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What are you working on for Duke right now?  "Post about whatever Duke related stuff you're doing"

User is offline   dandouglas 


Here's 5 minutes of WIP footage reflecting the current state of my mod - soundtracked by new music I've commissioned from Lee Jackson!


User is offline   Tea Monster 

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Jesus Christ - is there any aspect of the British condition you haven't covered? I've lived here for 35 years and I can't tag some of them. Is bombing the llamas a Falklands reference?
I have a friend from the States who asks me about some of the things in the trailers. How do I explain to him that no matter how bad American TV can be, nothing can prepare you for the mind-sucking ability of Catch Phrase to make you will your soul to leave your body while watching it.

User is offline   Mark 


5 minutes went by too fast. That was awesome.

User is offline   jimbob 


View Postdandouglas, on 25 April 2022 - 06:02 AM, said:

Here's 5 minutes of WIP footage reflecting the current state of my mod - soundtracked by new music I've commissioned from Lee Jackson!

damn that looks like a load of fun :D

User is offline   Ninety-Six 


This just keeps getting closer and closer to the most unofficially official expansion ever.


View Postdandouglas, on 25 April 2022 - 06:02 AM, said:

Here's 5 minutes of WIP footage reflecting the current state of my mod - soundtracked by new music I've commissioned from Lee Jackson!

Fantastic level design, awesome spriteworks and effects, all with a misaligned skybox, just replace that sky. :D

User is offline   dandouglas 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 25 April 2022 - 05:37 PM, said:

Fantastic level design, awesome spriteworks and effects, all with a misaligned skybox, just replace that sky. :D

Haha, yep fixing that has been on the to-do list for a long time... a lot of this is still very rough!

User is offline   dandouglas 


View PostTea Monster, on 25 April 2022 - 06:20 AM, said:

Is bombing the llamas a Falklands reference?

It's simply an escalation of this amazing headline: https://inews.co.uk/...ust-die-1147178

User is offline   jimbob 


i just love the charm of it :D it has a very specific but hilariously awesome feel to it.


Cynically, I have to say that at first I thought you were setting these things up specially for recording, but by the end of it my doubts were removed. Heck, I think even if you did just do that there's enough of that stuff that I don't think it really even matters. That looks just so cool.

User is offline   dandouglas 


View PostMorpheus Kitami, on 26 April 2022 - 06:19 PM, said:

Cynically, I have to say that at first I thought you were setting these things up specially for recording, but by the end of it my doubts were removed. Heck, I think even if you did just do that there's enough of that stuff that I don't think it really even matters. That looks just so cool.

There's certainly elements of that – specifically, the "TV channels" the player will be able to view, which are set up only to be seen from one specific viewpoint so I recreate iconic clips as little vignettes without having to worry about the player traversing the area and missing an effect.

Everything else, I'm aiming to make a full-fat DN3D experience – some of the rooms are so dense with sprites that combat isn't fun, so I'm going to have to be crafty about where battles should take place, using a lot of stayput enemies etc.

I'd say I'm about 25% done with the mod now, and my work/life commitments are ramping up, so I'll probably be working on it for years to achieve what I want to.

User is offline   Aleks 


Pretty sure I've missed the vast majority of the oddly specific jokes in your video (as well as previous videos), but that doesn't matter (although a question of concern here is, that in a few years when you will be releasing this thing, the jokes might become a bit old and even more niche, but that's also kind of cute and I got that same thing happened in my mod which was in development for about 15 years :P ). The sheer level of interaction is just mind blowing and I love how OCD this thing gets, gonna be super funny to play even if there's little combat and most of the stuff is just exploring and wandering around. I kinda disagree with Ninety-Six here about this looking like an "official addon", to me it looks quite far away from Duke, reminds me more of Postal 2 kind of thing, which is also great in its own way and the type of addon Duke could really use :)

Great job, also good to hear you are finding a better Duke/work/life balance, hope you are doing fine!

User is offline   jimbob 


i think thats part of the charm tbh :D
[edit] who's that guy rubbin the karl marx statue :')

[re-edit]though the most amazing effect is the car going around the corner for me, love it :D its the little things that get me :P

This post has been edited by jimbob: 27 April 2022 - 01:12 PM


User is offline   Ninety-Six 


View PostAleks, on 27 April 2022 - 10:31 AM, said:

I kinda disagree with Ninety-Six here about this looking like an "official addon", to me it looks quite far away from Duke, reminds me more of Postal 2 kind of thing, which is also great in its own way and the type of addon Duke could really use :)

It's all about attitude, I think. It's the confidence to strike all the critical points and do it in style.

