Hey everyone! Thank you for your comments so far. It was fun to read your thoughts on The Lost Duke Episodes and watching oasiz' video. I have first played TLDE back in 2010-2011 when downloading some random Duke3D addons/mods and I even remember confusing this with Duke Zone II for some reason. I think at that time I only remember finishing first two episodes. Then later in years 2014 and 2015 I replayed the whole mod and in all cases, I played in EDuke32 source port.
This time around, on 18th and on 19th, I decided to revisit the mod for its 25th anniversary (LOSTDUKE.GRP is dated 18/08/1997, though the TC was released on 27/08/1997). I went ahead and replayed the entire thing (with ALL kills and secrets found! Yes there's a few secrets to find in only 3 or so maps, as I will specify below) in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox 0.74-3. I played on CGS skill and I intend to replay the mod later on DIG skill.
I will not go into big details with the levels, since everyone else has done an excellent job in talking about the levels, so I will mostly talk about tips/tricks/secret areas and some notes about the levels. There's also a hidden level that no one has mentioned it so far. It's in the E1L7 slot and only accessible with command line parameters (or User Map option in source ports). Or DNSCOTTY107 I guess (though I don't think the DNSCOTTY107 and DNSCOTTY108 cheats work on original DOS version, hence the requirement to use parameters to access the extra levels).
I will also copy-paste the Secret Levels guide from the Addon Compilation's hints text file (written by NightFright) which should help you in finding them.
+ Episode 1: In "Cliff Drop", get the jetpack from the crack that blows open near the
exit when you approach the Nuke button. With it, go to the hangar with the
teleporters and fly into the control room above.
+ Episode 2: In "Riverside", push a wall in the prison cell that holds the red keycard.
"Command Tower" has a hidden wall to the right of the exit button.
+ Episode 3: In "Moon Orbit 5", shoot the button of a distant shuttle while riding the
transporter to the other side of the structure towards the exit).
At the end of "Bigass Laser", push the button on top of the laser.
+ Episode 4: Push one of the walls to the left of the exit button in "VR Space".
Near the exit boat of "Water", push/enter a hidden corridor through one
of the walls of that room.
Just note that by level titled "Water", he probably meant "Undersea Base". And since the levels' filenames aren't the usual E#L# format, I will refer to the actual map filenames in parentheses as well, to further help which level is which. I will also include some gameplay screenshots for some levels as well (the full album can be downloaded in a zip file at the end of the post). I will only post a screenshot for each episode in the main post, as I don't want to clutter the topic with screenshots.
With that said, let's begin the reviewing!
Mountain Fortress
Headquarters (HQ.MAP)
This is the hub level that Duke starts in each episode and is usually the first level (except in second episode where it is the second level). It is usually devoid of any enemies, with an exception later on in E4. You just go for the Mission Briefing and get the code to unlock the door. Not much else to say other than it makes for a nice intro level.
Oh and this is shown in the first demo (assuming you watched the 3 intro demos in the original executable or vanilla port of your choice, BTW all 3 demos end with player finishing the level). Which shows what you have to do. The code changes in each episode and it is shown on the monitor, so you don't have to guess the code by yourself.
Cliff Drop (CLIFF.MAP)
The first proper level with a very nice MIDI song (which is reused later in the first secret level of E2). Most of the enemies encountered are troopers, enforcers and sentry drones. You will find a few extra supplies if you explore the room with the crates (contains many small medkits and an armor pickup).
To access the secret room, go up the elevator (in the final room, containing the reactor in the middle) and blow up the crack in the left side of the room. This will give you the jetpack needed to reach the secret exit in a nearby room (where you saw two red troopers).
Slam Tilt (ARCADE.MAP)
A short secret level. Kill a couple of enemies inside the store (and the pig cops and enforcers that teleport later on upon grabbing the blue key) and that's it. The only health in the level you find is an atomic health, which should have been a great reward if it weren't for the damage I took from a couple enemies, as I ended up with slightly less than 100 health.
Command Center (COMMAND.MAP)
A decent map that has some good action going on. Starts you in the middle surrounded by a bunch of troopers (kinda wish the health pack wasn't placed directly at start as I had nearly 100 health when I finished the previous map, so I got it for nothing). Assuming you found the hidden jetpack in Cliff Drop, you will not have to worry about falling down in lava as you can fly back up, though ideally you shouldn't fall anyway. Some enemies might fall into lava and you can just throw pipebombs at them or fly and kill them with RPG or whatever.
