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PolyMOST HRP / Custom Z-Pack (gloves and more...) / GreyDuke  "Come get some ... gloves"

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


So here comes all the stuff I've been fiddling with over the years...

You want to play Duke in high resolution but your PC is too lame for the Polymer renderer/HRP?
Try the Polymost HRP Override Pack!
Attached Image: PolymostHRPovr-5.4.674.jpg
Posted Image

Download #1 - Polymost HRP Override Pack [3MiB]:
If you already have the normal/full/Polymer HRP v5.4 (r5.4.674) then you can use this pack on top of that to get the Polymost HRP back.
duke3d_polymost_hrp_override-5.4.674.zip (2015-06-22)
The Override Pack is made for a dedicated HRP version which means that it might not work correctly if you have any other version than 5.4 (repository revision 674).

Z-Pack - gloves, alternate fonts, skins for strippers, troopers, and more:
Attached Image: DukePlusZ-Intro.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-Menu.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-PistolTrooper.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-ShotgunTrooper.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-LaserCinema.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-PipeLaser.jpg Attached Image: DukePlusZ-LaserStripper.jpg
Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image
Download #2 - Z-Pack for both Polymer and Polymost HRP (see post #3, #7, #9 - 136MiB):
z_pack-5.4.674.zip (2016-09-01)
The Z-Pack is made for a dedicated HRP version which means that it might not work correctly if you have any other version than 5.4 (r5.4.674).

GreyDuke HRP [r5.1.394, should still work OK, but is not on par with the current HRP 5.4]

Other Stuff
Atomic NoWarn Pack (2020-01-01) Non-intrusive suppression of well-known warnings caused by well-known CON files.
GAME.CON fixes (2020-01-06) Original GAME.CON fixes by Darkus, backpatched for older EDuke32 versions, r4495 or prior.
Voxels: Pragmatic Player's Pack (2020-05-10) Release Post
DukePlus-2.40-NixFix-5.4.674 (2019-03-02) There have been no official DukePlus updates in a while. (Duke4.net thread) This pack deals with issues which have come up since then, like some CON incompatibilities and fixes, and error messages found in eduke32.log.
EMACS EDuke32 modes (2020-05-05), based on Helixhorned's dukecon-mode.el, for M32, CON, DEF, MHK, log. LUA mode included for convenience.
PSX Sound Pack [VOC] 1.0 (2012-10-21) HRP/autoload compatible version of the PSX sounds by Marphy Black aka RinyRed.
oldguns-5.4.674.zip Hm, at least that's better than having people run outdated HRP versions. (Reverts the Polymer models of pistol and shotgun to their Polymost predecessors.)
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.674.zip I knew this would happen one day ... for single player games I highly recommend using the EDuke32 executable and the normal HRP instead of Megaton.
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.674-flatfp.zip This variant disables the poorly rendered first person weapon models.
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.674-dn3df.zip This variant uses 2D sprites from Duke Nukem 3D: Forever made by xMobilemux aka Wesker500 to replace the poorly rendered first person weapon models.
q_duke3dforever.zip (2014-09-04) HRP/autoload compatible version of Duke Nukem 3D: Forever by xMobilemux aka Wesker500.
plugandpray_autoload.zip (2014-01-01) HRP/autoload compatible version of Plug and Pray Remake by ozelot47.
FM3X_eduke32.zip (2016-08-29) EDuke32 friendly, HRP/autoload compatible version of FM3X (2016-05-25) by Fernando Márquez. [Updated UserMapHacks available for single player episodes.]
EDuke32 r5267 nonSDL (2016-05-12) doesn't use SDL, Win32/64 executables.
DukeHard (2019-02-28) for autoload/HRP/DukePlus.
Bong mod (2019-05-05) adapted to EDuke32.
Decay 1.0 Additions (2015-12-21) Updated/polymerized textures and nitpickish maphacks for the Decay mod.
Mapfix Folder (2020-05-10) User map updates & fixes you might have missed.
Ion Fury modding template (2019-08-22)
Ion Fury 32bit build (2019-09-19) Do not ask for support, do not report issues.

