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Download Demon Throne.


+ Competition +
If you win one of the following Categories we will add your avatar / face to a NPC in the next DLC for Demon throne. Just send us a pic after proving you have won. There are a total of six places to win in three different categories.

+ Categories +
(1) First player to complete the game on "its a good day to die".
(2) First two players to complete the game on "more guts more glory".
(3) First three players to complete the game on "come get some".

To prove you have won one of the Categories take a screenshot of your game stats after the end game credits have rolled and upload it to our Discord server. https://discord.gg/jNrKdk5

Posted Image
Posted Image

This post has been edited by William Gee: 14 October 2020 - 08:15 PM



An update. There is a crash to desktop upon loading the second gameplay map. It was caused by the latest change to userbyteversion (the internal version numbering system for the game). I have removed the line of code that changes the internal number and that has fixed the crash. The updated main file is now uploading to Mod DB. For anyone who already downloaded and would prefer a patch, all you have to do is replace WGR2PLAYR.CON (which is inside of the WGR2 folder) with the one attached to this post.

EDIT: The new download at MOD DB is fixed and doesn't have the crash.

Attached File(s)

This post has been edited by William Gee: 14 October 2020 - 11:32 PM


User is offline   Gambini 


Great to know it´s released!


User is offline   MrFlibble 


The levels are real huge but marvellously detailed. I've never played Siege Breaker (only watched a couple of vids on YouTube a while ago) and would like to point out how smooth the experience is for a new player.

One thing I wanted to ask though, there are these coloured thingies left by some monsters you can pick up (I haven't really figured out what they do so far), but on the shot below after the Wraith fight these two seem just out of reach. Is there anything I could do to pick them?
Attached Image: duke0020.png

Another thing I noticed: the elevator that takes you to the first area with destructible rock apparently can only be lowered by standing in front of it. If I press the use key while facing it from the right side (relative to the perspective shown in the screenshot) the sound plays but it does not go down.
Attached Image: duke0007.png

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Those items floating in the air are elemental shards that give you a small amount of elemental shield when you pick them up. I'm guessing you killed a couple of flying enemies that had elemental auras and they dropped the shards there.

I don't know why the elevator was acting like that.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


Have you considered replacing proprietary textures from Doom and Heretic with libre equivalents from Freed∞m and Blasphemer? I don't think that would significantly impact the quality, quite a few textures from both projects (can't speak for LibreQuake because some of their stuff is derived from the former two anyway) are pretty good. Same for the sound effects.

There are also very nice texture packs from the Doom community like OTEX which are free to use (author permission may be required in some cases).

The problem of course would be to convert them into the WGR2 palette (which I'm not sure if it's the same as vanilla Duke3D) but it worked nicely for the Doom/Heretic originals.

Additionally, are there any plans for high-res HUD weapons?

This post has been edited by MrFlibble: 15 October 2020 - 11:18 AM


User is offline   Jim 


what version of Eduke32 is this? Where could I get the source?

User is offline   Gambini 


View PostJim, on 15 October 2020 - 02:25 PM, said:

what version of Eduke32 is this? Where could I get the source?

It´s the latest https://dukeworld.du...9269-382e9fb57/

User is offline   Jim 


The exe with texture filtering re enabled, for people who like to play with texture fitering

Attached File(s)


User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


The exe we include has polymer disabled, so that people don't enable polymer and make the game unplayable. Other than that, it is just the regular latest EDuke32.

User is offline   Gambini 


I didn´t know i was helping an unauthored modification :huh:

User is offline   Gambini 


BTW, So far I played it until the first map after taking the portal to this planet (named "vision" or something). Was looking forward to get aboard the ship so I will fire it again soon. Everything looks fantastic. Still get trapped by the big painting each WG´s map is, and everything is alive with butterflies, frogs, pigs. Really loved that. I´m impressed too by Sebasduke quality and productivity. He´s taking the most HQ duke projects to a new level, with HQ specific art.

