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[RELEASE] EDuke32 Addon Compilation  "Version 3.13 released on December 6, 2016!"



you can't load from a save file after altering CON files, you have to start a new game and warp to that map for the new CON to take effect.

Of course I tried it with a new game, I didn't load the save file.

Anyway this is the crash log.: Attached File  eduke32.crash.log (80.31K)
Number of downloads: 159


What's the problem with Xmas 1997 exactly?

No crashes here. As I told, touch the blue smoke that should bring to the next map not working, nothing happens. I guess this can be solved changing a trigger or something.
For that I have a savefile ready: https://www.mediafir...ve0000.esv/file

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Thanks. That log is wild. That's with my edited CON? And it doesn't do that with the one the compilation comes with? I'm actually impressed CON can kill the executable that way.

Maybe NightFright or someone else can chime in and try the edited CON and verify the original crash and also reproduce this new one. At very least, the original crash is definitely caused by the action offset being out of bounds.

I'll try and take a look at the Xmas 1997 save in a bit, but without any log messages or CON errors it's hard to guess. What is supposed to happen there exactly? Like I get that the map is supposed to go to the next one, but when and why? When you touch the blue smoke sprites? Can you see if this also works in the same version that broke a.dream or was it broken earlier than that? The revision that broke a.dream seems to relate to some renderer stuff, which makes sense as the purpose of MAXTILES is to limit video memory usage (basically, or at least I think, based off reading the changelog). Knowing what revision broke Xmas 1997 helps identify what changed and how to fix or workaround it.



Thanks. That log is wild. That's with my edited CON?

Even before, with or without the error is identical. I suspect is a specific conflict caused by the latest Eduke32.exe changes as Nifghtfright stated. Unless is an error that was omnipresent in the compilation version of A.dream trilogy that for some reason no one reported, but I doubt.


The revision that broke a.dream seems to relate to some renderer stuff

I play the Addon Compilation in Software mode, but it does not seem related. No mod and maps from there requires Opengl/polymer/polymost to make specific effect works. Right?


Like I get that the map is supposed to go to the next one, but when and why?

You just to arrive to the place, the bells and the animated smoke sprites are already there. Then the sled descends and jumping on it should bring you to Christmas Village map.


Knowing what revision broke Xmas 1997 helps identify what changed and how to fix or workaround it

I will try it with the older builds then, as I found what is (if there is) I'll let you know.

This post has been edited by Fantinaikos: 27 January 2023 - 06:59 AM


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Well the original thread for the mod says to play a.dream in Polymost, and I assume the compilation does as well, but the video memory stuff (as it pertains to MAXTILES) the revision that breaks that mod should be renderer agnostic.

Regarding the Access Violation errors, I think I'm confused now. I thought this didn't start for you until after you tried my edited CON, per this:

View PostFantinaikos, on 26 January 2023 - 07:07 PM, said:

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out that it gets automatically detected by putting it in the EDuke32 folder (at least he did according the log). Unfortunately nothing changed, and the error line 4302 etc. keeps appearing in the same areas. Actually, then it even appear a c++ runtime error after that and the crash log is full of "Access violation" and references to various .cpp stuff. It Could be another MAX tiles violation you've missed?

Are you saying that you were getting the Access Violation crash playing the unmodified a.dream mod as well? Is that in addition to the other error, "game.cpp Expression: (unsigned)t->picnum<MAXTILES" ? Or are these 2 separate errors that occur in 2 separate, unrelated ways? I don't know what "error line 4302" is either, this is the first mention of it. Was that the blank sound error that got mentioned earlier? That should already be fixed.

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 27 January 2023 - 08:00 AM




Are you saying that you were getting the Access Violation crash playing the unmodified a.dream mod as well?

I have difficulties to testing given that original oldest version(s) is actually three separated maps Zykov Eddy released at different times where resources are not grouped into a .grp, and the coding is so outdated that detected .con errors don't permit to start. Even the slighty more recent 2011 episodized pre-Addon Compilaton version looks outdated and uses highres textures and some models that Compilation version seem not use anymore.


Regarding the Access Violation errors, I think I'm confused now. I thought this didn't start for you until after you tried my edited CON

What is sure is that for the Compilation version, extra.con or not, at the moment solved nothing. Or has resolved a problem (so it will be integrated in the next version anyway), but not the bigger one.


Is that in addition to the other error, "game.cpp Expression: (unsigned)t->picnum<MAXTILES" ? Or are these 2 separate errors that occur in 2 separate, unrelated ways?

The cause must be the same. I only know of these two areas where probably this broken function is called, don't know if there are others. But if I can walk in there in automap (not transparent, the full detailed) without crash, the reason must be very specific.

This post has been edited by Fantinaikos: 27 January 2023 - 08:40 AM


User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


I was finally able to test all this myself. I was able to reproduce the crash with the current version of EDuke32. My edited CON does appear to fix it.

In order to get the edited CON to load, you need to create a scripts/ directory in the same location your addon.bat and/or eduke32.exe executable is, and put the edited dreamtrilogy_extra.con into there. I see now you said you put it in the root directory, so that's why it wasn't loading for you.

I'm going to submit a bug on gitlab about this and suggest if the game can crash or error out more gracefully. I suspect this has gone undiscovered until now because intentionally setting a sprite's tile ID beyond the valid maximum doesn't really serve a useful purpose, and so it's not something modders would ever really do. As I said before, it was done here to make the actors invisible until triggered, but not only is this method the wrong way to accomplish that, the modder did it the right way in other actors. This probably never should have worked to begin with.



I was finally able to test all this myself. I was able to reproduce the crash with the current version of EDuke32. My edited CON does appear to fix it.

