Hey everyone! I apologize for taking me forever to write for the topic. It seems the topic is quite dead this month. I will try to revive it. Not too long ago, I have finished ALL maps by Billy Boy, so I try my best to talk about them. In today's post, I will talk about the first FOUR maps (Oranges, Valves, Dukem Memorial Hospital and Clearwater).
There is a LOT to talk about them and I will try my best to write a small walkthrough for the most important parts of the maps. I can't offer a FULL playthrough and I may not remember the exact details about each, so I hope my walkthroughs will be useful for solving certain parts. Note that this post is going to be very long!
All maps were played in Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox 0.74-3 on CGS skill.
Despite Aleks' recommendation to start with anything else (besides oranges), I decided to start with Oranges anyway. I don't really regret my choice but it sure was a VERY LONG map. In fact, it was probably the longest Duke3D map I've ever played in my life. The map took me about 8 hours to fully finish properly, on the span of two consecutive days. I am surprised the map ran fine in the original Duke3D v1.5 in DOSBox. I didn't have any crash with it (I had one crash in the Valves map, we will get to this below). I was very surprised to see a map like this working fine in the DOS version of Duke3D. With that said, due to limitations, I am not able to tell the exact time it took me to complete and the amount of monsters I've killed in total. The stats shown at end aren't helpful due to vanilla limitations (timer resets at every hour, kill count glitches when you kill more than 255 monsters).
If I had to guess, I killed at least 500 monsters. The time as mentioned, took me around 8 hours to finish in the span of two days. This means this map alone is as long as the ENTIRE Duke3D game (the original 3 episodes take around 8 hours to complete if you go slower and make sure you get all secrets, etc). This map puts to shame the Khaki Space map (from Last Reaction) and even a typical Redneck Rampage map (that can take up to an hour or more to complete on your first playthrough). Oranges is just too damn long and the moment you insert the third card (the yellow card) you are just halfway through the map. Oranges outstays its welcome by that point and it's not very fun. I managed to complete the map on my own and solving ALL puzzles by myself (there were a few points I was stuck and left me scratching my head but even when consulting Mapster, it didn't help me much because searching for a sector tag to unlock a particular door, wouldn't always help me or find me the exact solution). In total, I must have died around 15-20 times, most deaths were towards end (usually by the bosses). With that said, I will try to write a short walkthrough:
At the beginning, kill all the troopers, grab the stuff and blow up the fire extinguisher to reveal a secret area containing a bunch of goodies (shotgun, ammo, armor). Save the single pipebomb you find for later, don't waste it for this secret as shooting the extinguisher does the same thing here. There is also a water fountain right at beginning. Let's pretend it is orange juice and will greatly help Duke, although the health, ammo and armor supplies in this map are plentiful. The orange water (juice) is also harmless and you can stand on it without worrying about consuming health/boots. There are very few harmful liquids in this map, I think. You can decide to swim and kill two commanders (on the area with the bridges that you will visit later) or just move on with the map. I recommend moving on with the map now, though you can kill the commanders and destroy a few turrets right now if you want, saving yourself some trouble from later.
You have to unlock the library room by pressing on one of the switches in the starting room. Look out for a switch hidden below the desk. I recommend first clearing the other room (with the pig cops in it) as well as the bathroom and then moving on to the library. Once inside the library, when you enter a dark room with the pig cop and a locked door, you have to rush to the previous room as one door temporary opens. Once you get there, be careful of pig cops and some explosion trap. Once you clear this room, you have to use your pistol to shoot some switches. I forgot the solution to the puzzle but it is not difficult to complete it, just shoot certain buttons until you unlock the other side of the room. You will then have to find a switch, press it and fight some spawned monsters. That switch will unlock the door earlier in the dark room with pig cop and a bloody handprint (inside the library). Once there, press another switch and look at the screen. You will unlock the safe that contains the blue card and other goodies in a room earlier (where you fought many pig cops at once). There will be many monsters waiting you, so be prepared.
