(The mirror link will be restored as soon as the new version is on the mirror).
A new version has been uploaded as of the last edit time.
11-12-09 v1.0RC3
-wgx3.map has some bug fixes to prevent the player from cheating
-bleeding now occurs only from melee attacks
-armor absorbs a higher percentage of damage (and runs out faster)
-because the lack of bleeding and better armor makes the game much easier, monster damage has been changed:
Piece of Cake 50%
Let's Rock 75%
Come Get Some 100%
It's a Good Day to Die 125%
-added a new pal of shotgun demon that sometimes appears on GD2D difficutly
-updated some of the game tips and formatted them better
-Fixed a bug causing dead fish to be targetted by player allies
-Fixed a bug involving queued rockets
-All semi-visible monsters now become completely visible when goggles are used
-Minor changes to the big Death Knight boss near the end of wgx2.map (he spawns minions less often but sometimes uses a lightning aura)
-Changed the final boss so now it's impossible to kill him in 10 seconds before he gets to do much of anything
Known bugs/issues
-After a random amount of gameplay (usually 20 minutes or so), some sounds do not play correctly. To restore sound to normal, you need to quit eduke and then start it again (sound will work correctly for a while after you load your saved game).
-There's a rare glitch which can cause the sky in some sectors to not return to their normal color after using Quad Damage. I can't reproduce it, and there is nothing I can see wrong with the code that changes sky color.
-Recent builds of EDuke32 have been known to freeze every once in a while. Sometimes I can go through an entire game without it happening at all, sometimes it happens twice in one level. It also varies a lot from one computer to another.