no doors either to try to squish them, so at this point just load your saved game.

After you cleared the entire area, you can drop down to grab a full jetpack and more goodies. You can use the jetpack to fly over the waterfall and collect some extra Shrinker ammo. This path was blocked off in NW+, so you can't grab the Shrinker ammo anymore. Looking in Mapster, there seems to be an atomic health located there as well but due to being assigned a pal 21, it doesn't appear in Single Player. Thankfully, there is another atomic health later on that's spawned into the map, which allows you to complete the level with 200 health. Oh and armor is only available in the DOOM E1M1 Easter Egg room, though you can get more armor pickups if you are lucky with the pig cops/shotgun elves dropping some for you.

After crossing the bridge, kill the enemies, then take the elevator, grab the Devastator but also watch out for SIX enforcers that will spawn in! Select your chaingun and start shooting them. You will notice a large medkit spawned near you and on the other side of the tunnel, an atomic health spawned (again, it's best kept for the end if playing continuously). Kill another bunch of enemies in next room and the level is done. Backtrack if needed to grab all supplies.

Overall, the level was kinda meh but definitely had some neat Easter Eggs and some great ideas that could have been executed better. At least there is continuity to the next level.
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L3_1.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L3_7.png

Santa's Corporate HQ

Probably one of the most interesting levels in the episode (but still by no means perfect and has a few flaws as well), this one will give you some enjoyment. But I must warn that this level is quite difficult, due to being packed with many enemies and it's not generous on armor pickups. The only armor you will get is dropped from pig cops, contained inside presents dropped by shotgun elves or contained inside SOME BREAKABLE XMAS TREES! Not all Xmas trees are breakable in this map, for better or for worse. This minimizes your chances to get some extra armor/health and if you are really unlucky, all you will get from those few trees are shits and steroids, none of which are any help in this map (there are no Shrinker elves and Steroids aren't helpful to be used anywhere in this map). At least the level is generous with health pickups, though some are contained nearby each other that is difficult to avoid picking up an unneeded one by accident (e.g. grabbing two medkits at 60% health). The Portable Medkit will come handy when there is no health around nearby.

As for the actual level, I don't have much to explain about it because it is difficult to write a walkthrough, so I will only point some highlights:
-There are two sneaky pig cops shooting behind the curtains at some point in the map. They are located near the locked door requiring the blue card, in the corridor with the reflective floors (which is a nice detail). Use your RPG to quickly get rid of them to avoid having a surprise when approaching the curtain.
-There are three atomic healths present in the map, one at beginning, one at halfway point in the map (near the waterfall containing a secret with Devastator inside) and one near the exit.
-When inserting the yellow card, you will see four switches. I believe only one or two are required for progression, though nothing stops you to push them all. Just be warned that each one spawns an Uzi Elf behind you, so every time you press a switch, turn around and kill that pesky spawned elf.
-When grabbing the red card, THREE Flying Frosties will spawn nearby. Have your Shrinker selected to get rid of them quickly.
-When approaching one of the places containing a Portable Medkit, FIVE enforcers will spawn in the nearby room.

Oh and a note for completionists, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get ALL kills in the original version of NW (DOS and Megaton) because there are seemingly two non-existent enemies out there. You should get around 68-69 kills maximum but also two missed enemies somewhere. I remember reading an explanation about this before but I can't find the topic right now (I couldn't find anything mentioned in the Duke Nuclear Winter Plus topic) and I know for sure it was fixed in NW+ because in that playthrough, I had no enemies missed.

Overall, it is probably the most interesting level in the entire episode, mostly because of the nicely looking interiors but the annoying bugs/glitches and the combat leaves a bit to be desired. Also there seems to be a little bit of continuity to next level.
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L4_1.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L4_6.png

The Backdoor

This is probably the weakest level in the entire episode. It feels unfinished and has some really annoying bits. Oh and there are two inactive Flying Frosties at the beginning of the level, though thankfully they don't affect the kill count and they were fixed in NW+ (so they can be fought), alongside adding a 10% jetpack at the bottom which didn't exist in vanilla/Megaton.

As for the actual level, you have to look out for trip mine traps. There are plenty of traps in the whole level and one of them is right at beginning when getting to the shotgun. Just approach them, wait until all activate, throw a pipebomb and detonate them. They should also detonate some more hidden trip mines inside the actual secret place (containing RPG and Atomic Health). Oh and don't forget the first secret at the very beginning, a Scuba Gear! It is the only scuba gear in the episode and it's only effective in this level due to having to do quite a bit of swimming and fighting enemies underwater.

When you are ready, drop down and fight a few more pig cops. There is a switch that will help you reach the third secret (an atomic health), though you can easily reach it with the jetpack. Look around in the room and inspect the corners, as there is an armor pickup misplaced and easy to miss. Afterwards, submerge into water and kill the sharks and octabrains. There is a hidden Portable Medkit in a dark corner. Looking at Mapster, they intended to tag this secret but due to not being possible to tag secrets underwater in Duke3D, it is not registered as an actual secret but you can see they tried when the sector is tagged 32767,2. For reference, underwater tags are set to 2 and secret tags are set to 32767. I'm guessing they set the HiTag to 32767 and the LoTag to 2?

Anyway, go to the next corridor and you will find the first Freezer + ammo. I suggest not using the Freezer right now, keep it for later because you can only find limited ammo for it (if you never use it, you will have 99 ammo for it). I wish the Freezer was given earlier and more ammo for it. After all, this episode is supposed to be winter-themed, right?

Now when surfacing, be careful of elves waiting for you but ALSO Trip Mine traps. As before, just surface and then immediately submerge. Most of them should have already been killed by trip mines. Be careful when surfacing as other trip mines may detonate too.

After clearing this corridor and grabbing the shrinker, go to the next area. There are a bunch of elves and going around the corner, you can find the last secret: a drunken elf and a Portable Medkit. The drunken elf is hilarious because when you kick him, he dies and makes the same noise as a trooper dying. :D

After that, go back and go upstairs but watch for a single trip mine being set up. Detonate it and then advance by clearing the corridors with enemies. You will also come across a Christmas tree (there is another one slightly later in this map). Break the tree and hope you get something nice. After that, continue going until you come across a Shrinker ammo but DON'T GRAB it yet as there is yet another trip mine trap (3 trip mines). Blow them up carefully and continue going. Eventually you will reach the top with a bunch more enemies and another Xmas tree you can break. Afterwards, go to the next corridor with the shark tank and blue card but DON'T GRAB THE CARD YET! I actually highly recommend stepping back quickly because these four trip mines will detonate themselves for some reason. Also it seems you can't kill all the sharks in the tank, I was able to kill 3/4 at most (the two in front and barely managed to get the one in rightmost), can't kill the one in the leftmost side (I can't tell if I managed to) and he disappears upon seeing me. Anyways, grab the card, kill the next two elves (watch out for that elf with the shrink ray!), kill more enemies, press the switch and go back to the beginning (where you originally dropped down). Press on that big door and it will now open. Kill all the enemies in this maze, go for a swim, kill more enemies, backtrack for supplies if needed and eventually you will reach the exit.

Overall, I found this level annoying and somewhat weak. I thought it was somewhat out of place for Nuclear Winter. At least there's continuity to the next level.
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L5_2.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L5_3.png

Christmas Village

Another interesting, yet flawed level. Most of the enemies encountered are the NW enemies (snowmen and elves), though you also get to fight a couple pig cops and one turret. Oh and there are plenty of elves with shrink rays, so be extremely careful! If you are lucky, those Xmas trees may drop extra steroids for you that will come in handy, though you should just dodge their attacks, so you don't need to rely on steroids.

On top of that, you will get more tripmine traps on both sides when approaching the two atomic healths which will also spawn about four nearby shotgun elves because why not? And then later on in the level, inserting the blue card will also cause a bunch of snowmen spawning around you because why not? Ambushes that feel cheap and want to surprise the player.

And if that wasn't enough, there are even more flaws present with many "inactive" presents you can't open (fixed in NW+), a duplicate red card for some reason, many of the cards being marked for different skill levels (I don't know if cards are actually affected by skill levels but at least everything worked fine on CGS skill) and the last door that leads to the exit sometimes opens itself before you get there, which didn't happen in Megaton playthrough but it happened in NW+ and DOS playthroughs. Of course you can insert the yellow card and get locked outside or inside if that door is already opened. Or better yet, don't use the yellow card at all! Just backtrack for goodies and then finish the level.