Once done, go back to the starting room and use your blue key. I recommend from this point on to make multiple saves and have a backup save just in case something goes wrong. Take the elevator and now you are presented with a few choices. I don't remember the exact order here, so try to see which door is unlocked. Take the hidden elevator to complete a challenge in the white room, be careful with two commanders spawned above you. Once you clear them, you need to make that automatic shooter (shooting mortars) hit that cracked wall to escape. Don't forget to press on the switch labeled "5". This will unlock one of the doors you've seen earlier. Now go there and look out for pig cops in the darkness and some trip mines. This is where I died the first time, not because I didn't see the trip mines but because of that stupid pig cop that tripped them and the explosion took us both. You need to use a pipebomb or simply wait for the pig cop to trip them while you take cover from the explosion. In any case, you should have probably grabbed an extra pipebomb from a secret (behind the dog poster) in the previous room.
Once you clear that corridor, you will get to the next part which is going to be the most interesting part of the map. This is where you need the red card to unlock the next door. But you also have to complete a bunch of puzzles. Press on the switch that shows the SECURED AREA sign. This unlocks a door AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MAP, on the other side of the room (near where you activated the elevator that required blue card). In this room, just touch the sector containing the goodies (medkit, armor, ammo. if you don't need them, they will be useful later). This will unlock the next room. You need to jump into the orange water and then activate a bunch of switches to eventually unlock the door you have seen earlier. Just be careful of those things to not squish you. Once done, go back and then you will notice you unlocked that bridges room from earlier (where you killed two commanders and a few turrets at beginning of the map if you went this way). You have to watch out for respawning enemies while going to the top. Looking behind that pillar, there is a switch hidden behind the forcefield. Remember this switch as you will need to go back later. Once you make to the top, follow the arrows and make a tricky jump (save before doing the jump!), press on the switch. This disables the forcefield on the switch you have seen earlier. Go back down and press on the switch, then go back up to the top of the bridges! This switch will unlock the next room. Go through the mazes and pick up the red card (and take a look at what's behind the forcefield, this will give you a view for the later part of the map). You will have to go all the way back to the room earlier to insert the red card. Hope you didn't forget where you need to go! You can choose before dropping down the vent or going all the way back with those bridges and elevators.
Once you reach the place, insert the card and now you need to solve a couple tricky puzzles. You need to look at a switch you have to shoot in order to unlock. This part is a bit messy, so I will focus on parts I remember the most. You need to jump above the switch you activated earlier (that says SECURED AREA) and swim into that tube. I recommend conserving the various scuba gears you will come across, don't grab them randomly. You have to do quite a bit of swimming in this map. You need to find a multi-switch. This will open the 3 compartments you have seen earlier in the vents. I recommend going in order, as in 1 to 3. You can only have one hatch open at a time, so just remember its location and then go back to the room you unlocked with the red card. The first two hatches are the ones required for main progression (and contain more puzzles each), the third one simply contains armor and atomic health (they are very much needed).
At one point, you will end up with a clever shrinking puzzle. You need to shrink yourself while standing on the moving platform and then slide through the tiny gap in order to reach the room that contains the yellow card. This was a very clever puzzle that I didn't think Duke would fit through that tiny gap. He doesn't fit by default even when shrunk but when pushed with the help of a riding car, then he will fit. This yellow card will be required for one of the rooms earlier, which can be reached from the white room that had the dog poster on it (which contained a single pipebomb).
Once you get there, you just reached the halfway point of the map. There are a lot of things to do here, some puzzles are pretty annoying. There is one where you need to run through the crushers and get to the elevator but at same time make sure the elevator hasn't been called (you can press on those green arrows to call it up/down) or if you did, then you will get squished down here. You just need to ride it to the top and jump on the next building. There will be many pig cops shooting at you, so be careful! At another point, you need to shoot at some switches to raise the slope until you reach to the top. This is another clever puzzle but also quite irritating. Not to mention many other puzzles to do, as if the author tried to get as many puzzles as possible into a single map.
There is one part where you need to fall down and activate a few switches (some of which are hidden). You may come across to a room that has two ladies together (the ones from XXX-Stacy) waiting for you! DON'T GO towards them or else you get teleported to a place filled with purple lava and you will die! You need to find a few hidden switches in order to unlock more switches and then finally escape from down there! This part was very annoying and had me stuck for about 30 or so minutes. I even had to check Mapster but it didn't help me much. Then I figured out the solution and when I found these hidden switches, I was able to progress. The switches will unlock the elevator to allow you to escape. Don't forget to activate that switch in the corner as well (which contains an atomic health). Once you get out, you have two choices. Either progress with the map or find a SECRET EXIT. The secret exit is probably the "easy way" out. It is guarded by two mini overlords and one mini cycloid and allows you to complete the level earlier, if you had enough of this map, although you still have one secret left to find. If you don't want to exit, you can continue to complete the whole map. Make another save if you want. I recommend using all 10 available save slots (if using newer versions of EDuke32 since 2018 or so, you get infinite saves). There is also NO WAY BACK once you got to the secret exit room, so I hope you have an earlier save if you want to explore the rest map.
