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Quake TC demo

User is offline   zykov eddy 


I don't want to work on this TC anymore, so I decided to release a small demo with everything I've made so far.
The demo contains two playable maps + some test maps (see user map section). You can play this in any mode you want. Polymer recommended.

It's standalone, so you don't need Duke 3D to run this.

Download: http://www.mediafire...uea925oo6hubdjf


Posted Image

User is offline   Hank 


Thanks for your work. Cheers. Posted Image

User is offline   LkMax 


Technically it's very well done, really captures Quake's atmosphere. But I couldn't even get one key in the first level (second map) :)

User is offline   MetHy 


I thought that was good for what it was (although obviously it's still betas so there are things which are a bit off like enemy behaviour).

What I do not understand though is: why? What was your motivation behind this instead of just making maps for Quake itself?

This post has been edited by MetHy: 17 August 2011 - 06:12 AM


User is offline   LkMax 


View PostLkMax, on 17 August 2011 - 05:53 AM, said:

Technically it's very well done, really captures Quake's atmosphere. But I couldn't even get one key in the first level (second map) :)

nevermind... I didn't know you could swim in those... pools.

View PostMetHy, on 17 August 2011 - 06:11 AM, said:

I thought that was good for what it was (although obviously it's still betas so there are things which are a bit off like enemy behaviour).What I do not understand though is: why? What was your motivation behind this instead of just making maps for Quake itself?

I was thinking the same.

User is offline   Tetsuo 


I'm guessing probably "because he can", "to see if can be done" and curiosity of how close the build engine can get to Quake now that much of the apparent advantages the quake engine had are little to none. To be able to point to build and say anything quake can do it can do as well?

User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostMetHy, on 17 August 2011 - 06:11 AM, said:

What I do not understand though is: why? What was your motivation behind this instead of just making maps for Quake itself?

I dunno, seriously. I had a lot of inspiration from quake style, so I decided to make a TC. But now I'm out of inspiration, so I can see how useless my work was.

This post has been edited by zykov eddy: 17 August 2011 - 06:59 AM


User is offline   CruX 


View Postzykov eddy, on 17 August 2011 - 06:58 AM, said:

But now I'm out of inspiration, so I can see how useless my work was.

It isn't "useless" at all. Even if you're out of inspiration and don't want to work on it anymore, any release is better than nothing and with the chips the way they are right now, someone might come along and start mapping for it.

User is offline   Hank 


View Postzykov eddy, on 17 August 2011 - 06:58 AM, said:

I dunno, seriously. I had a lot of inspiration from quake style, so I decided to make a TC. But now I'm out of inspiration, so I can see how useless my work was.

What? Playing the heavy again. A long time ago, a guy called JS, wrote, "If that is how you like to play it ain't useless work". "Your time is not wasted if you enjoy doing it".

There are people doing Duke 3D in Cryteck. So why not Quake in EDuke32? There is now the base for it, thanks to you. You may have lost temporary interest in this project, but your work has tremendous value for those that like Quake and EDuke32. So from the top, thanks and good work!Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hank: 17 August 2011 - 07:41 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


Yeah, thanks.
I don't mind if somebody would like to start mapping for this TC. I can provide everything for it

User is offline   Jblade 


Great stuff. Isn't a perfect match with Quake but it sure as hell doesn't feel like a Duke project or even based on Build itself, so good work! :)


Wow that was really good and fun to play! It was like I was really playing quake. Good job man :)

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


For some reason my card wasn't compatible with polymer when trying to play this Posted Image

But even in polymost this demo was a lot of fun!

User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


This is a technical marvel. I love the Quake engine, and even though I can still sorta feel BUILD under the hood, just from general history... This is absolutely fabulous. There is no indication of Duke Nukem 3D anywhere in the game. The sound, models, textures, and level design do a fantastic job of creating a great new(old) coat of paint for Duke. Well done Rykov, you deserve a round of applause for this. It's a shame you do not wish to continue and at least build one episode to give it a full gameplay experience.

Good job, never the less. Posted Image

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

  • Music Producer


View PostMicky C, on 18 August 2011 - 01:58 AM, said:

For some reason my card wasn't compatible with polymer when trying to play this Posted Image

But even in polymost this demo was a lot of fun!

Hey I got exactly the same problem! A bug?

BTW I haven't played any Quake game yet, but what you get Eduke makes in your mods and TCs is just incredibly!!!!!

User is offline   chicken 

  • Fashionable Modeler


It wasn't 100% accurate, but what the hell, the feeling was absolutely Quake.
Good job (again), Eddy!

