Currently, the HRP with both packs is pushing a Gig. This is only going to get worse, as more next-gen assets get added. Polymer versions of critters look like they will be pushing 20Mb with skins. Once a few of those go in, along with extra normal and spec skins for other items (especially at higher res than before), things are going to get really bad.
Those who want a Polymost pack are going to be downloading hundreds of Mb of stuff they don't need.
As I have said before, the aims of the two packs, and how they are executed, means that they should share no, or at least very few, assets. Currently, we have to share assets as not everything is complete, but if all the packs were complete, then all the Polymer diffuse skins would be rendered differently than the Polymost skins, due to how the renderer handles lighting.
Ideally, if those who wanted to preserve the Polymost pack wanted to improve it, they could bake on lighting from a 3D program like Max or Blender. Roma Loom showed how this could be done. Ironically, to make the best use of this way of doing things, you need to make a Polymer version first and then bake it down to a polymost file