To move on to next part, just shoot the alien switch on top of that building surrounded by lava (orange juice). This will unlock the nearby hatch which leads to the next part of the map. At this point you will have to complete a couple more puzzles, easily taking at least another 2 more hours. I recommend exploring everything. You can disable the forcefield (where you found the red card earlier) and allow backtracking to the whole map. Be careful to not get stuck (when you get on the other side of the area), there is a tunnel you have to go through but if you go to the left side first and didn't unlock a door (in the area where you get ambushed by the assault commander, with the two pirate flags), you are softlocked and I hope you have an earlier save. Ignore this part for now, you will unlock that door later to allow backtracking.
At the end, you need to reach the platform containing a jetpack and a switch. That door leading to said platform requires you to solve a switch puzzle that ONLY STAYS OPEN FOR 5 MINUTES (notice the 5 Min. sign!). After that, you can't open that door anymore. This is another place you can get soft-locked if you are not careful. You can still reach the switch (needed for the end of the level) if you have collected the jetpack. I recommend just grabbing the jetpack for now. DON'T PRESS THAT SWITCH YET (until you have explored the whole map and got all secrets, except one you unlock in the last part of the level). Pressing that switch spawns BOSSES. That's right, you get not only a Mini Battlelord (maybe meant to be a full-sized Battlelord?) but also TWO OVERLORDS, A CYCLOID and AN ALIEN QUEEN (the queen is underwater, though overlords can also fall into water). You have the choice between killing any of the bosses (to finish the level) or ignoring them and trying to find the normal nuke button. Or you can go back and get to the secret exit. The choice is yours!
Moving on, you need to complete another puzzle before reaching the exit. In the middle of the orange river, you will notice a place that is closed (or was closed earlier) and contains two atomic healths and a flamethrower trap (which is from ROTT and unused in the original Duke3D maps). This place is unlocked by flying with the jetpack into the middle part of this area and pressing the switch. I recommend pressing THIS switch first before the one near jetpack, so you don't have to deal with the bosses for now.
Anyway, fall into one of the 4 possible places (recommended to choose the first one if it's your first visit) and then you will eventually end up with a room with another multi switch. This is necessary to solve the last puzzle before the exit. By default, switch 1 is seen but the correct solution for the puzzle is switches 2 and 4. The switch 3 can't even be pressed, which confused me initially because I thought I needed to press them all. They are also needed to access the final secret place. Once you are done, go back and fly to that switch to spawn the bosses which also unlocks the normal exit button (though also disables your chance to get the final secret, so get it before doing that!).
If you have managed to get this far, then congratulations! You have completed the most complex Duke3D maps ever made! Or at least one of the earliest complex maps. Either way, congrats! This was sure a very long and painful map. I found most secrets by myself, with only a few requiring a look in mapster but even that last one confused me that I eventually figured out the solution myself.
There are 9 secrets in total, I don't even know how to offer the correct locations for them, most you should find by just progressing through the map. There is one RPG secret hidden inside a building (near the medkit on top of box, in the middle section of the map, when you access the huge area after using yellow card). And few other secrets I mentioned earlier, the rest can be found in vents and stuff like that. As I said before, I died about 15-20 times (forgot exact number) but all I know is many deaths came from the last parts. I was already getting sick of this map. I don't regret playing it, though I don't want to ever play it again.
Overall, I respect the author's ambition to make this map but unfortunately I didn't enjoy this map too much. I don't know if I can say I had a miserable time but it certainly wasn't a very pleasant experience. I never felt so exhausted after playing a Duke3D map! Let's hope the next map will be better.
I will say this map is shoter compared to the previous map, though it will still take you hours to complete, I suppose it took me around 4-5 hours to do it? The map has a few better puzzles but it still was a pain in the ass overall.
