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What are you working on for Duke right now?  "Post about whatever Duke related stuff you're doing"

User is offline   Mark 


I have noticed the skybox flash for a long time in Mapster ( using Polymer ). But after it flashes once in that certain spot it won't any more until the next time I load the map. I have learned to ignore it. But in the game its not as easy to ignore because it happens multiple times from what I see from other's posts. I haven't noticed it yet playing my WIP projects.

User is online   ck3D 


Moar map 4. More shots of the carwash as Aleks guessed what it was, more of the red building including the relative mess it is in 2D mode, and some indoor areas and offices.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: 1.png
  • Attached Image: 2.png
  • Attached Image: 4.png
  • Attached Image: 5.png
  • Attached Image: 6.png
  • Attached Image: 7.png
  • Attached Image: 8.png
  • Attached Image: 9.png

This post has been edited by ck3D: 10 November 2020 - 08:03 PM


User is offline   Mark 


It looks like just enough detail to satisfy me while staying open enough for everybody else. ;)

User is online   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


I like that red building design. Red fits Duke so well!

User is online   ck3D 


Thank you! Yeah I agree, red is the best palette, the cold tones can be a bit further outside my comfort zone but I like them still (see Anarchy City X), lots of cool stuff to do with the combination of blue and pal 17. The green in Duke is also really good when you think about it, conveys the right feeling of organic alien menace, pal 6 has been growing on me more and more lately even though it's quite out of left field. I often wish Duke had a better yellow than the bronze-ish pal 7 though, pal 23 is pretty dope but can only look right on so many tiles.

And yes Mark player movement is key here, for those maps I'm really thinking flow first and then detail later, and only if it doesn't take away from the mood or distract from the real objectives (and still it's usually of the functional kind as it hints at, or unlocks, secrets). These days I'm super into lighting/shading, I wouldn't mind making maps that are a succession of empty rooms as long as it's all lit and shaded right and has the right gameplay dynamic (with vertical action, etc.). Whenever I get some space I can use I like throwing down funky stuff though, for instance that office has a cool-looking Xerox machine (you can kind of see it on those shots but not from up close). But space is the keyword, when you think about it level design is all about use of space and then the right cosmetics on top. Nowhere in the original episodes ever looked empty or dull yet they were restricted in terms of detail, for instance.

I miss seeing your screenshots or even better, playing your maps, brullov!

This post has been edited by ck3D: 11 November 2020 - 04:49 AM



View Postck3D, on 10 November 2020 - 07:49 PM, said:

Moar map 4. More shots of the carwash as Aleks guessed what it was, more of the red building including the relative mess it is in 2D mode, and some indoor areas and offices.

Nice aesthetics!

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Posted Image
Posted Image
Posted Image

An experiment with the weapon bob, and shifting the weapon sprite based on view pitch and whether you're jumping.

This post has been edited by Striker: 11 November 2020 - 05:47 PM


User is offline   OpenMaw 

  • Judge Mental


Can't see them. Posted Image

User is offline   blizzart 


View PostOpenMaw, on 12 November 2020 - 09:12 AM, said:

Can't see them. Posted Image

I can´t see them either. My antivirus keeps on blocking the URL of the image hoster.

User is offline   Danukem 

  • Duke Plus Developer


View PostStriker, on 11 November 2020 - 05:46 PM, said:

An experiment with the weapon bob, and shifting the weapon sprite based on view pitch and whether you're jumping.

Good stuff! It looks like you are not using the 256 or 512 orientation flags to keep hud items on the left and right sides in widescreen. Is that intentional?

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Semi-intentional. OldMP was based on a very old build of EDuke32 before that flag, but I left the HUD alone because not only do I prefer it, it means that it doesn't go completely out of your peripheral vision when using ultrawide.

This post has been edited by Striker: 12 November 2020 - 01:46 PM


User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


View Postblizzart, on 12 November 2020 - 10:44 AM, said:

I can´t see them either. My antivirus keeps on blocking the URL of the image hoster.

I dunno why it keeps happening. I'm going to guess it's just the fact the site isn't using HTTPS. I can't afford an SSL certificate, too expensive, and I can't use an image hosting service because the GIFs are too large (>9mb). Also, nobody told me what antivirus was doing this last time I asked, so please, tell me what antivirus this is that's doing this bullshit. Also, avoid Chrome, it also seems to have trouble, whereas Firefox draws them fine.

This post has been edited by Striker: 12 November 2020 - 02:21 PM


User is offline   Dr.Panico 


View PostStriker, on 12 November 2020 - 01:48 PM, said:

I dunno why it keeps happening. I'm going to guess it's just the fact the site isn't using HTTPS. I can't afford an SSL certificate, too expensive, and I can't use an image hosting service because the GIFs are too large (>9mb). Also, nobody told me what antivirus was doing this last time I asked, so please, tell me what antivirus this is that's doing this bullshit.

I'm getting notifications from Avast; who's blocking stuff from shadowmavericks.com due to URL:Blacklist.

User is offline   Striker 

  • Auramancer


Ugh, Avast. Submitted a false positive report to them. There's no reason my site should be blacklisted. I'm going to guess it's because it once had a link to meltdown that's since been removed.

User is online   ck3D 


Blast Radius in MSDN's Upcoming Maps section along with a new screenshot of map 3 (of a familiar place if you've been following this thread), the first real one with no visibility hue like intended eventually though, so what I personally consider the first official one: https://msdn.duke4.net/previews.php

Will be starting an official WIP thread soon I guess.

