Duke Nukem Reloaded abandoned? "An interesting facebook post."
#121 Posted 26 September 2011 - 04:58 AM
#122 Posted 26 September 2011 - 05:31 AM
#124 Posted 26 September 2011 - 01:33 PM
#125 Posted 26 September 2011 - 02:07 PM
#126 Posted 26 September 2011 - 02:25 PM
#127 Posted 26 September 2011 - 02:31 PM
First they were too high up on their horse to give us some news that were not riddled with self importance and cryptic meanings.
Now that they've realized that pretty much their entire fanbase is calling their bullshit out, they are gradually lowering their arrogance and replacing their short cryptic news message, with an actual message that is starting to slowly make sense...
I wonder what will happen if people here continue to call Fresch a bullshiter.
Maybe he will refine his initial message to the point where he will finally tell us how many chances does this project have to get canceled even if it's not officially canceled yet.
What are the chances of finding out in the future that I've yet again lost my time with this topic just like I apparently lost my time with the dukenukemreloaded site and forum by reading them and expecting something out of them...
This is pretty much all that I care to know about.
This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 26 September 2011 - 02:43 PM
#128 Posted 26 September 2011 - 02:45 PM
Captain Awesome, on 26 September 2011 - 02:25 PM, said:
So i am a troll, and you are just the regular idiot posting shit like shut the fuck up all the time.
#129 Posted 26 September 2011 - 02:47 PM
#130 Posted 26 September 2011 - 04:50 PM
#131 Posted 26 September 2011 - 04:55 PM
#132 Posted 26 September 2011 - 05:03 PM
Tetsuo, on 26 September 2011 - 04:55 PM, said:
says who?

Just keep posting. Ignore the trolls, and post your thoughts.
#133 Posted 26 September 2011 - 05:19 PM
Mr.Deviance, on 26 September 2011 - 02:31 PM, said:
Like in the initial news post on the frontpage of Duke4.net that had all the info from the very beginning?
Compare these official news (which even includes that we will revisit DN3DR sometime alongide new creative pursuits), with the things said here.
It is all there (the only thing that was added on the very first page of this thread is that the waiting time is only one or two weeks until further news come).

Some won't believe me just for the sake of it, but we added this so that you know that you don't have to wait months or so until further news come.
It is the same as with the media embargo, if we could say more we would say more.
But we can't as it would break the agreement with GBX and endanger the whole Duke Nukem Reloaded project. So we try to give away as much as we can without risking that there won't be a DN3D-Reloaded at all in the end.
*) sorry, had to do it.
This post has been edited by fuegerstef: 26 September 2011 - 05:46 PM
#134 Posted 27 September 2011 - 01:38 PM
This post has been edited by randir14: 27 September 2011 - 01:38 PM
#135 Posted 27 September 2011 - 02:07 PM

#136 Posted 27 September 2011 - 02:12 PM
Nobody from team heard or read about it yet. And we didn't tell anybody but one forum member who wanted an interview.
Must check.

Which sites? THe ones I go to have nothing about it.
One German site said "acoording to Gearbox", but that is probably false info. Oh, yes, they got it from the site of our forum member.
This post has been edited by fuegerstef: 27 September 2011 - 02:16 PM
#137 Posted 27 September 2011 - 02:22 PM
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 02:23 PM
#138 Posted 27 September 2011 - 02:24 PM
This post has been edited by fuegerstef: 27 September 2011 - 02:25 PM
#139 Posted 27 September 2011 - 02:28 PM
Interceptor wants to release something. Gearbox says no. Interceptor wants to know when they can release something. Gearbox shrugs shoulders. Interceptor says screw this.
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 02:29 PM
#140 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:02 PM
Tetsuo, on 26 September 2011 - 04:55 PM, said:
Discussing isn't the same as speculating, although one could argue that talking about speculation is considered a "discussion," but it's pointless to make assumptions about things we don't know unless it's painfully obvious, and there seems to be a wide range of possibilities here. So here I am arguing about a discussion about speculation about what happened to a game we don't know too much about with people whom we don't know are behind, whom are bound by a license to a company called Gearbox because of game called Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded that probably would never have got green lighted in the first place if Duke Nukem was still at 3DR, which means DNF might not have been released. and etc. So let's get back to reality, back to what we know. Going down a not yet unlocked blind alley like this is pointless. You want to discuss what happened, discuss what happened.
#141 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:09 PM
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 04:10 PM
#142 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:21 PM
Mad Max RW, on 27 September 2011 - 04:09 PM, said:
What? This makes no sense.
#143 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:25 PM
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 04:51 PM
#144 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:55 PM
Mad Max RW, on 27 September 2011 - 04:09 PM, said:
Sue you for what?
#145 Posted 27 September 2011 - 04:58 PM
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 05:00 PM
#146 Posted 27 September 2011 - 05:12 PM
Buy this, it comes with 300 minutes IIRC.
Have the lackey at RadioShack activate it in store with their IP address.
Tell them your name is "Lou Skunt" and you live on "123 Main St."
Tell Gearbox to suck it
Not get caught
#147 Posted 27 September 2011 - 05:21 PM
You think maybe I had to deal with similar stuff before?
This post has been edited by Mad Max RW: 27 September 2011 - 05:22 PM
#149 Posted 27 September 2011 - 06:01 PM
Mad Max RW, on 27 September 2011 - 04:58 PM, said:
Why would GBX give a shit if you went on and spread various news about DNR?
Do you actually think they care that much?
And let's say they do care as much as you say they do, they would have nothing on you to sue you for.
You are just a random user that's spreading the word.
It wouldn't even matter if what you are spreading is truth or lies because you are not gbx's official partner.
You haven't signed any NDA with gbx and you are free to talk as much shit about them as you feel like.
You can even form a political party that's against GBX without getting sued, as far as you are concerned.
This post has been edited by Mr.Deviance: 27 September 2011 - 06:18 PM
#150 Posted 27 September 2011 - 06:22 PM
Descent, on 27 September 2011 - 05:12 PM, said:
They already suck 2K's dick..... i don't think they can suck anymore then that.