Gambini, on 02 June 2016 - 10:10 PM, said:
Just to make it clear, DT is right about the gender. It´s something about the identity. For what I read i may have not talked to MrBlackCat at all.First post i remember from you/him is one making an analisis of some russian guy´s beauty that used (or uses) to hang these forums, who also used to pretend he was a girl (coincidence?) and had recently revealed his real identity. I paid attention to that message because it was striking that a guy would care about beauty parameters (you mentioned symmetry, proportions, etc).
I remember that clearly, as it was recent. I had seen that new person (CultureShock) who seemed to be a female, so I asked MBC if he knew who they were as they were way before my time. Others seemed to know them from "way back". He said they were not someone he knew, but they were not a female. As MBC and I talked about some of their extensive posts, my responses were mixed with things he said about it, as with other posts where things are over my head, or outside my knowledge of games or the forums members of the past etc. I didn't mind their gender, my observations and statements were honest. The post you reference is in fact mostly mine, but we talked about it directly when I showed him the images. With that said, MBC is the most observant male I have ever been exposed to in things like that... especially relative to decor', clothing etc. He could have easily written that post is what I mean.
Gambini said:
Maybe i don´t even know the real MrBlackCat at all, but then again you wasn´t taking us seriously if you never cared to make it clear you were another person. I feel betrayed in my trust

Maybe not... and I am truly sorry that you are left with that feeling of betrayal. I don't suppose I ever thought forum dwellers would really take a persons identity seriously without contact. I have a different view, and maybe respect of "remote interactions" from coming to forums in recent years.
So you are correct, I wasn't taking "us" seriously, but not with the intention of being malicious, or causing anyone to "feel" anything negative. I can only change that going forward though.
Kathy, on 03 June 2016 - 02:17 AM, said:
Huh? Sorry, but are you talking about me? Almost everyone knew I was a guy, didn't have to reveal anything. And besides avatar/name I don't think I was specifically pretending(except maybe in the beginning, but I can't remember).
No... not you. I have seen your posts for a long time myself, but MBC seems to know you when I read him something you posted. Maybe he typed/types with you in private. I never read or look at his personal messages, ever. I know he maintains them through directly email response most of the time.
I am sorry for the end result of using his account... at least it isn't as bad as the couple of days I used his PlayStation Home account! "WHY do I have 50+ PM's? What did you SAY to these people?! I never get PM's or friend requests and not I have like 50 of each!" I had no idea the effects of a female avatar, even with his name "MrBlackCat" floating right above my head. That was an experience for sure.