User is offline   zykov eddy 


I can't believe that somebody likes this demo so much. Thank you guys!

View PostNorvak, on 18 August 2011 - 04:28 PM, said:

Hey I got exactly the same problem! A bug?

Weird. Maybe that's because I forgot to put some EDuke 32 files inside?

User is offline   Muelsa 

  • Bad Mother Fucker


I am impressed by the similarity to the real quake, even the AI is like in the original game. Very good job.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


Very good work for a "demo." I'll give some constructive criticism for somebody that may want to take on the project. Coming from Quake, I really do feel the difference, and it kills me very badly, but for what is there it's great. The movement felt a bit weird, I've never gotten the screen to tilt when strafing in eduke32 before o_O, and it wasn't that dramatic in the original Quake. The AI is great, still need work on the animations of some enemy models, some are too fast, or too slow. Some enemies seem a bit stronger then they are supposed to be. You still have to press Use\Open in order to push buttons, you'll need to modify collision for that, and modify the build engine to allow for a secret wall to have "health" so that you can shoot it to open it.. The "No Clipping" cheat would need to be modified to get the right feel, but that would require for the build engine to modified a bit, TROR could help with that. Switching weapons in Quake was instant, there seems to be a bit of a delay. Looking up and down needs to be modified, since in the original Quake you could look completely down and completely up, with Duke3D\eduke32, it stops before you can look that far. On that note, rocket jumping would need to be implemented as well. The player model has to be modified a bit so that the weapon can the player is holding can be seen, only the axe though, since other weapons were not made for that in Quake. Also, there needs to be a shooting animation for the weapons on the player model. The shooting animations themselves need some fixing, like the lightning gun, super nailgun, and the grenade launcher. The axe sound when hitting a wall sounds a bit off sync. The crosshair seems to need some fixing. The view mode could be disabled. Collision needs to be fixed, for example in the first level, you don't need to jump onto the platform to get the silver key, it just works like stairs, you should just run into it and stop, but that's another limitation of the build engine, since it's not true 3D. ....Netcode... Very stable netcode would be needed, intense Quake matches can easily have 32 players + 8 or so spectators. On that note spectation would need to be implemented as well. Bunny hopping :) ... I could think of some others, but that's a big chunk of things to do right there... So... good luck to the person that decides to take this on!!! ...If ever...

This post has been edited by Spirrwell: 21 August 2011 - 09:52 PM


User is offline   DavoX 

  • Honored Donor


EDIT: After checking, my stadium map works with polymer but Eddy's Quake MOD doesn't... weird...

EDIT 2 : I used the old stadium Eduke32 and now Eddy's mod works with polymer.

I was able to play the demo and I must say you've got real talent! I love it :)

This post has been edited by DavoX: 22 August 2011 - 01:36 PM


User is offline   Hank 


View PostDavoX, on 22 August 2011 - 01:31 PM, said:

I was able to play the demo and I must say you've got real talent! I love it :)

Hopefully Eddy reads this posts and perhaps continues ?!?!?!!! Posted Image

@ Eddy, I wish I had your talents! Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hank: 22 August 2011 - 02:49 PM


User is offline   Plagman 

  • Former VP of Media Operations


zykov eddy: is this a modified build of EDuke32? People have been reporting problems enabling Polymer; please attach the full source code.

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostSpirrwell, on 21 August 2011 - 09:51 PM, said:

Very good work for a "demo." I'll give some constructive criticism for somebody that may want to take on the project. Coming from Quake, I really do feel the difference, and it kills me very badly, but for what is there it's great. The movement felt a bit weird, I've never gotten the screen to tilt when strafing in eduke32 before o_O, and it wasn't that dramatic in the original Quake. The AI is great, still need work on the animations of some enemy models, some are too fast, or too slow. Some enemies seem a bit stronger then they are supposed to be. You still have to press Use\Open in order to push buttons, you'll need to modify collision for that, and modify the build engine to allow for a secret wall to have "health" so that you can shoot it to open it.. The "No Clipping" cheat would need to be modified to get the right feel, but that would require for the build engine to modified a bit, TROR could help with that. Switching weapons in Quake was instant, there seems to be a bit of a delay. Looking up and down needs to be modified, since in the original Quake you could look completely down and completely up, with Duke3D\eduke32, it stops before you can look that far. On that note, rocket jumping would need to be implemented as well. The player model has to be modified a bit so that the weapon can the player is holding can be seen, only the axe though, since other weapons were not made for that in Quake. Also, there needs to be a shooting animation for the weapons on the player model. The shooting animations themselves need some fixing, like the lightning gun, super nailgun, and the grenade launcher. The axe sound when hitting a wall sounds a bit off sync. The crosshair seems to need some fixing. The view mode could be disabled. Collision needs to be fixed, for example in the first level, you don't need to jump onto the platform to get the silver key, it just works like stairs, you should just run into it and stop, but that's another limitation of the build engine, since it's not true 3D. ....Netcode... Very stable netcode would be needed, intense Quake matches can easily have 32 players + 8 or so spectators. On that note spectation would need to be implemented as well. Bunny hopping :) ... I could think of some others, but that's a big chunk of things to do right there... So... good luck to the person that decides to take this on!!! ...If ever...

