#121 Posted 12 November 2020 - 04:50 AM
#122 Posted 12 November 2020 - 11:01 PM
I've also successfully completed the arena. I saw the super cyberdemon from Utter Chaos in there, but still not sign of that level, or Castle Demonhorn. I wonder if they're behind those doors in the hub...
I'm gonna go back in and start grinding Episode 2 to 100% completion. Though even without doing so, I have so many keys and nothing to open with them so far. I wonder if there's a bunch of exclusive chests right near the Archonitron or something.
#123 Posted 13 November 2020 - 01:12 AM
Just remember your only way to return is from the house.
This post has been edited by William Gee: 13 November 2020 - 02:11 AM
#125 Posted 13 November 2020 - 11:26 AM
Ninety-Six, on 12 November 2020 - 11:01 PM, said:
Yes. He was very deliberately nerfed because in at least one encounter he was able to one-shot the player and be very hard to dodge. The arena fight encounter could have stayed harder, but there wasn't time to make different versions and test them, so I played it safe.
As for those old maps by Spiker and Danny M. that are not part of the episode, there wasn't the time and energy left to integrate them. Nearly everything in the game was overhauled since those maps were made -- heck, they even have polymer lighting which isn't supported anymore -- so they were left out. We don't even know how playable they are right now, you can go ahead and load them up to find out if you want.
#126 Posted 13 November 2020 - 12:25 PM
I didn't do full playthroughs of them yet, but I did do some testing. No crashes, enemies appear where they're supposed to, the music changes correctly when a boss shows up, and even the mega cyber demon reappears exactly as he's supposed to. All using dukeboss' fancy new sprites to boot!
Oddly some things seemed to work almost too well. For instance there are dual pistols on the starting island of Castle Demonhorn which is extremely fitting. Maybe code-wise it makes sense but nonetheless I was surprised at how well they seemed to play. I didn't even encounter that many graphical glitches, at least in CD. One of the doorways has a magic portal thing going on, and there is a missing lavafall graphic for whatever reason, but as far as I played into it it seemed mostly fine. I intend to do more thorough testing soon enough.
Utter Chaos looked like crap, but to be fair, since I was and am restricted to the classic renderer for both versions, it looked kinda like crap anyways. But since that wasn't the intended renderer to begin with, I can ignore if it plays well. And again, it seemed to play fine and skipping to the boss fight everything again seemed to function fine (Didn't live long enough to experience his second form which I will try later). About the only problem play-wise that I ran into so far was the restricted POW meter (which affected CD as well though not as severely), which makes sense since in 2.1 you had a 5-tier POW meter from the start.
I did notice some random gems and keys laying around, also. Alas my memory of these levels is a bit faint since it's been a while, so I don't quite know if I played far enough to have encountered where a blue chest would normally be. At least with as far as I got I didn't hit any significant roadblocks so far.
I intend to test them further to see where they really break, but my initial testing went for what I thought would be the more obvious break points (music swaps, bosses, etc) turned out well. So far the only significant issue is the POW meter, so initial prospects are positive. Graphically I only noticed those handful of problems, but as I am still restricted to the classic renderer take it with a grain of salt. I have no way of knowing how either level looks in Polymost. I also don't know how Jedrik's weapon spawns would work since he has almost an entirely different arsenal this time around and I've yet to play with him much in the main game so far.
In the ideal situation not too much needs to be done to restore these to a presentable state. Of course these are merely initial observations and testings, and from the perspective of someone who neither understands the back-end nor can play with the intended renderer. Things could easily completely collapse later on. I certainly hope not, though. I have always considered both maps an essential part of the package as much as Siege Breaker/Khul and WGRealms 1/The Old World. In fact if I may confess something, the first thing I always think of when I think WGR2 is Castle Demonhorn. I've always found it intrinsically linked to the game, and in my eyes is everything 2.1 was wrapped up in one package, both good and bad.
All that said, I'll be more than happy to march forward in the very possibly vain attempt to see these brought back and integrated into Demon Throne, or at the very least released as like pack-in user maps or something, I dunno.