At the beginning, don't forget to grab a hidden portable medkit, you WILL NEED IT! You will need it to survive that next room with many pig cops shooting you. I didn't even see the damn armor pickup under my nose until I got low on health and even though I survived in the end, I could have used that armor a bit earlier. There is another armor pickup near the ledge in case you need it, though armor pickups are plentiful in the map. There is also a water fountain (and a few large medkits) in this room that will greatly help!
Once you do that, you need to advance to the next part. You need to find your way out of the room. There is a puzzle you need to solve, after you do some underwater action, you will come across a solution for a puzzle. I didn't think this was the solution for the valves puzzle earlier, so I looked in mapster because I didn't see two valves on the other side of the room. Then I saw the solution and that allowed progress the next part.
Eventually you will make it to another part of the map that has TOO MANY goddamn pig cops (I died a few times here due to being low on health) until I found the bathroom where I found a whole bunch of health packs. There seemed to be much less health available compared to Oranges, as I fully consumed about 5 portable medkits overall in the whole map and it didn't help there were many nasty traps and annoying monster placement, with pig cops all over the place (sometimes not even seeing where the fuck I was even getting shot from). And the vanilla controls certainly didn't help much, having me tank damage at some points and hope the pig cops don't do full damage, which was a problem at 30 or less health. I had to rely a lot on drinking water from fountains at some points in the map.
Oh yeah and there is a random shrinker puzzle, though unlike the one from the previous map that was required for progression, this one is just to access a nearby room (notice the Think Smaller above the small vent) which contains... a protector drone. Fuck that bullshit protector drone, he managed to squish me 5 times! He timed it to always step on me as soon as I was returning to normal size. Yes, I know I was getting frustrated by this point (since I decided to start this map in the evening, in the same day I completed Oranges) and I know I could have thrown pipebombs through the hole and kill him earlier but I didn't think of that at the time.
Anyway, on my 6th attempt, I managed to make it through, kill this bastard and get rewarded with the SHRINKER which is actually required to escape from this room and get back to the previous area, although for some reason, it didn't immediately reflect the shot until a second or two later, the shot seemingly went through the mirror and eventually it hit me. I have noticed this oddity in a few Duke3D maps, however it's not that big of an issue. Oh and noticed a few random bugs (and even one random crash) where I got squished randomly by crouching near some gates and some times I got killed and teleported on top of a moving train...for some reason.
This is probably the place where I stopped for that day and continued the next day. I don't feel like writing much more about this map, as there's so much to talk. There are some more confusing parts that took me a while to progress, such as the room that contains a crane and you can't reach it yet because that platform doesn't seem to raise. I think to progress, you had to slide down the water currents and fall into a different place and then there's a lot more underwater diving action and more puzzles to solve.
At the end of the map, once you make through all the complicated puzzles and unlock the nuke button, you get TWO Cycloids spawned that guard the exit. You can choose to kill any of them to end the level/episode or ignore them and rush to the exit. It is very random whether they shoot you or not (they will often 1-hit kill you if it's a direct hit, even at 150 health) so I just recommend saving often. As with the previous map, I did it both ways (kill each cycloid separately, load the save and go to the exit).
Two secrets to find (found the second one by myself):
-At one point in the map, on a bridge that has pig cops, find a hidden vent to climb to reach the bridge and collect an atomic health. I have a hard time describing the exact location of this secret, it's near some small corridor with the water flow.
-In the room with many barrels (where you have to activate some switches on a rotating gear), go through the fake brown wall to destroy slimer eggs and collect an atomic health
Overall, as with the previous map, I respect the author's ambition to create a large puzzle-themed map but I just didn't have that much of a good time, to be honest. Will the next map be better or not?
Dukem Memorial Hospital
This is an interesting and large hospital themed map. It's not often you come across a hospital themed map for Duke3D. The author has learned a few things from the previous two maps and progression is a little bit clearer but unfortunately the gameplay is still somewhat miserable at times with the annoying enemy placement.
I will admit I have played and finished through this map once before (in 2014 or so, in EDuke32) and it wasn't a full blind playthrough this time around (when compared to the rest maps by Billy Boy that I played for first time), although I didn't remember much of the map except the puzzle at end (with the switches) which was annoying. The solution for the puzzles can be found below:
The puzzle at the end (with many switches and the targets to shoot) requires you to press/shoot all buttons with the exception of the third and sixth button/target. It is same for both, including the truck at near the beginning. Buttons are required for progression, the targets just spawn devastator ammo.