The way I see it, this is a lot like Duke it Out in D.C. by way of Alien World Order, but with the insane interactivity of the base game included and dialed up. This seems to base a lot of itself around recognizable landmarks (that's the DC), but with an international flair and a more callous attitude to its overall character (the AWO). While I myself prefer the slightly darker shades of the original episodes, this one isn't out of character next to, again, AWO but especially Caribbean.

It's also just super British in its pop culture references in the same way the original three episodes (but especially episode 4) were super American. And much like the original game, the references are neat to people who get them, but they're just cool setpieces to those who don't and the spectacle alone can make up for any missing context. I'm an American that lives under a rock and barely grasp the references meant for me, much less these from jolly old england. But I'm still hype for this nonetheless just because it still looks fun.

This is why I said it feels like an official addon (well that and the Lee Jackson music). I don't mean one that could have come out in 1997, but another one in the vein of AWO if it were released today. Unlike AWO however, this is packaged a lot more with the quintessential essence of Duke Nukem. I'll concede the overall tone does lean a bit more towards Postal (though I don't think they're super far apart if we consider the later stages of Duke's franchise life), but the interactivity and overall character still rings out Duke Nukem.

User is offline   Jimmy 

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It doesn't feel official at all to me. In fact it quite screams "user content" which is absolutely fine.

User is offline   oasiz 

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I agree, spirit is definitely there and I think it amounts to polish / attention to detail.

Jimmy, you forgot that "user content" is now the new official thanks to WT. ;)

User is offline   Jimmy 

  • Let's go Brandon!


Just because Gearbox doesn't have a bar they can't put lower doesn't mean you should follow along.

User is offline   Sanek 


I'm about to start the new map tomorrow.

At this point, I'm not whether 8 maps is too much or not enough. There's 6 small maps, but you can spent no less than 10-20 minutes on each one. Some of you may find it tedious, if the combat like this is not your cup of tea. I never revealed this, but the maps is hard in terms of quality of the enemies you're fighting with.

So I'm making the next map (#7) as the final map; however, I can always squeeze another map if i want to.

I'm also looking for at least 2 beta-testers. Anyone want some?

User is online   ck3D 


I would normally offer my help with beta testing but realistically I've been out of the whole Mapster loop for the past two weeks in terms of focus and have been supposed to beta test someone's map for just as long already, so that would be incompatible with my current schedule, but I hope you can find people!

About detail like the number of the maps I'd say you should just go with whatever feels right to you first and foremost, the player will most likely experience the same since we're talking raw pacing. Quality of the enemies sounds like a cool direction, usually whenever you have an original idea for specific mechanics that usually means you should orchestrate the core of your project around them, be it in the context of a user map or episode depending on how many new elements you feel like introducing at once (which will affect the quality of the experience but not necessarily in a positive way with the more you add and the more of the established rules you break).

Symmetry logic you were describing sounds really close to what I've been trying to teach people about patterns before with the naive sector grid tutorial thing (that I've since removed from my ModDB because I've learned a lot more since and would like to present the whole concept in a more complete manner eventually), I think you're at the point where you're realizing how cool and efficient sector manipulation can be in general and your next step probably should be to apply the same logic but to smaller elements of the levels than whole chunks of blockout. Think of copy-pasting compatible geometry in advance even if that means for instance building your cars or whichever pseudo-complex props in temporary square parent sectors beforehand. That combined with Mapster features such as free sector rotation or scaling can achieve fast, perfect results in a way that almost feels like cheating if one is too used to traditional Build (when in reality it just speeds up one's workflow tenfold and generates technically better, because more accurate, product). Just the right mental sequencing and order of doing things can go a long way.

This post has been edited by ck3D: 04 May 2022 - 01:23 AM


User is offline   zykov eddy 


View PostSanek, on 03 May 2022 - 11:22 AM, said:

I'm also looking for at least 2 beta-testers. Anyone want some?

I'm in

User is offline   Sanek 


View Postzykov eddy, on 04 May 2022 - 03:02 AM, said:

I'm in

Whoah! I never expected this! Okay. :)


Here are some more screenshots of Mario Kart 64 TOWN; this map has really begun taking shape, if I do say so myself. (I've still got a long way to go; for instance, there's a lot of stuff there that still uses the #182 gray square texture as a placeholder.)
#1 is where the player starts facing east.
#2 faces northwest-ish and overlooks some places in the north part of the map, to the east of where the player starts; the same transmission tower is visible in #1 and #2.
#3 and #4 both face southeast-ish; #3 overlooks the big park in the center of the map, while #4 overlooks the church in the south part of the map.