The map ends while falling into a hole, so make sure you grab everything before leaving or at the very least make sure you have full health because of the next level...
Security Tunnels (TRIPWIRE.MAP)
The infamous E1 map. Duke starts without any gear (which is intended for obvious reasons, also don't stay too long at the beginning or you take damage from the electrified floor) and he has to avoid the trip mines. Most of them can be easily avoided. I only struggled with one room halfway in the map (before the narrow corridors part which is before the water section at the end) which killed me a couple of times but otherwise it wasn't as bad as years ago (and it was the only E1 map that killed me), despite playing with DOS only controls. I suppose I paid more attention to the layout of the trip mines and it paid off. Of course I still saved often and used like 2-3 save slots just in case...
Central Outpost (OUTPOST.MAP)
The last E1 map (at least progression-wise), you have to build up the arsenal and face off the Battlelord boss. I was lucky to survive the first rooms (killing the pig cops with the pistol was a bit tricky but after that I was offered a bunch of goodies) and there are rooms that have many troopers in them but otherwise the level is generous with health (though sadly no armor). Just be careful with the Battlelord boss in the cramped final room. And have a backup save just in case. Oh and this applies for all episodes, there are no new cutscenes or anything like that.
Ballpark (STADIUM.MAP)
This is a hidden DM-only map, in the E1L7 slot. Accessible with the following command line parameters in the DOS version: DUKE3D.EXE /XLDGAME.CON /GLOSTDUKE.GRP /V1 /L7 /S3
Or in EDuke32, go to User Map and you will find it as STADIUM.MAP.
It is a short arena with a couple weapons and a blimp in the middle that you can destroy with explosives. And that's it with the first episode!
Island of Terror
Storefront (STORE.MAP)
Interestingly, this episode begins with a regular level, though you return to the headquarters after finishing this level. There isn't much to say other than fighting a couple troopers and pig cops. Although I did get to the end of level safely (and obviously saved), I remembered this dickish underwater tripmine trap that kills you instantly and not only that but the way the sector was created, it has a chance to squish you upon submerging if you aren't in the center of it.
I suffered about 3 deaths from this and another 3 from tripmines, trying to blow them up with my explosives. I suppose this was done because this tunnel connects the starting and ending place. You should find a hidden RPG underwater (in the corner of the map) and a stray pipebomb somewhere which will help dealing with this.
Funnily enough, I definitely remember this map and the underwater trap back in 2010, meaning that I can confirm I played TLDE back in 2010, which I kept confusing with Duke Zone II and thinking if it's an unofficial (or semi-official) addon or something.
Too bad back then I didn't do episodes 3 and 4, meaning that in years 2014 and 2015 it was the first time I played through the whole mod properly. Must have been after watching someone play through it on YouTube. Not much else to say.
Headquarters (HQ2.MAP)
Not much to say. You return to the Headquarters and find out the next mission.
Beach Landing (BEACH.MAP)
As Quacken mentioned, the only enemies in this map are slimers. Just hold the quick kick button and that's it. There is a simple switch puzzle to solve in a room with damaging floor (you are given another pair of boots for this, so I recommend first using the one you got at the headquarters and then grab the new one once you solve the puzzle) and that's the only thing I can say about this map.
Bottomless Pit (BPIT.MAP)
The map reminded me a bit of DukeDC's secret map (the later part of the map when you time travel), as others have already pointed out. Which is funny as I was replaying DC earlier that day (though a different version called the Waffle Edition) and I found this map similar to Top Secret from DukeDC.
So how does this map fare? Well, it has a few interesting traps and I admit the yellow key trap got me once as I was looking for enemies to spawn when entering the room, only to react slowly and missed picking up the card somehow, until it was too late and I stayed still until the ceiling crushed me.
And I'm pretty sure I found the jetpack in this map, so I could backtrack to the earlier point of the map, as you need to collect a card later on to backtrack to the beginning. I don't think there's any jetpack in the prior E2 maps to this one.
Riverside (RIVER.MAP)
This is the first map in the whole TC that has an actual secret place to find! In the room with the bookshelf, just press on it to reveal a secret room containing a portable medkit, armor, steroids and chaingun ammo.