User is offline   Sanek 


@ck3D it's about time! I wonder how many new pages we'll have here once you'll do that.

Mikko's got to change the link on his website, however (if he wants to be up to date about it)

User is offline   Merlijn 


Nice, I'm probably going to submit the Shaky Grounds episode to Mikko's upcoming map section as well. It's nice to breathe some new life into that. :)

Speaking of which, I'm making good progress on The Kompleks and after that it will be a descent into the depths of the earth.
This is the same area I showed last time, but now it's pretty much finished:

Attached Image: duke0130.png
Attached Image: duke0131.png

I already moved on to new areas, but I don't want to spoil those just yet. ;)

User is online   ck3D 


Cool stuff Merlijn, especially digging all the trim work for the walls, girdles, windows etc. on the second screenshot. Great to here you're still actively mapping and stuff is coming together!

You ever realized how it's the second time you're 'ending' a series around something 'complex'? You're doing The Kompleks now and the last Red map (canonically) was Lonely Mountain Complex. (and now you're probably going to want to throw a reference to that in there, too)

This post has been edited by ck3D: 21 November 2020 - 04:55 AM


User is offline   Merlijn 


Thanks ck3d! I honestly didn't make that connection, now I'll surely throw in a reference to the Lonely Mountain Complex. :D

User is offline   Mark 


Once again because I get bored with a project and get distracted with another, I decided to give a facelift to the old Plunder mod. Probably will get 60% finished and move on to something else. ( ICD syndrome ) :lol: Doesn't matter, its fun to do. I'm using models made for WGR 2 and Quest Town by me and Drek.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: plunder remake.jpg


User is offline   Mark 


...and with shadows.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: plunder remake2.jpg


User is offline   11bush 


I started working on an M-14 rifle, I always have trouble getting wood textures looking right in the duke palette so I wanted to practice a bit.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: m14dukepal.png


User is offline   11bush 


I added some hands, and touched it up a bit.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: newm14nofree.png


User is offline   Mark 


I was messing around with sector based waves and floating objects. The link is to a short 5MB mp4 video demonstration. Be sure to click down in the lower right corner to make it full screen.

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: waves test2.jpg

This post has been edited by Mark: 24 November 2020 - 07:44 PM



I've always tought about a sea based map with a strong storm and thunderbolts in the background during a final fight, something like this:

The cutscene start at 7:21, i find that atmosphere great.

This post has been edited by The Battlelord: 25 November 2020 - 02:14 AM


User is offline   Aleks 


@Mark, it looks awesome, very cool combination of moving water texture with the effect itself (+smooth connections between wave sectors), and nice details with those floating little objects!

@Merlijn, I especially dig the lighting and wall decals on these screens! Now using original set of textures and these triangular wall shadows (which I assume are made with pal 4 sprites) - what tile did you use there? Seems better aligned than most common triangular sprites (which Duke is criminally lacking).

User is offline   Mark 


I also created a photo-realistic animated ocean model in Blender but it doesn't match the lower quality texture set of this particular project. The above sector created one is a better match.

User is online   brullov 

  • Senior Artist at TGK


Posted Image

User is offline   Seb Luca 


@Merlijn : Superb! Great attention to detail °0°

@Mark : Is it Guybrush Threepwood ? :D

@11bush : the reflection on the wood looks very good ! °0°

@brullov : a little bit dark for a supermarket, in my opinion. But very nice work :)

This post has been edited by Seb Luca: 25 November 2020 - 11:08 PM



When making Chillin' I had ideas for a couple of other kiosks that could've been included, but I ended up omitting them because I was worried about map resources (walls and such).
The trashed "VISITOR INFO" kiosk would've been in or near the room labeled "VISITORS' CENTER" on the 3d map in the lobby. The blue keycard room's viewscreen message would've said something about how it was already trashed when the urbexers found it.
The "DUKE ARCADE" kiosk would've been somewhere deeper inside the building (probably next to one of the computers in the teleporter system room; the urbexers who left the blue keycard room message wouldn't have gone anywhere near it); this kiosk would have ambient music so you'd be able to hear it before seeing it. This kiosk would've had games like "Duke Chess", "Dukeopardy!", and "Duke Bingo".
It's probably for the better that this didn't make it in; some of the details are just too small to see and I hadn't planned on that.
These kiosks might show up in a future map of mine, when I get to that point.

Also, I've been playing around with the sloped-sprite feature; I don't have anything that I'd classify as a proper map under construction yet, but I did manage to put together a segment that I can copy-paste to make hallways or whatever.
In the future, I'll probably be able to use this in a space-themed map somehow.
The main problem with this structure is that (even in 9275) it's possible to jump out through the sloped ceiling glass, even though the glass has blocking and hitscan enabled.

(Also...can anyone recommend a replacement for Imgur? They've turned to shit since I last used them.)

(edit: images are now attachments; something non-message-board-specific would be nice though.)

Attached thumbnail(s)

  • Attached Image: kiosks_left_out_1.png
  • Attached Image: kiosks_left_out_2.png
  • Attached Image: kiosk_duke_chess.png
  • Attached Image: kiosk_dukeopardy.png
  • Attached Image: kiosk_duke_bingo.png
  • Attached Image: singlesegment.png
  • Attached Image: multisegment.png

This post has been edited by ToiletDuck64: 26 November 2020 - 06:51 AM


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