#127 Posted 13 November 2020 - 01:35 PM
#128 Posted 13 November 2020 - 02:37 PM
The change to key chests and not using gold doesn't work with the mechanics I was using in DT. Someone made those changed with the idea of using gold in shops and not gems.
There are 2 options
1) Edit them now and RE RELEASE as user maps...
2) Or wait until I am ready with a plan before editing them and add into the DLC.
I have already started 6 new levels and I would rather enjoy myself and create a good plan in my own time that may be a bit different from DT and not have any old levels restrict me.
#129 Posted 13 November 2020 - 02:45 PM
William Gee, on 13 November 2020 - 02:37 PM, said:
I was thinking that if Ninety-Six or some other interested and skilled person is willing to do most of the work, the old non-canon maps could be put together in their own episode to be added on after the DLC. That way it's not distracting from the DLC in any way and gives players something to look forward to.
#130 Posted 13 November 2020 - 06:00 PM
If nothing else though I can at least offer my skills as a play/bug-tester. As seen during both Alien Armageddon and my slow progress through Demon Throne itself, I'm a very thorough player on my own time. When I'm actively looking for stuff, I'm even more thorough. It's not much, but it's something I can offer. Especially if it can help the restoration of these older maps.
That said,
Danukem, on 13 November 2020 - 01:35 PM, said:
An alternative solution would be to just add three Pow Upgrades to the start of the maps. It's quick and dirty but it would get the job done.
Or maybe there can be some kind of custom variable that would default the POW level to 5 when starting those maps? Maybe that would force them to be a selectable episode or something, though. Or maybe 5 can be the technical default but Demon Throne's gets the special POW decrease or something.
Just kinda spitballing.
Danukem, on 13 November 2020 - 01:35 PM, said:
Well as far as Knee-Deep goes, it was actually released as two versions. A super fancy Polymer version and then a classic edition. Obviously the classic one wouldn't need any adjusting visually. That said, Knee-Deep did have a few unique quirks about it. It gave Duke a variant of Jedrik's dash attack, started you off at 80 Health for whatever reason, and had a brand new custom boss. It would need more code trickery than visual rehauling.
Visually, there wasn't much about Castle Demonhorn that I think required Polymer. Even in the original version I think the only questionably lit section was the dark cave/smith area that was near pitch-black in classic. Other than that the map seems to have plenty of sector-based shading without Polymer. I mean maybe it looks worse on Polymost vs. classic? I'm legit not sure on the differences between PM and CL besides the super obvious.
Utter Chaos was completely broken visually, in Demon Throne and Siege Breaker both (at least in Classic). DT a bit moreso than SB as SB seemed to be using some kind of fog effect that apparently broke in DT. But despite that, there never seemed to be areas that required polymer either. There was sector-lighting (not as prominently but enough to not look god-awful) and at least in the original the palette effect seemed to work as intended.
We also shouldn't discount the possibility of trying to track down Spiker and Danny M. and seeing if they wouldn't be interested in converting the maps themselves (especially if the investigative work was already done for them).
EDIT: I should ask. For testing purposes is there some kind of console command or cheat to raise the POW cap (without getting all weapons or something in the process)? I'm confident on being able to go through Castle Demonhorn POW-less but significantly less so with Utter Chaos since that map is incredibly hard even in the original version.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 13 November 2020 - 06:07 PM
#131 Posted 13 November 2020 - 07:43 PM
#132 Posted 13 November 2020 - 07:48 PM
Should I still test them out and report what issues I find, or do you have that covered? I'm more than willing to assist in whatever way I can, small as it may be.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 13 November 2020 - 07:50 PM
#133 Posted 13 November 2020 - 07:50 PM
Have finished Ep1&2, took the opportunity to do Caste Argent and collect the Archonitron piece. Upon returning to the Nexus via the Ep2 portal, about 5-10s after warping in, a "BFG" sound explodes and crashes the game. Have replicated this with multiple loads of the level. Not sure how to get around it.
#134 Posted 13 November 2020 - 08:04 PM
Should I still test them out and report what issues I find, or do you have that covered? I'm more than willing to assist in whatever way I can, small as it may be.
