Well the original thread for the mod says to play a.dream in Polymost, and I assume the compilation does as well, but the video memory stuff (as it pertains to MAXTILES) the revision that breaks that mod should be renderer agnostic.
Regarding the Access Violation errors, I think I'm confused now. I thought this didn't start for you until after you tried my edited CON, per this:
Fantinaikos, on 26 January 2023 - 07:07 PM, said:
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out that it gets automatically detected by putting it in the EDuke32 folder (at least he did according the log). Unfortunately nothing changed, and the error line 4302 etc. keeps appearing in the same areas. Actually, then it even appear a c++ runtime error after that and the crash log is full of "Access violation" and references to various .cpp stuff. It Could be another MAX tiles violation you've missed?
Are you saying that you were getting the Access Violation crash playing the unmodified a.dream mod as well? Is that in addition to the other error, "game.cpp Expression: (unsigned)t->picnum<MAXTILES" ? Or are these 2 separate errors that occur in 2 separate, unrelated ways? I don't know what "error line 4302" is either, this is the first mention of it. Was that the blank sound error that got mentioned earlier? That should already be fixed.