What are you working on for Duke right now? "Post about whatever Duke related stuff you're doing"
#9661 Posted 26 November 2020 - 06:46 AM
About image hosting, I've personally became quite fond of the hosting service on those very forums for posting screenshots (just use 'full editor' instead of quick reply).
This post has been edited by ck3D: 26 November 2020 - 06:50 AM
#9662 Posted 26 November 2020 - 08:47 AM
As for sloped tunnel, I'm glad there's someone else beside me putting sloped sprites to use, it looks cool! As for the clipping issue, I've noticed it also with regular blocked sprites sometimes, but sloped ones seem to be most prone to it indeed. I'd suggest unblocking as much of the inside sprite architecture inside the tunnel to make sure Duke doesn't stand on any of these sprites (which would make it even easier to clip him through the roof) and also maybe build an "outer tunnel" around this one with large flat sprites with invisibility bit on ('+I) and blocked to somehow mitigate the clipping issue.
@Brullov, great design! I'd also suggest making the room a bit brighter (or maybe changing the visibility altogether) since there's a lot of lights. Love how you worked the ceiling detail and structure there, also as a civil engineer I'm always happy to see exposed structural stuff in Duke maps. Texturing is superb too, very suggestive look of older supermarket store - one thing I'd like to mention here in particular are the shielded/reinforced corners of the pillars, funnily enough like 2 days ago when going home from work I've noticed similar detail in a structure near my apartment and instantly imagined it in a Duke map with the textures I'd use, cause it fits so much with Duke's detail style.
#9663 Posted 26 November 2020 - 09:59 AM
ToiletDuck64, on 26 November 2020 - 06:36 AM, said:
The trashed "VISITOR INFO" kiosk would've been in or near the room labeled "VISITORS' CENTER" on the 3d map in the lobby. The blue keycard room's viewscreen message would've said something about how it was already trashed when the urbexers found it.
The "DUKE ARCADE" kiosk would've been somewhere deeper inside the building (probably next to one of the computers in the teleporter system room; the urbexers who left the blue keycard room message wouldn't have gone anywhere near it); this kiosk would have ambient music so you'd be able to hear it before seeing it. This kiosk would've had games like "Duke Chess", "Dukeopardy!", and "Duke Bingo".
It's probably for the better that this didn't make it in; some of the details are just too small to see and I hadn't planned on that.
These kiosks might show up in a future map of mine, when I get to that point.
Also, I've been playing around with the sloped-sprite feature; I don't have anything that I'd classify as a proper map under construction yet, but I did manage to put together a segment that I can copy-paste to make hallways or whatever.
In the future, I'll probably be able to use this in a space-themed map somehow.
The main problem with this structure is that (even in 9275) it's possible to jump out through the sloped ceiling glass, even though the glass has blocking and hitscan enabled.
(Also...can anyone recommend a replacement for Imgur? They've turned to shit since I last used them.)
(edit: images are now attachments; something non-message-board-specific would be nice though.)
That Duke Bingo screen has more effort put into it than most Duke3d user maps.
You are a truly talented mapper!
#9664 Posted 26 November 2020 - 10:12 AM
My project of course is Duke Nukem Extinction, a 11 map TC with brand new everything...
#9665 Posted 26 November 2020 - 12:13 PM
This post has been edited by ck3D: 26 November 2020 - 12:15 PM
#9666 Posted 29 November 2020 - 02:39 PM
#9667 Posted 02 December 2020 - 12:28 PM
all things are work in progress, the US soldier is an action figure right now, but will be replaced with a digitised actor.
This post has been edited by jimbob: 02 December 2020 - 12:31 PM
#9668 Posted 02 December 2020 - 01:36 PM
Or maybe they are already there and I can't see them.

This post has been edited by Mark: 02 December 2020 - 01:39 PM
#9669 Posted 04 December 2020 - 11:40 AM
Mark, on 02 December 2020 - 01:36 PM, said:
Or maybe they are already there and I can't see them.

they are behind the bunkers, some in front. the beach needs more detailing, ill post some pictures in a minute

#9670 Posted 04 December 2020 - 01:38 PM
#9671 Posted 06 December 2020 - 10:32 AM

#9672 Posted 08 December 2020 - 02:57 AM
Here's a screenshot of the map in its current state - the sectorwork is basically done, but the texturing is still in progress and nowhere close to being finished (so stuff all over the place has #182 as a placeholder texture).
I think some of you will probably recognize this.
This post has been edited by ToiletDuck64: 08 December 2020 - 03:00 AM
#9673 Posted 08 December 2020 - 08:18 PM
jimbob, on 02 December 2020 - 12:28 PM, said:
all things are work in progress, the US soldier is an action figure right now, but will be replaced with a digitised actor.
Man if you are making a ww2 mod, can I make anything for you? Totally cool if you want to do it on your own, but I have been working on some troops and stuff.
I've been working on some european style trees and stuff as well.
This post has been edited by 11bush: 08 December 2020 - 08:20 PM
#9674 Posted 08 December 2020 - 08:32 PM
edit: Actually I just took the hour and made a new one, seeing as I don't have much going on right now, it's really early so far, and no detail added yet.
This post has been edited by 11bush: 08 December 2020 - 10:06 PM
#9675 Posted 08 December 2020 - 10:15 PM