Oh and aside from a hidden atomic health on a roof, there is one sneaky official Shrinker secret that I recall a decade ago on YouTube (when there weren't many playthroughs of the Duke3D addons), GalleyUK wasn't able to find it and then posted a response video upon being informed where the actual secret was by one of the viewers. I still remember his reaction when he ended up with the glitched door at the end and he wasn't able to access the exit anymore. However, back then, I didn't understand what's with that door at end and why it glitches randomly. But even to this day, I still don't know what's up with that.

I don't think I have more things to say other than despite the level being decent in terms of design and layout (and plenty of health/armor pickups), it is ruined by many stupid things mentioned above. Oh and when going to the area containing the first red card, you can find the drunken elf and even a "captured" babe that dies in one hit and makes the same trooper death sound, which again seems funny, though was given the proper full Babe treatment in NW+. Oh and there is no continuity to the next level, which is a shame.

Overall, despite being a flawed level, I would rather replay this than most NW levels. What about the final level? Will it be better or will it turn out disappointing?
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L6_5.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L6_6.png

Here Comes Santa Claws

The final level of NW! It is quite short and only contains 40 enemies (the 41st one is the boss himself that gets spawned when visiting his office).

I will not offer a walkthrough but I will say that I enjoyed how some interiors looked. And once again, there are presents that you can't unwrap (fixed in NW+). But thankfully, there are still plenty of Xmas trees that you should be able to get some extra atomic health/armor if needed.

Oh and when inserting the blue card and accessing Santa's office, first take out the last two enemies carefully and then backtrack to grab all the stuff throughout the whole level. Don't forget to also visit the sewers, there are a bunch of sentry drones and two shotgun elves to kill. There is also one secret located in the sewers with an atomic health (requires an explosive to blow up the crack), plus a hidden jetpack underwater in one of the places you can submerge. This jetpack is required to escape and to grab a secret in the main area.

Once you are done with backtracking and ensuring you have maximum health, armor and ammo (you should have full on everything except no boots, partially used jetpack and scuba, only 3 trip mines and probably 90 devastator ammo). Now use your RPG to blow up a crack (leading to the Shrinker secret earlier) and the Pinata in the office which will spawn a LOT of goodies, like the BLIMP in the original Duke Nukem 3D.

Once you are ready, SAVE and then enter the office! When you enter the office, you will hear Santa saying: "You have found my secret plans! Now you must die!". Prepare because Santa Claus Claws has showed up and he isn't happy to see you ruin his plans! Prepare for the final battle of this expansion!

"Ho ho ho, it's not nice to shoot Santa!", he says whenever you hit him. It's not nice to shoot Duke either, you asshole! Time to give some strategies when fighting him and what attacks he has!

His kick attack is done when you are near him and does about 10 damage overall (though done quickly once per second), his shotgun doesn't seem to be often used and it's not as strong as the pig cop's one (seems a bit weaker overall, probably does more damage in NW+), while his chaingun is very powerful and rivals the player's and Battlelord's one, so pray he doesn't use this attack because it eats your health/armor like candy! As for the RPG, in the original release, it is comparable to the Commander's rocket in terms of damage, so it's not too bad. However, this is changed in NW+, Santa's RPG projectile is the same as the Duke's RPG projectile which always results in an INSTANT DEATH if you get hit directly in the face and you can only survive if you have 200 health! Of course, if you don't take a rocket in the face, you will still take some splash damage but at least you can survive that attack.

Unlike other bosses, he won't squish the player upon getting close and he can actually be shrunk but for obvious reasons, you won't be able to step on him, as after the shrinking animation, Santa immediately uses steroids to return to normal size while running away from you in those five seconds. The Shrinker is probably only effective in temporary disabling him, so you can run for a while and get more health/ammo if things get too heated, although you can also just simply run away and grab more health/armor if needed. Oh and he has a jetpack too, which he will use when you try to use the jetpack yourself to gain height advantage, though I wouldn't recommend using the jetpack, just fight him on the ground level.

The best weapons to use against him are Shotgun, Chaingun, RPG, Devastator and Freezer. In case of Shotgun, Chaingun and Freezer, they work the best when near him, although the shotgun works at mid range well enough. RPG and Devastator should be obviously used at longer ranges, to avoid hurting yourself, as Santa has a habit of running towards you, which minimizes those weapons' effectiveness.

If you care about getting all 41 kills, then ABSOLUTELY make sure you are finishing off Santa with an explosive to blow him up. Killing him with the first three weapons (or even the kick attack) causes him to simply die (and his corpse will also disappear for some reason) but he will NOT ADD +1 TO KILLS! I noticed this easily in Megaton Edition (thanks to level stats option) but in original DOS executable, you can only see the level stats at the end of the level. This was NOT fixed in NW+ if you are wondering! So make sure you kill him with weapons 5-0 (Expander and Freezer will also work properly and lead to expected results). Funnily enough, smashing a frozen Santa will make him drop an atomic health but you can't grab it due to the game's feature which disables picking up items upon defeating a boss.

After defeating the jolly old bastard, you will get a cutscene with the Story Snowman telling you how Duke saved the Christmas...somehow by blowing up Santa Claus and then wishing you a Merry Christmas! Then you get a nice screen similar to the one from Lunar Apocalypse's ending, although there are some grammar/spelling mistakes here as well (in the original release at least), which proves that Nuclear Winter was rushed and released unfinished, which is a shame, as the potential was there but I guess the developers weren't experienced enough, so I wish that Sunstorm were the ones making NW, I'm sure it would have been a lot better. But with all that said, congratulations, you have completed Duke Nuclear Winter!

Overall, this level was kinda meh and more suited for Deathmatch but at least the final boss is something else and provides a good fight, making it feel like you are up against a Deathmatch opponent or a Dukebot or something. In fact, this might as well be based off SOB-Bot because there are some similarities between the Santa and those SOB-Bots. I personally haven't used SOB-Bot but I have seen YouTube videos before and that's why it seemed similar to me, at least the way Santa moves.

But wait, it's not over yet!
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L7_1.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L7_6.png
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L7_8.pngAttached Image: NWINTER_E2L7_9.png


This level is only accessible with command line parameters or DNSCOTTY208 cheat code. It is a modified version of the bonus E1L7 map from Duke Zone II. It is meant for Dukematch, as there are no enemies and secrets to be found.

There isn't much to say about this level other than it actually contains an exit that takes you to a non-existent map which causes the game to exit. In NW+, finishing this map takes you to OVERLORD! I haven't tried to see yet in Megaton but I imagine it's the same as the original release, trying to load a nonexistent map.

Oh and something tells me this level may have been planned to be the final level where you face Santa but I don't have any confirmation to support my theory, so this is only my little guess.

And now for the extras!
Attached Image: NWINTER_E2L8_1.png

Nuclear Winter Demo

See above. It's just a slightly modified version of the first level (only the exit part is changed, everything else is identical) and it's included as a nice bonus for NW+.
Attached Image: NWINTER_DEMO.png

Nuclear Winter Zoo

A modified version of the original ZOO map (Atomic Edition), to contain various NW elements in it. It is only available in NW+. I'm only covering it for the sake of completeness.

If pressing the nuke button, first time it restarts the level and second time, it sends you to E3L2: Bank Roll.

Just note, if you kill Santa by squishing him with the door, he will actually get squished but the level will NOT END IF THAT HAPPENS! I've read this is possible to do in the final NW level as well but I wasn't able to do this before and it's not recommended as you get softlocked if you succeed in squishing him, which also makes me think why you can't squish him after shrinking him (that and to avoid insta-killing the boss). At least here in Zoo map, you still have the green Nuke Button which will just finish the current map but defeating Santa will obviously end the episode. And obviously if you played through the same map twice and you conserved resources (finished the map with 150 health), you should have 200 health this time and have a better chance against Santa, as in that case you will survive a rocket if you get one in your face! ;)

It's definitely a nice bonus to have in NW+ and worth checking out.
Attached Image: NWinter_Zoo.png

Closing Thoughts: Nuclear Winter is a short but fun Christmas themed addon for Duke3D Atomic, that isn't very polished and feels mediocre overall, plus it didn't make much sense to be a commercial product back in late 1997, not to mention the missed opportunity to be included in the Kill-a-Ton Collection that was released a bit earlier (October/November 1997), which would have made the expansion a bit more accessible to a wider audience. Until 20th March 2013, the day Megaton Edition was initially released, this expansion (alongside DukeDC and Caribbean) was relatively obscure. And compared to DC and Caribbean (the latter released about a month after NW), it wasn't that great. Sure, there's at least some new enemies and features to be found in NW, compared to DC which offered nothing new (besides new maps and ART). But the level design overall isn't very comparable to the original episodes (without sounding disappointing to fans of NW).