The other puzzle near the end, in the room that contains pig cop tanks (and a bunch of RPG/Devastator ammo) requires you to press all buttons except the two middle ones. Also make sure to not jump through the hole before unlocking the door and elevator in this room or else you get stuck with no way out (requiring you to load the save or cheat). You can jump into the hole from the outside but when trying to jump from the inside, Duke doesn't seem to fit through or at least I may not have tried enough. Either way this isn't intended and you need to find more hidden rooms and switches to properly progress through the map.
Anyway, back to the actual map, most of the things I didn't remember from my first playthrough, so it was nearly a blind playthrough. And doing it this time in DOS and with classic keyboard controls, was a lot more painful, to be honest. Starting you being attacked immediately (thankfully there is a place to drink water from) and hoping you survive before you move on. You will find many pistols, so you have to do a bit of pistol sniping before finding better weapons and armor, etc.
The next part is problematic. There is a place where you need to ride the jeep and it crashes into another car driven by a pig cop. What happens is it immediately exits Duke3D with the error: "Too Many Sprites Spawned". I tried this about 5 times and from an earlier save and I have almost given up until I decided to turn Adult Mode off, to prevent spawning too many explosions/gibs and it worked! I was able to advance the map from this point on! I saved, turned back Adult Mode on and after that I had no more sudden exits.
After this part, you need to make your way into the nearby buildings before finding an entrance to the hospital (once you do that, you can open the front doors and allow shortcuts). You have to solve MANY puzzles in this map as well, though they are a bit easier compared to the previous two. There was a part (with the switches and the gates) that confused me a bit and at one point I thought I got stuck once inside the sewers until I found that I can open the garage door to get out of the underground section. I initially did not activate those 2 switches into the sewers (that would have led me to getting out from the other side of the sewers) because initially they did nothing, so I turned them off later and then I was afraid I'd screwed up when I realized that I also had to press them. Thankfully, I could move on to the map and after I managed to escape, go back to those two switches, I unlocked a door that makes backtracking to these sewer areas a bit easier.
There is a nice red card puzzle in the map that looks a bit similar to the one Aleks used in his Submachine map, as I read somewhere recently a comparison was made (I think it was mentioned in a different topic). I find this coincidence interesting. This red card puzzle has you hit the multi-switch to gather goodies and the red card through the teleporter, while making sure the babes don't get blown up by the trip mine. Sadly, the babes couldn't get saved and as punishment I get a Mini Battlelord spawned nearby. It caused some trouble but thankfully was taken out with ease, as the RPG was available by this point.
There is also a clever puzzle at the very end where you must shoot a ROCKET through that target while looking at the monitor and timing the switch correctly (it is a timed switch and you can't reach the door yourself even with jetpack/steroids), so that the rocket hits that cracked wall in the right moment. It may take a few tries and once you pull it off successfully, it feels satisfying.
The only strange thing is at some points, there seemed to be random bricks (the default brick texture) placed at some points in the map. Not sure what was with that but it seemed distracting at times. I wonder if it's caused by vanilla limitations or the author accidentally placed this texture and forgot to delete it or change it into something else? This error wasn't present in the updated version of the map, which is part of the Lighthouse map, where this map is included as a secret level and has a few changes. I will talk more about that on the next post, which will focus on the remaining maps by Billy Boy.
There are 6 secrets to find and they are mostly on the easier side, as I found them all by myself. Locations:
-In the underground section, you can find an armor pickup (guarded by a red pig cop tank)
-Secrets #2 and #3 are inside the vents, located in the entrance of the hospital, can be reached from dropping down the vents from the rooftop (or if you have collected a jetpack, just fly up there). One vent contains the Devastator, the other vent contains the Jetpack.
-This secret seems to be reached in multiple ways (?). Find one switch in the entrance of hospital (near one of the monitors) and then you can take the elevator on the roof or use the jetpack to reach the secret. It contains a few enemies, Pipebombs and Large Medkit.
-Inside the hospital, near the gate with the slimer eggs and captured babes (this gate can't be opened at all, although slimers can get through the gate), enter the room in the right, kill the commander and drop down the vent. You will fall and come across a Portable Medkit. Continue going until you fall into another vent (rewards you with an atomic health) which leads to the sewers area.