Cutting Edge / Public Backup
UserMapHacks-5.4.674-722+ (2020-05-10) Latest HRP maphack additions for 3rd party maps, discussed here. Recent EDuke32 required, or try the patched EDuke r4495 version below.
EDuke32 r4495 nonSDL (2016-06-08) UserMapHacks implementation (r4884) backported, runs Duke Hard 1.2, Win32/64, patched sources included.
Eduke32 r5899 SDL1 for Raspbian (2016-10-14) Built on Stable (Jessie), but may run on Testing (Stretch) as well. RPi1 + RPi2 builds.
EDuke32 r5899 nonSDL (2016-10-14) Doesn't use SDL, Win32/64 executables.
EDuke32 r7392 nonSDL (2019-03-05) Doesn't use SDL, Win32/64 executables.
EDuke32 r7676 nonSDL (2019-03-05) Doesn't use SDL, Win32/64 executables.
JFDuke3D (src: 2020-01-25) (2020-05-10) Built from JonoF's sources on GitHub. You may want this for comparison purposes.
duke3d_hrp_update-5.4.722, if you can't checkout from the repository...
Art2Tga tool for Duke3D (2020-01-28) Duke Nukem 3D palette added to code (plus more Build game palettes) and made the default.
Worldtour stopgap HRP enabler (2019-05-19) Assumed to be in need of update.
Worldtour stopgap Voxel Pack enabler (2019-05-19) Assumed to be in need of update.
Worldtour stopgap HRP + Voxel Pack enabler (2019-05-19) Assumed to be in need of update.
Poor Man's World Tour HRP (2019-05-19) Initial nucleus.
Universal Help Pack (2012-02-15) Just drop into autoload. Assumed to be in need of update.
Old voxel packs/collections Their old download links are down. Current development happens here.

Do not download the files below unless I tell you so or you know how to pull an according HRP version from the HRP Subversion repository.
Do not ask questions. Do not complain about outdated or missing downloads.
duke3d_polymost_hrp_override-5.4.675-722+, suitable for all HRP revisions since 5.4.675, until further notice
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.675-722+, suitable for all HRP revisions since 5.4.675, until further notice
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.675-722+flatfp, suitable for all HRP revisions since 5.4.675, until further notice
duke3d_megaton_hrp_override-5.4.675-722+dn3df, suitable for all HRP revisions since 5.4.675, until further notice

NOTE: This post has been edited a gazillion times. If you should feel that any of the replies below are slightly out of context, I'm the one to blame. However, this is more or less the original text of this post:

Last weekend I had some unplanned spare time ...

This update pack is meant for the PolyMOST HRP v4.0 (2009-03-23)!

> Added:
- current maphacks included (upper case)
- Most non-Polymer stuff from the Polymer HRP Subversion repository
- new red font
- 70MB of alt-palettes

> Not added :
- trooper, shotgun, pistol, HUD

This post has been edited by Lunick: 10 May 2020 - 06:30 PM


User is offline   Radar 

  • King of SOVL


Noice! Thank you, I can't run polymer at all. I'm happy you made this. ;)

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


Good to know that my time was not completely wasted.

Here's another one: my personal Z-pack (Polymost 4.1.193 version).
-custom XXX-pack (mostly lite, brings back the shotgun lady in the E1L1 cinema and the 'Sarah Connor' stripper)
-old redfont
-few other reverts of some HRP changes I didn't like (maybe won't affect polymost hrp anyway)
-Duke gloves (from DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK / DNE)
-additional trooper and pigcop skins from DNE
-other stuff I can't remember where it came from (mostly DNE I suppose).

Works with DukePlus/Eternity/Attrition/Imperium, no gloves for MP5 and cruiser shotgun though.
(EDIT: Unless you copy DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES\GRAPHICS\WEAPONS\arms256.png from this pack into your DukePlus folder. Don't forget to backup your original.)

