WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: ------------------- This file contains updated data for the Duke3DHigh-ResolutionPack(HRP). It features an updated Polymost HRP forusewith the EDuke32Polymost renderer on top of the defaultPolymer HRP.
Basically,this means:Firstget the full HRP 5.4(r5.4.674), the latest update pack (if available),thenthis file.
Itis possible to run the Polymost HRP without this pack,using the EDuke32 command line option -hduke3d_hrp_polymost.def.Butthis won't work correctly in conjunction with mods like DukePlus or Attrition, as well as addons like DukeDC, NWinter, and Vacation.
"Why still using the Polymost HRP?" ----------------------------------- The Polymer HRP textures have additional normal and specular maps whereas that information is already "baked" into the Polymost HRP textures (and therefore somewhat specific to their occurrence in the original levels).
If you can't run Polymer at all (or have to turn off those features in the configuration file)then the normal and specular information is lost and the remaining diffuse textures won't look as intended. -> You'd be better off using the Polymost HRP.
IfPolymer renderer/HRP performance sucks even after tuning the EDuke32 configuration file,try running the Polymer renderer but use the Polymost HRP. This should run faster and reduce loading times and memory usage, too,while you might still be able to profit from features like point lights, shadows, glowing fire/health atoms and, of course, TROR (TrueRoomOverRoom).
Quite some of the newer textures which are not only "polymerized" but remade from scratch have brought some change of style to the HRP IMO.If you can't run Polymer/Polymer HRP anyway this might be an argument for the Polymost HRP, too.
HOW TO USE IT: -------------- Drop the HRP Override Pack into the autoload folder within your EDuke32 installation folder like the HRP zipfile itself. It should be loaded automatically, but note that autoload contents is loaded alphabetically, so check the file names if something seems wrong. Delete "textures" and "textures.cache" after changes in the autoload folder.
IMPORTANT: ---------- This override pack is meant for the HRP v5.4 (=r5.4.674)!
Download #1 - Polymost HRP Override Pack [3MiB]:
If you already have the normal/full/Polymer HRP v5.4 (r5.4.674) then you can use this pack on top of that to get the Polymost HRP back. duke3d_polymost_hrp_override-5.4.674.zip (2015-06-22)
The Override Pack is made for a dedicated HRP version which means that it might not work correctly if you have any other version than 5.4 (repository revision 674).
Z-Pack - gloves, alternate fonts, skins for strippers, troopers, and more:
========================================== |LeoD's Z-Pack for use with the | | High Resolution Pack (HRP) for EDuke32 | ========================================== | Version: 5.4.674 (2016-09-01) | ==========================================
WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: ------------------- Based on my personal taste, this pack contains changes, reverts, and alternative items for the Duke Nukem 3D High-Resolution Pack and (optionally) Attrition and DukePlus/Eternity/Imperium. Basically, this means: First get the HRP (and update pack if available), then this ZIP. The Z-Pack works with both the PolyMER and PolyMOST HRP versions. Feel free to explore the archive and modify this stuff to meet your personal preferences. It's not too hard to figure out how it's done. A side-by-side comparison tool will be helpful for the *.def files.
"Why using the Z-Pack?" ------------------- If you want to wear some cool gloves while kicking alien asses then this is for you. In addition I have made a few fixes to improve the overall consistency of the HRP's look which donot fit into the repository, which is more like a work in progress.(Disabled unfinished Polymer conversions, added detail maps to certain textures,...)
Whenusing the provided batch files the gloves stuff works forAttrition, DukePlus/Eternity/Imperium, too.Plus there are minor CON and DEF fixes for these mods which reduce warning messages and add some addtional information to the eduke32.log file.
If you use the Polymer HRP but need to switch to the Polymost renderer you might encounter drawing errors on some newer weapon models like the RPG.ThePolymer version of the Z-Pack will 'fix' that byusing the old non-Polymer models.
