@Maarten: I hope AAP3 is coming along okay; based on the stuff in AAP2 regarding
Slot Loevestein, I'm guessing that AAP3 will take place somewhere in that general area.
As for me...well, I've still been working on
Mario Kart 64 TOWN and the Battle for Walls rages on. I've still been adding more businesses and such (H.S.I.O. Wednesday's, Joint International Assistance Mission, etc.) to the map, in spite of having run out of good ideas long ago. (For example, there are two places called the "House of Lies". One just exists to troll the player; the other contains something important (and also exists to troll the player).) There's a lot of stuff I haven't gotten around to texturing yet; I've been using texture #182 as a placeholder.
By the way, I cranked up the global visibility in Mapster's classic renderer for these screenshots; I know that renderer is thoroughly eating shit in some of the screenshots, but I used it anyway because I wanted stuff to be visible here that's beyond Polymer's draw distance.
Screen #1 shows the entrance to the Tourist Center; since it's just in front of where the player starts, it's probably one of the first places the player will visit; also, there's a transmission tower/antenna-type thing there (which is near the northwest corner of the map, by the way) that will probably be a significant landmark in the map.
Screen #2 shows a close-up of the top of the tower from screen #1 (closer than the player will ever get when playing the map); also visible is a big dish-type thing in the distance that was in earlier screenshots I've posted.
Screen #3 shows a view from the big park-type area in the center of the map, looking roughly southeast.
Screen #4 shows a closer view of some of the businesses on the east side of the central park-type area; the castle-type building in the southeast corner of the map is visible here.
Screen #5 shows a view just a bit to the south of where screen #4 was, looking roughly southward.
Screen #6 shows part of the interior of the St. Cedric Memorial Church from screen #5.
Screen #7 is near the castle in the southeast corner of the map, looking roughly northwest.
Screen #8 is along an east-west road along the south side of the map, looking roughly east-northeast-ish.
Screen #9 is north of the castle and east of one of the "House of Lies" buildings, looking roughly southwest.
Screen #10 is north of where screen #9 was taken, above the north end of a north-south ravine-type structure that runs along the east side of the map.
Screen #11 is slightly west of where screen #10 was taken, looking roughly west-southwest-ish; the transmission tower near the northwest corner of the map is visible here.