Gloved lasergun : needs to revert the current lasergun in DukePlus/Attrition. Copy the DukePlus/attrition subdirectories of this pack over their canonical counterparts.
Ensure that the version numbers match (Z-pack README).

EDIT: Download link moved to Post #1

This post has been edited by LeoD: 04 April 2013 - 05:44 AM


User is offline   Hank 


Thanks. First pack only. Exceeded my limit for second download. Anyway - I thought Polymost is no longer being worked on?

This post has been edited by Hank: 22 February 2011 - 05:00 PM


User is offline   Stabs 


good to see those alien troops skin have found a good new home ;)

i had to drop those because of the new HRP trooper model :P

This post has been edited by DanM: 22 February 2011 - 05:02 PM


User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


What's this about a sarah connor stripper? Can someone post up a pic so I can see what it looks like? (It's probably not all that fantastic so I don't want to have to download the whole thing)

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostHank, on Feb 23 2011, 02:00 AM, said:

Thanks. First pack only. Exceeded my limit for second download. Anyway - I thought Polymost is no longer being worked on?

Not explicitly. But some Polymer HRP additions like the alt-palette stuff, redfont and maybe the highpal feature (my technical knowledge is lesser than it may appear) can be backported. In fact, most of the PolyMOST HRP is still in the PolyMER SVN except some textures which have been overwritten by their polymerized versions and a few which have been deleted.

View PostDanM, on Feb 23 2011, 02:02 AM, said:

good to see those alien troops skin have found a good new home ;)
i had to drop those because of the new HRP trooper model :P

If there is public interest I could publish my PolyMER Z-pack...
The downside is that the pack's DEFs must be kept up to date according to the respective HRP repository version or the later additions won't be visible. I might create a version accompanying the canonical svn174 or svn180 from the the HRP download site though.

View PostMicky C, on Feb 23 2011, 12:23 PM, said:

What's this about a sarah connor stripper? Can someone post up a pic so I can see what it looks like? (It's probably not all that fantastic so I don't want to have to download the whole thing)

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: SarahConnorStripper.jpg
  • Attached Image: ShotgunLady.jpg

This post has been edited by LeoD: 23 February 2011 - 08:13 AM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513



-redfont13 update
-.def cosmetic

-highres/screen/hud/00*.png removed
.def cosmetic

Downloads: Post #1

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513



- HUD items (not firstperson items)
- non-Polymer stuff from the repo (mostly md2->md3 conversions)

- .def updates

NEW: z_pack_polymer 4.2.231 (from which z_pack_polymost is derived), compatible with the current PolyMER HRP.
Side effect: if you switch to the PolyMOST renderer (while using PolyMER HRP) your first person weapon models aren't messed up.

Downloads: Post #1

This post has been edited by LeoD: 27 December 2011 - 02:32 PM


User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


View PostLeoD, on Feb 26 2011, 06:01 PM, said:

-highres/screen/hud/00*.png removed

Why did you remove those? I painstakingly took renders of all the weapons, ammo, and items because they are all used in one way or another with EDuke32's modern HUD options.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostHendricks266, on Mar 24 2011, 07:33 PM, said:

Why did you remove those? I painstakingly took renders of all the weapons, ammo, and items because they are all used in one way or another with EDuke32's modern HUD options.

Misunderstanding. I removed some DNE versions (four files) from the z_pack which overrode the normal ones.


I'm curious, does this Polymost HRP still look better than Polymer HRP with polymer off? Does Polymer HRP even do anything if Polymer is off? I know it should be self-explanatory, but I haven't seen this information anywhere else I've looked.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


Polymost HRP has details such as shading which is missing in the polymer HRP (as it's meant to be replaced with dynamic lighting and normal maps) so it would look better in polymost. Polymer HRP adds nothing to polymost other than being more complete (more textures have been made since polymost was discontinued.) Although some textures are higher res in the polymer HRP than in the polymost one.