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For the fun of it.
All assets taken from screenshots.

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This post has been edited by William Gee: 16 May 2022 - 04:29 AM


User is offline   Sanek 


The episode I was working on suddenly took a sad turn after completion.

Long story short, the gameplay is not for everyone's taste - it's either hard/challenging (as I intented) or way too easy if i try to make it easier - so now I have 4 options how to deal with it:

1. I can release the hard version, as I initially intended.

2. I can release the easy version and not be happy about it.

3. I can release both versions, but the feedback will be a total mess.

4. I'll just forget about it and never release this episode in public, despite being finished.

Right now, the option #4 is happening. I had a good time making these small maps and I enjoyed playing it. The public release really looks rather gloomy, so as far as fun factor is concerned, I'm done.


IMO Release the version that makes you happy, its your mod not ours.

User is offline   Aleks 


View PostSanek, on 17 May 2022 - 03:17 AM, said:

The episode I was working on suddenly took a sad turn after completion.

Long story short, the gameplay is not for everyone's taste - it's either hard/challenging (as I intented) or way too easy if i try to make it easier - so now I have 4 options how to deal with it:

1. I can release the hard version, as I initially intended.

2. I can release the easy version and not be happy about it.

3. I can release both versions, but the feedback will be a total mess.

4. I'll just forget about it and never release this episode in public, despite being finished.

Right now, the option #4 is happening. I had a good time making these small maps and I enjoyed playing it. The public release really looks rather gloomy, so as far as fun factor is concerned, I'm done.

Yeah, agree with William here, just go with option #1, release the version as you intended it, it's your mod. You need to stop being so concerned about what the public will think of your mod, basically any work of art is either bland/mediocre and "kinda" fits everyone's tastes or is groundbreaking enough that it's bound to appeal to only some people, why others will find it not so good. From the screens that you showed it looked quite promising, you've already spent your time on it, so I for one would be really interested to try it out (even if I'm gonna hate it :D ).

User is online   quakis 


I say Option 1 and everyone else be damned. Some will love it and others will hate it and that's fine. Better to release it as you intend, have it fall into a niche but be satisfied with the end results afterall.

User is offline   Mike Norvak 

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View PostSanek, on 17 May 2022 - 03:17 AM, said:

The episode I was working on suddenly took a sad turn after completion.

Long story short, the gameplay is not for everyone's taste - it's either hard/challenging (as I intented) or way too easy if i try to make it easier - so now I have 4 options how to deal with it:

1. I can release the hard version, as I initially intended.

2. I can release the easy version and not be happy about it.

3. I can release both versions, but the feedback will be a total mess.

4. I'll just forget about it and never release this episode in public, despite being finished.

Right now, the option #4 is happening. I had a good time making these small maps and I enjoyed playing it. The public release really looks rather gloomy, so as far as fun factor is concerned, I'm done.

Just release it! I my self found in a similar position with my Hectic Realms episode, I didn't feel like the demo was received too well, also I envisioned a very ambitious project with new art, enemies and everything but loose motivation when I realized I wouldn't make it possible, that and the actual lack of time led me to abandon it!

Some years later I realized the maps can actually be useful for something, William G and James asked if I could donate them for their projects and now I'm really happy the maps found a new way to shine!

So IMHO option 4 shouldn't actually be there, you can replace it with "donate the episode to AMC or other project" anyway if the episode is actually done, I think the most clever thing you can do is release it as it is (Option 1) No need to regret anything.

@William Looking good!

This post has been edited by Mike Norvak: 17 May 2022 - 07:18 AM


User is offline   Merlijn 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 16 May 2022 - 03:17 AM, said:

For the fun of it.
All assets taken from screenshots.

Looks pretty slick, Willy ;)

@ Sanek: agreed with everyone else, I would also go with option #1. It's your mod and you should be happy with it first and foremost, besides I bet there's a lot of players out there who will love a good challenge. :)
Just look at Blast radius, there's a huge ass map in there with almost 2 hours of gameplay. Obviously not everyone is going to like that, but that won't stop ck3d from releasing it.

This post has been edited by Merlijn: 17 May 2022 - 08:41 AM


User is offline   jimbob 


View PostWilliam Gee, on 17 May 2022 - 03:20 AM, said:

IMO Release the version that makes you happy, its your mod not ours.

this, there's 7 billion people in the world, you cannot please them all so release what you think is the best version and if people enjoy it great, if they dont, well too bad. dont compromise pleasing people that will probably never like what you release anyway.

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