The reason for that is because the first two levels are just modified versions of the first two levels from original Duke3D, just played backwards and having some new locations to visit with new enemy/item/weapon placement, etc. I think NW would have been a lot better if split into two episodes, the first one being a complete remake of L.A. Meltdown in a snowy theme and the second consisting of original levels. Then the addon would have had 12 levels in total and wouldn't be labeled as being too short, then it would have also been better received.

At least, Nuclear Winter is way better than Duke Zone II, that's for sure. In the end, Nuclear Winter is a mixed bag. I still enjoy replaying it nowadays (it seems to be a tradition to play Nuclear Winter every December, although before the very recent playthroughs, I haven't played NW since back in 2015 or so!) and have a bit of nostalgia associated with seeing a playthrough of the addon (and also DukeDC and Caribbean, all were played in JFDuke3D if I remember correctly) on YouTube back in mid/late 2007, by an YouTuber called Teleemahn (I think that was his name?), his account disappeared sometime in the following years (around 2009-2010) and the videos were removed as well. Too bad about that, I remember wanting to play those addons back then, though I eventually managed to get my hands on them shortly after.

I will post about Duke's Snowy Adventure II next time, as I've recently finished it and it makes sense it is the next one reviewed, right after the original NW.

Have a nice weekend!

User is online   Quacken 


Alright, let's do Nuclear Winter! I've been personally looking forward to review this and I honestly couldn't tell you why.

Deja Vu

Otherwise known as the good ending where Duke managed to not get trapped by the aliens in Red Light District, Deja Vu is definitely one of the Duke Nukem 3D maps of all time. Tcirtsid Thgil Der is just a more barebones version of Red Light District with 40 less monsters, no Octabrains and a hell of a lot more snowmen. Objectively this map is bad, but I think it's so blatant in its plagiarism, plus the circumstances surrounding Nuclear Winter's creation in the first place lead to me having quite a lot of ironic enjoyment from this map. The re-skinned monsters are pretty cool and on-theme, but I feel like Simply Silly Software just gave up halfway through due to time constraints. What about a Sentry Drone that looks like a big snowflake? An Octabrain that's a bright red bauble? Or a Battlelord that's got green skin to look like the Grinch? There's a lot you could do with stylising the monsters, and this was a pretty big missed opportunity. The new monsters sure exist, too - the Snowmen are actually pretty annoying to kill as they will usually survive one hit from the Shotgun if it's not dead centre and then hit you with a projectile that resets your aim. The Flying Frosties who replace the Commanders are overall much easier to deal with in my opinion. Freezethrower projectiles travel slower and do less damage overall, along with there being no splash damage. The Tanks are unchanged from regular Pig Cop Tanks aside from dropping a Snowman instead of a pig, so I don't care. The last thing I have to say about this map is that I genuinely think the construction site at the building you blew up in Red Light District is really cute.


Where it All Began

Tsuacoloh Doowylloh is quite literally more of the same. (Yes, I'm not ashamed to do that reversed map title joke again.) The only notable things about this map are the two helpless Christmas carolers you can either murder in cold blood yourself, or get the rampaging piles of hardening water to kill for you, the final two non-boss monsters introduced, and the new movie that's playing at the theatre. Where were YOU when Snowman Furiously Tearing at an Elf's Left Shoulder was in cinemas? The two new monsters, the Grunt and the Groan, are literally just better versions of the Enforcer and the Pig Cop. They're smaller, have no attack wind-ups, and most frustrating of all, are completely silent except for when they attack. Their sprites are also terrible quality, so it can be hard to differentiate them from the level geometry. They do drop presents for you, though. There's not a ton of ammo lying around going forward, so relying on these girls to drop you government property weapons for ammo will be your main way to keep yourself going. Where it All Began is about as exciting and unsurprising as seeing Christmas advertising on November 1st.


User is online   Quacken 


More Nuclear Winter!

Land of Forgotten Toys

Land of Forgotten Toys is the first of the original maps in Nuclear Winter, and it has about as much depth and artistic integrity as a plate of green salad. With three highly linear paths to go down, it's safe to say that Land of Forgotten Toys is repetitive, lazy and not all that exciting, but I somehow enjoy it anyway. It's not all a frozen wasteland out here. If you make a mad dash to safety, the path to the triple key door has more frantic energy than TLDE has in its entire corpus. Hangar from the "popular Doom game" doesn't really add to anything and only really throws Sentry Drones at you, and I think it would have been funny if Simply Silly Software just straight up let you explore all of Hangar, minus the secrets. Super Mario from Super Mario is at least pretty funny. I like to think he's grown shy from playing too much Mario Kart while being locked away behind a dumb and forced Tier Drops reference that punishes you with fall damage if you guess wrong. Land of Forgotten Toys is all snow and ice and approximately zero toys. Is that why the toys are forgotten? Did the map designers forget to put them in this map? This map is bad but in a funny way.


Santa's Corporate HQ

Santa's Corporate HQ is one of my favourite maps in Nuclear Winter, and I'm actually being serious for once. This workshop and office complex actually has quite a bit going for it in terms of visuals, and its layout approaches being decently competent for 1997. The layout and combat is still extremely simple. Nuclear Winter contains no Battlelords at all, or even any Octabrains until next map, resulting in the gallery of re-skinned fodder monsters and the band of janky Nuclear Winter monsters having to pick up most of the slack. Needless to say, all of the combat in this map set is basic, repetitive and blends together. Trying to find something interesting to say about combat in this is about as likely as having snow where I live. However, the visuals are definitely a step up. The roll of parchment on Santa's desk is a very unexpected but nice detail, and the satellite dishes make sense given the location of the map. I also respect the use of coloured lighting in this map to make certain sections like a wall of Enforcers at the beginning stand out more. The layout in the outside area also manages to play well with the Frosties' ability to fly as well. Santa's Corporate HQ is a map I find to be genuinely kinda fun, and I'm honestly surprised that's the case. Good job, Simply Silly!


User is online   Quacken 


And now it's time to finish Nuclear Winter!

The Backdoor

The Backdoor is a symmetrical sewer map that's dark, lazy and laughably easy to sequence break. Worst of all, there's not one bit of holiday decoration here! Considering that the first two maps in Nuclear Winter are reskins of L.A. Meltdown maps, and The Backdoor and the boss map seem like they're just poorly disguised Deathmatch maps, I don't think Simply Silly were given a lot of time to do their job. There's nothing to say here about The Backdoor that I didn't already say about Brown Water from Duke it Out in DC. The reason why I think this was originally a Deathmatch map is the main area looks awfully symmetrical. It's a big octagon with four entrances to an underwater chamber. (And I know nothing about Deathmatch map design, but this seems like a pretty bad idea for a Deathmatch map too.) With nothing interesting to look at or see, The Backdoor sticks out like a sore thumb, and it is neither holly nor jolly. Its only saving grace is that it's short.


Christmas Village

Now isn't this more like it? Christmas Village is probably the most involved map in the entire set. With a grand total of 76 monsters, it also has the highest kill count too. Despite the threatening amount of things with cartridge weaponry, this map still isn't that challenging. You get two Atomic Healths around the middle of the map and an early RPG which should help you cruise through just about everything combat-wise. I do like the visuals in this map, although I feel like the "Village" part of this map gets pretty understated. It's more like a work camp site than a place you'd actually live in. Still though, I like the signage and the airstrip that's outside a balcony in Santa's house. I've ran out of things to say about this map in particular, so a quick digression on the music: Even though they're just basic MIDIs of popular Christmas songs, they're still pleasant to listen to. I'll explain it more in the closing thoughts, but I'll say this: The music makes these maps turn from bad, to good bad. That being said, Christmas Village isn't as endearing as Santa's Corporate HQ.