In order to get the edited CON to load, you need to create a scripts/ directory in the same location your addon.bat and/or eduke32.exe executable is, and put the edited dreamtrilogy_extra.con into there. I see now you said you put it in the root directory, so that's why it wasn't loading for you.

So I was right when I asked at first what if the correct way to load this .con was a .bat, I mistakenly believed I found it out myself.

Case closed.


setting a sprite's tile ID beyond the valid maximum doesn't really serve a useful purpose

It may not be the only mod that made this mistake, much time is passed before this discovery.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


I'm looking at Xmas 1997 and it seems like "iffloordistl" now triggers when an actor hits the "top" of another blocking actor as well, and not literally the sector floor. This vaguely reminds me of other issues some other mods had a while back. I am still curious if someone can find what revision this broke in exactly (it looks like the mod was released in December 2018, so shouldn't have to go too far back to look), but I'm going to guess it broke around the time major changes were made to clipmove() and a number of other mods broke.

As for a vanilla-safe fix... Are there any other maps that use the BLOCKPLAYER effect, or any other sequences similar to this one? You could make the BLOCKPLAYER actor remove itself on a timer but I don't know if that would break other maps.

As an aside, if you shoot the ground with an explosive where the blue smoke emitter is at, that will sequence break the effect and allow you to enter the level exit sector.

This post has been edited by Reaper_Man: 28 January 2023 - 04:15 PM


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


WGMega updated to latest version (v4.3).

To update:
- Use the EAC Downloader Script (unzip into your EDuke32 root dir and execute eac_install.bat) OR
- Get the updated EAC Base Pack and download wgmega.grp from the EAC repository

User is offline   ETPC 


just played through Turok Nukem on r10167. zero issues!

User is offline   alexhob123 


does any of the maps in this compilation have any porn in it like nude babes or pornstars

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


Least horny BUILD enjoyer

User is offline   alexhob123 


View PostReaper_Man, on 26 February 2023 - 10:11 AM, said:

Least horny BUILD enjoyer

is this even a map that is available to download

User is offline   ETPC 


check this out: you can go on bing image search and type boobs

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


Content with explicit artwork is marked as such in the readme.

User is offline   Reaper_Man 

  • Once and Future King


View PostETPC, on 26 February 2023 - 12:29 PM, said:

check this out: you can go on bing image search and type boobs

When you are this desperate to look at bobs and vagene, only the ART file format can suffice.

User is offline   Mark 



User is offline   ETPC 


just ran through DN64 Revisited on r10167. zero issues!

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


WGMega updated to latest version (v4.4).

To update:
- Use the EAC Downloader Script (unzip into your EDuke32 root dir and execute eac_install.bat) OR
- Get the updated EAC Base Pack and download wgmega.grp from the EAC repository

User is offline   ETPC 


just ran through Duke Hard on r10168. almost entirely perfect except for a crouching hitbox issue on the last level. can't duck under wires to reach a critical switch.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: duke0090.png


User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


I think Duke Hard is going to receive an update in some vague future where this specific spot will be "defused" so you can reach that switch better in general.

User is offline   alexhob123 


is there going to be an update with any new maps added or is it still the same version

User is offline   alexhob123 


which maps have eplicit artwork by the way in the readme file

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


No new addons are planned to be added to the current 4.0 pre-release. It's about tracking down issues.
And explicit artwork is marked at the content lineup on top of the readme file. I am sure it's easy enough to find without pointing it out even more.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 01 April 2023 - 12:35 PM


User is offline   alexhob123 


View PostNightFright, on 01 April 2023 - 12:34 PM, said:

No new addons are planned to be added to the current 4.0 pre-release. It's about tracking down issues.
And explicit artwork is marked at the content lineup on top of the readme file. I am sure it's easy enough to find without pointing it out even more.

can't find them are they marked in the readme file

User is offline   Phredreeke 


Go here then search for [s] in the file. You'll find which ones have smut in them.

User is offline   alexhob123 


View PostPhredreeke, on 16 April 2023 - 03:42 AM, said:

Go here then search for [s] in the file. You'll find which ones have smut in them.

okay found them

User is offline   alexhob123 


A.Dream Trilogy doesn't work Error compiling CON files how to fix


A.Dream Trilogy shouldn't have anymore problem. There was one BLANK/sound related that caused a crash only at a specific point, but it's fixed trough an additional .con loadable with this procedure.


"In order to get the edited CON to load, you need to create a scripts/ directory in the same location your addon.bat and/or eduke32.exe executable is, and put the edited dreamtrilogy_extra.con into there. I see now you said you put it in the root directory, so that's why it wasn't loading for you."

Otherwise check if you have the latest Synthesis Eduke32.exe (unless are indeed the most recent changes that broken some addons again)

Or if other .CON's somewhere conflict with the addon starting.

User is offline   NightFright 

  • The Truth is in here


At this point, if you are still running EAC 3.x, you pretty much MUST run an EDuke32 build from around the time of its release, which is 2016 (yes, not 2020, as 3.14 did nothing to improve compatibility with more recent EDuke32 snapshots).

As incomplete and unfixed 4.x still is, it's currently the only way to get at least a half-decent experience with more recent snapshots, even though it seems to be an impossible task to keep it working with each and every version which comes out these days.

The wiser idea seems to be to focus on one specific version and try to make everything work with it. EDuke32 is undergoing too many fundamental changes throughout its ongoing development. One thing gets fixed, two others break. The thing is, the last release with the least amount of issues is also already many years old, which isn't ideal.

This post has been edited by NightFright: 17 April 2023 - 01:58 PM


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