Oh and don't forget to find the secret exit (not counted as a secret!) in the prison cells. Other than that, just make sure to kill the assault captain (that will approach you) early on before he becomes invisible and falls off the bridge. If you wait too long, he might not come back and you will end up with a missing kill. It didn't happen to me but it's not out of the question to happen to others, especially as they have a habit to never come back if they teleport near ledges surrounded by water.
Shrunken City (BIGCITY.MAP)
Probably one of the best and most memorable maps in the whole TC (it shares the same MIDI used in Cliff Drop). It has an absolutely GREAT concept and it's something I wish I have seen more often in custom Duke3D maps.
The only thing to note is that although you will fight a bunch of troopers at beginning, when you grab and use the red card, there will be a few more monsters teleporting in (pig cops, enforcers and a commander) that can take you out by surprise if you aren't careful.
Oh and don't forget to explore the top of some buildings to collect a bunch of goodies, such as weapons, atomic health, medkit and steroids (the last two bundled together).
The red card switch may be difficult to spot, so I recommend checking carefully each building to find it. Once you activate it, you will unlock the nuke button inside the building.
Definitely a great map and one of the best in the entire TC!
Too Small Keep (KEEP.MAP)
An interesting map that takes place around a castle. You have to be careful as most trash cans contain enemies inside them. One of the cans contains a Shrinker. You are also given a portable medkit and an armor pickup on the two sides.
Your objective is getting the jetpack in the middle and fly to activate two switches and unlock the exit. Although you can just use the jetpack you acquired in past couple of levels and collect the new one when you are finished with the map, so if playing continuous, you can do that if you want. There is a Mini Battlelord and two commanders guarding the exit, which makes for a nice finale.
Commando Operation (C&C.MAP)
Since you start this map without weapons, it is recommended to conserve your ammo since all the stuff you get at the beginning are all you get until near the end of map when you are given the Devastator, more pipebombs and an extra medkit. So grab EVERYTHING at the start and move on.
DON'T waste the pipebombs, as you will need all 3 to blow up the cracks in that large area (with the giant orange fist) where you fight the Mini Battlelord and a few other enemies.
Blowing up the 3 cracks will reveal the exit area at the other side of the map. Oh and you need to get closer to the enemies to consistently hit them with your hitscan weapons, otherwise the shots will hit an invisible wall (not sure why this happens but I have observed this behavior in other maps and I am only guessing is to also prevent other hitscanners from sniping you).
Command Tower (TOWER.MAP)
This map is quite action packed. Unfortunately there isn't as much health as you'd think and I don't think there was any armor present, unless I missed it somewhere.
I found this map a bit confusing at times and I admit I consulted Mapster one time because I missed the part to unlock the exit room, while swimming in acid, I was supposed to surface above the sign but I ended up wandering for 5-10 minutes before taking a break and when I came back and found what I had to do, I was a bit disappointed I didn't find my way. I thought the door glitched, considering that room with the exit door and the trap room (with the fake blue card switch) did make me wonder if I was missing something, a hidden switch somewhere. Then I figured out that surfacing from that acid area leads into the room with more troopers and the switch puzzle that unlocks the exit room with the enforcers (and secret exit).
Before moving on to the next map, I must mention that this is another map that contains secret areas, in fact there's three secrets to find:
-Fall down the vent at beginning to reach a cave surrounded by many troopers, you will get rewarded with a jetpack (to escape) and other stuff. Make sure to stay in the middle to land on water or if you start moving while falling, you will land on a hard surface and die (ouch! this actually happened to me once)
-In the second vent (in the underground section), use the jetpack and fly up the vent to collect an atomic health
-In the exit room, press on the wall in the right side of room to reveal the SECRET EXIT!
Circuit Breaker (CIRCUIT.MAP)
Another fun and creative secret map, this one has you hunt down a bunch of assault captains (the only one enemy you fight in this map) on a circuit board and once you do that, find the 3 cards to disable the forcefields.
You are given two atomic healths at the beginning and a couple more ammo/health packs around the map, as well as an armor pickup (that you shouldn't ignore!). Not much else to say, though I got to say that Aleks inspired me to look up for the standalone version of the map. As soon as I will find it, I will let him know.