Here Comes Santa Claws

...Well, at least it's not the Cycloid Emperor again. Here Comes Santa Claws drops you in an arena that first contains 40 monsters. For the last time, shoot down the hitscanners blocking your way, grab the keys, and unveil Santa Claws' sinister plot to rule the world with in your face advertising or something, before he tries to take you behind the gingerbread house. Santa Claws is a Deathmatch bot with 25 times the HP you'd probably think one should have. The only attack you should be relatively worried about is the triple rocket flurry as it has no cue or wind-up. Just stay away and pepper him with the Shotgun and Pipe Bombs. Oh yeah, and don't let him fall down into the sewer, because that's an instant death for you. Save Santa by killing him, watch the red log fly off into the night sky, and you're done with Nuclear Winter.


Closing Thoughts

So. What IS there to say about Nuclear Winter? Reviled by many and seemingly loved by no one - except me, apparently. I'm going to be the first to say that Nuclear Winter is objectively not a good map set. I mean for God's sake, the first two maps in this are just backwards reskins of two genuinely fun maps from L.A. Meltdown, and The Backdoor and Here Comes Santa Claws boil down to being boring, round arenas with not a lot to do in them. From what I've heard online, apparently Nuclear Winter was meant to be a free three level map set to be posted online before Wizardworks showed up and told Simply Silly Software to do a TNT Evilution - to publish Nuclear Winter and to sell it for money. When you look at the maps, it's pretty obvious to see that Land of Forgotten Toys, Santa's Corporate HQ and Christmas Village were the three maps that were probably intended to be put online for free. I also heard they weren't given a lot of time. In the need for Wizardworks to publish a Christmas-themed expansion for the holidays, Simply Silly seemed to me like they were used as sacrificial lambs, rather than them being properly commissioned like Sunstorm were for DC and Caribbean. As a result, my sympathy for the map designers ends up softening my heart quite a lot when thinking about these maps.

But even ignoring the conditions that Simply Silly must have been put through, I still just can't dislike most of this map set. Nuclear Winter is one of the rare times that even when a map set is deeply flawed, I don't really care. There was certainly a lot of effort put into Nuclear Winter, I'd argue even more so than Duke it Out in DC. Although you could probably find the MIDIs online pretty easily, each map has its own Christmas tune, there's six new monsters with their own original sprite sheets, and there's new intro and ending cinematics. Sure, the narrator snowman's arms are that of a human skeleton's, but still! I think it's both highly admirable and extremely fortunate that Nuclear Winter came out the way it is. While it definitely isn't as consistently enjoyable as Sunstorm's two expansions, this third brother of commercial Duke addons definitely deserves its place, and above all else I think people just need to stop taking it so seriously. My final rating for Duke: Nuclear Winter is a 5/10. It could be worse! You could be Duke Xtreme. (I've never played Duke Xtreme and I honestly don't want to.)

This post has been edited by Quacken: 19 December 2022 - 03:07 AM


User is offline   FistMarine 


Alright, it's time for reviewing Duke's next snowy adventure! ;)


Duke's Snowy Adventure II: Stolen Weapons is a Nuclear Winter TC released in late 1998. It requires Nuclear Winter in order to function properly.
There are two episodes with 6 levels each (12 levels total), with the first episode having 5 SP levels and a bonus 6th DM map that is only reachable with cheats or command line parameters.

The mod features new art, new music, new con files (with changed text messages, increased damage and ammo capacity for some weapons, while you get less ammo capacity for pipebombs and trip mines, also some of the ammo amounts/capacity seem similar to JJ Duke Nukem 3D) and new sounds (though it seems either there are some sounds missing or they weren't implemented properly, as you will get SOUND NOT FOUND type of messages during the game). Oh and the skill level names have been changed too. The first is now EASY, the second is now HARD, the third has no name at all and the fourth is now REALLY HARD. The third skill can still be selected in the menu (and it's what I played in the DOS playthrough) but in source ports (such as EDuke32) it may cause problems and be unable to select it or even display/select the fourth skill, as a result of leaving an entry blank (as far as I remember from past playthroughs in EDuke32 and the current playthrough videos on YouTube). Still, from what I can tell, skills 2 and 3 should be identical in terms of enemy and item placement. :P

I will not post new intro screens because they feature amateurish new art, such as the ATOMIC/Nuclear Winter has been replaced with a shitty DSA2 logo quickly made in MSPaint. The new ending screen is also slightly modified, as you will see below.

The "new" weapons you have in this mod are:
1) Knife (replaces Mighty Foot/Quick Kick), taken from Duke Xtreme. It also deals more damage and has slightly longer range.
2) M-16 (replaces pistol) which is probably taken from Vixens TC (which in turn was modified from Platoon TC). It deals twice as much damage but this also causes enforcers, uzi elves and snowmobiles to deal 12 dmg per hit, so be very careful when fighting them!
3) Devastator uses the new art from Duke Xtreme and is far more powerful, on top of ammo pickups giving you 25 per pickup.
4) Trip Mines don't have changed art but have invisible lasers (on top of having a wider radius and dealing much more damage), so be very careful with trip mine traps!


Midnight Massacre

We are not to a very good start. The first level brings us right into the battle (though just against a pig cop in the starting room) and just like the original NW E2L1, it forces you to fight mid/high tier monsters with what you've got at beginning, though once you get past this, it's pretty smooth sailing with how many supplies you are given. It also features a modified and stolen section from E4L2: Duke-Burger, as if that was not blatant enough. The rest of the level is pretty average, kinda hard to describe it, because while initially challenging, you get your hands on pretty much the full arsenal with a lot of ammo for most weapons. Also your objective is finding the two cards (blue and yellow) to unlock the exit.

There are two secrets to find:
-In the women's bathroom, press on the wall behind the toilet to reveal a small room containing a trooper, an octabrain and a bunch of weapons + ammo packs.
-In the room that has a switch labeled DOOR A, jump on the nearby crates and press on the wall, inside you can find a Portable Medkit and a bunch of ammo packs.

Hopefully the next level is better.
Attached Image: DE1L1_1.pngAttached Image: DE1L1_3.png

The Alien's Wearhouse

Oh dear. The level's name is misspelled. That's not a good sign. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be named The Alien's Warehouse. And the level design isn't that good either with having bland areas and also tons of weapons, health, etc which makes the mod a cakewalk. There is one hidden access card (required for progression) inside a SECRET AREA! This is what got me stuck many years ago when I tried the mod first time, which was around 2014. I tried the mod again in 2017 and was able to find the secret in question and progress normally through the episode. Look for the secrets below to see the level's solution. Oh and once you insert the red & blue cards at the end, the door in the right OPENS with the exit (containing a jetpack). The door in left cannot be opened at all. Why couldn't the author just get rid of that door texture, I don't know.

There are three secrets to find:
-Near the big door (where you see the yellow access slot already activated with a switch nearby), press on the wall in the left side to access a tiny room with two Uzi elves and Devastator ammo in the bathtub.
-Near the WUNKO CORP. truck, go to the tree in the left side and press use. You will arrive in a SECRET room with various enemies, goodies and even a Home Alone reference (yes this had to be said, after all the Home Alone movies are being played at my TV these days). You must have the yellow card to use it and enter a room containing the blue card which is required for level progression!
-In the same location with the WUNKO CORP. truck, go behind the grave (look out for those mortars!) to collect an Atomic Health and Pistol Ammo.

Overall, the level was actually much worse compared to the previous one. Keep your expectations low from now on...
Attached Image: DE1L2_1.pngAttached Image: DE1L2_2.png

Money! Money! Money!

Look mom, I'm rich! On a serious note, this level is once again nothing special (though much better than the previous two levels) and even features a dickish trip mine trap that I remember killing me years ago. It's located inside the safe after you unlock it with the yellow card. Other than that, not much else to say.

Three Secrets:
-In the right room (located near the beginning), press on a wall (behind the Duke Cutout from Babe Land, right next to the vending machines) to access a tiny room with a shotgun, two Atomic Healths and a couple of babes.
-Inside the safe, where you find the Red Card and various other stuff, just walk around the room to register the secret.
-Near the end of the level, use the jetpack to fly through the window (smash the glass first). Inside the room, you will find various goodies (Armor, Shotgun, RPG and an Xmas tree). However, to register the secret, go through the fake wall (contains a tiny empty sector) located behind the shotgun.