-At the part with the DEATHS door (after inserting the yellow card in one of the two possible places, both places are unlocked by the same card) where you must deactivate the forcefield, go through the D door, kill the hanging protector drones and other nasties, also look out for trip mines. At one point, you will come across to a boss door with pipebombs in front of it. Near this place, there is a hidden atomic health in a dark vent.
Overall, if you prefer to skip the previous two maps due to their length and puzzles, this is probably the best starting place, as the map is still vanilla and doesn't use any new assets, so the gameplay is more approachable compared to jumping directly to Billy Boy's newer maps (that have new art, cons, sounds, etc). Just take into account the various issues mentioned and prepare to spend at least 2-3 hours into the map, even longer if you get stuck at some parts.
For me, the map was alright overall. I still suffered around 20 or more deaths and some parts felt a bit frustrating but even then I found the map to be an improvement compared to the previous ones. By this point, the author has started to improve a lot. But the puzzles and the annoying combat will still give you a hard time.
Once more, the author shows that he has improved once more and brings us this map that I'd consider just good enough. Progression is mostly clear, although I only got stuck at 2-3 points, both involving where to insert the two later blue cards (yeah there's multiple cards being used).
I also want to thank Quakis for writing the walkthrough as it proved VERY USEFUL to consult it for those few parts I got stuck. In rest, I didn't have much of a problem with the puzzles.
As for the map, you start weaponless and you will first find the shotgun, chaingun and so on (eventually you will get the pistol as well). There is an early LAUNCH CODE puzzle that has the solution on the door if you look carefully. The correct answer is the same code from Area 51 (first row: 124. second row: 34).
I don't feel like writing a walkthrough for this map considering one already exists, so here is the secrets guide instead (3 secrets to find):
-At the place where the Mini Battlelord ambushes you with the vehicle, where you find a bunch of captured babes, go through the fake wall to find another babe, as well as atomic health, armor and expander ammo.
-At halfway point in the map, near where you insert the yellow card, you should find a secret area. It contains two compartments, press on them to reveal the goodies. One contains Portable Medkit and Shotgun ammo, the other contains the Shrinker (the only one present in the map!). I found this secret the first time but only collected the medkit and shells, I didn't check the shrinker compartment until I was pretty much done with the map and I assumed the secret only contained the medkit and shells.

-Inside the bathroom, where you find the blue card lock (to insert the last blue card), blow up the door and find inside Portable Medkit and Pipebombs.
Although I didn't have a very high amount of deaths in this level (compared to previous maps), I did get killed a couple of times from random pig cops that were shooting at me and I couldn't even see them, mostly on the last parts of the map, which caused a bit of frustration but not very much. However, the most annoying part was that Mini Battlelord in a cramped room inside the ship (the same place you revisit later to unlock the exit and spawn the final boss). That fucking bastard killed me about 10 times! I didn't have access to the Shrinker and I thought using the Devastator while tanking the damage would be a good idea. Didn't seem to work most of the time and I would always die just before finishing him off. Other than that, I don't recall many other problematic parts.
At the end you get the choice between killing the spawned Cycloid Emperor or going to the nuke button. I did both choices because why not. Too bad I hit the 256 monsters limit when I finished the map, so it says I killed no enemies at all.
Overall, this map was good. Good enough to play through it once. I was also impressed by the water being more realistic (it is transparent and you could see and shoot enemies through it, unlike the usual duke3d water). Now I realized why the level is called like that!
So far, Billy Boy's maps have been a mixed bag. There wasn't anything outstanding for me (besides many creative puzzles and effects, which were quite impressive), though Dukem Memorial Hospital was okay and Clearwater was good enough that I'd consider these two worth playing, especially if you consult the Clearwater (aka Cranium) walkthrough by Quakis. The rest maps (Oranges and Valves), you can probably skip and you won't lose too much in not playing them.
I will attach the screenshots in four zip files, as I took many screenshots for each map and some are helpful in solving certain puzzles, while others are general gameplay screenshots and even a few where I died (mostly by pig cops and mini battlelords).
In two days, I will return with reviewing the rest maps by Billy Boy, nominations for the next month and then hopefully writing about Bob Masters' maps (until now, I've only beaten Bizarre), before the end of the month.
Have a nice day!