Join our discord and we will let you beta test.

#135 Posted 13 November 2020 - 08:08 PM
Have finished Ep1&2, took the opportunity to do Caste Argent and collect the Archonitron piece. Upon returning to the Nexus via the Ep2 portal, about 5-10s after warping in, a "BFG" sound explodes and crashes the game. Have replicated this with multiple loads of the level. Not sure how to get around it.
Is this the second time you have been to episode 2 and you returned by the portal in the house level? Or did you use the Archonitron piece to enter the nexus?
#136 Posted 13 November 2020 - 09:00 PM
#137 Posted 14 November 2020 - 06:20 AM
Second time, returned via the house level, however, if I remember correctly returning from the Archonitron piece in Castle Argent created the same crash.
Built Oct 22 2020 12:58:27, GCC 10.2.0, 64-bit
Using D:/Games/DemonThrone102/demonthrone/ for game data
Running on Windows 10 (build 10.0.18363)
Initialized 1ms system timer
CPU: Intel® Core i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
Initializing SDL 2.0.13
Searching for game data...
Using D:/Games/DemonThrone102/demonthrone/WGR2/ for game data
Using "WGR2.grp" as main game data file.
Compiling: WGR2/WGR2GAME.con (564225 bytes)
Using DEF file: wgr2.def.
Including: WGR2DEFS.CON (91039 bytes)
Including: WGR2USER.CON (100964 bytes)
Including: WGR2QUESTS.CON (38265 bytes)
Including: WGR2VARS.CON (21865 bytes)
Including: WGR2SHARED.CON (128447 bytes)
Including: WGR2HUD.CON (136548 bytes)
Including: WGR2PLAYER.CON (176627 bytes)
Including: WGR2ITEMS.CON (95209 bytes)
Including: WGR2MON.CON (281753 bytes)
Including: WGRDEMONOVA.CON (28484 bytes)
Including: WGREVILKNIGHT.CON (16832 bytes)
Including: WGRCYCLORD.CON (10616 bytes)
Including: WGRARCHON.CON (26253 bytes)
Including: KHANNA.CON (20301 bytes)
Compiled 1698096 bytes in 61ms
Initialized 256.0M cache
Loading "wgr2.def"
Definitions file "wgr2.def" loaded in 1558 ms.
Sound vocwav/SPIDTH.WAV(#278) not found!
Sound vocwav/JOKE.VOC(#448) not found!
Initializing OSD...
Loaded game controller database
No game controllers found
Executing "settings.cfg"
Setting video mode 320x200 (0-bpp windowed)
Refresh rate: 144.03Hz
OpenGL information
NVIDIA Corporation GeForce RTX 2080/PCIe/SSE2 4.6.0 NVIDIA 417.77
Setting video mode 1920x1080 (32-bpp fullscreen)
Refresh rate: 144.03Hz
Opened "WGR2/texturecache" as cache file
Generating voxel models for Polymost. This may take a while...
Initializing sound: SDL WASAPI driver on Realtek(R: 44.1 KHz stereo with 64 voices
Initializing MIDI driver: AdLib OPL3 emulation
animvpx: rate is 24 frames / 1 seconds (24.000 fps).
animvpx: GLSL mode
VP8 timing stats (mean, max) [ms] for 32 frames:
read and decode frame: 0.00, 0
3 planes -> packed conversion: 0.00, 0
upload and display: 0.00, 0
Wrote eduke32.cfg
Wrote settings.cfg
#138 Posted 14 November 2020 - 08:01 AM
#139 Posted 14 November 2020 - 08:33 AM
..https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZucNRHxPIlf0FCUol932jPAA4Ty_X2of?usp=sharing. .
#140 Posted 14 November 2020 - 12:12 PM
#141 Posted 14 November 2020 - 05:02 PM
Built Oct 22 2020 12:58:27, GCC 10.2.0, 64-bit
Using D:/Games/DemonThrone102/demonthrone/ for game data
Running on Windows 10 (build 10.0.18363)
Initialized 1ms system timer
CPU: Intel® Core i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz
Initializing SDL 2.0.13
Searching for game data...