While this map was better than the previous ones, it was still a bit average overall, though still one of the best DSA2 levels overall. What about the next map?
Attached Image: DE1L3_1.pngAttached Image: DE1L3_6.png

EDF Base

This level seems very familiar! I am sure I must have played it before. Ah yes, this is a stolen and modified version of the first level from The Lost Duke Episodes! It is slightly changed to show Santa Claus hologram in the Central Access room. I bet the code to unlock the last door is the exact same as the one from first episode of Lost Duke Episodes!

Be sure to grab all the goodies in the Armory, they will come handy in the next level. There are no secrets to find. Not much else to say.
Attached Image: DE1L4_1.png

Final Block

The Final Countdown! Yeah, as you can notice, this map uses a nice MIDI version of the sweet song The Final Countdown by Europe! Although you don't get to fight Santa just yet! Instead, you get to fight the ALIEN QUEEN at the very end and it seems like you can also find the other three bosses' corpses in same room as the boss herself. Not sure if this implies that she killed them or what exactly? :P

As for the actual map, I have a hard time describing it, so be sure to prepare yourself because you start this map under attack, make sure you are clearing every building, look for some trip mines, collect the blue card and eventually you will face off the Alien Queen! Due to increased damage of your weapons, the Alien Queen will die in just about 80 Devastator missiles and since ammo is almost everywhere, you shouldn't have any problem taking her down quickly! Oh and the cutscene wasn't replaced, showing the original E1 cutscene with Duke executing the Battlelord. And then it shows the Shareware splash screen (with Enforcer, Commander and Cycloid) for some reason.

There are no secrets to find. The map was kinda meh and the boss didn't put much of a fight. The hunt for Santa continues into the next episode!
Attached Image: DE1L5_1.pngAttached Image: DE1L5_3.png

Desert Arena Winter

Before advancing to Episode 2, let's talk about the bonus DM map (accessible with command line parameters or DNSCOTTY106 cheat), even if there isn't much to describe other than featuring a Pinata in the middle and blowing it up will spawn a ton of stuff. It had to be mentioned for sake of completeness.

Hang on! There is actually a secret available in this map that I didn't know until I double checked Mapster. Go behind one of the "untextured" walls to find a hidden room with some dancing babes and various goodies (weapons, ammo). Now time to move to Episode 2!
Attached Image: DE1L6_1.png


EDF Artic Base

It's Arctic, not Artic! Anyway, this level also seems very familiar, it could be a modified version of a certain Duke Xtreme level but I am not too sure about that, so feel free to correct me. I know for sure there is a Pokemon reference at least.

I am not in the mood of describing the level other than the scuba gear at the end of the level is pointless (the next level starts you on top of a scuba gear while already underwater), so I will just talk about the secrets (one official and one unofficial).

Official: Right where you pick up the yellow card (in the room with the purple toxic acid in middle), open the nearby window to access a vent containing a slimer, M-16, Pipebomb, Tripmine (weapon) and an Atomic Health.
Unofficial: Go through a fake wall (around where you fight sentry drones and an octabrain, near an ammo cache) to access a hidden room containing a Pokemon reference, as well as an Atomic Health, M-16 and Expander Ammo.

The level wasn't anything special. Maybe the next one will be better?
Attached Image: DE2L1_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L1_4.png

Icy Waters

Not much to say other than it was fairly short and straightforward, though there are also about two points of no return, so keep that in mind. The two shotgun elves at the end of the level caused me a bit of trouble, so I started the next level with 65 health but then I learned I lose my entire inventory/weapons, so I loaded the save and used the medkit to start the next level with 100 health at least. :P

Oh and looking in Mapster, there appears to be an additional ending area (containing a trooper and an elf) that is not reachable in normal gameplay. It is nearly a duplicate of the accessible ending area. Thankfully, they didn't influence the enemy count, probably helped by killing the sharks and the slimer eggs at the very beginning of the level.

There are no secrets to find and the map was pretty meh overall.
Attached Image: DE2L2_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L2_2.png

Police Shootout

This map starts you without weapons, so try to have as much health as possible from the previous level (at least 100) to make up for the fact you get attacked right away at the beginning and then rushing to grab the weapons. I actually managed to die twice, first time was decimated by the snow mobile at the start (despite having 100 health and the armor I had grabbed at that time, that bastard's machineguns were very powerful) and the second time thanks to the stupid trip mine trap in front of the store. Thankfully, they are the only deaths from this month so far, unless we also include the deaths from the Zoo map from NW+. Oh and there is also a blue protector drone, which is interesting because Protectors never showed in NW at all but here they show once in this level and once more in a later level.

Anyway, once you get past the tough beginning, the rest of the map is a cakewalk, as you will shortly find the rest of the arsenal and tons of health/armor/ammo supplies. Just watch out for those pesky elves located inside the bathrooms. And be sure to explore as you will find lots of goodies!

There is a Pokemon reference inside one of the bathrooms and there are no secrets to find. Another meh map overall.
Attached Image: DE2L3_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L3_2.png


Pretty sure the level name is supposed to be Drug Bust? Anyway, another somewhat forgettable level that there is not much to talk about, so I will instead give an advice, as well as the secret guide:

To finish the level, approach the driver door of the truck. I mention this because it isn't very obvious.

Two secrets to find:
-Right before the last door (unlockable with the yellow card), press on the right wall to access a teleporter.
-After using the teleporter from the first secret, you will arrive in a weird alien room with an armor pickup and two captured babes. Behind the monolith, there is an atomic health that counts as the second secret. Go further in the next room to take out the Octabrains, slimer eggs, captured babes and the barrels that will explode around them. Grab the goodies and watch out for a few more Octabrains spawning.
Attached Image: DE2L4_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L4_4.png

What's Up Dock?!

Ah, I get it. A reference to the famous line spoken by the famous cartoon character, Bugs Bunny!

Anyway, the level appears to be ok overall and I don't think people will have trouble completing it, so I guess I will talk about the secret and the fact that there are THREE nuke buttons in this level, though only one of them is working!

The only secret you can find is right where you get the blue card. Crouch and find the hidden switch behind the desk. It will lower the nearby shelf. Inside you can find many goodies (including two of those "D" boxes you can break to spawn Atomic Health) but also a secret nuke button! Unfortunately, the nuke button DOESN'T WORK! I guess it was planned to be the secret level entrance but was left unfunctional (probably to prevent finishing the level early on).

There is another nuke button inside a store, located behind some cracks that is unreachable by normal means, as a fake wall prevents you from reaching it. I haven't tried to DNCLIP and see if it works but I am going to assume it is functional and advances you to the next level.

While still somewhat of an average map, the level was a lot more interesting than most levels so far. Will the final level be better or will it disappoint?
Attached Image: DE2L5_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L5_5.png

Rooftop Finals

The final showdown! Kill the two enemies at start, grab everything and take the elevator! On the roof, you will see a few more enemies and a ship (behind the ship, Santa Claus is waiting you). You may be thinking this looks familiar. It is because this level is a modified version of Duke Zone II's E1L5 (the same map also featured in the demo version of DZ2!), except it's much shorter!

There is one secret to find: On the roof, jump through the window (located in between Armor and RPG) to collect a bunch of goodies (smash the glass first). Then go back, fight Santa, defeat him and you will get the same ending as before, except with more MSPaint graphics drawn on top.

Not much else to say. Map was very short and Santa can be easily killed with the Devastator, although his chaingun hurts a lot as usual, so have the Medkit prepared just in case.
Attached Image: DE2L6_1.pngAttached Image: DE2L6_2.png
Attached Image: DE2L6_3.pngAttached Image: DE2L6_4.png

Closing/Final/Overall Thoughts: This TC was pretty meh overall. While it provides nearly twice as much content as Nuclear Winter, despite some okay maps, overall it is very average/mediocre and it's not helped by the fact one level is directly stolen from The Lost Duke Episodes for no apparent reason. And don't get me started on the custom ART, that is either the author's drawings in MSPaint (see the splash screen and the ugly logo) or taken from various sources. I am talking about those weapons' art and such. It seems every 90s TC had to steal a bunch of stuff from other TCs and it's quite unfortunate that several modders would resort to doing this, as often the custom resources clash with the original game's artwork. I will admit that the Duke Xtreme's artwork fits well alongside the original art and I would have liked to see Xtreme's Silenced Pistol instead of the M-16 seen in various old TCs.

