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AMC TC general


I don't know if that's a bug or if it's normal but I must ask you guies about something weird ...
(I think it doesn't require a new topic and it's not related to the fact I play with r4503)

Is it normal that when I finish MillHaven I lose all the upgrades I had bought upon starting Mikko's level ?
For exemple there I had played with Zaxtor and bought all his upgrades and in Millhaven I bought a few upgrades for Mikko as a prevention, like the ROF upgrade for his pistol, and after "killing" Jekyll I notice I don't have it (same for his assault rifle's as well).

Is that a glitch or was it intended to be done this way ?
BTW such thing doesn't happen in the Classic User Map episode.

User is offline   Micky C 

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The upgrades you get from those vending machines within each level are meant to be temporary upgrades limited to the specific mission you get them in (and of course specific to the character). This is opposed to the upgrades you get in the AMC base which are permanent, general, and even stick with you when you start a new game from scratch.

I'm under the impression the currency you use to buy the short term upgrades is separate from the base upgrades?

User is offline   Jblade 



I'm under the impression the currency you use to buy the short term upgrades is separate from the base upgrades?

Yep - you get a couple of credits per enemy kill, with bigger enemies giving a little bit more.


Sounds weird because in my play with Zaxtor I had bought the rifle power upgrade at the base before starting the first level (thanks to the training course that provides 200 credits) and I got the GL at "DisBase" and I've checked with Mikko's level in the machine I still had both of them while (if we take it your way) I should have only the power upgrade :/

Also about the fact they're restricted to the current mission, I've tested that in Classic Usermap and if I buy upgrades from the machine in the shopping mall I still got them for the future levels.

As for the fact I buy them from the machines, I just do that when I have the chance : I buy what I can at the base then I do the same for level 1 and 2, back at the base I check again if I can get things, and that's pretty much it but since I use mostly bought weapons few upgrades are realy worth buying. I just find weird that (in my case) you lose upgrades you bought from a level to the other, besides if we take it your way Iwith Zaxtor I should have lost the GL upgrade when back at the base (since I bought it in DisBase) but I still had it; that's why I'm confused o_O

User is offline   Jblade 


The upgrades get stripped at the start of certain levels, it's a flaw of the way the first EP1 was laid out. In EP2 you return to the base after each mission in EP1 so you can properly upgrade what you need to that way.


"The upgrades get stripped at the start of certain levels"
That's the impression it gave me ^^

Will we RTB after each missions in Ep2 as well ?

User is offline   Jblade 


For the majority of missions yes - some will give you a choice when the level is considered finished (A mission update will let you know that you can either proceed onwards in the level or head towards an AMC ship) Both will finish the level but returning to base will remove all equipment (but issue you a fresh loadout when you go to the next mission) Certain critical missions won't do that and will be one continuous stream from beginning to end, but those will normally be reserved for end of episode campaign maps and stuff :)


Does this mean that if we decline the proposal to RTB we keep everything we have gathered in the current level, or at least equipement/inventory ?

User is offline   Jblade 


Indeed - you'll keep everything on your person. Of course if you do decide to return to base and then proceed to the next mission, like I said you'll be issued with whatever loadout your character has. The levels are fairly generous with equipment so you won't be harmed too much if you leave and come back, but you'll have an easier time if you do decide to play it that way. It's mostly to your benefit to proceed onwards rather than going back to base, but there are times you may find a new secret mission that it would be a good idea to do first before carrying on with the main campaign.


I'm pretty sure a secret mission is impossible to do if you decide to come back to base ? Pretty logical actualy :/

That sounds rad, nice gameplay mechanic you got there -_^

But for the first 3 missions of Ep1 that new feature would be weird because of the "Let's head back to the surface and head to Ganimeyde right away", going back to base in the mean time would be illogical and most of the time in Expert you don't get to exit that level with more than 300 credits if you started it with none (or 4 in my latest playthrough) aka very few upgrade possibilities unless you have an OC with cheap upgrade such as Mikko or James.

User is offline   Jblade 


True, but it's also to the benefit of doing research projects and things like that - also remember that the guys have to refuel the flyer if they want to take it to Ganymede so going back to the base quickly wouldn't hurt that much :)


Ah yeah now that you mention it ^^
Besides I'm sure space travel must burn through fuel damn quickly !

And BTW will there be many new research projects ?
I've seen that (appearantly) there would be a project for having the night vision equivalent to recharge itself when off just like the flashlight is it true ?