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


highpal does not work in Polymost, so the highpal folder should be removed from the update.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


4.9.278 - IMPERIUM edition
(I' not dead - I just smell funny)

- Most non-Polymer stuff from the Polymer HRP Subversion repository rev.278
- updated maphacks (non-Polymer parts)
- highpal folder removed (does not work in Polymost)

maybe tomorrow

Downloads: Post #1

User is online   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


I made my own version of this, which I was going to link to for Imperium. But then I decided it wasn't worth the effort because of the potential for causing confusion (i.e. I didn't want to deal with the technical support side, people asking about which HRP they should use etc).

ANYWAY, I had fixed some additional things, such as some models having the wrong scale. Now I'm wondering if I should upload it.

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostDeeperThought, on 23 August 2011 - 01:54 PM, said:

ANYWAY, I had fixed some additional things, such as some models having the wrong scale. Now I'm wondering if I should upload it.

Post the link in this thread and I'll include your stuff in my next update.
Technical support could be a problem indeed since RealLife hits me hard these days.

z_pack_polymost/z_pack_polymer 4.9.278:
- Works with DukePlus 2.3x(Eternity 1.3D/Imperium), Attrition 1.35
- Hangbabe from XXX-Pack lite 1.32
- some new textures, decals and effects reverted
- old footprints
- new fire

Downloads: Post #1

This post has been edited by LeoD: 24 August 2011 - 11:30 AM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


4.9.285 / 5.1.285 : Nothing really new, just keeping up with HRP 5.1 and Attrition 1.40

polymost_hrp_update 4.9.285 (don't bother downloading if you have 4.9.278) :

updated : E1L1.mhk
updated : highres/projections/9000_e1l1_fnclgt.png (png optimization only?)
updated : highres/projections/9001_e1l1_wdwfrm.png (png optimization only?)
removed : highres/textures/0120_g.png

z_pack_polymost 4.9.285 / z_pack_polymer 5.1.285 :

added : highres/textures/297 301 360 361 363
added : highres/screen/hud/2462_statusbar.png
removed : highres/textures/0735.png
updated : Attrition 1.40 DEFs/CONs for old (gloved) lasergun

Download links: Post #1

This post has been edited by LeoD: 27 December 2011 - 02:50 PM


User is offline   Arwu 


Links are no longer works... :/ Im want these files and it is possible to get them now? Is possible LeoD to send these 4 packs to my mail??

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostArwu, on 22 January 2012 - 09:48 AM, said:

Links are no longer works... :/

Posted Image
Apparently someone on Hotfile went on a mass-deleting spree after shitting his pants because of the Megaupload shutdown...
There's nothing wrong with the contents of my uploads.

View PostArwu, on 22 January 2012 - 09:48 AM, said:

Im want these files and it is possible to get them now? Is possible LeoD to send these 4 packs to my mail??

Posted Image
Ever tried to send a 285MiB attachment?
I'm already re-uploading the stuff, but it's sloooow...

User is offline   Hank 


View PostLeoD, on 22 January 2012 - 01:22 PM, said:

Apparently someone on Hotfile went on a mass-deleting spree after shitting his pants because of the Megaupload shutdown...
There's nothing wrong with the contents of my uploads.

Yeah, but I don't blame him/her. Hotfile is in Panama, and they just signed all sort of treaties. So better save than sorry. Posted Image

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostHank, on 22 January 2012 - 02:06 PM, said:

Yeah, but I don't blame him/her. Hotfile is in Panama, and they just signed all sort of treaties. So better save than sorry. Posted Image

OK, I'll try another one then. I've just had a browser crash after uploading 240 of 284 MiB anyway. :unsure:
Any account-free recommendations?

User is offline   The Commander 

  • I used to be a Brown Fuzzy Fruit, but I've changed bro...


I would have said Mediafire as they are always best and your files never get deleted. (none of mine have)
AND NO FUCKING ADDS OR FUCKING WAIT TIME!!! Which has always pissed me off when ever I saw some one post a megafail.com link.