User is offline   MrFlibble 


View PostGambini, on 15 October 2020 - 09:23 PM, said:

everything is alive with butterflies, frogs, pigs

Don't forget the squirrels, they look amazing
Attached Image: duke0015.png

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Has anyone tried killing a lot of chickens yet?

User is offline   Gambini 


hehe animal abusers have their backlash soon or late :lol:

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Spent about 6-7 hours playing this last night, streaming the first 5 for a few friends. Completed episode 1 again, and was kind of thrown off-guard with how completely different Evil Awakens progresses now. I did appreciate that the fighting started a lot earlier vs. 1.2, getting you right into the action a lot quicker than the slow burn of the previous version(s). Regardless, after beating episode 1, I immediately started a new game to start grinding it out a bit. I don't think I'll be able to survive missing as many secrets and gems as I did. The last hour was spent running all over Evil Awakens, trying to find all 21 secrets. Managed to get them and am now working my way through grinding Into the Earth. As a side-note, I gotta admit. I kinda miss the super creepy Game Over/Into the Earth 3 music. It was...well, terrifying, but it sort of fit when literally everything turned into skulls.

Not that it matters much. The new song is fine. I think I heard it before in that Layre mod, which I've honestly always sort of considered a spiritual successor (or predecessor?) to the first WGRealms. Speaking of, I wonder where those levels are located now. And Castle Demonhorn now, for that matter. I was shocked to see Jedrik available from the start.

These questions are all mostly rhetorical, unless they actually aren't in the game anymore. Otherwise, I'm sure I'll find out before long.

Like with AA, I'll write a lengthy detailed review once I finish the content available, but that might be a lot longer than AA. This game looks to be absolutely massive, as are the levels, and it is hard. I'm playing on CGS and despite it being the normal difficulty for this game, it's so much harder than vanilla ever was at CGS, as well as most user maps I've played at that level. Not a complaint, mind, but it's going to take me a while to even finish CGS since the sheer difficulty is encouraging me to grind out those secrets or pay for it dearly. I have yet to see any of the new content past Hell Freezes Over (minus Blacksand and Nexus), and I don't intend to until I'm prepped for bear. And once I have, I do at least currently intend to set my sights upon the next two difficulty levels. So yeah, it's probably going to be a while.

That said, I will bring up issues as I find them again so don't take that as a reflection of my overall opinion. That will come in time.

So for the first batch:

1. Jumping at a water's edge eats your jump severely. It's killed me more than a few times, such as the waterfall baron secret in the EA's main hall.
2. Less a bug and more a suggestion: Is it possible to have the primary and secondary fire of the SSG swapped around? It seems kind of redundant to have the single-barrel blast be the primary when there is already the headshotter. I see value in it existing, but I think the double-barrelled blast would see far more use as the extreme damage dealer it is than the single. Most situations that the single shot can deal with can also be dealt with through the headshotter's primary or secondary.


WGRealms is "THe old world" episode 2

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


While watching SeriousCacodemon's stream where he beat the game on the hardest difficulty, we witnessed several places where it is possible to get softlocked. In every case, it is recoverable by loading an earlier save. We will address these issues in a patch soon, but in the meantime we recommend saving before every major battle as a precaution. Most of the of softlocks were due to enemies that had to be killed in order to progress, and the enemies somehow leaving the play area.

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 16 October 2020 - 09:09 PM, said:

WGRealms is "THe old world" episode 2

Oh, I see what you did there.

User is offline   Player Lin 


Found sometime to play Duke again, download and install the DT mod and working fine so far, still playing and I already love it enough.

Just leave a message about something: If you decide running WGR:DT's EDuke32.exe then you should run it after that, try to run the "START DEMONTHRONE.BAT" will make all your savegames become invalid(Different versions), same thing happens if run the bat and play the game then decide to run EDuke32.EXE.

I guess for some reasons the engine thinks the savegames with "different running methods" are not compatible each other anymore.

This post has been edited by Player Lin: 17 October 2020 - 06:48 AM



The incompatibility is a consequence of the parameters being used and not really a bug. Ideally they should be removed in an update, as the grpinfo file ensures that the game loads correctly either way.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostDoom64hunter, on 17 October 2020 - 07:33 AM, said:

The incompatibility is a consequence of the parameters being used and not really a bug. Ideally they should be removed in an update, as the grpinfo file ensures that the game loads correctly either way.