While not very impressive visually, I enjoyed how the map was action packed. I had no trouble taking down the Overlord and his two guards, though first time I finished off just the boss himself, then I loaded save and got rid of the mini battlelords first and found out I still had enough Devastator missiles (70+) for the Overlord himself. I didn't bother using Shrinker as due to autoaim of DOS version, it's incredibly risky to pull it off (especially when dealing with another Mini Battlelord and the Overlord at same time), so you are better off just killing them with RPG and Devastator. I only recommend shrinking Mini Battlelords when dealing with them around corners, as a well placed Shrinker shot will be enough. But in this case I don't recommend when you are under the pressure of other monsters. Just use the RPG and Devastator instead. You are given enough ammo to deal with them all!
Orbital Onslaught
Headquarters (HQ3.MAP)
Same as in the previous cases, you just revisit the hub for the new mission.
Docking Switch (DOCK.MAP)
Short map that ends faster than you expect. It introduces the Shrink Troopers, so be careful to not get hit by them!
Moon Orbit 5 (SPIN.MAP)
There's two important things to remember about this map. First, it has the three cards placed behind the fan that YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GRAB! As the fan will kill you. I learned that years ago on my previous playthroughs.
Second of all, there is a hidden button that leads to the first secret exit. IT IS VERY EASY TO MISS AND I ACTUALLY MISSED IT THE FIRST TIME AROUND! I made it to the Bigass Laser and found the second secret exit, until I realized I missed the first secret level when I read Level: 11 in the save menu. Granted, I did wonder for a while where is that first secret exit and then I realized I missed it and loaded the saved game from the end of this map and replayed next 5 or so maps.
Anyway, to get to secret exit, you must shoot a far away switch while traveling with the shuttle. It is the hardest secret level to find, IMO and not just because I missed it the first time around. Anyway, when you shoot it, you will open the first secret level of E3. Other than that, not much else to say.
Martian Platform (MARVIN.MAP)
Short secret map that takes place above a few platforms. There is only one fight involving troopers and one commander that are spawned into the level. Not much else to say.
Zero Gee (ZERO_G.MAP)
A great concept that could have been executed better. You just have to "swim" through areas infested with Octabrains and a few Commanders. You will also find the first Devastator in this map. Not much else to say.
Not much to say, I think the map was alright. You might want to be careful when you grab the Shrinker behind the door at the beginning of the map, so you don't fall into space.
Tycho Array (ARRAY.MAP)
This map is just a couple bland corridors and most enemies you fight are troopers and enforcers. Oh and there's a trap with shotgun turrets in the middle of the corridor. You also have to be careful with the room with fans and troopers spawning. I think touching the fans will kill you, though again I try to judge from the older playthroughs because Episode 3 is the only one I've beaten without dying.
Oh and the rubber cans at beginning, I recommend staying far away and behind cover when breaking them, so they don't explode in your face. You should be getting a couple useful weapons and/or Atomic Health if you are lucky.
Bigass Laser (BALAZ.MAP)
This map has a bunch of annoying traps but you can overcome the challenge by hoping the trash cans will drop atomic healths to you. That cramped room with enforcers, green pig cop and the commander stands out as the hardest part of the map. You will take a ton of damage unless you are prepared or you get lucky with enemies not hitting you.
There is a hidden switch on top of the spaceship at the end of the map, activating it will unlock the nearby secret exit!
Oh and to nitpick one thing, the map filename could have been BIGLASER.MAP.
Obviously inspired by E3L11: Tier Drops from the original game, this is just a poorer version of that level. The visuals are ugly and you only encounter a couple enemies in all 3 rooms. Again, like with the original, you don't have to drop down the tubes, just walk around the level. Eventually you will find the exit.
This map is shown in the second demo. You have to kill the enemies (mostly enforcers, the ones at start are some upgraded variants, so be careful), blow up the barrels to collect the supplies and eventually escape the sequence of the map collapsing. There is a trick (also shown in the demo) where you can throw pipebombs and kill the turrets behind the forcefields. That way you save health, since I was at around 40 health at that time and needed to save the medkit because the final room gives you two large medkits anyway. Learned this from watching the demo player who uses the medkit just as he is escaping. Though it's not like it matters much.
Once you press the switch, run as fast as you can to the beginning of the map and avoid the spawned enforcers. Once you are done, run to the door and you will reach the spaceship. The nuke button reveals behind you alongside two medkits. It's time to fight the E3 boss!
