Very good work for a "demo." I'll give some constructive criticism for somebody that may want to take on the project. Coming from Quake, I really do feel the difference, and it kills me very badly, but for what is there it's great. The movement felt a bit weird, I've never gotten the screen to tilt when strafing in eduke32 before o_O, and it wasn't that dramatic in the original Quake. The AI is great, still need work on the animations of some enemy models, some are too fast, or too slow. Some enemies seem a bit stronger then they are supposed to be. You still have to press Use\Open in order to push buttons, you'll need to modify collision for that, and modify the build engine to allow for a secret wall to have "health" so that you can shoot it to open it.. The "No Clipping" cheat would need to be modified to get the right feel, but that would require for the build engine to modified a bit, TROR could help with that. Switching weapons in Quake was instant, there seems to be a bit of a delay. Looking up and down needs to be modified, since in the original Quake you could look completely down and completely up, with Duke3D\eduke32, it stops before you can look that far. On that note, rocket jumping would need to be implemented as well. The player model has to be modified a bit so that the weapon can the player is holding can be seen, only the axe though, since other weapons were not made for that in Quake. Also, there needs to be a shooting animation for the weapons on the player model. The shooting animations themselves need some fixing, like the lightning gun, super nailgun, and the grenade launcher. The axe sound when hitting a wall sounds a bit off sync. The crosshair seems to need some fixing. The view mode could be disabled. Collision needs to be fixed, for example in the first level, you don't need to jump onto the platform to get the silver key, it just works like stairs, you should just run into it and stop, but that's another limitation of the build engine, since it's not true 3D. ....Netcode... Very stable netcode would be needed, intense Quake matches can easily have 32 players + 8 or so spectators. On that note spectation would need to be implemented as well. Bunny hopping
... I could think of some others, but that's a big chunk of things to do right there... So... good luck to the person that decides to take this on!!! ...If ever...