The only issue is that the file size limit is 200MB per file, if you were willing to split the files it might work.

User is offline   Hank 


@ LeoD (The Commander beat me to it) try rapidshare - I use mediafire, but all my files are below 50MB. Yet, like MegaUpload, they all work with similar advertisment schemes and want you to turn into a 'pro' user. Thus, try it.

Hopefully in a couple more weeks I have better news.Posted Image

This post has been edited by Hank: 22 January 2012 - 03:22 PM


User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


tHanks, guys.
Rapidshare demands registering but Mediafire looks fine so far for the three files < 200MiB (way better upload speed than Hotfile).
Polymost HRP 4.0 can be obtained from hrp.duke4.net anyway.

User is offline   Hendricks266 

  • Weaponized Autism


Mediafire is great but I've heard upload speeds are disproportionately slow. I would also recommend 4shared.

Actually, I would very highly recommend you come on #eduke32 and ask TX and Plagman for a Duke4.net site. You get 1 GB of space which should be plenty for current versions of your packs.

This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 22 January 2012 - 04:29 PM


User is offline   Arwu 


LeoD write:
Ever tried to send a 285MiB attachment?

I'm already re-uploading the stuff, but it'ssloooow...
...oooh . . Yeah, I just... not think about that when writing a post :unsure:
I still wait when You upload these two z-packs and that update to polymost hrp. :-) thats must be a great piece of work

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostHendricks266, on 22 January 2012 - 04:27 PM, said:

Mediafire is great but I've heard upload speeds are disproportionately slow. I would also recommend 4shared.

It's OK so far. First file done.

Is it possible to delete the uploaded files at a later time?

@Arwu :
I'll move the links to post #1 once they're all ready and successfully re-downloaded.
EDIT: ...done.

View PostHendricks266, on 22 January 2012 - 04:27 PM, said:

Actually, I would very highly recommend you come on #eduke32 and ask TX and Plagman for a Duke4.net site. You get 1 GB of space which should be plenty for current versions of your packs.

Well, this 'project' does not feel important enough to deserve it's own site, tbh.
If I didn't createcompile this stuff for my own purposes anyway, I might have it abandoned already due to the lack of common interest.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 23 January 2012 - 05:53 AM


User is offline   Arwu 


Oh first link . It seems a update do 4.0 polymost pack , so I need first to download 4.0 pack and after that, update files ? Or just download 4.9 pack ?
sorry, I cant check this out now because my net is a little crappy :unsure:
And about ACTA, goverment in my country from day 26 january will to sign this regulation and Im with my friends are preparing to demonstration in neighbor city. If this regulation come to live, then similiar regulation to sopa might come true and of course nobody wants this. .
:P end of some era ? Ever mangas disappear from internet :P (probably)

User is offline   LeoD 

  • Duke4.net topic/3513


View PostArwu, on 22 January 2012 - 05:24 PM, said:

Oh first link . It seems a update do 4.0 polymost pack , so I need first to download 4.0 pack and after that, update files ? Or just download 4.9 pack ?

You need the pre-Polymer HRP 4.0 as a base. For the time being get it from the original source at hrp.duke4.net
I'm not sure if this file works out-of-the-box, therefore I recommend to unpack autoload\duke3d.grp\duke3d_hrp.zip from this zip and put that into your autoload folder (maphacks not needed when using the update).

View PostArwu, on 22 January 2012 - 04:57 PM, said:

I still wait when You upload these two z-packs and that update to polymost hrp. :-) thats must be a great piece of work

Well, not really in terms of creativity or artistic merits.. I have simply collected other peoples' stuff and glued it together by patching a couple of definition files. But it works out well for me. The only hard part (for me) was to make the Z-pack's gloved laser pistol work in DukePlus and its relatives. And it still needs some manual intervention after downloading.

This post has been edited by LeoD: 04 April 2013 - 05:56 AM


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