I now realize that I may have sounded a bit too harsh on my Nuclear Winter review, so I will mention again that Nuclear Winter was pretty ok overall but nothing spectacular when compared to the official Duke3D episodes and the Sunstorm addons. However, this DSA2 TC is actually much worse and much more amateurish than the original Nuclear Winter ever was, with only like two or three maps comparable to some of the NW levels.

If you are looking for high quality TCs, don't look here. I really don't recommend playing this TC. But if you want to play it as a curiosity and wanted more Nuclear Winter maps (or just Duke3D maps in general), then be sure to check it out. It's fairly short with either of the episodes being shorter than what NW offered but when combined together, they are only slightly longer than the NW episode. It's up to you to decide whether you want to play more NW maps. Personally, I would have liked if there was more high quality Xmas/Winter content, as the community has proven there can exist high quality snow/Xmas type of maps. Just hope to see more of them getting released every winter or something. ;)

To not make it longer, here are the nominations for the next month, which is a bit earlier than usual, though justified due to upcoming holidays:

Mikko Sandt's Maps + Duke Tournament + MSSP Episode + The Brave New World +
WGRealms + WGSpace Episode

I decided that the nominations are the same as before and they will be chosen for January and February if no one objects, as they have been sitting in the queue for far too long, which leaves new nominations for March and later. I voted for Mikko Sandt's maps and episodes for January, leaving the other option for February.

Next review will be about XMAS1997, which I am currently playing. The review will be posted sometime next week. Hopefully I have enough time to wrap everything up.

Have a nice weekend and a Merry Christmas with your family!

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 23 December 2022 - 09:32 AM


User is online   Quacken 


Probably not going to finish everything here. I feel content with just playing Countdown to Christmas, Christmas Project and Nuclear Winter. I tried DSA2 but quickly gave up at Map 2 as I was unable to locate the mandatory secret (and I was probably not missing out on much too). Looking back on FistMarine's post, I realised I was playing everything wrong - I failed to negotiate the new files correctly so was stuck playing with stock Duke 3D and Nuclear Winter assets. Similarly on Countdown to Christmas, the grave you jump down and are meant to be teleported away from in Christmas Carol kept killing me, and I was unable to actually finish the map. Thankfully I only missed the credits! Anyway:

Mikko Sandt's Maps + Duke Tournament + MSSP Episode + The Brave New World +
WGRealms + WGSpace Episode

It feels kinda comical that these choices have been around for so long and we're only just now getting to them.

User is offline   Aleks 


Well, it seemed only appropriate to play Sanek's Countdown to Christmas today, so here goes my thoughts:

Snow Battle
I kinda liked this map for what it's worth - it's simple and straightforward. I also kinda liked how you have to enter the ship with the crane like in Derelict, but then after the ladder part, Sanek just says "fuck it" and blatantly gives you a jetpack to escape. Battlelord was completely useless as he got stuck inside some hole and didn't pose any threat at all, however the armies of lesser enemies at the end did end up tougher than I'd expect. One thing I definitely didn't like about this map - and unfortunately, the 3rd map was plagued with it even more - were the rapidly auto-closing doors. Seriously, Mapster should require additional license from people trying to use SE10.

Christmas Tree
This one was very short and quite disappointing - to be honest, I was expecting a dense forest action and the whole map based around the idea of searching for the one ideal Christmas Tree, similar to how it was done in that one Postal 2 errand. Unfortunately, it's just a straight walk with some monsters (and a bizarre super-deep well that just kills you), and then clearing the house from some more aliens - all taking about 3 minutes.

Christmas Carol
Well, definitely the best and biggest map of the set that takes more time than the previous two maps combined. And it's a pretty nice city map, although I don't think the whole dream sequence was needed, as it clashes a bit with the whole layout, looks a bit half-assed and not clear about the story at all. And the auto-closing doors, man that sucks here. Otherwise, it's basically two quite large chunks of some city, which is pretty well designed and uses new textures in a way that doesn't clash with Duke's art style, so that's definitely an achievement. The final (after the last meh dream bit) was quite nice though and I generally liked the use of people singing carols outside in this episode.

Also, @Quacken - I've also had this final red sector in the dream-walking sequence kill me the first few times, but turned out I was able to teleport out of it when I jumped and immediately crouched, so probably you could try this as well. I was playing a fairly recent EDuke version too (r9949). There's still quite a lot going on after this part (well, the actual 2nd city bit and then some more random dreaming sequence).

Final thoughts: Despite all the criticism I mentioned above (which seems a bit exaggerated now that I look at it...), I've had a fun and chill experience with this short mod - nothing too tedious or requiring much focus really, just kicking some alien ass in a snowy environments while listening to Christmas songs. Good effort, definitely liked it more than Driving Home for Christmas or Nuclear Winter.

User is offline   FistMarine 


Time to wrap up this month's entries with the XMAS1997 review! For the record, I never played it before and this is the first time I played it, in Duke3D v1.5 on CGS skill, in DOSBox 0.74-3 (with the usual controls/settings). But first to respond to Quaken, may I suggest trying to play through XMAS1997 at least, if DSA2 didn't work to you? I must warn that Xmas1997 is a bit rough around the edges, as I will shortly talk about. It's ok if no one plays/reviews XMAS 1997, the month is almost over and I understand people were busy with the holidays, so at least I hope you guys enjoy my review of Xmas 1997!

It's also interesting to know that in Countdown to Christmas, those warp sectors were glitched in newer EDuke32 versions. I guess I was lucky I played the mod using the latest 2015 build or else it would have been a shame if this mod was broken like it was in author's previous work, RCBP2, where I couldn't progress past the starting sector.

Anyway, here is the long-awaited review of XMAS 1997!


Xmas 1997 is a Duke3D (Atomic) TC released in December 2017. The modified date of files suggest this was made back in December 1997 but I guess it was done in such a way to make it seem as it came out back then, though I still believe it was actually made and released in 2017. I know there was a certain famous Duke3D mapper that did the same thing with altering the date of files but we will eventually get into that the next year if his content gets nominated.

Which reminds me, the TC is designed in a very 90s way with many quirks of the various TCs from back then, such as the level design being nonsensical at times and the balance being all over the place! Oh and to mention again, this TC does NOT require Nuclear Winter in order to play!

I must also clarify that there are in fact, 10 maps in total in this TC, not 6 or 8 as I thought previously! There are 8 playable maps, as well as one intro map telling the mod's events and one empty map that tells that you have chosen the wrong episode! XMAS 1997 replaces the second episode in game. Only two maps contain any secrets, the rest don't have, so I will only mention secrets for those two levels containing them.

There are new intro/splash screens, a new logo and also three gameplay demos (if played in DOS Duke3D v1.5) of the following maps: Big City (XMAS1), Cool Caves (XMAS3), Do Not Move (XMAS0). These are nice and appreciated to have. The names of difficulty settings are also slightly changed.

The only new feature of the mod is the present found in most levels (often grouped together) that spawns a random health/item/weapon upon being destroyed. It can be absolutely anything, with the exception of trip mines (weapon) but it can also either not spawn anything at all or spawn poop or in worst case scenario, a MINI BATTLELORD! Though at least in latter's case, it compensates with spawning like 3-4 Atomic Healths too. It's up to you to save in advance and then load if you get a result you don't like, as the presents' drop is fully randomized. Oh and annoyingly, every time you smash a present, a bunch of rats will spawn too.

Most (if not all) levels don't implement difficulty settings at all (I just quickly checked in Mapster to confirm, pretty much every enemy has no tag at all), so this is similar to other mods/TCs of the 90s (such as Lost Duke Episodes) where the first three difficulties are identical, so I recommend playing on CGS because the two easier skills don't do anything to compensate in this case, as for those unfamiliar with the difficulty settings in Duke3D, the damage inflicted on the player/enemies is identical across all skill levels.

For people playing the mod in DOSBox, I must warn you about a severe slowdown (it makes DOSBox nearly unplayable) that happens SOMETIMES (in some of the maps), though I don't know the exact cause of this. I don't know if an effect was done purposedly to freeze DOSBox or whatever but it's really annoying. I recommend saving often and if this happens, loading/quitting should resume things to normal, usually. If DOSBox seemingly froze, you have to wait a long time until it unfreezes (if you can access the main menu during that slowdown) or force DOSBox shut down.
Attached Image: XMAS97_1.pngAttached Image: XMAS97_2.pngAttached Image: XMAS97_3.pngpng]
Attached Image: XMAS97_4.pngAttached Image: XMAS97_5.pngAttached Image: XMAS97_6.pngpng]

Do Not Move

This is the intro map. As the map's title, just stand still while you are being carried by a conveyor belt! This lasts nearly a minute, after that you get sent to the next level. Just take note you have no weapons at all, so the next level will be a bit difficult.