WTF? I got rated down for saying the things that would need to be done for the person that would pick it up? I was just fucking saying all the stuff needed to be done, I'm not saying I'm not satisfied with what is there, fuck you the person that did that.

User is offline   DavoX 

  • Honored Donor


While I do agree that you gave constructive criticism, there wasn't any need for the post you just made above me, just let it be :)

User is offline   TerminX 

  • el fundador


I voted you down, because posting an unfinished TC for people to mess around with isn't an invitation for someone to post a laundry list of nitpicking complaints that are mostly polishing issues that would be taken care of at a MUCH later state of development than this TC will ever see. Seriously, I stopped counting the number of things you complained about at 20.

So, yes, fuck me... you whiny bitch. :)

User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostTX, on 22 August 2011 - 06:09 PM, said:

I voted you down, because posting an unfinished TC for people to mess around with isn't an invitation for someone to post a laundry list of nitpicking complaints that are mostly polishing issues that would be taken care of at a MUCH later state of development than this TC will ever see. Seriously, I stopped counting the number of things you complained about at 20.

So, yes, fuck me... you whiny bitch. :)

lol. Who knows, maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't but if I did, you would go to jail ;). Also, for the record I'm into women, not other males. Anyway, I wasn't complaining. I was simply showing that a lot needs to be done. There's people that may not be all that familiar with Quake, but I am. I notice all the differences. Later on in my post I do talk about stability, collision, and different stuff needed to be done for the build engine to come as close as it can get to being a Quake engine without rewriting the whole thing. Like I said in my insanely long list, TROR could be a great starting point into trying make it more 3D, because the Quake engine truly is 3D, and Build was made as a 3D representation using 2D sprites. That's about the biggest thing that needs to be done in order for other stuff to be taken down. If nothing else, that has to be one of the first things done.

I'll say it again, for what is there it is great, and it's getting a bit too close to not be finished or "point of no return", I'm sure someone may pick it up, hell I might even give a try at it, I never thought of making a QuakeTC, I thought of making a Duke3D mod for Quake once. I should try it, I don't want to be stuck in 2D programming for the rest of my life x_x

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Eddy said in his first post, "I don't want to work on this TC anymore", with the obvious implication that he was releasing the demo in part so that others could finish the project if they desired. Spirrwell said in his post that his list was for "somebody that may want to take on the project". So clearly, Spirrwell was not whining about defects, he was listing things that would need to be done for the TC to be finished. It seems to me that it is a useful list. That being the case, I favor voting up Spirrwell's first post, then deleting all of the posts concerning this stupid controversy so that this thread doesn't have all this crap in it.

User is offline   Hank 


Clearer then.
I like castles. I like 'spooky'. It is now in Duke 3D, thanks to zykov eddy with all those ported actors, weapons and tiles.

This post has been edited by Hank: 23 August 2011 - 08:37 AM


User is offline   Spirrwell 

  • tile 1018


View PostDeeperThought, on 22 August 2011 - 06:47 PM, said:

Eddy said in his first post, "I don't want to work on this TC anymore", with the obvious implication that he was releasing the demo in part so that others could finish the project if they desired. Spirrwell said in his post that his list was for "somebody that may want to take on the project". So clearly, Spirrwell was not whining about defects, he was listing things that would need to be done for the TC to be finished. It seems to me that it is a useful list. That being the case, I favor voting up Spirrwell's first post, then deleting all of the posts concerning this stupid controversy so that this thread doesn't have all this crap in it.

I thank you, but with all do respect, I'm the one who poured fuel and lit the fire. I'm willing to own up to that, and for that I apologize to both you and TX, but in my world, when a question presents itself when something doesn't make sense, it demands an answer.

User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostPlagman, on 22 August 2011 - 04:15 PM, said:

zykov eddy: is this a modified build of EDuke32? People have been reporting problems enabling Polymer; please attach the full source code.

I only replaced some pictures in the main setup & replaced the icon. Everybody can use different EDuke 32 revision without fear

Thanks Spirrwell and others for your posts!

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