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HRP Issues Thread  "Post your HRP Problems/Issues here"

User is offline   Inspector Lagomorf 

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View PostLeoD, on 10 May 2016 - 05:06 PM, said:

Quite disappointing that even a long-time member can't come up with a better bug report. Use the latest HRP [5.4.674], the latest EDuke32 build [r5718], and post your log file. The solution however, is to use a reasonably stable version of EDuke32, like the one that comes with the HRP sfx package [r5267].
Bug report handling for EDuke32 has basically left these forums. You can try to file your issue over there. Good luck.

I had forgotten about bug reports, and when I quickly perused this thread, I didn't see anyone else file a bug report nor did I know how it would help. I'm really, really sorry.

This post has been edited by Inspector Lagomorf: 11 May 2016 - 05:43 AM


User is offline   The Nate 


Sorry for bumping this few months old thread, but the explosions are small and misaligned in polymost even with Leod's polymost HRP.

HRP 5.4
Leod's HRP Polymost ovveride pack
My own old redfont pack based on latest SVN build of HRP(this problem has happened without this)

Attached File  eduke32.log (9.5K)
Number of downloads: 697

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0000.png


User is offline   Tea Monster 

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View PostInspector Lagomorf, on 11 May 2016 - 05:43 AM, said:

I had forgotten about bug reports, [snip]

You aren't the only one.

User is offline   Mark 


What are you insinuating you grumpy old man? :P

Don't answer, it was a rhetorical question. I know the answer.

This post has been edited by Mark.: 02 June 2017 - 10:02 AM


User is offline   Procyon 


Hi. I've recently found this project and am excited it works great on my Mac. However, I am having trouble getting the HRP to work. I've tried just copying the hrp zip file to my ~/.eduke32/ folder, but that doesn't work. I've tried creating an autoload folder in said folder and placed the zip file in that, but that doesn't work. I've tried creating a duke3d.grp folder inside the autoload folder and enabling autoload in the eduke32.cfg file as described in this 6 year old reddit post, but that doesn't work. I've tried renaming the zip to *.grp, doesn't work.

Can anyone tell me how exactly hrp is installed on Mac? I'm using OS X 10.11.6, download eduke today, so must be the latest stable version, and same with hrp pack, just the latest stable zip release.


User is offline   BestViking 


Not sure if this is the relevant thread, but I am having issues related to hightile definitions. Not the HRP, but I guess it's okay if I ask here?

My tiles are replacing blank tiles after the last original tiles around #5122 or so. When in mapster, I can't resize them small enough, and panning doesn't seem to work either.

User is online   Hendricks266 

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The texture subtoken of tilefromtexture is only meant for hightile textures that are the same resolution as the underlying ART tile. You either need to create lower res versions of your textures and define them with tilefromtexture, then define the full res versions with texture, or sacrifice 8-bit compatibility and use the dummytile command which is documented on the wiki.

User is offline   3D Master 


So, I get no answer in a separate thread, I get no answer in the main eduke32 thread, let's try here:

the HUD weapons are too low, to much of it is below the screen, and they also might be too big, considering the real estate they still take up despite being too low.

I've tried "r_pr_hudyadd" (and the other axis commands) but they don't do anything.

Anyone have a solution?

User is offline   Darkus 


I wanted to play with the HRP using the lastest EDuke32, and I noticed that all of the models in the hud that are flipped are not displayed (devistator, mighty foot).

Tested with polymost, using duke3d_hrp_polymost.def definition file.

Posted Image

Also, there is a way to re-enable texture filtering?

User is offline   240-185 


Compiled eDuke32 r9292.

In Shop'n'Bag, it appears that the switch on the ceiling allowing to lower the prison doors is not displayed correctly when using HRP.

User is offline   FRVIND 


About overlapping lights and shadows.
Hi everyone involved in HRP (and I know there are more than one) I posted a video explaining the matter. Depending on the angle of view, lights and shadows turn on or off instead of overlapping. Is this a trick to avoid loading too much data into memory?

My video

I'm using last binary (I now and hope there will be an HRP update release, I'm waiting for it)

User is offline   LeoD 

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View Post240-185, on 18 December 2020 - 12:49 PM, said:

In Shop'n'Bag, it appears that the switch on the ceiling allowing to lower the prison doors is not displayed correctly when using HRP.
(Better late than never...)
As long as it is visible at all, it's OK. A better solution in maphacks would only work for one renderer (Polymost vs. Polymer). I've mentioned the underlying issue at least twice, but no help from the devs. I know what/how to patch in mhk.cpp, but it's not clear which renderer is actually the correct one in terms of dealing with maphacking floor/ceiling aligned sprites. (Since the HRP maphacks have are made with Polymer, I'd prefer to adapt the Polymost behaviour.)

View PostFRVIND, on 10 October 2021 - 01:23 PM, said:

About overlapping lights and shadows.
Hi everyone involved in HRP (and I know there are more than one) I posted a video explaining the matter. Depending on the angle of view, lights and shadows turn on or off instead of overlapping. Is this a trick to avoid loading too much data into memory?
I think this no HRP but a renderer issue. You should get the same results when using Polymer without the HRP.

View PostFRVIND, on 10 October 2021 - 01:23 PM, said:

(I now and hope there will be an HRP update release, I'm waiting for it)
Seems you know more than we do. The HRP still has maintainers but (besides user map maphacks) no more actual contributors of models or textures. Since the last full HRP release nothing much has happened in the latter regard. The HRP is largely complete, and making the rarely used missing parts is probably both hard work and not rewarding...
Wrapping up what we have right now and call it a new full release after six years ... I could do that if NightFright is OK with it.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 11 October 2021 - 08:13 AM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostLeoD, on 11 October 2021 - 08:11 AM, said:

I know what/how to patch in mhk.cpp, but it's not clear which renderer is actually the correct one in terms of dealing with maphacking floor/ceiling aligned sprites.
Well, I did come to a conclusion about the correct behaviour, actually. Proposed patch updated.

User is offline   Wronschien 


I'm experiencing crashes with hrp on more recent builds of eduke32.

Latest build that works well is r9889 from 06/01/2022. I haven't tried out every one afterwards, but all those that I tested from r9933 to the current one r10212 do have this crash.
More precisely, the crash occurs at the beginning of a level load after hanging for a short while at 0%. And when restarting the game some elements are garbled, like the 'atomic' green badge.

For my tests I unzipped eduke32 and put inside "duke3d.grp" & "duke.rts" with an autoload folder containing the hrp. The only specific settings I changed were autoload of course, and windowed mode.

User is offline   Wronschien 


Well I actually fixed this by disabling texture cache on disk. It is a workaround but it works, for now at least.

But now I've noticed something else, with polymer and hrp the weapon fov is very low and not affected by the general fov setting. Unlike polymost which changes weapon fov accordingly.
As a result the weapon is drawn very close to the player and the bottom part is cut down. Is there something I can do about that ?
It probably is a known thing but the forum search doesn't allow the term "fov" as it's too short.

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