Using D:/Games/DemonThrone102/demonthrone/WGR2/ for game data
Using "WGR2.grp" as main game data file.
Compiling: WGR2/WGR2GAME.con (564225 bytes)
Using DEF file: wgr2.def.
Including: WGR2DEFS.CON (91039 bytes)
Including: WGR2USER.CON (100964 bytes)
Including: WGR2QUESTS.CON (38265 bytes)
Including: WGR2VARS.CON (21865 bytes)
Including: WGR2SHARED.CON (128447 bytes)
Including: WGR2HUD.CON (136548 bytes)
Including: WGR2PLAYER.CON (176627 bytes)
Including: WGR2ITEMS.CON (95209 bytes)
Including: WGR2MON.CON (281753 bytes)
Including: WGRDEMONOVA.CON (28484 bytes)
Including: WGREVILKNIGHT.CON (16832 bytes)
Including: WGRCYCLORD.CON (10616 bytes)
Including: WGRARCHON.CON (26253 bytes)
Including: KHANNA.CON (20301 bytes)
Compiled 1698096 bytes in 62ms
Initialized 256.0M cache
Loading "wgr2.def"
Definitions file "wgr2.def" loaded in 1529 ms.
Sound vocwav/SPIDTH.WAV(#278) not found!
Sound vocwav/JOKE.VOC(#448) not found!
Initializing OSD...
Loaded game controller database
No game controllers found
Executing "settings.cfg"
Setting video mode 320x200 (0-bpp windowed)
Refresh rate: 144.03Hz
OpenGL information
NVIDIA Corporation GeForce RTX 2080/PCIe/SSE2 4.6.0 NVIDIA 417.77
Setting video mode 1920x1080 (32-bpp fullscreen)
Refresh rate: 144.03Hz
Opened "WGR2/texturecache" as cache file
Generating voxel models for Polymost. This may take a while...
Initializing sound: SDL WASAPI driver on Realtek(R: 44.1 KHz stereo with 64 voices
Initializing MIDI driver: AdLib OPL3 emulation
animvpx: rate is 24 frames / 1 seconds (24.000 fps).
animvpx: GLSL mode
VP8 timing stats (mean, max) [ms] for 41 frames:
read and decode frame: 0.02, 1
3 planes -> packed conversion: 0.00, 1
upload and display: 0.00, 0
Gv_ReadSave(): read 13298216 bytes extended data from offset 0x0011635a
Cache time: 757ms
Cache time: 9ms
Wrote eduke32.cfg
Wrote settings.cfg
#142 Posted 14 November 2020 - 05:13 PM
#143 Posted 15 November 2020 - 08:48 AM
#144 Posted 15 November 2020 - 12:57 PM
Ninety-Six, on 15 November 2020 - 08:48 AM, said:
Must be a bug. They drop gold and activate stuff upon conversion...everything they drop is supposed to be dropped when they convert. Oh well at least it's just the gem farmer powerup that is affected which isn't important anyway.
#146 Posted 15 November 2020 - 09:55 PM
Now the people who played Demon Throne but never Siege Breaker won't miss out.
#147 Posted 15 November 2020 - 11:40 PM
As one of the people who worked on Knee Deep, I won’t lose any sleep if it isn’t included. It was always a separate, stand-alone download to the original, and quite frankly the level design is out of place compared to the rest of WGR2 and not on the same page aesthetically.
#148 Posted 16 November 2020 - 12:23 AM
#149 Posted 16 November 2020 - 12:37 AM
For the record the Classic version is a selectable episode.
I can vouch for its quality. Aesthetically I don't think it's that far off from something like Utter Chaos. If anything it probably resembles the game a bit more accurately than that.
All the same, I do have a love for Knee-Deep and I replayed it just as often as Siege Breaker, and sometimes a little more if I wanted to get right into the thick of battle since Knee-Deep starts you off, appropriately enough, in the deep end and never stops.
This post has been edited by Ninety-Six: 16 November 2020 - 12:39 AM
#150 Posted 16 November 2020 - 01:37 AM
That giant slimmer boss now throws cannon voxels at you in demon throne.