#9676 Posted 09 December 2020 - 06:02 PM

#9677 Posted 09 December 2020 - 08:49 PM

It's hard to get the colors right on the duke pal.
This post has been edited by 11bush: 09 December 2020 - 08:50 PM
#9678 Posted 10 December 2020 - 03:29 AM
If only you were there 15 years ago...we would have smtn like NAM HD at this point.

#9679 Posted 10 December 2020 - 08:23 AM
Sanek, on 10 December 2020 - 03:29 AM, said:
If only you were there 15 years ago...we would have smtn like NAM HD at this point.

Haha, I wish! I was obsessed with making things for NAM between like 1998 and 2000, then I stopped until a couple years ago when I came back and started obsessing again

I tried to make the character as close as I could to the original style as WW2GI, but military colors are really hard to get in the duke palette.
#9680 Posted 10 December 2020 - 08:43 AM
11bush, on 10 December 2020 - 08:23 AM, said:

Do you ever released something for it, publicly? Would like to see it.
And yeah, I was obsessed with NAM too for a while.
WW2GI to a lesser extent (since the basic game is meh), but I always felt that it could be a great mod-making tool if only there would be more interest for the game. I dreamed about making some kind of stealth-based addon for it, when you sneak into the enemy's bases while trying to avoid the patrolmen. Ahh..
#9681 Posted 11 December 2020 - 06:32 AM
Sanek, on 10 December 2020 - 08:43 AM, said:
And yeah, I was obsessed with NAM too for a while.
WW2GI to a lesser extent (since the basic game is meh), but I always felt that it could be a great mod-making tool if only there would be more interest for the game. I dreamed about making some kind of stealth-based addon for it, when you sneak into the enemy's bases while trying to avoid the patrolmen. Ahh..
I made a TC called the Tunnelrat TC with a bunch of other guys, but that was around 1999 so it's lost to time now

I have mostly been making weapons and characters, art, nothing major just stuff so I can get baked and play through the game again keeping it somewhat fresh.
#9683 Posted 11 December 2020 - 05:20 PM
#9684 Posted 12 December 2020 - 01:28 AM

Here's another small preview from me, expect a lot of strong lightning/shadows and alternative pals in SG4.
Pal 2 is king!

#9685 Posted 12 December 2020 - 05:43 AM

#9686 Posted 12 December 2020 - 06:50 AM
Also great to know you're planning on releasing this one!
#9687 Posted 12 December 2020 - 06:55 AM
Thanks for mentioning it - if everything goes as planned, I'm hoping to release it on Monday, which marks 17 years since the release of Alex City

Love how the shadows generate the ambience on that screen of yours!
@ Brullov:
Great screens, as with the previous one you posted, love the attention paid to details (the gradient light from the lamp on 2nd screen looks neat). Also, at least judging by these screens, it seems the new art blends nicely with original tiles, isn't overused and still leaves room for some creative texture use (like the post office door texture used for the poles of stairs on 1st shot).
@ Sang:
That first screen looks really cool, reminds me of something from Star Wars (thinking about it, there's something reminiscent of Star Wars on the 2nd one too). Maybe that ground texture on the bottom floor would look better without "extended" bit, so it's larger - as now the repeat pattern looks a bit weird with that characteristic thing.
#9688 Posted 12 December 2020 - 07:10 AM
quakis, on 12 December 2020 - 06:50 AM, said:
Also great to know you're planning on releasing this one!
Thanks! Monotone lighting is done on purpose to make it feel dark, blend and serious in some way. The atmosphere I feel in early 2000s shooters.
#9689 Posted 12 December 2020 - 03:46 PM
11bush, on 08 December 2020 - 08:18 PM, said:
I've been working on some european style trees and stuff as well.
i can always use trees, bushes, grass and stuff.

possibly some general architecture textures, buildings walls etc.
and maps, as much as i like mapping, it soaks up a tremendous amount of time.
This post has been edited by jimbob: 12 December 2020 - 03:48 PM
#9690 Posted 12 December 2020 - 09:08 PM
Sanek, on 10 December 2020 - 03:29 AM, said:
If only you were there 15 years ago...we would have smtn like NAM HD at this point.

You know what, I'm gonna try to make a NAM HD