A neat intro map that tells the mod's story events.
Attached Image: XMAS0_1.png

Big City

An interesting first map that seems like your typical winter city map. There is a cinema to access (like in E1L1) with a timed switch puzzle, various buildings to explore, a couple spinning gears towards the end and also many enemies spawning at various points, alongside the presents scattered all around the place.

It also doesn't help that you start without weapons (though you can probably restart the map and get your pistol back at least) and the beginning can be quite tough without weapons, as you have to rely on the presents spawning something good for you and also enemies dropping something useful. Otherwise, I'd suggest kicking the troopers and use whatever weapon you get from the presents for a while, until getting to the workhorse weapons (pistol, shotgun, chaingun).

Thankfully, there is a water fountain right at beginning, alongside some rooms you access later that are packed with tons of medkits (the author seems to enjoy placing 20 or so health pickups near each other, as he did in some later maps too), so health shouldn't be a problem, hopefully.

While I did struggle at times, I managed to survive the whole map, thankfully. I'm not in the mood of writing a walkthrough, as the map should be easy to complete. Just hope you can get some goodies early on from those presents or you will be in a bad spot if you end up without weapons/ammo. But once you collect the first couple of weapons, you shouldn't have much of a problem with the combat, as the most enemies you encounter are troopers, pig cops and enforcers. Well except for when monsters are spawning in groups, as they can be tricky to deal with. The author loves spawning many of them at once!

Oh and I like the way each level ends with the reinders showing up in Santa's sleigh. Decent first proper level. Will the next one be better or worse?
Attached Image: XMAS1_3.pngAttached Image: XMAS1_6.png

Christmas Village

This is another town styled map and it has NOTHING TO DO with the identically named map from Nuclear Winter, so I wonder if it was a coincidence when choosing the name or on purpose? Anyway, you are given FOUR pistols at the start, so you shouldn't have any trouble with the weapons/ammo this time around. There are also plenty of presents available, so you should be able to get a ton of goodies in return. Just pray you don't get a Mini Battlelord spawned in your face if you are kicking the presents!

As for the actual level, you need to visit the buildings in a certain order, just note that some of them require an access card or a switch to unlock the entrance. Be also careful of the large amount of trip mines and enemies spawned. I died a few times because of random crap happening (like two presents containing a mini battlelord), getting squished by a sector at end and some severe slowdowns happening in the bathroom for some reason.

For the trip mines scattered in those rooms, you can blow up those mines with your pipebombs and not take any damage if you stand in the right spot, though you can also do the hard way and just jump/crouch through them.

Oh yeah and for the switch puzzle underwater, don't forget that you must activate ALL 5 switches + one hidden at the surface of the water. Just stand at the surface of the water and press it, it's located near the entrance door, then it will open the hatch underwater. This in case people get stuck at this puzzle. And the same applies to all those switches hidden in the bathroom near every toilet, press them all!

After you got the yellow card and cleared all the obstacles (be careful of a Mini Battlelord you have to fight and some sudden trip mines appearing!), go to the Elf Disco, insert the yellow card and make sure to SAVE before advancing! You might want to grab all the stuff before advancing too, as there is no way back once past this point. When ready, step in and hope you don't get squished (this happened once) at the sector transition part where you are surrounded by bunch of tough ladies (those ones from E4L7). Duke gets banned from the party and then continues in the search for the Santa!

Overall, I found this level a bit annoying at times, design was ok for most part. The Mini Battlelord toy in the first building was cute, at least.
Attached Image: XMAS2_2.pngAttached Image: XMAS2_4.png

Cool Caves

Well, things are definitely getting more annoying and interesting at the same time. There are lots of enemies that will ambush you at times and sometimes you will be hurting for health, though thankfully there are a couple Portable Medkits found over the map that will make your life easier! I got low on health many times but most of the time I made it out just fine, only died a few times overall. Knowing where to find the two secrets really help, as they are packed with health! And hopefully also coming across those groups of medkits that the author really likes placing around the map.

There are two secrets to find:
-Right at the beginning, where you see those troopers, jump on that rock and then jump on the misaligned wall in the right side. Inside, you can find an RPG, 3x Large Medkit and one Portable Medkit.
-After using the blue card, inside the building, go to the fire in the chimney (don't know exactly if it's called like that) and then jump to collect a Portable Medkit.

Before dropping down to the cave at the end, I suggest grabbing everything (though you should have a Jetpack by now if you wish to backtrack anyway) and then finish the level. The level was kinda meh overall, though some parts I still liked.
Attached Image: XMAS3_1.pngAttached Image: XMAS3_5.png

Santa Workshop

Just as you thought it couldn't get worse, it seems to continue getting worse. If you thought the previous level was tough, then wait for this one!

This level was quite frustrating at times and even a bit glitchy, with some presents becoming solid and unbreakable (this happens in next few levels as well, bug or intended feature?). I don't know what to say but my experience was a bit miserable here because I had a couple bullshit deaths for various reasons (such as from trip mines and that fucking ambush with two mini battlelords spawning upon inserting a card), as well as one or two slowdowns randomly happening. There are also tons of enemies present in this level, though most of them are just slimers, which are nothing more than an annoyance (especially those that are placed on conveyor belts), while remaining enemies are the typical ones you usually encounter (troopers, pig cops, enforcers, etc). Oh and there is a trip mine trap right at the beginning, which troopers will most likely trigger for you and hurt you. At least you are given THREE Portable Medkits right at beginning.

I like the fact there is a factory that makes presents (as well as some invisible thing that makes the screen red and start hurting you after a while? maybe a side effect upon standing near a forcefield?), so you can get lots of goodies if you want. Oh and the last door got bugged and opened itself, so I didn't need to use the yellow card. Reminds me a lot of the penultimate map in Nuclear Winter. Maybe it was purposely done like that? We will never know.

When I finished the map, I had 254 kills. I couldn't find any more enemies, so I went with trying to get a Mini Battlelord spawned from a present (this actually took a lot of attempts), as I wanted to get 255 kills and see if they display just fine in vanilla. Turns out, it worked, as I've got 255 kills in vanilla Duke3D for first time (previously I've seen like 250-254 kills but never exactly 255 kills on the level stats screen). For those unfamiliar, 255 kills is the maximum limit of kills in vanilla Duke3D before the kill counter rolls up back to 0 and you end up with lots of non-existent monsters missed. Interestingly, I've wondered for a while what happens if you have 255 or more secrets in a map? I need to do this experiment one day, as I don't think I've ever seen a Duke3D map with so many secrets.

There are three secrets to find, which are located almost nearby each other:
-Near beginning, jump on the green crates and go through the vent. Inside, you will find a bunch of ladies and presents. Note that killing the ladies spawns a few nearby troopers and pig cops, so keep that in mind!
-In the room with the crates (after the mirror), jump on the crates and instead of going forward to the vent, go to the left side where slimers are coming through a fake wall. Inside, you can find an RPG and 2x Atomic Healths.
-After going through the vents (containing devastator ammo), take out the enemies in next room and jump on the crates, then go behind the conveyor belt to find 5x Large Medkits, 2x Chaingun ammo and a pack of Pipebombs.

I didn't like this level too much. Hopefully the next one is better.
Attached Image: XMAS4_4.pngAttached Image: XMAS4_6.png

Elf Cabin

Alright, this level was much easier and more straightforward than the previous one. There are still a few annoying parts and some backtracking to be done but I think the good parts outweight the bad parts (example the Mini Battlelords this time are fought at a fair distance instead of spawning near you), so I will say this map was alright. Except for the one missing enemy. Seriously, where is that last enemy hiding? But more importantly, what about the next level?
Attached Image: XMAS5_1.pngAttached Image: XMAS5_4.png

Secret of Sewers

A sewer type map! How exciting!