Spacewalk (SPCWALK.MAP)
A boss fight against the Cycloid Emperor in SPACE! Despite what others said, I liked traveling in space and the Cycloid isn't too difficult to take down due to his rockets being slower and giving you more time to dodge (you can just move up/down instead of left/right, this will avoid his rockets better) but at same time I wish Mark Hadley implemented the Space Suit and used in these type of maps. It would have made more sense than making underwater sectors and using the Scuba Gear.
Headquarters (HQ4.MAP)
This time, the aliens are back and unexpectedly have arrived at your Headquarters! I admit I died once (and remember having a bit of a hard time with this map years ago) due to not being prepared. There is an explosion happening right as soon as you leave the elevator which is guaranteed to leave you with low health or even kill you. First time it left me with low health and eventually got killed by the two enforcers in the armory. On second attempt I managed to avoid the explosion but still took a bit of damage from some enemies, as I finished with only 41 health. Oh and there's a Pig Cop Tank in the cramped corridors as well. Then a few more enemies leading to the exit of the map.
I will admit it was an unexpected twist, as most people probably expected this to be just like the rest Headquarters maps. I appreciate the author's attempt at trying something different, at the very least.
Altered Course (ALTERED.MAP)
This map is shown in the third demo (funnily enough, the player even gets shrunk once by the new Protector Drone variant). It is another creative map but unfortunately the visuals in the second half aren't that great, they are quite repetitive. You will have to put up with various original and modified enemies and do some platforming to reach the blue card (the room full of sentry drones) and eventually unlock the exit which again requires some careful platforming.
Although the map was quite dark at times, I enjoyed some parts of it. Oh and don't forget to find the secret exit near the normal exit! Which also counts as the map's only secret place!
Casino Duke (CASINO.MAP)
An interesting secret map. There are a couple of troopers, pig cops and enforcers, some of them being the upgraded variants but you should be able to do it just fine. Although there are no secrets in this map (as is the case with most maps in the entire package), there are some hidden supplies that you will receive upon jumping on the Duke statue. You should be given powerups like Atomic Health, Armor, Medkit and Jetpack. So don't miss the opportunity to get these powerups! They will greatly help you later on! At least on the next map...
Enviro-Pod (ARENAS.MAP)
An interesting map that has four large rooms. I won't repeat what Quacken said, so I will say that the next map starts you without weapons, so anything you grabbed before that will be gone. Just make sure to grab all the health you can, so you can end up with 100 health at least. There is no point in grabbing armor and ammo because they won't carry to the next map.
Temporal Insanity (TIMETRAV.MAP)
Perhaps the best map in the entire TC, this has the time traveling concept executed very well. You have to backtrack and visit the areas a couple of times, such as shutting down the forcefields in the past and then visiting the future to progress through the map. At least what I assume is Past, Present and Future. Or Present, Near-Future and Far-Future. Whatever.
Most of the enemies you face are Slimers/Eggs but there are also Troopers (of all variants) and other enemies you face later on, so be careful when dealing with them.
Truly one of the highlights of the entire TC and perhaps the most memorable map as well.
Rightside Down (BACKGRAV.MAP)
An interesting gimmick map with stuff turned upside down. It's got a couple interesting fights (some of which may give you a bit of trouble, like the part at end with enforcers, though thankfully wasn't as bad as I thought) but otherwise it was alright.
Undersea Base (WATER.MAP)
The start makes you wait a couple seconds, so be patient. And most of enemies in this map you fight are Enforcers of varying colors. You have to find 3 cards until you unlock the last couple areas. What's funny is due to a vanilla Duke3D glitch, you can activate all 3 slots with just 1 or 2 cards if you mash the open button (SPACE or E by default, depending on the executable you use) while you are jumping. Of course I did the intended way, as you are meant to collect all 3 cards and use them normally. I only remembered this trick that I once done in my past playthroughs (whether it was done by accident or not).
Anyway, don't forget to find the second secret exit for this episode (yes there are two secret exits for E4 as well) which also counts as the map's only secret.
Near the exit room with the mini ship, go to the right side and you should find yourself in a corridor leading to an underwater area. Just don't get confused by the addon compilation's hints text file, it appears the level is mistakenly called "Water", probably because of its filename. Also it looks like Quacken forgot to assign a rating for this map.
Signature (MARK.MAP)
Not much to say, other than be careful with the parts involving toxic acid that rapidly eats your boots/health. The map is shaped around the author's name (each room for one letter), which you will realize if you look in Mapster or in the automap (if you zoom out far away).