It shall be done. Hoping to have a patch later today with that and various other fixes.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Version 1.01 is up



-various minor map fixes
-Death Knight boss spawn positioning bug fixed, will spawn in center of vortex (should prevent possible softlock)
-Auto gold pickup in arena
-Arena has "monster finder" sprite which will move stray monsters back to center of arena after enough time with no player contact. Prevents possible softlocks if monsters go out of bounds
-"Purifyer" incorrect name fixed to "BFG 6666" (leftover from Hectic Realms)
-removed parameters from the .bat which would cause saved game incompatibility depending on whether you started game with .bat or .exe
-added cachesize command to wgr.def to prevent some players from getting "cache locked up" crash
-Luglord fixes: music will only change on boss version of him, and it will go back to normal when he dies. Boss version has more health and his phases cannot be cheesed now (he is invincible while recovering)


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


So here's a question, born out of pure curiosity and not malice nor even critique. I've just kind of wondered this for a while.

So with a few exceptions, it looks like the weapon roster (as of episode 1 anyway) mostly has their original Siege Breaker sprites. Which, again, is hardly a problem but it does make me wonder: where do the original sprites come from? Were they also custom-made? Or were they borrowed from other games and if so, which ones? I've not actually been able to tell whether they came from elsewhere or were custom made (or both), which I suppose is credit to them fitting in well together.

It's a question that's been on my mind since 1.2 because I'm usually pretty good at pinpointing sources of in-game graphics and I just got nothing for these.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostNinety-Six, on 18 October 2020 - 03:02 PM, said:

So with a few exceptions, it looks like the weapon roster (as of episode 1 anyway) mostly has their original Siege Breaker sprites. Which, again, is hardly a problem but it does make me wonder: where do the original sprites come from? Were they also custom-made?

Cage made most of the Duke weapon sprites.

The double-barreled shotgun and the minigun were made by Cage for a different project before Siegebreaker.
sebabdukeboss20 made the new dual pistols, the therminator, the new eyeball, and the new Duke kick sprites
All other Duke weapons were made by Cage for WGR2.

Cage also made Jedrik's bow (or at least the current version of it).
I think Cage made Jedrik's shield (or at least the current version of it)
sebabdukeboss20 made Jedrik's cannon, his kick sprites and some new fist sprites
The other Jedrik weapon sprites were all ripped from Hexen/Heretic

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Aha, so they were custom.

And yeah I figured the Therminator, pistols, and kick were sebab; they had his unmistakable art style.

Haven't played Jedrik too much to see his new sprites but I did at least recognize the Heretic/Hexen parts.

Thanks for answering.


View PostDanukem, on 18 October 2020 - 03:43 PM, said:

Cage made most of the Duke weapon sprites.

The double-barreled shotgun and the minigun were made by Cage for a different project before Siegebreaker.
sebabdukeboss20 made the new dual pistols, the therminator, the new eyeball, and the new Duke kick sprites
All other Duke weapons were made by Cage for WGR2.

Cage also made Jedrik's bow (or at least the current version of it).
I think Cage made Jedrik's shield (or at least the current version of it)
sebabdukeboss20 made Jedrik's cannon, his kick sprites and some new fist sprites
The other Jedrik weapon sprites were all ripped from Hexen/Heretic

I am 99% sure the Corruptor Blade was originally made by Eriance/Amuscaria for Demon Eclipse. The other melee weapon sprites are rips from Hexen/Heretic.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


Good catch. I completey forgot about that weapon.

User is offline   Micky C 

  • Honored Donor


So will there be a version of this for MacOS?

It’s all I’ll have for several months and I can hardly wait to play it!

This post has been edited by Micky C: 19 October 2020 - 01:58 AM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


Well this is a problem...

Attached Image: duke0001.png

There's literally no way out short of noclipping.

Also the victory music cuts out at the beginning of the stats screen after Evil Awakens for some reason.

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