CONTENTS: --------- -'old'AtomicEdition style red font -RinyRed's PSX Slightly Higher Quality Sound Pack (customized, needs unpacking) -customized XXX-pack (mostly lite, brings back the shotgun lady in the E1L1 cinema and the 'SarahConnor' stripper) -other reverts of some HRP changes I don't feel comfortable with (most of them won't affect the Polymost version) -Duke gloves and more alternate/additional skins from the DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK by daniel262b, Jaxx, Fantinaikos, and DanM ( http://www.mediafire.com/file/mzmn2znwzoy/DNF3D.rar ) -alternate trooper/pig cop skins from DanM's DukeNukemEternity(DNE) -other stuff I can't remember where it came from (mostly DNE I suppose)
HOW TO USE IT: -------------- Drop this pack into the autoload folder within your EDuke32 installation folder where the HRP zipfile[s] are located. It should be loaded automatically. Delete "textures" and "textures.cache" after changes in the autoload folder. If you want to see the Z-Pack's 'crosshair'in its intended size and color you need to put the lines 'CrosshairScale = 100'and'CrosshairColor = "255,174,0"' into your eduke32.cfg.
IMPORTANT: ---------- This pack is designed for the HRP v5.4[.674](same version like this)!
DukePlus2.40/Eternity2.0/Imperium2011/Attrition1.40: ---------- If you want gloves inDukePlus/Attrition you need to use the Z-Pack's dukeplus-z.bat/attrition-z.bat to start the game. Or start the game with these or similar command lines: eduke32 -j DukePlus -x DukePlus/z/EDUKE_DP-z.CON eduke32 -j attrition -x attrition/z/EDUKE_ATT-z.CON
Note that this involves using patched CON and DEF files. Therefore this is only compatible to the mod versions mentioned above.
You will probably see the following message in your eduke32.log file: Error: file "highres/sprites/firstperson/2532_cliphand.png" does not exist Invalid frame name on line dukeplus.def:xxx Removing model yyy due to errors. If it occurs only _once_ it is harmless and should have no visible impact.
Infestation in Time Revisited v1.5 ---------- Similar to DukePlus: use IITTC-z.bat or a command line similar to this: eduke32 -gIITTC.GRP -xiittc/z/IITGAME-z.CON -gIITTC.ZIP
Download #2 - Z-Pack for both Polymer and Polymost HRP (see post #3, #7, #9 - 136MiB): z_pack-5.4.674.zip (2016-09-01)
The Z-Pack is made for a dedicated HRP version which means that it might not work correctly if you have any other version than 5.4 (r5.4.674).
GreyDuke HRP [r5.1.394, should still work OK, but is not on par with the current HRP 5.4]
================================================================== |LeoD's GreyDuke | | | | based on the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution pack (HRP) | ================================================================== | Version 5.1.394 (2012-07-20) | ==================================================================
WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: ------------------- GreyDuke has most of the HRP textures turned into greyscale images. When using the Polymost renderer this will put you into some kind of Film Noir. The Polymer renderer and its lighting effects will turn it more into some kind of Sin City experience. The current HRP is not complete yet. If you should encounter some coloured textures they're most likely the original GRP's ART content showing up. (The GreyDuke Z-pack offers grey ART.)
I have converted the textures using "convert" which is part of ImageMagick. Unfortunately the current builds yield bad results. Therefore I have included the version I've used within the GreyDuke Z-Pack.You can get the according full ImageMagick here: ImageMagick-6.7.7-2-Q16-windows-static.exe : https://ftp.icm.edu.pl/pub/graphics/ImageMagick/binaries/ ImageMagick6.7.7.2-1SourceandDebian packages : http://snapshot.debian.org/package/imagemagick/8%3A6.7.7.2-1/
You can create GreyDuke versions of your local stuff by running "hrp_greyduke.sh MY_FOLDER"if you are on LinuxorMinGW.Currently the script omits converting glow and normal maps and some keycard related stuff.
