StrikerMan780, on 21 October 2015 - 04:09 PM, said:
Gamedev != Studying Law. All Bethesda is doing is waving their rich, corporate dick around, spewing bullshit fine-print to scare people into "do what we say, or we'll slap you with our big corporate dick".
There was no "E-Signature" or ToS screen of any sort. There was no signing to be done. There was only a pre-order of Wolfenstein a steam login page/e-mail field, and a subsequent E-Mail sent to participants saying they're in the alpha/beta. So, they can fuck off with their bait & trap horseshit. People sharing footage and screenshots of this Alpha is inevitable, all Bethesda is doing here is shooting themselves in the foot and fucking over potential customers in the end.
The only legitimate form of signature of a binding legal document online is to physically sign the document, either via sending a scan of the document, or sending a digitally handwritten signature back. Not only that, but a confirmation of identity is also required. (Full Name, Address and Phone). Anything else is tripe as far as the law is concerned. I've already been through this legal process before on more than one occasion, I know what the fuck I'm talking about, please piss off.
Bethesda has a army of well trained lawyers at there disposal, I think they know how to protect there work better then some college kid

. This is strictly a business decision, I don't pretend to understand their reasons but you can bet they have secured there position legally very very well.
Does anyone know what court ruling(s) declared EULAs to be unenforceable
In the e-mail that got sent out there was a link were users had to accept a NDA, not EULA.
Taken from
All participants will be required to agree to a legally binding non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which expressly prohibits posting or sharing comments and/or content from the Closed Alpha. The Closed Alpha builds will contain watermarks that identify each participant. Those who violate the NDA will be banned from all future tests, including the Beta, and may be subject to further legal action.
You can always get the build, and start posting content you shouldn't and see what happens, since you know what your doing
