DNF Modding Discoveries "Posting my findings on DNF"
#91 Posted 10 November 2018 - 10:28 AM
#92 Posted 10 November 2018 - 04:50 PM
Futuretime23, on 09 November 2018 - 06:33 PM, said:
I've been considering as a sidenote, IF the TPEgo system gets implemented as I've been giving the system a bit more thought, to remove the strip club levels (BB/Titty city) since the main reason to play them (interact with the environment to gain ego upgrades) is gone.
Maybe they'll be kept as bonus levels you can access from the chapter select menu.
If it comes to that, maybe you can add inanimate girls/pods throughout the levels like how Duke3D did, or easter eggs like Shadow Warriors. Just an idea, ain't a Duke Nukem game if you take away his chicks.
#93 Posted 10 November 2018 - 05:20 PM
I was actually considering adding a few more to the dam section given the infestation theme going on there. Again, this is just part of trying to make the game more serious and dark, and less of that dumb meme reference tone the game had.
#94 Posted 11 November 2018 - 05:48 AM
Futuretime23, on 10 November 2018 - 05:20 PM, said:
I was actually considering adding a few more to the dam section given the infestation theme going on there. Again, this is just part of trying to make the game more serious and dark, and less of that dumb meme reference tone the game had.
Yeah, one of the most serious moment is when you knock one out and Duke comments that not even he can save you now. Maybe you can keep the Holsom pod sequence in the Hive as a tutorial/introduction for exploding Octobabies, just delete all the dialogue. Unless you were planning something else.
#95 Posted 11 November 2018 - 10:51 AM
let the player see the podgirl give birth to octababies and die naturally via gameplay rather than shove a cutscene (even with no dialogue) down your throat.
#97 Posted 14 November 2018 - 07:54 PM
I don't want to spoil yet what the intro is gonna be like

#98 Posted 14 November 2018 - 08:51 PM
The initial idea behind the twins wasn't necessarily bad, but my God they fucked it up in the final game.
#99 Posted 14 November 2018 - 09:25 PM
Futuretime23, on 14 November 2018 - 07:54 PM, said:
I don't want to spoil yet what the intro is gonna be like

Hopefully, it doesn't disappoint, because you're getting me hyped up for the unknown.
#100 Posted 15 November 2018 - 12:12 AM
#101 Posted 15 November 2018 - 02:38 AM
There are just somethings that will never happen with DNF, i'm afraid. Not with out the actual editor.
Still, props to whoever manages to crack things open and make shit happen.
#102 Posted 15 November 2018 - 11:25 AM
Jimmy 4k, on 15 November 2018 - 12:12 AM, said:
I am grateful that someone is able to mod DNF, let alone actually someone sitting down and doing it. I enjoyed the official game a lot and was disheartened that majority of the people didn't see it the same way. I still play DNF multiplayer on PC and there's a small fanbase that still plays; and grateful for that too.
Just the intro man, it's pretty good already; reciting the events of Duke3D and the dice intro.
#103 Posted 15 November 2018 - 12:28 PM
Not because of what it is conceptually, or the aesthetics of it - it's the really, REALLY stiff almost robotic animation that kills it for me. Editing is also a bit shit there as well. Looks like the intro was never properly finished tbf.
#104 Posted 15 November 2018 - 09:03 PM
#105 Posted 15 November 2018 - 09:08 PM
#106 Posted 15 November 2018 - 09:37 PM
Futuretime23, on 15 November 2018 - 12:28 PM, said:
Not because of what it is conceptually, or the aesthetics of it - it's the really, REALLY stiff almost robotic animation that kills it for me. Editing is also a bit shit there as well. Looks like the intro was never properly finished tbf.
It was a later-day addition I think. Like borderline last minute.
Honestly I think a minimalistic approach to the intro would be better. Like a short prose with narration. Something more mythical, reflective of the era that Duke came from. Like the opening to Highlander or The Terminator.
#108 Posted 16 November 2018 - 03:15 PM
I have some songs and sounds set in but I don't mind suggestions being made by users.
#109 Posted 16 November 2018 - 03:25 PM
Futuretime23, on 16 November 2018 - 03:15 PM, said:
I have some songs and sounds set in but I don't mind suggestions being made by users.
Definitely level-based music on a loop. Duke Burger with the actual Duke Burger theme playing the whole time. Are there any high-res versions of the door sounds from Duke 3D? Also the trooper aliens sound wimpy in DNF. Something more intimidating. Keep up the good work!
#110 Posted 16 November 2018 - 07:33 PM
What I'd say I need suggestions for sounds specifically are for the machinegun, at laser and captain laser.
This post has been edited by Futuretime23: 16 November 2018 - 08:07 PM
#111 Posted 16 November 2018 - 08:01 PM
Futuretime23, on 16 November 2018 - 07:33 PM, said:
What I'd say I need suggestions for are sounds for the machinegun, at laser and captain laser.
Honestly, I only liked the Ghost Town and the Mothership music.
#112 Posted 17 November 2018 - 07:05 AM
#113 Posted 17 November 2018 - 08:19 AM
Some ideas for sound replacements. The Doom 3 Alpha chaingun sound might work well for a replacement sound for the horribly stock stationary turrets in the game, depending on how many of them you end up keeping.
For the ripper sound you might try something like a mix of the RTCW silenced SMG sound mixed with the HL2 SMG sound. The two sounds together would give you a bitey sound that is also somewhat reminiscent of the Duke 3D sound effect.
#114 Posted 17 November 2018 - 08:43 PM
MusicallyInspired, on 17 November 2018 - 07:05 AM, said:
Keep in mind we don't really have a budget atm, we can't pay anyone any money.
Here are the songs atm that will be kept: Action 1 and 2, mothership, ambient 2 and 3, ghost town (all of it), valkyries remix, the lenoman themes, random background music that's honestly pretty decent (strippers, random rawk, muzak, grabbag elevator, prepd, all of the stingers and the dlc start specifically) and maybe mine battle 01b and double barrel but I'm really not sure if they'll stay in.
A LOT is getting cut out, all of the dam battle themes, any action theme that's not 1 or 2, battle4vegas, the hive, queen and leech themes, any ambient theme that's not 2 or 3, cycloid theme, hallofmeat, dlc music etc. Even occassions where a decent/okay theme got reused may potentially get replaced (like action 1 for Proton for example)
#115 Posted 18 November 2018 - 07:02 AM
#116 Posted 19 November 2018 - 09:04 PM
#117 Posted 19 November 2018 - 09:18 PM
Redxplatinum, on 19 November 2018 - 09:04 PM, said:
Not a bad song, but I don't think it fits the tense escape sequence. As a sidenote, I wasn't planning on replacing the escape theme, I thought that was a pretty decent song and fit the level well.
#118 Posted 20 November 2018 - 11:15 AM
#119 Posted 21 November 2018 - 12:02 PM
Altered Reality, on 20 November 2018 - 11:15 AM, said:
I'm not so sure about this, I mean getting a Duke game without It's iconic Grabbag theme would feel off, and as for level music, it would certainly feel dull without it, Music adds to the immersion of the game, there's no reason not to have it.
#120 Posted 21 November 2018 - 02:03 PM
Send me a PM if you want to contribute to the overhaul project.