User is offline   Jblade 


View Postthedrawliner, on 31 December 2014 - 11:56 AM, said:

And BTW will there be many new research projects ?
I've seen that (appearantly) there would be a project for having the night vision equivalent to recharge itself when off just like the flashlight is it true ?

Yeah, there's a project that does that alongside one that improves Sang's default health to 100 rather than the 75 it is now :)


100 instead of 75 would be good indeed, I know he's not the toughest one of the bunch but starting Providence with 75 can be problematic in higher difficulties mostly because of the "spell-sealed" doors

User is offline   Jblade 


View Postthedrawliner, on 31 December 2014 - 01:29 PM, said:

100 instead of 75 would be good indeed, I know he's not the toughest one of the bunch but starting Providence with 75 can be problematic in higher difficulties mostly because of the "spell-sealed" doors

There's changes coming to the higher difficulty levels - not sure if I'll have it all ready in time but my goal will be to turn off the x2 damage modifier on Professional and instead make enemies naturally more dangerous by attacking more often with further abilities. So far many enemies already do that - there IS a new difficulty level called Armageddon though, which is intended purely for masochists :)


And what about the longer reloading times ? I find that slightly abusive, and given the skills of the OCs it doesn't give any form of realism, not insinuating that it is what it was made for :/
Professional is already hard enough without the sight and damage so I find longer reloads a bit too much ...

Yeah I noticed a few enemies had different abilities in Pro while they didn't in Expert, too bad it doesn't influence theire drops though, I remember (in DisBase) being happy to have one of those female soldiers in red (pro only) drop a red M-16, I was like "Yay a new variant like with the Enforcer gun" but in the end nothing changed it was still the same ^^

Armagedon ? I can't dare to imagine ... as in even more enemies + x2 damage + x2 resistence for enemies + resurecting enemies / or new spawns + shorter timer in time based sequences + automatic disactivation of auto-aim (although I don't use it) ...................... That would indeed be masochistic but I'm sure you guies will include a reward for that ?
Would be dissapointing to finish the game in that new difficulty and have nothing in exchange for all the hard work ^_-

User is offline   Jblade 



And what about the longer reloading times ? I find that slightly abusive, and given the skills of the OCs it doesn't give any form of realism, not insinuating that it is what it was made for :/
Professional is already hard enough without the sight and damage so I find longer reloads a bit too much ...

That's gone, don't worry - I didn't like it either and it was an artificial attempt at difficulty :)


Yeah I noticed a few enemies had different abilities in Pro while they didn't in Expert, too bad it doesn't influence theire drops though, I remember (in DisBase) being happy to have one of those female soldiers in red (pro only) drop a red M-16, I was like "Yay a new variant like with the Enforcer gun" but in the end nothing changed it was still the same ^^

The M-16 has had a bit of a makeover for EP2 anyways so don't worry about that - it now comes with an underslung M203 grenade launcher (and soldiers will fire grenades on the higher difficulty levels) There's new ammo types for grenade launchers as well, so rather than re-using a character's grenades there's a new ammo pickup type along with several different varieties. There's even seperate grenade types for the Russian caseless grenade launchers too.


Armagedon ? I can't dare to imagine ... as in even more enemies + x2 damage + x2 resistence for enemies + resurecting enemies / or new spawns + shorter timer in time based sequences + automatic disactivation of auto-aim (although I don't use it) ...................... That would indeed be masochistic but I'm sure you guies will include a reward for that ?

More enemies is the main goal - I'm still working on the reward aspect don't worry :P


_ YAY :)

_Wow that must have taken ages for you guies to code in O_o but in the end it must be worth it since it adds realism, I don't find that using regular grenades as the underslung GL's ammo was a bad mechanic.
At least it'll give us the occasion to have a real use of all those inventory slots (in PDA) that 70% of them are empty most of the time.

_Goody ^^

BTW I've just found an abusive exploit glitch in Highwire's mission ^_-. Available only if you have the 870 as his shotgun and WITHOUT the box upgrade and James has the Protecta -> After the part with James and you gain control of Highwire you'll notice your 870 will have the same amount of mag as James had, if it's above 8 you'll be able to load TONS of shells in it (up to your amount of shells of course); in my case it was 40 but then I bought the box mag upgrade and it annulled the glitch. Still it was fun to have a Remington with 40 shells in the barrell for a minute !

User is offline   Jblade 


View Postthedrawliner, on 01 January 2015 - 01:54 AM, said:

BTW I've just found an abusive exploit glitch in Highwire's mission ^_-. Available only if you have the 870 as his shotgun and WITHOUT the box upgrade and James has the Protecta -> After the part with James and you gain control of Highwire you'll notice your 870 will have the same amount of mag as James had, if it's above 8 you'll be able to load TONS of shells in it (up to your amount of shells of course); in my case it was 40 but then I bought the box mag upgrade and it annulled the glitch. Still it was fun to have a Remington with 40 shells in the barrell for a minute !