INSTALLATION: ------------- For a quick glimpse on GreyDuke you won't need to download anything. Just put the line "tint { pal 0 red 255 green 255 blue 255 flags 1 }" without the quotes into your duke3d_hrp.def or duke3d.def. The greyscale conversion isn't identical to GreyDuke's and this doesn't take care of alt-palettes and some other stuff manually adjusted in the zip, but you get a rough estimate what to expect.(Thanks to Helixhorned)
Unzip the main file GreyDukeHRP.zip.The folder GreyDuke contains a ready-to-play game.However, you'll want to replace the shareware version of the duke3d.grp file with the full version from your Duke Nukem 3D installation CD. Optionally put GreyDuke Z-Pack into the "autoload" folder without unzipping. Optionally unzip the GreyDuke DukePlus into the GreyDuke folder. If you want to use the Polymost renderer instead of Polymer, move the polymost override zipfile from "autoload_unused" into the "autoload" folder.
No prerequisites needed. Play GreyDuke standalone, or copy the autoload stuff into your existing Duke installation. GreyDuke HRP [403MiB] GreyDuke Z-Pack [63MiB] GreyDuke DukePlus [107MiB]
For a quick glimpse on what GreyDuke has to offer, you may not need to download anything. Just put the line "tint { pal 0 red 255 green 255 blue 255 flags 1 }" without the quotes into your duke3d_hrp.def or duke3d.def. That only covers the default palette textures and model skins, and of course has some other shortcomings compared to the downloadable packages.
NOTE: This post has been edited a gazillion times. If you should feel that any of the replies below are slightly out of context, I'm the one to blame. However, this is more or less the original text of this post:
Last weekend I had some unplanned spare time ...
This update pack is meant for the PolyMOST HRP v4.0 (2009-03-23)!
> Added:
- current maphacks included (upper case)
- Most non-Polymer stuff from the Polymer HRP Subversion repository
- new red font
- 70MB of alt-palettes
> Not added :
- trooper, shotgun, pistol, HUD
This post has been edited by Lunick: 10 May 2020 - 06:30 PM
Good to know that my time was not completely wasted.
Here's another one: my personal Z-pack (Polymost 4.1.193 version).
-custom XXX-pack (mostly lite, brings back the shotgun lady in the E1L1 cinema and the 'Sarah Connor' stripper)
-old redfont
-few other reverts of some HRP changes I didn't like (maybe won't affect polymost hrp anyway)
-Duke gloves (from DNF3D COMMUNITY PACK / DNE)
-additional trooper and pigcop skins from DNE
-other stuff I can't remember where it came from (mostly DNE I suppose).
Works with DukePlus/Eternity/Attrition/Imperium, no gloves for MP5 and cruiser shotgun though.
(EDIT: Unless you copy DUKEPLUS_RESOURCES\GRAPHICS\WEAPONS\arms256.png from this pack into your DukePlus folder. Don't forget to backup your original.)
Gloved lasergun : needs to revert the current lasergun in DukePlus/Attrition. Copy the DukePlus/attrition subdirectories of this pack over their canonical counterparts. Ensure that the version numbers match (Z-pack README).
EDIT: Download link moved to Post #1
This post has been edited by LeoD: 04 April 2013 - 05:44 AM
What's this about a sarah connor stripper? Can someone post up a pic so I can see what it looks like? (It's probably not all that fantastic so I don't want to have to download the whole thing)
Thanks. First pack only. Exceeded my limit for second download. Anyway - I thought Polymost is no longer being worked on?
Not explicitly. But some Polymer HRP additions like the alt-palette stuff, redfont and maybe the highpal feature (my technical knowledge is lesser than it may appear) can be backported. In fact, most of the PolyMOST HRP is still in the PolyMER SVN except some textures which have been overwritten by their polymerized versions and a few which have been deleted.
