Map effectors
One-way train

While making a map for Duke 3D, to create a one-way train that moves on its own, you need another train that will work as a pendulum. Apparently the developers of Duke Nukem 64 were not aware of this during the making of the maps, so they created a new effector in Rabit Transit level. For some reason the red lights of the train are missing in the actual game.

Additionally, the train is planned so that, when it reachs the end of the path, it would trigger the explosion of the wall of the blue key card area. However it seems this effect is not working properly for some reason.
End of level switch

In Stadium level the "nukebutton" that triggers the end of level is covered by another switch, which used a lo-tag of -1, meaning it also triggers the end of level. While a level ending switch is not used in any level of Duke 3D, the effect is present, however in this case the switch uses a palette of 69 (pun intended?), making it works exactly the same expect for being invisible (in Duke 3D this would only make the switch be present only in multiplayer maps, but clearly it was intended for something else).
As a result, in the actual game the only noticeable difference is that as soon you hit the button the level instantly ends instead of displaying the "Auto-destruct" sequence. Something that cannot be seen in any other existing level.

The purpose behind this is absolutely unknow, as it doesn't have any seemingly pratical effect.
Map effectors
One-way train

While making a map for Duke 3D, to create a one-way train that moves on its own, you need another train that will work as a pendulum. Apparently the developers of Duke Nukem 64 were not aware of this during the making of the maps, so they created a new effector in Rabit Transit level. For some reason the red lights of the train are missing in the actual game.

Additionally, the train is planned so that, when it reachs the end of the path, it would trigger the explosion of the wall of the blue key card area. However it seems this effect is not working properly for some reason.
End of level switch

In Stadium level the "nukebutton" that triggers the end of level is covered by another switch, which used a lo-tag of -1, meaning it also triggers the end of level. While a level ending switch is not used in any level of Duke 3D, the effect is present, however in this case the switch uses a palette of 69 (pun intended?), making it works exactly the same expect for being invisible (in Duke 3D this would only make the switch be present only in multiplayer maps, but clearly it was intended for something else).
As a result, in the actual game the only noticeable difference is that as soon you hit the button the level instantly ends instead of displaying the "Auto-destruct" sequence. Something that cannot be seen in any other existing level.

The purpose behind this is absolutely unknow, as it doesn't have any seemingly pratical effect.