@ Xthx2; That tool will save me a lot of time, now i have all the level layouts and it's easy to get all the resources I need out of the game, as for all the detail, I dunno, I just like to add a fair amount, there has to be some difference or I might as well just play Duke 2, also I just want to see exactly how far I can go with it.
I might do High Res versions of the textures, but I think they all look good as they are, might be worth me trying some normal/paralax maps on them. I finally got some con code working, not sure how CPU-Efficient it is yet, and it had some weird spaz-outs when i first got the angle/distance working, it was like the game was trying to render two things at once, my eyes are still bleeding
Anyhow, I am dead proud of what I achieved today, even if it isn't much of the level, should be fun tomorrow when i will find out if my plan to get away with the room-over-room limitations will work, I might try and do something like that "Sleep" thing from DukePlus, whereby the screen would fade to black if you presses "Use" on a ladder for example and you would appear somewhere else. Once I get near the end of Episode 1, I will probably start a thread about this, hopefully i won't give up on this project.
I took a short video of what I have managed so far, that is here.