DanM, on Feb 23 2011, 02:02 AM, said:
good to see those alien troops skin have found a good new home
i had to drop those because of the new HRP trooper model
If there is public interest I could publish my PolyMER Z-pack...
The downside is that the pack's DEFs must be kept up to date according to the respective HRP repository version or the later additions won't be visible. I might create a version accompanying the canonical svn174 or svn180 from the the HRP download site though.
Micky C, on Feb 23 2011, 12:23 PM, said:
What's this about a sarah connor stripper? Can someone post up a pic so I can see what it looks like? (It's probably not all that fantastic so I don't want to have to download the whole thing)
Attached thumbnail(s)
This post has been edited by LeoD: 23 February 2011 - 08:13 AM
- HUD items (not firstperson items)
- non-Polymer stuff from the repo (mostly md2->md3 conversions)
- .def updates
NEW: z_pack_polymer 4.2.231 (from which z_pack_polymost is derived), compatible with the current PolyMER HRP.
Side effect: if you switch to the PolyMOST renderer (while using PolyMER HRP) your first person weapon models aren't messed up.
Downloads: Post #1
This post has been edited by LeoD: 27 December 2011 - 02:32 PM
Why did you remove those? I painstakingly took renders of all the weapons, ammo, and items because they are all used in one way or another with EDuke32's modern HUD options.
Why did you remove those? I painstakingly took renders of all the weapons, ammo, and items because they are all used in one way or another with EDuke32's modern HUD options.
Misunderstanding. I removed some DNE versions (four files) from the z_pack which overrode the normal ones.
I'm curious, does this Polymost HRP still look better than Polymer HRP with polymer off? Does Polymer HRP even do anything if Polymer is off? I know it should be self-explanatory, but I haven't seen this information anywhere else I've looked.
Polymost HRP has details such as shading which is missing in the polymer HRP (as it's meant to be replaced with dynamic lighting and normal maps) so it would look better in polymost. Polymer HRP adds nothing to polymost other than being more complete (more textures have been made since polymost was discontinued.) Although some textures are higher res in the polymer HRP than in the polymost one.
4.9.278 - IMPERIUM edition
(I' not dead - I just smell funny)
- Most non-Polymer stuff from the Polymer HRP Subversion repository rev.278
- updated maphacks (non-Polymer parts)
- highpal folder removed (does not work in Polymost)
I made my own version of this, which I was going to link to for Imperium. But then I decided it wasn't worth the effort because of the potential for causing confusion (i.e. I didn't want to deal with the technical support side, people asking about which HRP they should use etc).
ANYWAY, I had fixed some additional things, such as some models having the wrong scale. Now I'm wondering if I should upload it.
DeeperThought, on 23 August 2011 - 01:54 PM, said:
ANYWAY, I had fixed some additional things, such as some models having the wrong scale. Now I'm wondering if I should upload it.
Post the link in this thread and I'll include your stuff in my next update.
Technical support could be a problem indeed since RealLife hits me hard these days.
z_pack_polymost/z_pack_polymer 4.9.278:
- Works with DukePlus 2.3x(Eternity 1.3D/Imperium), Attrition 1.35
- Hangbabe from XXX-Pack lite 1.32
- some new textures, decals and effects reverted
- old footprints
- new fire
Downloads: Post #1
This post has been edited by LeoD: 24 August 2011 - 11:30 AM
Apparently someone on Hotfile went on a mass-deleting spree after shitting his pants because of the Megaupload shutdown...
There's nothing wrong with the contents of my uploads.
Arwu, on 22 January 2012 - 09:48 AM, said:
Im want these files and it is possible to get them now? Is possible LeoD to send these 4 packs to my mail??
Ever tried to send a 285MiB attachment?
I'm already re-uploading the stuff, but it's sloooow...
Apparently someone on Hotfile went on a mass-deleting spree after shitting his pants because of the Megaupload shutdown...
There's nothing wrong with the contents of my uploads.
