Robman, on 23 May 2016 - 07:18 PM, said:
No, I simply want to know who I'm talking to with some consistency.
I don't know that you have ever typed with MrBlackCat... I don't remember him every saying anything about you. Were you even here before 2012?
Robman said:
The way you left it seemed like it could be 2 people, sometimes a woman, sometimes a man.
I knew there must have been some reason the images you posted of supposedly "yourself" seemed "off" to me.
I have never answered anything private of MBC's... if you ever typed with him in an email, it was him. He sees and responds to them from his eMail directly. That is the only instance. I often pretend to be him for the sake of non-disclosure... if he asks me to share his newest game related images or something I will. The few/rare pictures of him, are him... usually to share a gaming shirt or something, but I post them and link them for him. I kind of miss when he had time to be here every day. Was a happier time. He used to work from home almost all the time, but now has a couple of places he goes more days than not. I do give him updates from here often. He likes the idea of this place and always donates to this and other forum causes. If a new Duke was to start, he would probably want to be back here directly. Remember the chainsaw pictures? I posted those... I had to ask him the technical things I didn't know about the saw(s) but that was me.
Robman said:
AND! Don't you worry, I won't treat you any differently
If I were you, I would just put me on the ignore list or never post in any thread I post in. Now that would show me! Wow! I feel the lesson learned just thinking about it! No more educating the lowly female on the ways of life. No more allowing me the privilege of learning from the master of... whatever you call what you do... Well, I have to go now, but I can't remember if it was to the laundry room, kitchen, or bedroom... has to be one of those... of course.
Kathy, on 24 May 2016 - 02:44 AM, said:
What's to care about gender? It's not like MBC is discussing sex/gender-related topics, is she?
Yeah... that was kind of my thought also. Like I said before, it shouldn't matter, but it does. Is like every post ends up tempered or modified based on your gender. I don't care for most of that... at least on a forum. The only context I have "lied" in, was when I share gaming images or information that I didn't know myself. It doesn't bother me at all, because the information is true, as are my views.