I will give a short walkthrough for this map because there isn't much to talk about it. Smash all the presents (make sure to not get a Mini Battlelord spawned), go to that switch and press it, it will open a locked door you may have seen earlier. Prepare because a shit ton of turrets have spawned. Some of them I noticed spawned inside walls or something, as they couldn't be killed at all! Be careful because groups of turrets shouldn't be underestimated (I nearly got fucked up by them but my medkit thankfully saved me).

Later, once you get to the unlocked door, break the presents and save. Beware of the random slowdowns (still have no idea WTF causes DOSBox to slow down, it happens randomly but it's very annoying). Drop down, smash more presents, destroy more turrets and then kill a few glitchy enforcers (no idea what was going on with them but they were falling through floor and acting weird). Collect all the goodies from the presents. Then drop down once more and the exit should be there.

This map definitely reminded at times of the awful Sewers map from Redneck Rampage, except it was nowhere as confusing as that one. As a result, this map was pretty awful. And those brick textures inside the sewer maze were also ugly looking. And as a final insult, I couldn't get all the kills (those turrets glitched and maybe there were some glitchy enforcers inside the walls too). Probably the weakest level of the entire episode. Hopefully the next level is better.
Attached Image: XMAS6_1.pngAttached Image: XMAS6_2.png

Asspen Action

Well, that was another interesting map, weird map name aside. Starts you under the attack by Commanders & Octabrains and you get Trip Mines (weapon) for the first time! Of course you should focus first on the enemies and those conveyor belts because those sectors are tricky to navigate! You can also use your jetpack here if you want to have more control over Duke. Then watch out for the enemies spawning at times.

With that said, a lot of enemies were bugged in the sky or even disappeared upon seeing me, like the ones surrounding the exit. No idea WTF was going on! As a result, another level where I couldn't get 100% kills. I guess it was purposedly designed like that but I still have no idea what's with the disappearing enemies upon seeing me, which reminded me of a rare bug (memory leak?) that sometimes happened when playing Duke Nukem 3D (1.3D) back in the day on Windows 95 or 98. I wonder if the author exploited this for the DOS version, which is why I'm getting all these weird things happening? Can someone confirm what happens if playing the mod in EDuke32?

At least it was better than the previous map, that's for sure. Hopefully the next map doesn't disappoint.
Attached Image: XMAS7_2.pngAttached Image: XMAS7_3.png

Satan Salvation

Final level time! Grab the goodies, kill all those turrets and troopers, then eventually kill the bunch of pig cops and tanks (make sure the tanks don't fall off the map, I had the misfortune of one of the pig tanks falling down, so I had to endure the damage from the toxic acid), then the Octabrains! Interestingly, there is almost no health here but instead, there are plenty of armor pickups. Hope you started the level with 200 health, full armor and a full medkit, to compensate for that, though if you are lucky, you can find some health inside the presents, so be sure to break all the presents. Eventually, you will arrive in a place with a big orange teleporter!

Before accessing the teleporter, make sure you SAVE! And for good measure, have one or two backup saves in case things go wrong! Once you teleport, you end up on the platform in the middle of the map, which is surrounded by purple toxic lava that hurts you even if you just fly with your jetpack! And that's not all, stepping in forward to activate some spawns (including some things that failed to spawn, looking in Mapster, it seems the mapper tried to spawn some dancing ladies but they failed to spawn, most likely the babes can't be spawned into the map) you get to fight ALL THREE BOSSES AT THE SAME TIME! Yep, that's right! You get the Battlelord, Overlord and Cycloid all at once!

This fight is extremely difficult if you plan killing them all but at least you don't have to kill all three to win, just killing one automatically ends the level/episode, which can be done quickly if you just focus on the Overlord. However, for an extra challenge, try killing ALL THREE BOSSES AT THE SAME TIME! This was definitely doable but it sure took lots of attempts because you have to keep in mind several factors and trying to weaken each of the boss while at same time preventing them from killing themselves accidentally (there is no monster infighting in Duke3D but the bosses can still hurt each other by mistake) while finishing them all at the same time and also keeping an eye for your stats. This is easier said than done, as many things can go wrong.

At least the Alien Queen isn't thrown into the mix or else it would have been a nightmare and basically impossible to kill all bosses at once, especially for the fact the Queen keeps spawning new drones. But even then, killing only one of bosses at once wasn't an easy task because for example you may focus on the Overlord but then you suddenly get killed from a Cycloid's rocket while the Battlelord will be shredding you to bits with his chaingun if you decide to fly near him. Devastator + RPG + Jetpack were the best tools to use during the battle, while watching your health (though the bosses' rockets would most likely one shot you anyway if your health fell below 200) and boots (there are some cracks with toxic acid in middle of arena that will drain your boots/health, so keep that in mind that there is no fully safe place).

Once you took out one of the bosses (or two or even all three if you can do it), you get a nice new ending cinematic with Satan Santa descending from the alien ship and then you also get a new ending screen with Duke saving Satan Santa. All of this is nicely done.

It was certainly an interesting finale. Though I admit I preferred more fighting the exclusive NW enemies rather than the same Duke3D aliens over and over again, so if it used NW assets, maybe the TC would have been better. But at least fighting the three bosses wasn't too bad either, it's not often you come across a map where you fight multiple bosses at once (Duke Zone 2 E2L5 comes in my mind right now).
Attached Image: XMAS8_2.pngAttached Image: XMAS8_4.pngAttached Image: XMAS8_5.pngpng]
Attached Image: XMAS8_6.pngAttached Image: XMAS8_7.pngAttached Image: XMAS8_8.pngpng]

Wrong Episode!

A bonus map that only shows up if you select the wrong episode in the main menu. As stated above, XMAS 1997 replaces the second episode in the game, so trying to select the other "invisible" episodes in the main menu will warp you to this map. That's all.
Attached Image: NOXMAS.png

Closing Thoughts: Xmas 1997 is an average TC that feels and looks like it could have been released back in the late 90s. Some levels are deliberately bad and designed in such a way to frustrate the player (such as the Mini Battlelord being contained inside presents or excessive spawned monsters or the balance being all over the place) but there are also plenty of nice things to say about the TC.

I find the TC charming and creative. I think if the author focused to create a fun experience, this could have turned out a very fun Xmas themed TC. Unfortunately, I have to be fair in my review and I won't ignore the annoying stuff that happened in the TC. In the end, Xmas 1997 was somewhat average but also an interesting experience that I am glad to have experienced/played.

December Thoughts: It was a fun month and I am happy to have replayed (or just played in case of Xmas1997) the entries for this month. I think we can all agree that the first two mods (The Christmas Project and Countdown to Christmas) were the best, followed by Nuclear Winter and then the rest two. No idea which one of those was better than the other, as both had their own share of both good and bad but at least XMAS 1997 succeeds at being a true 90s TC, whereas DSA2 was just sloppily put together. So for that alone, XMAS 1997 wins some extra points.

I am hoping that 2023 will continue to be a good year for the Monthly Map/Mod Club and Duke Nukem in general of course, especially with all the recent leaks happening. There are plenty more maps and mods/TCs waiting to be played in the next couple years and I am very sure we will eventually get to more recently released stuff. I also think it will be interesting to explore more Build engine games (at least the more memorable ones) but it depends a lot if they get chosen or not. I will do an effort next year to have at least another Build engine game played.

Anyway, it looks like Mikko Sandt's maps/mods have won for the next month, so the new topic will be up sometime in early January. I will have to prepare the entries in advance and decide which ones get played in case we end up with more than 30 maps, as I don't like having to force too many maps in a single month. For example, I remembered Mikko had two more episodes released (before his big releases) and not sure if I should include them because of their quality or included as bonus/optional content, etc. I will see when I will make the topic in the following week. In meantime, I will upload full album of screenshots for most entries played this month, as a nice extra bonus. I couldn't upload Countdown to Christmas screenshots (EDuke32) due to the 20 MBs limit reached, however the other four mods' screenshots (DOS quality) should be enough, for those interested.

I also want to thank everyone for participation for the Map/Mod club event so far, this year's event was entirely hosted by me and I will continue hosting it for the year 2023 as well, unless someone objects, feel free to post in this topic or the next month/year's topic. And special thanks to Aleks for hosting the 2021 events and all participants involved so far, without you guys, the Map/Mod club event wouldn't have been possible or nearly as popular as it is now! ;)

An early Happy New Year and looking forward to 2023! :)

This post has been edited by FistMarine: 30 December 2022 - 08:08 AM


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