Yeah, but I don't blame him/her. Hotfile is in Panama, and they just signed all sort of treaties. So better save than sorry.
I would have said Mediafire as they are always best and your files never get deleted. (none of mine have)
AND NO FUCKING ADDS OR FUCKING WAIT TIME!!! Which has always pissed me off when ever I saw some one post a megafail.com link.
The only issue is that the file size limit is 200MB per file, if you were willing to split the files it might work.
@ LeoD (The Commander beat me to it) try rapidshare - I use mediafire, but all my files are below 50MB. Yet, like MegaUpload, they all work with similar advertisment schemes and want you to turn into a 'pro' user. Thus, try it.
Hopefully in a couple more weeks I have better news.
This post has been edited by Hank: 22 January 2012 - 03:22 PM
tHanks, guys.
Rapidshare demands registering but Mediafire looks fine so far for the three files < 200MiB (way better upload speed than Hotfile).
Polymost HRP 4.0 can be obtained from hrp.duke4.net anyway.
Mediafire is great but I've heard upload speeds are disproportionately slow. I would also recommend 4shared.
Actually, I would very highly recommend you come on #eduke32 and ask TX and Plagman for a Duke4.net site. You get 1 GB of space which should be plenty for current versions of your packs.
This post has been edited by Hendricks266: 22 January 2012 - 04:29 PM
LeoD write:
Ever tried to send a 285MiB attachment?
I'm already re-uploading the stuff, but it'ssloooow...
...oooh . . Yeah, I just... not think about that when writing a post
I still wait when You upload these two z-packs and that update to polymost hrp. :-) thats must be a great piece of work
Hendricks266, on 22 January 2012 - 04:27 PM, said:
Mediafire is great but I've heard upload speeds are disproportionately slow. I would also recommend 4shared.
It's OK so far. First file done.
Is it possible to delete the uploaded files at a later time?
@Arwu :
I'll move the links to post #1 once they're all ready and successfully re-downloaded.
EDIT: ...done.
Hendricks266, on 22 January 2012 - 04:27 PM, said:
Actually, I would very highly recommend you come on #eduke32 and ask TX and Plagman for a Duke4.net site. You get 1 GB of space which should be plenty for current versions of your packs.
Well, this 'project' does not feel important enough to deserve it's own site, tbh.
If I didn't createcompile this stuff for my own purposes anyway, I might have it abandoned already due to the lack of common interest.
This post has been edited by LeoD: 23 January 2012 - 05:53 AM
Oh first link . It seems a update do 4.0 polymost pack , so I need first to download 4.0 pack and after that, update files ? Or just download 4.9 pack ?
sorry, I cant check this out now because my net is a little crappy
And about ACTA, goverment in my country from day 26 january will to sign this regulation and Im with my friends are preparing to demonstration in neighbor city. If this regulation come to live, then similiar regulation to sopa might come true and of course nobody wants this. . end of some era ? Ever mangas disappear from internet (probably)
Oh first link . It seems a update do 4.0 polymost pack , so I need first to download 4.0 pack and after that, update files ? Or just download 4.9 pack ?
You need the pre-Polymer HRP 4.0 as a base. For the time being get it from the original source at hrp.duke4.net
I'm not sure if this file works out-of-the-box, therefore I recommend to unpack autoload\duke3d.grp\duke3d_hrp.zip from this zip and put that into your autoload folder (maphacks not needed when using the update).
Arwu, on 22 January 2012 - 04:57 PM, said:
I still wait when You upload these two z-packs and that update to polymost hrp. :-) thats must be a great piece of work
Well, not really in terms of creativity or artistic merits.. I have simply collected other peoples' stuff and glued it together by patching a couple of definition files. But it works out well for me. The only hard part (for me) was to make the Z-pack's gloved laser pistol work in DukePlus and its relatives. And it still needs some manual intervention after downloading.
This post has been edited by LeoD: 04 April 2013 - 05:56 AM