Yeah, this map is one I also remembered from Lost Duke and unfortunately it's not that great. The yellow room (with the trash cans) is probably the part I remembered the most. It's visually very ugly and annoying. Initially I had an enemy missing but it turned out to be a trooper from the dark room earlier (that contains the yellow access card, BTW to deal with that room, you are better off grabbing the card and running and waiting for troopers in front of door). With this occasion I also ended up with another annoying mouse sitting there. No idea why they sometimes glitch through the walls but it's not the first time I witnessed this happening. Clearing a room full of annoying mice, coming back later and finding another one that appeared suddenly.
And finally, don't forget to make a backup save before pressing the nuke button.
The final level time! Before you begin, make sure to QUICKLY RUN TO THE NEXT AREA as the room will collapse and explode. I remembered this from my past playthroughs as well. And well, you've got the Devastator and Medkit ready because you are about to take down the ALIEN QUEEN! At least some mini boss variant (pal 21?) that is identical to the real Alien Queen. I guess this was done because in the original game, the mini alien queen existed as a duplicate of the original one (same health and same behavior, unlike the other mini bosses). Oh wait, I realized this one spawns the acidic protector drones instead of the regular ones. I think.
However, you will also realize that the Queen is smaller and harder to hit. To make sure your shots connect, you have to get closer to her but not too close. That assumes you are using Devastator, if you are using the RPG, take a bit of a distance and aim at her. Make sure you are not missing! And also make sure to grab those two atomic healths. I managed this time to defeat her in such a short time that she only managed to spawn only one acidic protector drone. I remember the fight was longer in past but then again, I improved my skills and know to make my shots count, since the Queen will mostly be walking around the area and the missiles will get dodged if you fire from far away.

Overall, The Lost Duke Episodes was an ambitious college project done by a single person. It is a mixed bag after all (So Bad It's Good, as said by Juvenite) but I still enjoyed my time revisiting this TC, especially doing it in the original DOS version of Atomic Edition v1.5. It feels a lot like a typical 90s TC and if it weren't for some very interesting and unique maps, the excellent soundtrack and the custom enemies introduced in episodes 3 and 4 (and the new barrel that can either explode or spawn something useful), this TC would have been a very forgettable experience. Which is a shame because back in 2010-2011, I almost thought this was an official (or semi-official) addon and decided to check it out. I kept confusing it with Duke Zone II because I downloaded and played it at around the same time and some maps were similar in both addons.
I only recommend checking LostDuke for historical purposes. There are some maps that shouldn't be skipped but at same time you should avoid at least half of the maps, as they are your typical 1996-1997 map quality.
Since today is 25th, which is also the 25th anniversary of Shadow Warrior Registered version (Happy 25th Birthday Shadow Warrior! Also happy 25th The Lost Duke Episodes!), it is time to vote for next month's choices.
JJ Duke Nukem 3D
Mikko Sandt's Maps + Duke Tournament + MSSP Episode + The Brave New World
Secrets of the Acropolis + Twin Dragon +
WGRealms + WGSpace Episode
I decided to get rid of the Map packs suggestion as it stayed for several months without being chosen. It can be re-added later if anyone wants to nominate various map packs. And well, unfortunately, Shadow Warrior and Wanton Destruction has to go as well because they had one chance to win.
HOWEVER, to make up for that, in their place we get the nomination above by The Watchtower (I was actually planning to nominate JJDuke in November, I swear!) and another new nomination by me. My nomination represents two mods created by the same company (Level Infinity), one old TC for Duke3D and one official addon for SW. This gives Shadow Warrior another chance to win (albeit, only its addon). This is also to mix up things a bit more and to have another Build engine game being chosen for first time.
I decided to vote for the new option (I would have voted for JJDuke if it were November and because I don't feel like playing another multi-episode TC so soon after this month), which is highlighted in bold (with an extra + added) to show the vote. Don't forget to vote until next week and the new September 2022 topic will be up at that time with the winner decided by the majority, unless a tie occurs in which the winner will be chosen randomly.
Have a nice day and hope to see you on the new September topic! In the meantime, I am considering bumping up the previous July topic if I decide to catch up and play more CBPs.
With that said, I am excited for the upcoming months and what will win next. I especially can't wait for the October nominations.