Nice catch, that error was because I didn't save the player's ammunition count when switching characters...I believe I've fixed that already now!


Yes I think you told me something like that when I told about the sawn-off shotgun having 20 shells with Sang because I had 20 in the FAL with James in Providence ... I'm pretty sure you have been reported this kind of thing more than once on the AMC forum.


BTW I would like to ask about 2 things ....

What is the purpose of the silencer upgrades ? and what is the purpose of Highwire's Tokarev's accuracy upgrade ?

For the silencer (Sang's Uzi and James's TMP) apart from having a different sound and no flash, gameplay wise it doesn't do anything, I thought it could render the weapon armor piercing but no ...

And as for the Tokarev, apart from having a front grip for it, the accuracy is unchanged or at least the crosshair isn't any tighter and some experiment with the autoaim shows it doesn't make any difference (cause if it had worked the accuracy would have been enough for being able to hit anything at any distance) :/

User is offline   Jblade 


View Postthedrawliner, on 03 January 2015 - 08:41 AM, said:

BTW I would like to ask about 2 things ....

What is the purpose of the silencer upgrades ? and what is the purpose of Highwire's Tokarev's accuracy upgrade ?

Looks like Highwire's Tokarev is a bug, it should increase accuracy - that's been fixed in any case, but thanks for drawing it to my attention.

Silencers/Suppressors reduce the amount that your gunfire increases alarms - there's none in episode one but there is one in the police station in the co-op map INVURB.map that you could check out. They won't really be making an appearance until episode 3 but the suppressors there just for completion's sake.


I see, thanks for the info I'll check INVURB out ^^


Hey guies I've noticed a weird beneficial thing in playing the game with the latest EDuke >> some dialogue lines that used not to work actualy work now ( actualy all of them) !!

Any idea what could cause that ?
It could help for a bug fix for those lines not being played with the included EDuke if it's not already done.

BTW the lines where James tells John that he and Sang are going up to him at the end of Providence still plays too late though, you think it won't play then the screen freezes for a sec launching the dialogue and it ends with a black screen until it's finnished and then it resumes normaly.

User is offline   Helixhorned 

  • EDuke32 Developer


View Postthedrawliner, on 04 January 2015 - 07:54 AM, said:

Hey guies I've noticed a weird beneficial thing in playing the game with the latest EDuke >> some dialogue lines that used not to work actualy work now ( actualy all of them) !!

Any idea what could cause that ?
It could help for a bug fix for those lines not being played with the included EDuke if it's not already done.

No idea what's happening. (And unless I can quickly jump to that point, I have no way of reproducing it.) What's the revision of the buggy EDuke32?

On another note: the included AMCTC.m32 uses the SPACE key for what seem to be sound previews. This breaks its use to lock to a certain object in 3D mode. Maybe squeeze a check for holding CTRL in there, like this?
    // teleporter

    ife searchstat 3
    ifhitkey KEY_SPACE



You're speaking chinese for me there ^^;

User is offline   Jblade 


He's speaking to me so don't worry :) I've fixed that, thanks for pointing it out!


No idea what's happening. (And unless I can quickly jump to that point, I have no way of reproducing it.) What's the revision of the buggy EDuke32?

There was an old issue where certain sound files wouldn't play in cutscenes, I think it only happened if the player was far away from the camera?


BTW the lines where James tells John that he and Sang are going up to him at the end of Providence still plays too late though, you think it won't play then the screen freezes for a sec launching the dialogue and it ends with a black screen until it's finnished and then it resumes normaly.

This still happens...I've gone over that bit time and time again and it drives me mad.

This post has been edited by Jblade: 04 January 2015 - 01:06 PM


User is offline   Zaxtor 


Inside the jungle base shots.
Level will be a TROR hardcore type of level.

Posted Image

User is offline   Micky C 

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Looks solid. My only suggestion is perhaps to use more of the TC's custom textures, as you're using a lot of vanilla duke tiles in there, but it's up to you.

User is offline   Zaxtor 


View PostMicky C, on 10 January 2015 - 03:36 PM, said:

Looks solid. My only suggestion is perhaps to use more of the TC's custom textures, as you're using a lot of vanilla duke tiles in there, but it's up to you.

Is just the beginning.
Level will be huge,
You will see lots of custom, trust me,

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